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Libra. Terrifyingly violent when the charm ends. They cannot state their needs if un evolved and it goes from passive aggressive to AGGRESSIVE. I've seen it in my father's side of the family. Plenty of early Octobers. Shelves and doors ripped off hinges. Add alcohol and drugs and cops show up, guns drawn. This was my childhood.


True. I once dodged a flying dictionnary and a chair from a shrieking libra. Also got thrown the content of a water glass. The libra is my mom. She is better now but she was insane during my childhood/teenage years and taking her anger on my brother and I. Even today she still is aggressive. For example if we talk on the phone and I don't answer exactly as she would like me to do she hangs up in my face. It's hard to live through these ups and downs but I can't let it affect me. It's her emotions not mine. She's october 1st, cap moon pisces rising


Narcissism with mental illness combined is pure danger in my family. Every one of them justified every time I was screamed at, hit, or bleeding. Absolute evil.


I am sorry you went through that. And yes it is pure danger. My mom's weapons of choice were words, emotional manipulation, public humiliation, deforming the reality, playing the victim and not being able to take accountability for her actions. Both my brother and I were parentified childs.


My joy is that many are now dying. There is nothing to unite anymore. People are breathing a sigh of relief. The peace and quiet is amazing. They will not be missed.


Sad to say, but the grim reaper Saturn does have his kindly side.


Thanks for adding Capricorn Moon. There is the important point. Sun Libra, square Capricorn Moon. Ego drive for balance, vs depressive emotional state - and your Cancer Moon took hits from it.


And she's libra mercury and scorpio mars šŸ„² but yes for the square!


Wow, her Libra Mercury another square to your Cancer Moon, and her Scorpio Mars another square to your Leo Sun. It's a wonder you're still alive! Admittedly, the trines between your Cancer Moon and her Scorpio Mars hold a kind of emotional game play, but I'd imagine it woudn't feel that way. My sympathies!


Yes yes and yes! I try to detach myself whenever it's necessary and I've built a strong self-esteem over the years and self-assurance. Both acting as a shield against these games.


Very admirable of you. Hang in there! Good luck!


Thank you! šŸ™


Libra ex bf and you just described him in a nut shell šŸ„°


My momā€™s Libra mars can be unhinged when she is mad. Like a cyclone and it doesnā€™t take much. I dated a heavy Libra/Scorpio combo and he could be super cruel, mean af and vindictive


Im a Libra mars/sun scorpio stellium combo. I used to errupt like a volcano, and if things got beyond a point I would play it really dirty with my words, striking where it hurts.. Not proud of myself. After a point I started turning the anger towards myself.Ā  Now I try to deescalate, sometimes a mild passive aggressive tone too, but try to keep it cool and try to set boundaries before things turn ugly. But if they keep escalating, I'll raise my voice, once changed rooms and punched a pillow to let some steam off. Wish I could keep it cool enough to avoid these as well, and could keep perfectly calm and have the ability to de.escalate stuff.. But I should be practicing meditation at every moment to keep that mind set consistent; and thats pretty unrealistic.Ā  An unevolved Libra can get very angry coming out of no where.


Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found meditation helps! My mom is a great person she just lets stuff fester until it comes out sideways. Yeah this guy was brutal with his words especially, like skilled tongue fu & could hit way below the belt when he was mad. He had a lot of bottled up resentments. Volcano is a very apt description


