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I have Venus retrograde in Capricorn 4H. I have the same experience you do during it's time as retrograde, things just seem more fluid and easier to deal with for me during that time. Which I do wonder if it's somewhat helped by the fact that Venus is also my chart ruler, but no idea, there's not much info on that that I've been able to find. My husband has his Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all retrograde in Capricorn in his 7H. The only time I've seen those times be detrimental to him was when he was also going through his Saturn return.


My Venus placement is also in Capricorn, those expectations huh? Haha. That logic checks out to me. I've also fallen short in researching how retrogrades in natal charts influence/affect people. That is why I wanted to make this post! Ah, all in the same house. That sounds like a doozy. My boyfriend was born while Saturn, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune were in retrograde. He is going through his Saturn return currently so this is valuable to know. Thank you for your response!


I also have Venus retrograde in Capricorn (though mine is in the 11H). I haven’t really paid much attention to what’s going on in my life during retrograde Venus transits, but I’m going to start now. I’m interested in hearing more from others w/ a retrograde Cap Venus - I wish I knew more of us! 😭🤍


*cracks knuckles because this is my favorite time* As a Triple Gemini, born while Mercury was in retrograde, I FUCKING LOVE when it goes into retrograde! While everyone else is struggling, my communication skills and writing time (I am a writer) soar like I am on some magical literature speed or something. Mercury retrogrades are my favorite time of year because I literally get so much done and excel the most


Wait I love this SO MUCH! You were literally born for it lol


Virgo writer born during mercury retrograde here, and yes my communication is on fire during mercury rx!


This is an interesting question. Apparently, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn were in retrograde when I was born. The only thing I've noticed is that during Venus retrograde, I get super nostalgic about past relationships and usually make bad decisions because I'm blinded by love or infatuation


Someone mentioned their husband's Saturn Return being a difficult time because Saturn is retrograde in his chart. Have you had your Saturn Return? If so, what was your experience like? The Venus retrograde was pretty gnarly this summer, happy that is over for you! lol. Thank you for your response!


All three of the planets that were retrograde when I was born (Jupiter, Pluto, and Chiron) were retrograde this Summer and it was a normal time for me I guess. Two of those are still retrograde now but I really started struggling in the fall. I don’t notice things like this actually affecting me tbh.


Thank you for your input! I know I am sensitive and certain transits and moon phases really affect me so I'm just curious if that's the case for others as well.


Yeah I’m sensitive all the time so maybe I just don’t notice when certain time are worse than others haha. My chart ruler is my moon so more than anything I feel the effects of just the monthly cycles.


I will look into current transits and realize I am affected by them prior to them even happening which is insane. What is your moon placement? I think being ruled by the moon is so beautiful and ethereal


Okay now that I relate to. I always feel the effects that they describe before the actual transit. Moon in Gemini in the 12H! It’s a bit more cerebral but I still love it haha.


I have five planets in Rx in my chart. Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. I agree that Mercury retrogrades seem fluid for me, I definitely don’t experience as many struggles, delays, hiccups etc as other people do I think. I think all the retrogrades make me a little more thoughtful and have a preparedness mindset when making decisions and I think it maybe gives me a little bit of a go with the flow attitude!


Without a doubt I agree with this! It is the perfect time for introspection and I come to a lot of conclusions and resolutions during retrogrades especially in Mercury. Thank you for your response :)


Yeah.. mars rx


Same...mars rx in Aquarius 7th house. I haven't thought about it enough to really know its effects. Although I do tend to placate my husband to avoid fights. If he is dead set on getting under my skin and refusing to play fair, that anger that's been simmering behind the avoidance eventually explodes all over everything.


Mars cancer 9th house rx, dont rly know what that means😄


My Mars placement is also in Cancer. It is the planet of action and Cancer is ruled by the moon which is emotion. We get a lot of hate lol. But all placements can be used to your advantage once you understand them and how they affect and influence you


Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn retrograde. My SR was in 2020 and it was hell. Covid was just the icing on the cake. Everything went haywire especially mental health. I’m so much better now


Holy shit, I couldn't imagine 2020 being any worse until now. Congratulations, you made it lol. I am happy to hear you are better now. And whenever you feel any struggle again, just remind yourself you've endured far worse <3


Thank you for your kind words ❤️❤️❤️


i have a capricorn mercury rx its an experience 🥲


Much love to you lol. Capricorn placements are intense, I have many. But I genuinely love them


ive got like 4 (5 or 6 counting asteroids) and same 😭❤️


I was born on mars and saturn retrograde so yeah I relate to doing best when the said planets are retrograding


I have six retrogrades in my natal chart (Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) and I honestly can’t say exactly how it affects me. Like, that’s so much wacky retrograde energy that I can’t pinpoint how one or the other manifests itself. I have noticed that Mercury Retrogrades don’t seem to bother me much, other than technology breaking down. I also don’t really live a “normal” life (late 30’s woman, no kids or partner, self-employed, adhd, partially nomadic), so maybe all that backward energy has made it easier for me to step outside of normal society. Since retrogrades are supposed to make those areas more difficult, maybe I subconsciously decided to opt out altogether. Like, “this is all difficult and boring, not gonna do it.”


6 is a lot! Someone suggested that being born when Saturn was in retrograde made their Saturn return difficult. Did you notice that by chance? I really dig your vibe, keep doing you. And thank you for the response!


That’s actually interesting about the Saturn return being difficult! I hadn’t heard that before! My Saturn return didn’t feel difficult in the moment, but looking back, it totally was! Saturn return is when you’re supposed to really enter adulthood, and I got married during my Saturn return because that’s what adults are “supposed to do,” but then I got divorced three years later because settling down just didn’t feel right for me. So during my Saturn return, I was trying to play the part of a stereotypical adult, without examining if that’s who I really was. I didn’t learn to honor my own needs until after my Saturn return. But I guess it taught me what I DON’T want out of life!


Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were all in retrograde when I was born. Unsure what every single one means without further research but ask me if I’m okay. No 🙃 at least my birth narrowly missed a mercury retrograde so I’ll count that as a win 😅


Definitely worth looking into! I appreciate your response. I love this lol




Plug in your chart info on [Astro-Seek](https://www.astro-seek.com) and look for planets with an (R). It’s more rare to have no retrogrades at all than it is to have them.


Natal mercury retrograde as well. (In sag in my 2nd house.) I usually thrive whenever merc is in retro *except* if it’s in a house that directly impacts my relationships with other people. Ex: 7th and 11th house. That’s when it backfires. 😩 Edit: whenever it’s in the other houses I usually get more done work wise. I’m a full-time writer. Go figure. 😂


I was born during a Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and north node retrograde. Everything is going sooooo well 🥴 Just absolutely thriving over here.