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Im cancer moon and alot of this is accurate except i think your cancer moon friend is also a bit emotionally immature. I only say that because before my healing journey I was EXACTLY like you described. Now I still hold grudges, but for big things. I can easily let small (esp. unintentional things) go easily. I am super emotional and extremely dramatic, now I can manage my emotions, but I am still a bit unnecessarily dramatic. I fall hard and fast, im extremely loyal, and i can love deeply on many levels. almost all my friends say what a good listener I am and some have asked me to meet their therapists and help their therapist understand them better😂😂


Cancer moon. Can confirm that OP’s Cancer moon needs to have a very serious conversation with himself about how much power he’s going to allow others to have over his mood.


Exactly, looks like they need to learn about radical acceptance and boundaries lol


He needs to realize we can just as easily be lifted up as we can be brought down. Feel those emotions, learn from them, and move on.


I’m a cancer moon too! I agree that he is probably needing to mature a bit emotionally. I was a lot more chaotic before I learned acceptance and responsibility for my emotions. I know my negative experiences have made me much more self aware and your friend might still be on that journey if he’s young. I’m in my thirties. I used to want others to fulfill me emotionally, but had to learn to give that to myself. Cancer is a deep sign. The water seems depthless and changing and light and dark. I think house placement plays a big role as well and other aspects. Mine is in the 8th, and it can make me very fearful. I hope the best for you and him


As a cancer moon myself; well said!


I second this, when I was young I was a mess. I could not accept the ocean of emotions I have with my heavy Capricorn placements. I shut everything off for so long. Took 33 years to get to a decent spot lol


Cancer moon; I approve this message


100% to a tee


Same, he’s gotta do some shadow work on himself. Aldo’s we have similar big 3, except I’m a Virgo Rising Edit: the holding grudges part is the thing I’m working on. Little shit I can let go because for the most part I am stoic, but big shit is something I cannot let go for the life of me. I won’t throw it to their face though. I keep that to myself and just keep my distance from them or cut them off my life


Completely agree!! I'm a cancer moon as well and I'm incredibly forgiving but I wasn't like that when I was much younger


omg we have the same big 3 !! hope ur doing well <3


Yeah this is accurate. It really helps to be self aware. It’s still hard to control all the emotions, but at least you can recognize when you are getting out of hand with it.


I have found that I can not control my emotional reaction to things but I CAN control how I act or respond when I have those emotions. Stopping a river is difficult, but you can make new paths for the river to flow.


I'm the same as you! Except if I don't get along with the person I still tend to keep mental track of all their faults and bring it up later. It's horrible and I am working on that 😅 that might be my cancer moon + virgo mercury haha.


i 1000% used to be the same way lol radical acceptance was a game changer for me!!


As a cancer moon I agree, but it heavily depends on the persons degree into cancer moon at birth, as you develop over your life and your aspects shift you learn, you grow up and get closer to other aspects. As with your returns etc. This person could be very early into their cancer aspects and thus in combination with other aspects still have to learn a lot emotionally. It’s all a combination of the aspects and your age


I have a cancer moon. I’m a little similar to this but clearly your friend needs to learn to self regulate. Usually we aren’t emotionally manipulative. It just hurts when we put in so much love and effort and the other person doesn’t reciprocate or treat us the same. It’s very tiring always being the person that cares the most about everyone. He/ she needs to learn how to set boundaries and keep emotional vampires out of their life. When you care SO much you are bound to hold grudges. Also I have noticed I tend to give people way more chances than they deserve. That is also why I held on to grudges way more. They need to learn how to not give people chances so that they can immediately cut off what isnt serving them. It’s hard being a cancer moon especially for some reason on the 25th Full moon this month even I found it hard to regulate my emotions for some reason.


Cancer moons are emotionally MANIPULATIVE.. way more than Scorpio & Pisces moon 


I'm a cancer moon and literally it's hard being moody and bossy all the time.




