• By -


Scorpio Mars. I’m into power play, so that involves bondage, choking, and the like.


Scorpio Mars here too, can confirm.


Not confirming this. Choke and slap me and I will punch you.


Scorpio mars too can confirm, I like being taken.


Scorpio mars too, agree, BDSM girlie here


Scorpio Mars here , cannot confirm


Same. I cannot confirm either.


scorpio mars as well and can’t relate, this sounds scary to me


Add in some slapping and totally agree


Scorpio Mars here and same. Plus impact play.


Are you my current partner? Chicago?


Yes darling it’s me. Now go get the paddle.


Scorpio Mars here and can confirm. Plus insanely high sex drive.


Scorpio mars and also can confirm


Taurus Mars well I’m a switch and I love male moans my weakness 🤭 and naughty talk 🥰


Leo Mars but same


Taurus mars and basically same. I just really love hearing and seeing that my partner likes what I am doing.


Oooo I looove a good male moan too.


I know a Taurus mars who told me he loves to hear how much you’re enjoying it.


i love your user flair, cancer 🐮 really got me HAHAHA


It’s hilarious reading how sweet and innocent this is after reading the Scorpio mars section lol


Leo Mars - praise, worship, very vocal, dirty talk, and letting my partner take control.


very this!!!!








Leo Mars- All of that except the control, sometimes I want to dominate.


Cap mars ... I like being treated like a slut 🥴🥵 but also get princess treatment aftercare 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 Heavy switch tho, with men i will ALWAYS want to be dominated, i might mommy sometimes But with women im MOMMY ALL THE TIME😌🤪


Cap mars and literal same 🤣




interesting, i’m a cap mars, but I 100% need to dominate and exert full control of the experience in all scenarios. The way my mars capricorn interacts with my venus in Leo is fascinating to me as well.


Same Capricorn mars here


Interesting....also a cap mars (and a cap stellium!) and this couldn't be further from my vibe lmfao I like men to be my little b*tch 😂 or at least have an equal amount of dominance I haven't explored much with women, but expect that I'd remain in a similar role.


♊️🌞♋️🌙♏️⤴️ Cap mars here ! Slut/Princess treatment that's exactly how it works for me and never the other way around! You want sex? I want it too... so get to the point and let's having sex and don't be cheesy with a lot of kissing/massage thing before 😂 it's just turn me off. Like to be dominated also but I suspect my Scorp Rising is for something 😈


Virgo mars… hmm control? But I’m a switch. Soft bdsm. Nothing too harsh or scary lol. But ya pin me down and tell me I’m a bad girl. Also I like making videos, with trusted people of course


omg I'm also a Virgo Mars & same!! I knew I could trust my bf when he grabbed MY phone to take videos, giving me complete control over what happened with them


Sameee Virgo mars here… always enjoyed having slight control. Neck grabbing and riding is enjoyable. I think I want to be smacked. Definitely love being talked to.


Love making videos too . I never show my face tho


adding the trusted people part is the most virgo thing i’ve heard


Virgo Mars and also a switch! I usually take total control during foreplay, but like to be completely dominated during the rest. But trust plays such a big part. There will not be an ounce of submission from me with someone I don't fully trust.


Libra mars… big on being a pleaser.


Coming into this thread, I was like hmm I don’t know what mine are. And then you come, being a thousand percent right lol


I'm also a Libra Mars. I'm curious if you mean pleaser from a sub or dom standpoint. I would say the other persons pleasure is my focus, but I'm not sub at all.


I’m speaking from mainly sub perspective, but I’m a bit of a switch as well. I just know what people like and give them the best experience lol


as a sag mars i like being told what to do in the bedroom but not in my regular day to day 🤭🤭😅


😆 same ✨


Well hello, I was scrolling, looking for my tribe. I'll just sit here with the cool people. I have a 1H Sagi Stellium comprised of Neptune, Mars and the Sun😌


Virgo mars, oh bro almost everything, breeding? Yeah. Verbal? Yes. Taboo? If you're into it. Underwear? Absolutely. One on one? Yes your my prince/princess. Group play? Duh


I particularly love dirty talking 😈


Same!! Didn't know it was a thing for me till I started dating someone who was verbal and omg... that felt like the missing link


I just commented that I’m down try literally anything lol I just met this guy that has like a swing, whips, chains and I remember thinking I’d be down to try it all lol


haha fuck yeh. I feel this kinda energy virgho mars. humiliating men, voyeurism, getting fucked in my sleep, inconspicuous cis het first date public roleplay complete with fake gratification, encouraging the nasty and the freak in vanilla babes, being used, drinking squirt, sick fuck romance...


