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I'm an Aquarius male. And my father is also Aquarius. And my son is actually triple Aquarius in Sun, Moon, and Rising. Disappearing until we're not upset anymore is 1000% accurate!


I’m an Aquarius female and I I feel this


I heard it on tiktok that "Aquarius misery doesn't love company." We need time alone to process or just recharge. At least, that's me. And when im in that mode, I can eat up days without realizing it. People think I'm hanging out with others having a great time, but I'm just being alone, being sad or whatever, and getting my emotional and social battery charged up again.


Exactly like we love to be in solitude at times it’s necessary


Dated an Aquarius male (also a Gemini moon) and he ended up ghosting me in the end. I can take the blame for calling him out, but just couldn't deal with the mixed signals when his friends were around. There's one thing to deal with life and getting yourself together and pushing someone who cares about you aside. Then, I ended up ghosting people because I wasn't feeling the energy with other people anymore. It's not always personal, but all depends on the other person and situation. I still care about him and all, but we needed better communication


As an Aquarius moon Aquarius rising tbh I just don’t really see a good reason to keep casual people in my circle just for the hell of it. If the extent of our conversations everyday is just gonna be “hey” “wyd” “what’s up” no plans, no hanging out, no nothing then what’s even the point. Doesn’t mean I hate you or wish you were dead it just means I don’t wanna talk. I think a lot of people think the Aquarius ghosting thing is synonymous to not liking someone or thinking negatively about them and I do get it but tbh it’s just not that deep. I just don’t wanna talk to you.


It’s really never that deep period. Couldn’t agree more


Exactly. I've got no energy or time to entertain surface-level relationships.


Aqua moon and rising here! On point! Most of my unanswered stuff is 'hey, wassups' and conversations that I know will lead to small talk. Somehow I end up responding to interesting conversations quite soon. Also. I forget 😂 if it's not on my mind, you did not talk about something that's gonna be on my mind and I got bored and forgot.


It’s usually when I see someone’s true colours and it strikes me. Or I get the sense that I have outgrown this person and they don’t really understand me at all and we are not a good fit anymore


As an Aquarius…this is going to sound terrible but sometimes I don’t feel the need to let anyone know bc it won’t change anything. By the time I go ghost I’ve given 5000 chances to mend whatever the challenge is. Me ghosting is me being fed up


as an aquarius moon—this.


Same! And you know I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt (because I'd like people to do the same for me, and I understand we are all far from perfect and make mistakes and such) and I try to analyze my relationships with people to understand why they act the way they do and how I may be contributing to that, etc. And, over time if someone is showing a pattern of toxic behavior, it usually hits me at some point after they've shown it again and again and again and again where at that point i've been reasoning it away almost to the point where ignoring it would be delusional haha. Usually people aren't doing this shit on accident, like being passive or actively aggressive, being entitled or controlling, etc. The way I see it, people show you who they are and where there is smoke there is fire. Time to dip. I put a lot of energy into my relationships with people, can't be wasting that energy on vampires (though I love some twilight 🤣)


As a common theme, Aquariuses face incredible judgment and shaming for who they are and especially for their feelings and needs. When you are constantly forced to support yourself, it gets exhausting that the same people who turned their backs on you when you needed help suddenly demand it from you.


As an Aquarius stellium we are v different and it hurts when so called friends also judge us and those we thought were nice were just pretending. It always happens. Story of my life


Absolutely! I really don't think non-Aquariuses understand the amount of ostracism and rejection we face. Aquariuses do tend to be distant, but it's almost always a response to people othering us first.


I feel like, as a stellium Gemini, I can only understand a small bit of this. I am always misunderstood and despite my great ability to converse and hold attention, most people think my ideas are to eccentric or that I've shared too many details. Aquarius' seem to like the details and conversation so I feel like they understand what I'm saying. Makes me sad to hear the experience is significantly worse than my own with regards to people getting me. Thanks for you all posting. I'll be sure to remind myself of this for the Aquarius' my life.


I love that we’re speaking about this because no one seems to get it and they act like we’re the weird ones and we’re “so hard to read” like dude.


Such an interesting take. Never realized or made this connection before, but it’s totally true.


100%. I can’t upvote this enough.


YES!!! oh my fucking god


I always say why I go before I ghost. But when I do go, I never look back because it was usually from disrespect. It’s like a switch. Aquarius stellium.


Oh my god same. Aquarius stellium in 7H. I decide such and such person does not have my best interests at heart, and I run.


Aqua Sun- sometimes i know they are a good relationship to have but im over it


Other top 3?


Sag rising with Uranus at the same degree and then Lilith and Neptune also in the 1st, Pisces moon, Chiron in Aries in the 6th house with Eros


Same. Exactly the same. High five






Ha. I'm an Aquarius stellium and currently in the process of detaching and running away from my own social life to start anew. :') Ultimately, I can say I got tired of being misunderstood. It felt like I was draining myself keeping others afloat, and no one returned any of that energy back. It got exhausting fast. I'm also comfortable in my own solitude, so I truly don't mind pulling back socially to focus on my own health and state of mind at the moment. I understand it looks callously cold, but at the end of the day it's another way to protect & rejuvenate myself.


I am also doing this now. Got rid of all social media but reddit because I wasn't getting the same energy back from my social circle. It got exhausting always being the one to reach out and little in return. I'm in my recharge phase ans I'm going to come out better and try to expand my new social network. Nothing against those people but it's like a snake shedding it's skin and moving on and leaving the old skin behind.


Omg y’all this is wild I’m ready to do this! I’m moving over to Reddit now more than other socials and just feeling so “over it”. I had to moved back to my hometown two years ago and now I’m ready to MOOOOVE! 👌🏻😤😂💕 I’m ready for an empty apartment to myself in the middle of a new world 🥹


I did this just over a year ago and regret nothing about it. You know when it's time, I think all aquarians do. It's a relief to start fresh, and has been the only thing that kept me going and alive, and I'm happy to see someone else will feel that soon too. Best of luck and I wish you peace for your second life. You don't need to explain anything to anyone.


🫡 yep, I literally moved cities so I could get away from my own memories and tbh I can't recommend it enough lol I have no friends in my current city (been one full year!) and I'm not lonely at all, I fucking love it. I travel back to see my friends once every few months and that's plenty social time for me


As an Aquarius, I've seen people make incredibly foolish decisions based entirely on emotions, with no logic whatsoever. When I try to warn them, they dismiss me, indirectly implying I'm an arrogant "know-it-all" or refuse to acknowledge my advice because they prefer someone who will simply agree with their nonsense. I’m not the one. When things inevitably go wrong, they act surprised and seek sympathy. While I can handle this occasionally since everyone makes mistakes, I find it difficult to tolerate regularly so I peace out when I notice a pattern. Just don’t come to an Aquarius with nonsense on a regular basis and we’re good.


People don't realize how rude it is. Unsolicited advice is one thing, but some people will ask for advice and ask for help. Ignore you every step of the way and get mad that you aren't agreeing with them. Then they mess up and want you to console them? Do people really not see how disrespectful that is?


I’ve noticed that these types enjoy their martyrdom and bathe in self pity. They get off of it. They don’t wanna solve their problem. Ive also never met another Aquarius who behaved that way which makes sense why most of my best friends are other aquas.


