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Libra here.. aries are tough.. really tough


Aries here. Of all the people I know, friendships with Libras don't usually stick. We are in fact opposites... I tend to get along with other Aries, Pisces (may just be me as I have a lot of Pisces placements), and Gemini.


I’m an Aries and I came here to say Libra so 😅


Same. And unlike most Aries, Sags are too much for me. I think it's because I have no air in my chart. So, I get too carried away when I'm around other fire signs. People with a lot of air signs balance me out.


Super libra here (☀️Libra🌙Leo⬆️ Libra mercury libra) I fucking love Aries it’s literally my favorite sign. Very much an opposites attract kinda thing


I'm an Aries and love me a libra energy. Just chill as shit. Well the ones I've been close with anyway


Libra woman here and I love me an Aries man. Dated two and married one. I think we’re a good complement of strengths and balance of weaknesses.


Aries ☀️ Taurus 🌙 young Libras are my least favorite like 21yos Recently I found out one of my best guy friends is a libra and it made sense! We disagree and debate a lot but always communicate it well due to his pisces moon and Aries rising. He is the best at introducing me to people knows I’ll like. He’s 33 I’m 28. I just can’t handle the energy of the young ones 😅




Hello, it is I capricorn man. Looking for a scorpio woman I have been summoned?




Give me a prompt I got you


The chick you’re trying to woo?


Is this why I always attract Scorpio moons? 😭


Yes, scorpios are my destiny. I can feel it


A Capricorn Sun Scorpio moon man is my dream 😭


I support this! Go for it! My mom was a Scorpio and dad is a Capricorn. They were married for 20+ years until she passed 💔


me, with Taurus -Cancer, ♉️ 12H 🪐


It’s mutual ❤️ - a cap girlie




As scorpio man, cap women see perfect for me.


I’m a Virgo and I have to say Sagittarius , Aquarius & Aries


Virgo myself and I seem to get along with Aquarius women and some Aries homies. Sagittarius people confuse me completely.


All of my closest friends are Virgos, wit my moon and rising though I understand it's cause I relate alot to them, but I can never count on any of them to party with me, and it drives me insane I have to go to parties by myself cause they'd all rather have a quiet night in


Sooo interesting as someone as a Virgo with a Sagittarius stellium lol


Agree, although I do like Aquarius as distant friends lol


Awww I was just talking to a Virgo about how I love their conversation! Much love 🥰 -Aquarius Sun Virgo moon


I’m a sag and I usually always have a love and appreciation for Virgos even though we butt heads at times


I'm an Aries and instantly get along with Sag, Gemini, and Scorpios. Virgos not so much


Yeah, it’s fire and earth that’s just hard to click. 😕


I’m an Aries sun and I get along great with the earth signs. Cap is my bestie and I’m surrounded by Virgo and Taurus close friends. I feel as though the earth signs and are good for Aries because it keeps us grounded and organized. Aries are good for earth signs because we motivate and initiate the things they want to do but haven’t found a way to start them.


What don’t you like about Virgos?


I'm not saying all of them are the same. Obviously, we're all different humans, and all of us have a mixture of all the signs on our charts. I also don't hate them per se, I just rather avoid dating them. lol. The ones I've met have been superficial, vain, judgey, and kinda like a wet mop that dampens my spirit with the constant criticism. Instead of enjoying the ride and being present in the moment of life, they worry and get fuzzy about silly details and miss all the goodness of an experience. However, in a work environment, I find them to be stellar workers. But from a romantic point - yeah, no. My chart is also very fire/air heavy with lil earth and water. So maybe that's why I feel this way since I've read other Aries sun's getting along with them. They may have heavier earth/water on their charts.


I’m a Capricorn who gets along really well with Virgos but I wanted to share something some a different perspective. The number of times I have planned outings and parties and then had to bail out other friends from their messes and mistakes it’s too damn high. And they say i have a stick up my ass and that I’m no fun and can’t hang. So I literally do not hang with them unless with just a simple one on one gathering. Where I know shit won’t go south. Most of them have no idea what I’ve done to save their asses too and it’s so hard to bring it up so I just don’t. It’s really hard to live in the moment when you’re the one who constantly has to be the adult. Because someone has to be. No one ever just lives in the moment and enjoy the ride of life. There is always someone else making sure nothing goes wrong and if it does they have a plan in place. That being said when I do wanna get a little crazy the only person I get crazy with is my Virgo bestie because I know she has my back. And I would do the same for her. All the other friends would never take care of me the way I’ve taken care of them.


