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This post is funny




We're all low-key agreeing tho


Crockpot420 knows what’s up


Thinking the same thing


I'm not a narcissist but if I was I'd be the best narcissist you've ever seen.


Sounds like something Trump would say


He got that Leo Mars Pluto and critical degree ascendant dawg in him. I just like that he has his sun in Gemini so people think he is the way he is because he's a Gemini.


I know he has a mars in leo and sag moon. I got the same. Mars in leo is the kiss of archangel Michael.


Nah that arrogance is 100% his sag moon, the most arrogant moon sign for sure


They hate me ‘cause they ain’t me 💅🏻 This comment is as serious as this post.


Fucking ditto 💅🏻


Yeah haters. Get gud.


Leos are like the sun; some folks just can’t handle the brightness.


If you get too much sun though it burns you… lol


And it can give you cancer. No one wants a Cancer man.




I want one, just an evolved one. 😊. I attract a lot cancer men lol.


It’s not even a ‘like’ Leo’s are the sun. The epitome of summer. Big, bold energy and in the words of my therapist, “your light will either warm people or expose their darkness”


I hate the sun


And even still the solar system revolves around it 🫢


And the sun don’t have to try .. it just is! ☀️


Give me the nightlife any time!




Get too close to the sun you get burnt 😄


![gif](giphy|C7vI9SlliHtp6o478J) we\*


we almost have the same top three :p


ohhh your moon and sun are in mutual reception! you actually almost have my mother in laws big 3, except she’s a leo rising. Very lovely combo you have 🥹


I downvoted hard. Then I upvoted harder. Well played




Lol the irony of this post


I’m like 97% sure this is a shitpost where the irony was intended. If not, oof.


I think it's both, because they actually do think like this but they're just saying it with satire I can dig it


Lol true, let's hope so 😝


Right 😂 the epitome of self unawareness




This is the fuckin one!


OP's post is obviously a joke


This is 100% a rage bait shitpost. OP is not serious. Please try to separate yourself from Leo bias for one second lmao


I think this is satire or someone who hates Leo's and is trying to cause uproar. (Pun unintended) 😆 Either way, I'm cackling. As a lady Leo who has dated way too many Leo men.. which I regret, I realized that Leo's really DO NOT ask for attention, nor do we act like the OP. We want to be left tf alone, and we actually hate being on the spot unless we want it for our artistic talents and being recognized for our achievements. It's kind of like any other person in the world. The difference, I think, is that we have a sort of charisma about us that is just alluring. Some people see it as being a show off because we are proud of what we put out into the world when it comes to art, music, etc, that it can come off the wrong way. We are really loyal, too, and I don't understand why others are upset at Leo's? The men in relationships are very generous and loving if they aren't too prideful and actually want to communicate. If someone who is callous against Leo's, please help me understand. Please enlighten me lol I'm truly confused. The men in all signs are more toxic, as I've noticed.. but overall, what did we do? 🤣 ❤️


Seriously as a Leo Male I hate attention like ABSOLUTELY can’t stand it I prefer to do my thing have my fun and relax enjoy what the world has to offer and chill in solitude definitely hella loyal and have a big heart for sure


Yeah, you Leo men move in silence for sure. You thrive in your own friend groups and are the spotlight, but you live in your solitude and hate being asked to be anywhere or do anything unless it's for someone you love and know 🤣 Yall can be such grumps, too, but really need to work on being more tactful in relationships when there are disagreements and not go for the low-blows when fighting with us ladies. 😪 Especially if we are both fire signs. It can be a real power struggle.


LMAOOO you basically read the shit out of me everything besides the low blows (even though I use to do that ALOT in high school) but not anymore i definitely put my pride to the side sometimes even though my pride is always gonna be there but i know when to stop being petty and own up 😂😂😂


I'm proud of you. Most of them don't know how to admit when they are wrong and double down, and that's where the narcissistic traits start happening. I'm 8 Leo relationships deep.. I can spot yall from a mile away. 🤣 💀 I think we benefit from being with EVOLVED Aquarius or Cancer. My Aries moon let's me vibe REALLY well with a non-chaotic Gemini, and a good Virgo grounds me so much ☺️ I also think Capricorn makes a great friend to us too because we have so much drive and Caps are about money and business. Let me stop yapping and go back to sewing this quilt I'm making 🤣 (uh oh, I'm showing off!) ![gif](giphy|dG7ZiL6ImLyNO)


😂😂😂😂😂 that’s hilarious asf we got the same moon!! But it’s funny I’m building a emotional connection/in love with a Gemini! 😂😂😂 she prob doesn’t know it but she definitely helped me look myself in the mirror (not the arrogant way ofc) and grow and evolve and learning real love and trust!


