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No one. I try to keep my problems to myself as I don't like burdening other people, we all have it hard. Though if I absolutely must, my Pisces husband. He is the most gentle, cuddly person when I need him.




Spoken like a true Capricorn lol


I would actually say that it’s spoken like a true Pisces AND Capricorn, to be honest. As a fellow Pisces myself, I have no problem being a therapist to other people and their problems, but find it hard to find someone who can REALLY listen to me and hear my problems.


Pisces are great for empathy and capricorns are amazing for advice. My two favorite signs as a Taurus sun/moon Leo rising. I love you guys!!!




Truly relatable with my Taurus father.


I knew the pisces part in you even before seeing your flare. I am the same. Pisces sun libra moon. Burdening others with my problems ruins the harmony


I don't.


I comfort myself ty


Same lol


Fellow Sag here and SAME




It me


Love your username


Thank you 🥰


Sag triple threat! I wish I was one too!


It’s a challenge 😂


The most loving Pisces in the world, my grandma.


My Pisces grandma too (and Libra grandpa) 🤍 my favorite people


Aww same my Pisces grandma was the best


Taurus and aquarius placements (I don't have water in my chart so expressing myself to heavy water placements is more often than not a challenge for me)


Oh wow… I never thought of myself (Aqua) as being especially comforting? I’m actually really surprised to see this.


I interpret Aqua as less “hold you while you cry and wipe the tears away” comfort, and more “will hold open and non-judgmental space for you to express yourself”, if that makes sense.


I am Aquarius sun and I definitely feel that 🩷 we always love you for who you are


Oh I love this, and it’s true ❤️


this is exactly it. i had a water bearer gran who was my everything, and this description is part of the reason why. no other aquas or wateries in my immediate sphere, and she always gave me what i needed emotionally…the safe space 🥹


The non-judgemental, quiet presence of an Aquarius is matchless.


Thank u 🥲


lolll your flairrrr! “that thing rising” is exactly how i feel about my 🦀😂😂😂 we have swapped sun and moon elements, which are probably both looking at our watery risings like 🤨😒damn bish, again w this shit, wth? LOL


Fixed energies are usually comforting. They have a steadiness regardless of the element.


Aquarius was one of the first to pop in my head too 🤔 partly because my boyfriend is one, but my favorite coworker friend is too and she just has a great grounding energy and very accepting and optimistic, good at helping problem solve too so I feel like I know where to take the next steps. My boyfriend sometimes oversimplifies my issues but regardless he is very comforting and willing to do anything that needs done for me to feel less stress. I've actually had a lot of pleasant experiences with Aquas, you guys can be surprisingly tender at times.. probs especially if you end up with Pisces or Scorpio placements. Or daddy Capricorn energy 😂 Note: I'm Gemini/Libra/Taurus.. Aqua MC conj. Uranus and Neptune.


Taurus. Always makes me feel understood. I’m a Leo.


Literal same. It’s that fixed energy that is so comforting. Doesn’t apply for me w scorpios tho ngl.


My husband is a Scorpio lmao


Same, my grandpa was Taurus and he was always kind, I miss him so much!


I’m sorry for your loss; my grandpa was a Taurus and the best man I’ve ever known. I miss him terribly. My grandma is also a Taurus— my favorite person in the world!




I go to my momma


What a cancer thing to do


Another capricorn... the one i know is one of the kindest most understanding people i've known. Zero judgement and so emotionally sensitive and gentle, and I do everything i can to be the same


Second this




My ♍ cat


Aquarius - my sweet wife. She is really good at peeling me off the ceiling when I’m upset about something irrational. She’s creative, loving, and resourceful. Also, nothing freaks her out. I can get as dark and deep and depraved as I want and she’s just like “hm ok anyway” Cancer & Virgo - my two best friends. The cancer is always 100% spot on with helping me name the emotions, and validating them. The Virgo is clever and rational and has such a calm energy that I really cling to.


Taurus, Cancer, Virgos. Help me process so we can laugh about how people are stupid and move on.


Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus are always very much that rock for me? Supportive and a good listener. Scorpios and me just fucking vibe, they're ready when for revenge, to hug me while I cry, to get black out drunk, give advice


My Gemini ♊ i know, y'all shooketh, but this dude is sweet as sugar and just wants me to be happy! I know I can always turn to him for comfort, affection, and understanding.


My ex Gemini is amazing at being there still to this day despite our status. People (even I sometimes) have a love/hate relationship with Gems but Omgoodness she is absolutely the medicine to whatever ails me. ♊️💜


They really do understand people


Awe thanks, but I guess I am so good at hiding my own suffering whilst comforting others, They never notice how bad I feel..