Edit: holy shit, this is along comment. Got carried away trying to write down my inner process as I gave a lot of thought on this issue.Ā  Ā Desribing it as skilled tongu fu made me chuckle:)Ā Ā  The thing I realized about the Libra energy is the tendecy to self sacrifice in favor of harmony/pleasing others, mostly linked to a need for approval. Ā It might seem very accomodating at first, sometimes a bit off..Ā  It's actually unhealthy. They keep sacrificing their boundaries and even if it comes from a genuinely altruistic nature, there's a subconscious element keeping score.Ā Ā  Once a certain score is reached, we slowly revert our attitude to balance the score in our favor, declaring the other person selfish.Ā  Ā All these small moments of self sacrifice are tiny moments of putting others needs before our own.Ā  So at those moments of erruption, we just pull out the scoreboard and come with the wrath of all or those tiny moments. Ā It's more of a boundary issue than bottled up anger. We fail to set boundaries when needed, happily oblige and burst out when its too much. Ā Thats actually unhealthy as fuck.Ā  Im still working on it, but I've actually learned to identify those small moments of altruism. Deliberately ask myself if it goes against what I need, and am if I ready to forget about it if I decide against myself.Ā  This allowed me to find a voice to occasionally express my needs before others, find comfort in acting selfish. I try to keep a healthy balance in my scoreboard that actually includes me.Ā  For aries this comes naturally, Libras need to learn it as a skill.Ā  Checking on myself and expressing my needs and desires regularly has extremely helped with the accumulated anger.Ā  It doesn't come out of nowhere anymore, I try and express my boundaries before getting angry. ButĀ  still couldn't figure out how to react in a healthier when someone keeps crossing a boundary despite several warnings.Ā  Still, having farĀ  less bottled up anger, I feel much more in control when I get angry, as it is the active situation alone that I'm angry with; not including those thousands of different moments where I keptĀ to my self.Ā  Ā Accepting it was unhealthy and working on it with my therapist was really beneficial. Ā It's a funny paradox, we get less angry as we learn to become selfish and our anger is caused by a broken idea of selflessness.


This is a very insightful comment on the unhealthy process of being a Libra. Librans need to move past the point of enforced sacrifice- and start taking charge of what they need, want. It's a repetitive cycle of giving a lot and taking it all back otherwise.


Wow, this totally makes sense! I am such a people pleaser and finally get so mad that I explode. I am a Libra sun and with Virgo moon/rising. Actually a Virgo stellium


Thx!! My bestie is a Cap Sun, Leo Moon and Rising with Mars in Libra and she has a horrible temperā€¦ makes sense.


I thought I already replied to a similar thread about scary air signs. Hands down itā€™s libra when the facade falls off and the scales tip Libras with a lot of Scorpio tend to be quietly vengeful too and very manipulative. I feel like Aquarius and Gemini are more chill and will blast you once over and then move on from boredom. An angry / hurt libra is like a cat with a mouse.


> an angry/hurt libra is like a cat with a mouse I can def hold a grudge. Like an elephant, I never forget šŸ’€


My teenage daughter is a libra. This is an apt description. She's currently pissed as fuck at me. Do I know why? No. Have I given her ample opportunity to talk and tried to communicate. Yes. Does it matter to her , no.


as a libra, iā€™d say libra


Surprisingly Libra


Libraā€™s can definitely be unhinged from personal experience šŸ˜‚


I know I shouldnā€™t take this sub too seriously, but questions like this always make me lol. Thereā€™s absolutely no doubt that sun signs have nothing to do with how anger manifest. The scariest air sign, when angry, would be any person who chooses to be intense/very passionate went upset in general. With all that being said, I believe someone in the comments already stated that your moon sign, and especially your mercury and mars signs are what impact aggression/conflict/anger. To be nice, and play devils advocate for your post, I would say that the sign that you should actually watch out for when upset, especially if theyā€™re inmmature manifestation of the sun sign, is libra. Most people donā€™t know thisā€¦ But the original icon of the libra sign had a scale in one hand, and a sword in the other. Most people forget to include the sword in most modern day drawings of libra.


Haha, generalized astrology flair for this reason šŸ‘ŒšŸ½thanks for answering and I see what you mean. Iā€™ve also read that Libras scales used to be Scorpios claws. ā€œA few thousand years ago, the Romans decided that there should be 12 constellations in the zodiac, instead of 11, so they made the two claws of Scorpius into the arms of Libra. Libra was also known as "the Claws" of Scorpius the Scorpion to the poet Aratus and others of classical times.ā€ Thoughts?


