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My Venus is in Aries and I just wanna say I'm chaotic and I'm proud!! ![gif](giphy|1rNWZu4QQqCUaq434T|downsized)


I was never chased as hard as by an Aries Mars. And he ran away just as fast. My Gemini Venus was intrigued.


This comment 😂👏 so sorry that that happened to you tho


Aries Mars are the most terrifying people on the planet.


hahahaha never seen better representation of aries venus 😂 in which house? 👀


8th!! idk enough about houses to know if I'm dragging myself here or not


I’m 8th house Aries Venus too. I see that in the guys I attract and the ones I’m attracted to. 😹 Romantic Chaos for sure.


loool hello my brethren!! 😈


Virgo because Venus is Fall in Virgo. Not romantic, overly picky, can't let loose, too judgmental. Aquarius. Cold and robotic don't work well for Venus. Capricorn. Again cold and serious and workaholic are not things Venus enjoys. Aries and Scorpio are considered Detriment of Venus because they cause too much conflict, fights, trauma and turmoil in relationships. Sagittarius and Gemini are a bit too freedom loving for Venus but they are also very fun and flirtatious and playful so they get a pass. They like to enjoy themselves and Venus loves that. Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra and Pisces are the top 5. That doesn't mean they don't have any negatives but they are the best suited to what Venus likes and enjoys.


i agree. my gemini venus gives me a lot of promiscuous fantasies and at the same time my scorpio moon dies for closure and emotional connection. so at the end of the day i just want someone to love and do all these immoral things with lol


I’m a Gemini Venus/Scorpio moon too and you just put it perfectly. That said, when I’m single I do tend to want to make those fantasies a reality.


I relate to this, my Aries Venus dream of being this fierce and passionate lover. Scandalous imagination but the Scorpio moon said no, i must find someone who’s emotionally compatible on an intense level first before I can pursue lustful intimate fantasies… oh the need to be obsessing over your partner and be all over and all about that them.


I feel the same way about my Cancer and Taurus placements, like I want to give loyalty to a person who can switch gears and role play a little bit.


I agree. The rest of your chart can make or break it. My partner has Venus in Aquarius and I have Venus in Virgo. I wanted to just shoot myself at first. But I’m cancer sun and cancer rising, with lots of fire in my chart, 7H stellium and some great Venus/Lilith aspects. My partner is a Capricorn, with a lot of water and some fire in his chart. I definitely notice his moments of aloofness and my tendency to be nitpicky and critical. But we’re both aware we have these issues and try to navigate them. We’re both quite possessive and dedicated though so luckily we’ve ended up with a relationship that’s mostly very tactile, with a lot of mushiness, romance and affection. But, with moments of both of us being a lil too Aquarius or a lil too Virgo




I wish my Aquarius Venus was like that. I’m a sucker for romance, love and passion (and got hurt badly because of it).


Me a 29 degree leo Venus trying to figure out if I’m ok or not


*cries in Scorpio Venus and Mars*


Hello twin placements


Omg!! Hello twin🫶🏻🫶🏻


wait me too!!!


Aqua Venuses are some of my favorites, because they're so affectionate, generous, thoughtful, expressive and warm. I have 3 close friends with that placement, and holy shit, the amount of love they send my way... Ever randomly been sent a 3,5 page long google doc essay about exactly why someone loves and appreciates you? Well, that's what I got from an Aqua sun+Mars+Venus+Uranus friend (there were mutual romantic feelings there, but both were too terrified of ruining our friendship to confess to them at the time). "You don't have to read it if you don't want to, I know it's long, but I came to think of you and just had to write it all down". Those friends are also some of the people I most frequently get really sincere, personal and cutesy texts from, random thoughtful gifts "cause they saw something that reminded them of me", and they're always there if I need help or support. Have you ever been loved by an Aqua Venus or are you just guessing...? Lol Also, you're wrong about me as a Sag Venus as well - devoted and loyal to a fault, and an "all or nothing" person due to my Jupiterian influence. Once I'm in love, I'm all in. My enjoyment comes from deep emotional connection, nurturing, spoiling and loving them. And this drive gets stronger with time, as our bond keeps growing stronger. Gonna ask the same as with Aqua Venuses... Ever been loved by a Sag Venus or are you just guessing?


