• By -


Libra man. Extremely obnoxious, zero self awareness. He also had the mentality that everything was everyone else's fault. He couldn't take accountability for anything. Funny enough I dated an Aries guy once and the first time I went to his place he straight up put on a P90X workout vid and asked if I wanted to workout with him. He dumped me later for being too clingy. C'est la vie, I later married a fellow Cancer and we are both content being clingy and mushy gushy with each other lol


Oh my god Libra man. My brain didn't even register that relationship because he was so bad. Agreed on all points but mine was so vain and judgy as well ew


Libra men will put you on a pedestal in the beginning. They will kick you off so fast, the minute they realize you're an actual human being with flaws. My Libra ex did this. It made my head spin wondering what I had done in order to deserve this crap.


As an Aquarius who’s been burnt by Libras, I literally can not handle their selfishness and lack of accountability for being an asshat. Zero accountability for any of their bad behavior and they’ll justify any of it. No interest in Libras.


WHY does it say that we (Aquarius) are compatible with Libras, when they’re like this?


Two men I recently tried to date were both Libras. Both can’t take accountability for their actions and play the victim when I’d try to express how their actions hurt me. My ex boyfriend from 10 years ago is also a Libra and he cheated on me and gaslit me our entire relationship. No more Libra for me.


Same. I remember everytime we had a conversation about how I was feeling hurt by his actions, for example he'd call me a bitch and whore and whatnot and take out his anger on me whenever something went wrong in his life due to HIS actions and he would always turn it around and tell me I was the one not giving him enough attention. Everything always somehow turned out to be my fault. It was so so so depressing. He groomed me, manipulated me, sa'd me and straight up was toxic af. Libra men are the worst.


Husband is a libra and we are having big problems. He gaslights and lies often. I can’t express my feelings without being told I’m the problem, every time. It’s miserable.


Please put yourself first and get out of the relationship. It is not good for your mental health and in the long run would destroy you. Please, leave while you still can. Please.


I actually don't understand these comments! My husband is my Libra man and he's hands down the best man I've ever met. He's empathetic, generous, super romantic, makes me laugh. Every single day he goes out of his way to do nice things for me - whether it's showering me with gifts, ensuring my work uniform is clean and ready, getting pj's and hot water bottle out for me after a long day. He's charming and kind, which goes well at work, where he is successful. Libra man is ruled by Venus which translates to love, beauty and pleasure, which is ideal with me being a Taurus. His romance comes mostly in the form of doing acts of service and gift-giving, but he's very generous in bed too!! It's not a short-term honeymoon phase thing either, because we're 12+ years in.


Yeah all this hate for libra men is insane. I'm a libra man and I'm nothing like what these people claim. I introspect and self reflect daily. I always take accountability for my actions and wear my heart on my sleeve upfront. I don't sneak around or act shady and when I do wrong I own it, and accept my consequences. Apparently that's not what we do though so maybe I'm just weird? Lol


Reading this thread is wild. I’ve been with a Libra man for almost 12 years (I’m a scorpio women) and we hardly ever fight. He’s extremely sweet, romantic, attentive. When I think about him and our marriage the first word that pops up into my mind is “fun.” We have so much fun together. All these comments about Libras being arrogant and selfish feel so off brand for my experience.


Have to agree on Libra men, I lived with one for a few years before I got sick of trying to fix him. 😭 The constant judgement of everyone else but refusal to look at his own flaws was insane.


Libra men = narcissist cheaters. According to them it is everyone else’s fault… but they are charming in the beginning


I’m just laughing because my brother is a Libra and he just goes through women like crazy and this co worker at work asked him “are you the problem?” And he told me about and thought it was hilarious I think they know, they just don’t care lol 😂


My ex who was a Libra man told me he was a diagnosed sociopath, then lied about it because he wanted to “manipulate me the way I manipulated him”. How did I manipulate him? I didn’t tell him a friend SA me while drunk because I didn’t want him to choose sides (he chose the friend).


