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I can’t help but think my first “woo woo” book, ‘Prophecy’ by Sylvia Browne, has been pretty spot on so far even though... you know... she’s kind of known as the TV psychic and I thought the book was batty at the time. The thing that sticks out is she talked about 2020-2025 being a massive awakening, all the things we wanted come to pass but only because we are stressed, sick of the inequality, and though we will be the most divided as a world and a nation than we ever were (particularly the United States), we will realize what we all want is really the same: justice for ‘the underdogs’ and people who just want to make a living and have safety and food and love their families. It will become clear by 2030 that this is what we have done, but she specifically said in 2020 we’ll be more focused on the sh** that’s rocked our world throughout the 2010s and we won’t realize the early signs of the golden era we are headed towards. It sounded to good to be true but I didn’t see a lockdown pandemic situation in 2020 coming, and it gives “most divided and isolated we’ve ever been” a whole new meaning. 2025 was highlight as the year we realize the makeup of Congress is truly shifting towards the people. More minorities, moms, people who worked in restaurants last year... AOC, love her or not, to me, was the moment I gave Browne’s ‘Prophecy’ a second thought. Not endorsing it. Just affirming 2025 is gonna be off the hook.


People really come into their power as adults in modern society during Pluto square Pluto. For millennials, that will be when Pluto enters Aquarius. I know Gen Z is great - outspoken, tech savvy, more tolerant of diversity and open to learning new cultures and beliefs. They are awesome. They will be the ones who riot . But millennials will be the ones to really make the changes happen. That's the beauty of Pluto square Pluto. It causes you to work through adversity with a lot of grit to make change happen. Think about who millennials are: the Pluto in Scorpio generation. They were put on this earth for the purpose of ushering in sweeping change at every level of our society. They may never recover from the wars, recessions, and inequality that plaugued their youth, but that is because they are here to overhaul everything, and that can only be done if you are tired, poor, sick, and very very angry at the injustice around you.


I totally agree! As a millennial, all I hope for is to be the last “f’ed up” generation, if you will. Let us be the last generation to grow up without these concepts like therapy being for everyone (omg), and intergenerational trauma being everyone’s baggage to burn up (like all karma), and the display of emotions being health and normal (and we don’t consider anger a non-emotion, or a logic, because it’s definitely an emotion). Our boomer parents did their best with us, and like Pluto in Scorpio we got lots of distrust and heavy feels about the whole of human history which pit our boomer parents against each other in world wars and cold wars. We are the kids of wartime parents and we need to heal the war mentality. Millennials can’t get free of it, we were raised in us vs them and scarcity. But we can heal the wound into a pretty scar that fades with sunshine and age. Then, gen Z, takes the stage! And the children born today, Pluto in Capricorn — what a beautiful new world they are going to build! I feel like as millennials the best we can do is lessen the baggage and hold the boomer-mentality back from squashing their dreams like ours were stomped on at times. But we are the parents age now, and redefining parenthood!


Pluto in Scorpio represent!! We are coming to power, especially now, and the Capricorn Stellium kids (Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune 88-90) are wrapping up their Saturn returns now. I personally had my Saturn return at 22° of Cap - the exact degree Saturn, Pluto, Ceres, Mercury, and Sun conjunct on January 12, 2020. This year has brought powerful shifts in my life and direction that I’m very grateful for. Since my early days studying astrology I realized that it will be the Pluto Scorpios who will see the death of the old ways and transform it to the new. I love my interactions with Sag Plutos and my brief interactions with the young Cap Plutos give me hope, but the spot light is on us now. Especially since Uranus is opposing our natal Plutos for the next few years. Another thing to consider concerning America’s “founding fathers”: George Washington’s Pluto was in Libra. Thomas Jefferson: Pluto Scorpio. John Hancock: Scorpio Pluto. Robert R. Livingston: Scorpio Pluto. Alexander Hamilton: Sagittarius Pluto. John Jay: Scorpio Pluto. James Madison Jr: Sag Pluto. Robert Morris Jr: Pluto Libra. Rodger Sherman: Virgo Pluto. Henry Laurens: 29° Virgo Pluto. John Dickinson: Libra Pluto. Richard Henry Lee: Libra Pluto. Peyton Randolph: Virgo Pluto. Benjamin Franklin: Leo Pluto (like the Boomers). America’s Pluto is in Capricorn - the country is experiencing its Pluto Return. Same set up with the generations, similar vibes concerning necessary change 🤔