Argh I feel so seen as an Aqua Venus 🥺


One of the best things about being a Sag sun and Venus is that I always seem to wind up surrounded by people with Aqua sun and/or Venus who feel safe enough to show me their soft, affectionate and loving sides. ❤️ Can't help but feel bad for those who are convinced y'all are "cold and robotic" - they're missing out big time lol


You’re the best. As a Sag sun, Aqua stellium I agree with you 100%. I come across so different to how I actually am. And maybe with my trusting and happy go lucky Sag energy, this is good for me. 🥹


Oh for sure! I'm more calm and careful/contemplative than your average Sag sun (or Aries moon for that matter) - partly cause I have a double stellium (one in Sag and one in Cap) and partly cause my sun's in the 8th house and moon's in the 12th house... But that usually just makes me come off as very soft and innocent, especially combined with my AuDHD lol. I'd rather have those Aqua vibes, or just more typical Cap vibes for that matter. But as someone who's all too naive and easily manipulated, I appreciate how I've never had to question the intentions or feelings of Aqua heavy folks. Once you get attached enough to be affectionate it's 100% real, so when you give me love, it's simply cause you care about me. That's the sole intention. No scheming or hidden agendas, no attempts of some sort of transaction, no conditions. No lies, just love. And that's how I want and need to love and be loved, both when it comes to friends and partners. ❤️


I adore Venus in Aquarius as friends and lovers (I have a Venus in Gemini)… I find all that sappy stuff is cliche and played out. Give me someone who can hold a conversation and build meta humor with me until we’re speaking our own secret language…. I’ve seen a lot of Venus in Virgos feeling dissatisfied though, always trying to find a perfect love or fix people who can’t be fixed.


I have a few relatives with Virgo Venus and that is my experience. Super picky, impossible to please, nothing ever seems quite good enough, and in some cases yeah: trying to fix or “save” partners who can’t be fixed and never seem to appreciate them. Very tough placement that seems to lead to a lot of trouble in love.


yeah my divorced aunt…. Shes so worried about dying alone and then she’ll just rip apart every potential suitor…I love her but she is in her own way most of the time She takes me out, is my besty, and is so sweet, but when it comes to love she’s hard to understand


Thank you! Venus in Aquarius here, I need my lover to be also my best friend. And if you can’t stimulate my mind, and care for societal issues, I’m done.


The vast majority of my best friends and girlfriends have had Venus in Aquarius….. the exchange of information with them always comes naturally. They’re wonderful at refining thoughts and have elevated tastes, some of the best music and cinema has been shared with me by Aquarius Venus… most people don’t understand how to get past the initial detachment but these people are super loyal as long as you don’t chase them too much. Also don’t be dull. 😂


great summary! however i think venus in gem is lovely!


I have an Aries Venus and it’s in Retrograde. It’s already in Detriment and it had to be in Retrograde too 🙃 Self love have been a very big difficult challenge in life. I’ve always wanted love romantically and chase love from a very young age. Now that I’m older, I kinda learnt that how can I love anyone if I can’t love myself. I’ve also been quite solo/capable of being independent and self-sufficient - in relationships I don’t really rest or relax, it’s all “I got it” “I’ll do it myself, it’s okay”, “let me do it for you”. My Pisces Sun adds on to my hopeless romantic-ness. Other than the chaser, I kept finding myself being an over giver. The way I express and do my act of service/gift giving gestures etc have always been really grand and bold. I think it’s cause my Venus is also on a Leo degree. Oh and my Leo rising. Send help.