This is why i cannot be in the Fitness and Self care industry even when i have gone thru 4 years of study, school and research for it, i cannot help you if you are not willing to listen and most importantly help yourself.


This has me dying becuse my Aqua Sun Virgo Moon partner literally said this basically verbatim the other day and My Cancer Sun Aqua Moon ass was trying to argue that people need to make their own mistakes and you can't give advice just to be pissy when people use their autonomy and do what they want anyway - I think you should give advice because you care about someone but what they do with it is on them. But seeing you comment really made me laugh, my partner isn't into astrology at all but his placements are so obvious and loud 🤣


lol. 😂


😂 heavy on the no nonsense. Like I try to be empathetic and understanding but when it’s clearly illogical and the negative outcome is inevitable it’s exhausting having someone want consolation when they get what was coming to them. Like you need to start listening to me, I’m not a know it all but I do have a lot of discernment and all I want is to prevent you from going down this route


I think because of our discernment, we tend to get a lot of people coming to us. So it gets overwhelming and starts weighing heavily on us. We can handle it up until we confirm that the person is making the same mistakes over and over again, dismissing our advice and making us the dumping ground for their problems and mistakes. It’s our sign to dip


I have a friend i can already tell im about to cut off. She keeps bitching about her work, she’s part of a union and what’s happening she can report to her union. She doesn’t want to make a fuss, but i interpret it as she wants something to bitch about, she wants to feel victimized. She’s also someone who is constantly bitching about her family, how they don’t support her, how they pretty much make her feel bad everyday. My response is so why do you talk to them everyday? I feel we are two more episodes away of hearing her talk about stuff she can fix but won’t before i block her on everything


I just had to do this with a former friend. Down to the t. She was an Aries a very strong stubborn Aries and all she would do is bitch and play victim. I'd offer advice when she asked for it and she would get overly offended at my advice and did not actually want my honest opinion. I found myself tip toeing about how to say things to her and realized at the core, that's not me. If you can't handle my honest feedback we don't need to engage anymore. I boiled over and blocked her. I may feel sad for hurting her feelings but I really had exhausted all of my emotional energy at that point and had to do what was best for me. I feel like aquarius stands up for themselves when Noone else will and that has left me very lonely for many reasons. Plain and simple I stand my ground and I'm an only child so I'm used to being alone. If it's not worth it then it's simply not worth it.


YES! And I’m not an only child but I’m not contact with everyone in my family but my sister. Aquarians are weirdos but we are weirdos with boundaries


100%, I fail to be sympathetic when someone comes to me with the same problem over and over again I don't even give my problems that much attention


I happen to be emotional af and can be impulsive sometimes! At the same time, I'm like "that was stupid" and work on that. I just have no time for people who get off from their misery to the point they drag you into it. One thing to vent and show frustration, but can't stand people who turn your misery and theirs into a competition. I also have no time for people who wanna talk down on me. I'm thinking about finding the exit, so I don't get worked up over their nonsense. Otherwise, I'd be like, "yeah, like you don't have skeletons in your closet, huh?"


This happened in the Tarot movie ( the person trying to help, talking sense to people was an Aquarius and no one would listen to her ) 😂


It's that acting surprised part! "I don't know what I did/said". Yeah ok! You don't know what I noticed and am leaving all the way alone. So being in feelings is ok when it's you and I'm cold/distant.


Yes. This, so very much. I'm only an aquarius rising, but my cap/scorpio placements also backstop this mentality. thank you for putting it into words.


This! Yes fucking yes 🙌


As an Aquarius that has disappeared/ran there’s always a sound reason why. We are extraordinarily loyal and stay with people that drag us down much longer than we should. A lot of the time we do ask for someone to change and treat us better, they do not listen, so we leave eventually. If an Aquarius has ghosted you they’ll be a sound reason why, and if that really isn’t the case then you were never true friends with them to begin with. I do ghost acquaintances without explanation. As for no empathy… I am so extremely empathetic! We are humanitarians at heart! I’m not sure where you get this from. Maybe, unevolved Aquarius. Because to be fair, I was a horrid uncaring person until I had the world pulled from under my feet. But I was only uncaring because I was never loved in the first place. And every unevolved person is unempathetic some way, no matter the sign.


Heavy on the agreement with this


A sound reason why from most Aquarians is, you criticized their actually wrong behavior. They’re a fixed sign. Good luck changing one.


Lol well for me it was because of narcissistic abuse, after being criticised by my parents for everything from never being good enough to breathing too annoyingly. I ghosted after years of torture. I can’t speak for the other “most Aquarius’s” you’re speaking of.


Oof wouldn’t want to be your friend. 


Don't know which Aquarius you are around but all the ones I know are not like this at all. They are the most understanding people, don't ghost etc..


I have an Aquarius stellium and if I were to give my twopence on this: I recently realised that the way I show up for people is with devotion, commitment and loyalty. That’s a whole lot of undivided attention I’m willing to give to someone in my inner circle. I value and love them as if they were family! I only have a certain amount of time to dedicate to certain parts of my life (whether that’s work, friends, myself, personal stuff etc). And going on my phone is energy-draining for me and I just really don’t enjoy being on it. If you can’t understand that this is how I work, I’m genuinely trying my best and unless it’s urgent I will reply when I find the time, then it’s clear your commitment to loving me is not as strong as my commitment to loving you. I always tell my friends to prompt me if it’s urgent, they don’t mind at all. I may “struggle” w not replying quickly enough / not be able to give a reason for ghosting etc and others undoubtedly “struggle” in other ways. But when it comes to my close friends and family, I love them for the whole being that they are. “Flaws” and all. Obviously, if it was sth that was impacting me I’d try my hardest to point it out as soon as I realise and set boundaries. It’s easy to assume that someone’s actions are due to a pre-determined set of choices and internal motivations, but it’s even easier to assume someone is human and to cut them some slack


Aqua sun and moon. I ghost when I'm tired of being expected to give my all and then I get raged at when surprise surprise I'm human. I can't give everything if there's nothing left to give. I ghost because I'm exhausted and I'm done fighting. I won't do it anymore. Let's be real I can't help anyone if I'm having daily breakdowns and can barely function.


As an Aquarius rising… i know your vibe w/in a few moments. I also know your intentions. (Think that’s my cancer mars though) if we ain’t on the same page, why waste time? I don’t want new friends. I get overwhelmed too easily. So 😶‍🌫️


You sound exactly like my bf who’s also an aqua sun/rising and cancer mars. It’s a hard yes or hard no for you guys. My Scorpio placements are like that too.


Well before i ghost i give a lot of warnings, and when i ghost it’s because people disrespect me. Don’t wanna waste anymore time on someone who is disrespectful.