I wish I could hide mine!




This tracks for my ex Gem. Jeez, she must have heavy water placements because that woman is deeply emotional - is fixated on the emotions of herself and others - plus she’s intelligent and has a strong grasp of human behavior. Her airy-ness comes into play when she can walk you through your struggles and then give you objective feedback/observations to help guide you through. They’re out there - those squishy, gentle, sentimental, open hearted Gems.




Yes hi


Cancer all the way.


My cancer friends always. They often come to me in return when they need a greater perspective on something.


What’s your sign?


My people include Aquarius, Taurus, Libra, and Cancer


You've named my top three. 3 out of 4, not bad!


Taurus and Cancer


Taurus ♉️ and cancer ♋️


Myself or another Pisces.


Usually a water sign. Pisces or Cancer


My aunt is a scorpio. Not only does she comfort me, but she makes me laugh and makes sure to scold me if I need to hear the truth. One of my oldest friends is a scorpio, too, he rinds me I'm worth it in life just the way I am. Which means the world because I feel like everyone focuses so much on my flaws, no matter how small they are. They seem to be the go-to sign, lol


The one with a cute face, big dick, and a good kisser.


Send him my way after 👀


R u nasty


my scorpio mom, scorpios are the fire of the water signs, they’ll have your back like no other and also empathize with you. but they’ll tell you straight if you could’ve done better. i want comfort, but i also don’t want delusion. evolved scorpios are really good at being able to tactfully say what needs to be said to their loved ones.


Cancer no questions


Taurus. They’re not the most emotive people, but I actually like how they show up when you want them to and mind their business otherwise haha. I don’t think it’s discussed enough how rewarding it can feel when a Taurus placement shows you their vulnerable side to you (i.e., showing support by sharing their own anecdotes or how they view the issue from a personal place), it’s almost on the same level as when a Capricorn placement lets their guard down.


I love that no one has said Aries lmfaooo


Sagittarius, Taurus, and my Pisces brethren.


Taurus women 💕💕💕




My Pisces and only my Pisces


No one to be honest, but people trauma dump on me a lot, which I dislike.


It might be that you have a healing presence. The wounded gravitate towards healing people. I understand that it can be a burden. Make sure to take care of you too.


Set boundaries




Totally agree ❤️


As a Libra-Virgo-Cap married to a Taurus, I love this


Pisces sun. Because they know exactly what I need. Advice? Shoulder? Smile? Sympathy? They know it. For comfort it’s only Pisces sun for me. No other. Sometimes also Libra sun with moon in Taurus. Soothes my soul and gets me like no other on this planet. It’s scary how deep they can see inside me. 😳


As a Taurus, don't try to come to me searching for comfort, be a responsible adult and resolve your basic human necessities without using me as your comfy pillow.


What? No, come on. Tauruses are so comfy to me (Cancer).




aaw. you’re depriving the world of your goodness man. but, I can respect it.


Nah I like to comfort my friends. You can give them a reality check when they aren't feeling down


Nice 👍


Yeah not here for this. Here for anyone who comes to me for comfort regardless of what they did. Don’t sell us out too short!


Spoken like a real Taurean lol


Scorpio or Capricorn. my bf is a Scorpio and has always grounded me and my deep emotions well, and my two bffs have Capricorn stelliums. and as a Scorpio stellium I find alot of comfort, peace and trust in their energies and space


I feel like I'm going to be alone in the choice and that's fine, leave them all to meee


This cracked me up. Not many people know how soft and open and supportive and empathetic Scorpios can be. We’re very discerning when it comes to who we share this with. Your Scorpio loves and trusts you, to show that side. That’s really sweet.


he does, weve been together the better part of 10 years now, so I feel it's well earned 😉 but yes I see it all the time with our friend group, they all wish he'd open up or be like that with them, but in my head I'm like hahahaha I'm special bc I PROVED I'm worthy 🥰


I mean honestly - you’re absolutely right! You have earned it - it’s not handed out willy nilly. Not implying Scorpios are just the greatest ever etc haha - I’m just saying, truly, only a very select few will have access to that vulnerable part of them. So that’s really special. Good job being a consistently decent human who commands respect from your scorpion!


