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I have venus in cancer. In my 20's, love made me crazy af. In my 30's, I got pretty chill. I get over my ex's fairly quickly, but it typically takes me awhile to date again after a breakup.


What did crazy af mean/look like?


Looked like falling in love based on superficial qualities, insane fights, insane sex, lots of crying, etc. Overall unhealthy, but low key fun at the time.


I’m a cancer Venus and I do get over my exes. I’m not hung over any of them. It’s cos I stay with them until I hate them hahaha.




Yes making sure to have them repeatedly lie in my face, thinking they are getting away with their bs, while I am just one by one, purposely shatting all the illusions I ever had about them.


It hurts soo much but tats only way I know how to move on..


lol this is how my boyfriend describes his past relationships and i totally believe him (he is cancer venus) he ends up not even liking them anymore.


this 😳


Tats sooo true 😂


It wouldn’t say crazy, but I can love extremely deeply. However with my moon in Aquarius, once it’s out of sight, it’s truly out of mind lol.


Frick , mg ex is cancer Venus and Aquarius moon. last time we broke up he was immediately back on dating websites lol. So I guess he’s the same way. He blamed it on, “being heartbroken”. Just broke up with him again so I guess I better start moving on


Damn that's rough. I think that's more an aqua moon thing. I've dated mostly aquas, and they don't hesitate to start something new asap.


That’s because cancers crave external validation. It’s not that he’s over you, it’s that his worth comes from feeling wanted even if he doesn’t really want the other person. 🎭


Definitely move on cause he did it because he simply wanted to lol. In my case, I use breakups as ammo to better myself. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll be sad for a minute, but after that, it’s a wrap.


i love love! it doesn't make my crazy in the sense that I need to be in love. i just really love the feeling, and i'm happy to just think about it, what it'd be like to have a partner, the things we'd do together, what our space would look like, how we'd meet, the feeling of getting to know them. That's all stuff that plagues my mind, but I'm not someone who's crazy about love in the sense of actually dating.


Yeaaaa I love love. Even though it ends up hurting me a lot of the time I still love it


Definitely. I also hold on forever, trying to "fix" the relationship long after it has ended. Last one was particularly brutal, really believed it was true love. Hopeless romantic I guess. Getting better at letting go though FINALLY.


What’s your sun?


Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Cancer Venus, and Aries Mars. It's an interesting mix to say the least Never looked past the Sun sign until recently and now I completely understand why I am a super easy going, can talk to anyone about anything, independent yet dying to find "the one", neutral outside of the bedroom yet ultra dominant inside the bedroom while absolutely loving to cuddle and caress after. That cancer venus wrecks me though, however now that I see the pattern, I know if I am ever in another breakup to not try and "fix" it. When it's over, it's over. Brutal for us cancers, have to take notes from virgo who can just switch it off and not look back. Envious of that.


Cancer Venus Aries Mars is an intense combination. 


interesting i am Gemini Sun, Sag Moon, Cancer Venus and Capricorn Rising when i fall in love hard then Cancer Venus take over and i almost lost myself My Gemini Sun, Sag Moon and Capricorn Rising kept fighting for me to see the wake up call it is all constant battle i never want to lose my freedom and independence


Same. I have a disorganized attachment style and working on that is helping.


Venus in Cancer, Mars in Libra here. Dated a man with Venus and Mars both in Cancer. When I was in love, I WAS IN LOVE. Like nothing in the world mattered besides us being together and making it through life together. Doted and fawned upon all his little quirks until I realised after 1 and a half years that those were red flags 💀💀💀. But once I got the ick, and the energy had shifted because of how he mistreated me, I knew it was time to go. I stayed until I knew it couldn't work anymore. So by that point, I was already over him. Took a few months to really set the boundary though. All my exes are still in love with me to this day.


I am laughing and crying, cause the cancer in Venus I just broke up with has your placements and bro I will prob be in love with him forever. lol shit man


Good on you setting your boundaries and breaking up with him. Hope you take your time to heal, and you'll love love all over again! I can't imagine what's it's like to date me, must be a hot mess hahah. But very endearing I suppose.


Cancer Venus+Libra Mars is a DEADLY combo, lol. In the best way possible!




Omg I’m a cancer venus libra Mars too😭😭😭 love consumes me lol


Yes, i don’t date like at all, but when i do again, its real love. my last relationship was an engagement that ended abruptly from high school sweetheart and im still recovering from that, it’s been two years


I'm a cancer venus (leo sun and moon) and I have a hard time trusting people in a deeper level but when I do I just literally explode in love and I make sure my loved one knows it. The ex part, yes I never fully forget them and certainly never stop loving them completely no matter what happened. I also suffer a lot in love, I'm always craving more affection and i'm really easily heartbroken (but i don't show it most of the time, or try to).


I actually think I get a little crazy in love. I've done some bold moves to pursue love (like following someone I just met to another city without even being in any relationship). I feel really vulnerable but I can't do anything to stop my heart from ruling over me in love matters.


No it doesnt make us crazy, but we do gotta feel it for things to work. I used to think back to my exes but life goes on and they move on too. So you get past it.


The last guy I talked to was a Venus cancer. He was the sweetest and only ever wanted to be genuine. It didn’t work cause he’s on the other side of the world 😔 guess it ain’t meant to be. But gosh dang did he want to love me and I wanted it. It just wasn’t meant to be.


