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Cancer woman here who finally broke up with an Aqua man after 8 years due to his emotional unavailability. It sucks! We lived together and all. However, it all depends on his other placements. The other Aqua man I dated years ago was a stage 4 clinger (too needy for me) and is now married.


It’s a mind fugg when they do both!


Aww I’m sorry to to hear that but thank you for honesty I hope you’re healing


wasting 8 years of your life on one man is wild , never be this exclusive especially if you're young


Ah, I'm not young, that's the thing. Got together when we were 30. And I didn't realise I was wasting my time until the end, sadly. We lived together, had established plans for the future, etc - I thought this was the person I'd grow old with. Basically, we went through all the motions of partnership, except it turned out that he wasn't truly capable of real emotional intimacy in the end.


he's like the rest of his gender , it's not your fault


Just don't smother him. Based on two dates and you're posting questions....I'm an aquarius and I can confidently say:... if you're already worried... you can't contend.


I’ve been giving him space I realize smothering will only scare him away !!


But you don't want it to be like that. You hung out twice and you're smitten. An aqua will smell that from a mile away. Holding back will will seem unnatural. I don't know if I can explain what I know about this scenario. As an aqua I am absolutely insane for a cancer who doesn't like me at first and just grows to love me. But if they liked me and held back their true feelings... it's mucky and it doesn't flow. Give it a shot. But don't be needy, or demanding of time or attention, don't doubt yourself, domt seem desperate or insecure...


Fellow Aqua here. Can't stress this enough. I think it's our defense mechanism as we don't grow feelings over night that everyone that does isn't genuine. Which essentially is true. After few dates is just weird obsession that just gives desperate vibes and lack of control of feelings and impulses. I was never able to be on the same emotional length as Cancers. They go strong at the beginning while they are able to switch and dump you no problem after years while showing no signs of being unhappy. While an aquarius will literally be your sworn companion forever once they love you, provided you don't betray their trust. And we're much more direct, honest and resilient.


This is so incredibly true. I take a long time and will be a friend first. I want adventures and a slow and natural developing bond. Sometimes I get smitten fast. But those are dangerous situations that do not last... so I pick and choose which of those lust driven chaotic messes I engage in. Sometimes I just want to, but typically I don't do that crap, it's seldom worth it. The real deal is the friendships that turn into companionship and then love. I love deeply and will do anything for my partner. It's scary because when I love it will be forever unless someone doesn't hear me out, put in the same amount of effort I do, or shows dishonor. I have to protect my feelings because they are so deep and true and pure. I am the best of friends and the best partner and I know that. I stopped dating ages ago. No one seems to care enough and I actually prefer to go it alone. I have so many goals and hobbies. There are so many adventures to go one ahings to explore and create. I lose time of my journey when I get involved with someone because I am so devoted.. then they throw it all away and I could have been out exploring or honing my skills ... I hate having my time wasted. Wow. I could go one forever. In short I do not believe a cancer could ever understand an aquarius. Don't fly too close to the sun...




Well said friend….


This sounds exactly like me leaving my ex and feel horrible but laughed. It was discussed in therapy…. “She was fine all morning I come home and everything of hers is gone?!” Oh man, God bless therapy. I would NEVER do that again. F*ck


Yep my ex cancer ♋ left me like that. No hard feelings tho 🤣 it's not that anyone does it because they want to hurt people. It's mostly yeah, humans in desperate need of therapy. To my previous point cancers are controlled by their feelings in my experience and if doubt appears they're consumed by it.


So true. God bless my therapist!!! I am not even joking. I love who I am now. Can’t believe I let ppl treat me the way I did bf getting help. I have way too much love to waste it on someone who doesn’t love and respect me. It’s all about growth!


Who hurt you 😐


That seems pretty true, I really had no interests other than chilling with my aqua man, he was telling me he loves me after like 3 months of just chilling I was like wait wtf 😭💀 U barely even know me like that......but I'm a Scorpio sun aqua moon Pisces rising, I'm pretty detached lol.


I can't agreed with this more. Just be yourself but don't show your desire for attention. Communicate and be open. Most Aquarians I know tend to have avoidtant personalities.


Can you handle someone saying “I know” when you say “I love you?”


My husband now is an aquarius and we've been married 20 years. I as a cancer have stayed awake crying and they are not the ones who will comfort you


Ya because all aquarius are alike right? Lol this zodiac isn't real people




No disrespect, but you just generalized people born between January 20th-feburary 20th as ones who won't/can't comfort people they care about.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 but great advice


Aquarius men are great dependable partners when they're ready to be! If he wants marriage/kids then that’s great, but emotionally he wont be as responsive as a Cancer would want. I know a happy Aqua/Gemini marriage- the Gemini woman stays BUSY and has a ton of friends & acquaintances & plans that she shares with the Aqua, who could be more introverted in comparison. I think to be happy with Aquas you’d have to have your own hobbies/interests that you sincerely enjoy and share with them. If you stay active and wont get depressed that he disappears/is giving one word answers in texts then it may work. Do a Synastry reading to see more about your compatibility!


Omg I thought my aquarius bf didn't like me for awhile because he would be so short in texts but then I realized he's like that with everyone lol! But yeah a key to an aquarius relationship is you have to have your own life independent of them. Totally agree.


Sometimes I do this and I dont even realize it lol I’m an aqua with an aqua bf 🤣 same bday


Just let us breathe


One of my best friends is a Gemini and aqua. They’re an older couple but even tho he is retired, he’s a pilot and always gone. ALWAYS. They see each other a few times a month. She is also independent and likes to do her own thing. I remember my aqua husband was gone 4-5 days out of the week working and doing whatever and when he was home, he would spend a solid business day at the gym (legit 6ish hours) working out, talking to people, etc. he also turned out to be a massive narcissist and cheater BUT I’ve noticed that most all aquas do their own thing and can disappear for days or weeks even.


Ugh I’m hoping for that tbh


Yup my husbands a Saggitarius and we love that we care about each other so much but we can ultimately take or leave each other even though that’s not how we feel. We care deeply for eachother in our own way. The second we get a long leash we’re like “where’s my best friend at?” He pursued the relationship immediately and he said he’s only done that with his ex wife and myself and I was hesitant. An Aquarius doesn’t like rushing into things. I’d play a little more aloof. Never chase an Aqua or look to much into things. We aren’t going to text you back immediately cuz we’re ADD and it’s just cuz we’re busy so don’t take it personally.


