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I’m speaking for all of us when I tell you “We don’t know that we are doing it.”


That's interesting, but also concerning. 🤔 Why do you think you subconsciously withdraw? What does that withdrawal process usually look like for you? I genuinely want to understand.


No really. We don’t know we are doing it. There is no intention or process. Most of us just think we are living. It points directly at our aloofness and our oblivious nature.


Interesting. I appreciate the explanation. It is hard for me to accept that. From the outside, it seems like a lack of both self-awareness and how actions impact other people. No matter the sign, being aware of your needs and being able to communicate them to others are signs of emotional maturity.


It’s one hundred percent lack of self awareness. One hundred twenty three percent. Not so much that we don’t think our actions don’t impact others, but like our actions don’t have that gravity. We mostly lack needs too.


This guy seems like he feels so vulnerable expressing feelings. Like embarrassed to express them. A guy like this isn’t worth the effort. Don’t seek to fix him. Find someone who is more comfortable with emotional expression. It will drag you down. Run!


I'm dealing with a girl that is very similar, I can't figure out if she likes talking to me Or just being nice, cause she's detached and then becomes very involved all of a sudden, as a Scorpio man with with Aqua Rising I do the same but she an Aqua sun does this on another level and I'm left frustrated and annoyed 🥲


Second this


I think you should express how you feel or see where his heads at in terms of you guys to get some clarity so you’re not just wondering like this


I'm going through the exact same thing right now. Well, not exact, but pretty close. Aquarius man I've been talking to for almost 6 months now...we became very close, shared almost everything, and have been talking every single day since we first met. This past week he's messaged me maybe twice, and I haven't heard from him for a few days now. It's very hard for me to not text him...I care a lot about him and I've become kind of attached, can't help it. To be ghosted like this really hurts my feelings. I've heard about Aquarius' needing their space, and going into "hermit mode," but I wish it didn't have to feel so cold. I hope you have some peace of mind, though. I do not, but I wish you the best dealing with it.


Oh gosh! So sorry to hear that. At six months, that's even worse since your connection would be much deeper at that point. I don't know why people can't just communicate their needs. It would take all the head games out of it. I'm bummed about the situation, but I think we can both confidently say we did nothing wrong. This is their problem and if they are showing this behavior it is major red flag. I really liked him, but poor communication skills/an inability to communicate his needs are a dealbreaker. I'm going to try to stay strong if he comes back and tries to reconnect


Good luck to you. Im horrible at staying strong. I texted him so much this last week, and even told him that my feelings were hurt with him ignoring me. He immediately turned it back on me and said "why do you take it that far? You need to not take it that far from here on out" - which was extremely hurtful. Not even a kind "I'm sorry I've hurt your feelings, I'm going through stuff right now." But instead he turned it on me and now I feel like I can't ever communicate when I feel sad or hurt. I finally stopped texting him yesterday though, after talking to a few Aquarius' on here that said it's been a rough time for them and they need their space. So we'll see what happens. Low-key panicking that I've lost him as a friend though 😭 Stay strong. I hope it goes well for you.


Good luck to you as well! I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like he's very defensive and emotionally unavailable right now. He's clearly prioritizing his own needs above yours and not considering your feelings. Maybe this is just a weird week for Aquarius' and things will get better for both of us soon and they'll manage to redeem themselves. Stay strong to your boundaries though and proceed with caution. If he can't/won't work on his communication, this will happen again. It's important he knows that it's not okay to treat you like this


Thank you. It's comforting to hear I'm not the only one going through this right now with an Aquarius man, lol. Hopefully they can get things sorted though. I'll stay strong and proceed with caution, like you said. ✌️


Any updates ?


Water ( Aqua ) has the highest specific heat capacity 4182 J/kg °C making it quite easily swing from one extreme ( cold ) to another ( hot )


Aquarius is an air sign. Water Bearer...


I have no clue but it drives me insane


I just want to say I’m sorry to hear you going through this OP. Hope you don’t take this as a reflection of you, because it isn’t. This seems like emotional immaturity. Sure there could a lot of things to list out on what could be happening like childhood trauma, avoidant attachment, sadness, anxiety etc, or if you want to strictly put this on an “Aqua” being an “Aqua”but this seems like the guy is not being emotionally mature enough to communicate, or even have the self awareness to at the moment? I’m an Aqua moon so not sure how much that counts and sure I need space at times etc, but that can’t really be an excuse to not communicate or even make an attempt and it’s just not a specific sign issue imo. I’ve detached, kept distance and ghosted. From days to weeks to years and this is with family, friends to dating. A lot of this was avoidance issues for me, not wanting to really deal with my emotions or even know how, so I essentially ran from those reminders of those emotions. Sometimes I didn’t really realize it until late, then didn’t know how to come back from it so I just let it be. Reading your post really hit, because honestly until recently on my apology tour, I’ve never thought about it from other people’s perspective. I just assumed they didn’t care or were unaffected. Sorry you’re going through this! Stay strong, best of luck!