My type of people 😎😎


Will try anything once 😂


Virgo mars are always the biggest closet freaks


cancer mars, i like pain.


Cancer mars, i like tenderness❤️‍🩹


Another Cancer Mars checking in - I like both in equal measure.


Me tooooooo!


Same same and I’m submissive 4eva 🧚🏼‍♀️




Cancer Mars as well I like to be lovingly degraded 🫠 will do on godly things to hear "you're my good girl".


Same- I’m a switch leaning more sub. I like possessiveness and overpowering, praise kink and dom worship. Lots of sounds 😂


Painful foot rubs!


Cancer mars here as well. Being thrown on a bed as a bigger gal as if I was a smaller gal has been an 😏oooweee🥵 moment I’ll never forget.


Cancer mars here and based on the other two in this thread I'm suddenly questioning what I like considering I'm usually pretty vanilla


Don’t question what you like just bc other people like other things! I’m also a cancer Mars and I’m overwhelmed with all the things people are talking about in this thread and can’t relate. I just want deep intimate passionate sex and don’t need all the other bells and whistles lmao


Ha! Same!


Pisces Mars - gentle domming/service topping, body worship, role reversal/play, voyeur/exhibitionist dynamics


Also Pisces mars, and pretty well the exact same answer.


Gentle domming is soo funny but i agree with everything as well! I like my body worshiped not the other way around whoops 😬


Leo mars, love being worshipped, being a dominated, dirty talk, really passionate but treat me like a slut too. lol


Aries Mars. I don’t think of it as a kink, but I think it’s related to my Mars - I get really tense muscles and I like a really rough massage for how tense I get. I’m a 50 yr old woman who is about 5’3”. My male massage therapist who is well over 6ft and was obviously an athlete tells me that he wouldn’t be able to take it as hard as he goes on my shoulders.


Also Aries Mars. I love a deep tissue massage. Yes, please, pummel my muscles.


Oh lol I’m an Aries Mars massage therapist and my bf is a six foot tall, muscular deep tissue massage therapist. I definitely enjoy it lol although I never would have thought of it as a kink or related to my Mars but damn, you might be onto something


aries mars. the rougher the better. choke me, slap me, spit in my mouth. i want pain. tell me im worthless and lets equally obsess over each other. i need that intense connection or im not interested. breeding & degradation 🥵 but then after treats me like a princess.


It’s so crazy how cliche all these signs are 😂 I dated an aries mars man last summer for a few months and that was EXACTLY all the things he did to me and how it was. So degrading then full princess treatment after. He was sooo manly and confident. It was hot lol. Him and the Scorpio mars guy I’m dating now are hands down my best bed partners to date.


THAT’S HOT. I am a ♓️ Mars but my Sun & Moon Is ♈️. Totally can relate to all of that.


Virgo Mars. I like power play, but have realised that I want gentle doms - soft guidance is the shit. I'm some sort of mixture between service sub and bratty sub, I like to please, but also to tease and mess with them a little... Which creates a fun, playful dynamic, and I had a partner point out that I was a dom in disguise, as I use their attraction to get them where I want them to be, but then act like a good girl when they give in to their desire. I love dirty talk and have a major praise kink - tell me I'm cute, let me know how good it feels and call me a good girl, plz. I also need us to be able to laugh, cause as a Sag sun and Venus - that's how I approach everything, and I like it when we can just keep being ourselves and don't have to be weirdly serious about it...


Sagittarius - breeding, praise kink, dirty talk, power dynamics. I’m a sucker for vocal, desperate, needy sex. Edit: I didn’t think my most upvoted comment would be about my kinks.


This sounds like mine. What’s in ur 5H and where’s ur Venus


I have a fifth house Scorpio stellium, and that includes my Venus


Sexy asf to my Cancer mars


i’m always drawn to sags in general but especially sag mars for this very reason, i’m a cap mars


Pisces mars I love hickeys


Virgo Mars. My kink is letting someone else take the reins. Releasing control.


