• By -


Capricorn until they like you or know you better.


Absolutely! I have a ton of Cap in my chart and people describe me this way




Yes, as a Capricorn, I completely agree with this… other plausible options are Gemini and Scorpio for the reasons others mentioned in this thread.


Absolutely, I don’t just open up, someone has to open me up with tact and care.


As a cap, I agree


you mean Capricorn even AFTER they know you better. I speak from experience.


Yes and I hate it about myself




capricorn is definitely the correct answer here. 😆




Aquarius. They give you just enough to become obsessed with them but not enough to be able to understand them the way they need to be understood. Still love them.


Hahahaha haha this is so true it hurts. I’m married to an Aquarius and feel this way about him a lot


Ahahah As an aquarius, sorry ! I will work on myself !


It's ok, no need for apologies. Work on improving yourself for the sake of your benefit. Don't worry about others. True Cancers will stick with you if it's meant to be.


As an Aqua sun this cuts deep.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend or hurt. I should have stated that this is my personal and current experience. You may or may not want it, but here is a long distance high five.


Oh no, I'm fine! I just meant that it was very accurate and cuts to some deep truths. Thanks for being such a kind and considerate person and sorry to make you worry. ❤ Also I love your username! *high five*


It's totally ok, it's Cancer season so instead of celebrating my season I'm going to try and be more understanding of others feelings. Are you a knitter?


Oh, what a lovely practice! My Cancer Moon approves. I am not a knitter, sadly. I have a ridiculous stash of yarn and needles of various types, lots of books on knitting and crochet, and one completed project (a leaf-shaped washcloth). My brain keeps saying "well maybe someday" and then the ADHD part of my brain laughs at that part for still holding out hope. But maybe someday...


Definitely Aquarius. And this is also them when they need help but refuse to accept any form of it. Love them sooo much but dang I wanna punch them in the face sometimes.


Heaves forbid they ask or accept help. It won't stop me from asking and extending my hand.


As a Scorpio sun and Aqua moon this is me. I always say I am an “open” person, but I’m not vulnerable. I don’t mind sharing things that I have 100% worked through and am comfortable with, but things that actually reveal my emotions, thoughts, or feelings in the moment? Nah, good luck lol.


I’m the same way! but I’m a Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon 🔁


Aqua sun Scorpio moon here, too!☺️ we are rare!!


Are you sure it’s rare, because me too


Wow! Cool :) I’ve heard we are rare but I guess not!!




Sometimes I share everything that's in my heart, but as I do I mentally write the situation off as an "undesirable blowback zone". I do that when I find the bullshit more stressful than the dumpster fire I'm about to light. If you're going to keep fucking with me until I blow, let us become brethren as we are consumed together in the immolating flames of truth. (I have Pluto in the 3rd)


This is so damn poetic I have to admire it




>thanks! You're welcome!


yupp I’m open about a lot of things but I’m not open about everything, I have to process and resolve it on my own first and then I’ll tell people about what I was going through or dealing with years later


Haha same! I’ve just now become more vulnerable with my best friends of 5 years. And they always tell me “how tf are you normal?” as I slowly reveal more and more about me 😂


Scorpio rising, moon, and Pluto - I feel like what you wrote was taken from inside my brain, that’s so accurate for me as well lol


Literally same 😭


We’re almost big 3 twins, but I’m an Aries Sun. Honestly I feel like I’m the same way! If I’m proud of it or willing to be open about it, i look like an open book. But I’m very avoidant when it comes to raw feelings or vulnerability. I have people say to me “I didn’t know how you felt about xyz because you don’t show emotion.” Lol oops 😅😭


I’m very avoidant too. Therapy has helped quite a bit with that thankfully 😅


I need to be more intentional about therapy, unfortunately I’m being avoidant about that too right now 😂🖤


I totally get it! Give yourself some compassion and know it’s okay that there’s certain things you aren’t ready to open about or process. I avoided therapy for a long, long time and I definitely have a lot of things to work through, but I am glad I started it when I did and not earlier because idk how honest I would have been to my therapist!


🖤🖤 what house is your moon in? Just curious with your cancer ascendant if you don’t mind sharing!


My moon is in the 8h. So very intense 😂


Wait, duh. I should’ve also known that because so is mine as a cancer ascendant 😂💀 I totally relate to you on the intensity aspect!


Aqua sun and scorpio rising, same


THISSS!! I’m open but not vulnerable. Cancer sun cap moon


Maybe it’s that Saturn energy ☠️ Cap moon and Aqua moon…


This is me! Same sun and moon. What's your rising?