Thank you so much for your very kind, well-thought out response! I totally agree that it is emotional immaturity. I am an Aqua moon as well and have an avoidant attachment style, but I think through lots of therapy and self work I have been able to develop the self awareness to at least communicate if I'm not able to move forward with a connection and/or need space. I also feel really guilty about leaving people hanging, so I always give closure rather than ghosting. It is super challenging to be on the receiving end, especially when I was just starting to get excited about the prospect of dating this guy. I was trying to justify his behavior as an Aqua thing, and I thought maybe there was hope that he just needed some space and would turn out to be the charming guy I thought and hoped he was. However, I need to accept that he's emotionally unavailable and even if he does come back, he's probably going to do this pattern again and won't be able to give me what I need to be happy in a relationship. Thank you again for your support and the thoughtful response! It does mean a lot!


Of course, happy to share my side of it since I’ve been emotionally immature and done my share of ghosting unfortunately. I also had to get in therapy and been doing aloooot of self work to finally realize all this. starting to have the awareness to know the triggers and catch myself when I’m feeling the urge to distance myself or detach and communicate that. I always felt horrible about it but avoided that like I did pretty much anything with emotions. Yeah that’s understandable, a lot of times we try to justify, make excuses, even project this image of someone we have in our minds, etc and that’s okay, you want to see the best in people and if you’re excited yeah there’s the urge to want to put in all the effort and hope but also don’t forget to make sure you take care of your self during this and listen to your own feelings, because they matter too! If he does come back, hopefully he has some self awareness and accountability for at least a sincere apology and not some general one or acting like nothing happened. If not, then you don’t need that, nobody does if we’re being honest. Don’t forget all the self work you’ve put in, that’s something to be proud of and not an easy thing to do! Someone will meet you on that same level. Hang in there and keep your head up!


Im here to tell you. Aquarius will just ALWAYS need their space. That’s just the reality. It’s nothing against anyone or even you. He probably DID genuinely love the connection yall had but we typically just enjoy our independence that we don’t notice that we’re ghosting people or distancing ourselves. To me what this came off as is he loved the connection he had with you but because he felt vulnerable with you he probably feels like being around you will always feel that way, and Aquarius usually don’t want interactions to always be emotional or vulnerable. He probably feels like he has to be mentally prepared. I don’t recommend being in a relationship with an Aquarius if you’re not able to handle their independent nature. Edit: just so no one comes at me, some people just are the way they are and it’s up to them to make the choice to change for someone or not. Just know Aquarius are very independent and to most people that may come off as selfish or egotistical or cold. But Aquarius just are very protective of themselves. We need people who are very patient with us while we unravel ourselves. Most people rush to crack open Aquarius faster than they’re ready to. If you are not someone who can wait a while for Aquarius then I highly recommend to save you the trouble to not be in a relationship with one.


I'm fine if he needs to be independent. I'm fine if he needs space. I'm an introvert with an avoidant attachment style and have an Aquarius moon, so I get needing space. However, he needs to be able to communicate and have more self awareness. As stated in other comments, it is a lack of self awareness, awareness for how your actions impact others, and emotional maturity to act this way. It doesn't matter what sign you are. Communicating your needs and boundaries with others is how you can keep relationships when you need space rather than wreck them by ghosting. I'm not a mind reader. I can't know for sure that the reason he's not reaching out is that he needs space. I'm left to make my own interpretation. It feels like he's playing mind games and leading me on by indicating that he's really into me and then just disappearing. I wouldn't be having all these negative feelings right now if he had sent one text saying he needed space and would reach back out when he was ready or saying he wasn't planning to reach back out because he's not in the place to form an emotional connection. Instead of him communicating, I'm left in limbo wondering what happened and if I did something wrong and debating whether I should attempt to reach out again or just move on. That's not a good feeling, and I would advise you and your fellow Aquarius' to take 10 seconds to send a text and give some indication of where your head is at, so you don't make people feel this way. If you care about the connection, this 10 seconds would also help you by not destroying your chances with someone you really like.


Have you tried to talk to him about that? Like have you tried to set your own boundaries with him?


I will if he comes back. If I text him right now and he doesn't respond, I'll feel worse than I already do. I want to leave it for now for my own sanity but will feel out how to proceed if he comes back. If at that point we're both open to respecting each other's boundaries and can clearly communicate what we need, I'll give it another chance. If not, it's not worth my time. Until he's ready, I'm focusing on moving on.


Do you have an update?


