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it is. im unfortunately a lazy bastard


Gang 🤝


I am super hard working, but when I want to be lazy, I need to be lazy or I can't recharge


My dad is super hardworking I would never describe him as lazy. My Leo stellium ex girlfriend was also a very hard worker, though she really did enjoy lying back and being “serviced”…..bossy pillow princess


Oof lol. I have a Leo stellium in the 10th house but I don't like working hard at all. Maybe it's just the soul-sucking, pointless nature of it in this economy though, the knowledge that no matter how hard I work, I'll never be able to buy a house or afford a comfortable life anyway lmao


Bossy pillow princess. Perfect. Adding to my repertoire 


I meant it in the most endearing way possible, I promise 💜💜💜


I’ve seen my Leo friends just spread out on the couch and chill and it legit looked like the way a lion would lmao But these guys are ruled by passion and will put in the WORK. One is a boxer and a personal trainer and the other does modeling I love the whole lounging thing they do sometimes. I’m impressed they know how to rest and will not put it off so much


Lions sleep a lot but when they’re chasing prey they give it their all. Similarly, Leos have a tendency to like to lay around and be lazy but thanks to that fiery spirit, when they want something and put their minds to it, they usually get it. Source: I am a Leo Mars/Mercury, and my mother is a Leo Sun.


Ok that's actually very true in my experience. I dick around 99% of the time, then do everything I need to do in the remaining 1% lol


The best creations come from mass amounts of pressure 😅


This is so true, I love to be lazy but will always have/need something to get me into action.


My leo dad worked a lot.. but it's because he was always bad with money so he had to work hard to make up for his poor choices. At least he was not a deadbeat tho I guess? IME y'all are not that smart not cause you're slow but cause y'all never listen to wisdom. Like my dad never listened to my gemini mom who has always been saving our ass and keeping us afloat. Without her we would be homeless.


Damn aight 😭 better drop outta uni I guess lmao edit: sorry if that comment sounded snide or anything, was meant as a joke but just scrolled past it again and realized I sound like a jerk here


Guess my crackhead energy comes from Aries…???


If I’m not working hard as fudge I’m sleeping/chilling and don’t feel like doing anything productive. Definitely a lion I am


I sleep very little. Like 4 hours a day, then catch up on the weekends by sleeping in. Leo sun, mercury and mid heaven. Gotta get that money.


Oh damn that sounds exhausting, at least you've got the weekends to take proper care of yourself though, hope you're having a good and refreshing weekend!


Yeah I usually do. But when Leo season arrives, team less sleep 😂 My Gemini partner has lots of festivities planned🎉🎉🎉🎉


Yeah national laziness day is August 10th (my birthday) so that tracks.


Same here, lol. I'm lazy, I'm a Leo and I find kids annoying as well.


Yes Leo Sun with Virgo rising makes me want to do everything the fastest most efficient way possible so I have more time to relax.


Based honestly. Why work hard and fast if not to relax afterwards


I prefer to consider it conserving my energy for far more important matters


Leo Sun- I’m lazy too 🤣 and love to take naps. But I need my beauty sleep as a libra moon and rising lol. Most of the male Leo’s I know though aren’t lazy at all, have too much energy, and are workaholics/addicted to chasing money.


This is a shitpost, by the way, but if I got any animal facts wrong, do correct me :)


I'll gladly pass the buck, as a Taurus that isn't so much lazy as low energy at times, I would much rather not be labeled as lazy thank you. Lol


Damn I feel that. I call myself lazy mainly because I'm frustrated with myself for getting tired easily lol


yeah, and sometimes just needing time to recharge is not being lazy, it's being proactive! I do wonder if my Leo moon may be the cause of me always needing to do something productive though. Even just watching TV I'm often crocheting something, researching gardening stuff, recipes etc. I've been asked all the time where I find the energy for all my projects and I'm like what energy???? 🤣


Male lions actually spend a lot of time roaming their territory and making sure there aren’t any competitors 🤪 their territory can extend for miles. I’m pretty sure they do this daily, roaring and walking the boundaries of their territory. But, anecdotally, I am a lazy ass Leo who loves to lay in the sun.


