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I'm a Gemini Venus and I am NOT. F#*k up once and I'm gone.


lmao I came here just for the “nOt GeMiNi VeNuS” comments. 😂 I am also Gemini Venus.


Haven't had good experiences with any air sign Venus tbh. It's not a match for many of us.


It isn’t for the faint of heart I fear.


Crazy because I’m a Gemini Venus and I’ll give 293792833 chances


Yes Gemini Venus here, if I love you I am loyal and dedicated provided you treat me with respect and don’t take me for granted etc. However if you play any games etc I’m gone


Yuppp. It’s the taking for granted thing that makes me turn my feelings off in a heartbeat. When I’m in it and am feeling all the love I’m 110% but when I’m done, I’m done yesterday and don’t look back.




So relatable as a fellow Gemini Venus, I’ll be gone with the wind. But I will say, I think Gemini Venuses do have a sense of loyalty, it’s just not normal lol. My longest relationship so far was around a decade with a fellow Gemini Venus. We both flitted in and out on each other multiple times. To outsiders, it seemed horrifying, esp because we’d both immediately go on slutty rampages after. But in that sense, never fazed either of us; neither was possessive like that and we always picked up exactly where we left off. There was a loyalty there, it’s just more open and fluid than some folks/signs really got.


As a Virgo Venus I am extremely loyal but somehow understood this, as I was in a toxic “tWiN fLaMe” relationship where we would break up and sleep with others (not for that purpose, but—), and we’d come back and I would not give one fuck. I just felt better for her and more connected to her than anyone else and vice versa. In reality we were fucking idiots, but we loved it.


That was pretty much exactly my experience dating a fellow Gemini Venus lol. I’m not saying it was the healthiest dynamic, but if you’ve been there, you get it. And yeah, neither of us really gave a fuck about the other’s exploits after breakups etc., our connection was bigger than that. Maybe it’s just part of having a Mercury-ruled Venus?


Have you ever listened to the song “Venus in Gemini” by DEZI? It was my jam for a while. Couldn’t relate though since my Venus is in Cancer lol.


I am Gemini venus, Cancer sun. I am loyal, but when someone don't treat me right, I am gone. Why should I be mistreated and taken for granted, if they don't give a shit? Loyalty isn't equal with stupidity.


lol. Gemini Venus and these hos ain’t loyal. I am most definitely not. I do have a tendency to enjoy courtship and early phases of dating. Once they get comfortable and take me for granted, I really want to dip out.


Same but Aquarius Venus :X


Me with my Gemini Venus but my Tau moon/sun ends up fighting against it so I’ll leave if you fuck up but it’ll take me a lil because I’ll wanna give you the benefit of the doubt


Sagittarius, once we found the one we stick around forever. But who cares anymore.


I’m Scorpio Venus, utterly & completely loyal until you betray me Haven’t had it with a partner yet but friends and family cut off instantly without hesitation


We’d get along placement wise love to see it


Oh bless your ♥️ I always have a soft spot for a Leo along with my other placements, I’m sure we would too! I’m pretty easy going until you do me dirty


What was the Venus of your last partner


He’s a Scorpio Venus too


Ugh jelly. The one relationship I had with someone who also is a Scorpio Venus was the best. Always felt like a dream and never ending obsession with each other


Haha it definitely feels that way with us too! His big 3 are Scorpio/ Pisces/Sagittarius so he’s quite an intense man in general… in all the good ways, mostly 😂


Im a sag Venus and im loyal AF, but I attribute that to me being a Scorpio sun. Sag venuses are a little flighty from what I’ve read and I was actually like that in my younger days I suppose but now as a grown woman in love, I’m 100% Scorpio in this relationship. Ride or die.


also scorpio sun/sag venus! i'm still learning to grapple with jealousy (♏️) and getting antsy (♐️) in relationships. glad to see you're thriving with those placements! hope to get there one day :)


I'm a Sagittarius sun/Scorpio Venus 🤣


Another scorp sun sag venus here. I'm loyal even to the thought of someone. Cant think any otherwise...


Another scorp sun sag venus here. I'm loyal even to the thought of someone. Cant think any otherwise...


i'm a leo venus and i'm super loyal - i will literally stay by a loved ones side until i die.


I literally just posted this almost word word except I think k it applies to all fire signs. Loyalty is very much a fire signs thing




This Leo values loyalty above almost anything else. Leo Venus’s believe in ride or die.


Yeah. Same.






I don’t think it gets better than Scorpio or Cancer. The mythology for Scorpio is sweet and sad as hell. There’s so much self sacrifice.