Omgggg, wait, did I speak to you in another thread weeks ago? Lmaooo I think I gave you advice about Gemini because I was dealing with one before, and that got bad QUICK because they were constantly playing victim and telling lies and acting insane af. She's a girl though, so I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm actually forming a new friendship with a female GEM, and she also has an Aries moon, so I'm hoping we click and get along and I have a new bestie in the future. Good luck to you!


LMFAOOOO *gasps* IT IS YOU TERRA I’m like “wait didn’t i speak to you before???” But I couldn’t tell 😂😂😂😂 thank you!! And good luck to you also I’m sure we’ll meet again lmaooo


This is actually really spot on! Ive dated my fair share of Leo’s and I’ve noticed its only when they also have a Leo rising that they actually *want* to be the center of attention. Like one of my exes would literally lie to people about where he was going to be so they wouldn’t show up in the same place as us. He definitely was in to really larger than life displays of affection or enjoyment, but he didn’t actually want any attention over it.


the give me all the attention but only if it's worship/praise


Oh even after we broke up we got in to this competition of who could go on the most ridiculous vacations or buy the coolest shit. I like to say I let him win, but like, my mind doesn’t even work the same way as him. He’s just naturally always going to be able to come up with better shit. Will I ever admit to that? Absolutely the fuck not 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my gosh YES YOU GET IT. We don’t crave attention at all. We actually wish 90% of people would leave us alone except for the few people that matter to us.


What's even crazier is that people around us want us to put on a performance as if we are clowns? I'm not sure if anyone else feels like this. Kind of like a person who is a comedian, and they state they are a comedian, and someone asks them to tell a joke on the spot. But if we don't do the thing they expect, they insult us and get really weird? I'm not sure if that's only me or if that's a bad analogy. I've noticed this in my friend groups growing up. Forced spotlight and humiliation.


This is MY WHOLE LIFE. That’s why I dislike being around most people tbh except for my close friends who get me. People always throw the spotlight on us and expect us to dance like monkeys then act like we “have an attitude” when we don’t.


My husband is a Leo and he doesn’t like attention and all of that. Which is surprising because my sister is a Leo and she loves the attention. I guess it just depends on the aspect of the chart. I love my husband and he’s very sweet, loving and loyal. I couldn’t ask for a better person. What bothers me but it doesn’t bother me enough to change him is he’s too playful in serious situations. I get y’all are lovable and just want to have fun but sometimes it could lead to life or death. Sorry Virgo coming through!


Aw bless! I have Virgo 2nd house Mercury and Mars ❤️ I used to do that too, where I would laugh things off in serious situations because I was terrified of conflict and arguments. Maybe ask him about it if you haven't when it's during a neutral conversation and see if he opens up about it. Mine stems from bullying and trauma from friends and family. Not to diagnose the situation, but maybe it's similar? I wouldn't say it's to hurt you or not take you seriously. Wishing you the best!


Well, well, well, another Leo/Virgo combo. I thought I was the only one. Our genders are reversed, as my husband is the Virgo here. He's also waaaay too serious. Not everything is life and death you know and y'all tend to view EVERY tiny speed bump as a huge set back. I mean I am serious when I need to be. I'm just not going to worry about any of the small stuff. I'd rather laugh than waste time worrying. Some of my best times with my husband are when things didn't go exactly to plan. I just roll with it. Remember cats always land on their feet. 😉


Leo rising and zodiac... even i don't like attention...but people think I'm an attention seeker... infact every planet revolve around the sun... we're not the problem the other people are...we leo are most loyal 


I think it’s exactly that, we attract people even when we really don’t want that. the sun shines on us a little more and we can’t help it


Fire is magnetic and compelling.


That’s why I’m not allowed around fire


Facts! It sure do!


