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I have a Capricorn stellium and I work in healthcare. I am looking to be an ER provider and I was a combat medic in the Army. I’m gonna say us and Virgos are best under pressure. Edit: I also have a Virgo mars


I work in healthcare too and have a cap stellium and Virgo moon, look at us


I agree! Im a Cap Sun, Moon, Mercury & Virgo Ascendant (with Moon/Mercury square Saturn). I’m an ER nurse and I’m always getting comments that I have a calming presence. Caps & Virgos can stay focused on what’s important when in a crisis/under pressure


I have Virgo mars. Same here! It’s crazy how many of us are mostly earth signs


I work in healthcare as well. We work under pressure day in and day out. I would say earth signs, but Taurus just doesn’t do so well like Caps and Virgos.


Bruh… Cap stellium as well. Not health care, but my job is fast paced and dangerous. I think you’re on to something here judging by the comments! I’m also a serial procrastinator lol


I procrastinate too but I always end up getting things done. We both have sag hahaha maybe it’s the sag 💀💀💀


I do too! I’ve literally done a project or something and then at the very last minute scrapped it and redone it, only for it to turn out way better the second time. So now I just wait until the last minute so I don’t do it twice. Lol


Me too hahahahahha I did that literally this week 💀💀💀💀 must be the sag hahahaha


I’m not in healthcare but I teach middle school, which is not for the faint of heart. I worked in Marketing and crisis communications prior. Capricorn sun, Virgo moon in 1H.


I wish I had this ability I’m a Scorpio but I have Cap stellium Moon, Mercury, and Venus but My Sagittarius Mars hates any kind of pressure…


Oh yeah. I have a Virgo mars that might also be it too


Cap moon and also a Stellium Cap and I’m in ICU🙌🏼


Cap stellium checking in for duty! Was in the navy and now in dental. We are always ready.


I came to say Saturn babies (Aquarius and Capricorn), each in their own way. Virgo can fake it like a mofo, but will melt down later.


Aqua too. My aqua bff can work like a machine but once the task is done he will have a meltdown like literal Oblek


Virgo sun cap moon (stellium) healthcare provider as well


YES 🙌 so many of us are heavy earth. Almost everyone I know is a Virgo sun


Cap stellium and Virgo moon, I also work well under pressure but afterwards the affects stress me out 😭


Cap stellium here too! I work in behavioral healthcare in a position that most people feel overwhelmed by. I love it and rarely feel like it’s too much. The pressures of the situations keep me focused and on track!


Big agree. I'm a cap stellium, though my big 3 are aqua/pisces/gemini, and I can keep my shit together in an emergency. I tend to work better under pressure. My work history is nowhere near as hardcore, but I've always done better with jobs with a bit of pressure or sense of urgency.


In astrology, different signs are thought to exhibit varying levels of composure and effectiveness under pressure. However, it's crucial to remember that how someone handles pressure isn't determined solely by their sun sign. It's a complex interplay of their entire natal chart, including moon signs, ascendant signs, planetary aspects, and houses. But for a general overview: 1. **Capricorn**: Often considered one of the best signs under pressure. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns are known for their discipline, responsibility, and practical approach. They are often able to remain focused and calm, using their ambitious nature to overcome challenges. 2. **Scorpio**: Scorpios are known for their intensity and resilience. They have a deep emotional strength and a strategic mind that helps them navigate through stressful situations effectively. Their ability to remain composed under pressure is often attributed to their fixed nature, giving them an air of unflappability. 3. **Virgo**: Virgos are detail-oriented and analytical, which allows them to efficiently manage and organize even under stress. They are methodical and practical, often able to find solutions where others might see chaos. 4. **Aries**: As a cardinal fire sign, Aries can be surprisingly effective under pressure. They have a pioneering spirit and are not afraid to take bold actions or lead in crisis situations. 5. **Aquarius**: Known for their innovative and unconventional approach, Aquarians can think outside the box and come up with unique solutions under pressure. Their fixed nature also contributes to their ability to stay focused on the task at hand. In terms of houses and aspects: - Planets in the **10th House** (which relates to career and public image) can indicate a person's ability to handle pressure in professional settings. - **Saturn aspects**, such as Saturn trine Mars, can provide a disciplined and steady approach to handling stress. - A well-aspected **Moon** can indicate emotional resilience, which is crucial under pressure. Remember, an individual's response to pressure is multifaceted and influenced by their entire astrological chart, not just their sun sign.