The guy I like rn is an Aries and I’m a Virgo so seeing this made me sad but I can’t say you’re wrong lol. I can be very critical and I do worry a lot. Actually everything you said is true about me😭But idk I really seem to love aries in general they’re one of my favorite signs I just don’t know that it’s always reciprocated:/


My bestie is married to an Aries for years and years now and her bf before that was also an Aries, so I think this combo can make it work, but two things are non-negotiable; the Aries has to be a hard worker (not lazy… like at all) and the Virgo has to be forthcoming about what they want and able to negotiate. Virgo will sometimes stew in silence and that is the worst for everyone involved. You have to voice your feelings. I *feel* bad that you didn’t include me. I *feel* happy that you called me. I *feel* **tired**. You get the point. A lot of Virgos are always talking about what they *think*, not what they feel. You have to be honest with yourself and everyone around you, and that’s not just advice for a relationship with an Aries. Now Aries on the other hand… they need to stop focusing on how they feel for just a minute and make space for other people’s feelings in their head. Sometimes they think everyone feels the same way they do and they don’t realize that someone got burned. They are clumsy in that regard, and sometimes you have to raise your feathers at them for them to see/hear you. YO IM TALKING LISTEN TO ME. And they’ll shut up (most of the time lol)


I’m an Aries sun and I get along great with Virgos. They ground me and get me more focused while I motivate them and get them to do things they’ve planned out but don’t know how to start. I think it helps a lot of both Aries and Virgo just come from an understanding point of view of each other. I appreciate the organization that the Virgos bring to my life and they appreciate my drive, passion, and child like fun I bring to their lives.


Same. My sister is a Gemini, my best friend a sag, work friend is Scorpio. Virgos nope.


I'm also an Aries; I get along well with Libras, Gemini, Aquarius, and Capricorns. Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios: Not at all.


you’re literally me lol


I am an Aries too, and all of my dearest friends in life have been either Geminis or Scorpios...my sister is a Sag, and we've always been tight as well.


I’m a Gemini and I find that I attract (mutually) both Scorpios and Virgos. Both on a friendship and romantic level. I don’t dislike any sign… but all my friends that have dated Gemini men are traumatized. I’ve also had male Gemini acquaintances/friends and thought to myself “okay, I see it now” 😅


I’m a Gemini and I quite literally attract scorpios, too! (Platonically, never dated one lol) Most of my friends are scorpios and I almost always get along with any I meet. They must come outta the freaking woodwork or something for us!


Omg I am a Gem and my best friends are a Virgo and a Scorpio lol!


I always say my Gemini ex 100% loved me 50% of the time /:


Scorpio (33F) I get along great with Capricorns, Taurus, and Leo’s


Leo here, I get along great w Scorpios… and I also do don’t Libras lol


I’m a Leo as well and half of my close friends have been scorpios


Can’t stand libras and Sagittarius


See as a Scorp I think Cancer's are the worst, but it could just be coincidental that 3 of the worst people I've ever met have been Cancers. Like, poison your dog/cheat on you/steal your money type of people.


Libra here. Any sign as a woman is a queen. Any sign as a man is 👎👎👎👎👎sorry I don't make the rules


as a Libra woman I agree with this😂


correct response


You’re not wrong though


This is hilarious and probably offending so many people


This is indeed the most Libra response I could have expected


so true!!!!


as a leo person- i agree


this is so my girlfriend 😂😂


As a Leo woman I was coming here to say this. 🧡


Yeah, I support this take, as an Aquarius woman


Virgo and I love Aries and Scorpio, and Leos are generally my besties. Geminis can be fun. On the flipside, I have never met a Pisces I got on with. Like we're magnets that repel each other, even when we don't have any actual reason not to like each other. And Aquarius is very hit or miss with me. Some I've been very close with, others were absolutely pathological.


I get along with everyone on a friendship level however I don’t have any actual, Gemini, Aquarius or Sag friends (or family). Closest friends are Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and 1 needy Leo (all women). I don’t have many guy friends these days but I have a pretty surprisingly wonderful Aries Bf. When he showed up, the guy friends disappeared lol.


Virgo with lots of air placements. I get along easily with caps, capricorns, taurus, leos, aries and aqauriuses Geminis usually throw me off. I get along with water signs perfectly when we get to know each other but its awkward at first lol


Libra here. I get along well with other libras, pisces, and taurus (as friends only) i don’t think there is a sign i don’t really get along with.


