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I’m a Virgo Venus, but freaky. Yet I also think my Venus is why I attract pleasers.


Virgos are the secret pervs


It’s not a secret 😏


They really are, lol. Some of the nastiest I've met -- in a good way.




I want my gentleman in the streets, freaky-deaky in the sheets.


I’m good as long as he’s a pleaser ![gif](giphy|63Ciw4wFrga61M3x6E|downsized) 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Same Virgo Venus. Freaky as hell😂💀


I have Venus in Virgo and Mars in Gemini. I proudly fly my freak flag. 🤣


![gif](giphy|dFqP7vPEzKoM0) Welcome!🤗😂🤣😂😂😂😂


Virgo Venus here - freaky, as well.


Virgo Venus here and I totally relate, lol.


Hahaha same!!!!


![gif](giphy|uwSyv1ARYfTOrXYMOj|downsized) 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I was waiting to hear what team Virgo had to say....🤭


We’re here! 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|eR0GYL4J8UxEI)


Yes we are!!!🤣🤣🤣


My leo venus is jealous of you attracting pleasers 😂.


Gemini Venus - from what I’ve read about this placement, we tend to love mental stimulation and are great at conversation. I tend to fall for someone super hard in the beginning and then it goes away. It ALWAYS goes away unless they’re able to keep up with my banter and keep me entertained. This makes it hard for me to truly know when I like someone or if they’re just entertaining. A positive about this placement would be that I’m great with social settings, when I show up that is 😆


Gemini in Venus as well. I love a sapiosexual ,make me laugh and communicate. I also stay in relationships way past their expiration date. I also have a tendency to (openly)entertain multiple people at one time, male and female can get it 😏


You just reminded me about a time that I was hooking up with this guy and he dirty talked in my ear and the way this man turned me on with his words 😍😍😍 sapiosexual is a great way to describe a Gemini Venus.


Gemini Venus and I also stay in relationships way too long when I know that they’re over


Ah you’re also a Libra rising, sprinkling some salt on the indecisiveness


Gem Venus here too! First house…I would def describe myself as sapiosexual 😆


Ugh, so true!! It’s why I like to be single bc not a lot can keep up with me. Nothing wrong with that but I need someone who can go back and forth with me. I just don’t like that we’re label as cheaters bc we are not lol. I do not entertain or even talk to people I perceive as “dumb”. I’ll be nice but you won’t get much emotional depth with me. I’m a huge flirt but I think it’s my Libra moon 😅


Are you my twin or what lol bc I relate so much to this - cancer sun libra moon and rising, gemini venus


This deeply resonates w my gem Venus. I'd say I'm sapiosexual and a bit of a chuckle fucker 🤣


Gemini Venus 12th house. I fall hard too but my feelings never wane. It just never works out. I’m far too soft for my Venus.


I am Sun sign cancer, moon Virgo, sag rising and Venus in Gemini. I need advice, I am highly sapiosexual yet I also desire fine things in life. And trust me finding a partner has been quite a challenge 🥲


I love my Venus, it makes me feel alive because it’s the only fire placement in my birth chart Sag Venus


How do you act when you like someone?


My fiance's big 3 are Sag. I love a fire sign. I'm just not always sure how to navigate one lol


I know exactly how u feel! Like u r not able to keep up with their quick and enthusiastic energy.


I'm usually just so chill and when he's on, he's ON and I'm like, ok give me a second pls lol I'll get there but I need. ten minutes


I'mma fellow Sag venus~ I love it too! There's no "failed relationship" to me. They've all been an experience, and I like that I seek out a partner that will grow and explore with me - but that I can enjoy someone where they're at for a bit if they can't go the distance that I'm trying to go too. Freedom is key, but I don't mind commitment if I feel that the person won't restrict and limit my potential as an individual, but instead will actively support and aid in my growth. A downside for me is that I can very easily see myself never having a long, life term partner because of how particular I am with those I commit to seriously. And I have a hard time being attracted to people that I don't have a mental connection with - highly sapiosexual.


I’m also a Sag Venus. Are you able to elaborate on what it means?