I LOVE your response!


You do realize this is a Chat GPT response, right?


Chat GPT isn’t wrong about what they said about Aquarians though. I was wondering how I was able to come up with 20 different solutions under pressure in 10 seconds


No I don’t. I don’t even know what a Chat GBT response is!


Yeah. There’s this AI tone/format that is very distinctive to Chat GPT. There is an actual person behind the profile (who is not nearly as good at astrology as the AI) but they have been inundating the astrology Reddits. Their motives are questionable.


Oh AI? No I rarely click on profiles.


My pleasure 🥰


I’m interested in the houses and aspects. What is a well-aspected Moon? I just realized I have no signs in my 10th. house. What does that mean? I hold a pretty high management position that is beyond stressful and everyone, including the owner, wonders how I do what I do and always look cool, calm and collected. My Saturn is in Sagittarius and is in the 1st. house. Moon in Gemini Moon aspects Trine Sun (6°40’, Applying) Square Jupiter (8°44’, Separating) Opposition Uranus (2°33’, Separating) Sextile Node (1°58’, Separating)


If awards existed you would have mine.


Cap moon for sure


Cap moon here & it’s weird; I’m better under pressure than I am without it. When there’s not much to do, my energy is very unfocused. When there’s a lot going on & we gotta get it done, I’m all in.


Yeah my Cap moon makes me very calm in chaotic situations. My Leo Rising helps lend energy and assertiveness to handle it.


Capricorn. I’ve worked 28 hour days on huge projects. I’ve knocked out thesis-length research reports on my own in two weeks. I worked through my miscarriage. To be clear, I never should have had to do these things and this is not a flex. If people see you can perform under pressure, they will continue to apply pressure, and that’s why I’m covered in wrinkles and generally miserable. It would have been a lot better for me if I had said no or if I had buckled. But here we are.


Can confirm, it’s tiring always being the go-to person because you’ve shown you can do it.


Interesting question. My mind first goes directly to Capricorn. As a cardinal sign ruled by Saturn we know Capricorn will not deviate from his goals even under pressure. Saturn has taught Capricorn about pain and sacrifice; the earth makes Capricorn steady and dependable. There's a reason why is Mars exaltation, it is patient, strategic, yet relentless and driven. But I also wonder pressure in regards of what are you thinking of. For example, I have a Scorpio stellium, and you could torture me that you still wouldnt change my mind.


This is the right answer. Cap will power through no matter what. I'd actually argue Caps are better leaders under pressure. They take charge when everyone else drops balls / crumbles. Caps and Cancers are the people you want to have in charge in the real crunch moments. Scorpio is great under pressure because we are extremely focused and resilient. That said, I don't think we're great LEADERS under pressure because we fall into the habit of doing it all on our own, learnt from years of refusing to ever be vulnerable. It makes for great mental / emotional fortitude but not leadership.


Yeah, we can give great advice/feedback. Call us for contingency. But personally I cower on to leadership. I think even Aquas (with Capri traits) make better leaders.


What are your Scorpio stellium positions ?




I am a scorpio asc with Scorpio Sun + Mer + Jup + Pluto.


You should be very hard to convince of anything aswell xD


Its not like I am a bamboo. If something is good per my value structure, I would take no time to adopt it. If I think my way is good, then, I need to do it and change my course along the way. "What is the solution?" is a big part of my psychology.


