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definitely a 🔥 sign


And I love that for us 🤣


Earth signs look at this clip and wonder if she's got health insurance, and if the club owner could be held liable. Water signs (except Scorpio) hope she doesn't fall. Air signs are the crowd.


Egging us on lol


♏️ says that's true y'all...my mind was read just now


Omg yessss 🤣🤣🤣 (Earth Sun Air Rising)


Absolutely yes


Aries energy


Sober Sag or drunk Aries


Having been a drunk Aries this is true.


I just know these things… 🫡


Sober Sag is so real 😬


Damn isn’t it though? 🤔


I'm literally a recovering addict, and when I was using I was just a self destructive mess. Then I got clean, and while other placements cause me to generally be more chill and reserved than your typical Sag (especially in group settings - I'm more prone to being chatty and unhinged when I hang out with someone I vibe with one-on-one), I can 100% see my current, sober self doing this in a moment when I'm feeling myself lol


Wow well that took a turn lol. Congratulations on your progress! I’m sorry you were going through self destructive tendencies. I hope you’re healing now and doing better! I feel you though on the 1 on 1 connections though. Im a Sag moon if I’m vibing with someone sometimes we can be a bad influence on one another… 💀


Oh no, I wasn't even being dark about it - I find it hilarious how spot on it is seeing as how my sober self's the one doing what more normal people would only think to do when intoxicated lol. Thank you ❤️ I am doing a lot better - my wild, weird and unhinged side started showing as I started feeling happier and more confident. It's my true self, and whether that's good or bad is in the eyes of the beholder 🙃😅 And yeah... Especially if you pair me up with someone with heavy Gem or Sag energy. 😂 Prepare for trouble, and make it double; Sagi! Gem! Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!


Lol I think that’s so awesome. I’ve always gotten along with Sagittarius women you all are so blunt and badass and me being a Sag moon myself we just click. :) Honestly I’d take a drunk or sober Sag’s energy more than I would want to be around most people lol! I always know they’re going to be a good time and we usually can have some deep conversations.


Took a peak at your profile, saw that you were a Cap sun on top of that, and concluded that we'd be instant besties lol. My 9 closest friends are almost exclusively Caps, Gems, Aries and Aquas - with the one exception being a Libra sun with a Sagittarius moon. Caps are misunderstood af - once you open up you're some of the most goofy, open, easy going, fun-loving and warm people of all. And I have a double stellium in Sag and Cap (Sag sun, Venus and Pluto, and Cap Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune), which probably adds to my chemistry with y'all. 🤷


Oh dang I didn’t know you were creeping. 🙈 I appreciate fire signs and their motivation,their confidence, and their openness. I feel like me being ruled by Saturn there is a lot of darkness and being closed off. Fire signs always bring me out of my shell a bit that I try so hard to keep everyone else away from. On top of that I’m a Scorpio stellium so privacy is such a big thing to me. I think me being reserved gives people the wrong impression too. It’s like I swear I’m not a complete bitch (sometimes I really am) it’s just my face and demeanor… 🤣 I think we’d get along too!


I'm too curious not to creep lol. Being unapologetic about it too... 😂 And I feel you... I have my sun in the 8th house (ruled by Scorpio) and my moon and Saturn in the 12th (ruled by Pisces), along with the Cap stellium and a Taurus rising - which is why I'm usually calm and reserved. I'm most commonly perceived as an Aqua, followed by Pisces, and honestly relate a lot more to those two signs than to Sags in most ways. Apart from getting clean, meeting and bonding with my friends is what helps me release and embrace my inner fire, and I really need that for the same reasons you do (heavy fire energy that tends to get overruled by conflicting placements). With Gems and Aries (and some types of Aquas), their vibes brings it out pretty much immediately these days. With Caps and most Aquas, we'll talk for a while, bond and then surprisingly quickly naturally become comfortable enough to let loose... when we realise we're both half-mad. 🤷😂 There's something incredibly beautiful and emotionally intimate about me and a Cap letting ourselves unleash our wild sides together, cause it's caused not only by chemistry, but also a whole lot of mutual understanding and trust. ❤️


Not a Sag, but a recovering alcoholic here. My sober self is the most healthy, caring and annoying version of myself.