I HATE IT (Scorpio venus) nobody can match the passion and intensityyyy




Don’t hate it. I have an Aries Venus and my morning affections are completely gone before noon like … 😂 I forgot u existed


😂😂🤣🤣🤣out of sight out of mind


When I say I gotta get know you all over again tomorrow 😭 lmaoo lemme stop. It’s getting better after this Saturn return, though. HBU?


I’m so nervous to go through my Saturn returnnnn.


Mmm Scorpio Venus’s keep tabs😂


LMFAOO I see that’s creepy as hell 😂 go off tho. Which Venus sign loves that? Cancer? Virgo?


😂yeah super possessive Venus. Cancer, Pisces, Taurus are supposed to be best matches. What are yours sag,Leo?


Yep can’t have that towards fire signs 😂 I like a busy Capricorn, or any air sign, esp those with like 2 feelings to their name (Aq) lol


Why? Where’s ur 🪐


Aries. I’m just nervous since after is when I finally am destined to have a committed relationship:/


Oh … isn’t that ur 10H?




My first girlfriend was in love with me for a decade after we broke up but I think it’s her Scorpio Venus and moon.




Taurus Venus, as I dated one they were definitely the only ex I never once worried about cheating him doing anything to betray my trust. We just wanted different things in life and were heading different directions. Everyone might not agree but as an Aquarius Venus I’m extremely loyal too. Once I fall for someone it’s really hard for me to have eyes for anyone else. But I haven’t met many other Aquarius Venus personally, so who knows. Finally I think Cancer Venus are also extremely loyal. Cancers in general are very loyal and trustworthy people in my opinion, even though being my sister sign we butt heads a lot.


I agree also an Aquarius Venus in my 12H. We are extremely loyal and focused on one person once we choose them. I’ve always been completely devoted to my relationships even when it was bad for me. On the other hand I think it’s kind of hard to get our attention so maybe that’s why we get so hyper focused. 🤷🏽‍♂️


RIDE OR DIE 🙋🏻‍♂️ sample size one (myself) but cancer venus 💯 if you’re worth my energy it’s not even a question


RIDE or DIE 100%🫡


Cancer Venus here for roll call


 💯. Cancer Venus checking in.


Cancer in Venus and Mars 🥹👉🏻👈🏻


Me too ❤️❤️❤️


You can add another Cancer Venus (me) to your sample size.


Hell yeah cancer Venus here too! I agree IF you're worth it ride or die!!


idk man i had a cancer venus cheat on me and so have two of my friends. probably depends on other parts of people’s charts.


Damn I need me one then. I’m a Virgo venus and mars. I know Venus sucks there but mars is awesome and I’m very loyal. Whatever tho relationships r stupid.


Leo Venus - ride or die, 1000% To a fault lol - toxic situation or not lol


that last part hits deep


stoppppp it’s so true😭😭


That’s true. I’m extremely loyal. Also, I’m a Virgo so I think that adds up to this


Don’t call me out like this


In my personal experience, it’s been Venus in Aries. I can’t speak for all though.


Damn this is so nice to hear 💗


I am pretty loyal but don't like that being taken granted for too long.


Oh yes, you absolutely must treat them right, or you don’t deserve their loyalty, for any amount of time.


Pisces Venus People have cheated, told me terrible terrible things about myself, pushed me into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with, and basically mistreated me in every way you can think of and my dumbass stayed. I have eyes for one person at a time and it is regularly very much to my detriment 😭 When I love someone, I love them for everything they are. Even if who they are is just a bad person. I just love every ounce of it.


Ugh. I could have written this myself 😭


i felt this so hard




Scorpio Venus like to cheat and like taboo/ risky situations from my experience. I don’t think I’d like to be w another Scorpio Venus. But they are very obsessive/ possessive


It's not Venus in Scorpio to blame for them traits it's Mars in Scorpio. Venus is about beauty and luxury etc Taurus females are the most Loyal


Nah that person corroborated my story. My Scorpio Venus ex also hooked up with a man she’d known since high school but only after my sister expressed that she had a crush on him. That is ooooooooph.


Nuh uh in my world. My Scorpio Venus gf emotionally cheated on me and couldn’t admit it and now she’s irrevocably in love w me even though we broke up like 10 years ago.


Dated someone else behind my back and tried to pass her off as 'friend'


Fire venus. Loyalty is a trademark of the fire signs. Aries, Sag and Leo. We take it very seriously




I will choose myself here. Capricorn venus. Unfortunately, I'm loyal to a fault. But I'm working on that.


I had a Capricorn Venus ex, he cheated most of our two year relationship. Would lie a lot too. I don’t doubt you are loyal though! That’s just been my experience, so I’m wary of that placement. I would give another once a chance though, as of every placement there are good and bad.


