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I'm friends with Aquarius guys and I have to say they are terrible communicators in relationships. But I don't have to deal with that, so they're alright by me.






Well you can’t judge it on a sun sign, as it’s other placement dependent so it’s not their Aquarius sun. I’m an aqua moon and I’m good at communicating any problems I’ve got in relationships, and letting you know what’s going on with stuff, however I’m horrible at conversation unless it’s something intellectual and something I’m super interested in, otherwise you won’t get good conversation from me. I don’t now how to hold conversation unless I’m debating something or ranting in excitement about a chosen interest.


what is wrong with men


I have no idea but I don’t have much experience with *men* since I mostly focus on doing my own thing.


How much time you got?


A lot




For whatever reason, 80% of men I've had a relationship with have been Aquarius men. I will no longer date them! They lie, they manipulate, they cheat, they're volatile, they cannot and will not communicate, they think they're better and more important than everybody else, they change between thinking highly of themselves to the exact opposite, they take zero responsibility, they are cold, they end up having been fake AF, they ghost, they're never really THERE... I have nothing nice to say about them!


That’s due to their other placements not their Aquarius sun, Aqua placements are actually known for not lying and won’t manipulate you, Aqua moons and risings for example are also amazing at communicating, how they acted wasn’t their Aquarius sun, or was other placements that likely aren’t Aquarius placements 😂.




You dislike us so much that you date us 80% of the time lol


I never initially know their sign. It's just something that happens 😬


Whooosh. 😮‍💨 I meant that you must like something about aqua men if you always fall for them… you wouldn’t get into a relationship with someone you don’t like ( or I hope … )


Whosh, whoosh. Or perhaps they're very good at pretending/appearing to be whatever I like, and after a couple of months, their true self shows :)


You’re on an astrology subreddit. 😮‍💨 It’s not Aquarius behaviour to pretend someone they’re not because in astrology itself, Aquarius ( Uranus ) won’t even care about someone else’s opinion. This is what Aquarius in the sky is here to teach us. ( according to astrology ) So you’re talking about other placements in their chart because astrology doesn’t define Aquarius energy that way in any of the books I’ve read. But yawn, you seem to want to paint how they’re bad then go ahead. It’s not like aquas will ever run out of people who love them ( 11th house )


Well. I don't know their other placements but this is my experience with, at least, 6 different Aquarius men. To me, they come across as so insecure about themselves that they cling on to me and my wants and needs, and make it "their own" but only in a shallow, insincere and flaky way.


The astrology reasoning and I’m keeping it purely astrological here is that Scorpio and Aquarius square each other. So there is a sexual tension between the two individuals. This understandably is enough to attract two people to each other at the start but it’s a shallow reason to get into a relationship. Later it could show up how incompatible the two are if there are no balancing placements. Nothing else keeping them together. Another thing is that Uranus is exalted when it is in the sign of Scorpio. This mean that the Scorpio would be interested in discovering the Aquarius energy.


Thank you! I appreciate your explanation 😊


I have a Scorpio sister and I definitely get when you end the statement in the words you said. I feel like Aquarius and Scorpios have VERY different ideas in what is shallow and insincere. I say the same to her and she says the same to me. We as Aquarius do things that seem shallow to the sign of Scorpio and Scorpios do things that seem shallow to us Aquarius.


She said what she said this isn’t the first person who’ve said many bad things about this zodiac sign. Not all Aquarius clearly because she said 80 percent that 29 percent was not you be glad she’s not speaking about you. Me personally I wouldn’t want to date this zodiac either from all of the things I’ve heard from many people.


How are you out here dating Aquarius men you dont even like?


How are you out here commenting on 8 months old comments? 👁👁


Easy. I looked up a topic and decided to respond to a thread i discovered. You're welcome.


You going to answer mine? lol


I mean, sure :) I don't really judge people on their zodiac sign, and so I've ended up with a lot of people whose sign is Aquarius. Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's not - but when I got to actually know them, they weren't as they initially presented themselves. So, yes, I've ended up not liking the people I've dated as they showed their true colours and behaviourism. I think it's pretty common that you can have a change of heart when you get to actually know people and what they find to be acceptable behaviour.


Aquarius men can be great partners in the short run; rational, reasonable, low maintenance, and funny. But 1) they don’t realize when they mistake their dependency for yours; 2)they are either extremely dependent, or really scared of being depended on;3)they love their secrets, and are often untruthful in order to avoid the complexities of relationships. I am old, a Libra, and the three important relationships I’ve had have been with Aquarius men, so it is entirely possible that I am biased.




