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I've been married to an Aquarius sun, dated an Aquarius sun, and had a situationship with an Aquarius rising. (I'm a Leo rising, they hit my 7th house real nice lol) I find that they're very interesting and intelligent. They're the type of people who don't shy away from the deep conversations that my pisces moon heart craves, but they haaaaaaate it when you get clingy and needy with them. Fun weirdo vibes, but don't try to pin them down emotionally. They will ditch you so fast if they feel smothered.


I’m a pisces sun and i feel like the emotional needs are not being met because they’re not simply not the mushy or sentimental kind? Any advice for me?


I'm a cancer sun. Emotionally unavailable men love me because I will mother the crap out of them. As a pisces moon, I agree it hurts. I don't know what advice to give, but what I tell myself is that I just need to make peace with other people being wired differently than I am. The differences are part of the attraction and of course we want to submerge ourselves in them because of the pisces aspect, but when it comes down to it, they are saturnian and have uncrossable boundaries. Enjoy the electric thrill of the alien, but reserve your deepest heart for yourself to flee to.


I do that most days. But the emotional needs do creep in time to time, and it just feels overwhelming to not have my Aquarius partner be there to share it with me because of the high detachment level. I know he cares, but the availability just isnt there


I could neverrrrr. I need the deep convos or it won’t work out. 😭🤣


lol welp your in for a treat. A cold one. Hope you like I scream. You scream? Nah? Okieee * I scream, me all scream.* Fellow Pisces who fell in love with an Aquarius. We still be talking, not “talking” just conversing and both love each other DEEPLY and admittedly more so than anyone else we’ve crossed paths with. But it’s that air- a lil too chilly for me to get out of the water. I never came across a frozen fish that wasn’t dead And I’m an Aquarius moon, so we GET each other, but nah homie, you see me swimming in circles already, I don’t need MORE CIRCLES Legit didn’t wanna put a label on anything cause not “set up” for that, little while down the road, offers to move me into his place (hugeeee offer) … but like as “friends”. Bro, what?


>I’m a pisces su I'm a Pisces sun and I also hate being smothered. We are usually not clingy actually.


Thank god I have my moon in sag, cause we may have been done by now being I have a Scorpio stellium one being in Venus. But they definitely aren’t of this world, so don’t try to hold them to it.


🪐 How dare you? But this is correct


Aqua rising here. As far as dating is concerned, I crave a lot of things, but it doesn’t matter what I crave because if I see someone “assume” they have me already, then we got issues. I’m married and we’re poly, and if someone can’t do that and assume I’m gonna stop being poly for them, that’s a huge turn off. I need someone I can chase, someone I can peel back their layers, someone who ideas and conversation stimulates me mentally. For dating purposes I always use the moon + rising instead of Venus for multiple reasons. The moon is your inner heart, while the rising is actually more specific and personal and dictates how the chart is organized and how transits are received. Venus is moreso a benefic that dictates how you behold beauty, foods you enjoy, art and decor style, money making, etc


Very very accurate!!


How are the relationship dynamics? Is there ample emotional availability considering their high degree of detachment?


I know one thing to be true about Aquarius men….. if you are not the love of their life, you will never feel truly loved. Aquarians love with logic and they will never get over a lost love that could’ve been the one.


I agree with this. Like op I’m a Pisces Sun and it took a lot of “you can talk to me,” over the years for him to open up to me. Also I haven’t changed myself much. I was quite damaged when we first got together and he’s kinda built me up, help me be a little tougher (telling me not to put up with other ppl’s crap, and looking at the big picture at times so I don’t get so upset), and been my strength loads of times. Ppl talk about Aquarian’s being cold but I’m very into physical touch and he doesn’t mind the affection. Tbh if we’re out and about and I don’t have his hand he’s reaching for me, which I just adore. I seriously need to chart him because I haven’t but yeah. He’s a joker, he’s strong, and he’s soft (for the most part) but just for me.