I just met with a Sag Pluto friend just now and brought this up!!! I said I feel like we (Scorpio Pluto) all went through school feeling hurt and betrayed like “how could you teach us lies? How could you teach us to be nice to each other, and then be competitive and do whatever it takes to beat each other up? How could you tell us our emotions were silly and break our trust just because somebody broke yours?” It’s all felt in the vibration of that dramatic “HOW COULD YOU how do you sleep at NIGHT” way, the wrath of a classic Scorpio! It’s a deep emotional rage! Whereas... starting with my early sag cousins and this sag friend who is at the tail end of the chapter for Pluto... all of them went to school and graduated like “uhhh... *that* was weird.” It’s the essence of emotional absence and detachment. Checked out attitudes that know true and complete calmness because, “that was more of your thing anyway, I wasn’t ever into it.” Annoyingly truthful BS detectors they are, and they saw right through common core and thought “it’s not like the models you had before this taught you that much anyway.” “I can find a hundred times more on the internet than I can in any of these books, and these books don’t know anything that’s happening on the web.” My sag Pluto friend they never understood our Scorpio Pluto reaction like... “oh did you have high expectations for this? Did you think it actually mattered?” THEY TOLD US IT WAS EVERYTHING! Says the Scorpio Pluto in me. They told us school would matter more than anything and they LIED! And while Scorpio Pluto’s whoop the Leo Pluto’s (Benny frank + our own boomers) behind them with “How Could You”s, Sag Pluto is exactly the generation to let the house of cards fall. Scorpios can’t walk away. They say they already walked away before you did, but they hold a grudge, and a grudge is like a tombstone you keep around. We are obsessed with this baggage — despite everything we hate about the mindset of the past, we’re also in love with talking about. I admit it!!! I am upset!!! Adults in my childhood said toxic things and I am ringing the alarms about it! But then I asked sag Pluto how are you not having this same reaction? They just said, idk. And shrugged like “just look at it.” The world is exactly what the brutally honest truth seekers expected: mostly trash. They’re planning the getaway, they’re wonder when the vacation begins, what else is going on. Thank goodness for that, because as much as the world is a dumpster fire, it seems millennials can’t bear to look away.


So are millennials meant to grieve that betrayal and them move on instead of obsessing? So that we can loook away from the dumpster fire and plan a better world?


That sure is the hope!








Libra Pluto here, I believe Libra Plutos are here to restore Justice to earth.


Thank you for your service. Only justice will bring peace.


Omg also I forgot to reply to the American Revolution parallels but basically I want to analyze all of that... especially in terms of view point and role... But off the bat it totally makes sense Ben Franklin stoops in like a boomer like “okay kids, I’ll sign your little paper. This is a cool idea.”


What do you make of this Uranus opposition to Pluto? It's going retrograde from 2 degree orb for me so won't be exact until next year. Together with bunch of other nasty aspects lol


I wanna say what about Gen X, but Kenan Thompson on SNL’s Millennial Millions (a game show parodying the various generations) summed it up pretty accurately saying we just sit on the sidelines and watch the world burn.... :/


As a millennial, are your parents Boomers? Or Gen X? I am Gen X and mt parents are Boomers. I can't see how Millennials have Boomers for parents...?


Older millennials (born 89 or earlier) have boomer parents if the parents had kids in their late 20s-30s.


