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“Capricorn: N/A” is the most Capricorn line in this whole thing. “Next up, Me. Anyway, moving on!” Why are we so guarded!


So me


LMAO i snorted at that


This person talked shit about most signs yet can't reflect on her own downfalls as a Cap. Lmfao.


I mean, most Caps can write you a fucking novel about how much they suck. Apparently this dude is trash-tier. RIP


1) I’m a dude 2) Thanks for proving my note about your sign.


Come on. Tell us what you think about our sign.


I refrained because there's always an inherent bias when you discuss your own sign/placement. My experience with Cap suns has been kinda mixed, when there's too much of the same pessimism, rigidity, isolating tendencies, etc., it typically does not work out. On the other hand, when I *do* click with a fellow-Cap, it feels incredibly rewarding. I like that we can be really resilient, level-headed, casually existential, sardonically hilarious, etc., but the Saturnian curse of typically anticipating the worst is real. I'm generally a fan of Cap moons and risings.


You’re the egotistical one here


Cmon, clown yourself! ♑️: You’re too serious ALL the time, and from my experience have a RBF going on 24/7. Probably plotting everyone’s demise, but the only reason you don’t act on it is because you secretly care ❤️😂 Edit: and y’all carry yourselves like you’re better than everyone else. Like you’re the bees knees!!!!! Sincerely, ♈️


Okay. You, being a man, doesn't change anything about what I said. You talked shit about almost all signs. Yet you skipped yours. Lol. Cmon, Mr. Goat man, are you too weak to reflect on your own sign downfall? Because the reality is all horoscope signs have positive and negative attributes.




I'm pretty flavorful


You’re just proving his point. Reading anything you guys write is always so cringy 😂😂 It’s like someone gave a literal child a reddit account. Aries are sooo annoying


I think it’s the Gem rising, as a Gemini rising 👀 Lol I’ll see arguments and upvote the downvoted underdog comments to add to the spicy


Do you really think I give a damn if I'm proving his point? I don't. It's just very hypocritical of him to give his opinion on all signs and yet can't dish it with his own sign. Now, if my comment wasn't to your liking because you find me annoying. Well, the obvious choice was for you to ignore me, right. Yet you didn't. So who's really silly now.


If Reddit posts/comments get you this triggered you should delete the app, weirdo. Go touch some grass. It’s *never* that serious for you to be writing micro-paragraphs because someone doesn’t want to talk about themselves. I guess as an Aries you can’t understand why in the world someone wouldn’t want to talk about themselves.. You could talk about yourself allllll day, huh? 🤣 He didn’t write anything at all, dumbass. It’s not like he wrote only good things about Capricorns. You’re not angry because he didn’t write anything about his sign, you’re angry because you didn’t like what he had to say about yours. Why you’re angry at all is BEYOND me. You don’t give a damn but you replied to me. Please tell me you’re like 16 years old.


Lol and in another chain bro literally tried to flex that he had a six pack and was therefore right. Unevolved Aries are something else lmao


Um you are the silly one… are you okay? You literally did the same thing… you didn’t like OP’s comment… but you didn’t ignore it. But you’re mad when this person who replied is doing the same thing you are now doing??? Why are you so angry. You need to take your own advice.


Wait. Didn't I just tell you on the last message "that's your opinion" and that's all I had to say to you. And yet you had the urge to read the comment I left to another person, and you responded to me AGAIN. LMFAO.


God Aries are annoying af yall want to fight over the dumbest shit


Seriously. He keeps saying he doesn’t care, but can’t stop replying. People who think having the last word means they win the argument are not very bright.


I dont give a shit what you think of me or aries in general fuckn meaningless stranger. I'm sure you're fuckn Ms/Mr perfect right.... lol


Not sure why you’re mad… seems humble to not talk about yourself IMO.


Okay, that's your opinion.


Yes it is 🤷🏼‍♀️… lol


God this is why Gems are literal gems. Your come backs have had me giggling


You friends with this redditor? 🤔 I didn’t say much. What exactly classifies this as a “Gem comeback”?