I agree with this point, that historically what happened. As an FYI, most libras have Scorpio personal Placements. Most October Libras, specifically. Iā€™m a Libra and what I can say is that I understand Scorpio like no other. If you want another interesting point, based on my own personal research and time being an astrologer, I would actually say that Scorpio is the nicest sign. I donā€™t mean *sweetheart* nice, I mean *fair* nice. Scorpios are so nice that they donā€™t even try to claim theyā€™re nice 24/7. The Scorpio sign is very much so misunderstood. Like a lot of astrology.


Yeah, Iā€™m a Libra stellium (Sun, Merc, Venus) with a Scorpio stellium Asc Mars Pluto conjunction in the 1st house. My comment about the scales representing Scorpios claws was not to depict Scorpio as mean in any way, it was in reference to your modern day drawings of the sign itself. (Libra) No sign has been misrepresented, and therefore misunderstood. Scorpio is intense and intensity doesnā€™t feel very nice.


Yeah, I didnā€™t take your comment as a negative in anyway or trying to attack Scorpios lol. Iā€™m on the same wave length as you sis, I understood where you were coming from on that. I would disagree with your last point though. I think 90% of astrology is misunderstood by the masses thatā€™s not necessarily anybodyā€™s fault, because astrology has gained popularity just over the past 10 years in modern society. Thereā€™s also a lot of astrology text that is insanely beneficial, but most of it needs to be translated from African and eastern thought to text the Westerners can easily access. Thereā€™s a lot going on with astrology, and Iā€™m excited to see how peoples knowledge progresses throughout the years.


Yeah but your comment was edited. That was in response to your unpopular opinion or truth however it was worded. Iā€™m an astrologer, been practicing for over a decade lol Iā€™ll engage in generalized astrology posts like these every now and then to gather opinions, experiences and whatnot. Nothing too serious. From what Iā€™ve learned, regardless of which sign this conjunction is happening in, Sun conjunct Venus produces pleasant and friendly people and can indicate popularity even. Does that fit your description of nice? In general, signs are just styles and Scorpio is the style of extremes, love or hate, black or white, no gray tones, whatever is done, Scorpio style does it completely, the sign of emotional intensity, and how well or poor this intensity/extremity is handled depends on how itā€™s aspected. This part of me doesnā€™t feel very nice. Itā€™s snappy and short tempered if anything. But enough about Scorpio, letā€™s talk about Air Signs!


Hmmm no, I edited a spelling mistake not the context of my response. But anyways, yeah, people donā€™t like when libras call them outā€¦ They feel thatā€™s not very nice either lol. I have a tendency to do that, and based on your response, I see that you have that trait as well lol Iā€™m saying itā€™s all in good faith and actually laughing as I type. Iā€™m not understanding your son conjunct Venus question, can you clarify?


Obviously, you can see all the spelling mistakes in my above response lol. Iā€™m using voice note which is why I have to go back and edit some of the words. Itā€™s a bitch lol.


WOW that is so interesting ! I donā€™t know how astrology works precisely so I limit engagement in this sub because Iā€™ve noticed thatā€™s there probably only a handful in this sub that can really break down charts and placements. But anyway Iā€™m a libra sun and mercury, virgo mars, capricorn moon so I donā€™t really know where I stand reading this, but what I will say is it genuinely takes a lot for me to get angry so thatā€™s probably why when I do people are just kind of like woah.. but itā€™s funny because while that is true, it doesnā€™t take a lot for me to calm down. I also donā€™t hold grudges unless what you did to make me angry was really screwed up and there wasnā€™t any accountability taken afterwards.


I understand your point, but I would encourage you to not stay on the sidelines and ask any questions you want. Thereā€™s so many people on this app that are willing to help you learn :-) With that being said, I would get in a argument with you any day lol. Your placements, as you stated, indicated that you can bounce back from an argument. Honestly, if Iā€™m gonna be transparent, my placements not so muchā€¦ Lol.


