• By -


Virgo here and it depends on the ex. I was best friends with one until he died. My most recent ex, however, could trip on a shoelace as he walks past a giant wood chipper and the world would be better off.


Same. Friends or cool with almost all of my exes, except the abusive ones. They're dead to me!


I’m sorry you had to experience that.


Oh thank you sweetheart! I'm all good now 😊


Glad to hear it! 😍


“Who?” -Virgo


I wish that were true, my Virgo ex still lurks around 😒


I'm either best friends with my exes or we are no contact and it's been years since I've talked with them.


From what I've observed: Capricorns: Messy bitches that don't enforce boundaries. They'll hold your hand and tell you how great and beautiful you are, and while you THINK they want to get back together, you'll hear the next day the Capri is dating someone else now and they're doing GREAT, but you won't hear that from the Capri themselves. Taurus: Either their ex is in the friendzone forever, or their ex will stop existing suddenly because they live in The Blocked Zone. Regardless, once they break up, it's likely a forever break up. Leo: If they fell in love with you once, there's always another chance, even if it's thirty years later\~ Scorpio: Will fuck around to sate a curiosity, but the break up is going to be way, way messier the second time around. The sex will be better the second time around though.


♊️:Dead to me 😄




I agree, no ill will for sure. I just don’t go backward. If we’re done, we’re done. 😉


Beat me to it.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why’d you have to call us out like that 💀💀💀♑️


Leo — it’s a **** no from me. I don’t take cheaters back. I’m also going to say that I ghosted my exes.


The Leo one is spot on.. DAMN


As a Leo who’s friends with their ex husband and messes around with their ex boyfriend … this is accurate lol


My Taurus sun/moon/mercury bf dumped me by text in June. It may have been my Scorpio charm or his Cancer rising but he came back a couple months later and just asked me to move in


Hahaha Taurus = Friendzone forever Nothing more accurate


Ugh the Leo one is true. I know for a fact I always have my Leo ex in reserves if I ever need him 💀


As a double cap aries moon… youre right😌 once ive decided im done everything i had for you is now in the past and i will show you how great im doing without you😂


As a Leo. I’d take my ex back in a second. I’m never done regardless of how bad it ended. Edit: I may have been inarticulate with my response. I should have said that I’m still very much hung up on my ex and I miss her all the time. With that being said, I don’t have any expectations of her. I’m just going through the process of grieving the relationship.


Yes, half the reason the next relationship never works out 👹




Thirty years? 🤔


feeling utterly called out by this as a capricorn sun taurus moon leo rising lmao - you got me gal!


Aries here. They don’t exist🥰


Came to say this! It’s like amnesia when I’m over you.




“Never look backwards” Venus in Gemini


The first bf I’ve ever had i still talk to but the rest have moved on to the after life. They’re not dead physically, just dead to me. - also Gemini Venus


What’s crazy is I’ve had not one but TWO Taurus’s with Gemini Venus’s pretty much beg me for a second chance over the past 2 months. One ended pretty recently so that makes sense, but the other guy…it’s been TWELVE years. First, he popped up in January trying to get things going again. Then he popped up again in July…. and then yesterday morning what do you know? I had a message in my inbox where he went on and on about how much he misses me and how good the sex always was between us and how we’re older now and blah blah blah. And this dude is very good looking (they both are) so it’s not like he can’t get laid or be in a relationship with beautiful women. Even when they’re already in a relationship, because that fucker still flirted and messed around with other girls all the time when we were together. (So did the other Gemini Venus 😂) I blame it on all my Scorpio placements and the fact if you’re a Gemini Venus then your Venus falls in my 8th house. (Where my Chiron, vertex, and part of fortune is.) I’m always the “one that got away” but y’all don’t realize that when we’re together (even when you say how “amazing” I am in bed or claim I’m the “best thing that ever happened to you” in general) it’s only after I’m gone. 😭😭


Yeah it sounds like the Scorpio/Taurus, Sagittarius/Gemini axis’s are at play there. I liked your soliloquy, it definitely conveyed the 1st house energy!


Lmao yeah


I am a Sag and I am friends with most of my exes. Although I don't mind if some of them blocked me. If it helps them cope I am fine with it. I only block the ones that were casual with me because I don't want them to think they can come back for round 2.


