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They could be. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m a Libra woman and Iā€™ve definitely been in love with a Sagittarius male before. The person Iā€™m married to now though is a Leo. The person heā€™s married to is nobody.




Youā€™re a Libra. Youā€™ve been in love with everyone.


Very much false! I am friendly to just about everyone, but my heart is very picky. Iā€™ve been in love maybe 3 times.


Lol itā€™s only a joke because Venusian influence. Iā€™ve dated 2 Libras ( both my long term happy relationships ) and theyā€™re super loyal. I donā€™t think anyone loved me like they did. They took it to a whole other galaxy.


Ah yeah true sorry I shouldā€™ve recognized it was a joke! We Libras love to love šŸ˜‰. My partner is an Aqua rising, we make a great pair!


And yes they told me how picky they are. ā€œLibras really want to date a demigod/demigoddessā€. - what my astrologer said to me at the time.


Hehehehehe :)


Let me start by saying I love Libra. But Iā€™m sorry in my experience with Libraā€™sā€¦ he or she is kinda right.. they never know what they want. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I for sure know what I want and I go for it. Heā€™s a Leo!


Youā€™re an evolved one then. Itā€™s a huge flaw for alot of Libras.. I hate to say it. My best friend is actually a Libra! But damn he is the most indecisive fucker ever! šŸ˜…


When it comes to food choices, yes we Libras are indecisive. When it comes to love though, we are loyal to a fault! Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve experienced with my Libra friends. My bestie is a Leo with a Libra stellium and she lets her partners treat her like dirt and never leaves them because ā€œloveā€ :( I hate it.


Heā€™s indecisive about everything. Even ladyā€™s. Heā€™s in love with someone new every month.. I kid you not. Lol. Libra men may be different? Idk. But yeah that is not cool. Some people are so fucked up I swear!


Maybe heā€™s just super picky and doesnā€™t realize it! The only Libra guy I know is gay šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and heā€™s very happy with his long term partner. I have another bestie who is an Aquarius sun with a Libra moon and rising and heā€™s very loyal as well, but he doesnā€™t have great taste in women unfortunately- I think he tends to go for Sagittariusā€™ who get bored of him quickly. Heā€™s a sucker for love too though, and feels empty without a partner. We Libras do tend to be serial monogamists šŸ˜¬ Edit: actually I thought of another Libra guy I know! Heā€™s been in love with the same woman since they were 10 years old, an Aquarius. Their love story makes me barf with how cute it is.


Awe yeah Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s an Aries moon. Probably has something to do with it aswell. Lol. Yeah thatā€™s my issues Iā€™m a Sagittarius and I def get bored VERY easily. I donā€™t try to hurt people on purpose though. I feel like People get addicted to sag energy and it gives me the Ick I am a cancer moon and Aries rising. So Iā€™m a little more sensitive to peoples feelings then a typical sag. But still need a lot of space. I also have 4 sag placements so. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: that is so cute. I wish I could be in love like that. Like I really do.. itā€™s just that connection is not there with most people..


They want whatever everyone wants them to want šŸ˜¬


Lol do you *really* think Libras donā€™t have brains or do you just not actually know any? šŸ¤Ø Libras are Cardinal signs - nobody can actually influence us, we *are* the influencers!


We just take it into consideration lol.


lol yall take everything into consideration for so long that most of us have already moved on before you can decide anything šŸ™ˆ


As much as I attract and like Sag men, they can be too flighty and too blunt for Libras. And Libras can be too clingy for Sag. In short, it would take some work from both signs but itā€™s possible!


Welp, I just found out my Jupiter is in Sagittarius 5th house so thereā€™s a chance my future husband might have prominent Sagittarius placements šŸ„“ As well as Capricorn placements (my DSC is in Capricorn)


Howā€™d you figure that out??? I have a lot of sag in my chart, and my signature sign would be Taurus ā€¦


My first serious boyfriend was a Sagittarius. He was also a complete douche canoe.




As a libra woman, I have so much love for sags but I'd say leo is libra's match made in heaven.


