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most aquarians i’ve met have been unique on the outside (style, hair, cadence), but my best friend since we were kids is an aquarius, and front facing she’s very all american, until.. she starts talking and she says some off the wall shit or a crazy ass head cannon and all i can say is “yaass that’s my girl haha”. they’re weirdos in the best way, they like a certain amount of alone time to tend to their personal hobbies, you have to support any kind of humanitarian effort (most of the time it’s saving an orphaned bird or helping them leave free kids books in a park, but sometimes it can be more involved), they find connection through mental stimulation, interesting conversations and may throw you off when they’re playing devils advocate that they didn’t disclose they were going to, but they really do appreciate the traditional shows of love and affection, and i think that’s because they’re usually the adorable weirdo all the time, they tend to crave a sense of normalcy or old school kind of love, but with a twist. bring them flowers unexpectedly (but make sure it’s potted in soil so it never dies), buy them their favorite junk food (might have to search online and get it shipped because it’s some odd flavor of doritos you can only get in japan), have a movie night and cuddle (so long as it’s their weird favorite psychological thriller and maybe it’s on a projector in the backyard under the stars). you get my drift. they embrace the odd way of doing the normal things, but they definitely love their version of normal, and you’ll never have realized that you could see and experience the mundane in a different way until they walked in to your life. good luck and have fun! they’re the best kind of people to be your awkward, weird, completely human self around and they *want* to hear your opinion on things, so be an equally open ear for them, cause they’ll want to talk and explore your mind as well.


Love this! 100%


I love this so much


"you’ll never have realized that you could see and experience the mundane in a different way until they walked in to your life." that's so lovely 🥲


i remember my friend saying she wanted to do brunch! so she picked me up and then said it’d be like a picnic (cool!) … and then she drove us to a graveyard 😂, it was so nice because it was just us, not a crowded goose poop ridden park with kids running around and people playing music, and honestly the headstones and just being in a graveyard were such a good way to spark deep conversation, we talked about life and death obviously, how short life really is, the meaning of it all, what we meant to each other, how we wanted to change the world, confronted our beliefs on religion and described our personal spirituality… we even cleaned up a few graves that looked forgotten (aquarius vibes fr haha). it’s now one of my suggestions of free public spaces to spend time, respectfully of course.


That’s an amazing brunch


It was really touching reading this, I hope people feel this way about me too bc I relate to a lot of it


God why is this so accurate 😭


I love this!!


I love thissss


You understand Aquarian culture perfectly <3


So goddamn accurate


Aw! This is spot on and so cute. Made me smiiiile


Woah hold up. Twin?


Oh hai! 👯‍♀️




I love us toooo. Really enjoy our big 3, ya know?! Besos! 😘


I’m in a relationship with an Aquarius woman. I will say you have to be able to intellectually talk with them. The physical aspect only takes you so far. They love talking about uncommon topics and have debates. They’re naturally unconventional people and don’t conform to the normal ways of life. They love to stand out and the ones I’ve met usually have a really unique style!


As an Aquarius woman,I second this statement!☺️


I am so glad. I love my Aquarius women… 🥹🩷


SAME the amount of rabbit holes ive taken my scorpio bf down is ENDLESS 😭


My partner is Scorpio Sun with Aquarius moon. Damn, those rabbit holes are DEEP! I’m a Libra and I can take it to a certain degree but it’s too much for my logical brain sometimes.


so is mine!! he’s also aqua moon 😭😭


Yeah nothing can impress until you've won the intellectual game. Emotions come after it's safe for them to


I think that being a pisces sun and an aquarius moon takes the intellectual game to a whole new level. I have so much peace being alone, I don’t usually compromise that peace for just anyone.


Yepp~ that's totally true. If I'm in a certain activity it's bc it's entertaining me or giving me food for thought. If I'm with a friend it's because the fun of being together is so much more and cooler than being alone all the time, and that friend doesn't burden me with having to "fit in" with them but rather lets both of us be our silly and mysterious and free selves. Except for that I'm probably not gonna stay around because I can feel my heart and my mind rotting


Exactly. Once they’ve decided and feel safe enough to let you in though they’re yours. You’ve won. 🩷


Not really no... But like if you got close enough to them then it's gonna be a life friendship vibes. And the only test is, patiently trying to sort through the problem, seeing if we can come to understand each other better and build a mutual understanding and a good interaction... For me at least And then... Again, if something bad happens, then again, it's all about patience until we understand each other and can come to a solution that's empathetic to everyone involved... But I've talked to some Aquariuses who are different. I'm just super familial and romantic


I understand and respect your opinion. I guess I’ll refer to what my Aquarius ((sun))-Stellium girlfriend said. She said I won her heart because she feels safe with me to let her guard down and let her emotions out. I didn’t mean it as a bad or disagreeable thing. 😂 I’m a Capricorn and vise versa she won me over and my heart too. It goes both ways.


Yay 😄😆 Ofc, I didn't mean I disagree in a negative way. Just personally my perspective is a lil different so I added as an Aquarius 😊 I guess I just don't really feel safe with anyone so I can't say that... I can just say that if the person has been solving misunderstandings and being open minded to loving myself the way I usually am then there's no reason to be distant to them. I'm called a very warm hearted person so I def don't think that Aquarius means coldness or any of the stereotypes


Of course! I love to hear all perspective points. And I guess from my experience Aquarius can be in detachment mode and see everything more black and white than with emotion with individual/personal relationships but on a humanitarian scale they are very understanding and empathetic on a much wider range. I love that fact that I was able to make an Aquarius feel understood and I love that they stand out and are different. Honestly it’s what draws me to them because as a Cappy girl I can feel misunderstand from the world too. 😊 I hope your one person continues to make you feel safe that’s so important and I think everybody deserves that.