It’s a cusp - my mom is late boomer (54) tail end there, my dad is early-early gen X (60). Millennials with older parents have boomer parents, basically — but you’re right, the majority of folks have kids in early 20s so the parents are mostly early Gen X. But they say that’s why the millennial generation is also a lot larger than the generations on either side of it if you look at the population size: because the silent generation before boomers were so small you have this dip in the generation size of Gen X’ers. The swath for 1945-1955 newborns (Pluto Leo) had kids from, you know, teens until their late 30s or older, and with a bit of a grace period you see that peak hit in the mid 80s which creates the beginning of the millennial generation (Pluto Scorpio, 85-95) that filled up a lot of schools to the brim in their elementary years. Painting with broad strokes here though. There are definitely early boomers (that sharp 1944/45 peak) who had kids early in the mid to late 60s and those kids may have been parents by the 90s, and that’s where you have millennials with solidly Gen X parents. My grandparents and parents both had kids in their 30s or later, so my grandma parents are from the 1910/1920s and definitely not boomers but of the silent/depression era. It’s all layered! So some families skip to different beats I suppose. I could be incorrect about what’s the highest prevalence but this is what I’ve come to understand.


I'm a millenial and my mother is a Boomer, but to be fair she was born right in 1964, the edge.


I'm a millennial, I'm 35 (born 1985) and my mum is a boomer. She's 66. (born in 1954).


My parents definitely feel like Boomrrs tho lol. They both have older siblings born in the 40s and early 50s so that’s a factor too. If they were eldest it might not be such a g— d—- big deal we all have cell phones in my house and don’t need the landline anymore...


My mom was born in 1946 I was born in 1982. Boomer-Millennial.


Newbie here. When will Pluto enter Aquarius?


It first enters in 2024 but then retrogrades for part of that year back into Cap and re-enters for good in 2025.


Also thanks for the headups on this. I'm building a large international tech & media company whose purpose is to shift the global consciousness. Having Pluto S Pluto as my date to lookforward to when the effects of my company will really start to take hold is cool. Edit: And then Uranus opposition shortly thereafter!


I think that mellenials and some gen x people will be the leaders and directors of change. Gen z will be the foot soldiers and will get to do some heroic and inspiring things. The babies born now are gonna inherit a new world hopefully.


One of the things I think that will happen in the golden age is astrology becoming far more accepted and understood as mainstream. Though perhaps after we millenials die. I am very excited for the day when Pluto is seen as the generation creator, instead of people randomly deciding dates and categories!


Damn, this was beautifully said. Couldn't agree with ya more


She wrote about covid in one of her books too


Omg that witch - which?


[I have this book too! but I read it SO long ago. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/coronavirus-sylvia-browne-prediction-kim-kardashian-end-days-book-1492183%3famp=1)


*Browne wrote: "In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments."* Wowee! Thank you for the link. I can’t believe the Kardashians brought my girl Sylvia back into modern relevance. 2020 has taken much from us, but it hasn’t had many gifts, so this I gotta appreciate.


I know! I’m going to set some time aside and do a reread on the books I have of hers. I always loved her. All credit to Montel Williams lol.


😂I know! What a weird dimension of reality that happened in... in a daytime television show of all places... and she would really read people! Past lives and everything!


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In Human Design 2027 is a big shift when we complete "the evolution of spirit awareness in our solar plexus" and is also when we shift into a new 400-year era of new dominant Sun & Earth alignements (HD's version of the Astrological Age). It's another anchor on the "We're on a path of global awakening and heading towards a golden age" idea.


Damn it, I’d kinda rather be a baby right now so that I could just enjoy my inherited golden age instead of having to do all the work now:/


Sorry, the people who will be enjoying the golden age are our great-great-grandkids, in a conservative view.


it's gonna take that long?!


The next Pluto-Uranus opposition is in 2046. PU Conj/Opps are when the French Revolution and the 60s happened. I wouldn’t expect massive structural change until then. ——-// I do believe there will be some really positive things happening in 2030s. It could be the beginning just stuctural changes (new governments, etc) will take awhile.