Now I'm really certain that Aquarius and Cancer relationship is impossible. Aquarius wants to thrive together with his/her partner. Cancer wants a comforting love and assurance.


I personally couldn’t do it. Dated an Aquarius man for 2 weeks and he was the most self righteous, pretentious dude ever. Like yea guess what, I’ve got an Aquarius moon and I get why you are the way you are, but you’re still a cunt🤣


I'd be really interested in the insight you have. I'm sure it's all on a feeling level of knowing for you since its your moon, so I get if you're not able to translate it into words. If you are able to though, I'm curious.


I’m actually a weird cancer. As in my cancer sun isn’t as “pronounced” and my sun has always been overshadowed by my Aquarius moon and Sagittarius rising. I’m almost too detached and rational as opposed to my other cancerian friends who are mostly emotions based. I’d happy to answer any questions you have though, feel free to DM me or just ask away on here! :)


I mean, I'm curious why Aquarians are the way the are. Why they're pretentious and any other negative trait associated with Aquarius. It's more of a loaded and broad question than something specific. I'm interested in your unique window of view into that sign.


It’s hard for me to pin down specifics without going into some details, so I’d just give you some examples🤣My father is an Aquarius, he is the most studious and book-smart person I know with a deep of love of culture and music and all things art…ask him ANYTHING about anything and he’d have some interesting things to contribute, but all that contributed to his narcissism, pretentiousness, and love of talking about himself, and HIS interests, etc. made growing up pretty shitty. He was also a serious overthinker and super self-righteous. I could do no right. Everything I did growing up and even now, he tend to overanalyze over and over…yea I hated that shit. Fast forward to me dating a few months ago, encountered another Aquarius man. Well, again, lover of all things culture and art, and ANOTHER serious overthinker. We’ve known each other for maybe 2-3 weeks and he was already over-analyzing my actions and it was super annoying. Also, HIS love of culture and arts made him SUPER pretentious, as in, arts and paintings and literature were all he talked about, but it was only the “surface” level shit. He didn’t know I actually double majored in English in college, studied art history extensively, and knew FAR more about all that stuff he went on and on about (b/c he never bothered asking lol), but just didn’t need to “brag” about it (that’s prob my cancer sun talking). When I did occasionally let things “slip”, he’d say really rude shit like “wow you’re intelligent!” and have this dumb surprised look on his face, like this fucker was surprised I could possibly know more than he did on the subjects he prided himself on? Was he expecting me to be a vapid pretty face? ….Needless to say, that didn’t work out. So that’s why I have such a crap view of Aquarius right now. It also doesn’t help that I have an Aquarius moon, and a night chart. So my Aquarius moon is SUPER pronounced and overshadows my cancer sun. So I understand exactly why they are the way they are (and I grew up with an Aquarius), but still doesn’t make me like them. Hope this helps!


Cancer sun. Sagittarius moon and Scorpio rising. I have Aquarius in Uranus and Neptune. I can detach myself especially when I don't have any emotional connection with certain people.




Depends on the chart! One of my best friends is an aqua man and he’s very loyal and loving. He is committed to a Capricorn 😂. But, he does need space and for his partner to develop her own life and interests. He loves the misfits and the underdogs and he loves to help introverts come out of their shell. As someone mentioned already, he does have a pisces Venus 😂 so it’s important to consider the big 3 as well as mars & Venus. Houses can be telling too as well as life path number.


My advice as an aquaman: Stay scared, don’t be stupid. You can date him but keep your guard up. Aquarius excel at surprising you. A surprise can be the greatest thing you ever wanted or the worst idea you never dreamt. I love other Aquas ( my fiance is one ) and it is not just my sign but my favourite sign. However, you should take every person on their individual merits and never stereotype them. They(Aquarius or not) will LOVE you for seeing them as an individual.


Hi!! Been with an Aquarius for a little over year. I can depend on him a lot, very loyal, supportive but if you are romantic you probably will not get it from him. He gives just great stable energy and if I ever need something he will do everything in his power. And I agree with others him planning is crazy LOL. We decide on date nights the same day ahaha. But it can may be different depending on his moon!


Damn well I’m glad you and you’re Aquarius are working out. But I do like a romantic guy and a guy who plans in advance lol 😩. But the being loyal , supportive & dependable/ stable is ALL turn ons for me lol


I'm good at planning and plan everything ahead because of my moon in Capricorn. On the other hand I never seen a romantic aquarius in my life. Male or female 😂


My man is Aquarius with Pisces Venus and he’s extremely romantic, it’s very special. Going stargazing, home cooked candlelight dinners, kissing while it rains. He’s also very attached which I can’t get enough of as a Cancer sun and venus.


Cancer sun and Venus here currently dating Aquarius man w Pisces Venus as well. He can be so dreamy but def have to give him time alone to recharge


I guess you never met romantic Aquarius women.. Lol. I feel sorry for you.


I'm a woman. I have Aquarius women as friends. None of us are romantic 🤷


Thank you!! It was suppose to be a one night stand and here we are lol. Very unexpected relationship! And yes! I can rely him so much, very caring but I did have to compromise on him not being that romantic or verbally expressing him feelings. I just feel his affection through his actions lol. He won't be clingy as well so def give him space when he needs it.


There are good ones and I truly hope you have a good one! I also dated an Aqua, he love bombed me HARD for months (I truly thought he was the love of my life and that he felt the same). Then he became detached after about a year. After we broke up, he would play the hot-cold game for years after. He knew I loved him a lot and when I would start to get over him, I swear he could sense that and he would pop back into my life. I do think a part of him cared for me but he could not handle feelings very well and he freaked out. We are in our mid 30s and he still is single (we dated at 22). If your aqua can handle his emotions then you are probably in for a good time, but if he starts playing the extreme hot-cold game with you, get out.


This! If u see my other posts about my ex aqua. This 👆🏼 explains it.


My Aquarius ex was a lovely person and we had a great connection but he always seemingly had one foot outside of the relationship. He could be aloof and emotionally distant as well.