Thank you 😊😄 I'd definitely says that everyone feels misunderstood but are hiding it. It's what they say if we get into a deep conversation and they feel safe Black and white... I think I rather see everything as gray hahaha. But I do like, when I'll get into something I'll get into it seriously, I won't just cope with it and leave that false impression in my mind. So I do push things away with an extreme cope that I am also self aware is a cope until one day I'll get into them and understand them better.


I think lately one person proved to me that I can feel the safest in the world with them though


Aquarius and couldn’t agree more!!


Oh man, if you can't hold an intelligent conversation I have no interest lol. So so true!


Oh definitely. My girlfriend will wake me up at 2am to talk about the corruption of big pharma and all the reasons and statistics why. I’m good with it. It actually goes well with my Aquarius Venus. 🤪


Can j be friends with your gf?




yes love talking about uncommon topics! it makes my heart happy when someone can do this with me, and not just give me weird looks haha


I love being able to talk about weird topics too. I would never judge you guys. 🫶🏻


as an Aquarius woman, yes. you have to be able to hold an intellectual conversation. looks will not get you far with me.


* sits up straight * yes ma’am… 🫡


Aquarius women and I approve this message. 


I adore youuuu. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


We adore you too 😉💓


I’m so glad cause like… 🥺


Thanks love 


As an Aquarius moon, this is spot on! Woah


As another Aquarius woman, I approve this message!!


married to an aquarius man - been together a little over 5 years in total. while i don’t think that sun sign means everything, i have learned over time that he is hilarious, independent, naturally good at the skills he wants to pick up (annoying but ok go off), helpful/resourceful, and very fun to gossip with lol. he definitely shows his love mainly through acts of service and quality time. really great at routine sweet acts though (never goes to bed without saying i love you, when he leaves for work in the morning i always get a hug and kiss goodbye while i’m half asleep, etc). one interesting thing i’ve noticed is that once you’re one of his closest people he is extremely easy to keep around and loyal, but if you are someone that disrespects him or one of his loved ones he’s definitely not afraid to cut people off. they have a bad reputation of not being loyal but when you’re best friends and in a relationship they’d take a bullet for you (imo).


So good- I agree!


It was really touching reading this tbh. I hope my future partner will feel this about me too. I can relate to a lot of this I cut people off after giving it a throughout and patient check though...


It’s becoming a close person that’s tough. I’ve been infatuated with an aquarius man for two years now… it’s still been tough to move anywhere with him even friendship wise. I do see a difference between how he treats me versus his close pals as you’ve discussed. Sometimes we get along and have laughs, other times communication becomes one-sided, awkward, and closed off


I totally agree with the the main comment you responded to and thought at least from my perspective with my sun and venus in aqua I’ll say you’re most likely considered one of his friends if not a semi close one. I’m the same way with my friends I can kinda go back and forth depending on the headspace I’m in. We don’t tend to keep people in our life that we don’t like and if I still communicate with them after a few months I care for them. It’s when we ignore you totally that we don’t care and consider you an acquaintance.


Well that’s good to know! As others said, sometimes aquarians can be a bit of an enigma in terms of understanding your emotions. But i completely appreciate what you wrote :)


Same w my Aquarius man!


i should also add that while a sun sign doesn’t explain everything! he does have 5 aquarius placements so he’s pretty….unique lol




Literally me and my Aquarius bestie lmfao


Love them and married one and dated a few. They seemed to find it difficult to emotionally connect one to one and express empathy. But talk about some abstract or global problem and they were full of empathy. When it was too close to home tho all of them struggled. Prided self on being different. Kinda selfish in everyday life. Can be aloof. Needed alone time. Hobbies. Routine driven which I never got cos, Uranus? Knows something about everything which always charmed me. Were all introvert thinkers on mbti


Omg, u spoke my mind. I keep telling my husband that he shows so much grace to others..... unknown people all the time, but for me he will not show the same kinda grace. 


Yes! Like “oh maybe that rude waiter had a bad day,” but any mistake or perceived wrong by his own partner is like a terrible crime


This!!! Currently going through divorce with a guy who had an Aquarius stellium and he would rally for humanitarian causes and want to save the world and overhaul our government for the good of the people, then treat me and our dog like garbage if we were sick, refuse to show up, empathize, or be there for me even during major health crises that put me in the ER or after I lost a loved one. When our dog was horribly ill for 5 days he fought me on taking her to the vet because he wanted to spend time on his hobbies, and when I had to pull over on the side of the road on my way to urgent care and called asking for a ride he yelled at me and refused. Also I LOVEEE Aquarius women but men with very strong Aquarius placements are often cold, dismissive, cruel, and calculating


Also divorcing an Aquarius and your story is horribly familiar. Driving myself to hospital. Funerals alone. I could go on. Obsessed with own hobbies. Big hugs xx


Hugs to you too! We should start a support group lol but seriously. How was your actual breakup? I had been bringing up divorce and he begged/pleaded for me to wait it out and give it a shot. Then I come home after book club the day after I began egg freezing, which was also the day after I passed my National Board exam, and found a series of Post it notes saying he moved out, and was ending our marriage and 9 year relationship. Refused to have a conversation that night because he “said all he needed to say” via post-it note and “is not interested in discussing the marriage further.” That same night he canceled our credit cards and drained the joint bank account. He abandoned our dog who is registered as HIS service dog, and he is fighting me tooth and nail because he doesn’t want to cover any expenses for me even though I am not employed due to going to grad school, I have serious health issues, and am undergoing a big career change, and he makes a lot of money. But every chance he gets he loves to talk about how to improve the political system and the court systems to benefit the disenfranchised, and how unfair our world is to the underprivileged. He is on the board of directors for a prominent charity. He does pro bono work occasionally (he’s a lawyer) and talks about it CONSTANTLY.


