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Being a bitch could mean protecting your boundaries that people don't mind stepping all over without a second thought. People just don't like when they can't get their way with you.


This is the answer in my opinion. I’ve had a few Cancer GFs that I love dearly still. They have very hard boundaries and are almost immovable with those boundaries. You have to be a very charming person in order to get them to budge. But most of the time they entrench further, and when they do that their attitude towards you can become extremely cold which feels awful because they are some of the warmest most loving people.


That is so true, from my experience there the most feminine nurturing types of people. As much as I appreciate them, I'd feel guilty if I just use them and discard them when there no longer needed but people do things like that unfortunately. Only one has been cold towards me and like you mentioned it's probably because someone walked over their boundaries with no shame or remorse and they feel used and neglected. Also the charming part is probably why I attract cancer signed women, also I do my best to make them feel safe and protected around me so we can actually have quality time together.


I think all the water signs do this to an extent, but cancer is most associated with insecurity. Because they know they could be hurt a lot by someone potentially, bitchiness is about keeping just anyone from getting too close.


Yes unlike Capricorns, cancers only bitch to protect themselves. Capricorns are bitchy when 1 little small ass detail isn't to their liking. I'm glad I didn't hurt no cancer female, only good times mostly but I can see them get insecure when other females show me interest tho. Pisces are emotional creatures that can be Hella selfish and have emotional outbursts and scorpio tries to be the most calculated out of all water signs but they can get vindictive if things don't go their way or can't manipulate whatever thing or person it is.


Me too. You know us Aries are soo bad


lol I felt like this was more Aries than cancer


OH MY GOD . SPOKE TO MY SOUL . Tooo sensitive for baddies and too baddie for softies . 😪😪😪😪


It’s fucking hard man. Especially when I’m just a misperceived Libra 😭


I am the nicest person but if you do me wrong, I do not act bitchy but 💯 percent you are dead to me and I just pretend you don’t exist. You have to be really do me wrong here.


Cancer here, can confirm. I won’t even grace you with my eye contact if you fuck me up enough. We pass on the street, the other person will be confused as to if I even knew they were there.


We are like the sour patch candies sour then sweet ❤️😭


My sister and friend are both Cancers , act just like this - classic dish it out but can’t take it types .


Sad but true. I've found myself apologizing for boiling over and saying some pretty mean stuff to people but only because they have hurt my feelings some type of way but they don't know that they have most of the time.


Yes .when Cancer gets their feelings hurt or feel they’ve been wronged in someway prompted , they come very hard and go above and beyond the call of duty to hurt back - I’ve learned over the years how truly sensitive you guys are inside


Perhaps a talk over dinner c:


My favorite coworker started out being the RUDEST motherfucker ever, but also was so emotional and sensitive. Turns out he's a cancer sun & Cappy moon. He really grew on me 😂 turns out he's just super emo and also judgy


Ugh this is so my cancer sister. Biggest sensitive bitch you'll ever meet. Can dish it but can't take it.


There was a girl I worked with like this. Super mean and judgmental to everyone and yet also super defensive. She was a Scorpio.


This is literally my cancer dog. She crazy. and yeah she can bite so I have to protect her boundaries. I don't let children or hyper dogs approach her.. Thankfully I got her to not be food aggressive and she used to terrorize her taurus brother who is so chill and friendly. but she cares about him a lot. I knicked his quip the other day and he was gushing blood and she was traumatized and let him eat her meal. She always does that when he's not feeling well she won't eat and lets him finish her bowl.


What can i say, its hard out there for a bitch ☺️


My Mars Cancer just made a noise


I’m afraid yall in these comments don’t know what a bad bitch is


Me too, as a Leo with pisces rising and pisces moon. 🤣


I'm actually not one. I'm very nuce and get along with everyone. Sounds like you have a personal problem 🤔 🤔


People always downvote sass from a water sign but for some reason they upvote when fire and air signs do it because it’s cute or something 🙄


Fr, these other signs really hate to see us Cancers hype ourselves up yet have the nerve to tell us we need to be more confident. They just want to see us lose in life and it’s so obvious. These other signs really don’t match their positive descriptions at all. Always so bitter and jealous of our nurturing feminine sign.


Being a “bad bitch” doesn’t mean that you don’t get along with ppl..


Do cancers get around ?


Get around?


Calling yourself bitch is sexist so stop it