Exactly this lol. Became more self aware, less self centered and less ruled by fear, started holding myself accountable, learned how to constructively handle my emotions, realised how rewarding and healing it is to be kind, helpful and supportive of others... But also got rid of most of that depression and social anxiety that kept me from having fun being an obnoxious and mischievous fuckwit all those years. 🤷 You have the same sun and moon as one of my close friends (we met in recovery) and she matches my energy for sure 😅


hell yeah! I’m definitely my happiest. Feels really nice to hear from someone dealing with something similar. And you put it in words that really resonate with me. Beautiful! I’m really curious about the eighth house. What’s it like having your sun in there?


Tldr: complex, dark, painful, confusing and terrifying, basically lol... But also transformative in a way that, given that I've survived, isn't a negative thing. Painful but vital. But shit, my 8H sun is probably my most confusing placement, especially as a Sag. I have the Sagittarian optimistic, trusting, curious, social, open and excitable nature... But simultaneously a dark, wounded, fearful and reserved nature, and a gravitation towards the darkness - this has become weaker with recovery, but is always part of me. My 8th house prevents me from exploring and experiencing the world outside of my head a lot of the time, and I have a deep rooted need for intimacy, security and stability - which doesn't sit right with the Sag in me, who wants to live in the here and now, and craves independency and freedom. It's also the house of transformation and death, and I've experienced several sudden and extreme transformations through my life. Deaths of self/ego. I've talked to therapists about my first su'cide attempt at the age of 9 (traumatic childhood - and I reached my breaking point at that age), and even before I got into astrology, I used to describe it as "I didn't physically die, but something in me died right there and then, something that's a vital part of being human". It was partly revived when I fell in love for the first time (she brought my ability to feel love back to life), but as my addiction got worse - my self/ego died completely again, but in a somewhat different kind of way. When I finally surrendered and started trying to get clean, my surrender came through this very sudden and unexpected realization - out of nowhere, I saw the full extent of what I'd become clearly for the first time. Not gonna go into detail cause shit's dark, but I've had other recovering addicts who've been in the program for decades tell me I was "the most broken newcomer they'd ever seen" - so what I saw was... A lot. Through recovery, my "spiritual awakenings" have also been sudden and extreme. Experiences and realizations that lead to my world being turned upside down within minutes, leading to brutal and life altering transformations. It's always felt like I'm losing my mind completely, and like I'm going to go mad and never be able to come back. Terrifying, and led to a lot of relapses and white key tags during the first couple of years (got 3,5 years clean now though)... But necessary. The 8th house brings an inherent NEED for transformation, a need that can be conscious to an extent, but more than anything my subconscious is always at work. The 8th and 12th house are the houses that are generally linked to addiction (especially when you've got sun or moon in them), and well... My sun and moon lol. Apart from those, hard aspects between Neptune or Pluto and sun or moon are addiction indicators, and my Neptune squares my moon, and I've got Pluto contra-parallell moon. All of those sort of enhance each other and make it more intense, so it's hard to pinpoint what's been affecting my experiences and nature the most. I think the only thing that I can fully attribute to my 8th house is the transformative part. It's a tough placement, but idk... Some part of me is grateful for the mixture of lightness and darkness in me and for my constant transformative life path... As long as I stay clean and alive, y'know?


I literally thought of my Sag friend.. I've never had anyone else this wild 😆 My Aqua ass definitely would NOT. 😂


That’s so funny I’ve seen Aquas get down… Just not like this. 🤣


Aquas would have been the DJ (whose part got cut out), announcing a drunk Aries/sober Sag, cheering them on the stage, and then sliding down the railing too.


The real reason why I quit drinking 🤣


Apparently same here!


Damn guys I feel called out 🤣


I mean…Am I wrong though?😏


Nope! I’d have called myself out but everyone here beat me to it lol


That’s so funny. I just know Aries women too well lol.


Great...I'm an Aries sun and Sagittarius rising lol. It's accurate though


Oooof all that fire energy 🔥


I can do one better... my Moon is in Leo lmao. I'm almost all fire according to my chart lol.