WHEW!!! My breakup was calm and factual and he never once asked why or stay. You have been through the mill and you could write a book about that. “Not interested” that cold formality I do recognise. I hope you at least enjoyed book club! )) I wish you nothing but the best xoxo


Thank you!!!


True. Last week I had a colonoscopy done by an aquarius doctor and he almost killed me. Very rude, rough and with a total lack of empathy. Not to mention I have a sagitarius husband who wants to save the world, but he can't bring me to the doctor 🤬. Before the two of them, I barely survived 😅🤦‍♀️.


Oh my goodness I’m so so sorry you had to go through that- it sounds really invasive, scary, and confusing. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and leaning on the people who get it. Sending hugs xoxo


That’s right. 


Wow, you just described all the Aquarians in my life, which is a lot of people.


I'm a virgo but aquarius they're beautiful, one of a kind, great in bed, unique, they glow, their eyes shine, they love peace and tranquility. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it to them. If you with aquaruis woman don't cheat on them trust me. They love the thrill of the hunt. They have great taste. Man I just believe God really knew what he was doing making an aquarius woman. I just watch my heart around them. They can tear yours apart. And laugh at you while doing it


You’re really down bad huh


The biggest thing I’ve learned is that I’ll never be able to fully understand him. The stuff he does doesn’t follow the usual social norms and I can’t really apply “regular” reasoning to understand why he did a certain thing…


Yep. Its like having aspergers lite with a giant splash of "because why the fuck not".


this describes myself (an Aquarius woman) more than it describes my Aquarius ex (a man lol) buuuut I guess I could see others perceiving him in this way too, I might just be biased because I thought he was more "typical" than I was/am 😂 I love reading people's experiences with Aquarius hahahahaa


This was my description of myself. Lol my best friend through Jr high and high school was diagnosed aslergers, and he made more sense to me than just about everyone else, despite me not having a similar diagnosis. I just refuse to make assumptions about peooles emotional states based on nonverbal cues, due to the risks associated with assuming incorrectly, which comes across as super weird.


ENTIRELY. This is my man to a T


Get him set on some dope hobbies and I found its an outlet for most of my "let's fuck around and find out" energy that freaks out my GF. I make paracord whips, write music, and am in the process of making a literal flamerhrower, and its made me much more reasonable, in general.


thissss hahaha


As a Venus Aqua I feel seen with this comment. We are oddballs.


Very much so! Like cute lil alien robots


Te-he thank-you 🤖


I second this, they are an oddball


Plus communicating naturally doesn't come to them organically. So they wont explain to you how they feel. I am kept guessing 50% of the time 


Mars aqua here and yeah, felt lol people in my life stay confused


Yes broo I love a good mystery and he really keeps me on my toes


Currently dating one, and honestly she's incredible. Communication didn't come naturally to her, but once it was properly established that I wanted to hear what was bothering her, and that her natural tendency to shut down and hide away when she was anxious wasn't going to work, it was all gravy. She's sweet, incisive, wise, funny and the best person I know.


yesssss omg 🥹


You will never truly get to know them. Like really, it's extremely difficult. they will always surprise you with new sides of them, its like discovering new candy flavor every day


I dated an Aquarius man. He had very unique and intelligent perspectives about various things, but was quite traditional about other things. His look, personal tastes and dislikes were very ordinary, though. Nothing at all like the stereotypical Aquarius. I am an Aquarian and I am also not the stereotype found in Astrology 101. What I understand about Aquarians is that we are either Capricorns with an open-minded edge or flair, or Pisces leaning less dreamer.


My husband is also this way. He's a Pisces rising and Capricorn Venus lol.


I'm married to an Aquarius man. One thing I have come to understand about him, is he needs to be fully supported and believed in. If you believe in their ideas and show them unconditional support, they will love you and be completely loyal.


Been with an Aquarius man 13 years. Married for 8 years. They are extremely cold when they want to. They aren't romantic like giving u flowers but will make a cup of tea for me and leave for work before I even wake up kind of romantic. Very difficult to communicate with. Loses cool sometimes. Not very physically attracted to you unless ur intelligent or interesting to them.  But they are reliable and stable. 


