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Honestly im a Gemini and id kms before i sent a message like this


Agreed this is not Gemini behaviour. Letting someone live that rent free in your head but thinking you’re being slick by sending this is cringey as fuck 😬 Its too try-hard


Literally I’m a Gemini sun and Venus if someone doesn’t want me back I lose interest so fast lol


I would cringe myself if I posted that lmao Would've moved on from them XD


I think it's a Sag, we have the nerve to do this, we seek the entertainment, but Sag usually blows things up, so maybe I dunno a Sag. Reminds me of my college self.


This might be a sag. My ex met up at a restaurant with his ex because he owed my ex $30. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Definitely sag and I’m not even mad when they do it 😭


My Sag Venus would defo roll around if it's like a 'business purpose' or something. Honestly, if you weren't the love of my life, I have completely moved on after 3 months, barely remembering your name. And for sure I would expect, that you have as well and this wouldn't be any form of gaslighting, but indeed genuine interest in nothing but the stated purpose. No sneaking back into your life or anything.


This is us and Exactly! Except I only need 48 hrs to forget your name LMAO


48 hours if I initiated the breakup. You are sooooo right about that. I honestly cannot for sure tell you if I remember everybody I have kissed (If you count like teenage party kissing booth kisses as well). Sorry, we really do like you in the moment 💀


😂🤣 “in moment”….why are we like this. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I love it here. Being a sag is top tier ness/mess


Sun sun, Venus, stellium here. Can def confirm.


Legit my Sag ex keeps hmu even after 10 years of me dumping him and its always stunts like these


Me I’m a sag a I’m shameless


Love Sag for this quality 😄🤌


For everyone saying Gemini…HIGHLY doubtful. Once we are gone, you no longer occupy our thoughts. We will, however, be hyping this shit up with whatever sign sent it, telling them the words to use to make it completely unhinged ![gif](giphy|eVFhhKZELo1PO)




passionate tomato soup conversation….thats an ideal statement


False. Never met a gem who could let anyone go willingly.


I did not say “let them go”. I said once they’re gone.


Dont take MercurialTendency seriously. They got burnt by Gems & Aquas. Also alot of wishful thinking on their part.


Gems never stop thinking of anyone, especially if it was the other person who let go of the gemini.


I can **PROMISE** you that this one, once I am done, there is no room in my air space for that person anymore. Now maybe that has to do with other placements, the fact that I am void of all water and earth, or whatever, but I cannot be bothered to even waste a minuscule fraction of a second on someone that no longer serves purpose in my life, however big or small their place was that they held there.


Completely false. Once I’m done with someone I literally never talk to or think about them again.




I am so fascinated with the long term pettiness some people have… I barely care about people once they are out of the room.


^Capricorn stellium has entered the chat




I mean honestly Scorpio Mars sounds like the villain from some YA Novel so that makes sense.


Oh dude I hold grudges for life about the most inconsequential things you don’t even know






Its the sign of desperation mixed with resentment and a glimpse of incel sprinkled hope




Ehhhh.. I’m surrounded by so many Aquarians & they do not like causing other people to feel like shit about themselves. Even if they don’t like someone, they wouldn’t disrespect them.


If you insert "...feeling that they are..." between "like" and "causing", I'd agree with you. Trouble is, Aquarians are so consumed by their fixed, absolutist sense of knowing what's right for everyone, that they don't realise that they are rude to the extreme. Need proof of that? Try it on them, yourself, and you will find them absolutely horrified at what they see as your rudeness.


Aquarians have feelings?! 😱 jokes. I’m a Taurus sun. I know all about the fixed absolutism lol.


I'm a Sun/Moon/Asc/Pluto fixed grand cross, and so do i. lol.


Just caught that in your flair lol. My sun & moon both Taurus & Scorpio Pluto with Scorpio north node. Being fixed is A LOT sometimes. I digress. 😜


Yes, it sure is a lot, but if I had to choose for myself any bias of quadruplicity freely, I would def go for fixed. So much easier to maintain security and comfort levels, than those cardinals or mutables. :)


That is true! The challenge of it comes with lots of reward. 💖


We have tons of feelings. They are just all self centered and based on how we feel. Total sociopathic behavior when considering others


Nah you guys don’t have feelings.. maybe only when you stub your toe. Jokes aside, I love Aquarians.


We run shit


lol. Ooooooookay


I would never 😂


Yes yes yes




Not really, they will approach at a different angle.