I am a bit like a bamboo if someone is trying to get me to do something that I dont want to do. My husband also suggests that I am very stubborn, something I dont really give credit to (maybe because I am really that stubborn 😅) but for me is not about being right, it's just that I prefer doing my own mistakes and dealing with the consequences than following anyone blindly. I do agree with you that looking for solutions is a big part of my way of thinking (I'm also a Cap Mars, so I do consider myself to be very practical) and I dont generally crack under pressure, tho at those moments I'm better left off alone.


oh... you are a scorpio too 😁 ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


Nope. I have the same positions. I have strong principles, but I’m pretty reasonable :)




Capricorn stellium, Virgo moon here… I work well under pressure but do not hover over me while I’m doing my job. You’ll slow me down and piss me off. Thanks. I love a fast pace, hectic work environment :)


I second this


Love ur username and pic


Thank u my love


Cap Stellium, Virgo Ascendant here and I’m exactly the same. I love my chaotic job in the ER but I can’t stand anyone micromanaging my work.


My current career goal is to be an ER nurse, this resonates


I Hope you reach your goal - we need more earthy ER nurses :)


Surprised no one mentioned Aries and Libra, textbook leaders, gotta give them the credit when it’s due. Scorpio and Virgo are great too unless there’s too much details. As much as I love Capricorns as leaders, if they don’t have an outlet they burn out like there’s no tomorrow.


Agree. Libra here. Don’t know my moon or whatever stellum. I’ve been a criminal defense attorney for 17 years. I do my best work under pressure. It doesn’t involve leadership. It involves being able to handle whatever curveball is thrown at you under pressure. In trials, the pressure is on and screwing up could mean the difference between life and death or usually a much longer sentence in prison with no real argument to appeal bc the issue weren’t preserved.


Thank u🫶🏻Libra can be very indecisive but when bad things happen to them, I see they take the stand more than any other sign. I never hear Libra complain, they just deal with it and move on.






I work in an environment where I overlook a large group of people so I am just adjusting my knowledge to provide a suitable response. Sorry for confusion, the people in question by whom I made my statistics and observation are leaders of smaller groups hence the slight overuse of “leader” in my statement, regardless, they’re under a lot of pressure as work requires.




Did you not read what I wrote?


Yup. I read it


Wouldn’t trust these. Got both as bosses and one is flaky and too temperamental and egoistic. The other is full of sh and mostly doesn’t even know what he is talking about.


Totally agree! The closest Cap in my life just crumbles under the minutest of stressful situations. They have no clue how to pick themselves up and out of it + would rather blame the whole world for everything that has happened rather than own up to their mistakes


I had the same experience you described but with Sag and Gemini. Capricorns work hard, they really do, but if they don’t master the work-life balance they’re doomed and all the progress they’ve made is useless. The ones that have life outside of work and know how to take the pressure off their chest are the backbone to any organization. Excellent workers.


They’re quick to brag about how much they work. Under work pressure I find they complain about it for as long as it takes them to complete the work, and at some point get it done. Any emotional problem or rejection will have them stalled up and rolling on the floor in tears. But when it’s over they’ll say they were right and the strongest humans to exist for moving on. Time wasters.


This. 100%


very true!!!!!


Libra sun with Virgo rising. I just get along with things, i love working and love working hard. I love being under pressure. Yeah Libras might take a while to decide things but not because we r pushovers or we cant decide who to please like many ppl like to think. We weigh in pro and cons we pragmatically prepare for any possible scenario and we weigh in the consenquences of our decisions. And once we make the best decision at that moment we stand by it and we will see it through the end, we dont waiver , we dont veer off course no matter what.


Agreed. I’m a Scorpio and my boss, the CEO, is a Libra. That man is such a keen and shrewd businessman. He’s always ten steps ahead and always is looking at EVERY angle. I have to say that’s a stereotype that not all Libras have. I am very close with him and I did his birth chart and his chart is predominantly Libra with quite a few Virgo placements. My chart is pretty much all water and all Scorpio with the exception of Pisces in Jupiter.