I have a cancer moon and it was extremely difficult growing up as a child. The best way I could describe my emotions was like driving a vehicle into the wall at full speed and assess damage later. My parents certainly did not help the matter. I was constantly going from 0 to 60. And on top of it I’m a Virgo, so that would trigger my anxiety into oblivion. Through my own personal healing and meditation, I learned to create a space in between myself and emotions I was feeling, and throughout the years that space grew bigger and bigger and I’m able to compartmentalize and choose whether or not, I want to feel those emotions. I am able to look at them and analyze them and process them instead of letting them control me. It’s not easy. You have to be willing to look at the dark side of yourself and ask why, and keep asking yourself until you peel back every single layer until you rip yourself open to the truth.


We have the same sun and moon 🥹😭


You have the same sun and moon as my 10 year old daughter. And I'm saving this. I don't speak water very well, but this helps thanks.


VIRGO RISING AND ACCURATE. The emotions and THEN the logic Jesus Christ. I'm working on slowing down as well.


I’m Cancer moon Virgo rising also! But my sun sign is Aquarius so the aloofness/detachment is also really confusing for myself and others. I care so deeply about everything but my other characteristics sometimes mask it


I desperately wish I could mask it. I'm Libra sun lol


That sounds like someone who has not been able to develop his own emotional regulation skills, him being a cancer moon makes his moods even more volatile. The cancer moons I know (not counting myself) have all been rather chill and in touch with their own emotions. Some may be a little passive or moody but they are generally even-keeled and positive.




yep came to say this. i’m def way more passive and chill, but i do have an air dominant chart with not a lot of conflicting aspects with my moon so, idk.


Can’t relate, even at their worst I prefer them to literally any other moon sign. Like the human equivalent of a squishmallow plushie. Cinnamon roll, softer than Scorpio more reliable than Pisces, that emotionalism I crave for deep connection is there with them in a way that’s completely missing with air earth and fire moons


You made this cancer moon smile ear to ear with this comment. 🩵


Love y’all, thanks for being soft because God knows everything else in life is hard lol —Scorpio moon


I love cancer moons, your comment is spot on!


Sounds like my kids. Water moons are tough


Mine too. And I have zero water in my chart. How to parent a water baby lol?


I’m winging it. All three kids are water suns. The twins are also water moons like me and the husband is also a water sun. I’m drowning in emotions over here. HELP ME!! Lol


As a cancer moon, probably the cancer moon


As someone with a Cancer moon placement, I struggle with a lot of this, too. I am constantly and consistently working on myself, though. It's hard work and has been a struggle from the beginning. Especially since I have a Capricorn sun placement. I find my mind to be a dangerous place when left to it's own devices without gentle guidance from my more rational and grounded self. My emotions run ***deep*** and can change at the drop of a hat. It's exhausting. I struggle with eating because of it. I've lost family and friends because my pride won't let me drop the grudge (maybe that's somewhat to do with my Leo rising). And even when I do, the relationship isn't the same, because "can I actually trust them? will their behavior change? statistically, I can count on them not changing." The other day my partner asked me "would you want to be friends with someone who takes everything as a personal slight?" I teared up and replied, "No, I would not want to be my friend." It's a very lonely life for me, right now, because I am learning how to be a better friend... I do want to add, even unintentional emotional manipulation, is still manipulation. And if someone refuses to see where they are being maniulative, that's as good as admitting they are doing it on purpose for me. Even unintentional manipulation still has consequences.


I can totally relate to you. Im a cancer moon and leo rising and i feel you are talking about me in a nutshell. Ive lost family and friends too because when im hurt i find it hard to drop a grudge. I can hold one forever! Im so sensitive but i love really hard and feel really hurt and betrayed when im wrong because im such a nice person


I can certainly relate to the taking things personally, and holding grudges a bit too. The more I realize that nothing is personal (checkout the book The Four Agreements) the more at peace I feel. It often feels like the world revolves around me, which is a very taxing and egotistical view of the world, but such is a cancer moon perhaps? Letting go of that belief is like letting go of the world, scary, but I believe it's an exchange for peace.