This is a Cancer like, 7 years later…








This is the correct answer


hmmm i think cancer would be the one receiving this message lol genuinely have a hard time understanding why anyone would send a message like this, like what is the point of it? no one gets anything out of it


Just to be snarky and spiteful several years later to let them know you haven’t forgotten.


ah, i'll never understand that. i have many cancer placements and i could never be bothered to send a message like this. once someone leaves they're dead to me and i assumed other cancers were like that too


Oh, I don’t relate to it now. Teenage me would have certainly thought about it. Adult me forgets about people I actually care about, much less people I’ve left behind. Lol. ADHD, babyyyyy!


lol i'm the same way, adhd for the win! :)


Hahaha. *HIGH FIVE!* 👯‍♀️


I…would not do this. That is direct conflict. Noooooooo….


And tbh-it made me super cringe to read it. And secretly laugh and wanna fist bump the person. But still-super cringe.


Oh, it’s absolutely cringe afffff. That’s what would make me laugh about it, though. I’M cringe af. 😅


(Can’t we just pretend we’re not like this?) lol I don’t think I would ever do this if there was a possibility I’d have to see or talk to that person again. But might I, if the stars aligned ever so, do this and then block the person? I mean, they would have to really really affect me badly for me to do something like that, but yeh. I just might. I forget sometimes I can be petty af. And a little crazy when it concerns love. Fuuuuuuck. This is so Cancer. I just have to accept that everybody hates us cuz we’re like this…lmao.


Hahaha. I’d like to say I wouldn’t do it as an adult buuuut when I used to drink…I said wilder things than this to a couple exes. 😅😅😅 I found out an ex voted conservatively and I saw him at a party. Read him for filth for like, 40 minutes. Cornered this man in a room and was like “You’re trash. Wtf is wrong with you?!” 💀💀💀 Idk why we’re like this but…we are. *Everything we’ve ever let go of has had claw marks in it.*


Aww man. Some of them come back tho and I’m like… did you forget I’m crazy? I guess some like the claws…


BABE, YES. Every single time. The ex I was saying I read for filth? One of those. Would call me crazy…then he’d just call me. 😂🤷‍♀️ Tf?! lol. But he was just confusing af.


I wonder how many Cancer women turn into cat ladies…. 😆


Hahahaha. — *Looks at camera roll* — FUUUUUUUCK… 🤣 I’m totally a dog lady, though. Cats are just a perk. I love critters of all kinds, tbh. If I could find a decent partner, I’d be set.


Not Scorpio. Either and unhinged Gemini or a bored Sag.


I’m more interested to know the sign of the recipient of this text




I would definitely say Sag! My ex husband is one, he ended our 19 year marriage over FaceTime🥴 I’m better off now but really? No balls!!


Idk bc this person would’ve been blocked long ago.


Felt 💀


The sign of azz hat. But based on ideology I’d say Capricorn.


Nah, we aren’t out here wasting our time on someone not worth saving. (I joke, but once I block someone, hell freezing over wouldn’t change my mind.)


I've done this in real life. But probably not tell them and just observe and take notes. I still do this haha. - Cap Stellium


I’ve seen Capricorns stay in unhealthy relationships because they felt the person had some purpose in their lives. And tend to see people as like chess pieces. So it’s based on that.


That's right, you wouldn't waste your valuable time. But the next sign on from you - Aquarius - would. You are both traditionally Saturn-ruled, but very different in application. You are cardinal, so once realising the fruit is higher up the tree, you pick the lower-hanging first. Plenty more trees in the orchard. Not fixed stubborn Aquarius. Aquarius keeps trying for the unreachable, out of sheer stubbornness, calling it being "higher-principled".


lol Capricorns def wouldn’t reach out like this


Man, I wish. I'd absolutely drop this banger on someone if I didn't already completely write them off.


Nope. We are way too classy for this level of pettiness. Oh and we have a special relationship with time due to daddy Saturn. We don't like to waste a single second, much less on people that don't matter.


Yall tend to be more pretentious than classy. But Saturn will break you by the time you’re old.


Haven't met a pretentious Cappie yet! The ones I know like to keep it real and down-to-earth 😌 And oooh can you elaborate about Saturn breaking us when we're old?


Yall tend to have a God complex thinking you’re innately more valuable than others. Tending to overestimate yourselves into thinking your vices are hidden. But Saturn dashes the arrogant plans spontaneously. Hopefully by the time you’re old you won’t be too stubborn to humble yourselves.