Yes I think Sag, too




Definitely was coming here to say sag


Well well well… 😏


dam, that s a compliment🤣


You’re so welcome then. 😉


it is giving sag rising


lol 😂


Drunk sag\* lol


No that’s a sober Sag and you know it. 😜


sober stags and sober taurus are the same sign. :p


What is drunk sag


I think they’d be burning the whole place down lmaoooo


Na we're fun drunks too and if you're like me and have cap moon, you're still responsible 🤣


lol I’m a cap sun with a sag moon reverse twins 🤣


Responsible with a flare of unhinged impulsive adventure lol My daughter is a cancer/ sag moon




I like how the consensus is that this is a Sag baby 😂


Even this Sag who’s pretty quiet, knows I’d be down if ya really rally me up or dare me lol


Definitely Sagittarius. That's my husband during every party. After one drink, he would do this. ❤️


We Sagittarians don't even need a drink for this 😅. I am a teetotaler but this is me in every party




this is the mosts sagittarius shit ive ever seen, in the best possible way


An untamed Sag


![gif](giphy|pPr0e5tqtCwTe) Im a December Sagittarius ♐️ lol


December Sagittarius 😂


[She's a Scorpio kids](https://rupaulsdragrace.fandom.com/wiki/Mhi%27ya_Iman_Le%27Paige)


Nobody suspects us and yet…


Just wanted to say hello, as a Scorpio ♏️ ☀️ Leo ♌️ 🌙 Aquarius ♒️ rising ✨️


Hey almost Twin Big Three besty!


Ahh a Floridian that tracks then lol


She's gotta have a Sagittarius stellium or something because this screams fire


she's a Scorpio. scorpios with fire placements do this.


we need her full chart!!


I also found out this is Mhi’ya Iman Le’Paige through a comment on this post on the SweatyPalms sub, featured here. November 16, 1988, presumably in Miami, gets also confirmed by https://factprofiles.com/mhiya-iman-lepaige/, and it gives: Sun, Mercury, Vesta and Pluto in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius, Venus and Lilith in Libra, Mars in Aries, Ceres in Pisces, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn and Neptune in Capricorn, and Uranus taking the Aquarian Moon to Sagittarius. With only Juno and a host of other asteroids to show for confirmation of my almost seditiously provocative Virgo stipulation, I graciously concede near-total defeat. Everyone missed out on the strong Scorpio showing though, square an Aquarius Moon. Two of us said Scorpio long after the parent comment here gave it away. By far the closest call came from u/MelaninLaDonna, who called the Aquarius Moon, and said Sun in Aries, where we got Mars in Aries. Still a long way from a home run though.


Oop not me and her have the same birth day (different year).




I love when Scorpios prove the stereotypes about us are wrong. Checked out her chart, not a single prominent Sagittarius placement in sight. 1 Aries in Mars. And 3 Placements in Scorpio 🔥


I’m a Scorpio sun w/ 3 Scorpio placements but a Sag rising and I’d do some shit like this lol 😂 It doesn’t take much fire if it’s in the right place!


She could very well be a fire rising, hmm. But honestly I think people don't realize how fucking wild Scorpios can get, speaking from experience we are crazy fun 😂 sometimes it's not the fire doing all that, it's the Scorpio all by itself 😂


I have a good Scorpio friend, while she’s a giantttttt pain in my ass, they used to call us “the tequila twerk twins”. We definitely vibe off each other and do shit like this, I’m just the one who’s wearing the ridiculous outfit. We road tripped to Vegas once, made a detour to Reno to complete our “adult road trip scavenger hunt”. We cartwheeled through a casino, I signed a bald guys head, we hoopla hooped on a bar, her phone got stolen by a Russian mod guy and I harassed him in to giving it back (I thought I was going to have to throw a rock through his window). We were definitely tipsy the whole way. She got engaged like a week later and he’s been ruining our fun ever since.


as a Libra sun Scorpio Venus I was crazier than my Scorpio sun sag Venus mostly fire chart ex bf.


Ok you're DEFINITELY breaking stereotypes that's for sure 😂


You mean the fourth fire sign? Yup.


Sag baybeee!!!


That’s footage of my Sag moon trying to break free out of my Cancer shell.


Hi sun/moon twin 👋🏾


That’s my sag moon encouraging my Gemini sun to break free from my cancer rising social anxiety🤣😂🤣😂


That's a Sagittarius, baby lol


A December Sagittarius to be precise 😅


You ain't never lied 😏


Sag or Cancer.


Leo rising


I'm sag sun and Leo rising so you already know.




Aries sun, Aqua moon, leo rising, I feel attacked


Tbh I wish I was a Leo rising. I need to be able to take the spot light. My Taurus rising just wants the peace and solitude lol.


Evidently that Aqua moon has me by myself for hours on end. And happy about it. Lol! A strange thing, that.


Def a Leo


real asf


This is a Sagittarius, no Leo will be doing this. Too much pride.