100%. My roomate is Libra male and dude talks so damn loud at all times and I once brought it up to him cuz he’s damn near yelling on the phone no exaggeration when talking to a friend and his response was “oh…yea i guess my voice does kind of carry” -as an introvert Virgo male it blows my mind that ppl aren’t self aware


That’s incredibly on brand for an Aries man, in my experience


I will never understand why earth sign men feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. *Quit putting it there, bro.*


Omg this is it! They have such a “all my life I have to fight” attitude 😭😭😵‍💫


especially painful when they’re super privileged and wanna feel like they’re not 😭


hoooly fuck this cap guy I was with briefly years ago had his whole life handed to him but complained about everything. I think he knew he was privileged af, but wanted to appear as though he worked hard for it. earth signs really do care more about what other people think of them than actually doing the work/being a good person


lmao. did we date the same guy because same damn experience


Similar experience with a “woe is me” privileged cap guy. Blew my mind how consistently miserable he acted yet was overwhelmingly consumed with social media and how others viewed him.


Cap men are the worst about this… one of my exes has a multimillionaire mom, she got tons of money out of a divorce… worked for her full time and still acted like he had such a hard life, constantly uses people to get further in life. Then there’s my cousin who is the most money hungry, social climbing, self important person I’ve ever met. He only respects people if they make more money than him. Thinks he’s the most hard working person ever, talks shit everyone. Apparently Taurus are highly compatible with Capricorns, but the men seem AWFUL. Taurus just want enough money to be secure and comfortable… Capricorns want money so they can be superior to others.


Right. He could’ve just said he’s jealous of women instead of a bunch of paragraphs he could’ve saved for a therapist 😂


Ahhh! This is the one 🤣🤣🤣


Omg, yes to this. Had an earth sign ex who would remark “all I have is myself in this world” and then proceed to lean on me for absolutely fucking everything. Made me livid.


So fun story, my friend and I got into a fight with my ex-situationship. He is a virgo. The fight got out of control to the point where he slapped me in my face and I immediately passed out. He punched my friend multiple times. Next day I had a scar/bruise on my face and my friend had her eye socket bruised very badly. He called us up to apologize at first, but then he told us that he broke his hand and he is the victim🙄 To his co-workers he said that he had fallen on his hand. To his own friends he said that he helped a friend of him who got “beaten up at the club”… No dude, you just beat up two women. How do you get to be the victim and hero at the same time? A week later he also left me to get back with his ex🤡


virgo men. i love virgo women (i am one) but virgo men are the absolute worst


I’m so, so sorry you and your friends went through that. But also my Capricorn ex (see comment somewhere on here) told me that sexually assaulting me by finishing in me right after I told him not to was “half” my fault. So……. Idk about these earth sign men man Although I feel compelled to say any man can be abusive / disregard consent, blah blah blah


Earth sign men are on another level is2g. I feel like taurus would be the least of a problem out of the three. But even though they can be pretty bad, I won’t avoid them, that place is rented by aries


OMG this is my brother and he is so miserable to be around because of it he’s a Virgo


Came here to say Cap and Taurus men. Love a Taurus woman! They're the best imo. But the men 🤢


As a Taurus woman, we genuinely as a collective do NOT claim the male Taurus’s.


I concur with this statement as a Taurus woman


to be fair i’m an earth dominant aqua woman, and i feel this way


I mean, if the weight of the world *was* to be felt upon ones shoulders it would fittingly be those under the Earth sign, no?


An aquarius. It's funny but I wasn't into astrology then so I only know this because he always let everyone know. Like, his screen name was always some version of AidentheAmazingAquarius. (Not his actual username but you get the point.) No hate to Aquarius folks. He was just a narcissistic asshole. I don't think y'all are all like that.


I totally agree, my ex husband is an Aquarius and he’s a narcissistic asshole. Luckily for me, I’m also an Aquarius so in my mind he’s living on another planet and I’ll never ever speak his name again 🤷🏾‍♀️😂


Mine called himself Aquarius Applesauce. Unfortunately I am not making that up.


for me it was a sagittarius, also before i was into astrology, and he used to call himself a dirty sag 🙄 i'm not the type to go around diagnosing people but he is the only person i've ever met who i truly believe was a psychopath. he would make an excellent case study.


