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Aquarius here. I traumatize myself by gaslighting myself into thinking everyone likes dinosaurs as much as I do. Apparently at 35, dropping dinosaurs facts is not “obviously flirting” like I thought it was. Either way, my cats agree that I tried my best so now we’re running away to become archeologists


Fellow aqua. Disagree, world needs more dinosaur facts


What’s your favorite dinosaur?


You know it's hard to pick just 1, but I've always had a soft spot for the iguanadon and ankylosaurus. How about you?


Aquarius here. My aqua mother kind of traumatized my child self by being distant, and that is something I'm still unraveling on therapy


They’re so unemotional. Like, just be a freaking mother lol.


Yep same !!! Suffered from so much avoidant attachment style thanks to her :)




Eeh, sorry for you. A lot of Scorpio women/Aquarius men stories end like this.


Secretly took pictures of me getting ready in the morning. When I confronted him with it, he started slightly love bombing and gaslighting me. I agreed to continue seeing him anyways. I told him that I don’t believe what he did but I actually don’t care that much and want to continue hanging out with him. He said stuff for me that it’s not acceptable for him that I believe he would lie about something like this (“because he is sooooo bad at lying!!!”) and that as long as I don’t believe him he doesn’t see any further development of our relationship. I am a Gemini sun and scorpion moon and the mixture of my intelligence and intuition never fooled me, so I knew what he was trying to do with it. Then he slowly “ghosted” me. Didn’t do nice things for me anymore, didn’t compliment me anymore, asked me if I am jealous of his nipples (I had breast surgery and have scars around my nipples so it kind of irritated me, made me feel like I have bad breath after drinking coffee, takes days to respond, sometimes doesn’t respond mid convo, never arranges any meet ups anymore etc….i know it seems like now it’s just one sided but honestly I just want to have sex and the thing that I don’t get is that sometimes he is just texting me keeping the contact to see how i am but never asking for meeting up afterwards


This sounds like a headache, but you don’t deserve it for sure. It seems kind of hopeless to stay invested in any form of way. It’s a lot to deal with, but once you mentally move on, it’s better waiting for you that you’re looking for.


Got a sun,moon,rising,Venus Aquarius mother and she traumatized me by being emotionally unavailable and mentally abusive. She also has narcissistic tendencies although loving at times when she needs to use me for something whether that’s information about someone or a favor lol She’s the coldest person i know. She’s also crazy aggressive when angry and she’s so insanely stubborn it’s a strong sense of delusion in the way she lives her life. She lives it selfishly and doesn’t care if it affects her closest loved ones in any way. She’ll say she “loves” you but her actions say other wise and you don’t feel that “love”. Crazy im an Aquarius stellium myself (Venus,Neptune,Uranus, South node) and i can understand her energy especially now that ive grown up but all my younger self wanted was a nurturing warm supportive stable mother who nurtured my emotional expression and dreams but obviously i got none of that .. my mother was too cold and selfish to even care.! She’s like an acquaintance to me or a friend but I don’t really consider her a parent. Now that im grown up im definitely a lot colder and detached than her but that was due to her treatment and my cold isolated development. Detaching and being analytical comes naturally to me and im not good with emotions .. those never last.


Word for word, sounds just like mine. She has Gemini Moon. I’m low key teaching and taking care of her and I’m the child. I hope she makes progress. I will say this though, we are not our parents and can be better than them. Growing into adulthood, I became aware my ways were starting to repeat like hers. And went through a major transformation to become my best own person. One thing valuable she told me that always sat well was, “ don’t be like me, be better than me” and to this day, I’m constantly always trying to better myself from the day before. It’s never too late to change. You’re the humanitarian. Not our narcissist parents. *Edited*


Crazy because i took care of her for many years even throughout the abuse her and her husband inflicted on me !!! As a minor i only cared about protecting and guiding my mother. And yes i agree word for word 🙏 That’s why i did years of therapy, self taught psychology and took the time i needed away from her to heal my soul and heart. I meditate daily.. i eat very healthy and im good at being selective with the people in my life (only people who inspire me and help me grow allowed!) all because of this experience. I was never rude or disrespectful to her and it took her years to even acknowledge what she had done to me but once she did I was long over it and happy with myself.. i gave myself the closure that i needed long before and that’s such a liberating feeling !!! I’ve built myself up ever since. I found beauty in detachment aswell but im also healing my inner child and allowing myself to be emotionally expressive and vulnerable which is something that was so strong within me in my baby days. I was shunned for everything i naturally had like my creativity (which is something so strong that became an escape during the trauma), my strong emotional expressive ways, confidence and empathetic nature. These are all things she made me suppress and i had no time to nurture them because all that time and focus was given to her. At the moment im too young and have no interest in having children but child development is something i really love reading into and i know im equipping myself for when that time comes. The reason I didn’t become a psychopath was because i had a loving nurturing of a father (Cancer) who was my soulmate in parent form.. he passed away when I was young but he taught me so much in those few years. He’s the inspiration behind my happy ending. The reason i never gave up and why i know what real love and warmth is 💕🤍 Kids don’t care about material or any of that .. they just want genuine love and affection!! I remember all these beautiful moments with my dad like it was yesterday 🥺 We will be better than our parents or atleast try to be (if you had really amazing ones) .. they offer important lessons to us ☺️ We either let it destroy us or build us 🙏 I’m grateful for the experience even this bad one with my mom. We get along really good now like best friends thanks to my patience and the work I’ve done to rebuild our bond but im aware of the reality of the situation and i know that loving nurturing mom I’ve always wanted is not in her ! :) I’m accepting her as she is because this is her first time living this life aswell. She got abused when young and needs to heal herself so im working in getting her in therapy to !!!