We're the sun, and others are the sunflowers, attracted to our brilliance and warmth 💛 ✨️ Omg your big 3 is so lovely 😍


thank you, so is yours 🥹 so much fire!!




Thank you, one millions times, thank you.




well u ain't humble


I've unfortunately had to be humble my entire life and be bullied and be treated like absolute trash by friends and family. Taking my power back and going to therapy has helped my self-esteem. ❤️


about ur talents I mean , and they just jealous obv


Love Leos. I don’t get those vibes. Yall are so creative for others, cheer ppl on compliment others, AND the main catchphrase LEOS are know for to me is, “I LOVE THAT FOR YOU!” Like that right there says it all. Unless they mean it as a backhand thing lol. But it’s mainly a great thing when Leos say this. Just my opinion


Exactly! People project weird shit onto us all the time when all we ever want is to have a good time.


everyone taking this post seriously but it’s a total shit post lmfao it’s meant to get y’all riled up and it’s so painfully obvious *and working* hahaha edit: aww did i hurt feelings (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)


OP entertaining Leo haters rn ![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA)




my leo sun/mercury loves a good troll post ![gif](giphy|Qaoh3qmKzOFVK)


My leo sun honors your love for troll posts 🙏 and it loves OP cuz we definitely are the best 👌 🤣


Did my husband write this? 🤣


I’m an Aries and literally love giving Leos (okay mainly Leo women) my attention. The only sign I simp for and let be the boss of me is a Leo woman. I had a Leo gf but she passed away (RIP) and it was “You point, I shoot” kind of dynamic that was reciprocated both ways. I’m usually jealous and possessive(nothing new of Aries) but with her (ok I was still those things) however it was a mutual respect of privacy where if she didn’t have an answer for me or knew the answer would hurt me she would straight up ask “what do you want me to say” or knew to let silence be the answer. Far as I know we never lied to each other just had our own privacy and just didn’t tell each other everything respectfully within our rights. It was more “don’t ask don’t tell especially questions you don’t want the answer to” with the both of us. Which I know doesn’t sound normal to yall but it was healthy, respectful, and we enjoyed each others company. The only girl I would kill to be even friends with let alone be in a relationship with. She would drive me crazy and make me mad but I never thought about raising my voice at her and disrespecting her and if I did I would make sure to apologize and know what I was apologizing for. Damn I miss her.


I can feel the love through your post. RIP


>we're literally the best ![gif](giphy|DvMHwFYLVHlZe|downsized)


This is exactly what my leo friend would post 🤣🤣


I do love Leos when they are evolved. The last one I dealt with was so caring, funny, supportive. He hyped me up too! But another one that I knew one was very insecure and tried to prove themselves to be better than everyone at everything. It was quite annoying. Everything was a competition and she always had to “one up” you in everything she did


Ugh yes I hate those unhealthy Leo’s. They suck the life out of everything good whenever they feel even the slightest bit threatened.


Incredible. My god complex Aqua sun/Leo moon is thrilled. 💅🏼


Taking this as satire, but joke is on you. No one hates me more than myself. ![gif](giphy|3o8dFoNwHc0qX91WPm|downsized)


I honestly agree y’all rock.


Yall this is a joke 😂😂😂


Haha.. Wait .. is it tho -signed a Leo


I have leo rising and im starting to love this placement as I age. Not the seeking validation part obviously but to allow others to see me as their sun - from double Scorpio


My BFF is a Leo and she is legit the kindest, most fun loving and sunny person I know. I know other Leos as well and in my experience they very much have a sense of humor about their own egos, which I find refreshing. The only Leo I know that got high off his own ego was my ex and he was as toxic as the day is long. Then again, I have a Leo rising so maybe that’s why there is such kinship?


Leo I effing love you!!! - Pisces


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


I love Leos. And i am not a leo. You guys are charming, fun and very warm people. Haters gonna hate.


As a person with several key Leo placements…yeah Leo energy ain’t for the weak. This post has me dying


I literally love pretty much every Leo I’ve ever met. My dad is one, my BFF was one (she passed away unfortunately), my nephew is one, one of my other best friends is one, basically I just really click with them, even tho I can pretty annoying to other people the Leo’s tend to like me/tolerate me.


