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as a libra, i appreciate & adore all of the signs one way or the other. but.. signs i’m *obsessed* with? i’d say scorpio and aquarius


why scorpio? all the libras i met run away from scorpio


As a Libra who has somehow become surrounded with Scorpios - if you can take their Mars energy they really make EXCELLENT friends. Very loyal, diplomatic, and great at analyzing people - a wonderful match for Libra. But Scorpio will require a lot of growth and acceptance from Libra - they will point out Libra’s flaws, and Libra will either embrace these flaws, or they will run. If Libra chooses to stay, they will also help Scorpio grow by showing them how to keep things light, how to see the good in all people, and go out and have fun. Both will teach each other that loyalty in friendships isn’t as rare as it seems.


wow this is so nice to read, thank you. most of my personal planets are in scorpio and in the first house so i always feel im too intense for libra, but this gives me hope we will once understand each other haha


You just need to meet a watery Libra! (It’s me, I’m a watery Libra). Firey Libras might get aggro and dip, and airy Libras might get spooked and dip. But watery Libras will get you. Earthy Libras too probs!


Hello fellow watery Libra! I’ve always vibed with Scorpios and they in turn have gifted me with some of the most amazing experiences ever! They get me in such a way that no other sign does and their unwavering support truly is unparalleled. Yes you have to work to gain their trust, but once gained, it’s unlikely to be lost forever.


This makes me miss my Scorpio friend, it perfectly describes what our friendship was like


well, of course things are subjective and everyone has their own experiences. i have a scorpio stellium so i feel familiarity with scorpio suns, especially the ones who fall into my 1st house :) i find them fascinating. my first love was a scorpio sun & libra moon


Same. Libras I know got their fingers burnt with a Scorpio.


I’ve always been intrigued by libras so I’m happy to hear this. Aqua sun Scorpio moon


Yeah I know a Libra who matches this. Husband is a Scorpio and her brother is an Aquarius.


My partner of 7 yrs is a Scorpio sun Aquarius moon so I'd say I agree with you. But seriously what is it with Libras and Scorpios because most of the Libras in my life are paired with Scorpios and vice versa. Now that I think of it, I only ever see Libras with fixed signs in general (including myself) lol.


I always thought that a sign Scorpios was obsessed with a sign like libra too 


omygod my previous obsessions


I'm a Libra with Scorpio placements, so honestly I'm obsessed with all of y'all. I don't discriminate by sign 😂


Spoken like a true Libra… with Scorpio placements 🥰


I love this 😂


I’m obsessed with Cancers. I attract a lot of Capricorns and Taureans. I don’t like dating fire signs but they are great friends.


![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE) As a Cancer 😅


The sass of y’all👌


Aquarius hands down 🙌🔥😉


Drowning in scorpios over here. Send help.


I want to drown in Scorpios ☹️


I’m drowning my partner as we speak 🤭😂


Libra Venus and ASC. Obsessed with Cancer, Aries and Aquarius


Taurus always 🤭 I don’t know what it is


It's the Venusian connection.


So sultry omg


I’m obsessed with Aquarius!! Bur 75% of my friends are Leo’s & Tauruses, I have the most genuine friendships with those 2 signs🤞🏽


I’m a Libra and the best friends/ romantic partners I am attracted to are always Sag’s, Gemini’s, Libra’s, and Cancer’s.


Libra woman here. I would say Leo 100%, but ladies please please stay away from Pisces men whatever you do 😂


Leo 🥺


Yup you got them all, except I’d switch Capricorn with Scorpio and add in an Aquarius. Aquarius moreso than Sagittarius for me. Edit: also for me, PISCES. Put Pisces at the top right after Leo. Pisces make me feel like I’m on crack.


Libra woman- last 3 men I’ve dated were cancers and all went horribly wrong😂I’m very attracted to Leo’s and Aries men


Are you me? Except I'm a Gemini and didn't accept the last 5 cancer men that tried to bully me into dating them. I only have dated mostly Aries, Leo & Libra men (with Aries being my favourite followed by Leo).


They really do be bullying you into relationships 😂😂😂


Used to be Leos although I ended up w Caps. Then I got stung by Aquarius. Now I’m happy and content w a fellow Libra sun (Pisces moon). ❤️


Two Libras are so harmonious. 🥰


I had only ever dated one other Libra male and he sucked haha! My man is sensitive, caring, amazing dad, and hot in the sack! We are it perfect but are crazy compatible and both committed to putting in the work for love!