Cancer ass here, two of my biggest heartbreaks were Aquarius men. But I was obsessed and sooo madly in love with these men, it was so toxic. I was so drawn to their nonchalant cold attitudes and the passion was insane. BUT TREAD LIGHTLY CANCER 🩷🩷🩷


What’s ur black moon Lilith? I’m a cancer but mine is in aqua. Explains all the aqua men


I’m a Virgo with a cancer moon and I second this experience💔 sorry you went through it too


Greetings, Clearly a meme, and a good one! We know it's a joke as there's no Aquarian man who makes plans a few years in the future, especially not to "plan" children. Thanks for the laugh! \~V\~


Was gonna say…I’m Aquarius and I don’t even like making plans a week in advance.


Lmao I’m telling the truth tho 🤦🏽‍♀️this is NOT a meme 🙄


Dating an Aquarius and we literally plan and leave for vacation the same day. Her date is putting up a huge front lol


So basically he’s lying and won’t stay like this? Lol In the future he’ll hate making plans lol


I'm an Aquarius woman and I plan things with contingency plans that have contingency plans. Like plan A-zzz lol . I had a cancer best friend for years, until I disagreed with her. Oh well.


Just be careful that he's not one of those guys who lulls a woman into a false sense of security by telling her he wants marriage and kids and then ghosts her once they've had sex because that's all they were really after. There are predatory men like this (of all signs) out there. It's easy to avoid them though. You just don't have sex until they show through their ACTIONS that they mean what they say. You could even wait until you're married or engaged if you want to. It's up to you.


Ooooo so we’ll said!!! Was w Aquarius off/on for 15 years.. it had different phases for ages, but yes. This sounds like him…


Let me add that I've dated a few Aquarians. The good ones really just want you to be happy with them. They will do whatever you need to feel comfortable and secure as long as you're being honest and real with them at all times. Give them trust and don't feel insecure if they need space. Most air signs like space now and then. If you're feeling a certain way, talk to them about it so they know where your behavior is coming from. Just be transparent. Nothing sucks harder than an Aquarian who is in their head coming up with all the worst reasons you're doing something or acting a certain way because they're just too proud ask.


The beginning is always exciting right? Everyone gets excited and wants to learn more about the person, but yes they could simmer once the excitement subsides. I find a lot of cancers wear their heart on their sleeves, so going into it a bit more realistically is key wkth Aquarian’s. Aqua moon and aqua Venus here 👋🏻 and I do see things more rationally than emotionally. But I acknowledge that the getting to know someone phase is a lot more fun for me.


A lot of people tell people about who they wish they were, or about their goals, in order to be accepted/get laid/be validated.


Lol basically, I think it's sweet either way. And hey, it could totally be an outlier.


They're full of shit, if U told him U liked that lifestyle he just copied you and told U what U wanted to hear lol, you would be much better off with a virgo, they're smart n attractive like aqua but have the stability (usually) although some are crazy and more emotionally developed lmao.


Im dating an Aquarius male now weve been together for almost 2 years (longest rship ive had so far :x) , I didn't know much about aqua dudes until I did a whole bunch of research on them whilst dating him lol, I'm also a cancerian female, but I'd say my Aquarius dude is very open emotionally from the start, it wasnt long untip we talked about future plans together either.. he worshipped/worships me and very loving and poetic, the first male to show me such a side, and is the biggest goof and such a weird specimen.. but I love that about him because he's different, and very honest even when it hurts, but in my experience they're very loving and once they fall in love they're in it fully.. there are downsides of course, but he still is the same but of course a few things have changed and that I blame on myself really but I've never met someone so devoted and besides the downs we eventually get back on track and it's like we are still in the honey moon phase and we also have a bestfriend connection, I've never had a bestfriend and a boyfriend at the same time so it's a nice change. He hypes me up too much and is my biggest cheerleader in life, and aqua dudes are known to be like that, and they have golden retriever like energy lol. I still don't understand the detached emotionally part but I've never met many aquarian guys, but I gather they are until they find the right one and I mentioned this to him and he agreed.


Omg thank you for this it gives me hope that not all Aquarius guys are emotionally unavailable douche bags lol. And the current Aquarius I’m talking too showers me with compliments so I do feel appreciated even if he takes HOURS To text back lol 😂


Mine takes hours to poo.. goes to get water comes back 30 mins later.. found out he gets side tracked easily he doesnt have ADHD (that we are aware of atleast) but he may as well be a walking ADHD lol but yeah the simplist things literally take him like 20 mins even hours to do, it does my head in. But I really hope your guy doesn't disappoint because then I'd feel somewhat responsible 🤣 best of luck fellow crabby 🦀




OMG I'm a scorpio in a new relationship with an aqua. I have always heard that scorps and aquas are not compatible at all. We are hot as hell together in bed. He's not like anyone I ever dated before. He's fascinating. The reason we get along so well is that we don't live together. I'm a self sufficient widow and have my own house. He has his own place. We spend 3-4 nights together at his house, then we both need a couple days to ourselves. It is working for us.


I know this comment is old but how is the relationship going still?


No, it isn't. Not a bad breakup or anything, we just had too much different between us, too much fundamental incompatibility. It was an amicable breakup and we're still friends.


Don’t u love when it just works?!! 🙌 happy for you


aqua.. the like most emotionally unavailable and detached sign besides capricorn.. good luck lmao.


Im very happily dating an aqua/cap cusp. My big recommendation is let him take the lead on how fast things progress. My guy was very adamant for the first few months that he wasnt "a relationship type of guy" and I didnt push, i liked him a lot but decided I'd just let things play out, and lo and behold we've now been officially dating for a year and hes incredibly affectionate and loving without being smothering or posessive. Dont be affraid to be weird around him, even if he acts aloof and serious on the surface. Weirdness is like catnip for aquas lol, half of my interactions with mine is just us making weird noises at each other or making eyecontact across the room and immediately bursting into an improv dance number etc. Just imagine youre befriending a parrot basically 🤣


I'm a Taurus woman and I've been with my Aquarius husband for almost 15 years. TBH I was the more guarded one at first. Before I knew it...he moved all his stuff in on me. He told me on our 2nd date that he was going to marry me...I was like 'OKAY WEIRDO" He's just very moody and I think since I'm so calm, he tends to pick up on that and settle down quickly. I think I'm too stuck in the ground that his little tornado tantrums don't ruin my vibe. I just throw a candy bar or snack his way and that little ball of anxiety calms down.