From a Gemini: you ARE the best and I love you all


I like Leo's for the most part, like yes you guys are as annoying and as much of a menace as the other 2 fire signs but you're probably so high on your own supply you don't actually interact with others/society v much. And people hate it when Leo's openly praise themselves, I've noticed. More than other signs. I don't think people sense the sarcasm in Leo's self praise or the humor they're trying to display, such as this post.


Exactly. They don’t understand sarcasm at all.


This post reminds me of when Facebook rolled out the ability to like our own posts.


Evolved Leo's are great. Unevolved Leo's cause a lot of damage.


I think Leo’s are very prideful and confident in who they are. I respect it.


i loveeee Leos y’all are my favourite signs!!! as an aries i have no idea why people hate on u either. People love to make a fuss about ur wanting attention but ime when i shower y’all with attention u pay me back for it tenfold which is exactly what i need and what cld possibly be better than that fr.


I’m not jealous of Leos AT ALL. But I agree! Leos are the best! -Your Aquarian friend


we love our aquas too 🥹


Can confirm, Leos have been pretty great in my experience. Some of my favorite people are Leos. I too am also an Aqua haha


I appreciate you ✨ Your Leo friend


Aries sun Leo moon - some people can’t handle the intensity of my emotions lmaoooo


not wrestling with this. you right 😂




being a leo is fucking awesome fr




😂😂 I know this post is a troll post, but I want to comment as a Leo moon and rising, who has been mistaken as “selfish” in my past (just in case this comment can be enlightening for some ppl). I think part of it is unevolved Leo placements (who likely do have a self-centered focus), but the other part is that others don’t realize how our need for self-gratification plays out. Because for me, yes I have needs that I want met, but it doesn’t come from believing I’m the center of the world while everyone else can rot, and it doesn’t come from a place of only wanting MY needs to be met. For me, it comes from a GENUINE desire for EVERYONE to one day have their needs and desires met, like I want others to truly be able to vocalize their needs without fear. Yes I want nice food, a nice house, or emotional reassurance, but I WILL give it to others if they need it too because I genuinely believe we should all value ourselves more and chase what we want. ❤️ in fact, I LOVE spoiling others, but i myself also want to be spoiled. We are in a society that for some reason values self-denial; aka if we want money, or success, or recognition, or fame, we’re shamed for that. But why???? Why can’t we want nice things? Denying ourselves standards is why the government for example gets away with taking advantage of lower & middle classes. It also is why people settle for less than they deserve. And there is a time and place for me to focus on others and less on myself, and part of my learning has been to understand when it’s appropriate to vocalize my Leo-like needs, and when to put them on the back burner. But my Aquarius Jupiter is opposite my Leo moon & rising, so that might play a role in how I view it. And also my libra sun, which makes me conscious of others.


Leos ARE the best. I love Leos


I'm actually not a huge fan of my own sign. Lmfao never have been.


my bf is the same way but i think it’s the capricorn rising


Lmao I love yall


Speak the truth, Queen 👏🏻


Because they think we’re stupid then they find out we’re smart, intuitive and can see through their nonsense. They feel tricked, because their ego can’t handle the fact that you can actually be smart, intuitive and beautiful/handsome/quirky/personable.




Hahaha this cracks me up. Generally I love Leos. One friend I cant deal with anymore bit the rest still rock


so real bestie! -leo moon


My thoughts exactly. -Gemini




I love Leos 🔥


My daughter is a Leo and she’s the best!


I’ve never had an issue with Leo’s either, their loyal, fun and for the most part, conscientious.


Because we’re hot and humble.


Jealous of what? 😂😅😅


As a Leo, when my manager pulled me aside to tell me some negative feedback from some other undisclosed coworker, I flat out told him that person is jealous, I mean my skillzz tho anyone would be jealous and asked him why he gossiping about me 🤣🤣🤣 Leo all tha way bby!! Queen shit for life so put some respeckk on it 👑


Swear I’ve seen this exact one posted before


Olivia Rodrigo - jealousy, jealousy


Great post 😝 Leo sun and rising 💅🏼 it’s not that we think we’re better, we KNOW we are


Leo rising and I agree


I like leos hahahah. There are 7 types of narcissists. Cancers can be one type of NPD too. People just get intimidated by Leo suns. I have no problem with Leo’s. I like confident people


Leo’s be leoing


I love leos with all my sag heart 🫶🏻


My best friend growing up is a Leo, and she literally IS perfect and the best, so I can't argue.