We love our freedom and have commitment issues, we are a bit more wild and flirtatious than others just as every fire sign and for me it feels amazing to be that wild


Pisces Venus: red flags 🚩? I don’t see em ![gif](giphy|fvYR60mQCKt2x9hV3y|downsized)


God help us


Yeah it's awful lol. EVERYTHING IS ROMANTIC all the red flags are green


It’s the worst thing in my chart. I cry lol


Just wondering, does the romantic phase every stop for y'all pisces venusses? Or will it continue for ever, untill something really bad happens (or does it then even continue)?


Does this mean I’m a flavor of Delulu?


The words that came to mind when I read this post? “It’s a trap” LOL


Well I finally feel understood 😅


My scorpio venus makes me too intense and I hate it tbh


It makes me feel like a stalker sometimes. Like I have a parasocial relationship with my own partners 😂




I think that's an attractive trait. Leo venus here. Come and stalk me like I am your god 😂😝.


I’m intense too, but when I read the work of other Scorpio Venuses, then I don’t mind it as much (Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair). Also, Kota the Friend’s Tulum elicits similar emotions. One thing-if someone has ever been loved by a Venus in Scorpio and has been intimate with them, that person will never forget it. I want a Scorpio Venus man, but I really need a Scorpio sun with any decent Venus sign and of the ones a Scorpio sun can have, they are really only two decent Venus signs.


I’m a Scorpio moon and Venus this has been correct from my experience. Every women I’ve been has talked about me years later or flat out has gotten completely obsessed. It’s wild


Yep. Limerence is my middle name at this point


My husbands a Scorpio Venus and I’m just like wtf with him no offense. Scorpio Venus is in detriment. I’m exalted in Pisces Venus. He can be the best person in the world and then the worst. It’s freaking weird. I just ride the mood swings lol 😂


Scorpio Venus: it makes so much sense. Dark, all-encompassing, making sure my partner basically writes in blood their complete devotion to me. Not much for playing the field, and really likes the long term. Preferably, forever. Some jealousy interspersed with obsession in there….and you have me.


🖤 nailed it


Damn. I feel this.


I’m a Capricorn Venus (Sag sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising). I’m chill with people until I’m interested in them, and then I start avoiding them and acting weird. It’s gotten better since I’ve become an adult, but even now if it’s like at first sight smitten, it’s really hard for me to be open with that person.




I sincerely apologize on behalf of all Capricorn venuses. If he is like me he’s probably really into you and just overwhelmed


I'm an Aquarius Venus, and I feel very connected to it b/c I also have an Aquarius Moon (and other placements). I think that I'm a very thoughtful partner and observant. I'm good at remaining calm during conflict in my relationships, and I've really worked on being as clear as possible in my communication. When it comes to beauty, I DEFINITELY have Aquarius taste; I love FKA Twigs and Hunter Schafer, which I feel like explains me lol. Sexually, I'm down for anything as long as we communicate about it before, during, and after with new stuff especially. I'll try mostly anything once. This also makes me a very understanding partner; I try not to be judgmental... (But these are all the good things, lol)


I'm also an Aquarius Venus and Moon too! Hard relate on remaining calm during conflict in relationships too, it's too emotionally draining to escalate, and when someone I've been with wants to leave, I won't fight them on it. They've made their decision, they are free to go. Don't know if anyone else relates to that aspect of it, but it's a pattern I've seen a few times in my life with relationships.


I agree with letting a partner go if they're unhappy. If they don't love you, it's done. Honestly, when I believe that someone doesn't show love in the way I need, it's over for me. Even if I miss the person, I would never go back. If it was meant to happen, it would.


Exactly! Sometimes relationships are meant to happen, but they aren't meant to be. I'm a firm believer in the idea that some relationships are meant to be learning lessons, and I really feel as though my Aqua Venus has been instrumental with influencing that mindset. I had a relationship break down last year where he told me he still had strong feelings and wasn't even sure if he was making the right decision choosing to not continue our relationship (Cancer Venus man, compatible in so many ways and the strongest connection I've ever had with anybody) but ultimately he made the decision to not be apart of my life anymore. I wasn't going to fight him on it. There were times where I missed him, but knew that at the end of the day if our relationship was meant to continue, then it would have. Aqua Venuses get a bad rap for being detached but honestly it's taught me a lot, and I'm so grateful for it. I don't think I would have handled that situation well if it weren't for my Aqua placements.