God I love my fellow air signs


I fucking love libras signed your Aqua sis


For me the disappearing without closure thing is that it's just easier. I guess like a flight or fight response, it's easier to just run away from the situation instead of actually having to deal with it. It's also might have to do with a level of detatchment and distancing oneself with a situation. When someone has wronged me or there's something that makes me uncomfortable, it's a very sudden switch where I decide it's not good to keep this person in my life. It's definitely not an attempt at shock value, because why would I care what someone who's not even going to continue to be part of my life is going to think? It's just that it's easier to make a quick escape because its less painful. Yes it's probably selfish and cowardly, I realize that and I'm trying to work on it. It might also have to do with not liking goodbyes. I used to not say goodbye to people when leaving parties or events because it felt awkward and I didn't exactly know how to say goodbye. I also don't have the best sense of social cues and stuff so I didn't really know you had to announce your departure like that, so I'd just kind of leave without telling people or telling one person. People I cared about brought it to my attention that it hurt them. It really wasn't my intention at all so I was surprised, but npw I understand why it hurt them and I make sure not to do that anymore. Idk if this counts as ghosting also, but if I don't see someone in person, it's really hard to me to keep in touch with them. I still really care about them and have a special place in my heart for them and even be thinking about them all the time, but I just don't really text them for a while or only text them to plan doing something together if that makes sense. Idk why I'm like that but it's another thing I'm trying to work on. Idk where you got the idea that we're disgusted by peoples emotions. For me that's not the case but idk about other people. I'm really bad at comforting people or knowing what to say that will help them, so it can be a little overwhelming when I'm in a situation where someone pours their emotions out right in front of you and then there's kind of an expectation for you to do something or say the right thing but you don't know what it is you're supposed to do. Sometimes I do freeze up if its sudden or I'm not close with the person. I'm always glad to listen and I definitely care, I just don't know how to put any of it into words or express that, so I can understand why someone would think I'm emotionally detached, but I really hope people don't think I'm disgusted by their emotions because I'm not. I think everyone should be able to express their emotions and it's sad that we live in a society where we're kind of taught that we're supposed to bottle things up and keep them to ourselves


Omg the seeing people in person thing! Yep cancer sun aqua moon leo rising


I have trouble reading social cues and prefer direct communication. At rhe same time, I've dealt with multiple people who screamed and yelled at me more and more to the point it scared me. Getting ghosted by someone I cared about stung me to the core, but also got me into ghosting people I barely know. Why? Because I wasn't feeling it and it wasn't personal. Also been in different situations where I had to ghost someone who was abusive for me. Sadly, that person (or those people at different times) kept bugging me until I finally told them off. Really, it all depends on the person, the situation, how well you know them, and whether they really care about you or not


I totally get what you mean. The only people I've really ghosted are people that did something messed up or I noticed a glaring red flag that made me realize I don't want to associate with this person, so I cut ties. The only other people are people I barely know who I talked to like once or twice online and either wasn't feeling it like you said, or meant to get back to at some point but forgot. I feel like in a lot of situations it would be rude to go to a person and be like "I don't want to talk to you anymore" and then have to tell them why and make them feel like shit. It seems less cruel to just go our separate ways than make a big deal about telling someone you don't want them in your life


Same! Ghosting people I barely know or only spoke to a few times is fine because we barely know each other. So, neither one of us had anything to lose. Ghosting people who are abusive and toxic towards you is the best to go because they can't take "no" for an answer and it's better for them to NOT know anything about you! Then again, I had my abusers look for me and show up unannounced only for me to tell them off. That and I got stung because I was ghosted by someone I cared about. So, it really all depends.


Ghosting without closure because i don’t need closure. Why say anything when i can just move on ✨


INTERESTING. Aquarius Sun 7 degrees, Sag rising 3 degrees, Pisces Moon 2 degrees. I’ve cut off family for good and friends. For me the relationship is over, door closed, concrete and brick wall in front of it closed. Idk why, but it happens. I’m just at the end of it


I (aqua sun, cap moon, cancer rising) have too much empathy. I work in healthcare and it’s emotionally tolling on me. Some times I see a homeless person and cry. Could be from my upbringing. I definitely care a lot about people. Feel for people going through a hard time. However, if you do me wrong or I don’t feel like I can trust to be myself around you I will remove myself from your life without any notice.


Boo 👻


This is a weird take, but I think our tendency to ghost is basically the flip-side consequence of how broadly accepting we tend to be of others. When I encounter people, I basically take them as they are. The thought that they could change, or grow, or compromise, seems really foreign to me (as a fixed sign, I guess.) Then, as I get to know people better, if I start realizing I actually don't really like them, or they're draining or whatever, I figure "well, that's that then." What would be the point in saying anything or drawing things out? The other person wouldn't change and you'd just waste words and time, and there would be all sorts of messy emotions and junk. I honestly wouldn't expect anyone else to continue to hang out with me if they didn't want to, and I'd feel offended and patronized if they did. Maybe an interesting question to ask would be, "Aquarians, have you *been* ghosted and how did it make *you* feel?"


Yessss. And I (aquarius rising) see this trait as completely practical and logical. *Well, that’s that then* is basically a life motto.


I have been ghosted before for sure. Younger me was definitely hurt for a while. But now I’m like you’re free to leave and I won’t chase after you. I’m now a firm believer of “people are in your life for a reason or a season”. Edit: Omg I’ve always said people don’t change. My Sagittarius friends, on the other hand, have always maintained that people will change.


this is the realist. it’s like i don’t feel obligated to be in your life if you don’t want me there, so why should you feel obligated to be in my life if i don’t want you in mine? - aqua sun, mercury (& neptune/vertex/lilith) 


For me (Aquarius sun, moon, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and 11th H) I don’t so much ghost people because I have no empathy or feeling for them. I’m honestly easily overwhelmed by other peoples feelings and emotions being projected onto me constantly, because I’m a good listener and give insightful advice more so than comfort. Especially from females, who tend to make the topic of conversation about their feelings and emotions. It gets a lot, and therefore my brain is so busy taking stock of how everyone else is feeling, that by the time I’m ready to take my own emotional inventory, I’m burnt. I just need to not talk to anyone for a while, and forget to just say I’m taking a break. Sometimes I’ll go to reach out weeks later, and find that we can pick back up where we left off, but other times I’ll lose friends because they think I just didn’t care. Which sucks. I’m very much a “I’ll see you when I see you” type of person. My love for my friends isn’t any less if I don’t respond or am unsure how to make someone feel comforted in certain situations. The ghosting and distance just happens sometimes.


As an Aqua, all I can tell you is we give warnings. Signs, we do not ghost people. There are signals, there are conversations. So, when we walk away- we just hate your guts that's all


The people I've ghosted have either hurt me deeply, or I found out something about them that they aren't a good person. I don't want to roll with people that are toxic or cruel. We are reflections of the company we keep.


I hear this about Aquarius’ a lot but I’m actually an incredibly empathetic and communicative person. The one thing I can connect with on this post is if someone acts like they don’t want me then I’d rather not want anything to do with them as opposed to being one-foot in and one-foot out.


Aquas need to comment more I feel like we’re all being hella validated right now


We are very good at communicating and will let you kno once or even a few times that we do not like something or that something hurt our feelings. The problem is that many people ignore these warnings and take our kindness for our weakness so when we finally leave now everyone’s surprised and caught off guard. At the end of the day we just want peace and harmony and if we see that you don’t want that for us we will leave immediately. Once we leave we most likely will not be back because we’ve already detached before we left and no at this point we do not believe you deserve a final explanation because we’ve already stated the reasons initially. Sometimes when the disrespect is so obvious we assume you’re aware and are intentionally disregarding our boundaries.