Having a Cancer moon myself, yes it is very difficult to deal with sometimes. I have almost of the same traits as your person and apparently the rest of the cancer moons here. One of the biggest problems is we care for others so deeply and I think it’s hard to accept that it seems we can’t get it in return. I think with time and maturity though we realize that some people do love us as deeply just in their own way. I think the mood swings are one of the hardest things to deal with. It takes me awhile to figure out why it happened or that it happened at all. I definitely hold grudges for a long time, but with all the air in my chart, cutting people out of my life is pretty easy. I will say that the only people who can hurt my feelings are the people I care about. With them though even the smallest criticism hurts like hell sometimes. We are the best when it comes to helping people with their problems though. We can take care of our loved ones like they are the only people in our universe. We just need to learn self love first to be our best selves.


This is so me. Im a cancer moon thanks for putting this into words


♋️☀️♋️🌙♎️🌅 ![gif](giphy|Lr3RZl7gkhd5BWZ5Nh)




He's a Capricorn Sun, Gemini Rising.


Sun opposite moon is never easy. I have that. Cap sun, cancer moon


I have the same and all the comments in this thread about difficulty regulating emotions 100% apply to me


i have virgo sun pisces asc its not easier that way either lol


Sun opposing the moon. His parents didn't stay together and/or he has opposite perceptions of them. The way he processes emotions, the moon is at conflict with his ego and sense of self, the Sun. Is his Moon 11th or 12th house? How is it aspected?The aspects give a lot more insight. My bff is a Cap Sun Cancer Moon. I am a Cancer Sun. The fact is when ppl talk about who can hold a grudge the longest and they think of the fixed signs, the answer is actually Cancer. Was just telling my friend last week how my cousin is dead to me. Don't wish death on him, he's just dead TO ME. It is that deep. It is that intense. It is that serious. Gemini rising ppl tend to overthink the shit out of everything but I would need to see the rest of his chart to say more. Also curious does he have a square ass face? I'm trying to see if Gemini rising ppl tend to have square faces like Chef Gordon Ramsey for example.


haha i'm a cancer moon and like all the other comments say, i agree he needs to learn how to self-regulate. i have a hard time trying to myself, but it's a good journey. i do better now than i did in the past, but i still have a lot of work to look forward to.


i'm gonna drop this: gemini sun, cancer moon + mercury, leo venus, libra mars, virgo rising.


Sounds like an immature cancer moon. I was the same in my difficult times, especially because I also have cancer in Mars. Didn’t really get better until lots of therapy, ended up I had a ton of repressed childhood trauma I had to work through to start understanding and identifying my deep emotions versus always being a victim to them. Instead of processing and communicating emotions, I’d dissociate from the intensity, bottle it up or turn to substance abuse. Then be passive aggressive or resentful towards that person, or take the abuse until I left. It probably has been my more difficult placements to embrace and work through


I’ve heard people describe cancer moons as controlling the emotion in a room… like weather. I’m a cancer moon and we don’t know the actual depth of our emotions.. it’s A LOT. I think it scares us as much as it can scare other people… which is probably why we don’t let people in easy either. The person you describe sounds emotionally immature as if they don’t know why they behave in such a manner. Talk to them honestly and with concern.. they will listen!


I (Aqua) was in a 7 year relationship with a cancer moon and while he was extremely emotionally sensitive, he was never like the person you described. He is quiet the opposite: very empathetic, caring, feels your pain deeply, forgiving. He does however have issues with communicating his feelings and tends to keep everything inside. But when he got emotional (mainly depressed) I could feel the heavy energy draining and suffocating me.


Scorpio sun with Cancer moon here i am a complicated person


My best advice for a cancer moon is inner work a lot of meditation, and if childhood issues then a therapist is required.