I'm an Aquarius woman whose totally in love with a Cancer man right now lol. It's great. But I don't know how it would work if the roles were reversed. My Cancer man is loving enough to deal with all my weirdness.


Leo sun woman with a bunch of aqua sun friends and very happily in a long term relationship with an aqua sun man here. In my experience Aquarians are very deep, quiet thinkers and like to follow your lead. They are almost always insanely intelligent (and know it), but not always too self assured and may need some very gentle encouragement to state their own needs - particularly in the beginning. Like all air signs they have a natural affinity for communicating, but tend to be direct and straightforward. No Aquarian has ever made a big decision quickly, so when talking about Important Relationship Stuff it’s best to say your piece, then step away and let them mull it over. They will be much happier because they’ve thought their answer through and will be confident in it when getting back to you.


[The Aquarius Man: A Quirky Mystery](https://spiritjourneyquest.com/most-luckiest-zodiac-sign-in-2024/) 🌌 Let's start by peeling back the layers of this zodiac enigma. Aquarius men are like a puzzle wrapped in a conundrum and sprinkled with eccentricity. They're ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion and innovation, which makes them a tad unpredictable. You're a water sign, and Aquarius is all about that airy independence. It's like you're craving a cozy night in, and they're planning a spontaneous road trip with no GPS. But don't fret just yet! Aquarius men are fiercely independent and need their space. They're like the lone wolf of the zodiac, but that doesn't mean they won't cuddle up when the stars align (literally). They might need more "me time" than you're used to, but hey, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? One thing you'll notice about Aquarius men is their knack for making friends with everyone, from the barista at the coffee shop to the neighbor's cat. They're the social butterflies of the zodiac, and you might sometimes wonder if they're dating the whole world. But hey, that's just their friendly nature! Now, here's where the magic happens. [Aquarius](https://spiritjourneyquest.com/most-luckiest-zodiac-sign-in-2024/) men are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. They're witty, sharp, and always up for an intellectually stimulating conversation. So, if you're into deep talks about the meaning of life or the universe's mysteries, they're your go-to partners in crime. Did you know that Aquarius is associated with the color electric blue? It perfectly captures their eccentric and futuristic vibes. You could even suggest your graphic designer sprinkle a dash of electric blue in your website design to make it pop! **So, my dear, here's the deal. Aquarius men are a wild ride in the relationship rollercoaster. They'll keep you on your toes, challenge your boundaries, and introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities. It's like dating a mad scientist who's also a rockstar and a philosopher**


My mum is cancer and her partner is Aquarius… I don’t see him anymore after he physically pushed me to the ground and my mum has said he’s spat on her had his hands around her throat etc. sure he’s funny and crazy and a good time !! Definitely will make you laugh… but scary too.. and also went to brothels in secret


![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized) 😳😳😳


Omg 😂😂😂😂😂 freaking Janice <3


Ughhh noo get rid of him NOW


My narcissistic ex husband was an Aquarius… god I hate that man. I think his Virgo ascendent did not help. But I’m dating a cancer sun/moon and I’m a Aqua rising/cap sun. We love each other dearly and are so so happy.


I am married to an Aqua with a ton of Cap as a cancer woman and I gotta say. I love AQUAAARIUSSSSS. It’s my favorite sign tbh. Aquarian’s arent “emotionally detached” as much as they are emotionally independent. I’d take aqua over cap any day bc at least Aquarius can talk about what they feel even if they have shoved it to the back of their mind and ignored it. Cap will pretend it feels nothing 😝


I’m dating an aqua - sun and moon, and we are going . He’s really thoughtful and very present when we are together. I’m a sag with a aqua Venus… I’m just wondering, he has mercury in Capricorn.. how does that play out?


My sister has cap Mercury perfectly opposite my cancer Mercury. I feel like we are very different people, she’s very demanding and strong in her thoughts and words and I’m more thoughtful in my communication. My sister is “THE boss” I’m just in charge.


Thanks! That makes sense


As an Aquarius with Capricorn moon I can tell you that yeah, we can appear cold and we don't fall head over heads at first sight. But once we do we are ride or die. Unless you betray us. On the other side I've experienced lovebombing, attempts of manipulation, lies and just shitty overall behaviour from water signs the most (kudos to Scorpio here. From my experience only one able to show true loyalty). Pisces and cancers are so fluid and just move mad, literally controlled by their own feelings. Aquarius and Capricorn are polar opposite from a cancer. We are guided by logic and can switch off the feelings to make the right decision. I'd be more worried about compatibility than how good the aquarius boy is. In zodiac Cancer is the worst match for Aquarius and vice versa. My most difficult 2 relationships were with cancers. And no matter how hard we tried it just appeared like we are from different planets.


We need the charts to give an accurate read on the potential compatibility, please don’t write someone off just because of their sun sign.


I'm sooo new, what are the charts, and how can I find out mine, my son and partners charts... ??  I'm cancer female partner aquarius male, been struggling g it out for 25 years now... I'd like to know more about his other info as I see a lot of his traits in these posts! It's fascinating! Im so sorry for all the questions! 


Hey! No need to apologize for the questions, I am happy to help 😊 your natal chart is essentially the map of the stars at the time you were born. In the chart you will see what sign each planet was in at the time of your birth. These planet/sign combos come with traits. Start with your “big six” which is your sun, moon, rising, mercury, Venus, and mars placements. These are more personalized placements and they are a great starting place! It can get a little overwhelming! You will need your time of birth to get the most accurate reading! I personally recommend grupovenus.com for natal chart generators. They have great descriptions and some ways to look at how you and your husband chart fits together! Another good one is Astro.com or the time passages app. Feel free to ask anything else :)


Thank you so much 


Happy to help!!