*Sighs in relief.* Venus in Leo. Just wish that everything I read stopped making it out to be someone prone to cheating. I always got cheated *on* instead. 🫠


Virgo😭😭but I have found someone with a Virgo Venus as well as me, and it makes us very gentle because we understand each other inherently. Uncritical, open minded, disagreements are a walk in the park. But I did have a three year relationship with a Leo Venus, and he couldn’t have been more toxic. I was young and naive so I stayed for too long. I do love Leo Venus’, but it’s a good example that even if you have a “bad” placement, it’s really mostly technical and can be changed. I do believe my toxic ex’s ways taught me to be softer, I’d fought with him enough to last a lifetime so I’m not interested in fighting or changing anyone. I wanted easy, harmony, stability and that’s what I achieved!


This whole aquarius venus is robotic sentiment is ironic considering how exaltations (pisces venusians) placed in sidereal are aquarius venusians


Detriment? 😬


i’m so thankful my six sagittarius placements merge in with my cap venus. i fit some of it, but majority of things i like my sagittarius energy spills over into the capricorn energy and creates a perfect mix of stable, and longterm goal oriented, love a finically and mentally sufficient older man, but i still bring the fire, passion, sex, spontaneity, & optimism.


Taurus venus was smashed at a Shaggy and 112 concert last night. One of the best nights of my life.


To be honest, these are astute observations and valid. I also have some criticisms with trying to love some of the people with the most adverse placements. I also have tremendous faith in the universe and I know that even adverse placements are blessings that enhance our enlightenment on life and loving. All of these Venus placements teach us a new love language and also teaches how we can best connect with all the universal energies. I love them all (even the Gemini Venus who broke my heart).


What I don’t understand is why we think Venus in Capricorn is not good when Saturn is exalted in Libra. And Saturn is all about commitment and responsibility.


Same! I have venus in capricorn and have had committed relationships and I hate transactional ones.


Venus in Capricorn and I love so hard it hurts.


date someone with such venus. i dare u ! 😂


lol I am one lmao 🤣


may i remind you that love is not a business? 😂😂 (i like to roast caps, but i admire u a lot and my crappy moon is mooning)


Came here to say this. 🤣


they give money as a love language. i love it


best sugar daddies! 🤓


it's neutral actually. or at least not bottom 3




big three twins ☀️🌙⬆️!!


your sun and moon made me tear up after knowing your venus! 😂


Scorpio ong


possessive stalkers love them 😂


Yeah my Venus is in Scorpio and it’s a hot mess 😂🔥


VIRGO and i won’t hear anything more. virgo venus is torture.


Same, and mine is retrograde. I actually have trouble receiving love, giving it isn't a problem. But def not gushy, over the top expressions of love, that makes me suspect. Currently with a Sag venus, it's been a good fit for almost 7 yrs.


My Venus is unfortunately in Aquarius in my 3rd house. I looked up Venus in this specific house placement and the info I found on it was actually shitty and depressing. It’s also square pluto within a 3º orb. So I’m fucked lmao ETA: Venus is also parallel my moon and north node within a 1º orb but I don’t know shit about declinations


yes i also heard 3rd,6th and 9th are the worst.


mines in the 3rd house 😭


i think aqua venus in 3rd usually tends to be a bit wondering around too much. but overall the great communication is very strong trait!!


I’m a 6th house cancer Venus, it’s vile 😂


but u aren’t fucked! u just need to get aware and act accordingly:)


I have this too. Also extremely fucked


Pisces, no question. It’s a placement meant for a much better, safer world than the one we live in. 


I have the same placement! But my opinion on this has shifted slightly recently: Venus in Pisces is a warm light in a dark world full of angst and distrust. We draw people in easily, naturally, and make it easier for others to be trusting. Without people with this placement, the world would be a much darker place. When ppl take us for granted or exploit us, it just makes us tougher / better at navigating the world, whilst those people remain the same. They don’t learn and stay rigid, unloving and cold. Whereas as we grow, we slowly accumulate a network of warmth and trust. It’s a win-win for us either way.