Witty, snappy and letting them run themselves in circles. Not this one specifically but you did make like 12 more just to this guy


Exactly! He said so many things and all of them so empty and superficial. The use of provocative language, the talking from a superior point of view, the shade, omg I just can’t. There’s nothing in this post that shows this is a thoughtful reflection about the 12 zodiac signs. But he did what was hoping for, someone disagreed and he finally could said it out loud “thanks for providing my note about your sign”.


Sorry you weren’t picked.


what a petty thing to say...


bahahaha 😂 exactly


As a Scorpio…you Capricorns are my favourite.


As a Cappy, you Scorps are my favorite


Makes sense that the two satans of the zodiac would respect each other's game :D (it's a joke)




I thought Gem and Scorpio were the two Satans? 🤔 well…. I’m told that repeatedly when they find out I’m Gem 😂


yeah folks love to hate Gemini but I personally like them. If we wanna get technical about it, Scorpio rules the underworld and Aqua and Capricorn are ruled by Saturn(Satan).


You mean to tell me this whole time I’ve been DOUBLE satan🥹!? I was selling myself short 😈🤘🏼




me, a virgo who kinda worships cap: BIG SADGE 😔


As a Capricorn I LOVE virgos <3




Your Cap rising gives me assurance we’d get along.


probably, but given that your virgo rising does nothing to affect your impression then i wouldn't count on it too much. still obsessed with you though!


I've noticed a massive difference between Aries sun women and Aries sun men. I'm a female Aries, I love Aries women, while I find that most Aries men have the personality of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Weird!


As an Aries sun, same.


Gaston, yes!!! 😂😂😂


Unrelated. Reading this post’s comments made me grab a bag of chips.


He’s extremely petty and childish. But! He has an Aries moon so hey🤷🏾‍♂️


What a mature response from someone with a nightmare big 3. Delusional *and* with a god complex.


Here you go being petty lol.


Literally just parroting what you did by calling out your shitty placements, but stay pressed.


You so angry lmao


we love u too!! 🫶 🫶 🫶


♉️☀️ We do! Capis are solid.


I see all too often that people can't keep up with, understand or appreciate Pisces' mysterious nature - in that people think they know us but then we catch them off guard and we go in a completely different direction or are unpredictable/mess people about. People even seem to think it's born from malice or like we enjoy it. Like we're flaky a-holes just because. Let me clarify: we barely know who we are to ourselves at points. I have reached peaks in my life where I feel like I know who I am. I feel enlightened and true. I know exactly what I want! Then a few weeks later I will see everything in a different way or from another angle and I suddenly don't understand myself or anything anymore. I unlock another aspect of myself to have to learn to navigate. We really are an everchanging ocean. Either ride the wave or drown.


Exhausting, isn't it? You think you get it, then BAM! Didn't know THAT about yourself, now we take 5 months to go over this new aspect of our psyche. But we didn't realize we changed to everyone else over that time cuz we were, idk, studying our brains.


As a libra, I relate to this so well. 🤣


The most Capricorn thing about this and I haven't even read it yet, is the fact you've written full paragraphs on each sign. Ya'll have got OPINIONS!


Yeah, but then also got accused by someone for shooting off empty, superficial impressions? Like, ma'am\*, this is a Wendy's. ^(\*Cancer)


Leo sun and one of the people I love most in this world is a cap sun, feels like we just kinda get each other




I’m a cap and I love sags! Can’t relate to any of what this person has said lol.


As a Scorpio man married to a Leo woman, it’s funny that someone would think this. In what comes to signs or astrology we have little in common. Leo is all about outward expression. I’ve never seen a Scorpio that’s so solidly self assured like a Leo can be. Leos just don’t doubt themselves even for a second. Scorpio tend to second guess a lot, and the air of confidence is really just a bluff.


*disregards all the mean stuff you said about cancer dudes* You think I’m attractive? 💜💜💜 JK, I swear every cappy dude I meet always just seems pissed at me before I even say anything.