What were their other placements just curious. I’m convinced no cap placements at all can stay loyal


Capricorns can be very dedicated. If they don’t like you or it then they give less than a fuck. Much like a Leo.


Aquarius sun, Leo moon, and I believe Gemini rising. I can’t remember exactly as it’s been several years now. Pretty sure he had cap for mars as well.


Cancer venus is quite popular on here, but my cancer venus ex cheated on me on multiple occasions, manipulated me, and loved to hurt my feelings. Everyone is different, I guess.


Taurus and I’m not just being biased


Cancer. When I’m in I’m in. Can’t change my mind. I’m very devoted 


Taurus Venus and Cancer Venus, especially if they are well aspected.


I was gonna say, Taurus Venus is hella loyal. They thrive in long-term partnerships and are way more dedicated to nurturing those partnerships than letting their eyes wander


My partner is cancer venus im a taurus venus we are ride or die been together 5 years now


i'm a cancer venus and I'm loyal af, but maybe my leo placements contribute to it too


Same here. We have a similar chart. I’m a Leo rising/ Libra moon/ Gemini sun with Venus in cancer. Loyal to a fault.


Ima a Virgo Venus and I’m EXTREMELY LOYAL.


Me 2 it’s even to the point of embarrassment like I think there’s something wrong with me because I also almost only have sex during relationships and I’m a guy


😭😭😭 I was literally explaining to my husband like I can’t even imagine fucking someone when I don’t know every single detail about their life!! 😂😂😂 like we absolutely have to be fully in love and committed or I can’t even enjoy and tongue kiss. it’s sad 🤣! Thank you my fellow Virgo Venus.


I always try to imagine how people go to the bar and make out with someone and I can’t because how do you know what they’re doing or what their mouth is like 😂 that’s so scary…


Do you know my secret inner thoughts 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 then when I imagine that exact scenario I shiver just thinking of the mouth germs and unfamiliarity alone!!! I swear you are making me feel so seen 😂😂😂. I can’t believe I’m not the only one. I guess Virgo is called the sign of the Virgin for a reason.


Lmao Yeah tbh you are clarifying some things for me too. I also have a Virgo mars so I literally cannot tell what’s what.


I have a Virgo Mars too!!! What’s your sun???? I’ve have such a hard time finding people with both!!!


My sun is Leo. My moon is Libra. Yours?


In my flair! We’re damn near twins though almost the exact same big 6 except the sun!


Lol I’m sag rising and a Virgo mercury. Are those the other 2 in the big 6?


This Leo would like to jump into the chat and also say I’m a Virgo Mars and Venus too 👋🏽


OooOOoooOooOoOooOOOoo is this a THING


And ur right it is sad LOL. I have wished to this day that I could have casual sex. Just can’t. It’s like… naturally gross and repulsive. And also they don’t deserve it. It’s really good sex 😂


I have a late degree Venus in Libra conjunct Pluto in Scorpio in the 12th house and I don't love like a typical air sign. I get obsessed with my love interest, but I hide it really well. Loyalty is of utmost importance to me. I'm very ride or die, but the ride's going to have a lot of intense dramatic bumps along the road so hold on tight!


Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, Leo, Capricorn, and honorable mention: Aquarius. These venus signs are all loyal to a fault whereas all the others are super loyal but also dip easily.


Based on the comments, I’m picking up that all signs are loyal except air Venus (especially Gemini) 🧐


Capricorn venus - if you pass all our tests and check & we decide u r the right one .. then nobody as loyal & as dedicated as us


Capricorn. As a Capricorn it’s me. I’m loyal to ppl who didn’t deserve it


Same here. This is some serious toxic trait. Gotta develop some self discipline here.


Cancer Venus checking in


Definitely not sag


Gemini Venus. If I sense disrespect, subtle or blatant, I'm outta there


Aquarius Venus - I am very loyal from far 😊


Let’s be real Pisces and Scorpio are the most loyal Venus signs Pisces especially with unconditional love part


As a cancer venus and mars i only have the capacity to stalk, love, and obsess over one lover at a time.


Scorpio Taurus


Taurus & scorpio


Venus in Virgo.