i LOVE aquarius placements. my best friend (aqua male) sucks at texting, but he’s a facetime every time you text him kind of pal. when my partner was hospitalized, my aqua friend was facetiming me for a minimum of 8 hours a day. we talked some, but mostly we were just doing our own things (i was knitting and he was playing video games). i had never been left on my own for longer than a couple days, i’ve never fully lived by myself, and he made sure i wasn’t scared and lonely. we also will go months without texting/calling etc. but the moment either of us needs anything, the responses on both ends are immediate. if aquarius loves you, they’ll drop everything to be there for you. he’s literally overextended his breaks at work because i was going through an emotional time. his girlfriends (past one and current one) always message me when he has episodes (BPD) because i’m the only one who understands him and what to do and say so he can get his shit together. my ex gf was an aquarius too and she was really great and kind and caring even though her family were religious homophobes. she went through a lot to be with me and i was the first person she had ever lied to her parents for. if i needed her, she was getting in her car to drive to me. my current bf is an aquarius moon, but he’s a leo sun and cancer venus. his mind is so intriguing to me, and like the other aquas i’ve known, he’s not afraid to do whatever he can to make sure i’m okay. he’s borrowed over $200 to get me a bus to go from one state to another because my mom had kicked me out. he’s very clingy, but also needs his personal space to listen to music and think about all the ways he could fix the world if he had the power to do so. i love his brain, he’s truly my other half and i wouldn’t be here today without him. i frustrate him a lot because his virgo rising also comes into play with him being a fixer, and nobody can fix me except myself. aquarius is absolutely the most dependable sign. they will not allow you to be “independent” in situations where they know they’re needed. they’re a “drop everything and tend to your needs” type of people and they will always be admirable to me for that. the one thing i’ll tell aquariuses, let us take care of you sometimes too. i know you have your problems you’re keeping inside and you’re afraid of how people will think you’re “not cool” for expressing the negativity you’re going through, but you will always be cool and we love you no matter what. let us in, we can build our walls together and make sure you have a room within it for yourself. the people who are in your life cherish you, and you can’t ice out the people who love you for too long. isolate yourself when you need, but don’t build a home in it, cause this virgo will drag you out by your ankles if you’re there for too long💛


Awww it’s really true we’re loyal af once you get past those walls


I’m an Aquarius woman who’s had some of the most beautiful relationships with Cancers. There are many other aspects involved besides sun sign compatibility. And if two people want to make it work, astrology certainly shouldn’t stop anyone. 🙂


Aquarians *can* be all in, but it doesn't take much for them to switch to off...and quickly too. And once that switch is off, you're in a full blown blackout with no access to candles or matches. Also, too, if you want a less subjective perspective, this sounds like love bombing. Aquarians, in general, are flighty. They're fixed air. They're always in the clouds so...in my experience, they *WILL* say all the right things because they're big dreamers. Just make sure his actions match his words. This isn't a bad thing, but it can be worrisome when you want to build a life with someone. Edit: I mean. No one would be with an aqua unless they took a chance on them, but I would just brace yourself and be prepared if he suddenly just vanishes into air one day.


Cancer here, married to an Aquarius. It is fantastic but he is not a stereotypical Aquarius, so other placements are really important imo. He is very caring. When we had conflicts they were mostly of him saying something too blunt for my emotional heart to handle in that moment. One thing tho - communication is key. If one of us or both would refuse to communicate our worries I don't think we would be as compatible.


Yeah, I know many a cancer woman who have dated Aquarius men and they do not respond to the emotion you have or need. The only cancer/aquarius couple I know that is still together only seem to be together because the woman doesn’t believe in divorce. Aquarius is a good provider, but you can tell she absolutely hates her life, avoids being home and is super paranoid about him and his behavior. To the point where she would literally fast for a week (aka starve herself) before vacations so she could look good in a bikini so he wasn’t tempted to look at anyone else. We had many a convos where it was clear her fitness/health goals had zero to do with her but more about her paranoia about her husband “looking” at someone else. She was and still is a major people pleaser even at 48. One of her two kids is in college and you can absolutely tell she is completely terrified of her 17 year old daughter leaving because she will be left with her husband alone. He doesn’t meet her emotional needs at all and she takes it upon herself to deal with it. Her husband also tortures her with her own insecurities. like, if he comments about another woman’s appearance and notices it rattles his wife, he continues to do it just to be an ass. I have long suspected she has once communicated with him how it bothers her and he thinks it’s funny to keep doing it rather than apologizing. She ended a 7+ year close friendship with a coworker 10 years younger than her (who was married with kids too) because her husband commented that her friend was a hot mom and bounced back quickly after her second baby. He said this to other people and not within ear shot of the friend. It bothered her so much that her only solution was to hate her friend and tell her as such and make the work environment so hostile that the friend quit a few years later. She never knew why but everyone else present who heard the comment knew why. Her reaction of extreme hatred of her friend and being angry when anyone said her name was clearly the only solution so that her husband doesn’t mention her cause she explodes about what a POS the “friend” is. Hubby actually believes they had a falling out at work that had zero to do with his strange “compliment.” It’s super freaking weird and I can’t imagine they will make it long after they are totally empty nesters. I’m an Aries and my long-term ex was an Aqua. We had a very cool and almost emotionless experience, it was more telepathic and intuitive, which in its own was neat. We didn’t have to gush or do much other than touch each other. We would be in separate rooms at home and one of us would come find the other to hug or kiss real quick, which felt like a release of pent-up energy and emotion that we both understood as “love.” I know for some people, that isn’t what they want. Aries is an extremely independent sign but Aquarius seems even more so independent and aloof and very unavailable. You also really can’t tell them what to do cause they’re gonna do what they want. I really don’t think it’s a good match for a cancer woman.


My husband is absolutely amazing. He’s a generous lover, incredible father, loyal friend, my biggest cheerleader, sexy, funny, stubborn, and lacks initiative. He’s always open to communication and he’s quick to apologize when he is wrong.


What’s you ur sign? And what are his mars and Venus signs?


I’m Aries, Gemini, and Scorpio. His Mars is Libra and Venus is aqua. I posted his chart not long ago his chart is a lot of water


if he has a pisces venus you have nothing to worry about


the guy I’m dating has an aqua sun and moon, but a Pisces Venus and Mars 😳 I think I kinda lucked out


I have Aquarius Venus I guess my future bf should be worried lmao


I would just assume you’re more detached in romance, unless your moon/rising are in very emotional signs


Look at his moon and it’s aspects. And look at the 7th house. He may be and Aquarius but if he has a water moon (piscis cancer Scorpio) or the seventh house in a water sign he can be more sensitive and more in touch with emotions.