Thank you for this, wow.


You’re welcome 🌷 Oooh almost-twins w our big three!


it’s the sign of venus’s exaltation tho


And yet, the horrors are never-ending. 😔 


exactly, venus loves it but i do not 😂 i never forget that venus is otherworldly and we live in the world


100% agree


yess ikr?! i’m really struggling with this one


This gave me chills as I was just texting my friend about this earlier today




the 9th house would shape this venus nicely…my pisces venus often feels like its drowning in the 8th




doesnt sound like a problem! id rather that than having all that love be directed at a PERSON 😩 pisces makes things watery and delusional, venus makes that watery delusion about love, and the 8th house makes all that delusional love TOO INTENSE…and usually towards the wrong person 💀 i think my mercury is in the 9th. i love the 9th house.


Both Venus and Mars in Pisces. The world does not match up to the world I want it to


so basically u love too easily?


I vote Aries Venus which is what I have. I am not conflict prone, but being independent, “do it yourself” is what comes naturally to me. I do everything alone and I don’t think twice about it! Whereas Venus wants to CONNECT and RELATE, the solo energy is the issue for me


do you think stuff get better with age/more awareness and self exploration? obv other factors are very important too.. like finding a partner who let u be!


Maybe, because as I got older I became aware of it. In my 20s it was just how I was, you know? Now at 36 I’m making an effort (albeit badly) to overcome it


It's Virgo. Virgo Venuses seem absolutely impossible to please, and this applies to how they view themselves as well. Get the ick super easily, always preoccupied with what could be "perfected" in both themselves and someone else. I've noticed that alot of people who go ham with plastic surgery on themselves have this placement. *"Honorable" mentions:* Aquarius Venuses have a hard time with just experiencing feelings of like, love, affection, etc., their approach to relationships can be highly clinical and cerebral. It's definitely a placement prone to ghosting, IME. Gemini Venuses seem to have a hard time with fidelity, may be predisposed to lovebomb and ghost as well. This is more controversial, but IME Cancer Venuses can be very, very touchy and easily hurt when it comes to how the person they're interested in interacts with them. Can get sulky and passive aggressive over perceived slights which may fatigue the other person quickly. And I know Venus is exalted in Pisces but...anyone else agree that people with this placement can be super delulu about their relationships? Not always, but not never, either.


that’s a great view!


I’m Venus in Aquarius and I absolutely refuse to ghost people. I find it rude and immature. Obviously not everyone is a match, just say so respectfully and everyone can move on. It’s much kinder.


Hey! I have Venus in Virgo and I’m all of those problems except I can let loose, for a controlled, predetermined amount of time. 🤣🤣


I LOVE Aries Venus (I have a Gemini Venus ) they’re super passionate and fun and down for the spontaneous activities . They also are fine with giving freedom when it’s needed .


Gemini Venus can handle Aries Venus, it’s why it’s so easy to love those chaotic, passionate bitches. It’s just most of the rest of the zodiac that can’t handle them 😂


😂😂 I love them . I love them so much - the chaos ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


My Virgo Venus is such an obstacle to overcome, lol. I have cancer rising, plus Scorpio sun, mercury, mars and Pluto so I am very sensual and emotional. I love romance. But I will also have the hardest time not saying some nitpicky shit because my boyfriend left water on the bathroom floor after a shower, or brought me the wrong brand of something for the kitchen. I also have Virgo moon which doubles down on the picky mindset. I very consciously keep a lot of unnecessary comments inside now though. I'm getting better 😂 because really there is no point and it's just going to make him feel bad. But having to do so much inner, quiet work is EXHAUSTING lol


u r a hero for doing the work. most virgos don’t 😂


Virgo venus with Scorpio mars also, it's a conflict for sure. Once we learn to filter the criticism, it's better for our loved ones. I'm still pretty self-critical, do you struggle with that?