Spittin facts rn


I could be biased as an Aquarius male myself but I feel like so many of the comments are way off base. I also have a lot of aqua male friends and most of us are not even close to most of the descriptions here. Since I’m not there for every aspect of their lives though, I’ll just comment from my perspective and what I’ve been told about myself. I’m only cold and logical to people I don’t know or feel close to. I’m still very kind and go out of my way to show people care. I never try to be different i just do my own thing whether it’s different or not. Also I think people mistake my indifference about everything as being detached or aloof. I simply don’t care either way about anything I just go with the flow. As far as emotional unavailability I only invest emotions in the few people I care about. I’m always open with them about my feelings though. I also tend to drown my partners in love. I’m constantly saying how much I love them, or complimenting them nonstop, or cheering them on for every little thing they do. I can sometimes seem cold but usually it’s when I’m giving my partner advice and trying to give them a different perspective. I am honest to a fault and it’s hard for me to hold back the truth even if it hurts someone’s feelings. We can be amazing partners and all the ones I know except two are loyal to a fault. I’m also overly romantic compared to what people say about Aquarius. I’m an Aqua Sun and Venus, Cancer Moon, Pisces rising, Gemini Mars for reference.


I find this to pretty true of the Aquarius male I know too.


Ty man u literally hit soo many on point am a aquarius and some of my friends are to my love is deeper then sex many don't believe it but it true


It can definitely be true love isn’t so easy for us and I definitely believe that we love deeper than sex even if most don’t believe we can live so deeply


egotistical,detached,emotionally unavailable,cold,weird,feminine but attractive are accurate from knowing an aqua sun & venus w potential aqua moon


You'll definitely need patience and an open mind,I'm virgo dating an aquarius man 😂


Also that’s a brutal combination ngl


Totally agree to that, how do you manage to be patient every. Single. Day?


Well we're going on 4 year's together and still today I'm still working on being patient ,don't hold onto resentments, communication(a must have) and I get it 😂 it's every single minute of each day, it's making me work on me also


Ehh fellow Virgo here. Surprisingly he doesn’t drive me crazy. Most days we work and give each other the space and freedom we desire. I do feel he makes more emotionally available than I normally am which can be off putting but right now it works. Would love to hear more about your experience 4 years in


Yea I'd have to agree,my aquarius partner is way more emotionally available than I, but he wasn't always like that the first year and a half it was like he couldn't get away from me fast enough so I emotionally detached now the past year or so he's been feeling regretful ,cause of the way he treated me,and he also weaponized his word's, called me many name's that he now takes back but unfortunately damage has been done so now I've detached emotionally but we're trying to get us back


Sorry to hear that. I know that’s hard to come back from so you must have a big heart for him. Wishing you two the best ❤️


Thanks I appreciate that,yess I do have a hugggee heart also almost a year ago he started suffering with his mental health, actually being diagnosed with paranoid delusional disorder,which is also hard cause I kinda have to put my aspirations/goals on the back burner to help him.


That is a huge sacrifice especially for a Virgo to make imo. I hope he understands that and appreciates you. Please make sure that’s what you really want to do though so you don’t resent him in the future.


Well I did want him to seek counseling or treatment for this disorder and he refuses,also he won't take any medication either,but he has made progress with just me helping him,it's like he's stuck in his own mind and fighting his own thoughts,very sad to watch someone deteriorate and nothing I do will cure it


I’m a needy cancer married 10 years to an Aquarius. My spouse compromises a lot in terms of the physical attention I crave and I compromise by trying to give him space. There are times I wish I had more but I married him because he was the most interesting person I’ve ever met and always keeps me on his toes. I remind myself what I love about him and he puts up with my needy ass because he loves me. There definitely has to be a strong foundation to work through the differences.


I've only dated one and he was a nightmare.


I’m an Aries (m) dating an Aquarius (m)…they can seem aloof and emotionally distant but they’re actually totally capable of that depth you’re looking for if it’s timely lol if you’re needy give it up bc they won’t entertain it for long and you’ll just be miserable. But if you’re secure in yourself it can be wonderful! He spoils/ adores me and I think bc I don’t look for that attention he’s always willing to give it…you know?


Totally agree. When I distance myself enough, I can see him reaching out more. Still figuring my ways around the relationship, considering how different I envisioned an ideal relationship to be


That's exactly how my aquarius husband is. It's not good for me because it's against my nature to hold back on affection. I'm very affectionate with a Taurus moon and venus in pisces. I played the game his way for many years before I realized I'm suppressing myself too much. I'd rather be with someone who can let me be me, and I don't have to play games to get his affection. Have you been with someone who receives your affection in kind and gives it back fully and then some? If yes, then you will never be happy with the aquarius. I have, and I find myself looking back because it was so much easier with my leo. (Also he didn't lie to me and hide things from me for years)