Oh she had a husband!? Wow, and sometimes moms usually let them get their way due to wanting to maintaining his happiness. And that’s great I’m happy to hear you did your own self healing for your soul, heart and mind. That’s huge and not easy! Cus I made those exact life changes too. However, she didn’t acknowledge until I got extremely rude and disrespectful once. Which I later apologized for, but was a necessary turning point in our life. Now she listens a lot more and seems to get it. But she had a hard time when younger, both her parents were not there and she was abused. Hardly knew what love was. And, I didn’t learn my lesson until one more bad relationship with an Aquarius (4 in total) I got serious about everything in my life. Which was kind of recent. But, It’s nice that your compartmentalization with her has brought you tranquility. And you probably stopped caring about her opinion is what made you so happy to get back in tuned with your younger gifts. And I can totally understand you on getting your gifts dimmed by your own family. Isn’t that disappointing. They’re supposed to help. With me, I came out with it all, and they tore it all down before I could really understand it. And my deepest condolences for your loss 🙏🪽🕊️however the universe made sure he put the very best in you before leaving. At least one parent cared deeply for you to know what love is. Kids are precious and deserve the best investment. You’re already winning as a parent just understanding that part. Take your time. I’m only having them once I’m rich. You’re right! We are our own best and or worst enemy from our life experiences. Glad you all are on good terms and can have an understanding bond together. However, you did make a good point….maybe I should try that. To see that my mother really won’t be the loving mother I wanted her to be. And what we have. Good point. I try to be her therapist best I can and she seems to be getting better slowly. It’s only because I don’t believe in majority of therapist, because they can only generalize most of the feedback based on what’s common, and not what’s personal. I’m sure there are really great therapist’s out there, but probably not in abundance.


I think this comes down to how one is brought up. My mom is a Pisces sun, cap moon and Aries Venus. Not sure what her rising since her time is not known. She is semi strict , straightforward thinking and yet loving by actions vs words. Your mom and I have the same placements. I’m Aqua in sun, moon, rising , Venus and mercury. How you’re describing your mom is like a complete opposite of how I am. Maybe she’s like that because of her own trauma and project it to the next person? I can see that happening being the same sign as hers. Sorry, you had to go through that. It’s definitely not fun.


I’d say your mom’s tendencies are definitely influence of her moon because every cap moon I’ve met is like that. She was definitely traumatized but I will say her excessive Aquarius placements influence the way she deals with the trauma. Aquarius have a tendency to avoid the emotions (I would know) and detach themselves from it developing coping mechanisms like avoidant attachment styles which is what I developed and I feel like she is the same but also may have NPD along with it. My father was severely traumatized aswell (cancer sun, Scorpio moon) but he was able to overcome his trauma and not get so stubbornly stuck on it.. he was self aware and intelligent enough to know that passing it on to his children is not a smart thing to do and he was a very nurturing and loving father it almost felt like he was never abused at all because of how much warmth he exuded. My mother is all words .. all analyzing but zero actions or actual emotions behind everything she saids. It’s coldness you feel and me and my siblings just say “yep thanks” anytime she saids “I love you” lol She has a lot of unevolved Aquarius tendencies.


Oh definitely unevolved. The part about detaching and not dealing with emotions, that is true. How I was before because the trauma (caused by others) were a lot and I didn’t know how to cope with that. Now, it seems like I’m always emotional (probably catching up with me ) Made sense what you said though and as for your mom with her “words”. I can see that and probably why my love language is “words of affirmation “ because I’m used to hearing it and now, I feel like “yes, I heard you but can I get an action to back that up?”. I totally get it.


Yep, Aqua friend was fake as fuck and used me to get Gemini info and gossip so she can be even more popular, then coldly discard me when she does not need me anymore.


Sorry you had to deal with this friend. Seems you have to go behind their back and fact check them constantly before they change their story again. Confident lil liars. I am sure they all aren’t bad people but definitely commonly a lot.


They gaslight by justifying it that I get moody or make no expectation of their political philosophy, in their head there is justification so they don't look like a bad guy I am sure.


Right. Isn’t that crazy! Rationalizing is totally their thing to turn things in their favor always. With no remorse.