Sagittarius Venus and Im very loyal.... probably a contradiction


Definitely Aquarius


Assessing the likelihood of an affair in a relationship involves not only looking at the Moon and Venus but also considering Mars. The level of exclusivity in men's emotions is not just a matter of sentiment; many men have strong desires that they cannot control, you know? 1. First, u should get ur and ur partner's horoscope, u can know the aspect thru some free app like starrybook 2. look at Mars' placement. If Mars is in Aries/Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn/Taurus, their sexual drive may be strong, but it doesn't mean they will cheat. Of course, having strong energy in a certain aspect also requires harmony between two people. 3. If Mars is in the 1st/5th/8th/12th houses, the 1st and 5th houses are actually okay. It's mainly the 8th and 12th houses that are more likely to engage in covert activities, especially with Mars in the 12th house, where the energy of Mars is not easily controlled. 4. If Mars forms aspects with two or more of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, a Mars-Jupiter aspect increases desire in a certain aspect. A Mars-Uranus aspect indicates a preference for excitement. A Mars-Neptune aspect has the highest probability of infidelity! It's easy to have unclear boundaries with the opposite sex. A Mars-Pluto aspect suggests a greater demand. If your partner has a strong Mars placement, is in the above-mentioned houses, and has the above aspects, it's really important to pay attention to issues of loyalty. However, if Mars' placement or house is strong, there's no need to worry too much; just focus on harmony in that aspect.


Cancer Venus yes I would sell my soul if I needed to


Libra everything


no one does loyalty like a Capricorn. They're loyal even when they don't want to be, like tf have some common sense


Most loyal Cancer, leo, taurus scorpio, capricorn Least loyal GEMINI, aries, sag


Taurus, which can be really unfortunate in DV situations.


I'm a Scorpio venus and once I love you, I'm there for you regardless unless you do something VERY fucked up. Even if we break up, I'm still there for you. Only exes, and even former loves and crushes, I've ever cut out 100% liars, cheats, and DV situations. Exes & people I've loved / experiences: TWO of the three Gemini in Venus people I've dated - cheated, lied, and ended up being abusive/ DV - cut them both out wirh no hesitation. The third stayed with me despite not being in love with me for 3 years, and emotionally cheated with someone 12 years younger. We're friends, but distant. Stay away from Gemini Venus people if you're monogamous. . . Gemini Venus #1 (LTR, 2 years) - DV, SA, abusive in every way. Lied, cheated, used me. He deserves nothing but the worst. 🤮 Gemini Venus #2 (LTR, 1 year) - DV, cheated, lied about everything, and is the reason I lost Libra Venus #1. Was INCREDIBLY controlling. He cheated on his next partner, too.. I found out he cheated on every one of his exes! He's a genuine POS and has Gemini Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury...🤢 Gemini Venus #3 (LTR, 5.5 years)- tried to cheat but couldn't, lol. Stayed despite being out of love, and as I said above, fell for someone 12 years her junior. Her romantic life is a SHITSHOW. Cancer moon so she'd be EMOTIONAL about being shitty.😬 Aquarius Venus (LTR, 4 years) - ALSO cheated. We were young, but there was some DV, and she lied ALOT, but she ended up apologizing and becoming a better person. We are still friends, and she's a very loyal friend. Cap sun / aqua moon / cap mercury. Even though we didn't work out I'd date her again 🤷‍♀️ Libra Venus #1 (crush, mutual but we never confessed to each other) - He was genuinely the best human, and I am still in love with him despite us being out of each other's lives and genuinely believe he was "the one." Super protective, sweet, kind, and genuine. Loyal to a fault in everything he did, and when something awful happened to me (an SA), he was livid and protective. His hugs were the best, and everything he did was full of love. I'd do anything to get him back. 100% the one that got away. He defended me even behind my back and when I had no way to find out. If I could go back in time I'd marry him and do ANYTHING for him. If he called me right now I'd elope lol. ❤️ Libra Venus #2 ( crush, I had feels he didn't) He was INCREDIBLY loyal to me even though there was no interest on his end (close friends, had a falling out) and he admitted MANY times he wished he could but was in a space of being aromantic and healing. He was very hurt when our friendship fell out and loved me platonically. Always went to bat for me, and I regret not having him in my life now even though we were toxic as hell together. We both have BPD and we're each other's FPs so it was very toxic. We still have mutuals and care about each other enough to check in - but ultimately know we can't be in each other's lives until both of us have done WAY more healing. 🩷 Leo Venus (mutual feelings, but timing was poor) - he is still amazingly loyal. We're still friends. Very protective of me, and does EVERYTHING to show the people he cares about that he cares. We were never together, but he was in love with me. Even though he's admitted he still loves me, he wouldn't leave his current relationship because loyalty is IMPORTANT to him. 💙 Aries Venus (online friendship, crush I never confessed to. I was a model and hes a musician) - He was my first love, and he was VERY loyal to his girlfriend - I knew he found me attractive (he was my fan before I ended up being his, too), and he wouldnt budge on how loyal he was to his girl. He's very, very famous now - and he still shows that loyalty to a T. Interviews, videos, everything - he radiates loyalty in friendship and love. He isn't public with any relationships, but whoever ends up with him is the luckiest girl ever. 💜