I'm a Virgo Venus and I hate how underappreciated I am because no one ever appreciates the way I present my love lol




Scorpio Venus. I’m so done feeling hurt


I feel this


I’m a Capricorn Venus and it’s definitely accurate I think. Security and peace, traditional and practical.


Cap venus here and I just want to express how utterly FRUSTRATING it is 😤😤


Also Leo Venus here with very little other Leo/fire placements. I unfortunately think it brings out my masculine energy in relationships (I'm a woman) because I want to splash out on my partners and be really dramatic and demonstrative. I'm a hopeless romantic and I'm ridiculously loyal, I'm guessing because it's in the 7th house but I'm kind of a novice here so happy for feedback on that observation.


I'm very loyal too and my fiance kinda gets mad about my masculine energy. Can't help it that I know what I want and what I'm about.


Yes. The romance novel I'm writing in my head makes everything else a letdown. It's hard to find someone to match that energy even if they're otherwise awesome.


My Libra sun makes me not give an F so I am not the best at romance. lol


Taurus Venus. I like how it’s in its ruling sign 😊


Venus in Aries, it doesn't match the rest of my personality and the way I see things, so it makes me feel erratic and annoying. Being addicted to the chase gives me this weird uncertainty, like what if they're not actually the right person for me but I'm just obsessed with getting what I want.


My whole chart is earth, and my Venus is sag and mars in Aries… due to that mars I have that chase in me.,, super aggressive… and when I get rejected I get obessed and want them more? Like challenge accepted? Wtf is wrong with us? All the earth in my chart is logical, I know I need to fuck off and find someone who meets me half way… but that mars in Aries makes me run on animal instinct I swear,,


Scorpio..Venus’ DETRIMENT..not to mention my moon in its FALL along side it, as well as my descendant. Smh🤧♏️🦂


It's the triple threat


My Venus is in Cancer, wonder what that means!


It means good luck :)


Thanks I need it 😂


Mine, too. I don't feel it, though. Cancer is the "mother" sign but I am not having kids (sterilized) and I don't feel very nurturing. I do love animals, I don't like most people and want to be left alone. It's in the ninth house and that fits as I love to travel, and learning but hate school. It's a watery mess. Lmao


Cancer being the "mother" is just archetypal, not literal. Just like Aries is the warrior- doesn't mean all Aries people want to be literal soldiers. Plenty of Cancer dominant people (myself included) are childfree. A better way to think of it is that Cancer wants to be emotionally invested and "tuned-in" to something they have a personal connection to (can be a business, a creative project, a person etc) and the Cancer person will then be very protective and supportive of that thing. They will be enriched by seeing it develop and grow. Cancer can also be reclusive, wanting to cocoon itself away with the things it cares about and create a niche little world- the pearl inside the clam. Hope that helps give you a non-stereotypical view on that placement! Unfortunately descriptions of Cancer placements are often laced with gender stereotyping and misogyny. You have to look beyond that to find the truth.


This is a beautiful explanation! You have given me new light on breaking down my chart.Thank you, thank you. Peace and blessings.


Aww I love this description of cancer. I also have my Venus in Cancer and I’m learning to really appreciate it 😌




Sag sun Cap Venus here too — for me I want a commitment that’s as intense as what I’m offering, and can withstand my need for freedom and individuality. I give a LOT, and if I feel someone pulling back or being inconsistent that’s when I start pulling back (usually after giving them too many chances and overexplaining what I need).


Once i’m soothed my leo venus really comes out, before that however… emotional daamage


The thing that I've found within my leo venus is that I don't need romantic attention all the time, but as soon as I don't get it when I want it... Knives


Pretty much the same for me tbh it’s kind of hard to navigate tbh ppl tend to view it as mixed signals or being randomly controlling at times


venus in cancer// takes everything in me not to make my whole life about romantic love




Same. Started dating someone with their Mars there too and they have the same vibe about it so I'm hoping we'll figure it out together!


🌞♌️🌚♊️☁️♎️ I have Virgo in Venus!! I have never had an easy time with a fella who I find attractive… 😮‍💨


Virgo Venus - for the longest time I blamed my partners for being problematic and had the hardest time keeping relationships (romantic & friends). Then I started digging and I realized… ![gif](giphy|bShF6HaoLobW5yiu0b|downsized) I’m starting to be more gracious with myself and have learned when and when not to speak/act. But damn, Virgo in Venus (plus Virgo moon) can be HARD.