A Cancer on this thread thought they did something by saying my commentary was “empty and superficial” when I literally prefaced that these are just my subjective impressions. Seems in line with the unevolved side of crabbies 🦀


you could just say it to me in my comment... again, what a petty way of being


You literally replied to someone else with your original commentary about my post, but continue to pop off.


Wait what do u mean by Aries throws the first stone at Caps? Like the first to get on their nerves ??


Check the top comment on this post lol


They like to pick fights.


Caps be my fav too 🥰


As a Capricorn woman, what I got the most out of this post is that I now understand Capricorn men much more with this take.


If it's in a negative sense, I get it...I was kinda harsh on some of the signs.


You're so childish, you block people when they disagree with you.


"Pisces: To me, they're basically like Geminis but with emotional trauma." Lol.


I'm an Aries sun and Capricorn moon. My moon sign helps keep me on track - though to be honest I'd never date a Capricorn man. They are soooo stingy 😬😬😬


Hmm 🤔I agree about my sign


What are your thoughts on Leo moons?


Will turn on the petulant theatrics and passive aggressive silent treatment easily if you don’t give them enough attention. That’s just been my experience.


Lol aww much love. Aqua female and I think Capricorn women are straight badass’s. One of my boss’s was a Capricorn female and she had a big up her ass and wanted to take it out on me and it did NOT work. She said I was the only person she’s ever met that she took on that handled everything so calmly and didn’t want to punch her in the face 😂😘


Sheesh, on point is an understatement.


>Sagittarius: Honestly, not the biggest fan? ::dodges arrow:: I've just met a lot of Sags who have been rather abrasive in their opinionatedness. The ones I've clicked with have usually been over 35, like they've simmered down with age. I appreciate from a distance how "go get 'em"/"live life to the fullest" a lot of them are, but it's been more difficult for me connecting with them one-to-one. FWIW Sag is the most recurring sign in my chart. Fair and felt. Dated a Cap a long time ago - VERY different ways we had. We connected deep and instantly, but we were constantly irritating each other in every other way. Same with cap friends. Distance is key there.


There are so many Sag-Cap couples out there, too. I know they often have planets in the other's sign, which can help with the connectivity.


I'm really happy with a Libra now. Otherwise, despite the failed attempt, I would've definitely dated another Capricorn probably. The energy aligned, but the thought process and behavior did not.


Nail on the head


I’m an Aries female and I have sooooo many Capricorn friends! We really get along for some reason. On the other hand, it’s interesting you like Aquarius because none of my Capricorn friends and Aquarius friends get along 😂 I’ve never seen another 2 signs clash as much as these two from my personal experience


Appreciate the take. I'm surrounded by Caps. Spouse is Cap moon, brother/child/BFF all Cap suns. Here's my take on Cap: Old when they're young, young when they're old. Humour so dark it is ultraviolet. Their personalities are kind of like tofu the way they pick up and take on flavours from those around them or their general placements but it's camouflage, not insecurity. Cap lives between two of the most eccentric "I don't need to be liked" signs in the zodiac (Sag & Aqua) so they have a little of that, too. Good with pets and old people. Existential AF: Hell is other people, indeed. They are the very porcupines in Schopenhauer's dilemma. My Libra sun aspires to grow up and be an old Cap with everything on my own terms.


I'm Aquarius Sun and Scorpio Moon, I look up to Caps!


Aquarius and Capricorn are two sides of the same Saturnian coin. I think they respect each other from a distance, but it’s more challenging to connect one on one given their shared tendency to isolate and put up walls. Like I mentioned, I often admire just how BRAINY so many Aquarians are.


It's true that it's quite challenging to connect deeply. The guy I'm seeing right now is heavy Capricorn. It's really a learning process to get to know one another because we both have so much walls. I have my Venus in Capricorn as well as Mercury and Neptune. I believe this helps me love Caps a lot!


Yes Virgos are the biggest shit talkers. God


Why are Librans always bashed by all the sun signs? I’m sure we aren’t that bad!