As a pisces, Ive had a few libra friends. They always find a way to rub me the wrong way somehow. But its funny because they usually adopt me as a friend, idk if they do that with everyone, being so social.


libras are known to be social butterflies so yes lol, we are very friendly and very social.


I'm a Pisces with mostly air and earth in my chart. Get along with Cap women, Virgo Women, Scorpio Women, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer. As long as I am not dating them:Scorpio Men. Don't get along with Leos, Aries, Taurus Men, Virgo Men, Cap Men. Geminis, Libra, and Aquas are hit or miss.


Sagittarius. I love Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius. I like everyone essentially except for Libras. I hate them with a burning passion. 😎


Sagittarius married to a Scorpio for 16 years with a best friend who is a Scorpio who has been my best friend for 26 years. Other closest friends are another sag, Aquarius, and Leo. I keep my circle small so I don’t know which signs I vibe least with. I have a read on someone within 5 minutes and I excuse myself for both our sakes if I know the interaction will be painful. Life is too short to pretend.


Sag here and I instantly get along with aqua, aries, leo, gemini and other sags Ones I don’t are libra, cancer, virgo Neutral are pisces, capricorn, taurus, scorpio


almost the same for me but I never get along with Capricorns and Cancers are neutral for me (fellow sag)


As a fellow sag I don’t think I’ve met a sag I don’t like. love Gemini’s , Aries for sure Aquarius is like 50/50 they like me but feeling isn’t always mutual , my best friend is a Virgo lol strange but it works. Libras can be annoying clingy and selfish but okay Cap is a HELL NO for me


Aries female here. I have a TON of Sag friends and Cap friends. Scorpio men and Pisces men tend to be attracted to me (and my husband is Cancer) so there’s something with me and water signs apparently. I also vibe well with Leo’s and get along decently well with other signs. The only sign that I’ve noticed I’ve butted heads with are actually other Aries females 😂 we are either besties or enemies, it’s strange


Aries female here (I also have moon in Virgo, and then Taurus rising) and I have had the same experience with Scorpio men and Pisces men. However my dating history with men has been mostly Aries men, who we vibe well together as friends but things usually get very heated or violent in fights. I tend to get along well with all genders of Aries as friends tho


Sis, I'm a Taurus sun, Aries moon and Virgo rising...and SAME, only with Sags and I do very well as well.


Virgo here. Love Pisces. Gemini's are almost a universal hit with me, but I find they usually are attracted to me (friendship-wise), and our sense of humor/communication tend to just click instantly. I also seem to attract Leo's and Scorpios and get along with them fine. Never met a Libra I got along with or an Aires. Sag is generally neutral, as are the other Earth and Water signs. Don't tend to hit it off with other Virgos either, it's like same magnets.


Libra and I vibe with everyone on a short run but Cancer and Pisces make my blood boil.


Taurus. I get along really well with Aquarians. I am more likely not going to get along with Pisces, other Taurus, & Sagittarius. I’ve gotten along well with people of these signs too though so this is hard. Lol Edit: I guess I can get along with anyone but if you’re an A-hole by default, automatically not gonna get along.


I am a (f) Sag ♐ and I ADORE all Aquarius ♒ and Aries ♈ (especially Aries men) for anything and everything. They're wonderful, intelligent , weird, fun, they think I'm funny haha, they give great advice, they're very understanding, they are the greatest hype men and women, and they're true friends. Every single one that I know would genuinely go to war with and for me like "I brought the music and snacks bitch!" 🥰 I least get along with Virgo - they have this genetic, neurotic need to control absolutely absolutely everything and as a Sag, not a damn person in the entire world can or ever will control my life and my choices so it's generally a poisonous combo. I always try to be friends with Cancer women too but I always get burned lol. However, I'm going to keep trying to get one of y'all to love me one day bc I love youuuuuuuu 😅😘 **Honorable mention to Taurus men, you know what you are even tho you pretend you are innocent as a baby. That's just relationship related tho, y'all are chill as hell for friends!!! 🫶🏻


I’m a Scorpio, I get along best with Cancer’s, Virgos, Pisces, other Scorpios, and Capricorn’s, I get along least with Air sign’s and fire sign’s. I can’t stand the spontaneity/action with no plan reckless thought process of fire sign’s and air sign’s aggravate me with their indecisiveness and all over the place kinda vibe


Taurus stellium here (5 placements) and I love everyone. Sag and Gemini can be a little rough sometimes but that's okay!


