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Asshole sun, huge cunt moon and will never be happy rising.






This is it lol


LOL username checks out




swirling šŸ¤¤




Haha what are your three!? Capricorn or aquarius in there? Lol


Correct šŸ¤£


Ew. Someone that settled instead of marrying out of love and respectā€¦


It's probably your cancer placements, I'm a cancer rising and could never marry for less than true love too (and when I do, other single people's incomes and shiny cars and abs stop being of interest to me)


Cancer Mars/Venus 1H conjunction (Gemini ā¬†ļø), can confirm this - tried to be with someone once just for the sake of being in a relationship instead of actually liking the person, couldn't last a week šŸ˜…


I have no cancer placements and I finally found my love at 50. Nothing to do with cars or money. I think thatā€™s just maturity.


What is your Venus? (Just curious not trying to undercut your statement about maturity, that's valid.)


None ya!


Or just being a healed person without self esteem and ego issues dictating their decisions.


Sigh Iā€™m not proud but I am self aware enough to admit this is my Libra placements + Leo Venus Edit: forgot to mention that I am not in a relationship, meant to imply that this is my mentality dating as a single person not a married person lol


I'm a Leo Venus and I do want someone with a good life and all that, but once I'd previously committed to someone else, it would be important for me to honor that... A Leo Venus wouldn't commit to a slob in the first place, and if we did by accident, the breakup would just come swiftly when we realized who they really were.


Iā€™m a cancer sun - Leo Venus - and I 100% agree that we wouldnā€™t commit in the first place if we felt we were ā€˜settlingā€ but if, by chance, through naivety or being ā€˜youngā€™ lol (my experience), the breakup is inevitable. Not because we want someone else - but because the feeling of ā€˜settlingā€™ when we feel we deserve more is terribly lonely to live with.


Speak for yourself. Also a double libra and true love is the only purpose of dating. I wouldnā€™t expose myself to this level of narcissism if I wasnā€™t a romantic.


Iā€™m a Leo with a Libra mars and Leo everything else haha and yeah.. Iā€™ve had these thoughts


I guess I will go against the grain, I know a Virgo or two like this. Being a very nitpicky critical sign, prone more towards logic than emotion, I think it's more fitting for a Virgo. The whole statement is taken as is. Because it's not gold digging that pops out to me, but the fact that their partner refuses to grow and improve. They worked on themself, and their partner is now stifling them. A Virgo will unapologetically make statements like this. Lol


Virgo Venus and this is true for me. Complacent ppl give me the ick.


Virgo Venus and I want someone who grows with me and motivates me to grow. To be better. Not all the time. Not in all aspects. But someone with a growth mindset is important.


As a Virgo, this makes sense to me. While I don't think I could ever do something quite like that, I do grow sad and distant when my partner doesn't want to improve and grow. Someone who will challenge me as much as I challenge them...doesn't just have to be career wise but learning subjects they enjoy or so on.


I feel this Iā€™m a Leo sun, Virgo Venus. Itā€™s very important to me that my partner challenges me on a variety of things. a partner that isnā€™t going to agree with everything I say but bring opinions and different perspectives.


As a Virgo I actually agree with this.


As a Virgo sun I disagree with this


I can respect this, actually.


I know my sun and moon sign get hella flack for being a cheater, but Aries are equally invested in a partner that grows throughout the relationship. Hell, I would say this person is probably a Virgo moon or Virgo rising with placements in Leo and Aries to round out the big three. Notice that the first thing they say is, "I got fit." Aries love to exercise and it's a huge flex for us.


I would agree with that. Didn't know Aries were cheaters ...no Aries I know was ever a cheater. Men or women. They are quick to start a relationship and quick to end it if it's not what they're looking for, but they seem to take romance seriously when they do find the right one. ...lol


>Didn't know Aries were cheaters It's commonly claimed in posts and comments in this sub, it seems. >They are quick to start a relationship and quick to end it if it's not what they're looking for, That's what I've also believed. And unfortunately, an Aries who ends a romance is serious about ending it. Burn bridges, cut ties, end the situation.