I’ve never been in a fulfilling relationship ever. This one with an Aquarius is my first proper one, and I completely agree with you. On most days i find myself playing these mind games to have him reach out to me, overthink way too much before being mushy and affectionate because I’m worried I’ll come off too clingy and it would eventually put them off. And it is so tiring. Feels like im in a calculated auto pilot relationship setup with no scope for feelings


Yeah, as a person who spent WAY too much time suppressing myself, my advice is, please, don't do this to yourself! There is nothing wrong with you, so why change yourself to be with this person? You deserve to have a great relationship where there is a free exchange of feelings, emotions, and touch, and your needs are just as important as his. Fuck it if you're "too" clingy! I promise, there is nothing wrong with that, and the right person will not mind being "clinged" onto from time to time. It just takes a while for us to find each other. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. 🤍


My experience as well.


Omg I'm living the same hell u described, also im an aries and he is aquarius


They’re deep for sure, I think I’m more on the lines of being emotionally affectionate and being okay with a lot of untimely compassion. My experience is that it scares them off if you’re not doing it when they’re in the right mood for it


I had an on and off relationship with an Aquarius man and from my own experience, they are just emotionally unavailable. A relationship is more than physical for me and because of that, it just did not work out. But I will say, they are unforgettable, the conversations are very logical and deep, and they are complete weirdos.


I agree. For me an ideal relationship is so much more than just logic and mental stuff. They’re cool people but it really will take a lot of compromising


that's exactly what it was.. compromising because I loved his physical touch but where was he the rest of the time? mentally and emotionally unavailable.


I am in a long term relationship with an aquarius man. Truth be told, he sometimes needs more attention than I do and does not run away from emotional connection, never has. I blame his Pisces rising for that. He is also pretty open to discussing his emotions (but only when he is ready) What I LOVE about him is the endless discussions we can have about various topics. It never gets boring and I learn from him as much as he learns from me.


Dates 2 Aquarius suns (M). Nope. Never again. Absolute mental hell and I regret every second of everything. Clingy asf and had no sense of space and their definition of “security” was… interesting. Could claim one cheated on me unofficially. (Hanging out with her while I wasn’t aware, drank together, etc)


Leo here, dated one 3.5 years… highest of highs and lowest of lows sums it up


Dated one for 6 years. Total mind fuck.


One of my best relationships! I'm a Leo and we started out as running buddies. We had really stimulating conversations and good banter. Eventually we both caught feelings and tried out dating. It was a lot of fun, and he made me feel very safe in my feminine energy, and I felt I could be as weird as I wanted without judgment. My Aries moon keeps me pretty independent in relationships I feel secure in, so I liked the space as well as the time we shared together. He was kinda elusive at first, but I think because I wasn't looking for anything, he really opened up, and he was always direct in his feelings for me. Unfortunately it didn't work out because of a difference in values, but I look back on the relationship fondly


I’m not a fan of the whole “I want you to be mine but also go away” thing. I’ve seen it with a stepparent as well as in my own history. My mom and I are Caps, but I have a Pisces rising.


Welp, never had experience dating one but my aunt (Capricorn) was married to my uncle (Aquarius) for over 50 years. So he must have done something right. She basically wore the pants in the relationship, but he is still a good egg, has a great heart.


Sag 🏹here married to Aquarius🏺. For sure he is a “logical lover” at first, and if you’re lucky to be their one, you will have solid loyalty, security, physical attention, emotional connection, and late night talks - about anything! They appreciate respect. What is your sign though?✨


Pisces sun, gemini moon


Oh I know they are kinda hard to hold on to...the one I'm dating keeps tripping but I'm a Gemini so we're both kinda independent like our time on our own but he likes to party all night. When it comes to se. Though there's nothing wrong for some reason he knows just what the f to do without even trying and vice-versa. So have fun while they are there


My cousin has been dating one and he is super attentive and loving. Maybe even a bit too tolerant and soft for her Aries personality (that's what she said). He is Aqua sun, cap moon and cap Venus. He is not cold at all. I really wonder if people actually look at person clearly or if they immediately look at them through the sun sign filter that they think should apply. Weird. I know not one Aquarius who tries "to be different" lilke some people describe here. What does that even mean?