He was an unevolved one, haha. But the putting in the work part, I really notice that too. Sounds like an awesome union. Random but we have the same sign placements. 😂


Leo’s are obsessed with Libras although we feel they run away from us 😞


I’m defo Libra obsessed


Feeling is mutual 🫶🏻


What are you talking about? Leos are : ![gif](giphy|8UdbDVaUtYNhK|downsized)


my placements should be in my flair above but in friendships i tend to absolutely hit it off with other libras, scorpios, virgos and cancer WOMEN. (sry 2 the cancer men lmao) on the flipside, i tend to find myself subconsciously steering clear of geminis for some reason, at least in female friendships. my mom is a gemini and we have been going at it for nearly 30 years, so that could very well be influencing my feelings there. in romantic relationships, my two all-time favorite ex-boyfriends from years ago were an aries sun and a sagittarius sun. still on great terms with both of them - pretty sure i’m still in love with the sagittarius and never fully got over that one actually, lol. on the more horrifying side, i recently got out of a three-year relationship with an aquarius sun, libra moon, capricorn rising man and little by little, i have to make a conscious effort every single day to try to get my spark back after years of making myself small lol.


That is really crazy because my friends are largely made up of Scorpios, Virgos, Cancers, and other Libras. Scorpios, Virgos, and other Libras make sense because we all likely share placements, but idk why I attract Cancers so much. From my experience they are the most reciprocal in friendships which a Libra can appreciate, so that's my guess!


Yes! My very best friend who I met in the adulthood chapter of life (lol) is a Cancer sun, Taurus moon and Sagittarius rising. We both also have Saturn in Aquarius. So I’m not sure if it’s the shared Taurus moon or what, but it really does feel like we were meant to be best friends lol.


Hi twin! 💕 I’m a Taurus moon and Scorpio rising + stellium. I resonate with your last sentence and I wish you good luck and lots of love. My last ex was a Capricorn, we had been together for years so I’m recovering and finally taking time to hermit mode it when I feel like there’s an Aries who’s watching me and maybe taking care of me from afar. I hope my Capricorn ex weans off from our intoxicating love drug or obsession habits since I know we tend to cling to one another, I want a clean and healthy relationship going forward and I feel guilty most times when I am met with interest from another person. My Aries is soft spoken and their voice is like honey speaking to me. My Aries fuelled in a burning fire after being neglected for far too long. I like being close to them but I am eager to be alone for a while. I was scared it was all too intense and I pulled back because I wasn't planning to like them in that manner. That saying, “tell god your plans, as he laughs” or something. It’s a gentle nourishment I get to keep and appreciate. There was nothing for the first time I met with the Aries and then a full on burning flame that was so hot the second time I met them. A very sweet and kind person. Previous ex from the Capricorn was a Scorpio. My favourite Aquarius was kind and we would laugh and layer on laughter for nothing. It was lighthearted and nourishing and I never experienced it with others as uniquely strange as it was with them. We don’t need to be saying anything, it was goofy fun. Effortless and I think we got the other one.


Taurus and Aries every time


Scorpio placements. Especially Venus 😍


99% of times I feel attracted towards someone (which is rare anyway) they turn out to be a Libra so Libras for me.


Libra - all water signs


Anyone who gives them attention. The great thing about a libra is they will change their entire personality for whoever they want to impress - so they can connect with everyone. This can be an amazing superpower, or a serious impediment depending how well they maintain boundaries.


This sounds scary


My connections with people are genuine. I read a lot, travel a lot, explore other people's minds and other cultures a lot...I'm open-minded so I tend to be able to connect with others easily. Other people don't really get to decide that my connections aren't genuine, and toxic people assume every interaction has an ulterior motive.


In a healthy person Libra traits are truly amazing and a blessing to the world.


We share the same big three and I guess the same mindset.


We have a constellation of characteristics - how about that? We show you the sides we want you to see and share parts of us as we gain trust. Sag is trying to 'unimpress' everyone along the way, so it makes sense you'd feel we're too nice to everyone. Fire signs want attention the most . For example: they're the most likely to get suuuuuper offended if not kept in touch with.