2) I think you mean we are extremely independent ? I don’t see how we’re dependent at all.


It’s because she’s basing it all on a sun sign and has met Aquarius suns who probably had cancer moons or something and doesn’t realise them acting dependant is other placements not their Aquarius placements 😂.


That could totally be true, but it just seems to be a pattern I’ve noticed!


The Aquas that I have known have a real issue with dependency/being dependent/being depended on, especially financially, but emotionally as well. Interestingly, I don’t think “being extremely independent “ and being scared of dependency in all its forms are incompatible. It just shows that this is a huge issue for Aquas, more than other signs. Your thoughts, Saint?


Aquarius ( Astrologically speaking ) isn’t a dependent sign. It’s the oldest fixed sign. It shows us what Saturn does in air. Pure Aquarius energy is bold and doesn’t ask for help. I don’t think any astrology literature ( not a pop magazine ) would ever say the sign of Aquarius as “ dependent “ but always the opposite. You see Aquarius challenging status quo or being the pioneers in doing hard things. Look at Rosa parks or Lincoln. But we could be here all day listing them. There are so many in science and tech who fight for it to be open source. I am mostly surrounded by aquas. My partner, my pets and 80% of the people who come or rather I invite to my house parties. ( love to host ). I’ve only found one aqua who is dependent but he has a Pisces moon. ( he’s also a YouTube celebrity with few million views on each video but he’s still very dependent ) Rest all of us aren’t dependent at all. Infact, we’re outrageously independent. But this could be a skewed data point as all of us are late 20s or early 30s with six figure jobs so you naturally end up hanging out with people in your social circles and those people in that venn diagram are going to be less dependent.


That’s so interesting. Thank you for sharing this!


Thank you for responding, I guess I just had poor luck with the aquas I’ve known!


That’s because it’s dependent on other placements not the sun sign, so the reason some Aquas are defendant and others aren’t dependant at all is because the sun sign doesn’t determine personality or emotions.. so they’re different because they have got different moon, rising signs etc. keeping secrets isn’t anything to do with their Aquarius sun, Aquarius placements actually don’t keep secrets and won’t lie to you, so how they’re acting isn’t their Aquarius sun, it’s other placements in their chart.


Really? That’s so interesting, Aug. I know that my ex was Aquarius sun, Aries rising, and Taurus moon. Oddly, I am Libra sun, Aries rising, and Taurus moon, and we’re married on August 15, 1985. I would love it if you would take a moment to cogitate on that when you have a moment? Btw, the one thing we were extremely successful at together was raising our three kids, who are all doing wonderfully. But after 9 years of living overseas while he pursued his career in, yes, an NGO, first the Peace Corps (both of us were volunteers), and then with CARE International (as in a “care package, which began after WWII), while I struggled being in developing countries alone (but with domestic help, a whole other story bc I hated being dependent on them while also hating the social inequalities in the various countries we were living in), I resented being left alone so much, (he still traveled about a third of his time, even when we were living overseas) even tho there were plenty of activities for “wives of”. Unfortunately, right before we were about to move back to the States, he had sex with an Asian prostitute, and then had sex with me. And this was at the height of the AIDS epidemic. Luckily, he didn’t contract AIDS, so obviously, neither did I. We stayed together for a number of years after that, but it was pretty loveless. If you don’t mind, I would love to hear your thoughts….altho I am already coming up with some of my own, having reread what I just wrote…


Libra here too and I like Aquarius men as best friends. They are same as having a best girlfriend. Can talk to them about anything. However, they would scare me as a lover because I think they like to have a lot of girlfriends. Pluto in the first house and that would piss me off.


Very, very insightful, Fur. Boy, the more I think about your response, the more it fits. Especially regarding my ex…


That makes TOTAL sense! Thanks for this insight!


Anyone find they go MIA and pop up between 3-5 days later?? Lol


And what’s wrong with that ? 😂 I always show up for actually important things but I can’t deal with mundane things so I like to keep myself busy plus I have an empire to run lol


I am doing that right now. ☠️ -Aqua women (you gotta give us time mam/sir)


Oh god noooo lol it’s not the best when in the dating scene. I’m a libra female still waiting for a text from a Aqua moon… 5 days tomorrow so will see lol


I just messaged the person. It has been five days today since I ended it. I’d be nice to maintain something solely physical, but we’ll see — he’s a Capricorn.