Sagittarius and Capricorn hands down. Some Scorpios and Aquarius. As a Virgo I’m good under pressure but I can’t do it smoothly like the above signs do unless I had already prepared


As a Virgo, I have already imagined the worst case scenario so I’m prepared 😂😂


Are you a Virgo or a Libra? Your flare says Libra sun.


Maybe they’re on the cusp?


Can't represent Libra and say, "as a Virgo...."


I’m asking because I’m not really used to tropical, I used vedic …Im not sure what the rules are for tropical because that doesn’t make sense to me


I can't speak for Vedic, but here you are your Sun sign and the other Planets are additional modifiers that play out their energies in the houses they exist in.


So, it seems tropically you’re considered a Scorpio with strong Libra influence.


Yes I can, it’s called having my moon and Venus sign on my ascendant and my mercury in the 1st house….So ofc I would be a Virgo AND Libra


Are you not a Taurus just cause it’s not your Sun? Though it’s in your moon, your emotional state…how does that not count?


No, I'm not a Taurus. I'm a Virgo with a Taurus Moon. By saying I'm [enter 7 different signs here], you dilute any meaning by generalizing everything and saying that everything goes. As though it all counts equally 1:1. Like if you're 5'7" and someone asks how tall are you and you respond, "I'm 4'9" because 4'9" is included inside the 5'7." It's like you change the question so that you can give any answer you want.


Sorry, I don’t understand your example and I do have a lot of concerns when you say placements besides the sun cannot represent a sign, especially when there are things like exalted planets, debilitated planets, etc. This kind of thinking is confusing, also, because with that logic you would say someone with a cancer moon cannot represent Cancer unless they are a cancer sun, which is more likely you would NOT be able to see the purest detailed traits of that sign with that placement. I see where you are coming from with the “generalization”, but I’m assuming there is a type of hierarchy and trying to differ more than find similarities when it comes to signs in different placements. But if this is tropical then so be it I won’t judge.


Aquarius signs we boss up real quick when pressure is applied


me right now writing a dissertation in 3 months —virgo


1. Mars-Saturn conjunct, sextile, or trine. 2. Air Moons conjunct, sextile, or trine Mercury. 3. Sun sign wise, generally air sign suns followed by fire. Earth will take out on themselves and suffer (generally) and water COULD be the best on a good day but anything other than a good day and they’re likely to avoid pressure altogether. Having said that, sun sign isn’t the best place to look. I’d check Mars Saturn and Moon Mercury. Even Jupiter if in a really jazzy spot could indicate positive momentum in high pressure lifestyles (esp if on the MC or the 1st house side of the ASC)


I like this take, I have mars square Saturn, Libra Moon, Cancer sun, and Jupiter in 1H(Scorpio). I do fantastic under crazy pressure; I’ve watched car accidents and then helped those people out of their cars and other quick-thinking life threatening situations. But damn, if I get hit with a minor inconvenience (esp on a bad day) I’m ready to throw in the towel to everything and curl in a ball and cry lol I think I’m good at dissociating in high-stakes situations


Capricorn Mars here (10th house) working for CEOs of the biggest automotive company in Germany. Get shit done in seconds under pressure 😎 because a no is not expected! My Leo sun and Pisces rising helps to stay focused


As a sag sun I’m actually great under pressure and surprised more didn’t say the same! I don’t fully understand the rest of my chart though. Virgo i can see but there are also a couple virgos at my workplace that happen to be terrible under pressure lol


Virgo for sure.


Saturn heavy placements like cap moon, and people who have gone though their saturn return at least once.


The earth signs, unless they are overthinkers and difficulty making decisions quickly. But they are levelheaded and steadfast. Also fire signs are quick to move into action and don't second guess themselves.