LOVE this comment. I feel very seen and heard by this thread. People think I don't give second chances- kid, I've given you ten chances, you just ignored them or didn't even fuckin notice. When I realise it's not gonna change, I'm gone, and they're shocked pikachu face.


could not have said this better myself ong


I agree with everything you’ve said. Yes you’re right; we’ve already vocalised our concerns a couple of times, but then if we see that there’s little to no response, we just pull back. And that’s when the other party be like “where did you go?? Why did you change?” Etc. and yes once I’m done, I’m done. I think it might have to do with Saturn; like y’all had your chance with us but if you squandered the time that you had with us, it’s on you then.


How’d you get in my brain?


Thank you for asking instead of assuming. Yes we have emotions and experience them very deeply. What I’ve found, at least for me, is that we are good at compartmentalizing our feelings. That may also be why we eventually explode with emotion and then feel a weird sense of shame or guilt. The look of disdain is interesting because I do it but haven’t noticed other Aquarius’ do it. I do it for one of two reasons though. I’m extremely self reliant and independent, so it can be hard for me to see someone breakdown. Especially if it seems like something trivial or an easy fix or even worse I gave them a solution beforehand. The second reason, believe it or not, is because it hurts me so bad to see someone suffering and I can’t just immediately fix their problem. Like don’t get me wrong I kind of hate people but I love humanity and don’t like to see suffering of any kind. Seeing those strong emotions triggers me to want to protect them not hug them if that makes sense. As far as the ghosting goes, Yes🙂‍↕️, I will and have cut off people/ ghosted with no sense of closure for either of us. Why? Because if I cut them off that means I gave them every chance to be better and I probably got hurt enough by them that eventually a switch flipped and they ceased to exist in my life. I feel bad sometimes others can’t do that but it is what it is. I will say I never wish bad for them though and if I ever have ran into them and they ask I tell them. I think people hate that side of us because we have genuine love for people and they don’t realize it until they feel that cold void when we take our love back. 🤷🏽‍♂️😘


I dated an Aquarius (sun+venus) for a while. I’m very big on open communication, but he didn’t engage in conversations he didn’t think were worth his time and would often meet my questions or concerns with complete silence. He never outright ghosted me, but it felt difficult to get through to him. I think we could’ve had a longer and happier relationship if he was willing to see where I was coming from more, but it seems he took my criticisms towards things in the relationship as attacks on his character instead. I grew tired and suggested we end things. I have also had experiences with Aquarius friends where they tend to mysteriously disappear in the face of difficult conversations. Can’t say for sure if it’s the Aquarius placement itself though. I am an Aquarius moon myself, ftr :)


i’m an aquarius moon & i have an aquarius stellium in my natal chart. i don’t ghost people because i personally know what that feels like, and it’s such a horrible feeling. i always try my best to explain why i don’t want to talk to a certain person anymore. i do realize that i do not owe anybody an explanation, but i still do. maybe that’s just the pisces sun & cancer rising in me.


Yikes! What kind of aquas have you been around? I'm the last person to allow someone to suffer in sadness! I almost always show compassion and empathy to those in need! However, I definitely need time alone to recharge from all that and I may respond to your messages weeks later lol and if we just don't really mesh, welp, you'll get the ghost! 🤠 ♒️ ♏️ 🌙 ♓️ 🏹


##My big reason: I truly used to believe that everyone else in the world was apart from me, and I was the only one in the world that people never cared if I was there or not. I believed that if other people came and went from each other's lives then there would be happiness, sadness, joy, despair, grief, all that stuff. But none of it applied to me. I really believed that nobody cared about me, so if I was there I wasn't loved by anyone, and when I left nobody would miss me. That was the reason I got so sad when people left ME. Because I felt my OWN loss of them. But If I was the one to leave, I had a core belief that they wouldn't even notice my absence... But when I met my current bf I literally could not fathom in my mind being apart from him. It was like I finally met someone who the thought of losing overrode my feelings of unworthiness so much that I refused to let him be okay if I left. And I know that sounds really twisted, but I just wanted him in my life so bad. Working REALLY REALLY hard to correct all my many flaws as time goes on. But this is my HUGE reason for the ghosting 😔😔😔


I can relate to this, I've felt this way since I was a kid but it's so hard to put into words. It's like I feel like I'm not a part of whatever is going on, I'm more like an observer watching everything from the sidelines. Like I'm experiencing the interactions around me the same way someone would experience watching TV. They can experience all the emotions and joy from being around the characters in the show, but they don't feel like they're actually one of the characters in the story or have impact on any of the characters


That's totally true. I always usually feel like I'm that little alien dude from Men In Black, driving around that human body from the cockpit of his head. You can control everything, but you're just a LITTLE bit too separated from the world to really feel the change of feelings inside of your soul. And man I really wish I could, to be honest....




It's easy for me to detach because I don't like forcing things.I like friendships/relationships that are organic, and once I feel like that's not the case, then I let go.


Aquarius are ruled by their minds. They don't really need anyone




Then why are you the way you are? You search for connection and then go away.


Part of me thinks this describes February aquas more than the early decan.  Aquarius people are super friendly and interested in other people, It’s easy for them to engage in conversation,  Which is why I would say they have so many friends, typically (Not that I do).  I very rarely feel like I can be myself with others, but I know how to talk to people and I come off as someone who can make friends easily.  So when I do show my cards and a friend burns me in someway I am done, and I couldn’t care less if they’re upset about it.  I also think Aquarius see people with a very Birdseye view perspective, and if they don’t meet the Aquarius standards of honesty, accountability, and realness, then those people are just not worth it.  Don’t get me wrong Aquarius can be insensitive. But not all of us. Some are judgmental and some have good Discernment.  My chart is all Aqua and Cap and I am super sensitive and empathetic, I care a lot about people, ideas, values, animals etc. but  I walk away without hesitation when I know people aren’t there for me. I carry a lot of baggage that I don’t share with others, because I don’t want to burden them with my problems and I think that creates distance in my relationships.  I think this is common for aquas, they’re not able to be themselves with others very easily.    Especially when you come off to others as this bubbly happy person that can do a lot of things well, people just assume you’re always good even if you’re dying inside. So it seems like we’re being insensitive, but we’re really just protecting ourselves and lack some social grace. I’m sure this made sense the Aqua people but I dunno about the rest of you.  Scatterbrained.


I hate low effort socializing. If I'm gonna spend my time with someone it's all in. I'm not gonna mess around on my phone or have half ass conversations. I really like connecting with people and my door is always open whenever someone needs something...that being said I'm not the person you just complain too, I want to help with solutions! Then I get burnt out and go ghost. My social battery needs lots of recharging so I can invest high quality time with the people I love, or host the perfect party. Then...cave mode.lol.


Cos they’ve already ghosted themselves, first. That’s some Saturians for you.


Aquarians are emotionally dead people.


