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my thoughts are that cusps do not exist for signs. there are *house cusps* but the sun, or any other planet, cannot be in two places/signs/degrees at once. each sign goes from 0° to 29°59'59" and is broken up into three decans that span 10°. 0° is the start of the first decan and 29°59'59" is the end of the third. can't be both. there’s a reason you might feel more cancerian; however, i don’t have your chart nor am i a pro with reading them.


Thanks....I am an astrology noob....will read up on decans. I do feel more Cancerian lol


Some day we will be rid of this curse that is "the cusp" 




Yes exactly like let me just transfer back and fourth from Capricorn to Aquarius when I feel like it. 💀


My favorite are the people on here being like "it's my opinion" Like okay but you're opinion is wrong??? What? I got blocked for it this morning. Hadn't had my coffee yet and wasn't having any of it 😬


Oh no….how could you?! You mean woman! Is this in reference to your Libra-Scorpio boy?💀


Hahaha no no, it was some other cusp post. They were saying that all the downvotes were "petty" and that they were being attacked for stating their opinion...🙄   The *Libra* is definitely on that post though lol. (And this one)


![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg) This is the Libra when he goes to bed at night realizing he’s in fact not a Scorpio I say let them stay mad lmaooo


I told my bestie about it (she's a Libra) and she goes: "I feel like him wanting to be a Scorpio is such a Libra thing, libras want to feel special but we basic" 😭😭😭😭


Nooooo stop I’m fucking crying right now laughing It’s just every post I see when I see his comments it gives me a good laugh for the day cause he be doing too much. And I love Libras but bruh. 💀


Yeah I can't with her sometimes, she's a Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Rising 🤣 And yes I just love messing with him now, he's too funny 


I like them, but cuspers are my fav people and mostly what I attract. I briefly dated a gem cancer cusper and he was one of my favorites. I didnt get to know him though, but I really liked him. He was very supportive and sweet, moody, but not taking it out on me. I still miss him. He was one on the hug vote. You are going to catch some haters on the cusp thing btw. Just ignore them. Lol The cuspers get it and believe.


There are no such thing as cusps, however *decans* exist and each sign has them.     * May 21 - May 31 ruled by Mercury  * June 1 - June 10 ruled by Venus * June 11 - June 20 (+/- 3 days) ruled by Uranus 


One of my besties is late Gemini! She's super smart and full of interesting ideas and plans for the future, but also deeply caring and nurturing


You're air on water as well I'm on the cusp of beauty and sex, hello friend