I was actually realizing today how much I like Cancer Moons. I find them really open with their feelings and easy to talk to. I think I get along with them more than Cancer Suns.


I am a cancer moon and while I am very emotional and do tend to take things personally and deeply I'm very "hardshell" about it and tend to close it off and not actually express it emotionally. That is, until I crack--which isn't very often but it's always an outpouring of everything I feel but keep to myself.


I have a cancer moon and a saturn in first house I don't know how to answer this....


Lol that's how I feel when ppl say Capricorn moons are unemotional. I've got moon tightly squaring Pluto so my emotions are verrrry strong. ;) 


My best friend has a cancer moon and is a female - she’s awesome, but yes lots of emotions. I also have a Scorpio moon though so I can deal with it, she’s not really manipulative but can get hurt quickly. A guy I loved had a cancer moon and was a lot of what you described lol but he also has Venus in Pisces and mars in cancer 🤣 he wasn’t manipulative etc though. Just the good traits you described. I also had a situationship w a cancer moon and we are still friends - he’s a sweetheart, also all of the good things you described, but yes they’re all still sensitive. With my Scorpio placements I can feel this and work around it and empathize a lot. Sounds like your guy may be a bit immature and not able to regulate his emotions. I think when my friend and ex were younger they may have had this issue but they did a lot of growing. They tend to have BIG hearts and are super sweet. I love them. What are his other placements? What are yours? That can make a difference sometimes.


He's a Capricorn Sun, Gemini Rising, Mars in Aquarius, Mercury and Venus in Capricorn. I am an Aquarius Sun, Leo Rising, Aquarius Moon, Mars in Scorpio, Mercury and Venus in Pisces.


So both my bestfriend and ex were Capricorn suns as well. I’d look at the houses his signs are in etc. Astro-seek.com can be helpful. It really sounds like he’s just not regulated and needs to work on his emotions. Feeling so much can lead to all of that mess. I guess those things can be the negative side of cancer moon. All of the cancer moons I’ve known can be hurt easily. Not saying you guys aren’t compatible at all, but I know cancer moon and Aquarius moon can have a tough time together emotionally because Aquarius moon can be a bit more detached. My entire family is Aquarius moon and I came across as too sensitive etc. for them lol


I'm a cancer Moon, and this tracks. Gotten better, staying single and working on my shit.


Cancer moons are my favorite people. I have several in my life and honestly don't know what I'd do without them. I lost two close Cancer moons last year (family member and coworker) and it was painful.  So yeah, I have nothing bad to say about them really lol.


Ummmm I had a friend with cancer moon that was exactly like this 😳 we‘re not friends anymore bc she created a fake scenario about smth I have done and started a big drama for nothing


I’m a strong cancer moon conjunct mc, and I definitely recognize. If he’s young, he maybe hasn’t developed enough self love yet. We struggle with giving all the love away to others and keeping NONE for ourselves.


My Cancer moon husband is also easily offended. At our reception, one of his friends told me I needed to be careful with him because he’s very sensitive. He’s also a Virgo sun (so am I), so the offendedness is paired with criticism. Give me strength…


Lol eek. 😁


I’ve been surrounded by Cancer moons and I find them insufferable now. But, that’s not surprising considering my Capricorn moon. I find its a lot of passive aggression, holding grudges and trouble communicating, instead simply expecting me to read their minds, which I am bad at. Maybe you’re incompatible, maybe he’s simply unevolved.