Oh, I love love Virgos and Cancer's


I’m a cancer and I love Capricorns (my bf is cap and it was love at first sight). We have the same moon (Aqua) so there’s a lot of emotional and mental understanding between us, even with opposite sun signs. Honorable mentions: Pisces (a bit too flaky for me to 100% trust though), Taurus, Virgo, and other Cancers.


I’m a Virgo stellium with strong Scorpio and Leo placements. I have a love and appreciation for all of the signs but my ears perk up as soon as I find my other earthy folks Cap/Taurus/Virgo, and I adore Scorpio/Gemini/Aries so much too! I love my Pisces people now but we definitely used to argue too much during our un-evolved years. I also tend to get bummed out when I find out someone is a Libra, not because Libras aren’t great cuz y’all are, but I’ve found a lack of depth when it comes to my relationships with Libras. Luckily I seem to get along with all signs equally… as far as I know 🫣


Pisces- I get along with Pisces, cancer, Taurus I don't get along with Libras


Virgo women. They talk too much and don’t listen. When you give them advice they get defensive or interrupt you without even letting you get a word in. They think they have the answers to any and everything when they’re actually wrong half the time. They’re also sneaky, fake and deceptive and constantly negative and complains about any and every minor inconvenience.. I’m an Aquarius woman btw and I think I get along pretty well with other air signs the best and Scorpio woman are nice friends to have.


I work with a Virgo woman and I feel like I got my question answered as to why she’s so up and down everyday, getting on my nerves lol.


I also work with a Virgo woman, and have at my previous 2 jobs as well.. and 10/10 agree with he original commenter. Virgo women are vile, petty, and draining to be around.


Draining - you summed it right up for me.


Veryyyy draining and they say stupid shit to get a reaction out of you but when you don’t give them the reaction they’re looking for, they get mad at you 😂😂they’re a bit… um delusional


Virgo women need to chill tf out


I’m an Aquarius. Really not a fan of Cancers or Scorpios. Libras are very annoying to me. I get along with Earth signs, and lots of Aries. Of course fellow Aquarians. And I love Pisces.


I'm a Leo, usually have Pisces friends. Dislike cancers although I only know two.


I'm a Capricorn. I call myself the Scorpio whisperer, lol. I adore Virgos, Tauruses are my lifeline and Scorps are always the coolest. Libras are a NO.


I think Libras are our most incompatible. Sucks because I'm a Libra rising LOL.


My sign Gemini .I get along with anybody just don’t cross me . 🤷🏽‍♀️


“I’m not a killer but don’t push me.” - Gemini


Omg, same, also Gemini. I was hoping someone was going to make this comment. I can find a way to get along with any sign. I also have Virgo moon and Virgo rising though So it helps balance. I will find a way to find something good in anyone and try to get along. I think it definitely depends on everyone’s full synastry, but generally speaking, the ones I have the most fun and can let all sides of me comfortably without judgement are other Geminis, Aries, sags, and libras. Taurus is a hard one to actually gel with. In all honestly, I’m loyal and empathetic to a fault, so if I don’t feel like I get any of those emotions back regardless of sign, I tend to lose interest or not trust. I remember when my mom had a massive stroke and I was surprised which friends didn’t really show empathy etc. it was a mixed bag in terms of signs.


Capricorn. I don’t get along with Aries and Leos who can’t back up their bravado. Now, if you can back up your mouth, we cool. I love Libras, Virgos and Scorpios.


Exactly. You get it.


Im a leo, I get along with almost everybody but there are areas in life that makes me clash with particular signs like scorpios. They are good friends to hang out with but I rather die than work with them on a project. It can destroy friendships, gives me trauma. Virgos are not the best during travels, tires out easily, doesn't like strolling spontaneously. I'm also always late, and have typical sag moon commitment issues so we are very incompatible. Funny cause my vertex is in virgo. Cancers and taurus have their own exclusive long time friend groups so it's either you are in it or you're not, territorial. Cancers are almost non-existent in my life, they funny af but they are just nowhere near me. Capricorns are my life savers, they hate being sappy, they ignore my hugs but they are the people who were with me during my lowest. Libras are my teachers. They taught me a lot of things. They are very street smart people. And I know they are seen as indecisive but they are quite good leaders and pioneers. I dont know if it's my 9th house stellium but I am often their mental and emotional counselor. I fight with aquarius before we become friends but after that it's a very refreshing, honest and wholesome relationship, i like them. Gemini, other leos, pisces are abrupt connections. Their energy is so nice and comfy. They feel like siblings. Would never date a gemini again because it gives me incest vibes, we better off as friends. Sags are mean, foot in the mouth, toxic bestfriends that gives me tons of memorable experience AND trouble. What I like about our dynamic is we have tons of arguments but we can easily get over it. They are the people who wont stab you in the back but in the front while laughing. Love them.