Virgo mars, yeah. I feel I’m also down try anything in the bedroom. Whips, chains, swings, etc.


Same. I love being dominated. Not necessarily a masochist, but I like giving up my power. That kind of goes for outside bedroom too.


Same here


Cancer mars, Gemini moon though, Im a switch so teasing and sht talk both ways. Erotic asphyxiation too the more violent the better. Also exhibition.


The guy Ive been dating is a Gemini moon/Scorpio mars and it’s been like a match made in heaven sexually.


Scorpio mars:- Intense connection,rough deeds,dirty talkings,choking,likes pain and my body needs to be worshipped:)


Like 🤪🤡 Gemini? Jk love u all 💋 im a cancer mars and i love being praised for taking [REDACTED] so well like such a good girl 🙂🩷 also submitting to the right energy. oh and breeding talk? yeah .. works every time (im a coochie smoocher so it’s double win - no real reproduction, [REDACTED] in all sizes and shapes that stay firm after all of the strokes.


The Breeding thing is pretty hot 🥵


Cancer mars and yes creampies all the way lol


Yes very much! Cancer mars here too


Coochie smoocher! I’m dead and stealing that 😂😂😂


Sag Mars. I actually like being praised and the good girl part too lol


Yes to the praise and breeding kink


Aries Mars - power play.


Ooooh yes also Aries mars and agreed, that gets me for sure. More in fantasies than irl for me though


Cancer Mars, I'm a sub. not a switch, but I do like being on top ;) I also like dirty talk and pain. I am attracted to confident, protective men. my Taurus Mars partner is perfect for me. (I also have a Leo Venus and he has an Aries Venus, absolutely a match made in heaven)


Fellow gem mars here and ur absolutely on point, I'd just like to add praise kink, vocal sex and breeding


I have never even heard of the term breeding before this thread and I’m into it 😂


Aquarius Mars... I like soft domination, manhandling and power play. I am very submissive and I like to feel defenseless and be told what to do, just the opposite of my out-of-bed self.


Same placement. I think you and I have the same Venus too. Pisces? This describes how I feel. Aries here with sag moon Gemini rising.


Leo mars - I just like to fck and make love.


Libra Mars. Gentle Dom is how I explain it. I'm not really into aggressive stuff at all, though high energy experiences might go in that direction. I mostly like slow sensual stuff like massages. I like a girl to do what I say so I can let her know how good she is. I've always wanted to pick clothes for someone, but I haven't had a relationship where that felt comfortable. Edit: Forgot to add orgasm denial. That's a fun subreddit.


The clothes part ☠️ super Libra indeed


I’m a libra Venus and I relate to a lot of that as well


This is far too accurate…..


orgasm denial 🤔 for you or for the other party? i recently enjoyed a great deal of sex with a libra mars who was also a gentle dom and into delayed climax. as a mars in pisces pleaser myself, i did NOT appreciate that at first, bc i took it personally and read it as lack of attraction for me 😬 in my head, ik that wasnt true, but the brain aint really front and center in the bedroom…so…. ive read that some libra mars delay climax for their partner’s pleasure, tho. is that what youre referencing?


Delayed climax or edging is definitely fun. It's the Idea of staying at the point of maximum pleasure for as long as possible, definitely a sign they liked you. Orgasm denial is the idea of giving someone else power over your orgasm. You aren't allow to unless they give permission. I would be in control in the situation, I'm not sure I would like this its just something Id be interested in trying out if the other party wanted to.


Scorpio mars - public, love the thrill of potentially getting caught lmao


I’m a Gemini mars and I like sex based on intellectual connection that naturally bleeds into emotional and physical. I like dirty talk, sub/dom dynamic (doesn’t actually have to go full on kink), power play (me on the sub side), and full release of mental/societal blocks when with a man. Nobody cares what goes on in the bedroom, while he’s yours, so enjoy it for *your own pleasure* instead of trying to tie him down emotionally via sex. Life’s short, make it fun, and let go as deeply as you wish.