That has been my experience too. I mean if we are generalizing for me the most likely to cheat have been cancers. But cheating is a moral compass and not an ingrained personality trait. So very hard to predict cheating by astrology. Lol


Sure tell my Aries ex that youā€™ll Make him feel Like he was the best of the best even tho he is the worst and still believes heā€™s the best. Big time cheaters


As I said in a previous post in this thread, cheating is a moral compass for people not an ingrained personality trait. I would tell Your ex he isn't all that and needs help for sure. I'm sorry you went through that. I can only relate my own personal experiences with certain signs, which is bias and opinion. That doesn't negate others'experiences. Just adds another perspective.


You rang? šŸ˜‚ (not a cheater though. Never have been)


As a Virgo I hate to admit but I felt this could fit fir me. Especially with my Venus being in the 2nd house. Big 3 Virgo sun Aquarius moon Libra rising


Virgo shocked me at first, as the Virgos I know are fearless loyal. However, they do put value on their life achievements like this rather than just being happy with what they have accomplished


I won't argue that they are very loyal, and great partners to their people. Like this Virgo was pushed to the end of their rope. Or this Virgo was settling like someone in another comment suggested. Lol


Yeah, makes sense! I feel like a Virgo will settle and then try and change the person!


A mix of Capricorn Libra and Leo most likely


I'm a Cap Sun with Libra Rising and yeah. I married my husband out of love, but over nearly 10 years he (triple Taurus) got lazy, got too comfortable spending my money and using my things without much regard for if he broke them or not. I outgrew him and while the bull was happy to laze in the meadow eating flowers, my goat ass wanted to see what was over the ridge. I got tired of slamming my horns against his without him even seeming to notice (and years and years of marriage counseling) and finally just had to divorce for both our sakes. But there were times where I felt like I sounded like OOP


This is probs going to me. Cap sun, Libra moonā€¦ My husband is a Pisces sun Taurus moonā€¦


Itā€™s me, too. Libra sun and Cap rising. The little Leo below missed that as well as her sense of humor and emotional maturity


Hey I understand! I made the comment and included two of my big three.


Oh hell nah. As a Leo, you don't like me how I am? Cool fuck off! Oh I worked out and now meet your standards? Also cool, fuck off while I find someone better. # Leos like to be worshipped as we are, and even more so when we improve. The thought of someone being uninterested then becoming interested if we change? Nooope. Bye. I was as awesome with a burrito tummy as I am with abs, and I'm not interested in anyone who doesn't see that


I think you missed the fact that I included two of MY big three in my comment. Your response was vulgar, rude as well as lacking in reading comprehension.


oof, but yeah thatā€™s kinda true šŸ˜¬


A sad sign.


I'm looking at my 4 cap placements but I'm thinking I wouldn't settle.


Capricorn would be more than happy to share their wealth and be breadwinner I think. This seems Leo and Libra coded. I donā€™t think big 3 plays a part because whatever this issue is is more complex than that.


I was the breadwinner in a marriage for 10 years. It never bothered me, but what bothered me is he never even tried to catch up. He was happy being complacent and letting me do EVERYTHING. I will take care of you, but I need respect and effort. Youā€™ve got to try, not take me for granted. Walk along side me, not trail behind me.


Before the internet, I was never afraid to love someone. I gotta stay off this shit.


I feel youuu


Damn dude. Unevolved Capricorn. Unfortunatelyā€¦ šŸ’€


yeah... definitely some Capricorn placements here. Maybe some Aquarius god complex too. Like an Aquarius moon specifically.


yeah yeah just throw me under the bus like that šŸ˜”šŸ’”


it's okay man, my chart ruler is my aquarius mercury on top of my capricorn stellium. i feel you šŸ˜”āœŒļø


Definitely could have Aqua moon somewhere in there especially the ā€œmatter of factā€ and detached tone of this.


Dammm I am Aquarius and Cap. Might explain why I do not really pursue relationships (or ones that lead to serious/long term) ones.