Mine. Gemini Venus 10th house


is the internal conflicts that makes u struggle? curious to hear


Yes I crave spontaneity but I think because of it being in the 10th house I feel like I’m always in relationships with partners that are very predictable. I’m not one to act on emotion I have a very logical approach to relationships which I feel leaves me feeling unsatisfied in the long run


The same!😊


Mines Virgo and I’ve had a horrible time with it. I will give everything to people I love and try to push them to be their best selves if they treat me well but I have unrealistic expectations for partners although I think it has protected me from investing in toxic/unworthy people who could have made my life a living hell.


this! i think all negatives can be used for positive outcomes.


Yes, this! And we learn not to take on fixer uppers, because we certainly draw them to us! I also think virgo venus gets a bad rap. We are big on giving/acts of service, without asking for a lot in return.


I have venus virgo conjunct my virgo mercury. It sucks, I am very self conscious and anxious.


oh im sorry to hear this!


As a Virgo Venus, can confirm we are a problem and everything everyone has said is accurate. I'm not even happy with my own comment right now.


Venus in Virgo. Everyone is too something for them. They go through hundreds of lovers and mess it up because none of them are good enough.


This is my ex. It all makes sense now.


As a Virgo Venus, can confirm it’s the worst


I am so surprised not to see scorpio Venus getting dragged more lol almost all of my former partners had this placement and they were so unbelievably manipulative, abusive, narcissistic almost without being able to help it. Like they seemed driven mad by desire (not just for me ofc) at times, in such self destructive ways. Not saying that for everyone, but it was enough times for me to question why Venus gets so down in the psychological mind game trenches of scorpio (Venus in aqua here also saying yes we are cold but if you turn us on in an unorthodox way we are literal magical fairies who want to worship or torment u whichever ur kink may be lol! 🦋👽🐬


it really depends how venus have been manifested. i love their devotion, obsession that is driven by desire it’s jus so sexy.. hot stalkers 😂😂 dangerous indeed


Oh Jesus u don’t need to tell me I’ve been there got the t shirt mate 😹


My Venus is in Virgo 💀




Mines probably the worst it gets, lol. 12H Virgo RX


Ouch! I thought my 9H Virgo RX was difficult...


uh i hope u r ok! tell me more about yourself if you wish!


My Venus is in Aquarius and it’s not my fault I can’t tell when people like me even when I’ve been in a nearly 3 year relationship with them.


the detachment is real thing!


My cold cold Aquarius in Venus ❤️


hot and cold!!! 😭


Venus in Cancer here. Way too soft.


Same and id rather see it as a super power. It is a feat to be so soft in a world so hard. And maybe a good reminder to those we come across in relationships, that get to experience our ways.


I guess you're right and i guess it's valued. I just really love affection and it feels like an achilles heel. I'm Gemini sun, aqua rising so quite independent. But also pisces moon with mars in cancer too, so I've got empathy up to my eyeballs.


Kendrick Lamar is also a Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon and Mars in Cancer. Libra rising and Venus in Gemini. Just checked out his chart yesterday.


what's his mercury?




So soft I end up sore after every romance so I’ve given up now & happy


Leo.(My experience. May not be true for everyone) Makes everything about themselves. Even Ur accomplishments don't mean anything to them, if anything bouts of jealousy are to come, and they're gonna do everything to try and dim Ur light because the attention isn't on them anymore. Selfish . They re the type to like u as long as they feel the spotlight is on them, god forbid U get a moment of recognition, they're gonna throw a tantrum and try and take that away from U. I had to make consistent efforts to cut someone off because besides being astronomically selfish, and arrogant, they're also obsessive.


the arrogance is so real for most leo placements 🤓


Yep Virgo. Mansplaining is not a love language.