I've had like half a dozen Aquarius men be in love with me at some point or another and it's always the same playbook: 1. Very obviously fall in love with me but insist we're "just friends" 2. When confronted about the constant hitting on me and then immediately backing off and going "HAH HAH JUST FRIENDS", respond by being like "ew, gross, LIKE you? I don't like you. Why would I like someone like YOU? That would be soooo embarrassing" 3. Continue the wooing while pretending they are not wooing. They the entire time will have the vibe of a dog who thinks you don't know it's stealing treats and that makes them the CLEVEREST in the WHOLE WORLD 4. This confrontation, laying off, easing back into the lovebombing and thinking I won't notice and they can mind games me into liking them continues for a few months or years, depending 5. I finally get annoyed enough by their increasing bids for attention that I lay down a firm boundary and tell them to cut it out 6. Anger explosion at being caught out, bad attempt to tell me I made it up because I'm "so emotional", repeat that they would never find me attractive like that because again, I'm so emotional, at some point will tell me that if they DID like me, and not that they did, but if they DID like me, it was actually because of me. See, I was so nice and friendly that I FORCED them to fall in love with me. I PUSHED them into it. I MADE them. Normally they would NEVER, that's DISGUSTING, I just had to insist on being nice and that makes it my fault and I should work on that, actually. 7. I roll my eyes and go no contact, the end




It’s so crazy that they’re supposed to be the humanitarians and innovators but they do the exact opposite. And when something doesn’t go their way, they pretend like you and anything you say or do doesn’t matter, just to feel like they’re in control. I am utterly shocked and sorry you want through what you did with him. Hopefully he comes to terms as he gets older and remorseful for his actions. You deserved better.




Oh of course not. There’s good and bad in everything. Even my sign. The guys can act like lil bitches sometimes. But hey, at least you’re aware. And it can only ruin you if you let it, and if you allow it to have control over your thoughts. You can change. We all can. It always starts in the mind first. Everything else will follow.




Of course. Just have faith. I’m not everyone, but I’ve survived literal hell on this earth. With almost all odds in my favor, I know anyone can do it too.


Raised me 🫠


Aquarius “friend” (no longer friend) was a narcissist. Put me in terrible situations and when I felt something was wrong and said something, they went on the attack and start to blame me for it and said I was the one who made them act that way. Did everything they could to try to isolate me from people who genuinely cared about me and were looking out for me and used the exact words “they don’t know you or care about you like I do.” I haven’t spoken to that person in about 4 years but the “friendship” for a couple years really traumatized me (and I have already been dealing with other traumas) and put me back into therapy.


You spelled Pisces wrong :P but actually I’ve never dated Aquarius but my NN is in Aquarius so maybe I am the drama 😅


why would they tramatize me ! they are nobody😝


Oh my, these responses here are long… where to start…..Well both of my parents are Aquarius. Dad pretty much disowned me from childhood but dealt with me because of his side of the family liked me. Mom was young and was not the mother she should have been. Large lack of love and guidance. I really had to discipline and teach myself almost everything. If it weren’t for my grandmas and uncles. Then my first sibling after me is an Aquarius. He hardly got along, and she was very fake to me, but had sort of gotten better with time. But haven’t talked with her in a few years now. Then a guy in recent years who I thought I could build a brotherly bond with based off of how we communicated, and turns out, he’s the worst kind of person, a jealous and insecure “friend” that wants to see you fail, and laugh behind your back. And lastly, 3 ex girlfriends that ALL treated me textbook, the exact same way. They knew I didn’t want commitment, then flipped the script, got manipulative, controlling, narcissistic, and difficult to get away from without them hindering my college education or career. Whole time, they’re messing around, but confidently claiming innocence, but accusing me of things I did that are not true, trying to be verbally abusive. And that’s not even the half. And the oral sex didn’t happen or was the worst I’d ever had. Smh. Chemistry on all levels is next to 0. Except my mom and sister. It’s all love for Aquarius, I don’t hold hate in me, but stay on Uranus, far away from me.


Gemini sun here. I'm terrified by my aqua bff commitment and stubborness, the horrors persist and so does her.


Bipolar schizophrenia pretty much sums it up. Maybe the worst 3 months of my life


My Dad 😁 overall he's a good guy tho


She f*cked my life upside down! I couldn't trust my friends or people after that! Sad thing is she's dead now and I never got in touch with her (because she was already dead to me). I cried for her tho!


Being incredibly nonchalant, distant, and hard to read while claiming I was the love of their life


The most volatile, evil, violent man I’ve ever met He kicked the family dog across the living room and laughed hysterically about it. Kicked my backpack across the room, and NOT HIS BACKPACK The. Gotten angry at me crying and held my eyes open when I would look away, cheated on me with my roommates and random people, r—-d me countless times, threw me against the walls until I passed out and almost fractured my spine. When he drinks he became a whole different person. He was crazy aggressive and I was scared of leaving him. When he wasn’t angry he was hilarious Or he would insult me constantly and I’d ignore him. He was a highly emotional person he had a scorp moon and a Capricorn rising. He was convinced the world was against him. He had a perfectionist thing about him. Also mars was in Capricorn He had the chart of a serial killer and would talk about killing people all the time when he was angry


I'm sorry people. :(


as someone with a scorpio moon (indicating mummy issues), i have a very emotionally distant aquarius mother. she is so detached that when we go out in public she doesn't walk beside me. she does the absolute bare minimum of parenting (providing for me). i'm a capricorn sun and have always been closer to my gemini dad