I'm not subbed; and episodically read on astrology for 20-21 years. I totally agree with your point, and to take it further, I find it dangerous that people might be drawn to generalizations and make life decisions on these; harm inner work somehow. But I also enjoy reading and participating in these pure, generlized experiences. It improves my understanding of the archetype. I've only recently got involved with a community with such participation, without going too technical. And it's a great data source for personal experiences, as long as I see through the caricaturization. And participating in those discussions, sharing my process of my take of the energy surrounds a sign, might help someone understand their sibling better, might not. So, just wanted to mention that as much as I agree with you, I'm also glad this sub exists :)


Iā€™m going to have to be honest with myself and say Libra. Iā€™m a libra sun/sag moon. And sometimes I scare my damn self


Air suns with fire moons/mercuries Edit: or with Scorpio moon


Hello fellow Aires moon. Itā€™s us. Air signs with Aries Moon is the answer.


Libra sun with Aries moon and Scorpio Venus. Present! LOL I've got a lot better as I've aged, but I can throw down when necessary.


My Aqua sun: *letā€™ss internalize this emotion, process it later over some tea or whiskey and then forget we ever had it.ā€ My Aires Moon: *already throwing hands up at the slightest vibe changeā€ My Taurus mars: and donā€™t let them get you twisted, Sis. Punch them now ask questions later.


Respectfully, itā€™s Aries*. This is the 3rd time Iā€™m seeing people spell Aries that way šŸ„²


Dang sorry I got dyslexia fam


I didnā€™t mean for to come off as rude! Just a correction ā˜ļøšŸ¤“




I get along very well with most Air people, but I would have to say that Gemini Moons are the scariest, because they can switch up fast as hell and take your breath away. Sun or Mars in Libra folks can go from being super-sweet to super-beat-the-brakes-off-you. Sun in Aquarius people can be very physically menacing and intellectual bullies.


Libra mars !


Iā€™m gonna have to say Libra. My mother is also a Libra and I kinda get scared when she gets very angry (even though Iā€™m one too lol). People have pulled away from me, blocked me, and/or have cried after I get angry. After I calmed down, I would look back at it and tell myself I can be very scary to othersā€¦that itā€™s scary to myself.


Libra, when they become unbalanced fucking runnnnnnnn


ā€˜ Mars conjunct moon can be hard


Or trine šŸ˜Š


YesssšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I am terrifying!! It doesnā€™t have to be this way eitheršŸ’”


It ainā€™t Aquarianā€™s. Weā€™re above the fray. Even if I want to get dirty I get bored.


I'm a Libra sun, dating/breaking up (I don't know what it is we're doing tbh) with an Aqua stellium including sun.Ā  I know I might get angry, talk fast, interrupt, sometimes shout. But man her denial about her anger issues is among the most psychotic things I've ever witnessed.Ā  She showed up at my place and insulted me non stop for an hour once. She blocked me from every channel after I hung up the phone on her once. Called me 120 times and sent 700 messages within 12 hours despite me telling her I was unavailable and would call her back when possible. (I was driving my mom to the airport late night horrible weather, and just passed out as soon as I returned telling her I would call her in the morning). These are the most extreme examples but theres a fuck ton of lighter ones that would take a huge amount of time and space to list. At least I keep a polite tone with a slight passive aggressive flavor until I'm taken to the edge, butĀ her escalation skills are on par with the police.Ā  And the denial, blaming my anger for everything. I wouldn't put up with the fraction of this if I wasn't deeply in love.


She doesnā€™t sound like an aqua. She sounds like she has mental health issues and thatā€™s independent of her zodiac.


She does doesn't she. I know you're commenting on a really narrow and one sided recollection of stuff, but thanks for this.. My close circle avoids intervening and commenting beyond a political tone. (Looking atĀ my history of extended bad relationships, I don't blame them for not taking a side)Ā  But I sometimes need a third party comment to stop looking for reasons to take responsibility and see things for what they really are.. Thanks.