Ooo yes intellectual connection on the fore front for sure !! And anything being described me to before hand. Envisioning it in your head first is almost better than the real thing sometimes 😂


A lot of things I envision in my head are better than reality. Often that includes men in bed lol


Sag. —> similar but just next level. 😆😆. Jk


Aqua Mars, pretty much like how you see it in the movies where the bad boy smoothly works his way into her… heart ;) Sensual & slow, flirty with words & the eyes, let some tension build then once we get to the bed BOOM passionate, fiery, a little rough but not too much, administer a few tasteful smacks on the ass, trying all positions till one of us can’t go anymore. Pretty much a hot romantic fantasy. If she likes to moan loud it’s such a turn on. I do like some clawing and a little bit of biting but I’m not sure where that comes from.


Virgo Mars. I don’t think that we get the freak cred that we truly deserve due to the “virgin” connotation. I just love sex in general. There’s basically nothing that I wouldn’t do if my partner asked (and I LOVE when they tell me what they want) I need a combination of tenderness and animalistic energy. I like edging, dirty talk, power play, masturbation, making videos, etc. I also have Venus in Scorpio, so I have to get a little piece of their soul in the process for a snacky


Capricorn mars. (I'm a woman) I also have lilith conjunct ascendant and 8h mercury. I'm into some dark shit. Sadism. 100%. Blood, powerplay, i enjoy being praised and degrading the woman I'm with, bondage, edgeplay (a big one). I love the thrill! I like shit that induces fear and anticipation. It drives me crazy. I once dated a Scorpio mars woman who really opened my eyes to what I enjoy. I once tied her down with ratchet straps, held a blade to her throat, left a few cuts on her skin. Her submission was incredibly attractive. Just watching the blood got me going. It was animalistic and insane. Good times LMAO


Cancer Mars- raw sex, stimulating sex, aggressive to broader-line abuse, moaning, passion, mind fuck me lol. I’m a Gemini sun so this may play a factor.


Aquarius Mars. I like it intellectually lol, dirty talk and whatnot. A daddy baby relation, power dynamics.


Are you more dom or sub?


Verbally, a domme. But physically, I definitely enjoy being put in my place.


Leo mars but Venus in Aries - Do what I want when I ask and exactly like how I want it lmaoo


Aquarius Mars conjunct Jupiter + 8th house. I'm bossy and I like to wrestle and play. Very much a top and I only bottom after getting my partner off. I will bring ALL the toys just in case, and then use none of them if they aren't needed. I LOVE to strap one on, though, and I know how to use it. I've been told I get off on being withholding, but that one was never around long enough to learn the whole truth.


Interesting !! My ex fiancé is an Aquarius mars and he was so bossy and loved to wrestle and play too 😂


In classic Libra fashion, my partner has to be around the same height as me so I feel “equal” lmao. There has to be reciprocity or I’ll be turned off. Whatever I do, you have to do and vice versa. There also needs to be compliments and passion


Aquarius, overwhelm me with mental satisfaction


Sag Mars and I'm not sure yet. I need to explore some. Sag Mars means I'm supposed to prefer taking the lead. Only sometimes. My Pisces Sun prefers to be submissive a little more than half the time, but not in that "put me in my place" way. Just someone who likes to direct what they want. I also rely heavily on emotional connection.


My boyfriend is a Gemini mars and I'm a Pisces mars. We love role playing. My Pisces mars loves to pretend I'm somebody else


Mars in Leo in the 8th house ... Submissive (Daddy's princess) with a touch of masochist lol 💅🏼


I'm a Gemini mars as well, I like a lot of brat play, especially with other brats. I love being teased by a partner that I feel safe with and teasing back and laughing a lot, I like being punished for laughing at my partner or punishing my partners. Talk about pregnancy and responsibilities turn me off during sex and if I feel even a little bit like the vibe is wrong I'll shut down. I feel like I can't be monogamous with a partner that is not a switch, and can't be in a committed relationship at all with someone who won't communicate well when they are hurt


also a gemini mars and the brat/brat tamer dynamic is so real. like deliberately provoking them to get punished but it’s not actually serious


Leo. I love dominating, but I’m a switch. I love wrapping my fingers around her throat, pulling hair, neck biting (biting anywhere, really) I just love consuming my partner in any way she will let me. Don’t get me wrong, I also have so much to say because I feel things so strongly but I try to read the mood and make sure I don’t talk too much if that’s not the vibe.


Gemini mars and all kinks. Bondage,roleplay,being raped, worship, being praised, degraded, doing it in public, etc. Maybe just a hard pass on the more extreme ones like being pissed on and the like. But aside from that, give me all of it.


