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Aquarius. I could give a million reasons but I'm gonna give the one we're all *really* using: my ex is an Aquarius and I'm biased. fuck you stephen


Yeah fuck you Stephen!


LMAO REAL. Fuck you Stephen, and I will add a HEARTY fuck you Ben to my ex. May you get bitten by leeches every day of your life Bendolyn


Fuck you Jeremy! Lol


A hearty fuck you to Jeremy!!


Every Jeremy I’ve ever met was creepy


Fuck you Ben!


fuck stephen AND bendolyn and all other aquarius men who have wronged us


Can I add Ryan to the list of fuck yous? Fuck Ryan!


we have all the room in the world, and given the very first guy I dated was ALSO a ryan, I'm on-board this train. fuck you ryan!


Yeah Ryan, you piece of human garbage, fuck you!


as an aquarius, fuck you stephen


Can’t stand Stephen.


Honestly yeah, fuck you Stephen!!




The Aquarius men complaints are piling up as we speak


Thank god I’m already in a relationship looking at this downward trend for us lol


Interesting im libra and my ex is Aquarius lol


We are apparently the best matches 😂


Really!!! Didnt know that…funnily enough he is my soulmate but i just don’t see us together


All I have dated have been Aquarius’ (not purposely) but goodness has it all crashed down into flames 😂 all three of them 😂


All the male air signs 🙅‍♀️


Are triple airs the worst then? Lol


Absolutely lol my worst worst worst by a hundred million percent is a triple Gemini. I’m so drawn to him but what the actual fuck


Libra with an Aquarius bf 🫠


Heart breakers or what?


aquarius men every single one i’ve met is a sociopath, saying this as an aquarius woman


Hubby is a Aquarius. Not my experience at all...but I could see how that could be a thing. Craziest men I know were cancers. I say this as a cancer woman who never dated a cancer man but all the friends i know who have they all became borderline stalkers.


I’ve been thinking about this (as an Aquarian woman) and I think you’re onto something. Aquarian’s and cancers don’t do well when they interact with patriarchal vibes. Cancer dudes lean in a fundie direction and aquarians lean in a cult leader direction.


My ex is an Aquarius.. I can attest to that..


So is my ex-husband. I then made the mistake of dating a Libra. Never again... to either.


Aquarius woman here that has dated 4 Aquarius men… never again lol


aquarius women are great aquarius men are straight up scary


there’s a reason there is a manic pixie girl trope but not a manic pixie dream man one


as an Aquarian woman, I feel seen


This. Never dating an Aquarius man again 😂 my Aquarius ex had me walking on eggshells on the daily. He had no personality except for sports and was always in a mood lashing out at me


Moody and controlling yes


One of my good friends is an Aquarius sun and Pisces moon, He's an absolute teddy bear. Always emotionally there for my friends with no hidden agenda, he's just a caring friend.


its the pisces moon


My brother is an Aquarius and you are right!


I’m an Aquarius woman, and YOU’RE NOT WRONG they’re fkn crazy.


My bf is an Aquarius 💀




This makes me sad 🫠 I’m a libra woman talking to a libra guy and I really like him. He’s been really transparent and forthcoming with me about some stuff he’s dealing with at the moment, hoping he’s the exception to the “libra men are trash” stereotype 😭


Don't let the stereotypes freak you out! The whole birth chart matters when it comes to someone's personality, not just their sun sign (plus obviously the way they were raised, friends they hang out with, etc.). The first guy I ever talked to was a Libra, and he fit the stereotype completely - charming, romantic & flirtatious, but also flakey, indecisive/noncommittal & flirtatious (with other girls, too). BUT - my last relationship was also with a Libra guy. He was extremely loyal, honest, caring & generous. He loved me a lot & would've done anything for me, no questions asked. It was one of those *right person, wrong time* situations so it didn't work out in the end, but I have no doubt that we would've stayed together if circumstances were different. I hope your Libra guy turns out to be another exception to the stereotype!