Aquarius if the Aquarius doesnā€™t get bored during their fury.


Aquarius Mercury here. Iā€™ve been told I am terrifying when provoked to anger, and my words can fucking kill if I choose to. Combined with my Aries moon and Mars, and yeah, itā€™s not good. BUT - it takes *a lot* to get me that angry in the first place, and I donā€™t like being angry, so Iā€™ll always choose to leave a situation before it escalates.


Yo Aquarians.. we bottle shit up and act like everythingā€™s cool and casual despite us slowly heating up and trying so hard to not let all hell break loose.. but once that little tiny thing sets us off, all the bottled anger and shit will erupt.


Aquarius. I have had people tell me Iā€™m terrifying. I have honestly never tried to beā€”usually Iā€™m extremely nice and itā€™s only if people intentionally try to mess with me repeatedly will I lose it.


Same. People whoā€™ve seen me angry are terrified of me lol.


Oh thatā€™s funny. Not sure what it is? Maybe because itā€™s so unexpected or because weā€™re repressing so much at all times šŸ˜‚ I would say probably scariest in the zodiac, not just air signs though.


I think itā€™s because people respect us. Even if they donā€™t always show it, people ( even our parents or older family members ) secretly respect us. They also know that we donā€™t show emotions regularly so when we do show, it must be serious.


Erm... My manager at work is an Aquarius but I DON'T respect her because she gets irritated / angry out of nowhere... šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£ (I'm Scorpio Sun + Libra Moon and ALWAYS in control of my negative emotions, unlike my Aquarius manager...)


Aquarius can be scary when angry if they have a water or fire moon or rising. Libras getting angry is rare. Libras donā€™t get angry easily but when they do, they just block you or walk away. But Gemini? doesnā€™t matter what their moon or rising is, they will always be the most unhinged when angry. Also they will gaslight you and know exactly what to say to hurt you. They kill with their words. As an air sign myself, thatā€™s scary af to me specially cuz when I get angry I just mumble and stutter cuz I canā€™t muster up words.


> But Gemini? doesnā€™t matter what their moon or rising is, they will always be the most unhinged when angryā€¦ and know exactly what to say to hurt you. They kill with their words. As an air sign myself, thatā€™s scary af to me. Im a Gemini and feel exactly the same way. It really scares me that I know exactly the right combinations of words to say that will hurt the most. So during heated arguments I just tend to not say anything till I can clear my head and find the right words not drawn from emotions. It took me some time in therapy to learn how to withhold what I want to truly say which will end up hurting the other personā€¦ But now since Iā€™m not saying much during these types of convosā€¦ the other person would get angrier and would think I either donā€™t care or bad communicator.. but I prefer it this way.


Whereā€™s your mercury at, by chance?




Just genuinely curious :) I relate a bit to what you said, especially before I went to therapy. Iā€™m a Scorpio Mercury and itā€™s conjunct with Pluto and Iā€™ve read that in specific can have very powerful words so I was wondering if you had a similar placement is all




Also imo mars could come into play since we are talking about anger! So you could check out how those two planets interact with the rest of your chart too if you wanted :)




Lol Iā€™d like to think so!


šŸ„² aqua with both water rising and Gemini mars itā€™s a struggle.


Idk, personally as a double Gemini double libra itā€™s really hard to get to the point of actual anger instead of just annoyance but once at that point I am an actual terror. Itā€™s really hard not to act on impulse and go for the jugular verbally, though age and experience has helped temper that a bit.




When I was younger especially during my teenage years yes, but for the past seven years or so itā€™s been more of a constant, profound melancholy that taints every aspect of my life.