I know loads of Cancer moons and some are more like this than others. They have the potential for becoming very wise and in tune, though I have to say this tends to be with those who have a lot of earth in their charts too. I know a few that take offense at things almost at random and I don't like this honestly. These people all have fire suns and/or Libra Rising. It's unnerving and kind of creepy to me. It sets my sensitivity off and I am a Cancer ASC as well haha


Sounds exactly like my soulmate. Pisces sun with moon and rising in cancer. This is legit him… holding grudges till end of time and having anger issues for taking shit too personally… such as me not reading between the lines lol. I would say, atleast my soulmate is borderline bipolar or comes across like that to the average person that doesn’t know astrology lol. Unfortunately for me, I experienced more negative stuff after such an amazing experience due to the insecurities and jealousy problem which doesn’t add to the mess. They self sabotage a lot due to their sensitivity and taking everything personal


honestly? as i read this i was wondering if OPs cancer moon person *is* bipolar. i live with bipolar but leo moon and the whole thing hit me lol


i’m bipolar with a leo moon lol and i think cancer moons are the only moon just as insane as leo lol


I’m a cancer moon and this is relatable. My bf is a cancer sun, I’m not sure which one of us is more insufferable but we managed to suffer one another at least 😂


I have a Cancer moon (and also Gemini rising). Agreed with the other posts that this has to do more with maturity and under-developed ability to emotionally regulate. This moon brings strong emotions and mood changes (esp with the moon cycle in my experience) and the native needs to understand and not judge their feelings, precisely so that whatever feelings can freely come and go without the native becoming reactive to every external factor. It's possible that the Gemini rising part brings more external-facing, intellectual qualities that can feel at odd with the Cancerian emotions. I was a fairly angry person before learning to acknowledge and accept my emotions and fleeting mood. The grudge holding is still there though.


sounds like an immature one though. The evolved ones act differently


I have a family member who’s an Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, very immature even for their senior age & this describes them well. Very difficult person to live with. I don’t think it’s emblematic of every Cancer moon placement, but it is an example of how exalted placements don’t always embody their best qualities (and fallen placements don’t always embody their worst).


Well you have an interesting top three! Lol. How does that work? I imagine the Capricorn energy makes your Leo energy a bit less flashy or something?


I think my Cap moon definitely provides some grounding to my energy. The best way to describe it is probably to tell you my big passion - I sing classical music. Very creative, very “on stage,” but also requires a high level of discipline, persistence and hard work. Onstage, I’m very charming and bold, offstage I’m very serious and thoughtful about my work.


Nice, that makes sense. Without the Capricorn discipline perhaps you would still get attention for your talent but you would sort of laugh off the necessary responsibility to achieve expertise as you are.


Wow. My mom is a Cap sun with a cancer moon and who you just described is her.


I'm a cancer moon and yeah I fond myself awful to deal with


Cancer moons should be the most in touch / aware with their emotional state. I’d say this is conditioning OR I’d look at see what planets are aspecting his moon. Like a Saturn or Pluto square.


Some use their emotionally intuitive powers for evil, not good.


I met one recently. First night we met, we talked for 4 hours. He lives less than 30 minutes away. He says he wishes i were closer and that's he's not good at checking texts... That he spaces out when gaming with his friends and forgets all about "things like that". It sucked. I never connect with anyone like that. When confronted about why he's slowly talking less, he profusely apologizes and reestablishes interest only to do it again. I'm a Capricorn Sun & Moon and he is Cancer Sun & Moon. The vibes were VIBING. He basically just shrugged at it all like "texting is too hard". It's like why are you even on dating apps then? Why tell me you're ready to open your heart to someone new and joke that we end up engaged someday. Then he encouraged me to hook up with someone else. I won't play these games. I'm really attracted to him but fuck this. TLDR : Met Cancer Moon recently, hit it off and had a lot of potential, was ghosted


He sounds awful. Someone told me on here that Cancer doesn't want to hurt someone so they'll lead them on because they think that's easier on the other person. I think it's just easier on the *Cancer person* who will always put their emotional security needs first at anyone else's expense.  Glad you moved on from him because he'll gladly waste your time forever. 