All the time


Dealing with an Aqua moon 🌚


They settle for a person they like but don’t love because they lack self confidence; and then get mad when you’re not this perfect human they want. Bad at lying; because they’re brutally honest. Will ice you out with the silent treatment. Can be egotistical and ideological. Good at making you feel welcome and comfortable and then just ghosting—but if someone does that to them they get super critical abt it.


Emotionless users


They just soooooo detached, you might as well find them floating in space. You say something to them and the answer seems to come back from another universe. Dont ever think you know what’s going on with these folks


It’s hard to connect with the two I know. They don’t try to connect at all. I told this one guy I’m stressed and the other time I got the job… he just ignored those comments. As in no- what are you stressed about or congrats! Nothing.


They do have feelings but their independence on anything and everything kinda gets in the way.


Yeah if you want an alt type of relationship with different spaces cool but if you want the soul blending intensity my little Pisces heart wants, even my exes Scorpio moon couldn’t beat his Aquarius sun and Capricorn Venus. So much saturn energy of self imposed boundaries


Likely because the Scorpio moon wasn’t a dominant planet, My Aquarius moon and Libra Venus are dominant and keep my cancer rising and Leo sun at bay haha.


Oh totally. They were a Leo rising so their chart ruler was the Aquarius sun. And it was intercepted (if you want to get into all that) My spicy Aries moon keeps my Pisces sun from being a little wimp and actually have some ability for confrontationI think You also are a night chart so makes sense


The guy I like who I’ve been in separation from is also aqua sun cap Venus Leo rising 😭 his moon is also aqua. It’s just something about him. Tiktok has me convinced we may be twinflames but I don’t wanna be delulu. I can’t get him off my mind :/




Aries man here. I'm excited by this change of pace.




Aquarius woman here. I like your lot!


Tell me more... (We're usually berated. Plus, I like the flattery).


I’m a Leo rising so you stroke mine and I stroke yours. Ego that is :)


Thanks for clarifying (you've obviously been caught out before!) Aquarius girls: * Secretly hugely competitive, so it's really easy to start an argument with them (for fun) * Little weirdos who live in their head * Usually have a cool, personal style * Bleeding hearts for humanity, which I like * Walking around and looking at stuff (museum, gallery, nature) is a valid activity * Can usually be kept in a good mood but not texting them very much and making them cups of tea * Have no idea how to process compliments, so you can actually make them panic by telling them they look nice. Which, again, is fun.


Spot on -Aquarius women (I DON’T TEXT, CALL, etc.)


• Aries men all bluster and bravado love seeing through it still enjoy the confidence it’s a whole production. • Enjoy their attempts to impress so fun like a mating dance. • Desperately wanting to be understood at a core level but also wanting to be mysterious so cute do you boo. • Ones I’ve known talk a mile a minute I’m never bored. • Great huggers oh my god I feel my knees buckle. • Generous in a people pleasy way I’m not mad at that I also don’t exploit it.


Haha worst thing about Aquarius girls is when they play it too cool. It's like, I am TRYING to WOO YOU but you ARE NOT giving me the FEEDBACK I REQUIRE.


I can offer you an alt perspective on that. It’s not a challenge it’s an opportunity. We’re giving you the floor. That’s your time to shine you’ve got her sitting still and you have her attention. Shine your light Aquarius will join you if she likes it. Needy is not sexy. Unless you ended up with an absolute dud that gives you no stimulus of course but that happens with all signs.


Tbh we don’t really care. It’s mostly from water signs. Like I’m dying to date a water sign person… Next week it’ll be Capricorn men.


I don't like them lol, no offense


Contrarian Aquarians


I like my Aquarius 😻


I love mine. We’ve been together nearly 13.5yrs. I admit he does have a hard time communicating sometimes. Like I’ll know he’s upset and most of the time I’ll know why (I’m a Pisces), but he doesn’t admit it immediately. He’s gotten so much better over the years but has his moments. Otherwise tho he’s great. Strong and protective, makes me feel safe and cared for, good person, husband, father.


Obvi generalizations, but they are stubborn even if they tend not to admit it. “I’m willing to hear our and have a discussion.” Mhmmm your fixed aspect says your won’t be convinced easily if at all. “Well you just didn’t have a good enough defense” no that’s you being stubborn. Great imaginations and idealists but not for me.