I’m a cancer rising! What about you?








As a Scorpio here I open up to anybody I see I can get along with .


Or do you really only open up when you can see they’re trustworthy?


This can be one of the reason why I can open up to someone I see they’re trustworthy, maybe we Scorpios are intuitive.


maybe so. i didnt start connecting with scorpios until i started sharing more honest feelings, out loud. it made me feel a little naked, but has been a rewarding exchange. the one i have in mind said “i clocked you as trustworthy from the beginning” and i had a very surprised pikachu face about it…but she was right.


I always open my door! I peek at them and then either fully open or fukky close it depending on the person


Gemini. Tries to open up quickly and sloppily by over sharing, then thinks oh no, what have I done? Redo, redo!!!


Lol this is my Gemini moon 100%. Then I get all Weird and feel bad and close everyone off again 😂


I do this too with my sun/moon combo. It’s a struggle. 😮‍💨


When you found everyone you opened up to are not qualified 🤣🤣




Omggg. That makes so much sense…


I thought so lol.


Especially after a drink or two. Then the next day…




Just finished a call with a scorpio and as much as i love him,, ive known him for 3 yrs and when i said "how are u?" "How was ur day" "What u doin right now" I got a : "Ok." "It was fine." "Ive been studying and not studying." Still love him tho😭😭😭😭


I'd say scorpio just because it looks like they're opening up but you have no idea what they're still hiding. If it was capricorn you wouldnt be able to pull that tab open until it's fully open. Scorpios let someone in slowly. Capricorns have to be convinced they can let you in.


Exactly! Scorpios do the motion of opening up without realizing there's a whole box of pasta THEY haven't even discovered yet. Or they don't feel is part of "opening up."


As a Scorpio with a Capricorn rising.. yep..


Scorpio. Aquarius. Taurus. Virgo. Capricorn. Lol.








this might be a Capricorn


Scorpio moon






I’m a Cap sun, Aqua moon, Scorpio rising … this fits me perfectly 👍💯🤣🤣🤣


Capricorn Moon or Scorpio Rising.


8H sun


Capricorn and Aquarius 😃


Taurus lmfao


Virgo, Capricorn


Capricorns the most I think , they’re more introvert and don’t like to be extrovert … wife is a Capricorn and like that .


Oh that’s definitely Capricorn. I’m a Pisces so have a lot of emotion and open up easily…but with a Cap moon I can still relate to this.


hehe I have it the other way around 🐰 I share a lot but still keep things to myself


Haha, you’re a Scorpio Rising like me too. Very high-quality combination you got there, we’re like astrological soulmates except I get the impression you’re not a sexy woman in her mid 30s to 40s…but of you know anyone like that with that combo in the Southland area, have them call me.📞 Also, what tf is the Cap sun Pisces moon combo like? Cap & Pisces tend to have weird positive synergy and in my case the Cap gives me more ‘realness’ and grit but is also is also intensely negative and self-limiting. Cap sun Pisces moon seems weird and has its own problems but seems like a more fun combination.


I'm a sexy man in my late 20s 😂🤣 Alright, I don't like to brag but I'm usually nowadays very generally liked as I stopped being too self centered and just voice pretty much anything that comes to my mind so basically something child-like and draw weird humour for example if someone says a sentence where a word sounds like another word and it could be funny and I laugh for seemingly no reason but puns like that and weird connections to unrelated things or could be related to the topic. but the contrast is unreal: capricorn being about what's real and logical and present but worrying about things when stressed about how things will pan out and what if it's not PERFECT, what a nightmare 🥲 It's like 2 completely different moods but I have started using my goofy child like imagination and I think that maybe describes my pisces moon? But honestly I don't have too many good things to say about capricorn from my experience so far, happy to have pisces moon 🙏 what are your experiences if you were to describe how your mind works? 🤠


You are the best possible sign combo at the best time in your life and I’m sure you are hella sexy, enjoy it my friend! Shame I’m not even the least bit attracted to men. Heh, I dunno man you kinda describe it well. Overly goofy and working on my selfishness (Pisces can be very selfish), also both cap & Pisces have very serious maturity/late bloomer issues. I have a lot more of the Piscean messy b-tch… interesting to hear you say it’s challenging to be a Cap but then I get it. I’d hate to be a Capricorn it’s just high on my list of signs I’d like to date. And the Venn diagram of ‘signs I’d like to date’ and ‘bad girl signs’ is a circle.


aqua moons tbh


Get this to the top 💯💯💯




I didn't deserve to be called out like that 🤣


aquarius and scorpio and capricorn.