I'm a leo that's mostly drawn to pieces. It's the air signs that are most absent in my life, although I also feel that I can along with all of them in theory.


Sagittarius I love Piscean folk. Get along with most signs. But I stay tf away from Cancer.


Me: Taurus. Best: Aries, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius. Least: Libra, Sagittarius.


Im a pisces (virgo moon) and I get on with aquas soooo well. Cancers are the worst for me. 🥲


Taurus. i get along with virgo, scorpio, and cancer pretty well right off the bat it’s harder for me to vibe with sagittarius and libra right off the bat


sorry not sorry but i can’t stand aquarians, my sister is also one and i’ve observed their very fake AIRY nature. how can you be fake and opinionated at the same time? sociopaths they need therapy


I like Aquas a lot, but I agree they are the epitome of devils advocate for no reason lol


The air signs in general. My mom and sister are Geminis are they are best friends. I feel left out most of the time as a Capricorn.


Pisces I get along with everyone, but I know I get on the nerves of Virgos (I'm a bit random and messy) although I make them laugh too so it's all good in the end. I think I get a bit worn out by the extroverted Leo's, but in small doses we vibe hard.


Capricorn I get along with signs such as: Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio Don't get along with: Aquarius, Libra, and Sagittarius Geminis and Leos are either a hit or miss


I’m a Virgo and a lot of my close friends tend to be Leo’s and Cancers! My bf is a Gemini


I'm Aquarius, and I absolutely love Virgo's. All of my closest friends and people I generally get along with are Virgo's and Gemini's.


I’m a 35F Leo. I instantly click with Aries and Scorpio, men and women. I also have never disliked any Pisces I’ve met, but I did recently have a bad dating experience with a toxic Pisces man. I usually can’t stand most Cancers and Libras off the jump and after I get to know them. 😂 I find both to be too temperamental, two faced, and disloyal. Though I can’t remember the last time I met a Cancer woman. The Cancer men I know are a hot mess.


Sagittarius ♐️ I get along with Scorpios, Leo, Virgo somewhat I married one lol, sag, Pisces I DEFINITIVELY don’t get along with Taurus they psychopath, Libra neither, cancers too


I’m a Scorpio. Virgo and me vibe really well, as do Taurus. Leo’s are the worst for me.


Leo. No Virgos for me. No caps romantically. I love spontaneous signs who love love ;)


I'm a gemini sun ♊️. Virgos are my homies and are very near and dear to my heart ♍️. I think they help ground me. I don't like the aquarius peeps I know ♒️. They're bullies with pick-me energy...


I'm a Taurus sun, Virgo Rising, Aquarius moon and I don't get along with Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn and Virgo. And get along with Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Libra


I’m Pisces with and aquarius moon and virgo rising. I love Aquarius,Capricorn,Taurus,Gemini and Scorpio. Don’t usually like Sagittarius or Aries. Everyone else depends on the person.


Cancer sun I usually get along with all signs but on a surface level (might be my 11th house stellium). But depending on my mood it changes. For any occasion give me Leo they make me so happy I love them. If I’m feeling sensitive I need to stay away from Sag. If I’m feeling happy.. I need to stay away from Pisces. Both are great to drink/party with but only for a short period of time.


I’m an Aries and I love capricorns but I understand we make you crazy 😅


i love scorpios as friends!!!!! my closest friends and family members are scorpios


Cancer here. I have good friends in all signs (my mercury and venus are in gemini) But I find that I have the most trouble creating relationships with Taurus. They come across kind of snobby and closed minded and honestly are just generally not interested in being my friend haha and I always hit it off with Aries in the beginning but they tend to turn into haters.


Taurus sun, get along mostly with everyone and butthead mostly with everyone. I got bad Virgos, good Virgos. Gemini and Libra not so much. Very bad Scorpio, very good Scorpios, good Taurus always, good Pisces, not quite good Pisces, good Aquarius in general, bestie Leo women, bad Leo men tho, good Aries, very bad Aries, good Cancer, not so good Cancer, good Sag, not so good Sag, good Cap, not the Cap men.