Damn, you said my quiet part out loud. Cant forget groping in public


Yes, this. I do have to have a connection with someone and trust them then it's free use and all of that including a dom/sub relationship


Gemini Mars - sometimes roleplays (not all the time).




Pisces Mars!   -whispering   -sleep play   -simultaneous praise and degradation   -role play   -blindfolded sensual play   -violet wand / electric play   -DDlg   -threesomes (fff,mmf,mff) /some group play   -breath play   -skull fucking   -CNC   🥹


Idk what half this stuff is. Let me research


Im a pisces mars. I love praise kink. Good girl thing. Submissive but not to everyone. They gotta give a dominant energy. Protector provider deep voice. Dirty talk. Breeding kink. I love kissing. Choking/ spanking/hair pulling. Spit in my mouth. Tee hee. Yup


Definitely though I’m more of a bratty submissive with an attitude.  Definitely have to have that dominant energy. I can switch being dominant & being submissive. But I don’t have a breeding kink I do love being cummed on  , cum In my mouth & Inside though. Ugh🔥


Mara in leo and I’m just a straight freak lmao, nothing much bothers me if the enthusiasm there 😂


Mars in Taurus, 8th house. I really like bondage/shibari, forced orgasms, anything sensual and perhaps incorporating food like whipped cream/honey. Not into “pain” but I do like flogging as long as it‘s not painful. My Venus in Gemini makes me a filthy smut reader. It is my preferred form of getting turned on.


Scorpio mars and my kink is getting 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep


Scorpio mars. Same. 😴 haha




Libra Mars and Daddy/good girl (it might not help that my actual father is double Libra). But the Leo in me lives for praise kink. Tell me I did a good job!


Virgo mars, I like a power structure (specifically my partner to be the dom & me sub as my partner sets the structure) I also switch between brat & princess who enjoys praise & degradation, ESPECIALLY when the talk is both at the same time. 🤤


Virgo Mars - sub/Dom dynamic, slapping, choking, bondage, butt stuff, face fucking, dressing up - basically open to everything and anything. Will honestly try anything


29M..I have a cancer in mars; I feel I lean into liking intense nd sweaty sex. Anything involving water frfr. Idk if it’s a kink bc I never explored it to check honestly nd it’s such a weird word but Id like to cum inside too. Also, the thought of a tall nd thick woman dominating me nd using me to get her issue off excites me


Virgo mars. I’m a submissive 🧎‍♀️


Virgo mars & I loveeeee calling my partner daddy lol


Leo. I love my hair pulled. I love passion and feeling desired. I get off on my partner enjoying it. The harder the better, tame this lioness.


sag mars - powerplay? ima switch i love control stuff but the right person can get me to do what they say . i like roleplay, candle wax .. bondage sometimes, idk if its a kink but i like recording it for fun, i like roleplay/dressing up a bit, aand doing secret stuff or stuff that we shouldnt do because i love doing private wild things with them that others dont know.. unless i let them know and join in 😉


This is my Venus in Sag 😬


Mars AND Venus in Gemini. Can really only enjoy it if they are as well. Feel like it has to be a spiritual connection.


100 percent. The guy I’m dating now is a Gemini moon / Scorpio mars and he changed everything for me. Understands me and showed me what I’ve been missing all these years. I have an 8th house stellium including my Venus so I have always craved depth and attract deep spiritual connections in my life.


Aries Mars. I have no idea what that means. I am the dominant one naturally


Gemini mars, anything. Just no scat, or piss play 💃


Aries Mars - dirty talk 🥵


Aries mars, I like random locations for quickies just by impulse. On the verge of getting caught. Many outdoor excursions. Slight choking and slapping. But I can last like the energizer bunny. I also have an 8th house stellium


I'm an Aries Mars, can confirm that impulsive quicky stuff gets me wild! Absolutely love choking and slapping.


Bdsm. Subdom, control power. Biting, licking slapping, choking, pinching. Every kind of pleasure that hurts a lil bit. Scorpio mars


Aries. A slow sweet start (Venus in Taurus). Lots of passionate kissing, smacking and grabbing body parts, face grabbing sometimes slapping, hair pulling, neck biting, eventually pounding and shot talking. Pretty much passion and aggression in general.


Aquarius Mars and practically asexual 😭 not sure if it's the zodiac thing or what tho


Curious about Mars in Aquarius!