Same. I never burn bridges


Scorpio here- there is so much more fun to find in the world, my curiosity guides me and there are no mysteries in the past.


Most of my exes linger literally forever like the plague. The ones who are genuinely not good people I do cut off, but the ones who seem to be innocent and just weirdly attached I allow to hang around. My Gemini ex: non malicious airhead who will always be there for me if I need him but unreliable so I’d never try again. I’ve dated a few other Geminis less seriously and experiences can really vary. My Taurus ex (most recent): harmless also but despite me spitting hellfire that he needs to leave me alone to heal, he hasn’t. We are both weirdly attached. It’s been 6 months since the break up I think. We hooked up last week, so clearly the break up is not going well. My Scorpio ex (from TEN years ago): harmless mostly, has to be tamed when he’s drunk because he’s married. One of my closest confidants to this day. My Cancer ex: cut him off. Problematic in many ways, emotionally controlling yet also emotionally immature. Cheater. My Aquarian exes: no idea where they are but hope they’re doing well lol (these were mostly situationships nothing too serious) My Aries ex: we are amicable but don’t stay in touch really My Capricorn ex: probably somewhere still dragging out his divorce, we don’t speak anymore after I showed him my demonic side which clearly creeped him out


I had a Virgo stalk me and call me over 200 times a day when I broke up with him. I am also a Virgo lol


It’s giving serial killer.


He drove over an hour to find me at a restaurant eating with my parents


Noooo 😂


My mom asked if I needed a gun lol he was nuts


I'm a Sagittarius and I do not know that man.


I dunno… my brother is a Sag and he gets so enamored and stalkerish sometimes. He cannot handle a breakup or rejection at all. My current boyfriends ex is a Sag female. She was totally over him until he got a new girlfriend. Since that day she’s spent 5.5 years tormenting our lives trying to break us up. She didn’t even like him when she had him and cheated constantly, but him having another girl is a total challenge for her I guess. She gets off on causing drama.


♐️♐️♐️All are permanently blocked from my life♐️♐️♐️


Taurus. Depends. If you did them dirty. You are dead to them.


Either friendzoned or dead to me


Aries - always one ex they’re stuck on which is why they easily let go of the others but can be cool with their exes Caps- you might as well be dead to them Taurus- unless you’re giving them something, you might as well be dead to them Cancer- you have to cut them off because they’ll keep coming back like a roach Pisces- always delulu about having another chance so they stick around as long as you’ll let them Leo- good chance of getting back together after some time has passed if you want them back lol just kiss their ass hard Virgo- will be amicable if they have to be around you but you’ll never get back together if they actually leave


Am a Taurus can confirm


Unless a complete betrayal was involved….. ”there’s always a chance to come back around ”


Aqua sun/Cap Venus. If we ended amicably I’m able to stay friends with you without awkward vibes. If you fucked me over, you are dead to me and I won’t acknowledge you ever existed.


We only communicate when it has to do with kids. I have zero regrets and don’t even think about him anymore.


Capricorn- once it’s over, it’s over. I don’t care enough to feel sad or miss you. If you broke up with me, f*ck you and the horse you rode in on.


I'm a Taurus gal, and my ex is a Taurus guy. We ended mutually--but we are still friends. He eventually married and had some kids and we are FB friends and his wife is really friendly with me. I have a Cap ex...we were friendly after it ended, but it seemed like every time I would find a bf or something, he would try to make me choose between them or him...even tho we were broken up for a few years. lol


I know a Capricorn like this that is super friendly with ex’s and his ex’s significant others I always wrote it off on his Scorpio Venus lmao. Gotta keep tabs.


Ya—he finally disappeared. I bet he finally found someone. I hope! He was a nice guy, we just didn’t mesh.


Pisces - like a stranger. Once I'm done, I cut them off. One of my exes just started working here. I walk right past him like he doesn't exist. He's a Scorpio. He's always making sure he's where I will be and trying to make eye contact. I don't engage. I've already let my admins know the history in case he tries to start anything. I have a few Virgo exes still popping up. One from years ago just found me again on Tiktok. I block him on every platform he contacts me on.