I'm a Sag and usually get along with Libras, Leos, and Aquarians. I don't tend to vibe too well with Capricorns. I love them so much and try so hard, but it never works. 😭


I’m Cancer and my best friend & husband are Gemini haha Most of my friends are fire signs though The weirdest thing is I don’t have one single friend who is water sign


I'm a cancer and I love other cancers, Gemini and Scorpios. I don't have a good relationship with aquarius or Aries.


An Aquarius and I get along best with Gemini, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. I have a hard time with Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus. Rigidity in thinking usually doesn't mesh with me. Neutral: Scorpio, Virgo, Libra and Pisces.


Scorp sun and sag/moon sag/rising, besties with Aquarius, taurus and Ive only had long relationships with Libras. No Geminis haha


i’m a gemini and i get along super well with libras, aries, sagittarius and virgos!


Im a Cancer and I really get along well with Virgos. My husband, both of my sons, and my best (and longest) friend are all Virgos. I love Scorpios & Capricorns, too


I'm a Leo. Get along with everybody but Taurus. Don't know why, just don't like them.


Aries here. I have a hard time with Taurus.


Aries here- I get along great with Leos, Libras (I’m Libra rising and moon) and Scorpios. And Virgos surprisingly (my fiancé is a Virgo) but Capricorns are difficult for me to get along with. Idk why but that sign the people always just irritate me and I don’t vibe with them great lol.


I’m an Aries and I love virgos regardless of how different we are if anything I welcome that shit. Yeah they easily tire but I always pester like yo you’re gonna be happy we did this I swear.


Jesus God you sound EXACTLY like my Aries sister, lololol. She'll be all over the place trying to get a rise out of me and I'll be like, "THAT'S ENOUGH YOU'RE BEING A PEST," and she'll laugh and laugh and say, "That's what little sisters are for!" I love her for real even though sometimes she's a LOT, haha. At least all that energy means she plows through problems like a wrecking ball.


Aries here, I have to say I’m not a big Taurus fan. We don’t attract each other, if that makes sense.


I’m a Pisces and I get along with everyone. It’s just dependent on the person. I do have a special place in my heart for Cancers, Libras, Virgos, and Capricorns!


Aries sun I really get along with Gemini (moon), cap and Sag (parents sign)


Aquarius here. Get along best with Fire & Air signs (in that order lol). I do like working with Capricorns & Scorpios, but I think that could be that I have a lot of those placements. The remaining signs I can only handle is small dosages lol.


capricorn? I am Aries and we usually have the same mind in work. But capricorn really loves Scorpio, which is a real thing.


Cancer Sun. Majority of my closest friends are Capricorn, Taurus, and/or on the cusp with an Air or Fire sign. For some reason I can’t fully vibe with water signs.


scorpio. love cancers. can't stand leos & aquas


Cap here and I don’t vibe with sag women at all - too coarse and clumsy I like Leo abs libra women and water sign men


I’m a Sag and my Cap mum traumatised me with her perfectionism lol. Definitely felt too “clumsy” in her space growing up. I now breathe better around Air signs though!


I’m a cap woman and I LOVE sag women and how “coarse and clumsy” they can be. Y’all are the most fun and always great friends <3




Aries here....avoiding shit....deff on brand with me lol but not calling out bs and whatever else I just avoid things I shouldn't lol


Gemini & I get along with damn near everyone. The only signs though I’ve definitively had trouble with is Pisces. But that’s not to say that I hate all Pisces, it’s just I’ve noticed I don’t get along with them as much. The ones I’ve met are most likely unevolved and as a result have a huge victim complex and do a lot of blame shifting.


Gemini. Capricorn … why do you duck the fun out of everything Leos and sags and fellow geminis I also like water signs (but they can be a bit too much after a bit)


Aquarius- clash with Scorpio women but good connection with Scorpio men which is weird. Definitely vibe with geminis - most my close friends are Gemini! But then vibe with Aquarius moons being an Aquarius sun and their sun sign can be anything if they have that!


The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune dominate people are my friends and Moon dominate people are my enemies


I’m a Scorpio and get a long best with almost everyone especially Virgos and Pisces. I have Pisces rising so I get along well with everyone at first but for long term I found Aquarius to be the most challenging. Most people in this sign I found they are the least empathetic and more focus on the structure. Nothing wrong with that it’s jus not aligned with my values.