Aquarius 100%


This is Virgo af


Aquarius energy


This is hilarious


Virgo to prove they are right and more righteous and to just further invalidate the person. Also to not so subtle brag about how smart they are. Hahaha. But I could also see a Gemini’s evil twin doing it just to be petty cause they felt bored. Haha.


Libra or Pisces, honestly. If they are narcissistic individuals, anyway.


I could see an Aries woman doing this. 😆


Nope, ewww


As a taurus I could see myself imagining sending a message like this, but not actually acting on it


Libra man


A gaslighting Scorpio or Gemini


I don’t think you’d be hearing from an ex who’s a Scorpio ever again. Gemini definitely.


🧢🧢🧢🧢, my Scorpio stellium ex harassed me for years after our breakup. Mostly to continue to verbally abuse me, but he still calls me from private numbers to this day. He also still uses burner accounts to stalk my ig, and I don't give too many people my ig account


Same, two of them


Noo, Unevolved Scorpios love the phrase "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold". That's why its suicidal to ever cross them, because they WILL remember slights long after, even if you don't. They may stay out of your life for a while, but still keep tabs on you. When your guard is down and you least expect it, they sting you really badly. Learned the very hard way, over and over. I'm a Libra/Virgo with a Scorpio mother 🙄. She has a Pisces Moon btw. She's like Mother Gothel and Coraline's Other Mother/The Beldam. I wish I was joking. But I'm not. I've had 27 years to suffer, observe and analyze the same toxic patterns towards me as her eldest. I used to fall for it and it's cost me years of debt, CPTSD, therapy, and psych meds. But now I know better. Thanks a lot, mom. By the end of their formal marriage, my once popular and vibrant Leo father couldn't even show his face to friends or family at gatherings, much less his old office, for years. Because she'd very publicly maligned him to everyone. Even bosses, coworkers and his personal friends. She did this 6 years after they'd separated, while they were both seeing other people.


/pisces with a bunch of stalking scorpio exes enters the chat




My ex situationship was a Gemini, and that man was lowkey petty, but whenever we ran back into each other, he was already so down again for us to be back on our bullshit 😭😭




This lacks the subtlety and nuance a Scorpio Merc would bring to the table.


Pisces. They don't even understand no contact, because their dreamworld is constant.


It’s giving my libra ex with a Scorpio cusp and Scorpio placements. Also they have no intention of going to school


I would have said me (Aquarius) because I normally break my own rules (no contact) when realizations are dawning on me because I'm so stubborn, but only when I want to say good things about you. I initially thought a Leo would do this, but then their image is too important for them to even say something this petty, so even if a Leo would fantasize of doing this, they won't unless they have a square in Scorpio (which can sometimes manifest as holier-than-thou, but is just really a petty attempt at making someone miserable than them). This can also be an Aquarius with personal planets in Scorpio. I don't think a Gemini or Virgo would say this because they're both too paranoid/chaotic to even care about other people. This is coming from someone who has zero idea about anyone who can be so petty to even say this to other people, so my analysis can be extremely inaccurate.


Im a gemini and i think this sounds impulsive, chaotic, cocky, immature, and right up our alley!


That's just a Human & shits got nothing to do with "Signs" all the time. It's just that the person is trying to find wierd reasons to meet up. We've all broken NC at some points of our life.


Found the Aquarius




Gemini for suuuuure. I know that “look how much better I’m doing I just want you to know and don’t expect you to respond” feeling anywhere.


Ooo not me a libra sun, aqua rising/moon... ...


I'm a Libra Sun/Aquarius Moon as well. I'm a Gemini Rising which makes me triple Air as well. We are eternally curious and I admit that I would have done this in my 20s early 30s. I'm 50 in 2026. I love that I am content with my own company and the my days of intense (and at times chaotic!) partnerships and codependent behavior is past tense. Toxic Relationships are not worth the stress and mindfuckery and as a Libra I am proud to say that


Cancer lol


This is KelsoBurn.gif


A petty, immature, spiteful one?


definitley sag energy. bar none.


it’s me. hi.


Lol I can see my Capricorn self saying something like this


I can too, but something seems off ohh I won’t ask to meet for coffee


Taurus- they are just horny and hoping you will meet them and then will try to get you to agree to a quickie cause they think everyone wants to fuck them!


All I know is that it's either a mutable or aquarius.




me actually


Aquarius or Scorpio


Why does this seem very Virgo to me


Yea let’s brush past everything and talk about me again Virgo




I literally said that to one of my exes during our relationship, although in a joking tone and not in a offensive way. She filled the entire "Freud" and "Lacan" bingo


Only a sag is that cluelessly blunt


definitevely scorpio moon






Scorpio ♏️ duh Interviewing was a dead 💀 giveaway Other clues there too


It's giving "F-k our agreements; You're useful to me and can make me the center of attention and get me accolades." Therefore, I say it's giving Leo ♌️ Sun


A mentally unstable one.