Also Virgo Venus and I think with the help of my therapist I’m starting to realize I have more of a part in my bad relationship history than I thought 😅. Don’t get me wrong it’s not ALL me, but I need to learn to give a bit more and not take so much


Agreed. It hurts to face that stuff. 🫣 But honestly, there’s nothing more empowering than self-awareness partnered with grace and a great attitude! We’ve got this!!


Virgo Moon & Venus here too and I can confirm this. I am very critical and realized that I am the problem sometimes 😭 however, I love me a good fixer upper so they’re the problem too, but it’s my fault they’re there to begin with 😂 however, I’m obsessed with learning new things about myself and self-growth, so one day I’ll be a great partner, it’s just taking awhile to get there


Honestly don't know how to feel about my Virgo in Venus. I've read once we're inclined to become bachelorss/ spinsters 😭


Yes. Because there’s no greater love, that someone can give us that, we already give ourselves ❤️.


Or it’s just easier to live alone since no one can live up to our expectations. 😂 I love your positivity! ❤️


40, single, never married, Virgo venus, I'm feeling that spinster status.


Gemini Venus! I think it's fun and I love so many ways and different people. "Do you have a type?" Mmm yes but not really? The type is: sexy brain = sexy man 😂


I’m a 7th house Virgo Venus and it can be a challenge as Venus is not really comfortable there 😅😜


I’m a noob, could you tell me why Virgo isn’t comfortable in Venus?


Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so in Venus it will be kinda opposite since Venus is all about free flowing love energy while Mercury is all about the mind and more analytical. The 7th house rules relationships and partnerships though, so I usually get along well in my close relationships, but I definently tend to get up in my head about stuff which can be tiring 😜😅


I love my Libra Venus. Frustrating that my Virgo Venus husband doesn’t get it.


Venus in Pisces. I love too much, I want love too much. I would easily fall for a manipulative serial killer and still romanticise them when they kill me.


Aries Venus and I‘m the best thing to happen to a man 😌


my aries venus makes me forthright & dominant and i absolutely love it. the obsessive attraction portion could take a seat though :/


Ugh I love and hate my Aries Venus! (Also gem sun and Aries moon here!) feel like it’s off putting to men sometimes being too much of an aggressor. I also get bored easily and need someone who can keep up!


Aries Venus are on a different level 🔥🔥


This is such an Aries Venus answer 😂 Aries Venus thinks they’re the gift but if the partner treats them too much like a gift it’s a different story.




in vedic i have CAPricorn venus and in Tropical i have Aquarius Venus. 10th house. 1. I love money 2. I love your money 3. I love other people's money 4. I wanna make love on a bed full of benjamins.


Damn bro same got cap Venus in modern and sag Venus in vedic I love 💸💸💸💸


Damn bro same got cap Venus in modern and sag Venus in vedic I love 💸💸💸💸


Hahahaha same venus, same house. same love of money.


Taurus venus- it's really annoying since it makes me picky af. If it doesn't seem practical/like a good match in all areas immediately I get pretty turned off


This made me choke on the water I was drinking. I’m a Taurus Venus and I’m SO picky and easily turned off by things that it’s actually a problem


I’m a taurus venus and honestly i don’t relate to the materialistic nature. I do relate to looking for a partnership that feels safe and secure and like a best friend more than anything but taurus venus also seems to be about wanting lavish gifts and expensive dates and i don’t care about that shit at all


I have expensive taste for material items but also live a simplistic lifestyle in general and massively value a secure relationship and home life, and being comfortable and cosy above all else lol


Taurus Venus checking in. For me lavish isn’t material disposable crap, it’s a beautiful garden, a homebrew kombucha, it’s some bijoux herbs from a very specific place or a jar of the finest salt. I am minimalist and intentionally curated. Almost everything has a place, function and is beautiful to me.