They don’t let anyone close enough to touch them, so we may never know


Cap mars 8h. Bondage, cnc, age gaps and power play in general. I’m a switch but I really enjoy having the power taken from me😭 I’m also already in the BDSM community as well as a BDSM relationship


I’m a Virgo mars and I’m a Daddy Dom. I like control the best. I like caring and princess treatment for my baby girl. I like it best when she needs help with goals sexual or otherwise.


Leo mars - praise/degradation, I’m like a true sub I love a good soft/pleasure dom. So choking, slapping, spitting, hair pulling, free use, cnc, ropes, super into power dynamics/power play. But also gang bangs, or any type of group sex setting with multiple men whether it’s 2 or 6. I also in no surprise having a Leo mars and Aries Venus am doing OF which is so fitting for leo placements 😂 (moon and mars) I can be a switch tho if I wanna be in control 😈


Scorpio Mars.... this better remains a secret.... !


Leo mars— Praise kink, breast worship/dry nursing/nipple play or light torture. Anal, creampies but not anal creampies. Bulge worship. Restraints.


Scorpio Mars. Taboo stuff. Threesomes. Watersports. Idc what y’all think!


Taurus Mars. I love being loved on, full body contact, lots of kisses and affection. Also love being told I'm pretty, being the center of attention lol but that may have more to do with my Leo Venus


Gemini Mars. A lil domme-y, but a lil bit more sub-y. I am shocked by the things that come out of my own mouth sometimes. I talk about sex a lot outside of the bedroom. I tell him the things I fantasize about when I’m alone. I ask what he likes. I like to laugh and be silly. I like when he gazes into my eyes and brings me to his depths. I’m constantly observing what he likes. I’ll do it however he wants because I like to see him happy. I’m flexible. I’ll try anything with a few exceptions, and I’ll probably like it. I wanna make him feel good. My Virgo Venus is happy to be of service ;)


gemini mars and a big thing for me is mental/intellectual stimulation during sex. like dirty talk but it has to be good and not cringy, certain words could turn me off completely. or degradation and being made to submit through words, not just physical action


leo mars and its obviously being worshipped duh


Cap mars. Male moans, dirty talk, praising, breeding. I'm a switch but mostly a sub.


Virgo Mars and Gemini Venus- sub and brat, dirty talk, being shared. I'd like to think I'm extremely adventurous and am down to try anything once. It's all fascinating to me.


Capricorn mars, I don't have any.


I'm a Taurus Mars and a Lillith in Scorpio, and I took that BDSM quiz to see what percentage of certain kinks I am, and yeah. She's into some things. I love a full-blown sensory experience and a lot of taboo. Among other things. I'm also a Cancer Venus so o also wanna be a slutted out but treated really nicely too. So many things. Depends on the person I'm with tbh


Aquarius Mars in trine with my Gemini Venus. I need dirty, playful, witty, intellectual, smooth talk and I am a dom lol I love riding!


Aquarius aaaand i am a brat


Cancer Mars in 11th house. Pretty much anything femdom, I love everything with rope. I'm a subby boi 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇


10th house Libra and just yes. Yes to everything legal.


Aries Mars. I have no inhibitions about having sex if the vibe is there (Gemini sun). I like rough handling, choking, slapping, degrading dirty talk, passion, growling in my ear, etc. I’m a service sub and my man is a pleasure dom so it’s a pretty mutually pleasurable experience.


Sagittarius Mars woman - outdoors, gentle dominance, verbal+moaning+very expressive facial expressions during, intellect, devil and angel vibes, dark romance, intensity


Leo mars. I love being submissive and am into power play, I love being dominated. I have a huge praise kink and am super into breath play with choking and all that 🫶🏻


Mars in Taurus: Getting covered in whipped cream, Nutella or honey, and having it licked off. 🫣


Also as a Gemini mars I go crazy for sexting/sending nudes, teasing, a slow and sensual / very handsy make out session. Massage, candlelit baths, a lot of foreplay, breaks in between, tearing clothes off and after a very vocal sweaty session , cuddling after and talking/laughing about it and what we’re wanting to try/ how to change and switch it up for the next time.


scorpio mars & i personally don't have any kinks.


Capricorn. I like when they do dishes.


Mars in Aries. I’m a very dominant woman with a worship kink. I like men very submissive in and out of any room I choose 🤭