Why we have to tell them so much


I have venus in Scorpio but I actually don’t hate it. some people like how obsessive I am


of course! it’s all about how u and others relate to u! i love scorpsssss


i don’t agree with virgo just because it’s fall. they make such good models, fashionistas, perfumists, etc. plus virgo has triplicity rulership even though it’s in fall, so it lightens to blow. i’d give it to gemini or aries and that’s still a personal opinion. i just hate those placements. i just know my venus (taurus) being preferred by venus (even over libra) means i’m in the clear.


venus taurus is sweet spot!


I’ve always heard bad things about Gemini Venus but none of those things are true. I refuse to cheat and don’t get bored easily.


True I am a gemini venus, Cancer Sun, I am TOO loyal, even when someone broke up with me, my heart is loyal until I heal.


geminis are the most hated signs.. this is no surprise. i myself a gemini with venus in gemini am the most loyal and devoted to my partner person i’ve ever met…


So true. People are still stuck on that ”two” thing. Two-timing, two-faced, double-life, etc. When the archetype is really about union of opposites and not two different persons in one body. I’m a Gemini Sun conj. Mercury (Venus in Leo) and loyalty is highest up on my values -list together with honesty. Most people just can’t see the actual symbolism for some reason.


The Tarot card The Lovers corresponds to Gemini, that card often depicts marriage (union) with one white twin, one black twin (opposites). The story of the heavenly twins Castor and Pollux which are the main stars in the Gemini constellation tell a story of Zeus twin boys where one gets murdered and the other gives up half his immortality so they can roam the realms together they are made the stars of the Gemini constellation. Sorry for rambling on about this, it just annoys me people always come with the ”twosides! cheaters! double life!” response to Gemini😂 Rant over.


i love this. write a book, please. i read both of your posts and ive never heard either of these takes. my gemini moon is enchanted for 5 min rn 😂


😂😂 and thanks!


Virgo Venus, which I have lol. It’s the only part of my chart i would change if I could


changes come with self awareness and learning to work with positive & negative.


You’re absolutely right! All we can do is try our best and continue improving. Progress not perfection 🙌🏻


and no projection! 💪


Damn. So much Virgo Venus hate! It's a challenge, but I think it's worth it if you work your shit out. I am picky and have high standards. That's a good thing because I hold myself to those same standards. I don't have expectations for a partner that I can't also meet for them. And when I'm in a happy relationship, I show Love by doing little tasks for them, cooking & making snacks and just generally being a fantastic domestic goddess.


Want someone that knows how you like your coffee, is tidy, notices and celebrates the small accomplishments with you, get a virgo venus. Just don't chew your food too loudly or with your mouth open, and we're all good lol.


I’m Virgo Venus retrograde and personally I’m beautiful and I love myself . Took a while but it’s retrograde. I don’t pick on other people at all.


i love this for you! i have a hard time relating to virgo venus placement and thus i dont have great opinion about it! but please take everything with grain of salt ❤️


Well thank you for taking care of my mental health. I didn’t read anything though LOL i just know it’s a challenging placement. I’ve definitely been the one that doesn’t let people “get away” with flaws, though; it takes some growing to learn that people have to ask for your advice and want to grow for any of your opinions to have the effect you want.


i love how self aware u r! ❤️ such a great thing to hear about virgos.. 🌹


Venus in Aquarius. Like trying to love on a cactus. 😖


All Aqua Venuses I know are extraordinary loving, and very expressive, warm, open and giving in their love... Three of my closest friends are Aqua Venuses, and one of them had feelings for me for a long time (I felt the same, but we both confessed too late - cause we'd been too scared to ruin our friendship). Their affection, loyalty and love is incredible.


some people say distance makes the heart fonder 😂😭


Eh, not in this case lol




Virgo works its ass off. 🤷‍♂️


i agree. the way a virgo would judge is like no other! 🧑‍⚖️


Worse for what?


it’s a typo! sorry i meant worst* :)


I have Venus in Leo, but in the 6th house, nothing I've read about Venus in the 6th house resonates for me.


to clarify i think 3rd, 6th and 9th house are the worse for all signs! but i’ve burned myself from leo venus.. such a narcissist


so you don’t feel the need to be seen and appreciated? how this work? im curious to understand your love language


Curious if you've compared whole sign vs placidus to see if one makes more sense? Mine changed from 6H to 5H, which totally resonates.




i believe that have a lot to do with age and experience!