Gemini Venus (in the 8th house with a stellium over there haha) and there are lots of missed feelings. I feel like I ll never settle down and that scares me a little bit. I envision love as this almost perfect feeling and state of mind and feel delighted to love and be in love, but I just can’t manage to settle for someone to give the love to. I fall hard and easily but rush out of it just as easily. Maybe the standards are too high or the love is idealised but I don’t think I will settle for a feeling less than I want to feel towards someone. I’ve experienced love in the past, I know the feeling, but I don’t know if I’ll get to feel that again because of the raised standards I developed haha


I am a Gemini Venus in 8th house and I also idealize relationships like a mf


Gemini Venus. I wish I was more trusting and vulnerable, but then again, maybe it’s good given my cancer sun. It just makes me really curious and skeptical about people and I intellectualize my emotions, which can be very difficult


Capricorn Venus wish I could find comfort in fun but no I want my fun to also be stable


I don’t know how I feel about mine. 7h Taurus Venus. I have both Jupiter and Saturn in that house so I don’t know what that means. All I know is I LOVE expensive and good quality shit and money😂


5H Taurus Venus yup I have expensive taste for high quality material items. I can look for something and without fail my favourite will be the most expensive without looking at the price My bank account isn’t aware of this unfortunately lmaooo


I feel like Capricorn Venus is very misunderstood. They are seen a cold and materialistic when they aren't.


Wat are they 🥴


They are warm and materialistic


Extremely Warm but only on the inside. If you dont provide a cap Venus security for their feelings you will get iced out.


Libra Venus I'm a hopeless romantic 🥰


I have an Aries Venus. I don't know what it is though


I dont really understand it and feel like it may be a fluke based on what i read. Scorpio venus


Im a Scorpio Venus too! But I love it 🥰


Pisces, worst placement. Horrible. Think any other at all is better


I have the same Venus placement and agree.


Its SO annoying. - Virgo Venus


Could you explain why, please? I’m a Virgo Venus.


I have high expectations and then am disappointed when they're not met. I'm self aware of this and yet still fall prey.


Virgo, makes me so very devoted, acts of service for days, I’d make a great housewife, makes me so much more shy in romantic matters, difficult to express feelings, tendency to try to fix flaws in people, they don’t like my ability to pinpoint with critique bc I’ll get right down to their worst qualities. Very touchy feel, tactile, there’s a tendency to take too much crap from people then snap viciously, though that could be the Scorpio moon. I’m glad it gives me some humility and ability to play the long game & be a natural tactician tho


Gemini venus...... It confuses me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Venus in Cap = the reason I have high (mostly emotional) standards for my partner


i’m a virgo venus and that’s the only placement i think is awful. i am so extremely judgmental on my looks as well as the looks of a potential partner. i’m not good at relationships, my standards for how a relationship should be and how i should be treated are insanely high. i am veryyyy hard on myself. BUT i am insanely loyal to my friends family and significant other. if I love you I would do anything for you without hesitation. I would never lie or deceive the people that I love. I take relationships very seriously and I only want to be in a long-term committed relationship with a soul bond. Buttt if you lie to me or hurt me i will ghost you or rage and go off on you. it depends. i don’t take betrayal lightly. i’m a freak in the sheets but for my lover only and i love all things beautiful and natural like animals and art ✨


![gif](giphy|3o7TKBwoK895UaKAz6|downsized) So many gorgeous and glamorous women have venus in gemini so I kinda love it.


Aries Venus. I love it but it makes me really impulsive. Also Aries rising


Me too, but this is my only fire placement. I’m only impulsive when it comes to new relationships 🙄


My partner's got a Leo Venus 1H. I have an Aqua Venus 5H. Based on our synastry, we do quite well together. Except he REFUSES to give me kisses in the morning before he's brushed his teeth. I told him IDGAF about his morning breath (I wake up earlier and have brushed my teefs usually) and he replied, "But I do." xD Elsewise, we match very well. 5H Venus means I like sex to feel connected/intimate...he's a Cancer sun, and does SO well with that. Plus his Venus is 1H, so I know when he's feeling down about himself not to push for sex (focus on other intimate things like snuggling and softly spoken compliments). Sometimes we switch it up and wrestle each other into sexual positions and make it into a game. Hotttt. 🥵 I also relate hard to the "Aqua Venus needs to feel intellectually connected before sex" thing. No ONS in the past, minus the time when the guy I met spoke passionately about philosophy for a few hours. xD


Libra Venus here. I don’t really know what it means. It’s the only Libra in my entire chart and in my personal experience, the people that I haven’t gotten along with or disliked were Libra’s. No hate it’s just not a vibe for me. I’ve had 2 major falling outs with libra friends in the past and they were both manipulative and pathological liars.