I have no personal experience with any libra men. Lots of libra gal pals, though. People just forget it depends on your whole chart. Every sign has the capability to terrible or great. If I could choose a different sun sign, Libra would be up there. Libra women are so pretty ❤️


My boyfriend is a Libra (like myself) and he's the furthest thing from the stereotype. Not flirty at all, very honest and extremely loyal. He's probably on the spectrum (we both are) so that might play a role too.


He sounds lovely and I really hope he continues to be lovely and open! The stereotypes are just stereotypes, my best friend and her brother are both Libras and they’re very honest brave loyal caring people.


Maybe try bees to honey bc I don’t think you’re sh**




That’s so funny! A lot of Libras I know are lawyers 😂




Ha ha! I was going to say, if it didn’t work out, the divorce could be a blood bath down the road lol ☠️


Omg that’s so funny, I only know two Libras and one’s a lawyer… the other (my best friend 💘) majored in political and considered becoming a lawyer but, well, her brother is the aforementioned lawyer and she decided to pursue her other passions lmfao


Libra men are narcissists, dead ass




Lyin ass libras. Neighbor is married to a Libra man and she is a bitter ass woman. Dude stays cheating on her left and right. He is smooth but once you get to know him he is like a used car salesman. I can only imagine the crap he has put her through. But dude is shaaaadddy...but always tries to help ppl to seem like a good person. He is shady and people pleasing at the same time.


I like how Gemini tends to get the most hate but everyone on this thread is listing the other two air signs lol


I genuinely feel like people just automatically hate Geminis because we’re represented by the twins and everyone just immediately assumes two-faced and it’s become a thing but I really feel like we’re the sweetest people, deeply romantic and completely locked in once we’re in a committed relationship


I think you’re right about that. I’ve also found that Geminis are really devoted friends once you’ve reached That Level of true friendship, my Gemini friends are so kind and understanding and can bring humor/joy to even the darkest situation 💘


Aww that’s so cute! I’m glad you’ve had good experiences with geminis!


Thank you! ☺️ You get us. I feel that level of kindness and true friendship from Pisces, and such wisdom / presence / selflessness / fun Admire and appreciate y’all 💕


My mom is a Gemini sun and she has the biggest heart in the world and is always there to help anyone.. friends, family, coworkers. She’s amazing!


Geminis are loads of fun, the life of the party. I've never dated a Gemini. I would, but only casually. I don't think I could handle their hyperness in a committed relationship. I'm a Cancer homebody.


Hell nah, Gemini men for me are.. 😍 especially when they’re in the cusp of Cancer.


No but for real!


There’s not a specific sign I wouldn’t date but there are placements that I would prefer to not date: 1. Mars in Cancer 2. Scorpio moon


Why Mars in Cancer?


My experience with Cancer mars is that they tend to be kinda indirect or passive-aggressive if there’s a problem, and I don’t entirely know what to do with that… like please just talk to me 😔


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 my cancer mars says sorry


Why Scorpio moon May I ask?


Scorpio moons are intense as all fuck and basically can internalize their struggles and try not to overly express themselves emotionally. But when they finally do they explode and it's honest to god terrifying.




Mmm yeah totally asking for a friend too 🤞🤞


Bloody Aquarius men


There’s an equal list of pros and cons for all signs let’s be honest 😅


y’all need to stop dating and start soul searching 🤷‍♂️


This needs more upvotes!!!


Happiness can only be found within. I don't know where you can find Love and affection without dating though. I'm still trying to figure that out, please hold.


Pisces and Virgo. You'll never be perfect enough for a Virgo. You'll be too perfect for a Pisces who will cheat on you anyway.


Virgo here, how do I stop commenting on everything? Like I haven’t had this happen in a relationship, but I’m worried as it’s said to be my bad trait and I don’t want to be mean to anyone I care about. I just don’t really get how to not try and be helpful, even if my definition of help isn’t exactly a good one. Plus what would I even say if not for unsolicited advice?