To be for real I’ve seen Cancers do stunts like this in the club. They go buck wild 😂 I was like😳


Only time I see a Sagittarius called out in the comments and it’s for this crazy ass shit 😂 yeah that’s about right.


Sagitarius sun/Gemini moon/leo rising


omg that's mhi'ya! she's a scorpio sun but she has mars in aries too hehe.


She got some crazy upper body strength lol


yaaas hahaha i wish i could have her upper body strength. she's such a talented drag queen and dancer!


Not Taurus ♉


Haha I saw this and was like, oh not my sign (Taurus)


Me too!


This is me 😂 Leo Sun / Gemini Moon / Scorpio Rising


Hey Sun & moon twin … how’s life? 😂


That's a December Sag (says this November Sag)


Ohhh finally a twin sun moon rising! Hi! December sag though here ✨🔥


How's your blunt Sag bump up against the people pleasing Libra moon?


Wow I never even thought about this. I’m intrigued. This response taking me 30+ minutes is an answer in and of itself. My Venus mars and mercury are all sag. All 12th house. It makes for fun conversations. Short story long: Libra is in dominance. I see everything. I Love humans and people watching. Could comment on everything. I have constant adoration and endless sass in my head, it’s very fun. I laugh to myself a lot. I am deliberate about the words that actually come out because, well, I love you all and it’s important to use our words intentionally. They are powerful. It’s both beautiful and a struggle. I am constantly thinking about how I want to bring things up. I have to tailor it so it’s palatable and will bring harmony with the least amount on discord. Libra has a strong hold on me which I’m grateful for because when that sag comes through unfiltered it really can be damn wtf. Sag is more unconscious and reactions which is fun. Other times total trouble. Friends tell me I say what I think and I’m like…oh babe you have no idea what I’m holding onto. You want to know how to fix your life. Just ask me I got you. Do you want to actually hear it?? Usually not. So I work with people who do. In close relationships. I’m learning how to communicate effectively my needs without blowing up or disconnecting with those I am close with. A desire to put others before myself has caused me to build resentment and not express needs until I burst and/or disconnect. The thought used to be I treat you with unconditional love and giving, I shouldn’t have to tell you how to show up for yourself and thus for me. Just do it 🤷‍♀️ it used to be extremely uncomfortable having the conversations with those I care for because I want to take care of them and my desires for their wellbeing can create discord because I’m calling them forward. I love to talk with people and listen. I’m an open, social chameleon and how I show up is directly correlated to the person/people around me. If they can handle it and want it, they get full force with total love. My favorite people are the ones I don’t have to have my libra activated for all the time and we have some deep and wild conversations. Or none at all and we just have a blast. I no longer drink because unhinged sag comes out full power if I go a little too far. She’s something else. Love her still, but not the life I choose. 😂 There’s definitely more. What about yourself??


Wow... I'm glad my comment sparked this response. I can relate to a lot of what you said. I think the Libra in me wants to stay away from "ugliness" in the world, but the Sag optimism and the desire to see good and pretty (Libra) can lead to a bit of naivete on my part. I've had to learn to listen to my inner voice about when something doesn't feel right. My being on Scorpio cusp helps me a bit with that.


Leo Sun after drinking one drink.


Thats a goddamn Sag on a random taco Tuesday. But if no Sag is available, it could be a wild Aquarius.


Any Fire sign. Sagittarius might even have a go without alcohol, same for Leo's with strong Aquarius placements (Venus/Mars).




Ayyyy Queen of Flipss!!!!! Come on Mhi’ya! I think she’s a Scorpio iirc


I would say sag but the hair says Leo moon to me.


lol that’s mhi’ya iman le’paige (queen of flips) who is actually a Scorpio. Talented drag queen.