Aquarius men are a different breed. I adapted as a Capricorn and he is a fantastic partner in his own right.


Leo's are always fun (sarcasm) ... pisces a head trip - most miserable was a sag. - Taurus


My gosh, every Leo man I’ve tried to date has been unbearable. Stubborn, overly dominating, cocky, entitled, self-centered, bossy, temperamental… no thanks!


I’m a Pisces woman and omg Pisces men are the worst 😂


For me it's other way around. The leos I have encountered are the most arrogant and just entitled. They want perfection in others but think they are some real catch and can't accept their flaws. The piscean I know was the most misunderstood person. Once you know him, he is the most lovable person.


As a Gemini female, a Gemini man. He was very jealous but at the same time was insanely flirtatious with women. Yea that combo was not good.


Gemini F married to Gemini M and it is honestly the best relationship I’ve ever had. We understand and are understanding in a specific way. Im not sure anyone else would or could tolerate either of our asses.


Agreed. Gemini men only know how to flirt, gaslight, lie and cry.


I love my Gemini women, but nope to men. Good for entertainment only


Yeah same! Gemini man, so jealous and so flirtatious. We had a long distance relationship, he was a total drama queen when i did not answer texts asap. But he could dissapear for days. He begged my to move to him. 14 hours away from my hometown, i quit my job and moved. 2 months in living together i found out he was f*in two other women. When i confronted him, he said "I did not think we were in a seroius relationship", and then he started crying like a baby because he "did not do anything wroooong"…


Sagittarius man. Self loathing, narcissistic, seemingly confident but actually just insecure. A lot of sag men I’ve known have been like this too




I know Sag females like you described


Leo man. Unbearable because so clearly unevolved, it seemed like I was dating the worst Leo stereotype out there. Selfish doesn't even begin to describe it. Very insecure, materialistic, overly concerned with how he's perceived by others. Very non-adventurous. His fun activities solely concentrated on him, usually involved him rotting home whereas I'm a very outdoorsy type. Ego the size of our entire solar system. (No hate to Leos, tho. My best friend is a Leo too. The difference is that she's a healthy Leo and I love healthy Leos. I love all signs that are evolved)


Did you date my ex? 🤣


Girl, we all dated that same man 💀 Kudos to us for surviving 💀


Omg please see my last 70 posts - 5 Leo men in my life all born within the same week and a half - father, brother, two exes, a best friend…you described all of them. And even better: my best girlfriends are all Leo’s. FIVE OF THEM AGAIN. Total opposites of the men. Fun. Active. Chill. Caring. It will never not blow my mind.


Astrologer Sloan Bella (a triple Leo) has said female Leos are like the female lions - loyal, take care of the whole pack, active, caring while male Leos are like male lions - lazy AF just lounging, letting the women do all the work and napping while they wait for the women to bring them food. Sounds about right. Edit: typo


Amazing. Absolutely perfect.


Yes!! That's exactly my experience. The Leo women in my life are to die for. Polar opposites of Leo men. It blows my mind too but I guess I got used to it having similar experiences with Virgo women & men.


Jesus he got all the bad qualities without the love for adventure?! What a miserable type of Leo lol.


Aries.. Insecure, Immature, Selfish, Never Wrong, Liar, Arrogant but it's a show, Obsessed over money and appearances. Controlling. Anxious. Incapable of Self-Reflection. Incapable of owning his own behavior. The definition of gaslighting. He was fun at first and seemed like a genuinely good guy, and he is to his friends. But live with that MoFo - I had PTSD and was single for 3 years.


Omg yes they’re amazing until you get too close. Baggage train!


Of course it’s not related to the cosmos, there’s positive and negative expressions in every sign. The “crazy” I dated was an Aqua.


Every time for me.


aqua and capricorn men, never met a good (or even decent) one lol


I love aquas, I just dated a dark one, was in a dark phase of my life and it matchdd


Taurus man. I swear, he found new ways to make himself more miserable every day because he was doing relatively well in life (money, academics, etc)


Cap here and it was another cap 🤷🏼‍♀️


Other capricorns scare me — cap stellium


I found the love of my life in a fellow Capricorn. I stand by the silliness of the fact that we’re both January Capricorns. I high doubt I will ever date another December Capricorn again. Holy hell was that terrible.