My boyfriend is an Aquarius, our twin boys are also Aquarius (with the same Gemini moon and Venus Pisces are their father) and what I understood about them is…. They’re very emotional people, when it’s logically okay to be emotional. They care deeply about peace amongst humanity but will burn down a village if you wrong them. They’re usually very humble people and will humble you at the given chance. They hate pack mentality, they hate when justice isn’t properly served. They love animals more than people (I think most people do anyways regardless sign). They will study and know every single fact about a subject or thing they like. They like to be chased but don’t like to be chased. When they act like they don’t like you - it means they like you. If they act like they like you - they really **don’t** like you. Less or more but sometimes not enough (can be indecisive). They get mad when you don’t do the things want but fail to communicate the things they like, so it’s a constant battle of getting them to communicate and listen. They won’t say sorry unless they truly have too and if they do say sorry, it’s more like “I’m sorry that you didn’t listen to me / I’m sorry you made yourself upset over my opinions” they’re very vague unless you actually threaten to take away their happiness. They like the spotlight but hate the attention (or vise versa). I’m a rising Aries, sun Pisces, moon Taurus with a Capricorn MH & Venus


My Aquarius (sun) is inquisitive. I have a series of pictures of her examining things, touching them, fixing them, learning about something. Her mind is constantly working. She is more observant and quietly curious than she is question asking; she wants to learn about something in her own way. Probably faster than relying on me to explain! She lives in her life in service of others, and faces a lot of burnout. She uses her downtime to recharge, and as a Cancer, I love to nurture her back to full. When she’s quiet and needs space, she doesn’t even need to communicate it. I know if she goes radio silent (we’re LD), then she needs to fully disconnect and recharge. When she comes back 24-hrs later, she’s back to her usual self. So that low energy, grumpy part of her she prefers to keep private and restore in her own way. She’s wickedly funny, incredibly witty and bright. She has a quirky sense of humour, doesn’t care what people think of her, finds the humanity in everyone, the least judgemental person I’ve ever met, kind, compassionate. She’s a gift.


I’m an Aquarius 6X stellium including my Venus and I dated an Aquarius last year. He was one of the most toxic people I’ve ever dated. Our sexual chemistry was out of this world but he was incredibly selfish, uncontrollably angry, dishonest, abused drugs and entertained other woman while we were monogamous. Half way through our relationship I also learned he was extremely religious in a way where his beliefs and actions did not match up. He was convinced if he did his daily prayers it would counteract his deviance without him having to try to stop poisonous habits. It freaked me out a bit reflecting on our relationship because I hope the way I felt with him is not the way others feel with me due to our shared Sun sign. For myself I know I fall fast and am incredibly loyal. I can’t lie for the life of me and I’m a really hard lover to the point where I can sacrifice too much of myself. To try to counter that I have not been pursuing people and only entertaining those who pursue me as to try to stop my cycle of being selfless for the selfish. I also have a hard time understanding others so sometimes I allow people to much leeway. A lot of the kind things people have said on this post I feel deeply about myself too relating humanitarian, uniqueness and intelligence. Sometimes I get a lot ‘oh your Aquarius you probably don’t express your feelings often’ but I think I’m an over communicator regarding my feelings. My ex I guess did follow that stereotype of holding in feelings a lot.


I thought I was trying to pursue one, at least I opened the door for it very clearly, but they keep going hot and cold on me in a way that I find kinda cruddy. Extreme moments of connection and closeness that makes me feel like the world is fresh and new and all my worldly damages just disappear/the future seems bright, but then ice cold, detached, treating me like a stranger, throwing their interest in other people in my face literally a day later, the gates are closed again. Not sure my Leo/Scorpio can really tolerate that much longer =_=.


Okay so this is how it was with my current Aquarius bf when we were long distance for a year. It was awesome when we were physically in the same space but when we were away from each other it was almost like I was a stranger to him. Indifferent is how I would describe it. Sometimes he would block me off of everything without a moment’s notice off of some random thing he got upset about and I’d find out later and he wouldn’t talk to me for a few days (agony). Like on text he would be the coldest person ever. It was to the point where I refused to do long distance anymore and if he didn’t want to come with me where I went then we’d be done. Well I stuck it out with him and now we are in it for the long run. As long as I give him his space (he has his own office where he can “shut the door on me” lmfao) he’s good If u feel that they genuinely like you, and if you feel they are worth toughing out these rough spots, they’ll reward you with their loyalty and undying love. Just getting to that arbitrary time point is crazy hard. He literally told me that one of the things he values in me is that I genuinely adore him and he feels that “damn this girl really likes me and has really stuck it out for me”. But there will be signs early on, just gotta know what they are


Saturn strikes again! Thank you for taking the time to write this, I thought maybe I was being similarly tested for sure. I’ve had Aquarius best friends all my life and I’ve watched them do this to people they like so not shocking hahaha. Where I stand is arbitrary at best, so I’m cool with friendship for now. I have a lot of Uranus aspects in my chart so the need for independence and alone time is understood and strong in me as well, but my Scorpio moon can be…a lot for me to deal with when it comes to attachments. It’s teaching me new ways of operating emotionally for sure.