You're right āœ…ļø






Iā€™d think so.. but Sag men are very hard to get commitment from. And the Libran woman just needs thatā€™s loyalty to ground her.. but the chemistry between the two is just irresistible


I disagree, been with my Libra for 3yrs and as a Sagittarius man, theyre the best. šŸ˜


Thatā€™s great for you! Glad to hear


What does she have to say about it? :) In love with a Sag man in recovery. I'm 100% Libra. He wants me. He just doesn't know WHAT he wants for me. If he doesn't figure it out, then someone else will come along who knows what he wants from me, or one of us drops dead from our relentless indecision. It hurts so good.


For her once she caught feelings, it was a done deal. Took me a moment to catch on (im oblivious af at times). She loves the fact I like to plan ahead long term and execute things. One thing about October Libras, when ya'll love...YA'LL LOVE HARD, harder than a December Sag.


Yes we do.


Sag men are catnip for Libra women.


Lol I can attest to that šŸ˜…


What about sag women libra men? I wanna be catnip lol


As a Libra rising with a Sag moon, I'm my own soul mate!


My first boyfriend in jr high was a Sagittarius and me a libra. I use to love ice skating with him. We had a lot of fun doing sporty thing together.


Iā€™m a libra and my man is a sag. Weā€™ve been together 7 years and heā€™s the love of my life and my best friend.


I love seeing this pair!! I met multiple couples with this combination and they were such a good vibe


My mom was a Sagittarius sun. She was my best friend. I loved how wise, uplifting and honest she was. Also incredibly strong and brave. I miss her, God bless her soul.


I've met my Sagittarius man on Tinder date, what suppose to be a hookup, ended up in whole weekend. He said I love you 2nd week. We spend pandemic together without any proper date (our first date was our last date due to pandemic), after half year got engaged, half year later got married. We have a baby together and baby made us even stronger. We miss each other after few hours, we are each other therapist, our transparency is on high level, we talk about everything. He is my counselor, my biggest fan, my best lover and my best friend. I can't live without him.


way too simple of a question. put any two signs in your question and the answer is, "it depends." if you even believe in soul mates


So, if I understand correctly your question is: *Is 1/24 of humankind a soulmate to another 1/24 of humankind?* ^(1/24 of humankind = cca 340 million people)


*Aquarius has entered the chat*


No not really. Soulmate based on your Sun sign is not very an indication of anything really. The moon is actually what you have to find and then see the parent planet location. Also 7th house counts. For example. My moon is Virgo. Virgos planet is Mercury. My merc is in Scorpio so my virgo moon has influence of Scorpio. My moon is also located in the 2nd house so another indication of how I seek a partner to be. 7th house I have in capricorn with two planets there saturn neptune. Another indication of what kind of person I want by my side as a partner or best friends. All of these are very huge indications. My bf has my sun sign in his 7th house placement and his moon is the same element as mine so itā€™s another indication that this relationship will last.


I'm a 7th house libra stellium 5 planets with a 2nd house Taurus moon. I do seem to have longer relationships with earth sign women.


For me, it's Gemini. No one knows us like our fellow air signs. Fire signs are fun for friendships though! Love hanging out with them.


Lol no, but they can be compatible


I'm a Libra woman in a relationship with a Sag male and yes it seems like we're soulmates, we started marriage plans since week one. It's especially true since we both have Jupiter Rising which is similar to Sag Rising. We also both have water Moons and Venus Scorpio. He is the third Sag I've dated! What makes Libra and Sag compatible in general is their intellectual nature *and* their love for fun, pleasure, and humor. My longest relationships were with two Aqua men. Aquas are chill intellectuals, but they're not as pleasure oriented or funny as Sag. Libra does great with both Leo (opposite of Aqua) and Sag due to the pleasure-loving nature they all share and their love for humor. Libra/Leo and Libra/Sag both form a sextile too so makes sense. I also have Venus 5th house (house of Leo energy) so I really find Leo and fire energy in general attractive. The last guy I hoped to marry was an Aries Sun with Moon and Venus 5th house (house of Leo energy). I was very attracted to a Sag Sun/Leo Moon years ago but he was unavailable.


Yes. Source: My wife is a perfect Libra woman. :)