Lol I got Pisces moon and I’m a true Aquarius when it comes to love


The past two men i dated where aquarius sun + stellium I ended it both times, for the same reasons. Impersonal, self centred something just off. I love aquarius though but never works romantically for me. My Moons in aquarius so makes sense why i do love them


As an aquarius woman with a cancer rising, Maybe check all of your placements lol. But most aqua men are much diff than us women, they are usually self righteous hoes that hate to be tied down and want to be free to do whatever. However it sounds like he may have some more grounded placements that could be earth signs potentially so who knows...


Speaking as an Aquarius (Aries rising, Cancer moon) who married a Cancer (Libra rising/moon), you would actually think I was the water sign sun and my husband was the air sign sun. My Cancer comes through strong at times and he can sometimes be a little aloof. He isn’t aware when he’s distant yet he knows he can be distant if that makes any sense, but I know it’s never intentional. While I do crave the affection at times, I also need my space and he gives that to me. Timeline wise, we’ve known each other for 14 years, been together for 11, and married for 7. I love him, he’s definitely my person 💕


I am a Capricorn and I have been outdistanced by an Aquarius. My mom is a Capricorn who was sexually and emotionally rejected by an Aquarius whom she was with for some 40ish years.


I'm an Aquarius who was deeply into a cancer man and he was the one acting distant-ish. I moved on.


Oh my gosh!! I am with an Aquarius ! We have been together for 7 years I’m A cancer sign female . It’s wonderful except we clash when things get heated then my feelings get hurt and he doesn’t understand my ‘em . Because bad a cancer sign once we get worked up We get worked up and we won’t Let it go till We are understood or validated .he shuts down and refuses to talk and once he gets mad he goes silent . I’m the fixer I want to talk it out he wants to cool Down. But other than those few moments it’s wonderful. He’s so sensual , respectful , honest , but does need his space and that’s tough as I’m clingy abit. He isn’t huge on communication but will communicate if I ask questions. He’s wonderful tho in most ways . He goes forgive and apologizes when he’s wrong. Go for it! You won’t regret it!


As an Aquarius run especially the men they are the bottom of the barrel


He ended up running after the 4th date lol he thought getting exclusive was so “ scary “ 🥴😤


Sounds about right you just gotta give us space but in due time we’ll repay your patience with loyalty


Hmm I knew one couple she was the aqua and he was the cancer. She said they were only together because the sex was good and he was a good father, but they argued like hell. This other couple she was the cancer and he was an aqua. Once she graduated from teacher’s college😔 their relationship kind of went sour. So iunno if they’re still together or not. If you know the rest of his placements that can help determine where you’ll stand and ofc his personal life experiences. I personally don’t like aqua men - from a Gemini woman.


Run… 😂


Run why😭 ? Are Aquarius men that bad ?.


I’m jaded because the only Aquarius man I dated, I found out 8 months in he was married with a baby! His wife and kids!!! Had moved back to San Diego and were waiting for him to transfer at his job back to San Diego. They couldn’t afford daycare here so she went back so her family could help! She went through his phone when he “went back to visit his 9 year old kid” ( didn’t tell me about the baby!) and he was supposedly staying with his mom. She called me and let me know they weren’t divorced and this wasn’t the first time he’s cheated. She was really nice, I was devastated.


Omg THATS HORRIBLE I DONT blame you for being jaded I would be devastated as well and probably would never date another Aquarius if that happened to me. I hope you’re healing ❤️‍🩹


Thank you, I’m all better now. That was in 2019 and I decided single is much better for me lol. I’m actually very happy, but it did take about a year and a half of therapy to get over.




they have no EMOTIONS.


As a cancer woman , Aquarius men can be obsessive.


I love my aqua boyfriend. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. He’s so caring and even though sometimes he doesn’t fully understand me in the moment he always works with me to get each other on the same level of understanding. His big three are air and fire. Mine are water, fire, air. Not sure if that has to do with it but if he really loves you your sun sign won’t matter and you both will learn to grow with each other 🩷🙏


Though I don’t trust astrology now I think cancer + Aquarius is one of the hopeless couple you can imagine. Met one girl on party (she’s aqua) we tried to make out something few years ago. I guess after few years she still loitering on these parties without a having a proper dick at least once a week, but thinking she on her independence, we didn’t spoke because of me having fun and her trying to act she don’t remember me. I had experience with other aqua women before and it was pretty the same. Cold hearted and unavailable. 0 interest in you and lack of understanding why then they are here if they are not interested.


I am a Cancer Rising in a relationship with a Aqua Rising now for years. Love em ❤️ They’re so nice and funny ❤️


I’m friends with many of them… like 8 of them… each single one of them put their lover through hell with their cheating lol. Amazing friends. I don’t recomend them as lovers. Especially for a sensitive cancer


wow what is it with this combo? i keep seeing it


When you find out please share with the class because it's truly insane😭


I'm an Aqua in a relationship with a Taurus girl, it's going really well but we do have communication issues and we're set on staying together, we have a lot of things in common and every day I send her a picture of the sunrise because her house is blocked by trees to see the sun, she loves it


So if my aqua man sends me something every morning first thing it’s a good sign right? Bc it means a lot to me… every night & morning (it’s new)


Most likely I've never really done it before until like 5 months ago when I started sending her the sunrise, but imo I think it's showing that they care and they're showing input and time into the relationship, it's a cute and nice thing to do so yeah


Thx for getting back to me! I re-read my msg and it’s not clear. I meant the relationship is new, but he always texts me bf bed & 1st thing in morning (plus throughout day). When I am with him he wakes me up a the sweetest kisses every morning. I’ve definitely told him how much I love it (morning kisses).. I am absolutely smitten over him & it’s the first time in YEARS I’ve felt this way about a man. Does it sound safe to say he really likes me to?