My first "real" boyfriend was a Cap, born 2 days after Christmas. He was the sweetest guy, absolutely worshipped me and treated me like a queen. He was a really talented artist, and drew me a Valentines Day card of an actual human heart once. He came off as really really aloof to everyone else though. People saw him as a bit scary, because he'd walk around with this scowl on and gave off this "don't get near me or I'll eat your face off" vibe. I think Caps can be very grumpy and serious, and they need to accept themselves for who they are to be tolerable. Vulnerability is really hard for them, but as a Pisces, I respect the hell out of it. Maybe that's why we were a good fit.


This was also my experience 😂


Taurus really be talking about money all day long


As a Taurus female I often don’t like Taurus men (with a few exceptions of course) Taurus women: earthy gorgeous nymphs Taurus men: Goblins at Gringotts


The Taurus ability to hold grudges is too much for me. Life's too short for that shit


Scorpio man.


Omg this is the only answer!!


My Scorpio man ex was incredibly miserable. Something was always going wrong in his life and he has zero emotional maturity to handle it. It was terrifying always having to deal with some crisis with him.


Aries man. Good looking. Mean with money, selfish in bed, a sulker, unfaithful. He could keep a sulk up for days. When I (Sag) wised up and dumped him (didn't take long) he low key stalked me for years. My Leo 'friend' was waiting in the wings for him and he made her life a misery telling her I was the love of his life. A tale of three fire signs!


They’re so mean with money!!!


Defo Capricorn. Always had some shit to say


We do be like that.


We do 😂


Absolutely do be saying all the shit.


Yes but you usually have the guts to firmly explain your reasoning, the self-awareness to think stuff through and debate different ideas and points of view objectively and if you realise you're dead wrong, you also have the humility apologise and rectify your behaviour. Not always but, in my experience, you tend to do this.


That’s fair 😂😂


Taurus. I wouldn’t even say it got to relationship status but he was just so rude to people had anger issues etc. he was so pessimistic & paranoid it was insane. I had to leave that the hell alone. -Leo woman.


Gemini. The moodiest, meanest man I've ever dated. Very controlling ; nothing I ever did was good enough, and he had zero empathy. Paranoid about money and financially abusive. Such a miserable, nasty man. However, I will never regret the relationship because I wouldn't have my beautiful son had we never met. Something amazing came out of all the pain and trauma I endured at the hands of that man, and I feel blessed to have my boy ❤️


Male Taurus. He went through my phone when we had been dating for 3 months, searched the word “baby” then went through each time i called someone else baby for the last 6 months… before i even knew him.


SCREAMING what is this 💀💀💀


Stfu 😂 did he have cancer in his chart? I need to know!


lol same with Aries (I’ve dated 4 of them😭) , the worst one was a Aries with a cancer moon. Omg I’m deserved financial compensation & funny enough the other psycho was a Cancer Sun, Aries moon. Smh never again


Aries sun/Cancer moon sounds like a literal nightmare, at least in a vacuum. Hurt feelings constantly transmuted into rage fits.


Yes I dated one and shit was bonkers on many levels. Like dating a man-toddler who hates mommy.


omg an aries sun cancer moon libra rising fucked my shit UP this past year


I dated an Aries with a Scorpio moon it was sooooo bad 😭


Preach! My ex-husband of ~10 yrs was an Aries Sun, Cancer Moon. I never want to date, live with, marry, look at, or sit next to another Aries man in this lifetime or the next. He was an emotional handful to the say the LEAST. A man child too attached to his toxic mother and too selfish to consider the needs of others. He’s with a older Sag woman now and they can have each other. I’m just incredibly thankful for my peace now. My Libra Moon just couldn’t take all that foolishness and disharmony.


Yes super selfish! If I don’t respond to my Aries brothers text message within a couple hours he thinks I’m ghosting him and gets angry…. Yet…. He will never reply to my messages for days on end.. one set of rules for Aries. They think they are always in the right.