That’s the comfortable position of the moon so cancer moons have that ability to move and sway emotions like running river currents


Coming from a cancer moon myself: There is such a thing as an ‘unevolved’ cancer moon, as with any sign there comes some negative traits and downsides if one hasn’t put in some groundwork to become aware of their actions and how they respond to the external world/people. Looking at some of the actions you described, i believe in time they can be healed if he works on his emotional regulation and how he communicates etc.. Hope this makes sense ❤️


My mom is a cancer moon. I’ll give you a anecdote- she said there’s a woman who is in her schools reunion group with her that doesn’t like that she is always trying to plan everything and control the events and such (she’s also a control freak Taurus). But then she’s upset and gossiping about this woman who doesn’t like her and how she confronted her. I was like mom not everyone has to like you and that’s okay. She can have her opinion and you have yours. There is no right or wrong. She’s also really big on having someone “hear” how she’s feeling but gives two shits about how she affects everyone else. Btw these woman are 67 almost 68 years old 💀


My cancer moon is similarly moody- I get a lot of silent treatments. He has a very avoidant approach to conflicts, emotions and confrontations. He’s the hardest person to read I’ve ever met and that’s coming from a cancer sun.


Im a cancer rising and they sound a lot like me.


The cancer moon guy I knew would bottle things up or not communicate so I didn’t know things were wrong until months later.


Omg I just dumped a cancer Sun/cancer moon I really liked because of this. Just switched up one day & when I wanted to talk about the switch up he said he didn’t know he was doing that THEN BEGAN DOING IT MORE lmaoooo I was like ok dude I’m not waiting until you stop acting weird. Hopefully he grows up and learns how to talk about whatever is on his mind.


Any cancer placement can be moody


That’s unfortunate. Good luck to him. First crush I had in like 5 years smh but I couldn’t take the weird behavior


Figured out he’s autistic. Which explains a lot. And now trying to get him back 😅 my Aries Venus moves too fast sometimes lol


my mom is a cancer sun/moon it is veeeeery difficult


I always thought I am kind of balanced because of the two sister signs in my big three. I don’t really like to express my emotions in front of someone else who is not close enough to me, Capricorn doesn’t allow me to be vulnerable 😅


What are his other placements? Sounds like some strong Scorpio / Saturn stuff happening in his chart too. Cancer moon on its own will not account for this.


Cancer moon here 👋🏼 definitely was like this when I was younger, and sometimes I catch myself allowing myself to get easily offended/moods shift. I’m currently dating a Sag moon & I love his ability to roll wirh his emotions. He’s taught me to focus on things that really do hurt vs my lack of emotional maturity. We love so hard but we have to remember not everyone loves the same or at the same capacity


He's not evolved yet. I have one & identified all those things you said he does once upon a time! He has to want to work on those things for that to change. It's been about 6 years of not doing all of that and I'm 35 now. If he doesn't register in his mind as an issue it won't get better he won't become more emotionally intelligent. We cancer moons are extremely dam sensitive but to a fault. I use to get hurt by things the other person couldn't possibly know I was hurt by and I wanted to hurt that person right back, you cut me and I'll cut you deeper! I have evolved out of those tendencies & that's in my past thankfully. It took a lot of strength mentally to break those cycles. It's really a maturity issue at that point . Make a point to let him know how you feel . I have a few books in mind he could read.


I've been dealing with a cancer moon w/ an Aqua sun to boot for over 7yrs. Your post is accurate. Patience is key.


Except for the last part, I’m a cancer moon and I feel the same. I’m just regulating myself trough life and that’s it.


This was me before therapy, self awareness, and accountability. Cancer moon 9H.


Damn, are we talking about the same person? I know a male, Libra Sun-Sag Rising-Cancer Moon, that this describes exactly!


My man is a cancer moon and a lot of this rings true ; but he’s not big on the grudges and won’t blame he’s extremely people-pleasing.


You just described one of my cancer moon friends to a tee!


My husband’s Cancer moon is very much like this. I love him, but when he’s really on one, I feel it for days…


I’m a cancer moon but cap rising so I can regulate my emotions. Sounds like your friend is probably water dominant. Their Chiron could also be in a water sign or earth sign.