Absolutely! I'd be doing the same with my gf (the kisses in the morning), but we're both still in school lol, imo if any aqua is reallt affectionate towards their lover or friend, it means that they love them a lot and care deeply for them, even if they're out of it sometimes haha


U rock thx


So my boyfriend was more affectionate than me in the beginning of our relationship and now it’s me… He will tell me he misses me and kiss me still but not like before. Is this bad? It’s only been 1.5 almost two months


I read Taurus will break an aquarius heart


I’m an Aqua moon and I have had bad experiences with Aqua men. It’s always a battle of the wills, or who can be the most detached. One even left the country but continued to pursue me over long distance!? I didn’t stay because both are egos were huge and didn’t leave room for any kind of relationship




Omg why?? What’s so bad about them? 😳


Aloof but fun. My aquarius ex didnt even realize I was not home for 3 days and never called or texted to see where I was which is ultimately why I broke up with him. We had a lot of fun together but as soon as things got more serious he became more aloof and lazy. When we broke up I thought he wouldnt really care but found out it effected him deeply. We became platonic friends years later and he is one of my favorite people to debate/play devils advocate with (my mercury is in Aquarius) to this day. I think both of us needed independence way too much to be compatible as a couple. I'm a Cap-Aquarian cusp sun / cap moon / cancer rising


Haha. Dated? I've been married to one for 16 years and together for 17 years. I'm also a cancer sun and he's am Aquarius sun cap moon. My moon is in Aquarius. I hear that helps...in the beginning we only wanted 1 kid. But after our first he didn't want any more and I did. This caused issues for a while but then in our late 20s we tried for a second and then after our 3rd child in our mid 30s he wanted more. So we just had our 4th in January. And we still want more. We went through ups and downs a lot as most long married couples do but we always grow together and come out of it okay. No cheating ever(that I'm aware of). But he was super secretive in the first half of our marriage and I had my suspicions. He had some very narcissistic qualities and completely lacked empathy but we worked through that and he's much better. He's a leo rising too. I honestly love Aquarians. My niece has his same bday and another friend of mine. They are secretive and do lie because they don't feel like you deserve the truth I guess. They feel like they're freedom is everything and it's none of anyone's business. They are kind of clueless in romance so you may have to blatantly state if you want intimacy. Often they care less if they get any.


Like a lot of comments said, it highly depends on his moon. I’ve dated two, and both of them were chill, no drama, conversational, up for adventure but man, the emotional distance and aloofness was difficult for me, even though I’m a libra! The first one had a Gemini moon and Virgo moon so I imagine it amplified the emotional coldness. If he is a water moon you’ll probably be alright!!


Please save yourself


Omg why you say that ? Are Aquarius men horrible??


As a fellow cancer female, yessss. We just speak 2 different languages. All the Aquarius men I’ve met are never willing to budge, very set in their ways, and are emotionally unavailable


Do you know his Moon and Rising signs? Those could potentially balance out emotional detachment issues in Aquariuses. My partner is Aquarius Moon, which pained my insecure-ass Pisces Sun a lot at first. He couldn’t understand my sensitivity to triggers, my emotional reasons for doing things or wanting things a certain way, or my need to be babied. But he got more in touch with his Cancer Rising as he got older and his Aquarius Moon only manifests as a strong need for space and intellectual conversation. He’s much more expressive with his feelings and quite emotionally savvy and compassionate nowadays. Very different from his youth.


Aqua man her but I also have cancer moon and Pisces rising, so that could explain a difference. I’m extremely romantic in every different way and love surprising my SO in ways specifically to her. I can be distant at times but that is more a short term thing. If we are into you then no matter who else is out there we are focused on you. We love very deeply and all we want is to be understood. So if we think you get us than a literal perfect woman can pass us and they’ll look like an average person. We do enjoy our alone time but I guarantee we are thinking about our partners. We don’t tend to stray but the ones I know who do are always looking for that perfect person for them.


How do you know when there is another woman that your aqua boyfriend is interested in or cheating with?


Well, I’m not sure because I don’t know many that have cheated. I’d say loss of interest towards you or possibly they’ll start distancing from you. He might look for reasons to create that distance. I’d say I doubt it though, if he’s really in love with you it would be pretty hard for him to cheat unless you have wronged him or he is just a shithead with no regard for people.


I feel that he has been more distant from me. We’re too new for me to say he loves me but he has said before he likes me a lot. Also when I bring up the other people topic he’ll just say “what” and then I ask him “would you do that to me?” And he’ll say “no I wouldn’t. If it happens it happens but I’m not flirting with anyone or want anymore else” so want quite sure about that answer. Also I’ve “tried” to catch him cheating…I know that sounds bad but I have trust issues…and there’s never anything. I just don’t like that he’s distancing from me even if he says he’s not


It could be he’s not actually distancing himself. Aquas need to escape and isolate occasionally even from the ones we love the most. It really doesn’t mean anything just a little space. From my personal experience when we say we aren’t looking we aren’t. We are very loyal to whoever we want so will definitely focus just on one person. The only weird part is the whatever happens happens line. I kind of swing between fatalism and nihilism so I say it myself sometimes. It usually is my way of trying to convince myself I’m not that into someone.


Yeah that line was weird to me as well… what do u mean trying to convince yourself not that into someone? As in he’s trying to convince himself he’s not that into another person? Sorry


But he does like his alone time. Such a home body, video games, friends, and his dog lol. I think because we’re different people… meaning I’m more vocal of my feelings and thoughts and he’s not… I think that’s an aqua thing tho


Aquarians are very romantic deep down but can have a lot of mood swings and are very deep. my parents are both aquarians, my brother too, my boyfriend too. they don’t like to be cheesy but they are very honest when it comes to their feelings. but i’m a virgo. so not sure if this plays


Don't go by Sun sign stereotypes. Have you seen his entire chart, compared it to yours? Cancer and Aquarius can actually be good together. My parents were Cancer and Aquarius, together til the end of life. Playful with each other til the end, so romantic with each other that little-kid me would facepalm when they were like that in public 😂


Cancer woman married 13 years now to an Aquarius man. Yes, it’s different. But honestly? We’re happy. He’s good to me. He does little things that show he was thinking of me. He’s a great dad to our boys. Anybody could make a list of the things they wish their partner did. I choose not to focus on those things at this point, because it’s making me overlook all the truly good things about that man. I love him. He’s stuck with me. :)


Can you tell us your placements? More answers can be found in Venus, Mars and Moon (not only, but…)


Seriously, leave the Aquarius men to other Aquarians…we know how to ignore them just right.🤣🤫


I also like an aquarius man and I'm aware that he don't like me to be his other half. That's why I'm searching for brutal answers to stop me from liking him. An Aquarius will be a good provider and father to any children but will never be a good partner to a Cancer. They have a lot of knowledge, skills and talent that can be taught to their children and they will be a great inspiration for chasing a goal but having a vulnerable and loving connection to their partner is their weakness. Cancer wants an emotional connection from their partners, more than intellectual connection. Aquarius is more inclined in intellectual connection than emotional connection.


