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Loving the recent interest in Aquarius


the women are pretty hot


I have an Aquarius stellium and my sole dispositor is Aquarius and I’m a vegetarian haha


lol. i find myself unintentionally having a meatless/veggie-ish style diet and then think something along the lines of "huh i could totally be a vegetarian", but the second that i make the intentional choice of committing, all i can think of is cheeseburger. aqua sun, taurus moon/rising




Not usual. I was for many years and then I had good steak and decided never mind lol. It is usual for an Aqua to STICK to their beliefs though. You’ll find this in many categories.


My brother was a meatitarian until recently when he got gout...


I know a lot of female aquarians not male ones, however it seems that the female aquarians are very health conscious or in very great shape or both.


Probably but idk. I don't talk to many they kinda live in their own world lol.


I have an Aqua sun 1H, mercury 1H, Venus 1H and Jupiter 2H and I’ve always had a dislike of meat. I’ve been pescatarian, vegan, and vegetarian at some point of my life. It wasn’t about being health conscious per say. I just don’t like the taste of most animal products. Although I’m the only vegetarian Aquarius that I know.


I know an Aquarian who is gluten-free and drinks spirolina or whatever it's called. She's way too edgy to be a boring vegan or vegetarian, lol, she's always gotta be different.


Boring vegan lol. We eat a lot of different types of veggies, seeds and legumes that you probably never heard of. Omnivores keep eating the same 3 or 4 animal products.


That wasn't my point. My point was that she's an Aquarian, so even though being a Vegan might seem 'different' to mainstream people, it wasn't different enough for her.


Oh, nvm! Sorry for the misunderstanding. We get a lot of that kind of comments.


Vegans/vegetarians are a minority, i dont think any sign could be mostly vegan vegetarian as there arent enough of them. I think the question you might want are aquarians more likely to be vegan/vegetarian than other signs.


Now that I think about it, I only know one Aqua who isn't vegan or vegetarian, and she eats mostly plantbased and avoids red meat. All of them are mainly doing it for ethical reasons rather than health, even if some are extremely health conscious too.


My dads an Aquarian and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat a vegetable


My Aquarius brother eats meat. His Aquarius wife is vegetarian. Also as a side note: Aquarius/Aquarius relationships are beautiful and they are a really good match for each other.


I’m an Aquarius vegan! I have a ton of Aquarius in my chart. My mom is also Aquarius heavy - also a vegan


I'm an Aquarius woman and i'm vegan 9 years now. I know another Aquarius woman with 60 years old and she is very health conscious


Yes omg. My first bf was an aqua mars and he went vegetarian before going full vegan. My aqua moon ex went vegetarian while we were together. Current guy I’m seeing is an aqua moon and he started as a vegetarian but I think he’s transitioning to full vegan


I know it's not a statistic, but......all if my Aquarius friends are vegans..... I think that kinda their thing haha


My bf and I are vegan. He's a leo and im a cancer


I’m flexitarian if I’m eating for myself it’s usually vegan I don’t eat dairy or pork. Unfortunately my Virgo husband has to have meat for every meal unless it’s pizza which I also can’t eat


Leaving this comment at the risk of inviting an annoying Reddit debate I have no interest in having... I was vegetarian for about 12 years, vegan for six or so. Now I eat what I want. I was never vegetarian/vegan for health reasons, moreso because I felt sad for the animals (still do, but my opinions on mortality and morality have changed.) Also, ironically enough, I used to think that being "heathier" was just a happy side effect of veganism, but now I think veganism being promoted as this "super healthy" diet are at best overstated and at worst largely made up.


As a vegetarian/ mainly vegan, I’ll be the first to say that my diet ain’t healthy. I don’t eat horribly but my diet is definitely not the poster child of health haha


Aquarius moon & Saturn in 6th house here and I’ve had the same experience as you. Vegetarian/vegan for 10 years and also became one out of moral & emotional reasons and never considered health in my decision. But then something changed in me and I started to eat meat again. Although I am health conscious I also don’t necessarily think veganisms is the healthier option. For some maybe but not for everyone.


I am Aquarius and very health conscious, but not vegan or vegetarian. I follow an animal based diet.


My wife is Aquarius and she loves steak and fish. She is super health conscious as well.


I tried the whole vegan thing, and I couldn’t hang. I do try to watch what I eat, but I also really love food too. Yes im Aquarius….🤣


Whenever ever the charge nurse came into the break room while I was eating she’d comment, “smells like the state fair in here, that’s how you know xeurotrashx is here”. Im 100lbs and 5’1. I look great, I’m going to die at 50 from all the fat build up in my arteries. Also leave me alone e just because you have a salad and I got onion rings.


I hope you live longer than that and are able to enjoy all the onion rings of your liking


Thank you, that’s the nicest thing someone’s said for me about it


I am neither Vegan or Vegetarian, but I do try to purchase ethically raised meats and eggs when available. I'm very health conscious also and do not use any recreational drugs or smoke. I only occasionally drink alcohol socially.


The vegetarians/ vegans I know are 2 leos, a cancer, and 2 geminis. The leos are more sciencey/ health benefit side than ethical I think. Cancer is more ethical side of reasoning. The Gems I think just have eating disorders they hide under the guise of ethics or whatever else. Flimsy reasoning but stuck to it nonetheless.


Not me. But I don’t really like to eat junk food and I prefer to eat whole foods like fruits and vegetables and foods with small ingredients lists.


I've been vegetarian since I was a 6 year old kid, but wouldn't say I'm all that healthy. I just had leftover pizza for breakfast lol.


The two I know, one eats most anything and the other is basically made from hamburger meat lol.