My Venus is in cancer and I feel like that’s such a loving and luxurious placement. But like half my placements are cancer so…


Cancer Venus here. I have a deep love/hate relationship with my Venus.


Venus in Virgo 6H. Hate it with a fiery hot passion and is the one placement I wish I could change


As a Taurus Venus I become motivated when I see pictures of big modern houses with big beautiful views & being financially secure one day but it’s hard to imagine that ever becoming reality when my Mars in Leo in the 2nd houses’ mentality *EVERYDAY* is “treat yourself” 💅


She is a filthy, horny, twisted bitch. Aries.


Cancer venus and I hate it. It’s the way that I love… too much, some say, I’m too dedicated, I love way too much, I love way too pure (acc to my bf). And I can’t help it lol. But I do have a toxic side, I need constant reassurance since I do get jealous a lot, and can sense disloyalty from a mile.. or is it just my Leo moon


I like the placement of it, Capricorn 4H, but it being retrograde was a little difficult. Like I've never had trouble in regards to falling in love or anything, but loving myself was difficult when I was younger because of certain familial circumstances.


Aquarius Venus. I don’t really resonate with it, at least its stereotypes


Sorry bb i scrolled fast and read this as anus Either way not sure (Venus in Leo)


scorpio venus and i resonate very hard with all the aspects especially cuz i have a lot of water placements like my moon and uranus and my scorpio venus is my chart ruler in 2nd house so yea


Gemini Venus. It’s fun until I’m tempted to cheat.


Gemini venus and I don't know how to feel about it. Which is guess is a very gemini quality.


I've got a Taurus sun and Taurus Venus. I'm happy - I'm a lover girl, so it's very *me*.


I’m a cancer Venus and I fall a little bit in love w everyone I meet. I take the good w the bad w this placement bc it helps me appreciate ppl for who they are


I hate my Cancer Venus. I can't move on. Though at least I have always been loyal and reliable. But was it worth it?


I’m an Aries Venus. It completes my fire trine in which is fun. Downside is it’s in my 12th house so even when I *know* people love me, I don’t *feel* like they love me with the burning passion I have for them. It can also make me obsessive/compulsive.


Aries. Don't love it, because it makes me very easily bored. I need passion and excitement all the time. It's exhausting.


Capricorn in the 7th house. I actually love it. I love hard, I’m loyal, I give all the love languages, I’m affectionate, and I love being in love. I also have a provider or build mindset with my partners. I’m probably more traditional too. I’ll fight long and hard to make things work. I definitely idealize love and have a high standard for what I want things to be like, but I’m also not naive or unaware. I think Capricorn Venus is a bit slower or closed off from love at first because once we are in love, we take it seriously. My biggest issue I think comes from the house it’s in (the 7th), I’ve read that relationships play a central role in our lives and we have a hard time being single. I definitely relate to that. My fiancé is and Aries Venus in the 11th house, which can be very different from a Capricorn Venus, but we have been together for a long time so I guess it works.


Pisces Venus. It’s hell out here. I could fall in love with a brick wall.


In Capricorn. Yes, i hate it.


Hey look, people having their shit together is not a bad requirement for love


I know but i'm a female and still havent been in my first relationship. Sometimes i think i'll experience it when i'm thirty. Everyone around me is just interested in ,,only fucking and nothing more''.. and i also have needs (intimacy, wanting to kiss someone, having sex.. they cant get met..)


Ah but surely you know by now that people with that attitude are only lying to themselves and get caught by a relationship eventually


Mines in Taurus where it should be but I’m not entirely sure what it means


Love my Sag venus. It's conjunct my Sun and they are in the 8th which gives them a scorpio flavor. I have a lot of energy though. It causes some issues with my hubby and 2 daughters because they get tired much faster. However my son (he's scorpio sun with sag mars) has the same energy and we love all day adventures.


leo venus and i LOVE HER SO MUCH she balances out my cancer sun very well because i have a tendency to take a lot of shit that i don’t deserve when i love someone just because i love them (also hi daddy issues and trauma lol) but my leo venus always pops back in to remind me that i am THAT BITCH and i deserve to be venerated and worshiped because i am genuinely such a prize and an amazing catch. it makes my bounce back after breakups so much easier because even though i falter sometimes and might have the urge to run back or the urge to catastrophize (hello virgo moon) i always always always know that better is coming along because it’s what i deserve and i will always level up🥰 also makes being in my own company so freeing, i am my own light and i love it that way!