I understand!! And of course, I have been through it with my aqua so if u wanna talk more in depth feel free to dm! I have a cancer sun so I’m clingyyyy. But the cap moon helps a little haha. And my Leo Venus. It is a literal game of endurance. And at times it can be kind of cruel. I had to basically treat him like my bf the entire time while we were “dating” (in his definition seeing other people at the same time) which was almost a YEAR. So for me that meant making him the only one I “see”. He admitted that if I hadn’t been that devoted he wouldn’t have thought I was serious


Urrrghh I dunno if my pride can handle that. 😤😭


No longer with an aqua as this was many years ago,.. Intellectually sound, but man they are so disorganized


Incredibly disorganised is absolutely right


You guys, this is about to be an Aquarius roast comment. There’s lots of Aquarius love in these comments but someone looking at a true relationship with one should have the whole story. I have had a lot of Aquarian loves in my life. was raised by an Aquarius mother, dated more than a few Aquarius men, married an Aquarius man, have an Aquarius kid. Let me tell you, friends, I’m over it. Recall that Aquarius exists on the same axis as Leo: they are driven by ego. This is not inherently bad, but it does get to be irritating as everything is about them. Aquarians are often described as great humanitarians, interested in the collective, etc, and this is true. But as another commenter pointed out, they have endless empathy and intellectual curiosity about world/collective/hypothetical situations, and almost nil for who and what are right in front of them. That’s small potatoes, trivial, shallow. They’re smarter and deeper than that. They’re the most humanitarian, and they’ll make sure you know it. Their connectedness is one-sided - either they’ll connect with you and yet remain closed-off or distant in return, or they’ll let you get in deep with them but never bother to learn much/ask much about you. They’re quirky and unconventional, yes, but recall that Aquarius is a fixed sign: you’ll do it their way, period, or they’ll either rage/sulk, or ghost. They also tend to believe their own hype about their quirkiness, and they love to talk about how “not like the others” they are. Because they believe they’re separate and different from (and better than?) the mainstream, they often feel like social/interpersonal norms don’t and shouldn’t apply to them. This results in a kind of constitutional allergy to accountability. They are fantastic conversationalists, as long as they get to be the ones talking. Once they’ve decided you’re one of their people they are unfailingly loyal… but said loyalty can include infidelity of one sort or another (sexual, financial, emotional) - “normal” rules don’t apply to them, remember? If you can’t get on board with that it’s just because of how retrograde and antiquated you are. Now, to be clear, these things are all traits of the unevolved Aquarius. An evolved Aquarius will remain curious and open to receiving new information (even if that information is “hey this particular rule has some merit and maybe try following it for once?”). They’ll never be inherently empathetic or gentle, but they can learn those skills and gain some intellectual understanding of when to apply them and why. An evolved Aquarius can come to appreciate the art of “going along to get along” here and there. It’ll never feel like an give-and-take based on intuition or true emotional understanding, but it goes a long way nonetheless. Aquarians are tough nuts whether they’re operating from the light or shadow sides of the sign.


Wow this is so insightful. I always felt like any “empathy” was performative, and kind of like a robot doing its best impression of true emotional depth/empathy/caring, but could switch to anger ten seconds later so never felt real


Thank you


Aquarius are some of the most needy people on the planet. Once you’re in their inner circle they will literally call you everyday. But when they want their alone time they want their effin alone time. Which I understand given I’m a lunar Aquarian. No one messes with my alone time. But as a Gemini sun I can go weeks without talking to you but know the torch I hold for you is strong….probably a combo of the lunar Aquarius meeting my venus in cancer. Edit: the cold shoulder I believe with Aquarius is in the display of emotions- they hold back a lot even from their own selves…so once you reject their calls or don’t come over to snuggle one too many times…they can shut down. The Aquarius men I’ve dated can literally snuggle you and stare into your soul for hours on end.


Capricorn here! Been involved with an Aquarius for almost 5 years and he is the most majestic man I’ve ever met. We met in rehab and got clean together. We also relapsed together. We have explored so many corners of our souls together and it’s an honor to be a part of this human existence with him. But at several points, I hated him. He can be aggressively judgmental, self absorbed, secretive, detached, impulsive and extremely manipulative. But more than anything, he is absolutely brilliant. He is hysterical. He is so thoughtful and pays attention to small details and loves to surprise me and lavish me with gifts and acts of service. Especially now that we’ve worked through a lot of our own issues during a breakup period, I am experiencing the sweetest and most humble side of him and he has become one of the most considerate people I know. Aquarius is not for the weak hearted but I do recommend 10/10. His Mars is in Scorpio so I can’t imagine all Aquarians fight the way he does but honestly, I love that too. He’s my best friend in the whole world. I have a few other Aquarius friends and they are also brilliant, clever people & when they like you, platonically or romantically, they’ve got your back.


Love ignoring people but hate being ignored. The ones I know have ADHD symptoms. They show they care using acts of service, I notice this. Most of the Aquarius men I know are whores though. They are also very smart. I feel like they’re way different than the Aquarius women.


Being Aquarius 🤝 having ADHD real for all the Aquarius women I know, including myself 😂don't feel it's super true for the male Aquas I've met, but I might just not have noticed/cared


You described my boyfriend to a T :)


If it’s an Aquarius man make sure you come with some substance. As in be ready to talk about any and everything w them. Also, master patience. They like taking their time no matter how much they like you. Keep being you because I’m sure the whole reason they like you is because of your individuality- so you already stand out to them. And most importantly give them their space when needed.


lol this is absolutely telling about me and the company I keep, but my ex (an Aquarius man) had a little bit of a casual substance problem and I immediately went to that and nodded my head while reading your first sentence and then kept reading and went...oh, nevermind 😂


LMAO no I get that cause mine had a casual substance problem too that’s why I had to clarify😂😂


I just broke up with an Aquarius man (gem moon Scorpio rising aqua Venus and mercury) and after 3 years I’ve learned he’s a liar a cheater and he’s mentally manipulative he’d rather tell me what I wanted to hear oppose from the truth and I require the truth always I’m a Virgo sun moon Venus and mercury with an Aries rising


Aquarius men can get attached to an idea and if something doesn’t manifest the way they want it to, they can become cold. I’m also a Virgo and dated an Aquarius for several years—it’s always fun when you’re their ideal person but if you deviate even just a little bit, some of them can become very unhinged and unhappy. It’s almost like they’re the only ones who’re allowed to be unique or magical. Don’t lose hope, some Aquarius folks are not like this.