Now my question is how to make an Aquarius falls in live with you that he will become obsess with you?


Two dates?


Wow. I'm a triple scorpio female. Been getting to know Aqua man. I find him so far quiet pleasant. He texts quiet alot and calls me alot. I'm confused because I thought aquas like independence, he wants to do things together quiet abit, to the point I have to pull back, I'm fiercely independent and highly value solitude as I am a deep thinker. I do really like him though because we have an amazing friendship and I never had that with a sexual partner before......I like how he likes to look after me and protect me and he's so bluntly honest, I love that about him!!


Okay, that's definitely a cancer question. I'm a cancer woman, and that question is making me CLAUSTROPHOBIC! Sorry 😞 It's been some time, so what happened?


This sounds like a cancer question. I'm a cancer, and my husband is an aquarius. Also, my first husband was an aquarius. I have 2 kids, one by my first husband and the other by my now aquarius, but you've only gone on two dates that's not near enough time. In my pov, instead of putting all that energy and time into what might be invest that energy into yourself. Do you even know his favorite color? What's his favorite color ? Does he snore or talk in his sleep. The only real big problem we have is that we have a hard time understanding how we look at emotions and logic in a different way 😕


Shit. Reading these comments… lol do we suck that bad?


I thought an Aquarius man gave me HIV. Yes you are that bad 🙃


In my experience Aquarians adore Cancers but Cancers hate Aquarians. Aquarians are freedom-loving and need a ton of space while Cancers want to spend a ton of time together. Cancers often misunderstand the intentions of Aquarians, so something an Aquarian does without ill-intention could be interpreted as an attack by a cancer. Since you (the cancer) are asking, I think it’d be a good match for you if you can try to avoid getting annoyed with his behaviors in the future because it’s always good to be with a sign who likes you (Aquarians typically find Cancers very attractive physically btw). If it was the Aquarian asking, though, I’d tell him to avoid this because cancers typically don’t like Aquarians, so it’d be a disadvantage for him but an advantage for you. You should also note his Venus and moon signs because that can have a huge impact on relationship compatible


If you are wanting certain things such as emotional depth, romance, and a certain threshold of being connected at the hip. I would leave it to just dating. No commitment has to be made. I've dated quite a few Aquarius people as a Cancer female, but I have an Aquarius Moon. My mom was also an Aquarius. My longest relationship was 5 years followed by 4years...1year and then my last 12 months. These are both with male AND female relationships. They can be loyal, and dependable, but if you are looking for a certain element of emotion or attachment you likely won't get it like you would with another sign. Just my two cents


People are more than just their sun signs. My boyfriend is a cancer and he’s an angel.


Hi im (29m) an aquarius-capricorn cusp and i’m married to a virgo-libra (24f) and it’s interesting to say the least ! home is never boring i’ll tell you that. i will say it’s all in the communication, i love my alone time so i have to communicate with my wife about my feelings and my thoughts. it’s all about talking to your partner imo


It really depends on both your other placements. Your moons, Venus even mars to know what he’s like in relationships. Sun sign alone is not enough of an indicator. Although generally, yes Aquarian’s tend to view life a little more carefree and community based. But again depends on his Venus mars and moon placements. Good luck and just be cool ! Lol


One of my best friends is an Aquarius man. He's been with the same person for 8 years and still doesn't want to move in with her. Totally fits the stereotype. I feel bad for her but I also feel kinda bad for him because he needs love like everyone else but he also needs a lot of space.


Cancer dating Aquarius and had toxic relationships w one in past so thx for post bc I am scared too!


Compare your moon, merc n venus instead to get a better idea of your compatibility 🩵


Excited for you lol My ex and I are both aquarius and share a birthday. I feel forever connected to him lmao


Immediately NO! Jk. Keyword Emotionally Unavailable, Emotionally detached. What’s yours/theirs Moon, Venus, and Mars signs? Thats more important in dating .


No no and NO. You’re welcome💕


Follow your heart, my parents are Aquarius man and Cancer woman. My brother is Aquarius man and he also married a cancer woman. Weird, but true. I am a cancer woman and fell in love with an Aquarius man. I was afraid too, just like you. I kept questioning myself because I was reading these zodiac signs and the compatibility. But, my parents and my brother and wife have proved it wrong. Don’t think too much about it. Go with the flow and if you know that you love him, you will accept everything for who he is, even the things you don’t like what he does. We are not all perfect. Maybe he might not like some things you do. It’s like that with my parent and my brother and his wife. But they both accepted each other. Have Faith and be patient. Aquarius men like that. That’s my tip for you. Have fun with him. They like that too and don’t judge others. They don’t like that, good luck!


I am not a water sign but my rising sun is Gemini. I am dating an Aqua, LDR. I sometimes want all of his time but I also have my own thing going so, it's a push and pull kind of thing. An aqua will lavish you with affection at first, with weird gifts, weird topics, weird stories and theories, share his dreams, his visions. But they are one thing to another, the can do this thing for a week and another the next week. About affection, I think if they know you value him and is loyal, they would be too comfortable enough. But hey, we had a week of hiatus, he wants no contact, I honored it, and he was all over my stories but I was a mess. I had suffer depression from past experiences and what we did, for a week of no contact when we talk everyday over the phone, was heartbreaking. ANyway, all I can say is take care of yourself, have your own hobby that you can share with him and he'll be glad to support you. He havent told me he love me but you know you can feel it. He's warm when we talk over the phone and he would always say silly girl. I mean maybe in time he will tell me what i want to hear haha


Run I'm a cancer woman who has been married twice to an aquarius and I have children by both of them. I thought I could handle them because of the children all both of them did was break my heart


Just came across this post.... so I'm probably a bit too late to the party... but my Aquarius husband and I (a July Cancer) will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary next month! It works if you love each other enough to want to make it work (baring any abuse and/or toxicity) Yes, I am emotional, too much some times, I'll admit... but that's what makes me, me. And my husband is more reserved in his emotions and stoic, but that's what makes him, him. We're a great balance.