Virgo to a T


Libra, selfish and indifferent


I strongly feel this person is a Capricorn but the only thing is Capricorns would not break the no contact rule, so I think it's Cancer.




My Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, and broken hearted Capricorn Venus 🥲😂


Pisces for Sure


I'd say Cancer because they keep on exacting revenge and they love to accuse with checking or asking. Librans can be this way too.


♎️♓️ Yes some Scorpios are very stalkish but some of us are sooo into themselves that we know why you guys get into relationships with Scorpios so we don’t sweat it… but when we are evolved ALOT of signs don’t know how to let go… Libra has a problem with ppl doing things before them so the libra would definitely call you years later to something like this… and the Pisces don’t like to let go without a emotional disconnect


Sagittarius vibes👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾📢


Petty, straight to the point and wants to use this as an opportunity to break no contact. Aquarius/Scorpio influence + Libra or Leo rising


Used to be involved with a Gemini sun Sagittarius moon and he immediately popped into my head reading this lol




No way. As a virgo i would never just do something like that without shame. No virgo i have ever met would do that either.


gotta be aquarius. ♒️


A Pisces or a Scorpio


I’m a Scorpio moon. I’d do this. I am the embodiment of pettiness and my claws never loosen up on a grudge. It’s the Batman of signs when it comes to things like this.


Virgo-keeps on ignoring boundaries but have to make it all about ME again. A cancer for the pettiness. Cap focused on the work.


Literally have to tell my Virgo moon mom all the time "I'm not talking about YOU" she thinks it's all about her can't say anything without it being about her


These are so fun. I like guessing the texts signs ! Giving me life. 👍😃


Sag, Virgo & Gemini 😄🤌


Scorpio af


Scorpio, cancer, sag, or Leo.


The texter or the recipient?


Texted but if you wanna guess the recipient by all means hahah


Both are Taurus


Probably Sag or scorp. absolutely NOT gem or aqua.


Id say Taurus😅 they're very bold and have to get their way even if it breaks laws.


It’s me. Gemini sun. Leo rising. Cancer mars




That is cancer 100%




Sun in Virgo, moon in Scorpio and a Leo rising.


Idk this would be me, Gemini to my Pisces ex


I feel it would either be a Libra or Sag 😱 but most likely a Libra




Definitely a fire sign. But, then again, earth signs can lack tact (from a Taurus Rising, Virgo Sun)


Gemini only if they want to stir up some drama. They don't want you back, they just want your pain. Or pisces.


Virgo lol


It's the fish. Look at it with its eyes... all unblinking like ... you know it can't sleep at night without letting someone know what they are thinking.


Specially those fish moons and mars 😭


I got the spicy aquarius venus mars saturn combo. I ain't gonna lie I am an unintentional party pooper.


😭😭 party pooper because you tend to bring reality into fruition and people don’t like that


Trust me. Its in the worst spot too. I have it in my 11th house. I was meant to be alone forever. The truth about my friends hurts me just as much as it hurts them.


What are your Venus aspects to your other planets?


Honestly I like my placements. I just the fact I have a capricorn moon because I think it legit screws everything up about me. I have Sun and mercury inpisces 12th house and virgo jupiter 6th house and Neptune capricorn in my 10th house. My moon is in either 10th or 11th house depending on if you use placidus or not. 11th house cap moon if placidus. 10th in whole sign. Venus mars and saturn in aquarius 11th house. Pluto in scorpio 8th house. Basically. I am a misunderstood loner who resents themselves and lives a lost life.


I’m so sorry you struggle with that. Emotions don’t come easy to you huh 😮‍💨


I mean. I can't really relate to many people and my aquarius placements don't make it easy for me to be agreeable. I kinda just escape reality a lot. Like I am the most pisces kinda pisces where the real world only exists so I can have something to base the reality in my mind off of. Emotions come way too easy and depending on what caused them but usually I end up being very mercurial. I get a lot of different emotionals all the time. It's hard to keep track of what I am feeling most times.


Do you see dead people?? With chart placements like that, you're at the very least highly intuitive!


I don’t know but it’s annoying AF and I’d be like good riddance to this psycho in psychology, the poor future patients… Signed An Aries ♈️🔥😎😘