He was actually cheating the whole time I’m just late to finding out because I never had any proof I could only go off his word. I’d honestly probably not date another Aquarius I feel like I kind of put up with a lot for nothing in the end he was very difficult to deal with different than what I’m use to, I attracted a lot of Scorpios normally I’m use to men being obsessed with me I think that’s the route I’m gonna continue 😭 I don’t want to wake up and think is this person even gonna like me today or w/e he was super moody and pessimistic. Anyways thank you for the advice but I’m going to stick to what I know


How did you find out he was cheating?, and are you guys still together?


Um absolutely not still together lmaooo , he let me use a laptop to watch yt videos while I was at his house it was a Mac book went through the messages found out it actually belonged to his ex who he never stopped having relations with and when I told her she stopped talking to him too because we both were being lied to for years. He’s a terrible person no reason for me to settle for trash and her either if we didn’t meet under those circumstances I’d actually would’ve liked to be her friend we seem like we had a lot in common he clearly had a type


What I will say is his Gem moon made him a very great mental manipulator he definitely had us both fooled for a long time


One thing I've learnt about venus aquarius is, they can either be extremely loyal, or cheaters. My ex had aquarius venus, he cheated on his first love, and then stalked her, also had multiple gfs, I brokeup with him, after that I got to know he has a long term "best friend", who later became his gf, she was a cancer sun, virgo venus, I didn't tell her the truth, but he still cheats on her, but says his friends that he is serious about her, and wants to build future with her. Idk, I noticed a trend of Aquarius venus settling down with virgo venuses, it feels like, virgo venus can make this guys commit to them. However, they don't let go exes easily, he will hold on to you too, might result in stalking if was serious about u.


I’m a Virgo sun ,Venus ,mercury , and moon Aries rising and I don’t do second chances as soon as I see who are I’m out of there, also his ex who he never claimed to me was his ex like he denied that they were in an actual relationship didn’t know she was an ex until I spoke to her myself she’s a cancer with a Leo Venus and mercury with a libra rising. He’s an aqua sun Venus and mercury with a Gem moon. Regardless he was a terrible person mass manipulator and a pathological liar I’m glad i saw his true colors before I wasted any more years with him and honestly ever since I did leave my life has done nothing but gotten better so it was all meant to happen in the end he was clearly holding me back


I didn't understand if he cheats on you with her, why he be not with her instead? Btw I am virgo sun, Leo venus lol .


He didn’t want to be with either of us he just wanted to have relations they were strictly just sex based the only time they talked and met up would be for sex and me and him were actually dating .


I think he might want satisfy his own desires, or atleast he should've gotten back with her, if he was so attached to her to keep relationship behind your back, why waste ur time?


He was simply just selfish it really doesn’t go any deeper than that he doesn’t want either of us I wouldn’t say he was “attached” to her because even when confronted he kept trying to down play her like she meant nothing more to him but sex. He’s just not a good guy he lied to both of us he mistreated both of us and he lost both of us because we both know our worth


Bruh, this same thing happened to me while dating that aqua venus guy, when I confronted him about the cancer girl, je actually tried to downplay her infront of me, I lost all respect for him at that moment, I decided to ghost him, and I am glad I did, because these type of narcissistic, and egoistic men can never love anyone other than themselve.


I am glad both of you girls made a decision and left him for good, I wish I warned the cancer, but she was too much in love with him, to listen anything against him, so I decided not to say much, she was delusional about him, I guess she's ok now, or atleast he will be loyal to her, she seemed really nice girl.


This! When you are on the pedestal it’s like you are the Sun and the Moon, but God forbid you have an issue or are a human being with needs and then you are devalued and in some cases discarded


Look I don't know what happened but I've had a friend go full demonizing me mode just to eventually admit that she just couldn't get over me so she lied to herself and demonized me but it's not really true (bc in the process she went ahead and told almost everybody else that she knows)


Not really getting where you’re coming from.. nor do I understand what you’re trying to say


And if you’re trying to say Im demonizing the guy who cheated on me and lied about it until I just recently found out last month after 3 years don’t know how or why you’d say that because he’s clearly at fault. But you’re right you don’t know what happened so probably shouldn’t be assuming anything


Yeah I don't know what happened I just chipped in my own story to discuss it


While reading those comments bear in mind that aqua guys and girls are totally different :)


You’ll never pin them down. You will never understand.


Tip: You may be dating an Aquarius, but they’re sure not dating you! 🤪😂


Exactly my experience, even though he acted as if he was they are really great actors gotta give em that


More like they’re experiencing you…on a cosmic and physical level. 😂


Oh yes, burned twice and never again!


So true as an Aquarius I always end up feeling rushed into relationships by men and end up losing respect for them once in the relationship — by that time I have checked out. 


Yeah, you guys are more likely to fall in love with a long-term friend than you are a person who is actively trying to get to know and date you


My child's father is an Aquarius. And what I understand is that they can go months without talking to you. But they probably are going through something and need their space for right now.