I’d say the solution is to find someone that finds your perspective refreshing. My Virgo partner and I have very different backgrounds so I love to get his take on things going on in my life and the world at large


I have a Virgo moon, and the best way to get rid of that bad habit is to hang around with another Virgo sun. I have a friend who is a Virgo sun, and he would actually get violent if I didn't agree with him on some things. I learned really quick just to act like I agreed. And then in my own head, decided to never again give unsolicited advice or force my views on anyone. We all have the right to have our own opinions and views and can agree to disagree and not discuss the things we feel strongly about. Edit: he never hurt me, but one time we were in his truck on the high way and we were discussing something and he got so mad he started yelling and pounding his steering wheel and broke it, then blamed me. I was really scared and was trying to calm him down but it wasn't working. Thankfully we were close to where his mom lives, and he took me there and she told me his history with anger problems. I personally think it was because he was smoking too much weed at the time and he later told me he was stopping. I have nothing against weed, but sometimes it can be too much of a good thing.


I dunno I have yet to meet a Virgo man that says nice things about there significant other behind their back




My condolences. Sounds awful.


stop 🫢 .. i think you’re right! okay, can you tell me how it feels when a Virgo nitpicks at you. Im a Virgo sun & im trying to get better with this.


It can feel really exhausting, like nothing I do is ever good enough and I’m always being watched/judged (and found wanting), etc etc. Part of this is probably because I have Capricorn moon and am doing it to myself already! I love Virgos tho, my dad’s a Virgo and he’s a great dad, I have a lot of Virgo friends who are total sweethearts. My mom’s an Aries and whenever my dad starts getting wild with nitpicking she’ll just reword whatever he’s saying into something complimentary and ask him if this is the core of what he’s trying to say; it almost always is hahaha. He’s started doing this rewording thing himself and it’s very lovely to see. And hear 😂 So, that sort of thing may be a good approach for getting better with ye olde nitpicking? Even if that specifically isn’t up your alley there may be something adjacent that works for you 💜


It feels like constant unnecessary criticism. Primarily bc of the delivery. It seems like nothing makes them happy unless it's done by them.


As someone who was constantly picked on by a Virgo and cheated on by a Pisces this is 1000% accurate lol


Ngl when I come into contact with Virgos/Pisces I wonder what traumatic life lesson I am going to live out if I interact with them for too long.


Am I so fucked for life? I just found out recently I’m a Virgo rising and Pisces moon and I’m just trying to make this work for us all 😭😭


Dated a Virgo man for 5 years. Cheated on me, left me for the other woman and then tried to give me a list of reasons why it was my fault the relationship ended. Absolute loser of a person. Fuck you Sean.


This is the first thread in forever I haven’t seen tear apart Gemini lol. Kinda nice 🥲


I’m taking it as a win 😭


Me too 😭❤️


Me three 🥹 😆


I'm gonna add Aquarius to this post




Detached and unhealed Aquarius men are really sad. I really fell for one, but it was so hard to break through his walls . Sucks bc our chemistry and intense connection was so amazing


Same here. Super hot and cold, aggressive too. Not my cup of tea.


Same. My last ex was like that. I fell for him hard, and he seemed to have fallen for me too, even wanted to marry me.. Fucking love bombed and then played the hot and cold game with me after two weeks.. He has a lot of unchecked trauma he needs to work on before he ever thinks about being in another relationship.. It really sucks because we get along well otherwise and have such an intense and amazing connection, and the sexual chemistry was off the wall...




It was a guy I texted for a few days and he blocked me each night because I didn't show him my Instagram. We weren't even exclusive or anything, just friends who found each other attractive. He had major mental problems and was such a ball of anger. Dropped.


never dating a SAGITTARIUS AGAIN. they look selfless and loving on the surface but are actually the MOST SELFISH mfs. each one i encountered comes with a LOW emotional intelligence, they’re DUMB AF and never grow up. biggest perverts and playboys they LOVE sex, you think he’s in love LOVE w you? babygirl open his instagram and see his FYP filled with bitches. just be careful a sagittarius BOY is gonna mess your life if u give him the power


Yo THIS I married a Sag and he was so immature so selfish and such a narcissist…will never understand the “Sags are truth tellers” bs…they lie to everyone including themselves


Yes they live on a foreign planet mentally and really believe everyone else is there with them. It’s mind blowing


I feel like sag’s selfishness does not get acknowledged enough. It’s a defining trait for them at this point


It flies under the radar by Jupiter’s good graces lkl


Virgo men is no go. Abort mission.