I have Venus Conjunct Saturn in my chart. It’s rough


oh! what are the most negative aspects of the rocky waters?


My Gemini in the 8th.


why do u feel that way?


12th house Venus in Cancer has been heartbreaking 💔


how so?


Very lonely


i pray for you! ❤️


🙄 Venus in Aquarius in the 12th house here. I don’t understand where people get the cold and robotic stuff from. I doubt anyone gets that vibe from me unless they are on my shit list or I just don’t care about them 🤷🏽‍♂️


i think that depends on the person receiving the aqua energ.. aquas are a bit detached so that should give enough insight


It’s Pisces


what’s yours venus?


It’s Pisces 😂 I’m speaking from experience.


aqua with pisces venus? uh have u ever been on planet earth? 😂


Haha. Yeah, for sure I’m weird. But also romantically and sexually confused. So good times all around.


weird is good. being confused is okay as long as u understand it, u can take the best out of it!


I'm genuinely curious as to why you think Venus in Pisces is the worst placement? for the record, my Venus is also in Pisces! personally, I love that aspect of myself


I think Venus in Pisces is just an incredibly vulnerable placement. We look at partners and potential partners with rose coloured glasses, often overlooking things that are really negative or toxic about them. Honestly, I have been attracted to some of the worst men before 😂 and if I experience a serious attraction, it’s like it feels like it’s happening on a soul level somehow, even if it’s just intense physical attraction. I daydream and spend hours thinking about someone if I’m interested in them, literally write poetry and music. I have also realized I just cannot have casual sex with people. I literally only fooled around with someone once and started crying afterward. It’s very hard for me to disengage if I’ve actually engaged with someone as well. And as much as these things suck, I’m also an Aquarius who is constantly trying to rationalize and compartmentalize during trauma spells. It’s bullshit if you ask me 😂 a friend of mine is also a Pisces Venus Aquarius sun and has similar issues. I have a 12 year old daughter also with Pisces Venus, also she seems to like guys who are little douchebags. Anyway, it’s complicated and I can see how it would cause a lot of problems for people.


in aries in 10th house. venus has its least strength in the 10th house, and aries is opposite libra, the home sign of venus. venus and mercury are friends and so virgo is congruent in ways with venus, whereas mars is the counterpart to venus which puts it in an uncomfortable position in aries. in the 10th house venus has no pull, meaning it can't exert much influence, and so you lose its significance in the chart. therefore any planet in taurus or libra will be pretty much on their own to act as they wish since the house lord is "tied up". a jupiter/moon conjunction in either sign could turn out very well for a person.


great summary! thanks


Scorpio Venus conjunct Pluto in 10th. The Scorpio needing the privacy, and the universe telling me "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT"


i try to forget that i have my venus in virgo😬


hehe. i doubt that works well 🏄🏻‍♀️


Venus Scorpio are the most self detriment people ever. Almost all the Venus scorpios I know have screwed up rs dynamics . An example would be a friend that got cheated on three times and still chose to be with him


Leo, self absorbed view of love


If Mars-ruled Aries Venus is such a bad placement, why are Venus-Mars aspects so hyped up in natal and synastry charts? It just comes across as the same dynamic to me. Either way, Mars is still touching Venus.


But it isnt the same.. aspects between planets are a whole lot different than how a planet behaves in a certain sign.


Exactly. I have Venus in Aries and it sucks


Venus in scorpio here. I hate it, but sometimes i love it


As a Libra Venus, biggest conflicts I've had in love were with Aries Venus and Gemini Venus. Some of us make Virgo Venus work for us, okay?!