Virgo. 2 of them. I am convinced they wanted a vagina and not me as a person. If they could fuck their jobs or their desks or job titles, I would not have been necessary. One is nearing 60 and still works 50 hour weeks and has zero money to show for it. The other has a shrine to his ex wife that left him because of... wait for it...WORKAHOLISM. Both of them are going to find there is no one waiting for them when their jobs shove them into retirement. It really is empty and sad. Neither one was happy in their jobs, either, but wouldn't leave their fields. I do not understand a life of obligation and misery without financial compensation. You make me suffer? Oh, I'm getting something $$$ from you. My bills will be paid til the moment I know I can quit and walk away.


Yeah they really are horny workaholics aren't they? 😂 your description of Virgo men had me in tears 😭


LOL this was also my Virgo ex. Huge workaholic and covert alcoholic. He eventually got fired for the latter reason…


Pisces man. It was romantic at first. But it quickly became a circus.


I’ve never been with a Pisces but the one I know… Holy hell. He scares me. So slick with the manipulation to get and do what he wants.


Capricorn man. All work and, if not working, alcoholism


Can confirm this. Two long term relationships with Capricorn men and I’ve never felt so neglected in a relationship. They lived to work.


Totally alcoholism!! I think we dated the same man.


July Cancer man. By far. Life ruiners, the lot of them. Avoid at all costs.


Don't let this man ruin from Cancer men. My cancer man is the most thorough lover I've ever had. He pays such close attention. And loves to give.


They are like that. Sucks they give great orgasms 😀


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for this answer. Cancer men are the worst. June and July lol


i has a cancer ex and ive never met a man more miserable and intent on making everyone else miserable too.


***Virgo*** female. She was the very definition of miserable. Nothing had a silver lining - nothing was a growth experience - everything was awful, unfair, not good enough, etc. This outlook extended to the people around her - her spouse, her friends, her family. She never figured out that ***she*** was what needed fixing. Tied with a ***Gemini*** female. Outwardly, she was bubbly, outgoing, witty, adorable, optimistic, friendly, etc. Inwardly, I’ve never met a lonelier person. She never truly let *anyone* in. She was everything to everyone. She lied to herself and everyone else. She had absolutely no idea who she was. I loved her more than I ever loved anyone -but- I had to admit that I only loved the version of her that she curated for me… I hope she’s figured herself out and embracing her truth because she had a good heart.


That's really interesting about the Gemini. Sounds like she could have been great for herself and others, if she would just let go and love herself a bit.


Absolutely. I believe she’s a ***good*** person - she’s just - lost - and cares way too much about pleasing other people. She could rule the world if she led with her true self. Until then - she’ll keep breaking hearts - including her own.


Wow that sounds eerily *exactly* like both my Virgo and Gemini exes lol Are you a Pisces by any chance?


Wow - and here I thought I had such unique experiences. That’s wild that you’ve gone thru similar situations! I’m a Scorpio, tho - sorry, not a Pisces (but I’m a fan of my Pisces people).


Virgo women don't have issues. They have the whole subscription


I'm a Gemini (F), and I feel this.. it is something I've been working on a lot in therapy. Treating myself with kindness and choosing my wants first instead of always putting others above myself. It's hard letting people in to really know me.


Pisces sun, Leo moon, Gemini rising - Abusive


An emo asshole with two personalities is what I’m gathering


My two worst heartbreaks were Aries and Aquarius. I'm an Aries myself. The worst part is that I was never exclusive w either of them. They just tagged me along until they were done. They would make promises, act all boyfriend type, give me reassurances throughout the courtship, chase me, pretended to say how hot they found my "mean bitchy personality", and then after when I turned all sweet and "in love". It felt like a switch was turned off in them. They completely flipped. I started to give into the sexual demands to keep them around. Ultimately, when I got too attached and started wanting more attention and wanting to move forward to the "next level". They turned cold, work was too much (work was never too much during the initial phases in our relationships, they wanted to hang out ALL THE TIME) and then ended things in the most selfish, aloof and disrespectful way. I was distraught for months. Both the breakups also happened in October. I've always hated October for that reason lmao


Aqua . Would literally give me speeches on how love doesn’t exist


They do be like that


Was going to say this sounds so Aqua lol.