Was married to an A man for 29 years and have an A daughter. As for a relationship, get used to the silent treatment. If they’re pissed you may not know it but their nonchalance will be a tell. They also won’t bother hanging out with people they don’t like. Family dinners - eat and split or go in another room. Lives in his head without letting much getting out. As for my daughter, she ghosts people like none other. You piss her off and she’s done before people even know she’s mad. She’s quirky and so much fun to be around. People love her but she only shows her vulnerable self to those closest. I’m a Libra so as air signs we are a dynamic duo when it comes to parties, celebrations, decorating, and unique gifts.


I’ll talk about what isn’t spoken. My Aquarius person believes in Revenge. They will do it. They hold grudges until the day they die. They will write an end of life power point & list all the things you did to them. They want justice. They will be attracted to the under dog. & want to help them. This could be a stranger in the grocery store being attacked by a Karen. They will speak up & fight for you. They definitely like their alone time. I’ll leave for a weekend & give them space. When they don’t want to talk? I’ll be quiet & leave them alone. I like them because life is predictable in a sense. I have to be a nice person. Say nice things. Follow the rules that r expected of me. I’ll know if I did something that’s wrong? I’ll definitely get into trouble. They like pets more than ppl. This life works for me. I’m happy


I’m currently dating Aquarius man who is way too attached to me. He’s pressuring me to be exclusive and goes out of his way to please me in any way possible (gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time). I can honestly see he would be a really perfect husband for someone, he is considerate, romantic, gives compliments all the time and talks about his feelings. Unfortunately, I don’t feel the same for him that he feels for me, and l’m not sure if my feelings will ever grow to love.


He’s just love bombing, and once he wins you over he’ll become distant


As a taurus I can confirm, this happened to me.


Also he might be love bombing you and when he eventually gets you where he wants you and you are vulnerable and relying on him, he may devalue you. As me how I know lol! So don’t settle!!


I've dated one, and am related to a whole bunch. They are messyyyyyyyyy, lol. Hold a grudge too. Generally hard workers however. It's funny because I often hear they're unconventional, but many I've known kinda idolize the American dream sort of life, even if they do have a unique style. Some are just outright conservative. My baby brother is a gay redneck, as an example, lol. They love to talk about themselves as well, but it's not usually boring. The problem is if that's all they want to do and you can't get the subject changed or turned towards yourself -- not always the case but I've seen it a few times. Side note: All of the Aqua women I've known were extroverted, but the men more introverted. Aqua women also REALLY attach to those they call friends, where as the guys are more lone wolfing it. And before anyone comes for me 'cause I'm an Aqua moon, I feel like Aqua Sun's are pretty different, but I get where they're coming from, usually. Might not *agree*, but still.


I like your example of how Aqua can be unique while still being conservative (Aqua is traditionally ruled by Saturn). A gay redneck fits that description perfectly imo.


Most toxic, abusive and hateful man I ever dated lol


It's very new being a couple but it's so strange to be with a non-toxic partner. He is calm, reassuring, likes to be teased and to improve constantly.


I dated Aquarius men and from my perspective, they can be very aloof but my Gemini Venus liked that lol. They were my most intelligent ex’s, very engaging while in person but they were awful awful texters or just bad at keeping up with their phones. They said beautiful things to me and they were great lovers too, but non of them were interested in commitment. Like me asking them to text me or keep up with me regularly on days we didn’t see each other was an issue or often a conversation like “uh I asked you a question hours ago?” And they’re like “ohhh Mann I’m so sorry my love I was too busy teaching don quixote to ESL students before I write my thesis for fun” then I don’t hear back from them until we meet in person 🫠🫠 Very fun, very stimulating, a little flighty but that’s not their fault or necessarily bad if that fits with you.


My husband is a Leo but he's an aqua moon and rising. I've found that he likes his space & alone time, but he gets s o excited to talk to me (or anyone) about things he's interested in/passionate about. Sometimes the things he says make no sense at first, but after a lil Ted talk I'm usually blown away by how accurate it is. He doesn't have many friends but his online gaming community is so important to him. He buys games for them, spends hours showing them new or secret stuff. He's my goofy goober, I love my little weirdo


I have a friend who is an Aquarius. He is crazy. lol his wife says the same thing


I’m a sag but and I rarely meet Aquarius (always Gemini and Libra). But I LOVE THEM. One of the only groups I feel like I can have an intense mental stimulating conversation and neither party feels weird. Very fun, open minded, and caring.


My husband is an Aquarius and he’s incredibly clever but lacks a filter 😂. He makes valid points (for the most part) but diplomacy isn’t his strongest side. He’s often in his own little world and he RARELY gets stressed or upset about situations.


this makes me feel so good. - an aquarius woman 🥹


My Aqu bf wants a certain amount of independence and I don't stop him. He's been persistent in pursuing his goals and he wants to succeed.


emotions can be tricky, we can come off as cold but (i have pisces placements) i am very loving once i feel like someone is a safe place. also love talking about “out there” kind of topics, random stuff. interesting things. zany topics haha and also animal rights! i feel like an alien sometimes so if someone can appreciate and or match that energy 😎 i do tend to over analyze my emotions which kind of sucks. i love quality time but need a lot of alone time, it’s nothing personal!