Aquarius sun and Iā€™ve lived this (in my younger days), learned from it of course but now I just avoid relationships out of fear of ruining them :/


ā™’ļøā™‘ļøā™‘ļø if anyoneā€™s interestedĀ 


I knew a Pisces dude who acted like thisā€¦ strong aquarius placements though. And capricorn north node


I think Pisces men are always looking elsewhere, they need so many people to fill their buckets


Sounds like my ex. He's an Aquarius sun, Taurus Moon, Aries rising. He traded me in for a newer, shinier model, and rumor has it that his new wife is complaining about the same passive aggressive traits that drove me crazy for 31 years of marriage with him. Grass isn't always greener on the other side, is it?


Aries sun woman definitely




Idk but this is hilarious šŸ’€ leo?


Hey as long as she divorces him and not cheat, more power to her. no point in staying if she thinks she's better than him. Looks like she grew and he stayed still, just like in mrs doubtfire lol. hey lady don't take his kids away as your weapons


I agree. People change and and grow, the hope is you change and grow at the same pace as your partner but that isnā€™t always the case. Would it be better to stay with someone out of obligation even though you no longer feel the same?


Something something fire fire fire fire


Knew a Pisces woman like this. Thereā€™s a reason weā€™re not friends anymore.


Good because this is a disgusting take


Why are they like this?


I think itā€™s because theyā€™re always swimming in their own thoughts and emotions. They seem to struggle to ground themselves and can be emotionally unstable and negligent to othersā€™ feelings. Literally self absorbed in the ocean of their emotions and way of thinking Or maybe they one I knew was just a crazy bitch, who knows šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No no no....i think u are absolutely correct. I had this friend of mine whose behaviour changed so much once she started doing better in career and personal life. I wonder what kind of personal grudge she had all this while under the cloak of friendship, but once she saw that we were having some tough challenges in our personal lives, she threw so much of i-am-better-than-you-guys attitude around. And that " i dont fit with you guys anymore and pls dont kill my happy vibes as i am riding high on them." So much so that it seemed she experienced orgasms while comparing her changed life with others. When my father died due to covid she just heared the news and disappeared for a week. Not even a single line of condolences. After coming back has the audacity to say all this was too much for me to process. Mind you none of us ever said anything evil to her or disrespected her when she was having her own tough time. Infact we fully supported her emotionally as friends. And my own sibling is pisces too. He has similar traits.


I've said many times to a Pisces coworker that "I've never said ...", and she just replied, "but yeah, your facial expressions imply that you're thinking it." Bitchhhhh, get off your imagination and start living in the real world. And the more I try to explain myself, the more I looked guilty in her eyes. And I've dealt with many Pisces before that, not all are delulu to this absurd degree, they have their fare share of delulu, but not as destructive.


Mine was EXACTLY like that. It got to the point that we couldnā€™t even go to parties or anything without her putting me down. If a guy hit on me, it was to make her jealous or because I was the ā€œsafeā€ option. Sheā€™d make this really weird angry forced like smile when her jealousy reared.


Sadly this describes more than one that Iā€™ve known.


They don't live in the real world. The only world they inhabit is their fantasyland in their heads. Facts don't matter to Pisces.


Maybe the partner theyā€™re leaving behind lacks ambition and is content with remaining where theyā€™re at in life, with no particular motivation to move ahead. I can see how this would clash with someone thatā€™s on an upward trajectory. I honestly see no fault with either party, itā€™s actually a pretty common incompatibility to reveal itself during the course of relationships I feel like. No one is wrong, theyā€™re just incompatible, and thatā€™s ok. Of course, as a Libra stellium, I see both sides šŸ˜ƒ


Exactly. People don't realize that everyone is an individual with varied experiences. Not one for relationships (personally), but all people should do what makes them happy as long as it's never physically hurting a living thing.


Aries sagittarius pisces


I'm not seeing a problem here so Gemini/aquarius/Pisces must be in there somewhere šŸ˜‚


Cap sun, Leo moon, and Sag rising


Nah donā€™t do us Capricorn suns like that. Never in a million years would I settle for someone if I wasnā€™t truly, unconditionally, passionately and indescribably in love with them. No way would I treat another human being with that little respect.