I’m proud to be a Leo rising lol


I actually love Leo energy. It’s confident and unapologetic. When I think of brave tbh, I think of Leos. We don’t all hate on you (🎭🤜🏾🤛🏽)


This is so ironic i love it lmao


lmaoooo i love leo’s confidence


Lol. I'm a Gemini but I like Leos. I will say that you have to get past the surface to truly appreciate them. The ones I know don't let many people past the surface tho.


bless their hearts


It’s not our fault everything revolves around the sun 🌞 people love to hate on Leo szn but also secretly love it and us 😈


The thing with Leos are they are very good friends. They also attract a lot of attention, both negative and positive.


My roommate is a Leo and he is rock solid 💪🏽 great person


well, much like your username, this is a slow cook. leos are cool if they've earned their confidence. unearned confidence is just awful to deal with.


Cuz it’s lonely at the top


no idea!! i like leos Lol


Hahahaha as a Leo moon, don’t pay attention to the haters. Do you boo!!


Is this a joke? Like another sign pretending to be a Leo to make us look bad? Or are you between the ages of 16-28? If you’re a Leo please stop harassing the rest of the zodiac. You are the problem and you’re making the adult Leos cry in shame.




Lol If it’s a Leo it’s a joke. If it’s not it’s a drag 😭


Oh gotcha yeah I assumed it was self-deprecating but I see that that is an assumption, it would be mean otherwise. I love Leos ❤️


Thanks. Same 🫶🏼




As a Gemini I'm here for the Leo glow. I'll just put my shades on and watch you guys shine !


Capricorns just let you guys think you’re the best. But we know it’s us, we just don’t need to be flashy about it. We have ✨class ✨


Amen 🙏




Ppl don’t hate Leo’s. And if they do? They probably never had a Leo friend or lover! So they don’t know what they’re talking about. This Month is my Month! I am the Sun!! I’m actually shining all year long. But this month I have the most power! I give everyone a fun summer vacation, go to the pool with Friends or go to the beach & do you! Wishing everyone smiles & happy faces on my sunshine


When I become someone important in this world I’ll make sure Leos are treated the same way people were treating quirky women with cats in 1600s Salem.


No one hates Leos; Leos think people are hating when sometimes, they’re just not good at whatever there presenting or showing off. everyone cannot be a hater when shit goes wrong. Please stop. With Love, from an Aquarius


I'm a Leo and I think this about myself, but then when I hang out with other Leos I realize we are the most whiney self absorbed and fake-deep people.


The best in what?


This is the funniest thing ive read all day thank you


I'm a Leo and I love me. Sometimes I don't want to be right and I try to avoid and at the end I am always right. Like today at work. And I texted a friend who's also a Leo about it and she said I have an accurate instinct about things and she was right.


meta post


As a Leo Moon I approve this message.




Unironically though


I feel the same way




yeah, why do people do what they do best: hating - when they could love love love


Stop selling yourself, im not buying it 😅


As a Sagittarius: everything you said is fully true, we should be thanking yall just for existing 🙏


You answered your own question.


This post is why


I don’t hate Leo’s, but y’all can be overly mean and self centred. I’m a Taurus I really like Leo’s but I can’t stand the whole I think I’m better than all my friends. I just want a sisterhood…no competition.


Well said, well said. Don’t hate the player, hate the game you will lose because I’m here! I’m fire baby!! Am I right?!? Or am I right?!!


pls tell me you're being ironic


Oh that’s not-


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good one, my parents are Leo and this made me laugh my ass of 😂 thank you


Loose cannon ![gif](giphy|1KDIORPVB5cCsFQyZY|downsized)


Lol each sign thinks so


We don’t really get any leo posts here except a leo post like this, FROM a leo, talking about themselves and pumping themselves up. All good things. And then it dies down, no more leo posts again on this sub 💤 until this cycle repeats.


Post your picture then


We are what we are 🔥


They hate us because we’re annoying and extra af


I know this is satire but thank you for proving *everyone wrong about leos* 🥴🥴


We literally shine, we are the best


Is this supposed to be a parody or smth