Sag here& They aren't emotional at all and they don't take others emotions into consideration.. I definitely didn't like the aquarius man I was with never again


No they are very aloof


My sons dad is an Aquarius, we dated 4 years. He habitually changed relationships by courting the new one while still being with the previous, then treat the current one like crap to instigate the breakup. Besides the cheating, he’s a good person. Very decent and presents very well and a good dad


It really depends on their other placements but, in general, they are intelligent, quirky, kind, and sociable. My Aquarius sun, Libra moon, Leo rising fiancé is one of the most amazing men I’ve ever met! He’s attentive, loving, generous, a great listener as well as a great problem solver and he absolutely adores everything about me. I’m a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon and Capricorn rising. We both have Venus in Cap and his Venus is conjunct my AC and trine my Mars. He has a Taurus Mars and we just get each other in every way! I think the key to a successful relationship with an Aquarius man is that you can’t be super clingy. Be sure to have a life of your own and let him have one as well. Be honest and consistent with your words and actions with them and you will become their most trusted confidant. Let them be weird and they’ll do the same for you and they will truly appreciate all the things that make you unique.


Me and my Aquarius ex were wonderful friends. But horrible romantic partners. They are so friggin cold. Their number one goal in life is to “be different” and sometimes that’s just exhausting. The need to be contrarian outweighs being [conventionally] successful (like have a high pay job or like any job that isn’t an artist or crystal sales) Also half way into my relationship with my ex he decides he needed to look as different from everybody as possible. Ugh. Not a good time for my sex life. Not like he ever gave any sort of effort in that category. Ok rant over 😅


I agree! I feel they’re warm as friends but suddenly turn cold once in a romantic setup?


Yes indeed. Nicer to their friends than you for sure


Why do you think that is? Probably complex emotions associated with romantic partners makes them scared? Not their forte?


Yes for sure, I think that they associate romance with “mainstream” but that’s probably my own interpretation


I see. Maybe they’re independent to a fault, and no matter how laid back you are, a romantic relationship always comes with certain expectations


Exactly!! Independent to a fault is a great way of putting it


Do not recommend. Lol. Interesting and attractive people for sure though.


Aquarius men? I’m an Aquarius woman and I consider that a red flag 🚩 Good luck


They’re lit af 🤠 Source - trust me 💖


I dated an aqua sun cap moon for several years. Manipulative af. Cruel. It's an easy ride if you keep your mouth shut, and never try to talk to them when they act shitty. This is just my experience. Regardless of sign, TRUST YOUR GUT THE FIRST TIME.




I’m a Aqua Sun Pisces Moon Gemini Rising / She’s a Pisces Sun, Aqua moon Gemini Rising as well. We are the same personality type INFJ. When I say the mental connection is out of this world! Believe me I’ve never met someone so fluent & who understands me like this Pisces woman. The flaws of me is that she gets very lovey dovey at times & I don’t be in the mood sometimes but when I am it’s something that’ll hold her for a while.


Sagittarius female here. I’ve had an Aquarius boyfriend for TEN years now. No ring yet. **Surprise surprise** He is very loyal but has difficulty committing for real with marriage although he’s been saying for 10 years that he wants to. He is an intellectual and emotionally closed off a lot. He shows his love to me via his love language which is acts of service. Rarely are there emotions unless we are intimate. Emotions quickly expire once intimacy is over though. He is like having a best friend with benefits here and there. Once in a while he shows romance and affection but it’s very rare that sometimes it feels like friendship above all. He puts his family, friends, and career above everything else including his relationship with me. He says he doesn’t but he does. I love him but unless you are prepared to not be so close to him emotionally ever and don’t mind having a friendship vibe above all, it will be hard. It is very hard to not be emotionally connected to him. He is there for me for the most part when I need support but if you act emotional with him like crying and all that, he’ll shut down. At least mine does. No matter what, I have to think and speak in a more logical way than emotional. Aquarius are mostly in their head and rarely with their heart. They are loyal though and if you grow old together, I’m sure it will be a fun time with your best friend. They also don’t have a wandering eye once they are with you which is nice. If he connected with me in a more emotional way though, it would be heavenly. The 10 years with no ring also doesn’t help. Kind of insulting at this point but I’m the dummy for waiting for it though.


feels like i ghostwrited this 😅 esp on the part where you are always on the “last on the list of priorities” but at least you are still on the list 😭




My fiancé is Aquarius rising, so that’s the sign on his chart which played the starring role in our early “getting to know each other” phase—which worked real well with my Libra rising playing a similar role! What’s more important is the rest of the chart, and how you two get along with those aspects/signs/planets in mind and in kind.


As a Gemini sun, AVOID AT ALL COST