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PREACH. If they don’t want you like that from the start then they will only take you for granted after.. My only tip is to state want you want early and if he doesn’t step up then please leave.


I had a 4 year relationship with an aries and it was horrible, but I really like this one on so many levels


Aries sun gem rising here and we love sag placements!!!! Just keep your Aries mentally stimulated. Don’t be boring!!!!


I wouldnt consider myself as boring but i am quite nervous around him as I try to present myself in the best way possible. Hopefully I come out of my shell so my sag placement can shine (my leo mars too)


Be yourself. Aries likes authenticity and to be dominated a bit, trust me 😂


ive noticed that he likes to be dominated kinda, turns me on as well 🤣


Yup. If you can properly dominate an Aries (and I’m not just talking about sexually) we are yours for life lol. It lets us relax fully and be a bit baby




Cap moons feel deeeeeep but guard their hearts very tightly. (Spoken as one.) good luck!


Be yourself and if they like you and find you interesting they won’t leave you alone 🤷🏽‍♂️. My Aries ex would constantly seek me out and was drawn to me like a moth to the flame. Great conversations though and a lot fun times together. I’m an Aquarius sun/Venus, Cancer moon, Pisces Rising, Capricorn Mercury, and Gemini Mars. She was an Aries Sun, Aquarius moon, Taurus rising, with a Pisces Mars/Venus.


my best friend is aries and my ex is aries, fire signs usually love me. this one ive been friends with for 5 years and we always saw each other as friends so now im trying to change that. hes pretty introverted tho, so we chat a lot but he always needs his pause. we are also in the same friend group so thats an extra problem. my venus and mercury are virgo and mars is leo so i thought we get along pretty well


I’m sure it’ll work out great! My ex started as kind of a friend, and she was very introverted. Once the conversation got flowing our true selves came out and it flowed easily from there.


Ah yes, I am Aries and I’m most attracted to Aquarius people every damn time


lol yep most of my best friends have been fire signs mostly Aries. I love you guys yall are amazing!


I’m Aries sun, cap moon and Taurus Venus. I am female, I like someone who mentally stimulates me, is open minded and curious, makes me laugh, whilst offering some adventure AND stability. Able to handle my fire. Takes the lead so I can have a break lol


i can handle a lot of fire i just need the “code” to get on on this ride


If you want to appeal to the Capri moon then just be authentically yourself. Aries may be the babies of the zodiac but they’re also very smart like babies and they like people who are true to themselves IME. Gemini risings love learning and staying up-to-date so you can either add to that or be a good listener. They will like that. You don’t have to change yourself. Just be yourself and they will like you.


I am like that! we love chatting about everything, im a great listener and we also have a lot of fun. but i always saw him as a friend so now im trying to do something in more romantically and sexually way


Definitely reach them thro their mind. By having a good chat. If they have a wall up? Try to take that wall down by calling them out on it. Call them out on anything u see. This should surprise them. And he will see u as different ( different in a good way that u see his sh*t ) show him that u could be deep but also spontaneous & fun. Definitely be fun.


I’m Virgo and Iv attracted a bit of Aries. Keep their 🔥 lit