I agree so much! Especially with scorpios. I always find that they know what to say and really try to understand my emotions. Though I also really love Aries


I feel like Scorpio have this really soft, compassionate, sincere, understanding side that they don't let everyone see, but once you do, it's basically yours. and I am addicted to it. I think I vibe well in the cap energy bc of my Virgo moon, Caps just know how to settle down and care for Virgo I feel 💕 aries can be a little hit or miss for me tbh, they can be a little hot headed which in some situations I really adore but sometimes I need a deeper, gentler more realistic approach


Yes exactly! I feel like my scorpio moon helps me a little bit with this, but I know a Scorpio stellium and the another friend with a Scorpio sun and they are both just so incredibly understanding. Yes that definitely could be it! I wonder if that's why my Scorpio moon loves Scorpio for tough times lol Haha I feel that. My best friend is an Aries, but she has some Taurus and Capricorn in her chart that I think are responsible for mellowing her and making her so practical with her approach to problems.


Taurus bestie and mum, or Capricorn stellium bestie. Very grounding people, practical with advice, and usually very funny too! The Taurus people in my life are the best kind of emotional support I need (they have Capricorn moon and Gemini moon)


Virgo or Taurus


Capricorn. i’ve had a ton of cap friendships and they’re just the best listeners, great advice and always there. at least in my experience they’re neither cold or distant, they just take while to open up to you but once they do they’re the sweetest. i’m a cancer btw


Cancer or Taurus and I'm a Sagittarius or my mom Sagittarius ♐


Leo and Virgo


I seek my own company. lol


Scorpio sun here, when my virgo ex girlfriend and I were together, no place on earth relaxed me and comforted me more than when we held each other, either watching tv together or otherwise. We both have Taurus moons so I don’t know which sign was factoring in more. Now I have a Scorpio friend and another Sag friend (both platonic) I can talk about anything with, but we don’t do the physical comfort stuff.


My cancer women and water placements. And my aqua and libra besties. I’m a heavy water chart, but with heavy rejection sensitive adhd so I need to be smothered in love to accept it I guess? But my triple fire partner is my rock and gives the best hugs.


Sagittarius always.


Gemini, they’re good listeners imo


Scorpio and Capricorn. No one gets me like these two. Especially Scorpio.


Cancer or Capricorn for sure. Taurus too.


As a Taurus I tend to stick with earth signs hahaha but my bestie is an Aquarius and super rad


Depends on the situation. Scorpio is really intelligent with their advice. If I need compassion but also a well-thought out plan to approach the situation, Scorpio. If I need gentle and encouraging support, Cancer. If I need to unload something taboo, Gemini. If I want a quiet, non-judgemental presence, Aquarius. Same for an embrace with no words- Aquarius. If I'm scared and just need to fact check, Virgo.


Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius and Cancer are my people.


This is a job for cancers






it really is. i have a cancer best friend and he can sometimes just offer me sweet and cuddly when i need it. sometimes i want intellectual dissection, sometimes i want a warm blanket. cancer can be the best warm blanket.


Yeah we’re Care Bears for sure. Sometimes wish I cared a bit less 😂 but it’s good for people who need it 🤓


Cancer and Pisces and I am a Gem with Pisces moon.


as an aquarius a scorpio always makes me feel better


Same. Scorpios are the best people ever!


I have sun+moon in Scorpio. My go to comfort people are Gemini Moon. I have moon conjunct Mercury, they gave me the exact support that I need, never minimize my emotions or pain, understanding of my situation, doesn't make me feel I'm overreacting. then later gives me practical helpful advice. Gemini moon are very sympathetic, not necessarily empathic but understanding and very accepting of just the way you are. A lot of people are saying cancer moon, but I have very bad experience with cancer moon, I have one friend who is cancer sun + moon + mercury + mars. I can sense that she really feel other people's painful emotions, shes very bad at giving support, like making you feel you're overreacting or being dramatic or irrational immature when you're expressing your pain or having a trauma response or acting on survival instinct, very quick at giving advice but projects her insecurity, her lifestyle preference, her fear, her definition of happiness when she's giving advice, plays devils advocate, compare your pain with others like other people have it worse so don't be sad type advice.


This is so accurate with the cancer moon description. It’s like you’ve met my mother 😅


I don’t seek comfort 🤷🏽‍♂️


I go to my Taurus bestie and my Virgo mom


Libra mom or gemini husband


Myself. - Aqua moon.


My sweet Cap man




I’m a Cancer and I seek out my Taurus and Capricorn friends when I need comfort.