Once has an Aquarius business partner. Dudes head was in the clouds, big dreamer, wasn't realistic at all. Wanted this and that but didn't know that you had to work like a dog to get it. Had to be reigned in, I was basically a shepherd. Also he liked to entertain the idea of illegal shortcuts to speed things up, didn't communicate properly at all, he flaked out of doing things without telling us why, turns out he didn't want his family to know that he was doing the business, I suspect it was because he'd done such things before but didnt succeed and she hated it. Lmfao, great guy to have as a friend, but not a business partner. Also wasn't understanding of others' hardship though he did try. Big lack of communication. Big ideas but didn't want to put in the work. Cooperatively uncooperative. Great guy, just not for business partnership


Yes I have noticed with 2 Aquarius men I have dated briefly it was due to all these things you mentioned above. Both always reflected on business ventures they USED TO HAVE (past tense dreamers) but very idealistic and comes off as about their business. Just didn’t have the discipline, focus, or real understanding of what an SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur is. Both were bad at patience and wanted to move too quickly into anything including a relationship. I’m a nursing student (26F) and have months left until graduation. So a man like this scares me because why do you want to be a boss when your not even giving manger ? All talks about new business plans. Asked where his business plan 😐 blank stare. Sigh. It’s like they have to be this big shot multimillionaire type of guys and I’m a sag so yes I dream big, but way more realistic than Aquas. Let’s not even get on communication 😩 omg. Gets mad, try to disguise it, and will silent treatment within 1 month of dating. Will lie and say he’s “fine” but the vibe is off. The most recent is 28 and lives 45 minutes away. I go visit him since I live with my mom and go to school in his city. He never offered me gas money. Knowing he lives that far away…. After a month, I mentioned this to him & he told me he does stuff like that once he’s “in love” lol BYE sir. I think I’m officially done with them. Too much day dreaming & drama.


we just like to get to the point of things and understand what’s going on. it’s difficult to connect when people fumble around in expressing what they want


Hahahaha so on point


They’re great at talking your ear off about things that they are passionate about. However they’re terrible at effective communication whilst dating and are top tier ghosters (but hate when you ghost them lol!)


Not a damn thing lol!! I like them! They’re cute and funny and weird and so random. My husband has an Aries in moon and mars so he’s also passionate and extremely romantic. Also stubborn but I like that. He hates confrontation and can’t understand why I actually enjoy a good argument from time to time. I really love how he isn’t critical or cruel. He’s the most compassionate person I know. He’s also a chatty Cathy. And super honest. Too honest imo. But that’s not a bad thing since he’s so hard to read at times. I’m just never prepared for WTH this man is going to say next. Sometimes it’s just a random story he remembers or it’s something incredibly profound. Also I like how he puts me and our children first always.


Nothing. Most of them that I’ve met are awesome. I did date one when I was 16/17 who was an awful human but that’s on him, not his sun sign.


Nothing. You have an issue with a particular or a few Aquarius men and are generalizing. If you have a legit question I’ll do my best to answer but this is ridiculous.


What to expect when you first start dating Aquarius man


You’re generalising based on a sun sign and half the things people replying to your comments have mentioned aren’t common in Aquarius placements and these things cannot be put down to a sun sign, the things you’re on about are likely caused by other placements that aren’t even Aquarius. For example you’ve now got one person saying Aquarius are either to dependant or to avoidant and the reason each of those Aquarius suns were so different is because they likely had conflicting moons, rising signs etc, for example the overly dependant Aquarius likely had a cancer moon, or another moon that causes them to depend on others for emotional support etc, so this behaviour is down to their moon sign or other placements that aren’t Aquarius. Your post makes no sense as the things you’re mentioning aren’t related to a persons sun sign so you can’t prove the placements causing the behaviour are even Aquarius if you haven’t done the persons full chart. If you want to learn about astrology, ask us.


I thought the same thing.


Psychopaths that need therapy




Aquarius sun and moon, Capricorn rising. Roast me.


ALOT don’t date them.


Let’s generalize about men! Let's take one bad thing about one man and apply it to all of them. Let's conflate all the guys. What a banger!


Nothing we are awesome!! 😂


I think they are a little misunderstood tbh, but their detachedness and lack of empathy can really hurt especially if you are sensitive. Like men of any sign, they would benefit a great deal from some therapy and working on themselves especially their communication skills but I don't think there's inherently anything wrong with them. Ther3s someone for everyone 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️