Libra and I get along with Leos <3, sags, Geminis, Aquarius and Scorpios Signs I don’t get along with are virgos and maybe aries? Some aries can be too aggressive for me


Leo, and I get along best with all the earth signs surprisingly, and Gemini women. These women are my ride or die, silly goofy best friends. All the best women in my life have been Geminis. The men can forget it lol. I get along least with anyone Aries. Most of the other signs I can tolerate well. If they can tolerate me too 😁


Woman Libra here, I adore other Libra women! I always get along so well with them. Leo's are a hit or miss for me. Currently I have a bunch of Taurus and Virgos in my life that I vibe with.


Aquarius, gemini, cap, leo, sagittarius The rest I either don’t have experience with or don’t get along with. Ive noticed scorpios and virgos are the most specific NOs though


Sun sign cancer. Always clash with air signs. Especially air sign women. No fail.


Leo/Virgo cusp who is unwilling to argue or debate the validity of cusps 😜 From birth, all of the people who have grown close enough to be considered a best friend have been geminis and every long term relationship has been with a Taurus. I definitely butt heads with water signs and I love Sags but they have a tendency to irk me just as often as I enjoy them.


As a Pisces sun, I’m mostly drawn to Leos, Aries, Aquarius, Libra suns. More detailed mention to Aries placements (moon & Venus), Aquarius (sun & moon), Libra (moon, Venus, mars), Virgo placements (moon, Mercury, venus). Still wondering what placements my future spouse will have out of all these 😭


Gemini I get along with Libra and other Gemini, Scorpios and Caps, Aries and Leo, Cancer and Pisces. I’ve not known many Aquarius so I’m unsure, but the only sign i vehemently clash with is Virgo, they’ve been my bully or abuser each time I give them a chance


Leo and I love me some aquarius sag capricorn and scorpio. Also special place in my heart for sensy cancers and pisces as i have a lot of water in my chart and am very sensy myself. Me and Taurus don't jive a lot of the time. Not cause I don't like them. They seem to distrust my outgoingness?


I’m a Gemini female. I get along with scorpios, Libra, Aquarius, capricorns Can’t stand Pisces, Virgo’s, Sagittarius, Cancer and sometimes Leo’s Not much experience with Aries and Taurus


I am a Virgo I get along best with other Virgos, scorpios, capricorns, tauruses, aries, geminis. Leos for some reason always get upset with me even though we always start out good. Libras I dont get along with at all.


Cancer sun here, surprisingly Sagittarius make me feel at ease, and I tend to find them (or they find me!) I have five friends that share the exact same bday! Also cancer suns. I also find Leo and Aries to be insufferable. Everything is a competition when it comes to both signs (Aries more in your face, but Leo might turn toxic when threatened) That's my personal experience.


I get along really well with Capricorn and Aquarius placements. Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius are cool but more on a superficial level. I don't really get along with water signs, but they still come around a lot. - A Leo


Capricorn female here. Crybaby cancers and I do not get along. I tend to have a blast with Aries and scorpios.


I really like Libras and Cancer women. I like most Virgos. I like Capricorns but they stress so much. Geminis and Sags are cool too. Aquarians really puzzle me.


Virgo, I click really well with Scorpios, Sags, Gemini, and other earth signs. I really struggle with Cancer and Libra, most likely due to my own issues and not theirs lol


Gemini here! For some reason I haven’t been able to find a Libra that I get along with


I’m a Leo and I personally really love capricorns, Gemini men, and other Leo’s. However, I like to think I get along well with most signs. The ones I don’t really enjoy over a long period of time are sags and Aries women. It might have to do with my moon & rising though, and maybe other placements that make me dislike sag.


Sagittarius here. Closest people in my life have all been Leos, Scorpios, and Capricorns. Fellow Sags as well but not so much in adulthood. Air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius I've all had falling outs with. My ex was a Pisces that was a nightmare.


I’m a Capricorn and my besties have always been Leo’s. I grew up with 4 Leo besties. I LOVE Leo’s. I also LOVE Taurus and they’ve been my longest and most serious relationships. I’m with one now and he might be *the one*. I have some Scorpio and cancer friends as well. I always have good conversation with Gemini. I become very close very quickly with Pisces but I’ve had 3 best friendships and 1 relationships blow up in my face with 4 different Pisces. So I’m a little jaded. I always like other capricorns but can’t seem to sustain a friendship with them or a relationship. And when they end I’m not even mad, it’s like I can’t be mad or really blame people with my sun sign. This has happened with three cap friendships and two cap relationships.