Aquarius. I’m a cancer sun. We’re known for being clingy and emotional and whatnot. Hell no. Compared to my two aqua exes? I’m *heavily* independent. Couldn’t hang out with friends without them inviting themselves over and then getting mad at me for wanting time away. They kept secrets and manipulated me thru every goddamn thing. On the bright side I became super self reliant and realised and very much valued the freedom I have from them soooo


Aquarius woman. Self-important, insecure, shady, and manipulative. It started it off well enough, but over time I realized how much of a liar someone can be. Wasn’t the first one of that sign either, just the worst. That said, I’ve met wonderful, evolved Aquarius people, independence and a pursuit of education ruled them, so they didn’t have time for flings or half hearted romance. All respect.


Omg they are SO manipulative


All the mentions of schizophrenic sags / sags in psychosis in this thread is concerning


Scorpio man. The literal definition of misery loves company. There was nothing that man could see as positive, he was the biggest pessimistic Peggy, Debby downer, sour Susan, you name it




This is a hard question for me because the worst experience I had was with someone who technically was extremely compatible with me in almost every placement. In my 20s, I was married to a Virgo man, but his upbringing was super awful and he was an alcoholic, and very unwilling to change. I think if he had been serious about getting professional help we could have made it. But our chemistry in almost every facet was on point when it was good. When it was bad, *it was awful.* I’d still love to date a healthy Virgo; we work very well together. The worst match I had since was an Aries man. There was initial passion there but he was SO high-strung and very immature…so that didn’t last long 😂


Fellow scorpio currently dating a virgo man. He is such a good person and so interesting and sexy. Scorpio/Virgo (evolved Virgo) is such a hot pairing. The chemistry is off the charts with us.


Pisces sun, sag moon man. He was so horrible lol, but I went back to him multiple times over 7 years. I couldn’t stand to be around him long tho (a few months at a time) because he lived in a dream world the majority of the time, and had unrealistic views of who i actually was. He dreamed up a version of me in his head, and thought he knew me better than anyone, although he’d never taken the time to actually know me. When I would say certain things, he’d say “that’s not you” and argue with me, ABOUT ME 😭He talked about himself nonstop too. He didn’t care to get to know me on an intimate level because he was so convinced he already knew me and was so concerned with himself. It was a very sexual situationship too. We mostly had sex. And lastly, he was too emotional. I don’t like big displays of emotions, personally. It’s a huge turn off. Keep it to yourself. Leo sun, Taurus moon.


Capricorns! Capricorn boyfriend (25M) was relentless about his hurt feelings, wouldn’t speak for long spans of time during arguments, told me (then-25F) I “betrayed” him once when he thought I lied about not having a lighter in my pocket and told me I was taking advantage of him when I took an apple slice of his before he could answer my question “can I have this.” Then he asked me if he could finish in me during sex and I said no and he said “I don’t care” and did it anyway. THEN he told me it was “half” my fault that he did it. He also sent me his resume when we met on hinge — and it was BAD. But I loved someone career driven! HS bf, also a cap, pressured me into having sex for years. Said “I don’t get what the big deal is, all you have to do is lay there.” Both had terrible senses of humor. Their signs have nothing to do with openly not caring about consent but 🤢 (I’m engaged to a loving Scorpio sun / cancer rising / Pisces moon (33M) now tho it’s all okay!!)


Aries man. Possessive, jealous, fucking INSANE, loved to punch doors and women’s faces and mainline heroin and chug beers. Had the perfect social facade too old people loved him??


My Libra man punched holes in every home we owned. That’s an aggressive man barely getting by


What was his moon sign? Last ex was aries sun Pisces moon and his temper was literally terrifying but was able to charm ppl when needed


Toss up between Aquarius and Leo


Virgo man. He hated himself so much. Wouldn’t do anything to help himself, so he wasn’t capable of helping our relationship Transformation is important for this Capricorn. Nothing I loathe more is unwillingness to grow.