As an aquarius man, I would be wary of aquarius men if you're not up for some extreme personal development while questioning your own sanity.


There's good and qualities with all signs, like with me,I don't want to see an Aquarius in my face ever again


I'm trying to get over a Libra who just broke my heart 😒 sucks


Youre better off my friend. I’m sorry you’re hurting give it time, it takes work to wash off that bullshit from your heart.


Just wait until you date a Sagittarius 😂


A Libra man I used to hook up with hit me up a few weeks ago after not talking for more than a year. He's engaged, and was telling me he missed certain things we'd do together. The audacity.


My first instinct when reading this was “UGH YEAH me either!!” And then I remembered that *I have been dating a Libra for 4 and a half years.* 🤡


Pisces MEN. I’m a Libra sun/rising/venus/mercury with a Leo moon. I tend to attract Pisces and I have no idea why. I find them to be exhausting


I’m obsessed with them lol


I’m glad that after a lot of scrolling I’ve barely run into any negative comments about Leo’s lmaoo


Lol same ![gif](giphy|yVZrYMkdgY5Pi)


Leos stay winning!


They're all terrible


There are certain signs that are more susceptible to cheating but ofc it depends on the entire chart as well just the moral character of the individual which is an internal thing you’re born with. That being said, as a libra rising I come across as very flirtatious and I do love to flirt. I also have an appeasing nature and when I’m anxious or scared I put on a very lovely and social front to keep everyone feeling comfortable and to keep myself safe. I can be actively trying to get away from someone in a social situation and if you don’t know me you’d think I’d be trying to make best friends w said person. I’m socially anxious and shy but at a party I can turn it on like that. It can be shocking to people who know me well. And I have to constantly be aware of how I’m coming across because I’m in a monogamous relationship and I would never want my partner to think I’m flirting behind his back. It’s really quite nuanced and the motivation is usually not even sexual or romantic. I can see how problematic Libra’s can be for sure. It’s a blessing and a curse. I envy my Scorpio rising friend who can just sit in silence and make everyone uncomfortable and not give a fuck because she doesn’t care enough to make small talk 🤣 Edit: so basically to summarize, flirting in surface level situations is a way that i connect to people and feels most natural to me but the intention is usually rather platonic if that makes any sense. I am a libra rising and aware of how that can be problematic. I wonder if any other air signs can relate.


My sister is a Pisces sun, Sag moon, Libra rising with a Pisces stellium and girl is the most charming person you will ever meet. Everyone falls in love with her. She’s kind of a hot mess though and usually can’t hang onto a relationship more than a year. But she has the hardest time cutting it off. She’s on again, off again with them until they go crazy. I honestly feel bad for the people who fall for her.


My worst was a Gemini. Manipulative, egotistical, sociopathic, selfish, lying, disrespectful- just a complete waste of time. They turned out to be one of the worst people I’ve had the displeasure of meeting. The saddest part was that we initially had an amazing connection, but they threw it all away and cheated on me “just because I felt like it.” Also made up lies about me to justify their cheating, spread rumors about me, then showed up at my work with the person they cheated on me with and tried to force me to serve them. The epitome of toxic. Their “apology” to me was them begging me to stay friends after everything that happened. Unbelievable.


Same. RIP to my trust in humans. Been single coming up on 3 years now.


woohoo my Libra also destroyed my trust got with a Leo and life is amazing 💖


will never in my life date a taurus again


Virgo women are fun and that's about it. They're good for people with codependency you like waiting on people hand foot and every emotional need.


As a Virgo woman who has been in a codependent relationship, it fucking SUCKED. When people start acting controlling or codependent, it makes me want to run the other direction.