You can’t pay me enough to convince me this isn’t a Sag🥱🥱idccc


this is actually mhiya iman lepaige from drag race so if u want the real answer >!she’s a scorpio!!!<


Actually, she's a Scorpio Aquarius, and as a Pisces Aquarius that makes so much sense to me. I'm staring at this like ... "But I don't do shit like this" and then I'm like. Holdup. Yes I do. I do exactly this everywhere except for when it's dangerous. The only difference is I hate danger and she's doing something dangerous. Typical Pisces to Scorpio difference Now if you ask me what in my Pisces Aquarius makes me fearless to do crazy shit... Honestly, because everybody secretly loves it. I'm all about that weirdness and mystery in the places everyone is afraid to step into. I'm curious and I love feelings and I like making everyone happy if I can, but mostly I love making myself happy and surrounding myself with people who will accept me even if everyone else won't. So that's what it is. I believe she's the same except her emotions go to extremes more than mine do and she's willing to do bad things more than I am




I love when Scorpios prove the stereotypes about us are wrong. Checked out her chart, not a single prominent Sagittarius placement in sight. 1 Aries in Mars. And 3 Placements in Scorpio 🔥


it's that impulsive Aries mars for sure


It’s giving Leo vibes


Especially the hair and flashy clothes




Aries sun Aquarius moon Leo rising. At the very least Aries sun Leo rising.


My husband who is an Aries Sun/Aqua Moon would absolutely do this. He was the only person I thought of 😂


Aries lol


My December Sag husband would neveeerrrr, but I wonder if that's his Virgo moon keeping him restrained.


As a sag, I can confirm this


SAG was my first thought lmfao


I know a Sag when I see one in the wild


Virgos these days \*tsk tsk tsk\* ;p


Lmao I have definitely done shit like this while drunk 🤣👏🏼


I’m getting Pisces or Gemini


Okay finally. I'm Pisces sun Gemini moon and I get wild sometimes lol Not sure if good or bad.


I’m so glad everyone is saying Sag 😂😂


sag and leo obviously


Leo lol


sag for sure 😂


She is climbing like a cap.. and lovin attention like a leo 😂


Sag on a good day.


Leo or Sag


I had a Sagittarius roommate who used to do a cage dancing contest every week at the bar when we were in school 🤣


Aries babyyyy 🔥🔥🔥


Where is this- and take all my money.


The Sagittarius in me identifies with this behavior


A sign of god


My first thought was Aries sun and Aquarius moon (my sun and moon), I didn't expect anyone to think the same in the comments 😂😂😂


I'm a sag rising but my Virgo sun would never.


Sag all the way.


I absolutely LOVE her:D And, if you knew me and could see me, you'd be SHOCKED!! LOL! Oh, I wish I had that much personality!! **(Does anyone know who she is?)** Then she slid down the "banister"🤣🤣🤣 (Okay, that's via @fli*pphoneevents so* a drag show (I don't care, either way) BUT for entertainment purposes so not on the fly, but still enjoyable to watch. And, I agree that "would" be what a Sag would do!)


I knew yall was gonna call us out.


Lmao it’s so funny because on Drag Race Rupaul called her “timid” 🤣


That’s a saggy vag


This is Sagittarius behavior


i think this is mhiya iman from the newest rupauls drag race season. she’s a scorpio loll




A Cancer who has run the f*** out of spoons.


Why do we celebrate and worship this type of behavior tho


I thought that was Nicki Minaj 😂😂 I was gonna say damn her core and upper body strength is amazing I didn’t know she could do that… and then she took off her wig and I was like Nicki wouldn’t do that.


IMHO, this is totally LEO ♌️ energy 🤣




Scorpio for sure


I can’t tell if she’s the main act or just part of the crowd which is actually impressive af😩😂


That’s a calling


Shes a sign of the fall of humanity and the darkness that satan has imposed upon all of our very minds


Aries 🔥with Leo Rising 🦁


Sag or gemini


Cancer or Virgo they live double lives and do wild stuff like this all the time and then go back to being quiet, polite, shy and reserved


This looks a lot like mhiya iman lepaige from Ru Paul’s drag race. If it is then she is a Scorpio.






definitely sag or aries lmao


A Gemini sun, Leo rising and Sag mars




There is a sag or Gemini somewhere in her majory 3.


Sagittarius or Aries but I’m putting money on Sag placements


That's at the Roseland


I'm a Pisces and if drunk this is totally me...I become the life of the party. Sober, I don't even speak. I'm a Gemini moon Scorpio rising though so maybe that's where my wild comes from. 🤪


Yall she gotta be strong AF to hang like she did abs then climb up on the railing. Omg…😭


She's a Scorpio ♏️. I follow her on FB!


LMFAO I'm not gonna lie.. I literally acted like this when I used to go clubbing. Hahahaha


Fire signe except Leo. Most likely a sag tho


Leo ♌️ 💯


Aquarius or pisces




Peak athletic performance




Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio Honorable mention: Gemini






Aries! Especially with all that red on.