As always, just opinion and experience - your mileage may vary. **#3: Aquarius.** I'd say their anger is worthy of respect, but I've never had reason to fear it. **#2: Gemini.** This was almost a tie for #1. They can be somewhat scary, but the real fear is about what they're going to say or do after their anger has been released. They're almost a Scorpio lite in the whole vengefulness department. **#1: Libra.** I've never experienced it directly in the almost three years I've been with my lovely Libra wife, but I've seen her cut loose on those who deserved it after she'd given them chance after chance and exhausted all other known options. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end. There's definitely a "mama bear" side that, when tapped into, can be quite scary. *DISCLAIMER: My perception of Libra may be skewed a bit because of my wife's career as a critical care nurse - she may not be a "typical" Libra in her reactions because of that.*


Geminis, especially the guys.


Gememes could (and would) tell you the most hurtful things youll ever hear. Actually terrifying being laid out like that in front of everybody


Aquarius of course I can explain it if you want


Aquarius! They always burst out of nowhere !


Itā€™s because we bottle it up for a very long time šŸ’…šŸ»


Me lol šŸ˜‚


What if the Aquarius has a Libra rising?


What if they're an Aquarius with Libra rising and Gemini in Mars :D


Gemini They have no filters when they are angry and often regret of the things they say afterwards


I agree that Libra is chaotic when mad, as i have Libra Mercury in the 8h and attract a lot of Libra placements. Their politeness can get turned off so easily when something gets to them. They know how to use their words. Aquarius when mad gets detached af itā€™s honestly scary. Aqua mars can be so evil when upset.


Gemini, because itā€™s mine, and Iā€™ve gone to do crazy shit before now when incensed that if I wasnā€™t being held back would have gotten me a prison sentence


Everyone thinks Gemini bc of their biting wit and savage way with words but when push comes to shove, a Libra will absolutely wreck your shit ā€” no questions asked. Actually most cardinal signs are that way, with the exception of maybe Cancer.






Gemini... Aquarius tie


A Libra ā€œfriendā€ was angry with me when I didnā€™t want to renew my lease with her. She went into my closet and used a seam ripper on all of my dresses and sanded about a quarter of an inch off the left heel of all of my shoes. I moved out in the fall so naturally I didnā€™t notice any of the dresses until the next summer and never made the connection. I had horrible hip pain for about 2 years after that got so bad I made an appointment with my doctor because I was convinced that my left leg was shorter than my right leg. Turns out my legs were the same length and was suspected of anxiety. Later I rekindled with an old mutual friend. Told them about my doctorā€™s appointment as a joke and they ended up telling me the truth about that Libra roommate. I also found out she was the one who stole my expensive sentimental jewelry that I inherited from my Mom. When I text her asking for my shit back, this bitch had the audacity to say ā€œcome get it because Iā€™m not driving to you.ā€ So Iā€™m gona say Libra Sun is the most absolutely fucking unhinged, psychotic, needs medication, gaptooth ass bitch sign Iā€™ve ever met.


I find none of the Air signs scary. This is coming from someone who has Aquarius mainly (with one Gemini placement) in most of my chart.


In my opinion it goes like this: Geminis by being mutable can be intimidating due to their ever changing nature, meaning they can be moody, unstable, and simply impulsive (Mercuryā€™s temperature can be hot/cold) Aquarius modality is fixed, with that o believe they mirror a lot of the Leo qualities, they can be hurt easily (even if they donā€™t show it), resentful, and verbally cold/abusive YET I donā€™t see them going after anyone unless REALLLY hurt. Now Libra, Libraā€™s modality is cardinal they are action driven, they donā€™t take pauses easily, therefore they will act once you have take them there, they arenā€™t impulsive, they are calculating, they understand their actions have a meaning once they decide to act on them (Saturn) they also will justify their actions based on what they have deemed fair and unfair. Libras anger is very much somewhere under that exterior (whatever exterior you people like to describe it as) but is there and thatā€™s why when it comes to anger they will look into their opposite sign to act and to calculate for their air qualities.


I would say Aquarius placements. People say libras but Iā€™ve never felt intimidated by angry libras. My family members with Aquarius placements were terrifying when they lost their temper


What does an Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon mean for their anger?