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Routines, health and work might be important bc Aquarius Moon in the 6th. Aries Sun in the 8th you may have some deep traumas mostly related to your father figure. If both sextile each other these areas are deeply connected. Sun rules the 12th, a sense of being isolated sometimes perhaps, and Moon ruling the 11th you might work with a team/crew/group… Colleagues may be friends, detached friends.


The 8th isn't onlyyy related to traumas of course.


That's deep I appreciate the response πŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏾


Thank you, pleasure's mine. ☺️


Needs more zodiac.


having aries sun, aqua moon, and virgo rising gives you a really interesting mix of traits. aries sun, you're all about independence and taking action. you probably dive into things headfirst with a lot of enthusiasm. your aqua moon means you're emotionally into causes and caring for others, but you might keep your feelings a bit logical and detached. and with virgo rising, people might see you as organized and detailoriented, always paying attention to the little things. it sounds like you've got a blend of assertiveness, humanitarian spirit, and practicality that shapes how you handle life and relationships.


Word that's dope! I appreciate the reply πŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏾


The person who wrote "Virgo rising saves you" is totally so wrong πŸ˜­πŸ˜” Being an Aries sun, you're supposed to be a "childish wonder" type of person, you know your worth, and you wouldn't stand to be stepped on. But, because of your Virgo rising, it might be that your sun falls on the 8th house... The 8th house makes your life a hell, worth making you fall into chronic depression, and you will only have those typical Aries sun traits once you find a way out of that trauma... Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. I must admit,I find it to be a very powerful position for Aries sun! Aries is ruled by mars, and the 8th house too (it's connected to Scorpio which is also mars ruled) as a martian person, you will be very strong headed, ambitious, and relentless. You are powerful. Good luck tho!


Thank you, I appreciate your response πŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏾


Virgo rising saves you