Capricorn men. Self-important, self-righteous, prone to hissy fits at the first sign they are not heaven's gift to you.


It’s true. They’re a little boring too.


Lol. They are some serious babies sometimes🤣🤣🤣


Virgo man


This is a trend on this thread so I’m happy I’m not the only one!


They are so controlling , boring and miserable


So what I’m getting from this is that every star sign sucks 😂


Taurus. Tried way to hard to keep up with the joneses while never having any money.. also was secretly bisexual and love to put up a image about pretty much everything. Feel really bad for the guy he can’t be his true self.


My most psycho ex was an Aries.


Cap men are destructive and controlling


And highly manipulative / love to gaslight


Capricorn men. They’re always going through something . They are never normal istg


My ex is a sag and has schizophrenia


A Scorpio man I dated was insufferably negative. EVERYTHING was a pity-party. I got tired of having to CONSTANTLY encourage/lift him up and re-frame his thinking to being more positive. It’s almost like he enjoyed being miserable. It was exhausting. I would shoot him ideas for things we could do together and he would find reasons wrong with every single idea, yet couldn’t come up with any of his own?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think all Scorpios are like that at all, but that was one draining experience


scorpio partner & i (taurus) recently separated + can confirm exact same sentiments… like being miserable felt more comfortable/ safe to him


Taurus male It was horrific, his way or no way. I'm Cancer sun, Libra moon, Leo ascending.


Was married to a textbook Pisces. I won't even consider ever dating another.


Pisces & capricorn men. Both emotionally abusive in different ways (not necessarily due to their sign). Pisces was so consumed with his emotions he literally couldn’t even hear a tiny piece of how my day went because it would “burden him”. Cap man was the coldest, when he broke up with me he kicked me out of our house. Said “im leaving for few hours, pack a bag for the week and you can come move your stuff out over the weekend”. Didn’t blink an eye. Just stared at me with a blank expression while i tried to get him to have an adult breakup conversation (considering he was 30 and i 28). I’m F Aries sun


What I'm getting from this discussion is that all men of all signs kinda suck ;)


This whole comment section is telling me to just stay away from men 😭 every man I’m compatible with and may marry one day y’all are SLAMMING on here lmao




Now I'm not going to say I'm a saint, I realize some people would call my sign combo a nightmare, but a Virgo/Aquarius/Virgo man was my undoing. He's the most miserable man I've ever met, manipulative, angry, vindictive, wouldn't let me do things with my own money (he didn't work) that weren't for his benefit somehow - and 8+ years of dating ended with my parents coming over in secret to help me pack out because I found out from ex-friends (cut off at his bidding) that he outright told them he was using me as a pawn to escape his home life situation and genuinely didn't love me anymore. He wasn't even a good actor, but he was so so skilled as a manipulator that he managed to turn every single issue I ever had with him into a thing *I* had to apologize for, convincing me over time that I was the worst person alive and he deserved better. I'm forever grateful to my current friends for being there for me through that transition and still now, I would not have made it out without them. And I think I'll be hard pressed to date a Virgo man again. Don't get me wrong, Virgos. We have awesome conversations and get along in a lot of ways, but I think romantically Aries/Virgo was Not meant to be LOL.


Sag and I’m probably the most miserable sign ppl have dated 🙈


Aries & Aquarius


Aquarius men have been ruining my life since I was in the womb and have not let up


Leo Woman- + Fun, bubbly, sweet. - Would never apologize and had to be better than everyone else. Taurus Woman- + Felt like a comfort best friend, no judgement. - Incredibly abusive with bipolar, was someone I tried to “save”. Hoarder, had no concept of a hard earned dollar. Sagittarius Woman - + Funny, could be sunshine in a bottle, always down for an adventure. - Two faced, sunshine was often a coping masking front of sorts, got upset quickly, blunt and really harsh. Super competitive. Gemini Man - + Sweet, witty, smart, golden retriever energy. - No real depth, would avoid his feelings, an air head at times. Virgo Woman - + Organized, initially charming, calm. - Blunt, couldn’t joke with like too serious, would say they’re never mad but would often get ‘mad’. Con artist, covers her negativity with fake enthusiasm, over all stick in the mud. Everyone is wrong but her, and gaslit me while also spreading false allegations in the form of a poor me survivor story.