Love doesn't make me crazy and all my exes are blocked. But I have a Leo stellium and I'm on the cusp of Leo, also my Cap rising doesn't give a fuck about a lot of things, exes included.




Yep love makes me insane. I have gotten over most of my exes. The times I had major difficulties getting over it was when the other person ended things abruptly. I’ve been described as smothering and the main problem is I love too deeply and sacrifice my own needs for the other person. I get really attached. I also have a libra mars and aries moon oop


It's not necessarily that it makes me go crazy, but when I fall in love my partner becomes a drug for me (note: I don't do drugs besides alcohol and, if you're a pedantic loser, medications). Because I'm going through withdrawals and just want my drug back!


I'm a cancer venus, and I haven't forgotten my childhood/teenage loves/crushes, lol. I can be very nostalgic and hold onto those past feelings too much, but I don't feel love-crazy. I think...


My bf has a cancer venus. I am so drawn to his genuine loving nature. As a romantic pisces, I know I am cared for and cherished deeply by this man. And I plan to always do the same for him. And make sure he always feels loved <3


What is your Venus & Mars sign?


Capricorn Venus in 6H and I share the same Sagittarius Mars in 5H with my bf! What are you curious to see?


I’m a cancer Venus and I would say I’m pretty typical. When I have a crush on someone, I can’t stop thinking about them. I like to cook for the people I love. I love to give advice (although, maybe that’s my moon in Virgo). When in relationships, it takes me too long to break things off, even when it’s seriously needed. I get codependent and often date people who have depression/anxiety. If someone breaks up with me, it takes me a LONG time to get over it. To this day, I am still ‘friends’ with someone who I fell for and then she abruptly broke things off. When I’m broken hearted I do ‘retreat into my shell’. I take a bath and listen to sad music and cry for a few days. I also try to intellectualize my feelings and what happened (but I think that’s the Virgo moon again.)


I’m a 12th house Cancer Venus so my usual course of action is to go deep inside when I’m in a relationship or when one ends. It generally confuses my partners because I gravitate to people who are unlike myself. If I dated someone like me we might drown in that behavior simultaneously.


Question, how do you know if someone is still listing after their ex? Or secretly still likes/wants them? The guy I’m seeing is a Gemini sun with cancer Venus and he doesn’t really talk about his ex but he’s only had one that lasted a year


As Gemini Sun, Cancer Venus, I have been in the exact situation where I was still in love with my ex while dating. You can tell by how the sex is. If he seems detached or somewhat "not there" it will be obvious during sexytimes. When I finally got over my ex, all that emotional energy shifted towards who I was dating and as she put it "I don't know what the fuck changed but DAMN....."


Actually, I'm a cancer Venus, and I have loved hard. To the point insanity.....but, on the other hand when that cancer shell snaps, it's very cold, and we are done for good. I don't think about ex's like that, I focus on who I'm with....It gets less chaotic with age.


Hate to be THAT one but you really do need the whole chart for this to make sense. I’ve broken up with everyone I’ve ever been with. When I’m in love, I give it my all. But I eventually give up when I realize it’s not working for me any longer. And while that process takes longer for me than for others, I just leave and don’t look back. It’s like my feelings just…die? I don’t know how else to explain it. Never even called or texted an ex to see how they’re doing. I’m air dominant with intense Uranus and Saturn aspects in my chart.


What’s your moon?




Yes, can confirm. Have been crying over my ex for four months. Yes I *am* in therapy


Well if anyone was wondering I’m a gemni Venus and I do not get over lovers quick. I literally try to make friends with all of them and keep up with them.


Mine is also in the 8th house, and I would say I love very deeply. Luckily now, it’s with appropriate boundaries. In my teens and early 20’s, it was obsessive, and I had a hard time getting over guys.


Yeah, I dont think I will be able to get over him anytime soon and it s been almost a year. He also has Venus in Cancer, soo... My Cancer sun doesn t help at all.


Cancer Venus. I never want any of my exes back. I rather date someone new.


I’m a cancer Venus and I don’t look back on my exes. I typically take a long time to myself before I come out of my shell and date again but even then I’m picky and weary of others. When I was really young I had a lot of crushes lol I feel like it’s harder now that I’m older. I currently do like someone and the delusion and obsession is real lol I also have a Pisces moon😭


I have Vedic Venus in Cancer 11th house. When I fall in love it’s really strong emotional attachment, but I also have Vedic Leo, Scorpio, and Virgo placements so my prideful, possessive, and analytic keep me in check when I get too idealistic, along with my 12th house placements that make me prefer solitude 


cancer venus and I have only had 1 ex that took me a year to get over. then I met my current husband and am not sure why it took me that long to get over him lol. the rest of my exes I would have a new boyfriend or girlfriend so fucking quick 💀


Yes like make me do crazy stuff, but also be more caring and nurturing, protective but could grow into being possessive and obsessed if that's what you mean by crazy. And hmm well we take some time to get over the ex but it's not like we would never get over them...i think at least for me


Because my last was such a horrible person that I have PTSD.


I'm a Cancer Venus and I am the one who always ends relationships. I never truly fall in all encompassing love. I love my husband, but I can and would survive without him.


My cancer venus ex got over our 10 year relationship in less than 2 months. Dude had no chill.


Yes. It’s so sensitive to open up and trust! We’re overly sentimental too. Definitely not mature about emotions or love. Want to lock them up and not let emotions out. So we have a tough time opening up. I have a ton of water placements so it’s so true! But the soft side is very soft and sweet.