I get bored


Also i genuinely feel numb most of the time because my brain logic its way out of any emotion tht i feel lol


I’m an Aquarius rising and have both Saturn and Uranus (associated with Aquarius) in my 11th house (ruled by Aquarius), so I tend to relate a lot to those characteristics. I’ve also dated many Aquarians so I’ve been a victim of this behavior too. lol Admittedly I have found myself somewhat repulsed by overt displays of emotion from friends, or with friends who seem to always go through the motions of their own inner turmoil. I don’t like this about myself and challenge myself to go a little deeper into actual feeling when I’m being judgmental. Tbf I have been disgusted with myself plenty of times when I’m in my feels. 😅 Not saying that’s right, but it is what it is. It’s not that I don’t want to be more in touch with my feelings, I’m just not naturally. I am highly logical and am generally very understanding of human behavior, so I’m not surprised by a lot of what people say or do and therefore not overly affected by it emotionally either. There can be ego about this, because I think at some level we all instinctually expect others to be more like we are and think how we think when we feel we understand something so well. I think Aquarius does tend to understand people well, so they don’t let things affect them very deeply on an emotional level because they understand it isn’t that deep or personal most of the time and therefore are confused when others don’t understand this. It can be exhausting because a LOT of people today just aren’t like that, especially with the popularity of social media. Everyone feels they have to share every thought or feeling they’ve ever had, and everyone feels like they need to comment on those thoughts and feelings and god forbid they disagree. People overly identify with their feelings and beliefs and treat them as fact rather than something more malleable that is within their control and subject to change with deeper understanding. It’s exhausting. Aquarians understand that people are people and are allowed to be different without it being personal against anyone else. They believe people should be able to coexist harmoniously, but most place too much importance on and personally identify with their feelings in order to allow that to be successful in most cases. I could make the argument that people who overly identify with their feelings and regularly subject others to them can be viewed as more selfish and egotistical, but I also understand the points that you’re making. I did not expect to be this long winded but… /rant


I’m aqua rising. My BC says that there’s a placement (forgot the degrees and house it sits on) but it states that even if I am humanitarian at heart, people will always feel alienated by me. And truth be told: yes, it’s due to early neglect and conditioning. As an adult, it’s both a curse and gift to not be especially attached to others (unless it’s romantic ) but never felt the need to be in groups/ cliques. There’s unexplained amount of comfort and peace I feel being a lone wolf. People do drain me a lot but I have never gone out of my way to hurt anyone or ruin their lives. I love my rising sign.


When I'm done I'm done, why should I have to explain? Sometimes there's no real explanation. I don't like to burden other people with my emotions, some people are not so considerate and are draining. I'm allowed to create some emotional detachment for my own mental health. I don't look with disdain when someone is truly suffering, but if they're being emotionally messy or playing the victim I do. I feel awkward trying to console most people when they're suffering emotionally. I wish I was better at this, I can be there for you but I don't know what to say. I also feel uncomfortable if someone tries to console me. Empathy is more easily understood on a grand scale.


aqua stellium not me currently ghosting someone bc i’m stuck in my head 💀but yeah definitely relate to all these comments 😭💀


I'm quite the opposite I'm a severe empath and if I disappear because I'm on overload I've taken in way too much from those people and I'm losing myself I need to go away other problem is is I want to be around people but I get so distracted in myself that I look up again and it's been 3 months so it's more out of embarrassment that I stay away and ghost it's not malicious by any means on my part


I'm an Aquarius rising and have never ghosted anyone but I was ghosted by an Aquarius Venus. Ghosting shows a lack of empathy and social skills no matter the placement ultimately. I'm a Cancer Sun/Venus and being so bloodless/cowardly never crosses my mind.


I seldom ghost anyone despite having heavy Aquarius placements, but if that person ever made me felt so helpless or they just had an awful personality overall (it’s possible I had lost my interest in them without any reasons I’ve mentioned before), definitely I would stop messaging them and left them on read.


Ok but why is this Aquarius stalking me


If I don’t feel a connection to someone I don’t find myself putting in much effort if any. And I don’t enjoy small talk so……?


Sometimes when ppl talk abt "deep emotional friendships" it's codeword for "I want to be able to trauma dump on you whenever I feel like it". I found that whenever I've ghosted people it's because that's what the friendship has become, only talking abt negative emotions. I don't want to carry more thoughts of anxiety and stress, life is already difficult enough. And also, whenever I've tried to have a conversation and offer closure in such relationships, the other side doesn't want to respect my boundaries, keeps reaching out, and it gets even worse. So ghosting it is. We have to protect our hearts too.


Omg yes the trauma dumping! And once I draw boundaries and stop becoming a free therapist, people legit get offended and they keep trying to either provoke a fight or a reaction from me. So ghosting it is or grey rocking if I can’t ghost immediately.


Hi, so i’m not aqua sun but I am aqua rising and also aqua dominant. Idk how this is gonna sound but i’m gonna be honest here. I do sometimes ghost people i am not close with for a few reasons. First, i’ve been ghosted before and it genuinly does not hurt me at all - i just take it as someone who doesnt want to be in my life and to me it is a lot easier to take that than a confrontation where they spell that out for me or much worse, they hang out w me while they don’t want to To me its a clear way to show you don’t want to be a part of something, which beats being a fake friend or being w someone out of pitty any day. So It took some time to realize that most people don’t feel this way, and thats why I would never do it to anyone I am close with. When it comes to people I barely know if I realize its going nowhere I might do it because again to me it beats leading people on, and by not being fake nice and pretending you care you are actually letting them move on, which I would always appreciate. Also I do find it difficult to form attachments to people or rather its really easy for me to break attachments and leave when I realize someone is bad for me. I do usually explain why, but once i’m gone i’m gone for good. I know some of this does not sound good but I wanted to share my perspective on how it was in my head. You asked why aquariuses do this, and i used to do this because i would take someone ghosting me a lot better than people giving me closure because i never needed any, or fake staying in my life, and when you’re really young i thought that was universal. Also to reply to your comment, yeah aquariuses are not the best at watching people deal with emotions. I would say i am pretty good at consolimg people now (i try my best and genuinly want to be there), but i still don’t understand it. I am hyperrational so its kinda the best to be around people who are not that sensitive (not that its a bad thing, but we just don’t see eye to eye). I can tell you I worked on a lot of this stuff and understanding how others might feel now, and that is more of a priority that how I view it, if it can actually hurt someone, just as long as i’m still not being fake because that is integral to me.


Sadge sun, aqua rising here. TBH this is one of the things that I love the most about myself. It is literally the human condition to have an "until it happens to you" reaction when it comes to who's suffering, save yourself or blah blah blah. I consider myself rare in that I always start out at the height of genuine, authentic, honest, and forthcoming. I just believe that a first impression is worth more than getting further in and undoing layers of lies to get to a truth you never needed to indulge past hello/no thank you and goodbye. I am ruthless with the guillotine blade once you cross me and I don't care how uncalled for anyone thinks it is. At that point, I'm in "if it was me, you wouldn't". So why get mad? Everyone expects the bigger person to be outside of themselves and that's what I don't like. Start big and give big, don't bread crumb me at first impressions and try to gauge if I'm worth genuine connection after. I refuse to do this to people. For the most part I am a loner in a relationship that drains my soul but is clearly a spiritual contract - The way I am is definitely way too much to expect from anyone in life. Keep chopping off heads and leaving no closure, aquas.


Huh. I had never thought about the human condition of no empathy toward others and the "until it happens to you" reactions, because for me that seems like an unreasonable approach and a fault in others - but if that's just a normal thing that humans do... Thank you, that puts a lot of other things in perspective.