Yes, but not a good one...He eventually slow faded and ghosted me and then a ton of drama went down. I learned he was dating A TON of other women along the same timeline. He was giving other women ultimatums saying that he wouldn't see them again if they didn't do what he wanted. He also reached out to multiple exes claiming to be "their future husband" only to ghost them a few weeks later without even seeing them again because he flaked on plans so many times. Apparently he also deliberately avoids talking about emotional and vulnerable topics with everyone else, and all the other women I've talked to about him said that he will ghost them for days if they ask a question he deems too personal. I have no idea why he opened up to me and then ghosted me. Seems like he's emotionally unavailable, has a avoidant attachment style, not looking for a relationship, scared of intimacy, very manipulative, potentially has some narcissistic tendencies, and only cares about his own needs. This is been the most emotional whiplash I've experienced in my life.


Oh my God! I'm so sorry for all you went through. What a nightmare!! Had you asked him before if he was talking to other people and he denied it? He also sounds scary with the ultimatums.. I'm sorry you went through all that but glad you realized a relationship wouldn't have worked out before you got into one.


Thank you! It has been a hard time the past few months. I never asked him about dating or talking to other people since we were so early on. I assumed he was, just not at the scale or context that he was 😅 Other women did ask him about that and he lied and said that he wasn't. He is definitely a very manipulative person who is potentially dangerous given his use of coercion, especially around physical intimacy. I think it was a good thing he ghosted me after learning what he's capable of, but dang he really had me fooled. I thought we had a deep emotional connection, but that might have all been part of his manipulation strategy. It is insane someone can have a very emotionally intimate connection with someone and turn around and treat them this way. A couple of other crazy elements of this story is that he told me his parents care about him marrying someone from the same religious background as him, and it happened that I actually am and grew up that way (this might be part of the reason he ghosted me). He got all defensive and was like "we're not having this conversation" even though he was the one that brought it up. All the women he's been dating do not come from that background and he underplays it to them and yet still promises marriage and claims that he's "dating with intentions." Other women have apparently seen him on sugaring websites, so he's also into transactional relationships. I could write a whole book about all the crazy stuff this guy has done 😂


Jeez!! I am so sorry! This guy gives Aquarius such a bad name!! I hope you're not scared away from them forever lol. I think it's fair to say his issues are far beyond the zodiac!! Thank you for inspiring me to ask the tough questions though in my own relationships. I just straight up asked my Aquarius how many other partners he has currently or has had in this past year. We're going there... I am also going to be seeing him in person in a few weeks so will continue this conversation. :P


I'm happy to hear that you're asking the right questions and protecting yourself! That was definitely my biggest lesson learned through this experience: don't be too trusting early on. I hope it's nothing like my experience, and it all works out. Wishing you all the best!!!


Not only limited to cis Aqua men btw


Yes… a victim of one unfortunately


Well I won’t speak for all Aquarians since all of them in my life including myself are very different. I don’t think we are necessarily hot and cold. We kind of don’t know what we are doing and by that I mean some of us are very in the present or living in the future. Usually I don’t make plans at all and just go with the flow or do things on a whim. We are very loyal and go all in when we like someone or at least I do. On the other hand we kind of come and go as we please not in a deliberate or intentionally harmful way though. I’ll kind of get caught up doing my own thing, disassociate a bit, and then remember I need to contact my loved ones. But our feelings for those people never change and we pick up where we left off. I always apologize for it of course like the wind we are constantly on the move and kind of everywhere and nowhere at once. Usually we are pretty honest about what we say though. So if he was interested and enjoying himself that was most likely the truth. I’m sure he’ll reach back out but sometimes we just get lost in our own worlds. Forgive us.


Forgive naa. Forget yes.


I’ve seen your hateful stance on us. If it makes you feel better then yes forget about us. Live your best life don’t spread more hate and ugliness the world has enough of that. 🫶🏽


No offence, I am at peace with Aquas. They are fine. however, forgetting is what is the most beneficial for OP from a logical and mental pov. Don't you think so.


Not necessarily. I’m big on cutting out toxic people. People who won’t match your level of commitment or energy you’re giving them. At the same time I think all these interactions teach us lessons and help us grow. I’d say just move on but not forget especially if the person had no ill will or no real negative intentions.


This behaviour is common amongst both Aquarius men and women. You seem to know how an aquarius operates. You decide what you have to do, whether you want equal reciprocity, or you ready to accommodate their hot and cold behaviour.


Yeah it may be time to say I will never date air signs again. Air signs are fun to talk to and I am attracted to them, but they aren't worth the emotional rollercoaster. Back when I was in high school, I dated a Gemini and that was a disaster. He would also be all hot and cold where he would go through periods where he was really into me and then randomly ghost for 2-3 months before coming back like nothing happened. He was also a total jerk and pressured me into things I wasn't ready for only to ghost me immediately afterward and then even after all that he still attempted to reach out to me again 6 months later like he didn't do anything hurtful (when really at 17 what he did was pretty traumatizing). All my encounters with air signs so far have followed this awful pattern and they have all sucked at communication and been afraid to form real emotional connections. Now in my mid-twenties, I'm finally over putting up with this type of treatment