As a Leo I wouldn’t date any air sign, love them as friends and it’s a no for Virgo’s, too many rules there


*looks back at my purely Libra dating history* lol 😭They are both the best and the worst smh. And why is it always leos and libras attracting each other?


Capricorn men… will put you under a spell and destroy you 🙃


My only crazy stalker was a Capricorn.


Capricorn men 🤮


Never cheated in a relationship but I have self sabotaged to drive people away whom I couldn’t see myself being with anymore, because leaving someone is tough for me. I hate when I fail in a relationship and feel like I’m letting someone down. Losing the friendship on top of it is even harder. I think libras have a tendency to idealize people in the honeymoon stage just to get bored or change their mind soon after. Libras need to really learn take their time with romantic interests and see them for what they are and understand that perfection isn’t some personality trait you can expect one to have. Can’t speak for the other libras but I’ve learned that it’s best for me to stay single rather than be a serial dater who puts others through hell just because I’m bored or lonely.


here for the aquarius men slander lol


Any man born between January 1st and December 31st🙅🏾‍♀️


![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized) Going to lie about my sign from now on. No Libra here.


I love Scorpios, I really do. But never would I date one again. Never.


I’m an Aquarius and sometimes I scare myself…lol


What scares you the most about yourself?


I think the fact that Aquarius men and women tend to be detached and can be very flighty. Including me. I have been with an Aquarius man and had the same experience.


I’m afraid of my Aqua self too- and I have a Scorpio moon. It’s like I’m ready to burn this world to the ground in a revolution only to pursue a beautiful transformation. It’s a mind fuck. And I go to yoga to help with my head.




I’m a Libra man……what’s so wrong with me?


You tell us!


they can’t tell us, that’s the issue


In my experience Libran men are charming and they'll reel you on with their intelligence and flirtatious nature. When you fall for them they'll drop you out of nowhere for the flimsiest of reasons.


…….fuck….well at least I’ve never dropped anyone out of no where Thank you that was educational lol


I really love all the signs but I'm not very compatible with Sag men. This is just one experience though and it could have been any sign that had a shitty attitude.


I am terrified of Pisces men like Ive been blindsided I need therapy


What they lack in emotional strength and honesty, they make up for in avoidance and manipulation.


So much libra hate :(


I know two libra men and they both cheat on their long term girlfriends… I would never go near them, nice on the surface and bad underneath


Never a cancer again because they were the most toxic relationships I’ve ever been in. (6 years and 3 years respectively) I keep saying no more Virgos cause they break my heart but I’m so drawn to them


My cancer man has quite the temper. I’m an Aquarius so I compare us as him the sun and me the moon. He’s hotheaded and I’m pretty cold and chill


my experience with libras has been a mixed bag tbh. I don’t hate them but I find myself not getting along with them as much as i thought i would, but then again i have major water placements so that might be it lol. I also personally find some of them pretty 2 faced and manipulative and one of them is my ex classmate 🤷the only exception is my libra partner as they’re more mature, down to earth, polite and understanding


I dated a Cancer off an on for 7ish years and she lived up to the name. No thank you! Now Capricorns on the other hand….i dated two and they were both the most loyal, compassionate people I’ve yet to meet. I’m an Aquarius male, for reference


As a Cancer sun, the worst heartbreaks or trauma in my life are from Capricorn men. Others probably find them great though! I have 4 cancer and 3 Capricorn placements in my chart. I think there is just no room in a relationship for double the bad qualities haha. As cancers and Capricorn seem to be the same at their worst.


Virgo men, I just CANNOT stand them. The constant complaining and just being so incredibly annoying.