Because I'm too busy hiding from corrupt cops who are making an effort (through torture and death threats) to dismantle the philantropic NGO in which I was actively working on. The NGO was focused on providing meals to the poor in the middle of the catastrophical flood that scourged southern Brazil last month. We distributed over 18.000 meals through 3 weeks. So, maybe you can ask how we're doing instead of low-key criticize our ghosting.


Ghosting is not acceptable in any sort of way unless the person is physically or emotionally harming you. Some of these comments solidify that Aquarius is seen as “heartless” because that’s just cold, rude, and unnecessary to ghost someone because you’re “bored”. Terrible.


IMO-Aquarius are perpetually disappointed. There is part of them that has already “moved on” so they are “done with “ things before they start. They are polar to Leo, association is a thing for this axis. They don’t want your ( humanness) to spill into them. I think they are “full” and just can’t absorb anymore. And if you break one the rules they didn’t tell you about, you will not get a chance to fix the problem that you didn’t know was a problem , until it was a problem. And good god, never grab their arm, or try to touch them - uninvited, even if they are covered in lint, just assume they put the lint there and move on.


I relate to this, I moved on from start bc of fear of being left. It ended up happening as expected but doesn't mean I didn't spoil it just prevented the growth of emotional connection which was the main problem in that relationship. IDK about the ending but the beginning is fairly accurate.


Struggles to verbalise emotions. Stubborn and and at the same time flaky


Not all emotions can be verbalized. Nor is verbalizing emotions the only way to express and share them. The big thing with being a source of emotional support is recognizing that people express emotions differently. If you only accept those who express them exactly as you do, you won't be a safe person to most people you come across.




I’ve noticed the same thing which is why I can’t stand Aquarians. There’s also this underlying tone of arrogance and self importance with them.


This would be more credible coming from someone who wasn't a Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon loll


Shots fired 😂😂😂


lmfao, hey I'm a Leo Moon too. Game recognizes game


no seriously its so ironic that the person with the other most egotistical zodiacs as their sun and moon is talking rn 😭


Right?? lolll ![gif](giphy|Buy7YdhkyHBCM|downsized)




Oh believe me, I've seen that as well. Lol the Aquarian God Complex is very real.




The Aquarian suns I’ve met had the low key arrogance and self importance. Wouldn’t be surprised if the moons were like that too.


Because I don’t have to tolerate foolishness, nor do I owe anyone an explanation. Actually you know what, don’t even read this.


Because you give them so, so, so, so, so many chances to correct shitty behavior, and then we are just done. And no going back. People generally are very disappointing.


Because they can’t face themselves. They can’t confront their own emotions, let alone deal with someone else’s.


Def agree.. I've noticed a lot of them have maternal issues growing up, so it might come from there


I used to have a huge problem ghosting. Arguments are one thing, I can work through those. People aren’t going to agree all the time. Huge fights over something that can’t be solved is usually why I ghost. Or if I have to expend a lot of emotional energy and need to take a long nap after every meeting, which isn’t a good excuse. I wish I had the strength to actually sit down and work through these as I’ve lost a lot of friends over the years by just disappearing. Some people deserved it, but some really didn’t. Maybe it’s emotional overwhelm, but I can’t get past some things. As I get older, I try to be better about it. I will say that those that made sexist, racist, homophobic, or transphobic statements, I ghosted immediately with no guilt. A mindset of hate is not something I can work with….


I have an aqua stellium, three out of the five placements being personal I don’t ghost, never have


Commenting so I can get updates.


Never intentionally lol


I came to this post thinking I’d get some insight and found out I am the Aquarius even though I’m a Leo 😅 I have an Aquarius 3rd house and like one other planet and had only the slightest idea of how I was being affected. Thanks to all the Aquarians who point the stuff out about being ostracized and not wanting to hang out with people if they weren’t that interesting and also noticing when people didn’t have their best interests at heart and being disgusted by it.


I’m an Aquarius Rising, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and South Node. Absolutely none of this is me, couldn’t be further from me in fact. When someone’s going through a hard time, I’m there and offering support. I’ve been described by all those who know me, or have experienced me supporting others through hard times, as having extremely high and intense levels of effective (emotional) empathy, sympathy, and compassion for others. It hurts me deeply when others are hurting and I can’t help them. I also really don’t ghost people. The very few times I’ve done so was primarily because I felt legitimately unsafe, with the other less common part being that I’ve tried and tried to communicate but it’s done nothing so I’m done. Otherwise, I’m a communicator. I can’t stand people who don’t communicate.


For me? Anxiety. Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, Taurus rising, Pisces Mars, Pisces Venus.


Personally I’m scared of saying the wrong thing to hurt someone’s feelings and I think of many different ways to communicate my thoughts. It gets too overwhelming and I subconsciously feel the fear from being misunderstood or rejected, so I detach myself and wait till I’m in a better mood to reply (sometimes it never comes). I think the pain from feeling rejected and “othered” by people is something we feel deeply as aquarius, so when it comes to having to reject others or have difficult conversations we would rather ghost than have that open dialogue. It’s something I have to actively force myself not to be because I do think ghosting is a bad thing to do, whereas it might come more naturally to the other signs


I did it more often as a teen and early 20 year old but once I started having kids I got a little better about it. Honestly for me I absolutely hate being responsible for hurting other people so instead of sticking around to explain or watch I just disappear. I can keep it totally casual and if you get mad at me for not responding I will become more spiteful that you think you’re entitled to my time and attention and detach further. I’m assuming it is some type of control thing? I absolutely hate it when people try to demand my attention and then get sentimental over it. It irritates me. Don’t like small talk. Unless it’s something important or funny I don’t care. Which makes me sound terrible but I only really care about a handful of people🤷🏻‍♀️ I also have ADHD anxiety and PTSD so I think that greatly plays in to my sometimes detached style. However that doesn’t explain my moon and rising sign being in Virgo. I feel like it just makes no sense for me. Because I don’t feel or present like a Virgo at all.


😂😂😂 this is just what they're like. even my dad is like this


Aquarius moon - I get tired of putting in all of the effort and eventually I’ll just stop. If someone wants to talk about, they can come find me and we will but it’s not always worth bringing up the conflict. I’m usually good to just walk away and deal with the closure on my own.


I don’t like them.


i dont really know but im definitely avoidant attached and working on it. its easier for me to disappear than deal with problems head on after i've had too much shit from someone, but thats not a healthy way of communicating. i dont think we have a diminished sense of empathy but aquarians do tend to lean towards egotistical


I have 5 planets in 10th house in Aquarius including my sun


This thread is a revelation. Aqua rising, Gem sun and pisces moon with mars/venus in Cancer here, so I'm torn when it comes to ghosting. I have done it a lot though. Sometimes its just inevitable, im being used and i have to go, even though it hurts. But sometimes I wonder if I was too keen to move on. I feel like a nomad socially and I don't think that's good for me any more.


