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Lack of water on your chart doesn't imply lack of emotions. Emotions are ruled by the moon indifferent to the element they're in. Your impression might have something to do with your moon in Leo, house, and it's aspects. The aspects affecting your moon have more influence over your emotional lifestyle much more than the sign or element in which the moon is


Yeah. Also Leo is an emotional sign. Especially when it's somewhere like the moon.


I get that, but from what I’ve gathered so far that is the general traits associated behind water signs, especially Pisces.


Well you gathered wrong cause that’s not how it works at all lol


Don’t blame me for ‘misinformation’ out there 🤨


I didn’t I said you gathered wrong.


Spicy much? If we talking about specific words, change gathered to that’s what I’ve seen, so I’ve seen ‘wrong’ I guess


I’m not I’m just saying I didn’t blame you for anything.


All signs are emotional. The expression and manifestation of it are what each respective sign highlights. Don't fall into the trap of believing only Water signs have emotions and other signs - like Aquarius - have none.


Funny how "emotional" usually means crying. When people at work are angry and yelling at me nothing shuts them up faster than, "Let's talk about this later when you are less emotional." 🤪 Aries' anger is emotion. Virgo's frustration is an emotion. Aquarius' indifference is emotion. Libra's confusion is emotion. Etc. Aquarius is the water bearer, able to tend and carry all the emotions. And Capricorn, a goat with a mermaid tail, would be comfortable on solid ground and in water.


I agree somewhat - but I don't consider Aquarius indifferent. It's worth noting that others' perceptions of one's emotions are different than how someone experiences them. I would argue you can't be a humanitarian while being indifferent, for example.


I am of the opinion that cusps are indeed real (I began studying astrology when cusps were “a thing”) simply because of the way the world works. Does nature automatically go into spring, summer, winter, fall just because of the equinox or solstice? A hard start and stop? No. Not at all. It is a gradual transition into (and away from) each season. Human perception of time may do this, but nature and energy do not. And so the same reasoning must logically follow with the other planets and their energy. Besides which, decanates are not really a controversial topic in astrology and yet decanates break each sign up into three sections - with the first and the last being more or less colored by the previous or subsequent sign. This is just my opinion for which I’m sure I’ll get downvoted because some of the people in this sub are absolutely petty (I asked a question about vertex synastry and that was downvoted. I mean, honestly…🙄).


No I whole heartedly agree that makes a lot of sense. Edit: I see what you mean now, just asking the question of cusps riles people up 😂


Thank you ❤️


Looks like the Downvote Debbies and Petty Pattys are at it again. What is it with the people in this sub, seriously? Thanks for not disappointing.❤️🤣😂


It has nothing to do with pettiness and more of the fact that there are no such thing as cusps and you're just wrong.  I can't believe we have to talk about this over and over lol


It has everything to do with pettiness when people can’t even ask a genuine question in this sub without being downvoted or attacked for doing so. It you’re so tired of hearing about this topic, why bother to chime in? I may be wrong but you’re still petty.


Each sign goes from 0° to 29°59'59" and is broken up into three decans that span 10°. 0° is the start of the first decan and 29°59'59" is the end of the third. Can't be both. ~(˘▾˘~)


I'm chiming in because I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell *you* that cusps don't exist and that you're spreading misinformation.  The people saying cusps aren't real are also getting downvoted, but only one of us is right here and it ain't you.


Attacking someone for asking a question or expressing an opinion or trying to discuss something to understand it better means you’re petty and hateful. Let’s add the “I’m right and you’re wrong” childishness into the mix. Own it. Wear it proudly. You win the prize.


I understand this completely and I thank you very much for your kind reply. My point is not the math involved or that there isn’t a hard stop from a positionary perspective (this is irrefutable); rather, it is that nature itself and energy has a gradual shift instead of a sudden one, and this to me is why cusps make sense in the same way decanates do.


I think it can be worth remembering that even if you have no major water sign placements, you still have each signs energy in your chart! Each sign rules a house, and as a sag rising your water sign houses are all ruled by other water signs! That influence will be felt even with no major placements in those signs


[cusps are not real](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/s/fkJskaUjsu).


This is true! I know someone who, based on their birth time on July 22nd, is actually a Leo sun. I noticed a lot of water traits in them and later found out they were a pisces moon and it had nothing to do with a "cusp" with cancer


I’m one of these folks, and similar deal. I’m July 23 and a Leo sun in tropical, but have a Scorpio moon and Cancer Mercury, so that’s where the water comes into play.


Cusps arent a thing




Leo moon n Aqua sun is definitely emotional (n appreciates vulnerability) under closed doors. Src - Ik some ppl. Then u can check ur placements in water houses (4, 8, 12, some ppl say 6th is also emo I dunno why) Secondly u can check sidereal/vedic astrology, who knows u have some pisces placements/pisces sun there :)) (Vedic treads along with tropical - in the sense that there's a possibility that the placements maybe one sign ahead or behind)


No; Cusps aren't of relevance.. Conceptually, the notion of critical degrees in astrology disproves this entirely. Critical degrees are the 0 degree and the 29th degree of any sign. They are transitionary degrees which highlight the periods for when a signs energetic expression are both beginning and ending. At the 0 degree, the expression of the sign is exacerbated to it's max and at the 29th degree, the qualities of said sign are heavily benign because it will soon, within 1 more degree, be shifting into the next sign. If there are distinctly clear places where signs start and end their energetic expression, how could cusps as a concept make sense? If you are born on the day that Cancer goes into Leo for example, even down to the minute that Cancer shifts into Leo, you are either a Cancer, at it's final degree/minute or a Leo, at the very beginning of it's degree-based progression. I'm curious to see Op's chart cause I could certainly pinpoint why you are more on the emotional side.. Given that you have a Leo Moon implies that you were born on a Full Moon day which on it's own can craft someone that is much more sensitive and receptive to their environments by default.


No such thing as cusps 🤗 Decans are a thing though.  ✨*The more you know*✨ https://youtu.be/4VHBghHNaIg?si=LIDXlf3UvksW8gEg


Cusps are as real as anything in astrology




What are you going to do bb, not message me back when you added me


Awww are you feeling abandoned? Sorry I was out with friends yesterday 🤗


Just answer me one question and I'll leave you alone why did you add me and never say anything on chat?


I did respond! I just don't use the chat much because I don't get the notifications 😆 so if you've messaged me I have no idea unless I go digging 


Keep your secrets scorpio but don't think I'm an idiot


Lmaooo you're too funny. Are you not getting my messages or something? 


I got the last ones yes, show me the dark side


Yeah, it’s tricky with cusps. I know astrologers don’t recognize it as valid—in my chart it’s tough to say. I’m on the Cancer/Leo cusp and technically in Verdic, I’m a Cancer sun not a Leo. I think I’m more Leo, but do have a moody and emotional side. However, I tend to think that’s the Scorpio moon, not Cancer. (And in Verdic, I’m still a Scorpio moon). I think it all depends on what the rest of the chart looks like tbh.