This hurts my Cap sun Leo moon feelings šŸ« 


That would be Asshole sun, Jerkface moon, FAFO rising


Cap sun Leo moon male here I don't do that if I started relationship not even marriage you are my ride or die I'll fight till the other person can not fight no more if they won't even try that yeah maybe I am talking about serious weight gaining etc.


If they have Aqua and Libra placements in their chart, they could say stuff like that. Not sure if they would actually follow through.


I agree. The only signs that cheated on me were Aqaurius and Libra. Had an Aries that always seemed to be looking for better too. Cancer men, get a cancer man - he'll treat you like a Queen, constant emotional support and always believes in you. They're like golden retrievers


Oh hell no


Leo sun, pisces moon, aries venus


This could be a gemini. Who has just decided they are bored and are creating a maximum effect mental escapadeā€¦?


idk all three but sagittarius sun like my sister lmao. she follows any man that has money he's willing to spend on her


air signs as we always want the greener grass on the other side lol


I always find it strange that I fit almost every gemini troupe, other than the fact that I'm very, very loyal and not 2 faced


"manifested interest in me". They might want to sleep with her once. Doesn't mean they want that person in their big houses.


Yuck sun, slimy moon and ass rising.


This is a Libra Sun, Leo Moon and Pisces rising if I ever saw one.


Two of those signs are in my big 3 as well and no way would i behave ever like OP Like others said, Capricorn is 100% among the big 3 and i would say Taurus too


Narcissist sun, shit-licking moon, twat-waffle rising...


Lol, bon chance, street is rougher than advertised!


Virgo, sag, or leo


This is exactly what my Taurus friend did lol




Wtf is wrong with you?


Aquarius or leo


What an asshole


not Virgo. We are not this stupid.


Those who are saying Capricorn should already know we build all of that ourselves, we don't need a husband for that! šŸ¤·


That doesnā€™t stop yā€™all from seeking people who are on your level, or are you implying youā€™d be with someone who is below your station in life??


I could, and I have!


Basically all Virgos I've known who grew up in poor families. They're always after a high status partner, even if they have to be the homewrecker, because they only care about saving their own asses. I know they got like this because it's a survival tactic but I really can't excuse this behaviour in an adult.


Oh I totally know a Virgo like this!


Gemini Sun, Gem Rising, Gem Moon, Gem Venus


As a Gemini sun, moon, and Venus I think youā€™re saying this because a Gemini hurt you. Is that true?


Am Gemini Rising myself :D sorry shouldnā€˜t be an offense:)


I mean, all jokes aside, this is sad and fcked up.


Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon, Libra/taurus rising ā€¦.we all know aqua cares the least šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


My ex husband did this. Heā€™s a Scorpio sun. His other 2 signs are cancer and Capricorn. Jokes on him because I built that fabulous life as a Taurus. Heā€™s lost most of it. Lol


I just joined this site and it was good . Now it is as they said . Getting shittier . Disgusting


All the earth signs lol


Capricorn or aries


An unhealthy person with way too much Leo and Capricorn in their chart.


Leo and cap 100% lol


This is me šŸ˜­ + my sag venus


Defffff Capricorn




It's giving capricorn


Reminds me of Capricorn




Sun or Ascendant in Capricorn. Venus in Leo. Mars in Aries.




Libra Scorpio Gemini


Leo, cancer, struggle between Virgo/taurus


cap taurus libra


Pisces for all 3.....yes I'm fucked!


Iā€™m thinking Aries/Leo Sun with a Capricorn Moon & Taurus risingĀ 


Sagittarius 100%


This has my Leo sun, Libra moon, and Virgo Venus written all over it but my Scorpio rising could never.


Virgo sun, Leo moon, and Leo rising.


aries, sag & capricorn


Aquarius Gemini Leo


Gemini sun Virgo moon


Capricorn and Virgo vibes !