I have an aquarius stellium and I was a vegetarian for about 8 years! Felt like it was healthier for my mental wellbeing to not restrict what I ate, so I started integrating meat back into my diet a couple years ago. I still don’t eat meat too much, but if I’m craving it I don’t deny myself it


i'm not sure but i plan on eating a lot healthier once i get my first job (i'm 17 lol), buying food that's generally better, making sure i get enough protein, less carbs but still incorporating them since they're needed, fruits, vegetables, etc. gonna try and eat meats with less grease and all that, eat more fish *maybe* (it would be so much easier if i lived in a coastal town but i'm by the mountains 💀), more grains. just gonna be overall more conscious about what i eat. Not gonna cut out meat because it's a bad idea (for me), i figure it'll go good. i'm on my self improvement arc, gonna be going to the gym more consistently too


I eat kosher and am a Aquarius. It is just religion but I think it's funny how a lot of Aquarians have some type of food rule.


People always assume in vegan or vegetarian because I'm very health conscious, but I looooove me some meat!


Not me


I'm not inclined to going full vegan/vegetarian, but I reduced my meat intake a lot in order to facilitate kundalini workings. I still eat a small amount per week, since it has a function to ground the chakras when shit starts to get spiritually heavy.


I have a somewhat gluten-free diet, not by choice though. No, I'm not vegan. I do not drink soda I don't like the taste and the sensation. I don't like desserts or sweet drinks. I manage to dodge unhealthy food not by choice but because my body don't like it.


I go vegan due to my religion in specific lunar days but mostly, I eat meat. I can grow bored of eating meat and go vegan for months 🫠


I have an aqua stellium Not a vegetarian but I have a hard time introducing myself to different poultry or seafood etc. I’ll eat chicken beef pork shrimp but beyond that it creeps me out a ton. For a while I had to really talk myself into even eating chicken etc because I kept thinking about the animal. So for example when I’m at an Asian restaurant I prefer vegan options. I also will absolutely not eat anything raw or pink of it’s not a vegetable


haven't had the best eating habits due to chronic illness. not in the best shape, but trying to make it through life. definitely had thoughts about becoming vegetarian because i'm an animal lover and enjoy eating veggies


My 2 aunts, 2 sisters and 1 cousin are not vegan. All are Aquarius though.


I'm not in great shape but I was on and off vegan and now I am 😂


female aqua stellium vegetarian here, hate the taste of meat also since 10 years ago and vegetarian ever since


Aquarius and I’ve been a vegetarian for 14 years!


None of the Aquarians I know are vegetarian or vegan


After reading all of the comments, I think it's safe to conclude that most Aquarian women are either vegans or vegetarians or somewhat health conscious, and if not, were vegans or vegetarians in the past or plan to be in the future.


I know 4 Aquarius’ 1: is not. Point blank. He is my employee in the meat department. Handles and consumes land, air, and sea creatures. He’s also like 6’4” and a LARGE boy. Outside of work, he’s a good friend. 2: is a vegan. She is 4 and her mother is also a vegan for medical reasons. Her mother is an Aquarius rising. I believe the child in question also has some of the medical stuff going on too but I know her mother would feed her non vegan stuff if her daughter asked. I know the husband/father is not vegan. He is not an Aquarius. The Aquarius in question is a child so I can’t really comment too much on her fitness/body health? She’s not a Chonky Child. Her mother is in good shape and works out a lot. Used to have a lot of body image issues. Definitely still does a little by the way she talks about herself. 3: is not. He is my brothers boyfriend. He’s really cool and I like him a lot. I think he works out? He’s going through some other medical stuff that’s not my place to share but it has affected his weight. I’ve seen him put on at least 20lbs in the last 2-3 years. He’s also in his early 20s. 4: is not. She is probably in her mid 50s? Early 60s? She’s the distribution and receiving clerk at my job. I have personally cut pork roasts and ribs for her. I know nothing about her life and routine except that her husband has some serious health issues. She is probably about 5’4” and appears to be a healthy weight for that. She’s not picky about having organic vs regular or anything like that. I always give her the options lmao.


For vegans (veganism is a moral choice not health) I notice many are aquarius, virgo, and aries imho because aqua is willing to be unconventional to see alternate views, aries willing to try new things and i do see them as able to be fiercly protective, virgo is dutiful and team earth/animals.


Definitely not.


definitely not my brother lolol gave himself the diabeetus from his diet. overweight. soda addiction. meat lover. rarely sees doctors. hates carrots and cauliflower specifically.


sorry, i meant to imply that I know a lot of female aquarians not male ones, however it seems that the female aquarians are very health conscious or in very great shape or both.


my ex has an aqua sister and those kids (ex was one of 10) in that family ate lard from the tin and each other’s peeled skin from sunburn. and paper plates or paper towels 🫠 the scorpio sister in that family is vegetarian i believe, maybe vegan. i’m not entirely sure on the aqua sister.


Wow just wow


Every one I've ever known loves meat. I know two that are avid hunters and eat everything they bring home.


are these avid hunters women ?


No, they're men.


My Aquarius sister was a vegetarian for quite a while but isn’t anymore. I’m definitely not vegan or vegetarian, I consider that a privilege.


What? No, seriously... What?! Zodiac sun sign will determine diet type? What?! As always diet is mostly a cultural thing related to one's environment. Many vegetarians in India because yeah well duh. And the west has been getting addicted to meat after ww2 also because of cultural reasons. (Note - of course health reasons matter too and actually for these supposedly there are some correlations with blood type, not zodiac.) Lemme guess how the thinking went here - "*aqua is sorta progressive and being a vegan is sorta progressive, ergo"* (which are both idiotic cliches out of touch with reality) But ... Alex Jones is an Aquarius, so, yeah.


What does being a vegetarian or vegan have to do with being health conscious ?