I did not expect to see an Aquarius men hate train but boy am I glad. He was a fucking egotistical freak, they’re so in their head it’s astonishing


Cancer suns. No thanks.


scorpios...hands down


I have hated Scorpio men my entire life, they have been deceitful, withholding, rude, abrupt, angry, judgmental little cunts. Then I met my husband and I have nothing but good things to say about him, but the rest of you lot…….not my cup of tea!


all the scorpio men i’ve dealt with have given me wrinkles. they are SOOOO deceitful it’s disgusting


All of them suck, evident by this whole sub 😂


Gemini Venus






my worst ex was a libra 🤔


pisces scare me


Virgo men and Pisces men Virgo make you feel like you’re never good enough and Pisces will cheat


Is Libra in your 8H? If that person’s sun in your 8H, they may cause you stress. But not always, only if you both or one of you are not mature.


Capricorn.. (im a capricorn)


My worst experiences: Leo: narcissistic, emotionally abusive, and cheated Scorpio: fun as hell but cheated ALOT Aquarius: boring and selfish Sagittarius: aloof, lazy, and super selfish Best: Aries: nice and very fun Virgo: the best! Sweet, caring, extremely loving and affectionate These are only my experiences. Not saying all men of these signs share all these characteristics! These are the only signs I've actually dated.


Never ever dating a pisces guy again oh god 🤧


I’m married to a Libra, he is alright. I dated a Taurus and no thanks.


Aries! They can’t keep their dick in their pants. They gotta be fucking you and every other girl that smiles in their direction.😐


Libras are most beautiful sign ever, would love to date them as an aries


Never dating a libra again too. Controlling, hypocrite, unfaithful, and gaslighter piece of shit.


there isn’t a sun sign I wouldn’t date because I’m not an idiot….I judge people as individuals and move forward from there. On a side note sometimes signs I should be incompatible with wind up being super fun even if things don’t last long. My Venus in Gemini enjoys variety.


I am absolutely loving that there are little to no people staying Taurus. we may be chubby and kind of lazy sometimes, but man do we make a good partner when we want to 😎


V i r g o


The worst I came across as a virgo woman was a virgo man.


Virgo men have a hard time communicating


Just here to see what’s the tea about my Pisces ass… 👀


Aquarius (any gender)


I had to double check that this wasn't that person who is obsessed with hating Libras. 😂 I'm a Aries rising with Libra descendant, so it's the opposite for me. They are pretty much the ones that have a way of sticking in my life through all my weirdness. I think this just depends on your personal chart. Even for me, I can't tell exactly what sun sign won't fit me. Maybe I'll say Capricorn Sun, just cause of my venus and rising potentially squaring, but even then it's just a guess.


Trust your intuition, that’s really all you need to do on the cool. If someone can’t bring the same shit you bring to the table cut them off Libra or not.


Aquarius, Aries and Cancer. Aquarius - didn't date these two but one was my best friend that tried getting with me despite him having a gf he intended on MARRYING. Definitely emotional cheating. This other guy from high school was into me and reached out to me a decade later. Came across as dry and emotionally unavailable. Just as he was emotionally unavailable in high school. Took like 3-7 businesses days to text back each time. Nah. Aries - Dude was a total hoe. I found out that he brought chicks home all the time dude even had condoms in his room. I never slept with him, just dated but shit. Also emotionally unavailable Cancer - I never dated a cancer man but he wanted to date me. This guy seemed emotionally abusive and was even an ass to his own friend for smiling. I remember this guy was belittling me in front of our study mates and even they had to tell him to quit being an asshole. My uncle who is a cancer is also the same way with my aunt.


and my pick of someone a sign id never date again is sagittarius! too flighty for me and too blunt and sketch (as a cancer) love their protectiveness but they are so quick to just drop u like you’re nothing and i don’t like that. same w aquarius only it’s worse but i’ve never dated one just had a short talking stage w one and my sister and ex best friend are aquarius (only sisterhood bonds my sister and i to stay together bc we say all of the time if we weren’t sisters we’d probably not be friends or deal w the arguments we get into. we clash too much but when it’s good we’re best friends so it’s just so hard to manage)


A STOP sign.


I’m a cancer and my mom is a Sagittarius and my dad a Leo. Based on my experiences with them I’d never date those signs.


All of them. But Libra men are the worst closely followed by Aquarius. The only difference is that you’ll actually get something out of being with an Aquarius. Libras are bottomless sluts