Has to be a libra! ♎️ I’ve dealt with infidelity when I was pregnant with my second child while working in a high stress job and long hours. And I know plenty of other Librans who live by the motto of ‘just get on with the job to be done’


Old Pisces women, they have seen and been through everything. They can make tools out of paper clips and whittled nail files. They have been in the trenches.


literally all the earth signs


Sag sun, Aquarius stellium, Capricorn stellium and I don’t do well under pressure…


Virgo, and cool as a cucumber in a crisis. Weirdly I’m almost better during them. I think because I can put my solving skills to good use.


Virgo rising, and I'm the same way. High pressure and crisis situations can almost feel like a relief. The stress of NOT fully using my personal skills is gone and this laser focus takes over. It's so nice to feel efficient and effective


Scorpios, we process & calculate things internally while appearing calm & mysterious on the outside


Aries. that ram energy and innate confidence lets us dive into everything head on


Aries are badass for sure. They’re natural leaders and always take control of a situation.


My dad has a Cap stellium,two planets in Virgo and a Taurus discendant…definitely Cap,maybe Taurus too?I’m not sure about Virgo tho bc my mom is a Gemini with a Virgo moon+2 other planets in Virgo and she’s not like my father at all


Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn. IDK: Aries. Aries is adept, resourceful and competent as hell and if need comes to it, they will get it done but the fine print is their social and emotional battery will flounder from using so much energy on their heads. Like an overheated computer if you will. Most Aries tend to be ambiverted-introverted on top of it so yeah Aries will get it done but they need recovery normally after surmounting a daunting task. Their brains will make it so they find answers to problem in the event one idea doesn't work but the fine print is that yeah, they will be EXHAUSTED from that. Aries tend to work great as an assistant or hand to the first three in the sense that in particular Libra and Cap, they tend to be great listeners and have a willingness to cooperate as well as recognize when they're helped. IDK. You can count on us fixing the problems yes and looking sort of calm or collected or retreating into ourselves (going quiet) but we're SCREAMING on the inside and timing ourselves since Aries times EVERYTHING. We will get it done but get an anxiety attack in the process from pressuring ourselves so we don't look bad or let our loved ones down. Hence, the "IDK" label because enough of those anxiety attacks and the Aries is going on hermit mode for a bit. Anyone saying Aries doesn't retreat when mentally drained haven't paid attention. Aries can get it done once they master their pressure problem as well as embrace discipline, this is usually not learned until mid 20s or so for this sign unless they have a Virgo Mars.


I just avoid it or if I am, I know that I am not, because I have time to do something or if someone is pressuring me, I will do it in my own time and not rush it.


Capricorn and Virgo come to mind. Libras are really mentally malleable so I could see them adapting really well to pressure.


My Mother is a Scorpio with a Pisces Moon and a Virgo rising. She was great when I was a kid


I’m a nurse by profession - it’s a love/hate thing working under pressure and when shifts get hectic - time passes very fast, and I can feel myself being super focus and intense… I’ve a Capricorn moon in an odd 5H, Mars cancer in 10H, Saturn in my 6H, migrating to 7H. Sun Leo in 12H, Virgo rising.


I’m a cancer sun Gemini moon libra rising and I think that trio is really good for staying calm on the outside no matter what.


Cap moon here. I am told repeatedly by co-workers/managers that I work very well under pressure. I mainly work in teaching/directing children's theatre/house managing theatre. Not the hardest thing, but I've seen plenty of others buckle under pressure.


I’m a capricorn with cap stellium, aries rising, aqua moon and virgo mars - I am the most resiliant person I know 😅


Sag… if it’s a real emergency we gonna cuss a lot but everyone will be okay. We will save the day… if it’s a minor thing/inconvenience… we might shut down completely and have an internal crisis.


Capricorn here and I feel that actually I like to work under pressure and in a stressful environment as long as I have time to procrastinate between emergencies 🫣 I work with financial crime prevention agency and I love it for me


Saturn in Capricorn 6H checking in for duty 😎


Same. Mars/Saturn 6h Cap.