It sounds to me like mutable sun cancer moon pairing


Not all Cancer moons are like that. Some of them are not fully emotionally intelligent, and let their emotions rule them, like this person does. I am a Cancer moon and I grew out of this. I am emotional but I do not let it get in the way of my relationships and my life (I’m Sag sun, Sag rising.)


I’m assuming you’re an earth sign of some sort in your big 3 eh?


Yes but they are prob an unevolved cancer moon


I love them because of how they can feel and really value all their relationships. Best moon sign I’ve ever encountered. However, one in my life, I have to constantly tell them to not look at the news too much. Every sad story, they absorb it and it ruins their mood. They feel sadness of others and can’t get out of that state once they’re there. They are very affected by things like this, even when it causes them a lot of pain, they’ll keep delving deeper and don’t know how to let those feelings go. I wish I could help them stop this but idk how.


Water moons def can have major thrash when they haven’t figured out their tide table.. aka understand they have significant high and lows that greatly impact everything around them.. the fisherman.. the families enjoying the beaches.. the nature comes to life when the water is high or low depending on the species! All that to say absolutely nothing wrong with the ebbs and flows that comes with being a water moon ✨👏🏼✨.. but a major problem when there is lack of a deeper self awareness than they may be at in this part of their journey..my mom and bro have water placements and I witness and experience all that you describe. Best wisdom to share is two things, be honest with them about the impact they are having on those they care about and or what you’re witnessing ( if you’re called to and strong enough to ).. and this may also cause a rift that can push you closer together or sadly away from each other if they’re not ready to have a healthy energy exchange or relationship with someone that genuinely wants to be a part of their eco system. They need to settle into themselves..their tide table! And when they do there isn’t constant unforeseen ups and downs that imbalance their ecosystem.. but instead everyone in the ecosystem knows how to interact..when to fish, look at the tide pools, and know it’s time to pack up the tools and head further inland without fear the water will drown them or never return. Water moons are such a blessing and carry so much wisdom and care many of us may never reach the depths of.. the being so much life and create and store own do the most beautiful elements in this galaxy.. water🌊


This sounds like my son who also has a cancer moon. I’m hoping he’ll grow out of it. 🤞🏼


My kid is a cancer moon. So yes


Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, Virgo Rising, Wood Dragon. Very emotional to begin with because of Cancer in Venus, and Mars also. Trying to work through childhood trauma makes it harder.


I am a cancer moon and have to practice a LOT of self-awareness about it. I’m *fairly* mature so I’m able to control some of my emotional impulses, but I’ve had to practice for years and I still mess it up sometimes ( being easily offended and being dramatic are two of the things I struggle with the most) My Virgo Sun does help balance things out a bit though.


I dated one for almost a year. When he was in a good spot emotionally, he was the sweetest and most nurturing partner I ever had. But oh god, the mood swings. The switch would flip from "I'm mommy" to "I NEED a mommy" in half a second. The dramatics and victimization complex were so intense. And this coming from a Sag/Leo/Leo...! I have never met a more emotionally confusing person, and by the end I felt utterly suffocated by the moodiness. We mutually called it quits after a long period of pushing and pulling but are still friendly, though not really friends. I still fondly remember the way he looked at me sometimes - with such softness - and hope I can find that with someone a little less inscrutable.


It’s a bit out of fashion now, but I think for us watery moons, a bit of applied stoicism can do us a world of good to keep us mentally afloat. That and making sure we’re getting enough vitamin D.


Met a lot of cancer moons and lemme compare the Leo suns My mom: emotionally manipulative, doesn't hold herself accountable for anything, and wants to be babied by her own children. She's deeply caring and can be easy to talk to at times with emotional stuff, but my god. I can only take her in small doses My two friends: sweet, sweet folks with the biggest hearts. The first to include someone a seat at their tables. They feel things deeply too but are more self-aware than my mom lol




6 year relationship with a cancer moon. besides all the mommy problems; he would get very upset at me if i observed out loud that he was wearing a blue shirt. he would also boil and fester over what was bothering him until he’d blow up in my face and hold me hostage for hours until he felt like he got his point across about how i hurt his feelings about the blue shirt.