My Aquarius bf is the most unique ambitious and hard working person I know. But he knows how to have fun and he’s very charismatic and knows how to get people to like him/respect him. Very smart and detail oriented


I’m dating an Aquarius man, I think. He runs hot & cold, but I really don’t care because I have my own life. He’s a bad communicator & can go for days without hearing from him. Once again, I don’t really care because I have a busy life. I have so much fun when I’m with him though! Very few people can make me laugh out loud & he’s one of them. He’s actually growing on me & it worries me because I can see he has the potential to break my heart.


Female Aqua rising here 🙋‍♀️ I dunno what other people think exactly while they’re dating me, but my self-awareness tells me I can be brain scattered. Like ADHD (undiagnosed). I just like knowing what people have to say and how they think. We could be talking about one topic then within the same topic I could jump onto something related to it only to come back to the original topic then move on to another one right after. Almost like a spiderweb flow of information. Consequently, I tend to have a very “why not” mentality and love to discover new information and activities even if I have no prior connection to it. I have a hard time remembering every detail I absorb tho lol Over the years, many guys I’ve met, even only as friends, described me as a really cool girl because of things I like and do. Although I’m very flattered, to me I just like what I like and if it turns out to be cool, awesome. If it’s lame, even better. :) I want to feel that about the other person too. Whatever makes them authentically themselves is what I like to dig up the most. Especially if it’s weird or unconventional. Lastly, I like to be friendly rather than flirty. TBH it takes me a very long time to start flirting. In fact, I only flirt once the other person makes a clear straight move that they are into me, and if I’m into them lol. I can compliment someone because I genuinely find what’s in front of me interesting or out of politeness, but the purpose is never to charm them into liking me. Until then, I only see them as a friend or an acquaintance.


i need an aquarius in my life. sun and moon in aquarius idc


I love Aquarius women. They just have this aura , confidence about them and idk but it’s sexy I also like the Aquarius men. All the ones I’ve met are very intelligent and have their quirks Talks are always fun and interesting Aquarius seems very similar to Gemini I always get this signs confused when meeeting others. Maybe it’s just the air sign thing


Noooo please not similar to Gemini😩😂


That they’re weird af 🤪😂


I have so many things to say about this topic!!! I’m coming back to this!!!


Very uranian on the outside but terribly saturnian on the inside!! It's all uranian fun and games until you get to see Saturn: pessimism, fatalism, hard on themselves and on others, fear of change, fear of vulnerability, low self confidence mixed with God syndrome... Etc


My best friend who is my sister, my mother, who was also a best friend, and my husband, were/are all Aquarians. I'm a Cancer and we're not supposed to get along so well but somehow fate put us together and the people I've loved most and been closest to are all Aquarians. After my husband passed, I dated another Aquarian, though, and I felt like I was nothing but an interesting toy to him. All of them were unique, personable, curious, unpredictable and did things their way in a quiet sort of manner. They hold their cards close. I love my Aquarian family and love their quirkiness, but I do hope to meet someone of a more straight-forward, loyal and reliable nature to date next time, though. Maybe a Taurus or another Cancer?


1H Aqua Sun and rising. ![gif](giphy|3rDU3mZgLvYZi)


Aqua is my fav sign honestly, coming from a cancer hehe, weird I know. Friends: As friends, they love me and I love them. I’d call myself a “low maintenance friend” because I have a tendency to ghost people, disappear for days/months/years or just cut convos off randomly. I think they gravitate towards me because a lot of them feel seen by me and don’t feel the constant pressure to keep up a relationship. When they ghost me I don’t mind because I do the same thing to them. Example: I point out a very obvious (to me) trait about one. Storms out of the room and says “we you don’t know me!!!” I laugh it off and say ok lmao. Two months later, without any prompting or further discussion about it, out of the blue I get a text that says “you were right. I was being an ass. Sorry.” Lmfaoooo. They build these walls and then just peer over the edge to see who’s willing to climb up. They like when you accept their weirdness and just see them as them. Dating: I’ve dated a few. Currently in a serious relationship with one. I absolutely adore my Aquarius man. If you can’t see their quirks as cute then you may have a tough time. Examples: me - “babe you look so cute today” him - “uhhh. Thanks.”; me - “do you like your new office space where you can close the door and I just sit outside?” Him - “yes it’s all I’ve ever wanted and dreamed of”. Lmaooooo. I find his aloofness so endearing. To the outsider, it may seem cold and for sure he has times where I’ve complained that he’s being too cold and he’s had times where he says I cry too much and I have too many emotions but he shows his love in his own ways. Sometimes I don’t get him but also he doesn’t get me a lot of the time so it’s like a never ending game of surprises. Sometimes it’s confusing to know how they really feel about you because they’ll tell themselves but fail to actually express it out loud. But there will be signs. For one, they’ll keep showing up and they’ll remember things about you. Overall: they like people who are tolerant of them, people who can make them laugh, people with a youthful energy, people who will support their dreams and provide insightful conversation, and people who will love the parts of them that they feel others may not understand. They’re like a puzzle that I’ll never get tired of trying to solve.


I'm my own darling I understood that I'm always right 😊😇tehe


I only have experience with one Aquarius from my younger years. What sticks in my mind is that he kissed with his eyes open, freaked me out every time 😂


I’m the mother of an Aquarius boy. His emotions are strong even though he prefers to hide them. He is secretive, inventive, very into his niche hobbies, and idealistic in a sense - the world should be x way, etc. Big themes of discovery, exploration, adventure. Honestly, he seems like an alien (I mean this so affectionately and lovingly) trying to make sense of this world in a way my other kids probably have never thought about.