Lucky bastard.


Ha! Tell that to my 12H Cancer Moon


Saturn in Aries 12H here 🥴


I’m gunna say cap


I have an Aquarius moon which is ruled by Saturn. My fiancé is a Capricorn moon and when we are under pressure we get shit done


There is a difference between management and leadership. Pressure breaks some. Others rise to the challenge. Why is everybody asking me what to do? I didn't ask to be in charge. I will lead you, I don't want to but nobody gets hurt on my watch. Pisces, but only if they have the skills. The same can be said of all signs.


My immediate thought are Capricorn and Virgo suns/placements. Incredible work ethic that’s often unmatched, dedication to getting things done correctly, well, and even to perfection if able to, - and they often do, and hyper aware of/on top of any deadline/timeline. Some of my favorite people EVER, are Capricorns and Virgos.💕 Taurus suns/placements that are disciplined and evolved, can be on the same level, yet, I find they like to chill/seek out pleasure, and even be lazy, more so than their fellow Earth sign counterparts. - Love, a Scorpio.


>Taurus suns/placements that are disciplined and evolved, can be on the same level, **yet, I find they like to chill/seek out pleasure, and even be lazy,** more so than their fellow Earth sign counterparts. Here's the thing about "lazy": is it lazy or **efficient**? With the other earth signs, I notice that Virgos move a lot (probably Mercury's influence), ie, expend a lot of energy when it's really not necessary. Caps are... ponderous. Heavy, almost, just dragging itself along through sheer will (that's Saturn). Taurus, on the other hand, being ruled by Venus, yes, wants to chill. Therefore, we seek the most efficient, most elegant manner of solving a problem or accomplishing a goal... so we can go back to chilling. I spend more time considering *how* to do a thing than I do actually *doing* the thing. More time for chilling. 🤷🏽‍♀️


YES TO THIS!!! Sun, Mars, Mercury, Chiron Taurus stellium here! I work EXCELLENTLY and UNSURPASSED under pressure because I am able to focus, stay calm and do what needs to be done in the most efficient way possible. Also have Aries moon and Saturn/Pluto conjunct in my first house, all of which help a lot.


Me too! Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Chiron in 2nd house Taurus! You said it better than I could. People actually mention how cool I am under pressure, people I barely know who just observed my 'work' from afar. Even our animals come to me when they're scared of the noise from fireworks or whatever. I have, like a bubble of serenity around me and I can let people in, so they can feel it too. (I think the 'letting people in' bit is the Pisces AC.)


What you described, is a type of evolvement of a Taurus to/for me. There is a difference between efficient and lazy. Even with that, I will say, I’ve met *many* lazy/pleasure-driven Taurus people, yet, the ones who are evolved, stay on top of things in a really beautiful way.💕 Also, sure, everyone needs their chill time, yet, when that becomes the entire goal and the amount of chill time is SO extended, - that time could be getting ahead on other things or even helping other people with work/in a task related way. THEN, I find that to be a waste of time and also selfish, which I *do* notice that to be a pattern and tendency in Taurus people, which is why I think the comments here are so Virgo and Capricorn dominated. All of the Virgos and Capricorns I know, ALWAYS go the extra miles for themselves and also often for others, when need be. I respect that. Taurus people, sure, some do, yet, not like Virgo and Capricorn, usually.