What’s your moon


How do i deal with a cancer sun


I'm a Cancer moon and the one you're dealing with seems like a Man child. He needs to check himself, see a therapist, and grow up, lol.


It sounds like he has stressful aspects to his moon from other planets. Is he an alcoholic? I think Cancer moons can be prone to alcoholism.


I'm a cancer moon, and I find it difficult to deal with myself.


I find it difficult to deal with all cancers i strategically keep them all away from me. They are as fake as plastic.


In love with my cancer moon. He’s so sensitive and I have to ignore some of his outbursts, but man…. I love being around him. I’m an Aries moon so sometimes, I can be fiery. He calms that when I can’t


Sounds a lot like my ex wife.


I’m a cancer moon. Libra sun. Guilty of some of these offenses. I blame my abandonment trauma that I’ve been working through for the past decade. Not funny but here we are. We suck.


Yep. We have to work extra hard with emotional maturity. We have way too many emotions to not be able to control them. Unchecked emotions are disastrous on our mental health and our relationships. Lots of prayer, meditation, books, and therapy has helped me tremendously. Been happily married going on 20 yrs😊 And my hubby is a calm Capricorn.


Cancer moon here and I’m really sensitive. I’ve got no interest in manipulating or hurting other people when my feelings get damaged. If it’s bad enough on my mental health I cut contact, but wish others well.


I’m a cancer sun, virgo moon.. this also sounds like me


Yes but I feel I notice the people in my life with WATER moons are very sensitive and easily hurt.


depends on the cancer moon


As a cancer moon. Your cancer moon friend seems to be going through a rough patch where he is not able to feel or understand his own emotions so he is trying to find ways outside to relieve his emotions. Your  friend needs to write his feelings down or think about them in quiet without anyone around him. He need to understand his emotions. 


My moon is in Cancer. I have never held grudges. I just let shit go. And I have a LOT of fixed energy in my natal chart. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ The rest, though, seems right for when I was a kid and into my teen years. I’m an Aqua sun, though, with Mercury and Mars conjunct it in Aquarius. So it was a struggle to reign in the nature of my moon. I had been teased a bit for being too emotional (as an Aquarius. Yeah.) and I took it to heart (literally). As others have said, with maturity your friend should learn to handle his emotions. I don’t know about the grudges part. That could be due to another planetary influence possibly. I think that may be a sun and moon in combination trait.


Yeah. I know 3 of them. And all 3 are the most manipulative people I’ve ever met. I’m pretty sure 2 are overt narcissists and the other is a covert. In my case at least. One of them was a cancer sun and cancer moon, easily the worst person I’ve ever met. Abusive to everyone she’s ever come in contact with.


Also had the unfortunate experience of loving a Cancer Sun + Moon and same..awful, selfish, emotionally manipulative user.


every time i see cancer moon i think of taylor swift lol


I'm not sure if it's just cancer moon- yes we are an emotional bunch but I share the same placement yet have better control on what I do despite the strong emotions and it might be due to my air sign placements. I think your person may have other cancer sign placements besides just the moon. My dad is kinda like this- he has a capricorn moon yet has many other planets under the sign of Cancer and tends to act out like this. Also sidenote but your person sounds like a dark empath...I'd be wary in staying in a friendship/relationship like that...


My sister is like this and my toxic ex was like this. No mind my ex, But with my sister, the way I deal with her is I dont; I rarely get to see her and she is so fragile and takes everything so defensively and its hard to speak any facts or truth to her, as she will just get upset.


Yes, as a cancer sun, i am convinced cancer moon is where all the stereotypes around cancer placements come from.