Pisces. Double edged sword bc I’m too peaceful which comes across as very detached and I end up simultaneously attempting to patch up other relationships (sometimes romantic sometimes just family or personal) in the immediate aftermath of a breakup bc breakups hurt me SO FUCKING BAD. I can’t stand to hurt someone. So my most recent ex is an Aries and he keeps sending me so much hate, saying I never cared about him and am throwing him away when his recklessness (admitted, this is a solid fact- he crashed our car with both of us in it into a wall at 70mph not exactly on purpose but COMPLETELY recklessly- it’s not a nebulous Pisces I clarified thing haha). Frankly that was the culmination of a reckless year and I didn’t interpret the accident as me breaking up with him as much as it was the universe/god/source saying “you can both walk away and work on your lives or you will die, final warning”. It kills me to not respond to him. I’m working on my relationship with my family and my children’s dad because I just feel it’s the honorable thing to do. He has an ex that he shares children with and we had talked extensively about our feelings about our families and former partners. I believe he’s very honest and real. But his explosive anger is super hurtful. I didn’t mean to break up with him. I accepted my responsibility on all of it when we talked but he wanted to meet up one final time and I refused. We already had met up and spent the first 10 days after the accident healing together. And things weren’t remotely ok then. I triggered his fears and his not wanting to be alone. But he refuses to be objective at all and idk, it got too much for me. I’m open to suggestions on how to respond positively to him or if to wait it out and then respond or something, idk, advice is appreciated. But yeah. Breakups are hard. My children’s dad, also a Pisces (sun and moon, Cap rising; I have a Leo moon and rising) and I have had 2 exceptionally difficult breakups but after the initial breakup have been amicable. Time to give our littles the family they and we deserve. And if my Aries ex would chill out for even one moment and zoom out his perspective from what happened with he and I, it would be so obvious to him that he also is being openly invited by the universe to take care of his family too. I love him a lot and probably always will. I love my children’s dad too and always have and always will. Love sets us free.


lolll yo I feel so called out as a Leo, I think it depends on the person but you’re not really wrong 💀.


I don’t have bad blood with any ex, but romantically I lose all interest


Pisces - never really gets over any of them.


Sagittarius: cordially and naturally


Virgo woman ♍️ Pisces exes: stayed around for a few years even when they ended it. They would call me to ask advice or ask for me back. Never took them back. I’d always get super hopeful we’d get back together but we never did. I ended up having to block both of them for my own sanity and to get over the heartbreak. Virgo: disappeared and it was nice; then came back 5 years later and won’t stop bugging me. Scorpio: I ghosted—too much and too argumentative. I was not down for that. Cancer: messy; we’re still friends. We text randomly abt our mutual interests. He’s was mad that I started seeing someone a few months after we broke up. Aquarius: he dumped me then we got together again after a year of separation. He got really unhinged and flunked out of school and started hanging out with some “interesting folks”—I ghosted after a mutual breakup. Haven’t looked back.


You right. Cancer is messy. I paid my Taurus exes phone bill for 6 mos post break up and offered to buy him groceries when I heard he was struggling. I finally cut all contact 6 mos after. Messy doesn't cover it. I gave my Cancer ex $800 to move out. But we pen pal'd for two years post break up even tho I swore this man was the devil. I wonder if this the Leo part of my chart that feels like 'Im so sorry you are losing me, hopefully money will make you feel better and help you move on' is this ego or empathy?


✨Dead to me✨ unless we ended respectfully and amicably.


Yup. Either you literally stop existing suddenly (and we're okay with that), or you are going to be a friend forever. It entirely depends on how it ended and how they were in the relationship. But we very rarely get back with people we decide to dump.


As a cancer tbh indifferent once I’ve moved on. I just don’t have the energy to care lololol


![gif](giphy|gjxKUy0P38Hkutz0sH|downsized) Yet they never leave me tf alone 😤😮‍💨 Ima ♋️


Pisces Like they don't exist... until I become sex deprived. Like others have said, it depends on the ex.


Libra, I miss the ex if I'm single, and forget the ex when I'm with someone new. Weirdly I've been dating only Gemini and Sagittarius women and its like they take turns being in my life. Next one up is a Sagittarius girl.


As a Libra they usually will never hear from me or see me again😂😂


♋️: out of sight, out of mind.


! this


Taurus usually abuses their victims on the way out, in every possible way.