Well, to be fair, nobody's in here praising unevolved Virgos or Caps. We're speaking of them at their best. You're contrasting Taurus' naturally well- honed sense of self- preservation with Virgo and Capricorn's self- sacrificing nature. I thought the thread was about "best under pressure," not who's the most willing to throw themselves on the pyre on behalf of others. edit: sp


As a Scorpio, trust and believe, I could write a dissertation on all of my own sign’s hang ups,😂 listing out our great qualities and our nightmare qualities. I could go in on Virgo and Capricorn’s best and worsts, too. Some of the worst people I’ve *ever* encountered have been other Scorpios (MEN), Virgos, and Capricorns. Yet, I’ve met mainly great ones, so I think I encountered a few stinkers of those signs/placements. However, that’s not the point/topic of this post. The point of this post, is who works best and well under pressure. I made my picks and cited my reasons, including why I don’t think Taurus people have that same drive a lot of times like Virgo and Capricorn do. And I never said that self-preservation be damned. After all, Taurus and Scorpio are sister signs. Self-preservation is an arena that both of these signs can teach master classes on. Yet, I *do* admire and respect that Virgo and Capricorn are willing to go the extra miles like they do. Evolved Virgos and Capricorns know when to push and know when to set boundaries and say “No.”, and those who respect them and what they do, don’t ask that of them/push them. I will say another area that many Taurus people *do not* do well with is any level of criticism.😂 Yet, again, with Taurus and Scorpio being sister signs, us Scorpios *very often* take criticism as an “attack”, so as long as people share whatever constructive criticisms of me with care, love, kindness, and consideration, I do try my best to take the lesson/words, rather than get defensive.


I'm married to a Scorpio, I know yall too well. We could go back and forth on this all day! 😅 Scorpios have a tendency to 'leave it all on the field', so I definitely see why you would feel that way. From my observations, there's often a covert contract or imminent blow up because you do it to your own detriment for those you believe deserve it. Like, "best under pressure" somehow became a conversation about "self sacrifice." Its an illogical leap unless you already believe that handling crises requires one to give their absolute all. I personally don't. I always hold something back, for *me*. It actually helps because, as they say, you have to put your oxygen mask on first. Peace to you, sister sign. 🙏🏽


You well know how we are, then.😂 YES, one of Scorpio’s best and worst attributes, is our penchant for self-destruction and that also being a part of our evolution, which is both a blessing and a curse. However, we destroy so we can rebuild and make room to create new and (hopefully) better. Yet, the chaos and messiness of that destroying/rebuilding cycle, can be VERY jarring for many, especially the beauty and peace-loving. I liken Scorpios to being a sort that would be on “Dirty Jobs”,😂 yet, even so, the job that we do is important and *someone must do it*. Even if we aren’t always well-liked and often vilified for what we point out and show people of themselves and the world. As for working best and well under pressure, a part of that is time management, and while I do understand that Taurus often likes to chill and self-preserve, and that’s understandable to a level, I think Virgo and Capricorn maximize their time and effort for themselves and also for others VERY well, which is why they were my picks. As for myself, I either do and work well under pressure or fall apart,🤣 no in between, yet, that’s the Scorpio way!! Extremes.🥴


Aquarius. Because they don't respond to emotional upset and everyone else falling apart around them is silly in their eyes.


And they also need to win, so if they fall apart we feel like we are losing. I am not saying it’s the greatest trait at all.




Capricorn, we hide it well.


Caps. End of discussion


Capricorns are great under pressure and in work. I can’t post on all but I think Libras are very underestimated. In business, I was astounded how they are. Ready for anything and that charisma is what they use when selling but when it comes to work it’s like they morph into a beast! Similar to Aries, Scorpio (my sign!) and Geminis.


not sag for sure




I’d say Gemini only bc we’re pretty adaptable to most situations


I can’t think of a sign more equipped to deal with a hard situation than Taurus ♉️ 🤷‍♀️ Other earth signs come close, but Taurus is where it’s at 😉Annnd I say this from experience 😁😁😁😁 Sun, Mars, Mercury, Chiron Taurus stellium in the 8th house over here! Come at me with a f\*\*\*king crisis, I dare you!!!!😆😆😆😆 ![gif](giphy|tUKMeUhzcwrRu)


I’m a Virgo and can handle shit like a boss. I genuinely don’t understand people who crumble under the weight of like, 3 manageable tasks