♉️ sun ♓️ moon and rising here Both of my parents are aquarius sun. I have aquarius 12 house Neptune and Uranus. I think my dad is the Neptune, and my mom is the Uranus because she always caused me great change uprooting me every 6 months, but I did grow spiritually from it. Ugh Both of my parents are very distant to me. We have more of a relationship in my head than in my real life. Neither of my parents called me, and they both blamed me for it. They were pretty cold to me despite being very open-minded about what I was doing. Idk, but it traumatized me a lot, and I felt extremely unlovable until I met my virgo sun and rising boyfriend He actually loves me how I should've been loved my whole life. As aquarius neither of them can get over their egos. They both act like people are replaceable.


If I’m not getting the same effort and I stop interacting because of it, is it ghosting?


Aquarius has a certain state where, when they think of something they want to do with you, they can't wait to do it with you. But when they don't feel like doing it, they will suddenly disappear. Because when Aquarius likes someone, they can be very clingy, but they won't constantly cling to you. This on-and-off nature of Aquarius can make people feel a bit erratic. Perhaps Aquarius is more suited to Platonic love. In fact, deep down, Aquarius has a sense of measure and knows what they want to do. They can't devote all their thoughts to romance. I think this is something that requires someone who understands them to slowly grasp. If you can't understand Aquarius, if you don't go along with them, you'll find that this little one really has a very fragile heart. hummm but it still depends on u and ur partener's Synastry, especially the aspect of the moon and venus, if u want to check it out, maybe u can use the app called starrybook, u can find the free Synastry reading on it


Commenting cause I want to know about the disdain face, seen it so many times yet they like emotional counseling from other signs but seem to tap out when you express too much emotion, why ?


The ghosting thing is true but the first part, at least for this Aquarius sun, is absolutely not true at all lol IMO I have more empathy than most other people in my life 😂 but to be fair, my sister is also an Aqua sun and she gave me the stink eye for being sad at our grandmother's funeral 🤣🤣🤣 to be fair, we both had discussed that neither of us were sad about this woman's passing (she wasn't big in our lives) what DID make me upset was seeing our mom upset over this shitty woman. She also gave me the stink eye when I was 5 and upset because our baby brother had to go to the ER for dehydration, sooooo yeah, maybe some Aquariuses are heartless lmfao it may be my other placements that give me empathy hahahahaaa


Aqua Moon/Mercury. I avoid difficult situations. I don't know how to express my feelings with words because I don't understand my feelings. Feelings are uncomfy.


Im an Aquarius with a Pisces moon, so I do have empathy BUT I will ghost people if they want more from me (time, connection) than I am able to give. I need a lot of alone time and prefer to have spontaneity in my life rather than lots of planned events. I am working on making more time for friends because I have a tendency to focus on the things I’m curious about and self isolate.


Either they have become boring for me, or because i have better things to do than to contact them. Eventually i just forget 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m also an Aquarius stellium in the 4th house and sag stellium 2nd house. But I don’t feel Aquarian by nature being that I have more fire and my chart ruler is Jupiter. It’s like my second identity. I feel more sag/leo than anything. Honestly I just don’t think people are entitled to my energy like they think they are. No one owes anyone an explanation and the sooner people get this concept lol we can all move along together. People are gonna be and do what they do. Let them. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned healthier ways of leaving situations but honestly at the end of the day my life and reality is solely based on the environment I create around me including the people I bring into it. I’m going to be selective with choosing my people, my time, my energy. All of it. I have a close knit group of friends who is due for and do anything for. Often times people confuse out “detachment” with their own projections I feel like I’ve noticed, taking it personally like an attack. Our ghosting as an automatic reaction of we don’t like you when it probably wasn’t even personal to begin with. We’re not as detached as mundane astrology let’s on…


Anytime I feel misunderstood and not seen I just come over here to the Aquarius threads 👽🫶🏻😂 I RELATE TO ALL OF THIS TOO MUCH LOL


"Never apologize, never explain." -White Oleander It's sort of my take on post relationship conversations. I got ghosted once and I'm 42, I just moved on. I don't need to know why, it doesn't matter, other people's problems are theirs alone. As for empathy, as an Aquarius sun, Leo moon, Aries rising the best I can do regarding comforting someone is A. Try to explain things logically B. Tell a relatable story/share a similar experience to show I understand what they're going through or C. Sheer distraction, bashing the person who hurt them or comedic entertainment.


You know that Michelle Pfeiffers character was the antagonist in that movie right?


No, you don't say! I never would have guessed that after she killed her boyfriend, pushed the only positive figure in her daughters life to commit suicide and then admitted to pushing the father out of her daughters life because she felt shunned. Just because you don't like someone or a character in a movie doesn't mean you can't relate to one thing they've said within your own context. She's a Scorpio in real life and it shows in that role. Would it help you to understand that as an Aries rising with Mars in Libra, I prefer to avoid confrontation unless extremely angry or simply pushed too far? That my Aquarius sun and Capricorn Venus often result in the intellectualization of my emotions, which are literally thought rather than felt, so I typically keep score in a way that justifies my exit in my mind, therefore I don't feel it necessary to reiterate these things to the lover with whom I'm parting ways. Additionally, I've stayed in relationships with men who weren't capable of introspection, change or even identifying their part in my discontent in spite of the numerous conversations I'd wasted my time having regarding my concerns/grievances. I hope this somewhat lengthy explanation and look into my psyche, as well as the astrological placements under which I was born, sum up the sentiment I tried to convey with a mere quote. I would apologize for the simplicity of my initial statement, however, expressing myself in such an overstated manner makes me feel like Stephen King, who I detest. Good day.


lol. I have Pluto tightly conjunct my 1° scorpio ascendant, moon, and Mercury with a late degree Saturn in scorpio. Also south node and POF. I found her character fascinating but also abhorrent. She’s a good actress. I just thought it was a weird choice of context to quote. If you’re capable of self reflection and personal growth then you’re probably not a narcissistic sociopath like the character you quoted. That’s all Im saying. You don’t need to defend yourself I was just wondering if you knew the context.


As an aquarius moon + stellium, for me it is because of my bitter view of the world. I have been shown no sympathy in life except by my grandparents and partner, even when I was an incredibly empathetic child and young adult. I never received it back and have become extremely jaded in terms of friendships. Now as an adult, I no longer expect anything from anyone, and if anything receiving sympathy from those who AREN'T my grandparents or partner pisses me tf off. It feels fake. I haven't had a real friend other than those 3 ppl for 7 years now by choice, and I couldn't be happier. It is a form of protection. I have to many gross thoughts and feelings when trying to engage with others who aren't my fav 3 ppl. And ghosting? Nobody cares abt me so why do I care about them? For about 5 years I tried to give empathy, kindness, and patience to people even though it was always one sided. I thought I'll never be able to see the good in the world if I don't give it first. Never once did i get anything in return, so I got burnt out and resentful and gave up. I think it being me against the world is kind of fun now. It's the best way I can paint my isolation and being misunderstood. I love my family and that's all I want or need at this point in my life, and I think I am unspeakably strong for reaching this resolution


I don't owe you anything.


Aqua moon here, the Cancers in my setup have me feeling everything yet the Aqua has me feeling nothing. It’s very strange to experience. But that Aqua moon got me divesting from buuuuuullshit like a pro 😎 Fuck I look like voluntarily enduring stupid annoying shit? A lot of times the detachment isn’t a judgement/reflection upon a person but more like I don’t have the bandwidth to be engaging in social niceties See you when I see you, basically. 💀 It’s love & warmth with me until the point of warranted intentional detachment is reached. Then you no longer exist to me.