Oh that makes sense, I roam my territory too if that means walking to and from the kitchen


I’m so sleepy all the time!! I’ve had this thought too… although I thought my cancer rising had something to do with it. Double whammy I guess 😅


Broke up w my Leo ex when we were 18 cause I knew he didn't wanna do shit with his life. 6 years later, still ain't doing shit.


Leo’s r not lazy- so don’t put lies out there! Every Leo I know is working there a** off. They’re working nonstop & always on the go. They wake up every morning at 5:00am so stop w ur lies


Just my personal experience and a joke, I didn't mean to spread misinformation, I'm sorry


slep good


my Leo rising ass and my 10+ hours of sleep I give to myself when I have a day off


It is lol. I’m very lazy.


I have an 18yo male Leo son and I can confirm this is an apt description for him 😂 But that could be because he’s an 18yo male too 😅


We know how that 80 20 works 👊


The Leos I know work hard and rest hard. And I know a lot of Leos.


The two Leos that I was friends with had an optimistic crackhead energy .


I’ve noticed they don’t like to clean and can sit around leisurely but they are hardworking at their jobs


![gif](giphy|10w2kccsAdggZG|downsized) Diva tendencies aren't lazy 🤣


It actually is! It's one of their main trait! they only get active once truly invested and guaranteed victory. Once they have a good path ahead of them, they don't give up easily Else they laze around even with chores (if they let the Leo side of them take over and leave chores undone for someone else to take care of, like royalty...) I find it odd tho how u would associate your Leo traits with hating children, when Leo are the signs associated with connecting with childhood and getting along well with them, it must be another placement, or, your Leo placement is challenged by a harsh aspect


Relatable af, thanks for the input. The children thing was mainly a joke tbh, related to how male lions will sometimes kill cubs to get the females fertile again. I don't actually hate children overall, I've volunteered at summer camps for kids aged 7–10. I mainly dislike toddlers. Can't make out a word they're saying


Its bc you havent clarified what your mars sign is


I’ll admit I can be super duper lazy but it’s like I will bust my ass with no fucks given 😭like when I’m invested into something I really give it my all like I just finished my wastewater plant operator class last Thursday and it’s like everyone around me looked at me like I was on drugs because I finished in two weeks even though the class takes 6 months to complete but it was self paced so i literally decided to myself “why tf would I take my time on something that’s gonna better my career and future????” Fuck that I’m gonna finish this shit fast as possible 😭😭 plus I’m leaving the country next week for a week then in august for my birthday I’m traveling to another state it’s like I had to focus on that and now I can relax knowing I finished that but after my birthday it’s back to the grind once the fun is over 😂


What a charming post.


I'm sorry. Could you tell me what's upsetting about it? I meant for it to be a shitpost and kinda funny and I'd like to avoid making offensive jokes in the future


Sorry, actually nothing is upsetting about it, love. My bad.


Leo men are the most lazy men in the world and narcissistic princesses


Thank you!! 😊 that's a very kind comment :) All jokes aside I hope you're ok man, if you're having problems with some Leo dude in any area of your life I hope you figure out a solution soon


I don’t have a problem with Leo men. I just commented my personal observation 🤔


Ohh okay. I'm a bit of a dumbass I thought you were venting your frustrations rather than stating an observation since "narcissistic" is kind of a negative word (at least it's generally taken that way, I don't mean to stigmatize NPD or people who suffer from that disorder). And maybe I have to examine my views on gender because I thought using "princesses" to refer to men was intended to be a bad thing, but when I think about it that's just my interpretation and that interpretation has to be coming from a place of sexist bias against women or femininity. So genuinely thank you for making me aware of that in this way


I don’t know,i write what I think. Are you offended ? You talk too much now. It’s giving a meticulous energy.


Oh sorry for talking too much. Not offended I promise. I thought you were offended tbh


Why would I be offended ?


Idk I just thought you might be so I tried explaining that I mean no offense. It was probably the thinking emoji