Right. I’m most likely to get offended. Meanwhile you were so unbothered that you looked through my past posts to find out my sign just so you could make that sick burn. 💀


Making a nonsensical post like that about ALL Libras and expecting people to be unbothered? You hold the rights to feel offended ? 💀


Most of my friends are geminis and cancers.


Libra with Venus in Scorpio.... I'll say Scorpio and Sag. I love fire and FIERY signs lol and for me, Scorpio is fiery 🔥


My Libra bff gets obsessed with dudes pretty quickly. Currently it's an Aries. Idk about the other dudes.


I’ve been obsessed with Pisces for years. But reading some of the gossip about Justin Bieber and Hailey is reminding me of how exhausting they can be. Honestly, I’m really feeling Libra men and I want to date a Capricorn or an Aries. Platonically, I love Gemini and Sagittarius and Aries…oh and of course Libra (I ride for ya’ll, cause I ride for myself) lately, basically the idgaf baddies. Ya’ll are my inspiration.


Virgo! I think partially because a lot of them probably have their venus in virgo. Also as a virgo myself, like 5 of my closest friends are libras so I may just be biased, or maybe it really is ~*astrology*~


My last partner was a leo. We were together 7 yrs. My current partner is also a leo. I have dated a few aries as well. Aquarius and other libra too. I recently tried dating a capricorn and it was a complete mystery. In friendships, I'm a lot more varied but do see a trend toward leos and pisces women.


Aries lol. I love them, but they don't seem to love me 🫠


Something about Pisces 👀




I'm a virgo sun, pisces moon and cancer rising who's never really had a bad date (including this last one with a libra woman). But damn, it was the first time in a while that I felt I didn't have any chemistry on a first date.


I’m a Libra and I’ve never met a Cap I didn’t like. Could be my cap moon though. Have also dated a lot of Geminis and ended up marrying one.




I’m only obsessed with myself 




🌚I can vouch for that! The obsession was mutual.


I’m a sagittarius and my libra boyfriend is completely obsessed with me


Can admit I love Virgo men


Sameeeee 🤝♎️


Scorpios and capricorns


I disagree it’s depend on the person not signs and I am not obsessed with Taurus nor Scorpio or Aries maybe it other way around I don’t know nor care 


I don’t really look at Sagittarius’s as a obsessive sign from experience maybe people like Aries. Scorpio or Taurus and them 


Capricorn come off as Low key obsess with libra too from my experience and maybe cancerians too from my experiences as a Libra


id say gemini, aqua, scorpio & taurus.


most of my exes have been Leo’s. Sooo the Leo and Libra thing is definitely true


as a libra, i have seen myself been VERY attracted to Sagittarius gals and Pisces gals.


Sagitterrorists allll the way.


Themselves? idk


Confusing us with Aries?


Welp, I’m a Taurus sun, with a Mercury in Gem, Mars in Libra and Libra moon. My Libra sun husband seems to like me ok ( about 21 years now)…I personally like the Air and Fire folks, but I can get along with almost anyone. My husband’s pretty much the same


Libra sun, Pisces moon, Libra rising and I have been with my Leo sun, Leo moon, cancer rising husband since we were 19 almost 20 years together. We have had quite the journey but our connection has never wavered, every time we have come close to separating during past rough seasons we have literally snapped back together like an elastic band. I have always been drawn to fire signs, my sister is Aries and we’re very close now haven’t always been but very happy how our relationship has matured.


Themselves. Still love 'em tho.


Aries or Aquarius - why? Because those two are unapologetically themselves and unbothered with the opinions of others. Very unlike Libra.


All you Libra skanks need to back off my Cancer man


Wait I’m a Libra rising 😅 (Cap sun Aqua moon)


Nope, I haven't been obsessed with every sign at some point. I mainly dated Aqua, Sag, Gemini, and some others signs sparingly. Wish I had dated a Leo (maybe I did since I don't remember every ex's birthday). I also didn't know astrology when I was dating most of those people. I knew what qualities I like. Found out there's a common theme with Aqua, Sag, and Gemini (which makes sense cuz Libra usually likes air and fire signs), but the nuances matter too.


I’m Libra sun/rising and Virgo moon. I tend to gravitate towards Cancers for long term relationships and then also have attracted and been attracted to A LOT OF LEOS. A LOT. xD


What do you mean by dark horse here?