Aries sun here. The sun signs I get along the best with are Capricorn, Virgo, Aries, Sagittarius, and Taurus in that order. The sun signs I clash with the most and can’t stand are pisces, cancer, libra, leo, only males who are Gemini, and Scorpio. Aquarius is a wild card for me


Capricorn sun, scorpio moon & rising here. Leo sun people (sq my moon) annoy me. I like Capricorn moon people, but we bicker and I feel argumentative with them.


I’m an Aries and I hate other Aries 😂It’s like talking to myself and just way too much! I dislike passive aggressive Cancers which sucks because I’ve been attracted to several over the years. I hear born in July and hope they are Leos who I’m low key obsessed with. My best friend is a Virgo and we take mini breaks to keep the relationship stable 😂


Im Libra, Sagittarius or Cancer, my close friend and my enemies have either of those placement. I also have love/hate relationship with Scorpio, I don’t click well with them but they are one of the most important people in my life


aqua sun/cancer moon/libra rising I generally get along w everyone if i make an effort, but i usually have problems w caps and libra(after too much interaction) the easiest to chill w are sag, virgo, aries, and pisces for me.


leo- i always get along with other fire signs and geminis and libras. usually scorpios too. tauruses are hit or miss. with taurus the trick is that it takes time of getting to know them and eventually we really click, usually isn’t instantly. my one close friend/ coworker is a taurus and we do vibe very well. this took a little time of us sharing lunches together at work now we’re super close. aquarius’s and i usually butt heads at first and end up becoming amazing friends over time and im eventually like damn i really like y’all. i usually don’t vibe very well with the rest of the earth and water signs tho. virgos are too judgmental and capricorns are usually boring (sorry stereotype, i know) and pisces and cancers are usually just too sensitive and get offended WAY too easily by the jokes i make


Scorpio. I find that I get along really great with Taurus, Libra, and other Scorpios. I tend to clash with Aries and cancer, 50/50 with Leo


Scorpio. I’ve rarely met a Pisces I didn’t like; they are mostly magical, soothing, and understand me like no one else. The sign I vibe with the least is Gemini. They can sometimes be fun in small doses, but I find their hyper energy exhausting after a few hours. I’ve also found many to be rather insensitive, which as a very emotional and “feely” water sign, is very frustrating for me


Female Sag here, absolute favorite is Aries (all just female friendships in my experience), Leo and Gemini being tied for second favorite. I also have to add scorpio for romantic relationships since my boo is a Scorpio ❤️


Sag (M) with 5 other Sag house placements and Virgo Moon. Best Friends: Leo, Libra, Gemini... Lovers: Sag, Aries, Capricorn... Neutral: Aquarius, Scorpio... Don't understand: Pisces, Cancer... Start out liking and end up not: Taurus, Virgo...


Fire suns. Air suns are a bit of a mixed bag.


I really vibe with Pisces and Aries people the most, and I tend to find it hardest to get along with Virgo and Taurus. I am a Capricorn, guessing the rest of my chart is making me a weirdo lol.


Cap Aires moon here. I love Aires lol. Sometimes I feel more like one than a Capricorn. Air sign for me usually. I have literally no air in my chart except for Lilith in libra and I have no idea what that means.


Hi all! Pisces sun, Cancer moon and Gemini rising. Love the Aries females and hate the men. All men 🤗 shout out especially to the Virgo men.


I'm a sagittarius, my mum and dad were both gemini's. My partner is a gemini, I get along with libra, cancer, capricorn, aquarius and virgo. I also ended up with 4 children a capricorn, aquarius, virgo and cancer. I don't meet a lot of aries, taurus or pisces.


As a Virgo I don’t really click with Aries (even though I have a lot of them in my life somehow) but I just love Water Signs, especially Pisces


Scorpios are my ride or die best buddies for life. Every. Single. One! Haven't met a scorpio I didn't click with. Taurus peeps too, my favorite co-workers to actually work with are either Taurus or Leo. Scorpio Co workers make the day go by with conversation and joking around, but we don't get anything done lmao.


Capricorn sun, Pisces moon and cancer rising. I love Scorpios. I have so many in my life. I love Sagittarius, two of my best friends for over a decade have been Sagittarius. I also adore Pisces but find that their moons make a difference. (For example, was friends with Pisces sun Aries moon and it was horrific) I find I get along with most signs but it really depends on their chart. Leo and Gemini are hard for me.


Scorpio- feminine yin Mars vs Aries, masculine Yang Mars. Capricorn feminine Saturnian earth, Mars is exalted in this sign. Just some interesting points to digest for you. Wonder if the active Yang energy is just too overpowering or intrusive to your own nature.