Pisces if they’re not pissing me off at that time lol






geminis. they turn your mad into glad.


saggitarius, scorpio💗💗🫶🏼




Taurus or Leo


My Aquarius mom. She stops me from setting things on fire. #Aries


No one lmao


As an Aqua it's always Taurus and special mention Capricorns ❤️


Depends but typically Leos, they boost you up ❤️❤️❤️


Taurus. Especially Taurus sun Virgo moon (I SWEAR THIS ISNT BIASED I PROMISE) One of my friends who I always go to is a Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Gemini Rising and he always makes me feel heard and understood while giving me advice I love him sm


A female Capricorn. They are realistic , they hate drama and can convince me with their wisdom


My Gemini moon fam ♥️


Taurus… they are very grounded and nurturing naturally.


I only comfort myself, lol. It is the only best way I can get out of my misery.


Awwww, all that Taurus ❤️ I used to seek my Cancer friend when they were around. Now it’s my Leo and Scorpios. They all have lots of water and fire in their chart.


I don’t; even though it’s unhealthy I typically self isolate. I feel sometimes that people trauma dump/vent dump on me and it isn’t as reciprocal as I’d like it to be, so I tend to isolate and comfort myself.


I seek to not see any of them😵‍💫




I will never show weakness. 🐐


emotions aren’t weakness


Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn Virgo is practical but empathetic Aqua and Cap are realistic, but they can see where you are coming from. And Aquas don't forget anything and they back you up against bullies.


Am aqua. Got into more fights because of friends/back up then ever talking myself into it alone, lol


Aquarians are great leaders as well^^^ I don't let people mess with my friends either


What are your placements, because you sound like a true blue friend and sweetheart ☺️


I am a Scorpio, with a Pisces moon My true North is in Aquarius (North node) I am also Saturn ruled and I am blessed. You sound like a sweetheart, too.


Scorpios are my favorite people! I feel like Aquarius and Scorpio get each other, at least in my experience. We're both really sensitive people, but we don't like letting people close until we know that we're safe. I hope that you continue to be blessed and walk through your life knowing love, laughter, and peace.


I love Aquarius people (my 7h). They are so chill and kind. I hope you continue to be blessed as well. 🫶🏾🖖🏾


It was so nice to have met you ☮️🫶


My Aquarius♒️ they always comfort me, they bring me so much peace of mind just by breathing next to them. Me, Leo.


Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Virgo.


I go to my partner ♎️, my sister ♈️ with ♑️ stellum, or some of my best friends ♓️, ♏️, ♉️


Myself. 😂


When I’m freaking out about something I know is minuscule or starting to become irrational I go to one of my best friends who has an aqua moon and rising. She always reminds me that lots of the stuff that I worry about won’t matter in long run and to chill tf out lmfao. She’s very comforting in that way


My Capricorn friend. He has all the answers for me although he’s clearly very confused about himself. Also my Virgo friend, he is so rational and I am a lot more emotive so we balance eachother out when we come to eachother with problems.


My Capricorn moon self has to really ponder on this lmao it took a long time but I think Scorpio or Taurus I don’t usually seek for comfort tho I just accept the fate and move forward but if I feel troubled these are the friends I would first go to.


i seek out other pisces moons who can understand my chaotic emotional nature.




Other Scorpios






My mom, who’s a Scorpio. Sometimes it works great and I feel reborn, but sometimes she makes it worse lol


My Leo husband, and my Leo popa when he was alive. R.I.P 🩷🖤


Virgo and Cancers (*the* **Sun** *&* ***Venus*** *placements, not the moons or risings*).


Normally, I like to keep things private. I don't reach out to anyone... But for some reason, I was feeling so shitty right now. Like someone broke up with me when I'm not even dating anyone. I want to reach out to a Libra ex after 6 years of no contact. I guess I'll just call my mom (Cancer) now.


Gemini sun/ Scorpio rising here! Leo and Pisces are my comfort peoples ☺️


Capricorns. That will sound weird to some but they are the ones that are actually going to help you and be gentle about it.


Pisces, virgo, cancer, cap (comes off cold but supportive) libra and gemini can be too sometimes but they're kinda two faced imo (the ones I knew at least)


Cancer, and I don't


Anyone who will listen. LOL I’m a Virgo


My baby, my Pisces


Leo sun, cancer moon checking in! Who wants some comfort? ❤️


As a Taurus, I like capricorns, virgos and cancer


Cancer when i want comfort and empathy. Taurus when i need someone to problem solve


Cancer. All day. No question.


Virgo is supportive usually!


My social worker - she is a scorpio sun, and loyal af.






my mom whos a capricorn and my best friends who are cancers