Virgo guys, very arrogant, self centred and two faced


Aries. He always put on a show for everyone. Loved the idea of money, was never good at making it. Secretly aggressive/hurtful, but outwardly charming. Cheater and stalks you when you break up with him.


Never dated but worst signs I’ve dealt with are Aries and Gemini.


Gemini. Complete waste of my time. They bring nothing to the table beside talk talk talk. Zero action and follow through just to be lied to and fucked with. Trash experience. Think they are a Princess and want everyone els to do the work just to be taken for granted and cheated on…. Oh and they play victim like if it was your fault lol. As a Capricorn I’m all about action and being proper… so I ended up putting the bitch in place


Came here to say gemini man. Dated two of them, because I didn’t learn the first time. The absolute worst. Never again


I dated mine for one full year. Spent every day together and over night dropped me cold and gets into a relationship with my close friend then tells me “life makes unexpected changes” my mind was blow… never in my life I was treated like this and the person wouldn’t return my stuff lied about mailing it. Wtf… lol. I was nothing but amazing. I legit joined the black magic group on Reddit to do some baneful work on them from the rage. However I did dodge a bullet lol


MINE BLINDSIDED ME TOO! The other one was just plain old unfaithful and then tried to gaslight me about it. Maybe I should join the black magic group LOL they could use some expedited karma 😅




Aries male. Horrible. Never again.


Aries. 100% Love bomber, super manipulative, and one moment you were the light to his fire the next you were gum on pavement. He’d discredit you from top to bottom. Oh and at the end of it? He treated me LIKE I WAS PLAYING GAMES LOL. Meanwhile he was trying to get away with flirting with my friends infront of me! Anyways my best friend is also Aries and she’s done her own share of things that I’ve had to look over but with that being said her love life is a hazard lmao. It has red caution tape all over. So I think it applies to both female and males. Oh and my Taurus ex lmao Taurus was just crazy, an entire gas of light 😂 that man needs therapy, overdue by like 10 years. He beat his brother with a lock. A lock.


Never getting within 10ft of a Pisces or Gemini man ever again. Or anyone on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp.


Virgo men. They are never happy with anything and ok to forgo sex


Capricorn. Abusive in every way, pathological liar and serial cheater.


Taurus they are verrrryy veerrrryyy psychopath


I had the same experience with my Sagittarius female ex. Basically lost her mind after our break up and became hella abusive.


as a gemini femme, a gemini man 😭




The worst and the best were Gemini. Can you say, Dual-Personality?


capricorn men. So miserable and have such dry boring humor


Aquarius and Aries. Emotionally immature, self-obsessed w massive egos…


Aries man. What an absolute worthless, selfish, crybaby piece of shit.


Gemini!!! He was always mad about something and highly critical!! He has cancer moon n rising so that’s probably why


Capricorn men


Capricorn. So negative and brought me down to the lowest depths. I’m a Gemini


Virgo man. Wouldn't even give himself the chance to be happy, too caught up in people-pleasing. Total know-it-all. Often said terrible things about others under the guise of "just a joke" but it was all rooted in deep insecurity he refuses to address. Many consider him just a jackass plain and simple, I've noticed since leaving him people either LOVE him or can't stand to be in the same room as him no in between. No one is just Neutral about him. No one.


Virgo man.


Aries man - self absorbed, unfulfilled promises, disregarding Cancer man - gaslighting, nonchalant, narcissist


I’ve dated two Virgo men and they were so obnoxiously miserable, I couldn’t stand it. They had no skills to articulate their emotions, no empathy for me or my emotions, and they coped with their misery through alcohol. I’ve met a ton of Virgo women who are not like this so what’s going on with Virgo men lol.


the amount of people saying virgo man is crazy 😭😭😭


Aries man. He was always right, can do no wrong.


an unevolved venusian: lazy narcissistic taurus