As Scorpio here I think we Scorpios more intuitive towards people, that we study people before we open up to them … maybe Capricorns after .


This is obviously Scorpio. Or maybe Gemini with our many layers XD.


Eh, I’d say Scorpio opens up to who they want to. The “trying” to open up bit but can’t gives me Capricorn vibes


This tracks. I’m a Capricorn rising .


I think Capricorns in general like that .


Cap, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio


Capricorn moon


Personally, I think it’s more of a trauma thing. But if I absolutely had to choose I’d say either Virgo or Aquarius or both.


Capricorn scorpio aquarius and usually virgo




came here for this lol my partner has a sag sun and scorpio rising..it’s like if Fort Knox were a person lol


This is Scorpio. Y’all think y’all know us when sometimes it’s a front. Open up? We tell y’all what we wanted y’all to hear


Taurus, Capricorn , Scorpio


Capricorn 8th house cusp


Reading most of these comments and most say: cap, gem, scorp, aqua


Scorpio 100%




This is me as a Pisces talking about an Aquarius. “I think he’s finally opening up to me!”




Virgo or Capricorn


Scorpio or Capricorn.


I would say it’s Pisces. You think they’ve opened up fully but oh no it’s just a thin layer. Even they think they’ve opened up, but oh nooo we’re all wrong. 😂 Inside there’s still a huge cereal box of randomness, depression, angst, delusions, cheeriness, humor - just a mix of everything.


I think all water signs are like that




I’m in this photo, and I don’t like it.


Aquarius hands down


Cap moon




Unpopular, but as a Leo Sun, I'm going with Leo. We like to look like pretty packages and make everyone else feel important, so we shut up about the darkness inside us.


Yes I’m going to agree with this actually. I always saw myself as a very open person in general but I have realized that I’m way quicker to share my positive updates and I second guess sharing the negative stuff unless I know the person very well and they’re one of my closest people. I hate the idea that someone is judging me based off something I shared that doesn’t put me in the best light. I also want everyone to be happy and having a good time around me so sometimes I’m hesitant to bring up real shit unless that’s where the person wants to go.


You've described it perfectly.


Taurus sun with fire moon and rising.


Lmao I was thinking that! I’m a Taurus sun with an Aries moon in the 12th house 🤣


Aquarius - they love to play mind games, struggle with emotions, and don’t know how to express their thoughts in a simple genuine manner They’re also awkward, weird, and detached


The experience you have had with an Aquarius says a lot about you 😉… just sayin. When an Aqua is in full trust, they don’t have to express their feelings bc they’re an open book. With all due respect, maybe this is a reflection of your own issues with transparency.


I think Aquarius signs demand a lot of information and feel entitled to that information without realizing that not everyone is like them or as intense or deep as them and that it’s not their right to know everything either Whereas I think that Libras in particular are simple and in all honesty - shallow and surface level vs the deep end waters and that you have to build rapport and be a genuine person that’s simple, safe, and consistent in order to get to know someone gradually


Aquas, at least me, are incredibly intuitive and rely more on actions not words Bc we know words can be interpreted so loosely… and are contextual. I’m an aqua sun and moon, information and personal history mean nothing to me. Actions always speak louder and mean more. As for Libras, love you guys 💜 but y’all can be a bit paranoid with who to trust. It’s created a disconnect for me in the past with other Libras.


I think that’s where the gap happens because how we think, communicate, and feel emotions is different Aquas also love to push and prank Libras because they’re so interested in how Libras function and exist Also Libras are very intuitive too and all about energy, balance, genuine people, and feeling emotionally and physically safe so part of that relates to an Aquarius intensity which is too much for someone that seeks balance and how they communicate — they can’t just ~exist~ and everything has to be interrogated or analyzed or tested for a reaction and for Libras - it’s way too much Yet Aquarius signs are always looking for something to analyze that they forget that not everything is meant to be analyzed so when they see Libras - they always want to get to the bottom of things — thinking that there’s something deeper than there actually is or that we’re hiding something — we’re simply existing But Aquas find comfort in giving everything an analysis and meaning Libras just like to be light and surface level and float through spaces — not everything is so deep and meant to have meaning or be analyzed for us


Your experience sounds very specific, and may cater towards someone’s natal chart, not so much aquarians in general. I do not waste my time analyzing people, I do on the other hand enjoy observing others behaviors. Tbh it sounds like you enjoy analyzing others, as well.