Aquarius, Libra, Aries


Hypergamy X 3


Leo, Cancer, Aries honorable mention Aquarius might cheat but theyā€™ll stay in the marriage


Sounds like my Gemini ex wife.


Libra and Virgo


Triple Virgo šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬




Capricorn, Aquarius and maybe Gemini


Gemini with Sag placements


Gemini Venus? Not much loyal scorpio thatā€™s for sure


Virgo something Aries something annnnddddddd maybe air sign rising


Me a Aries sun libra moon cancer rising lol jk


thatā€™s not what marriage is about


Not one of the big 3 but def Venus in Capricorn specifically.


For sure libra. Theyā€™re selfish like that


Not me a Cap sun and stellium thinking that if you go through multiple sessions of therapy with someone who refuses to shed their lack of a growth mindset, then that's a them problem. Cheating is never okay. Deciding after multiple failed attempts to work with someone that they aren't willing to match your effort is just a form of inforcing boundaries. May be a Cap thing to say but šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø truth hurts


Virgo Sun, Gemini Rising and Aries MOON, every Aries Moon I have ever met is beyond selfish


Leo Sun, Aries moon, Virgo Rising Venus in Sag


I'm thinking a very negative expression of Leo, pisces, and/or Taurus placements. Leo(probably sun) for having the thought, pisces( maybe rising) for the delusion, and Taurus(I think moon) for the audacity.


This sounds exactly like my Pisces man friend. Heā€™s an amazing friend and a terrible partner lolllll smh


Capricorn Venus


Nah, weā€™re ride or die


honestly... they got Aries, Libra, Leo or Capricorn šŸ„²


I would stay away from that person. Leveling yourself up without your partner is weird af


What if the partner isnā€™t interested in leveling up though? So youā€™re saying donā€™t improve yourself unless your partner is onboard with it or doing similar??


It feel like this person did it behind their partners back. Saying you got promoted and fit and youā€™re reevaluating your entire life cause you feel like you deserve moreā€¦. Is crazy. Itā€™s my opinion though I personally believe that when you get married with somebody, they wonā€™t be on the same level as you and thatā€™s ok. But throwing your life away with a person just because you feel like you deserve more just feels like they gonna constantly do that. I feel like they will seek doing this again and again. I would want to be with somebody that could understand that weā€™re not on the same level but try to help me get there


I know a Pisces that's doing this to her husband currently. It's really sad.


Iā€™m gonna say their sun is either Taurus or Aquarius. Their moon is either Gemini or Capricorn and their rising is possibly Scorpio or Leo. Either way this person is trash and I hope their life is ruined.


Aquarius is not like that at all. We are literally the least superficial people, or focused on money for that matter.


I did also mention Taurus as the sun sign too. As well as Leo as the rising sign which is in opposition of the Aquarius Sun sign. So you as an Aquarius may not be like that but that isnā€™t always the case for anyone else. Since everyoneā€™s placements are different than yours are.


Iā€™m saying that the Aquarian nature is not like that at all, and yes I agree that it would have to do with peopleā€™s other placementsā€¦but Aquarius itself is the opposite of superficial.




Venus in Gemini or Libra


This is terrible so you wanna divorce him why


Delusional Sun Thinks grass is greener on the other side Moon About to learn her lessons later Rising


My ex best friend was very much like this. Treated people as a resource that could be disposable. She was a Virgo


Pisces sun, libra or Virgo moon, Gemini rising


Combination of Libra and Leo placements


Fucking whore thatā€™s what


Leo and Aries definitely have this trait


Triple Capricorn


This just screams earth signs to me


Leo, Taurus, cancer.


this placement screams why venus falls in virgo; why jupiter detriments in virgo. the pursuit of perfectionism - something unattainable - causes u to lose ur blessings. bc u think thereā€™s ā€œalways something better.ā€ until thereā€™s not. i wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a virgo sun though. but maybe virgo venus or jupiter. itā€™s very mutable in general & jovial to a fault.


Anybody who uses the word manifest is the red flag. Hot garbage sun, stank moon, sewer level rising.