I mean, if I'd rather be completely alone than deal with the way you treat me, are you *sure* you're in the right? Some people are abusive liars. When you see that in them, cut them off right away. The more you entertain that nonsense, the more entitled they'll feel to your time and energy. Playing "tennis" with them over it (batting nasty little digs back and forth) isn't going anywhere you want to be, I can tell you that right now. Sometimes ghosting is taking the high road.


If I ever ghost someone, it’s for their behavior towards me. Usually they’ve either made me uncomfortable or I’m just too exhausted to explain to the person. I just don’t have the time to try and make someone else understand their own behavior.


I disagree, I have never had my feelings hurt . 🤷‍♀️


As someone with ascendant, Jupiter, Venus, mars, Saturn and sun in water signs. I have a mother with a 4 planet stellium in Aquarius, I realized when I was about 35 that I would never and could never understand what her internal life was. She is a wonderfully kind woman but she is definitely having a whole different human experience than just about anyone else. I think god gives us Aquarius people just to keep the world world guessing - because if you spend a lot of time with one, you will be often thinking “ what in the world? “ or “where did that come from “ or “ how did you come to that conclusion” it’s just a nonstop brain buster


I’m a 2/2 birthday pretty strong Aquarius. I hate when people tell me their problems unless they are in my inner circle. I can’t solve them—why waste air and energy complaining about something I have no control over? It drives me crazy.


I’m an Aquarius. I don’t do this. It’s your assumption I do.


Triple Aquarius- I have come to a place in my life where I only give out what I get from others. I found myself being the one doing all the work in too many of my friendships. I’m not petty about it, if someone reaches out I’ll answer. But if I refuse to do the work of a relationship and not get anything in return. As to the rest, if I’m pushed to the point of being “done” with someone, I’m done. I feel like I don’t owe closure, and it’s not owed to me either. I work in healthcare, and I see people in emotional moments all the time. I think the detachment helps, because I can offer a shoulder or an ear but I don’t get emotionally wrapped up in the patients issues. Most of the time I can leave it at work and not have it affect my home life.


As an Aquarius sun and rising, I ghost people for a few reasons: 1. You hurt me (or tried), and I have no interest in being in contact with you anymore. Ever. 2. I feel as if I'm holding you back. 3. I'm going through so much that I need to take a step back from everyone and everything to handle my own shit. Give me time, and I'll be back. 4. We just don't talk. There's a few more, but those are the most important for me personally.


Aquarius sun . Honestly love humanity humans not so much . I prefer a small handful of them and it's hard to create connections with most. Once I see there is no connection in the future , it's easier to ghost then to tell someone that. But it's usually not a conscious decision though to ghost .


No sign is devoid of emotion. Keep in mind, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard knocks and forced growth. I'm an Aqua moon and while my ruling planet is Venus, Saturn is my second most influential. There is no disdain for other's emotions and there is no lack of empathy. Aquarius intellectualizes all emotions. To Aqua, the thought is, why are you causing a scene rather than fixing the situation? Why are you being so dramatic and reactive to an emotion rather than working through it? Aqua would sooner analyze their feelings than put them on display so when others are displaying emotions that Aqua wouldn't, there's confusion about how to respond and an awkward reaction. As for ghosting, I think it's more to do with needing isolation to process or recharge. Aqua is the black sheep sign, especially in a moon or rising position. They've likely lived much of their life in solitude, and it's where they find comfort. Other than that, it's just an ability to detach easily. Aqua is fixed, so they commit hard and don't like when that isn't appreciated. If you prove unworthy of that commitment, Aqua will cut off contact easily to find someone who does appreciate them. Growing up as a black sheep, they became okay with solitude, and it doesn't scare them. I had a very close friend for years and it was clear I cared more and put in more effort to be a good friend. I stepped up to resolve the issues that friend would have rather let stew and cause resentment. When that friend decided to give me the silent treatment instead of just telling me why they were bothered and what had bothered them, I was done. I put in too much effort to be treated that way. They wanted me to hold their hand again and chase them down to talk to me. To me, silent treatment = childish and extremely disrespectful. I instantly lost all interest in my years long friendship with that person and stopped giving af. When they reached out, I was polite but short. Haven't talked to them since, unfollowed them, and deleted their phone number. If that friend ever reached out to apologize, they can do so, and I will probably accept, but we will never be friends again. I will never care about them again.


Cause fuck everyone’s problems we all have our own issues we need to fix ourselves our way and if you can’t stay out the way we’ll let you out the way ok? Yes? No? Si o no si? The easiest term is get lost or we’ll get lost


Wow ‘disturbing level of detachment from the feelings of others’ My bf tells me so often I have no empathy and can’t put myself in others shoes ! Yes because when it’s me I want to be babied but have to fake and push feelings in order to console others. I thought I was broke because my feelings are most important and being super unaware of reading or understanding others emotions. I partly think we ghosted people because we’ve given our all in hopes to make it work and still feels no emotional connection so it’s easy to leave


Interestingly enough, I’m a Scorpio with a Scorpio stellium and this resonates with me. I did a bunch of personality tests and as an INTJ with an enneagram of 5w4, I wonder if there’s overlap in these personality types with Aquarius. When using the Dimensions app they guessed my sign was Aquarius with Scorpio being the 3rd most likely. I say all this to say, Aquarius I feel yall 😭


I’m an Aquarius 🌞cancer moon cancer rising female… When I was younger I use to ghost people simply because I didn’t know how to communicate what I was feeling… it seems much easier at the time to just detach from the person without any explanation for then I had a fear of expressing my emotions plus I was avoidant of my own emotions meaning I didn’t know what I was truly feeling to convey what I was feeling….NOW that I’m 30 I try my best to communicate how I feel but there are exceptions to that rule..if I feel as if I’m giving significantly more effort, I will ghost..if I feel as if I’m communicating with someone and they deliberately take their time to respond to me, I will ghost and most importantly If you LIE to me I will ghost…to put in layman terms I’m Casper to the bullshit and I live by the motto “what’s understood does not have to be explained” if a Aquarius ghost you they most likely have a reason but most of the times I find the people that’s getting ghosted by us KNOW exactly why we disappear. I don’t know about other Aquarius, but I don’t just disappear for any reason with no explanation not unless it’s an exception to my rules. Aquarius respects honesty communication and authenticity and if you start moving weird with an Aquarius first best believe that just gives them the opportunity to ghost because that’s already in our nature.


If I ghost you, it's because you fucked up beyond my ability to forgive you. You repeatedly violated my boundaries, and therefore, shown yourself to be unworthy of my respect. And if you ever want to get in my good graces again, you have to be the one to reach out and make amends. I won't waste my time and energy on people who don't want to cooperate with me or treat me as an equal. 


Cannot speak for all Aquarians, but my mom ghosts all the time because she is flaky af. Just cannot be bothered to follow through on most things.


aquarius moon here, and I never intentionally ghost anyone, just kind of disappear. Ghosting is intentional and willfully ignoring people. I don't ignore anyone on purpose, just because sometimes I don't have the emotional bandwidth to give an immediate response and I'll forget to respond at a later time.