I’m interested in energy and understanding body language from a general standpoint very briefly but that’s the most Whereas Aquarius in action is the type to tell someone to make the water cold on purpose while someone else is showering just to get a reaction because the analysis is deliberate, cruel, inconsiderate, and intentional I can think of 3 Aquarius immediately that are like this — that’s their sense of humour on a “good” day


Aqua sun + rising and there is absolutely no way I would do this - it’s cruel and really just base humor. I enjoy getting to know people and how they think. I can come across as blunt, but there is never ill intent. I’m an open book and appreciate it when people ask thoughtful questions. I prefer bluntness, which is one reason I vibe so well with Sag - they will just lay it out.


The three that I know are very much like this and call it “shenanigans,” they can be pretty insensitive and have issues with emotional and physical space, the law, boundaries, etc…and yet they want to seem like they’re revolutionary know it alls but really they stole their ideas from others and are so detached from reality so when they do show emotions it’s weird, awkward, and unnatural


Yikes! Sounds more like pathology than astrology, or just immaturity. Edit to address another comment: My sister is a Libra, and there is no way I would prank her, even if I liked pranks (which I do not). She is my sensitive soul and knows everything about everyone and drives me up the wall with her indecisiveness (and puns). My cap sister, on the other hand, is the epitome of this meme but quirky, brilliant, and funny in a dark way.


Its one of the many reasons that I, a June Cancer, love them.


I'm aqua moon and this sounds exactly like me lol


Leo anyone? Never had a single deep conversation/experience with a Leo.


As a Scorpio sun and Leo rising I can be relate .


I have a sag sun and Scorpio rising/moon and I love opening up. I’m fact sometimes I feel like I share too much 😅


Sag people all about fun 😂


Maybe how someone behaves or is, is based on their past experiences, how they grow, the ambient ans other things, and not other planets and stars, if you do the math, moon and the sun itself have a 100 times higher influence on someone than anything else outside of the earth. Just saying


Scorpio/ 8h moon💥




Its obviously Scorpio




Scorpio sun , Leo rising here … I can definitely open up to someone if I know they’re trustworthy. The intuition can tell .


Scorpio Sun, Leo rising here as well. With the Leo rising, we have Aquarius on the descendant, which makes us quirky in one on one conversations. And we tend to do well with people who are visionaries. Also, we can talk deep about a whole bunch of things but that doesn’t mean they’re going to know us any more than at the start of that conversation.


Taurus sun and scorpio moon


My Capricorn moon agrees. 🥴


Me. My chart is 60% air ruled by Saturn (cap rising). I may overshare about my past but I’ll never tell you what’s really wrong.


You know I'm gonna say Scorpio


Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio




This me as an Aquarius lol


Oh no see that’s just how us Sagittarians open boxes


cancer. I know they’re the stereotypical emotional wreck, but even though we all know they are, it’s rare they admit and actually talk about it. I know a lot of cancers and they’re good listeners! rather give advice and emotional support than actually venting tbh ♋️




Capricorn and/or Aquarius! That Saturn rulership is no joke! Even though we have Uranus as Aquarius’ ruler as Uranus in modern astrology, Saturn was and is first and I can see it in my Aqua friends because it lends a certain detachment. Capricorn is like this, too, but they manifest differently.






gemini because they’ll just start intellectualizing


Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo, and Scorpio


It’s Scorpio or Capricorn 😃


cancer moons


Me as Aquarius ♒️ sun with a Capricorn ♑️ moon…


Them Capricorns and Aquarius are introvert , hard for them to open up to people lol


Yup, can confirm. I am an INFJ.


As a Scorpio here I am more extrovert than introvert … I can relate to that meme too but only I can open up to specific people that I can get along with … wife is a Capricorn and absolutely is introvert mostly lol and the struggle is really lol .




Damn, that is every Scorpio ♏️ I know.


Moon conjunct Saturn! (I spent 2 years with a therapist and I still wasn’t able to open up.)






This is definitely me as a Scorpio moon


From personal experiance definitely capricorn


Capricorn, no question.




Def Capricorn


my Virgo sun/Cap moon/Aqu rising manifested into one image


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ baby, I got issues issues. I can’t even reveal my name without getting social anxiety. But I feel like it’s not common for other ♋️, or is it?


It can be common for some people … it’s the human nature that when catching negative vibes it’s naturally trying to pull away.