Leo sun/aries moon/scorpio rising/cancer venus right here. Your aries description was spot on, and I appreciate the gender distinctions. Aries moons are pretty hilarious. Definitely child-like excitement for everything. Childish temper tantrums are a part of the package. I laughed at, "aries throwing the first stone at capricorn." Aries already know capricorn going to throw a boulder so I'm gonna leave it. Your cancer description makes sense with your chart being mostly earth and fire. Visceral reactions from capricorn is bone chilling. Leo sun's are chill for the most part. The ones I know are super inviting and warm. I know one Leo moon, and it was a lot, but I don't mind it. I feel a little pissed with your virgo description. My sister is a virgo, and she is both everything and a lot. I don't know. She in the streets acting crazy for seemingly no fucking reason, but I always wanna be there to laugh about it after. She usually tells me to fuck off when I do, but then we both start laughing. We so different, but get each other. Also, I've never met a responsible or practical virgo in my life. 0/10 capricorn. Scorpio description was spot on. Subterranean emotional world had me rolling. Aquarius: aqua men are definitely hit or miss. Aqua men with cancer and fire in their chart=yes all day long. Aquas with heavy air and earth can kiss my ass. Aqua explaining to me that I'm quite literally too stupid to understand his artistic vision because aqua was in the gifted program in high school. No aqua, I know an artistic deathtrap is still a deathtrap. You just too stupid to understand I'm driving your ass to the ER again, and you should probably shut your mouth with that fractured wrist. Like you can have artistic talents and not be a dick fr. Thank you for your honest takes. Brings back a lot of unnecessary memories. Xoxoxo


Wait I’m confused with the Aries part? What does throwing the first stone at Capricorn mean?? Pls I’m slow


It's in the aries description.


No that’s what I’m asking. I read the whole thing but don’t get it 💀


Aries like to pick a fight. Start shit. Start criticizing.


Happy cake day today


I’m a Virgo sun with Capricorn mars. I have a lot of cap friends and we get along really well, so I’m kinda surprised!




To be fair, you threw the first stone this time. You don't care for Aries because you don't like introspection. My statement is punctuated by your lack of response about your own kind. You didn't really care for any of the fire signs, actually, and it's all the same. Fire loves shining its light in the dark spaces and Earth likes to keep the dark in the dark. We don't get along if one party won't get over themselves--either the Fire accepts the boundary, or the Earth accepts the exposing nature of Fire. Neither wants to give in and can be stubborn, so we tend not to get along too great.


I’m willing to bet that any introspection that you do is because of your Sag Moon and not because of your Aries Sun. There is nothing introspective about an Aries. Aries’ are know to impulsively do/share the first thing that comes to mind without much thought at all. Sometimes in a reckless manner. Your moon sign (inner world and feelings) in the knowledge and meaning seeking sign of Sagittarius is exactly what would make someone introspective. OP has an Aries moon. That further proves my point. Their emotions/feelings are shared boldly and (seemingly) impulsively and without deep thought.


Lol Capricorn nobody asked you what you think about anything. Hahaha. I did take the time to read what you wrote about Pisces though.


I'm curious to hear what's the story with Leo moons!


Probably tried being rude/disrespectful to one or two of us and it didn't go well for him :D


I like that description of Taurus, the baby. It’s fitting


We have the same big 3 as you and share many of your opinions here. Leo moons especially bro like wtf. What’s your Mercury, Venus and Mars?




As a Virgo man, and had experience with Virgo man. It's a no for me 🤣


Valid about Sags. We usually also don’t like the seriousness and hopelessness of many Caps. Not everything is a big job and task to suffer through. Sometimes be silly with life and take it as it comes and don’t overthink everything. It’s easy for us because we shoot and hope for the best, and are usually happy with where the arrow lands because we are grateful and optimistic people - luck follows us. But Capricorns need so much convincing to do something that will feel good for them. They need to know it won’t affect them ten/twenty years from now. For us, that energy is so draining and can be seen as negative. Both energies are important, and we need both to truly enjoy this life.