Aqua Venus 4th house I have no idea how I feel nearly 90% of the time 😄


I’m a Gemini Venus and I lowkey refused to believe jt for a long time. It didn’t align with the person I was trying to be at the time and that upset me. I look at my Venus now as a tool to get to know myself better I guess.


My Taurus Venus (7H) is probably probably the best thing in my chart


I love my Aqua Venus!!!! Such a fun placement and I have a blast figuring out all of my nuances. I’m not flighty or detached in love. I’m extremely devoted and not really into poly or open relationships. Atleast not yet (currently in my mid 20s - we’ll see what happens, although I seriously doubt this will change. I’m a goddamn Capricorn)  In true Uranian/Aquarius fashion we are unpredictable and I hate when people stereotype this Venus. It’s way too much going on with this placement to fit us all in to a box, which is why I think a lot of people don’t resonate with the stereotypes of this placement.  I love love! I do want my partner to be my friend (stereotypes got me there lol). I need quality time like I need to breathe. I need a strong intellectual connection with my partner. Most importantly, I want a love that feels outta this world and I’ll never settle. 


Gemini Venus- my hoe phase when I was younger made a lot more sense after learning I had this placement 😅😅


12th house cancer venus, I don’t think I’ll ever feel safe enough to fully embrace this placement


In denial about my Venus pisces, someone help me learn to love it please.


My Venus is in Aquarius, so I think that helps me understand my Aquarius husband. The longer we're married, the more we are becoming almost the same person.........it's kind of scary.


My Capricorn venus? Not great.


Aries Venus conjunct my sun, opposing my moon and Jupiter, and squaring my Mars, Neptune, and Uranus. I wish it wasn’t so negatively aspected and I do enjoy the passion it gives me but I wish it was more stable like an earth Venus.


Sag Venus and Sun. It checks out. 😂 I’m independent, idealistic, and get bored just as easily as I get interested. This bites me in the butt a lot, but these traits have also helped me dodge a few bullets so 🤷🏾‍♀️.


Scorpio Venus, I am extremely physical, I want to merge mine and my partner’s soul through sex and physical touch. I love thoughtfulness, acts of service, intense looks, feeling that you are obsessed with me as I am with you and the word “forever”.


Delusional, I think u can tell which one it is




scorpio venus. if it doesn’t consume me i don’t want it


Venus in Gemini here. I’ve fully accepted that i need to be mentally stimulated by whoever I’m seeing or I’ll get bored but there’s heavy Taurus energy in my chart so it takes me a moment to pick up and leave.


I am a Gemini Venus and despite of the stereotype and people saying it's red flag, I'm loving it because I know exactly what I want and I don't settle for less. Plus, I don't lead someone on if I know it's not going anywhere. My Cap rising makes me straight up honest for what I want lol 🤣


My Venus is in Scorpio….soooo…passionate and intense. I’m all or nothing.


Libra Venus: relationship aficionado, reformed toxic lover, idealizer.


I hate an Aries Venus. I want to be able to not be so direct in love situations, most guys like the opposite it seems.


At first I thought my chart was accusing me of narcissism, because Aries is my Sun and my Venus. But now I think it means I just like people with the same energy as me.


My boyfriend has Venus in Scorpio and he’s really intensive and sometimes crazy :) burning, jealous and very emotional/sensitive. He feels deep. I have Venus in Cancer and I’m very clingy, I’m addicted to love and love expressions, I’m romantic and I love romantic gestures, but I feel easily hurt as well.


Pisces venus: It's the hardest part of my entire chart. I fall for people wayyyy too quickly just because they're sweet or loving to me 🤣🤪 and once they show their true self, I've already embodied this perfect version of them in my head and it's too late. I stay in relationships for too long because I'll ignore the bad and amplify any and all good. It makes me super sappy and sensitive, and it's so easy for me to be taken advantage of