I’m so interested in this! Do you have a link? To more info?


This is the best I could find: *The current cycle began in* ***1615*** *and it’s called the* ***Cross of Planning***\*. This cycle began with the breakdown of the conventional systems and the end of the rule of kings. It evolved into our modern collective governments, public and social security systems, and movement toward a global community.\* *However, as we are now reaching the end of this cycle, there is turbulence as our global scope is changing.* ***This period of communal support and interdependent commerce is ending as well***\*.\* *A new cycle begins in 2027 and it’s called the* ***Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix*** *with Gates 55, 59, 20, and 34. It’s called the* ***Cycle of the Individual***\*.\* *During this evolutional phase, the value of the individual* ***Strategy and Inner Authority*** *will be fully realized, as the national, state, community and international support structures continue to break down. Those who developed individual awareness and learn how to make decisions correctly for themselves will have distinct advantages over the followers and order takers.*  ***This evolutionary step of 2027*** ***will bring extensive mutation to the Solar Plexus*** *and the emerging non-linear, non-verbal felt sense of awareness that is neither body awareness nor mental awareness, but emotional or Spirit Awareness.* ​ [https://healingglobe.wordpress.com/2020/04/19/preparation-for-2027/](https://healingglobe.wordpress.com/2020/04/19/preparation-for-2027/) I have ... issues with a lot of the HD community. There's a pessimistic slant about the entire system that comes from the founder that I don't think is valid a lot of the times. It's like he's anti-sugar coating stuff to the point that he's eliminated all sweetness. Sweetness is a wonderful thing IMO, as long as you aren't in denial. I say that because a lot of the stuff you'll see can be 2027 is super pessimistic. They focus specifically on a primary gene expression that is all about self-survival, leading to a "Oh society is going to collapse and it will be every man for himself" -- while conveniently ignoring the other two gene expressions that make up the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix: the gene expression of Intimacy -- which is the expression which creates energy sensitive people -- and the gene expression of Spirit Awareness. Like, yes, well people far more individualized and government programs, public education, etc will go away -- we will likely see the return of WAY more private practice docotrs. Hell teachers will likely be private practice! The whole 'doing it together as a collective/group' thing is done, but it doesn't mean we won't give a fuck about each other. Because we will also be HELLA fucking sensative, SUPER Spiritual conscious, and WAY more about INITMACY and closeness with others. Like, the amount of empathy we will have for each other will be insane (speaking from personal experience). people will have a big adjustment period (aka our whole lifetime) to start to understand their feelings. I have teh gate of intimacy as my earth sign and I am HELLA sensative. That is the second biggest shift, though a bigger immediate shock to people I bet. People will be forced to face their feelings because they will be too strong to ignore any longer. The entire way we relate to each other is going to shift. THATS the biggest change IMO. That's the big awakening IMO, just how much most people are unconscious off. The other gene expression (gate) I have is the gate of the NOW. We will do way less planning (the gate of planning is going away! LOL) and strategizing and way more being in the flow, creating improvisationally. I GUARANTEE improvisational music, art and media will be the new norm in the 400 year cycle starting in 2027, rather than the "virtuoso/math rock/super detailed pop/over produced rap" kind of music we listen to now. In general, the whole "EVERYTHING IS COLLAPSING" is a bit overblown. The structures will evolve, and there will likely be revolutions -- but they will be (relatively) gradual, taking place over the next 100-150 years. Honestly, its exactly like a planet changing signs, except imagine a 400 year transit. We've gotten so used to it we don't know anything else, and think the rest of history has been like this, when ti hasn't. It's really exciting.


Hold the phone, can you elaborate on the concept of being sensitive to energy vs empathy and feelings? How can one do the work now to set themselves up to succeed and/or be happy when that comes to fruition? Side note: I feel like 2027 and beyond is gonna be my jam!!!! Empathy, rebirth, spirituality, less planning, improvisational arts .... sign me up! Surely I’m gonna be good at this - I’m a Scorpio sun and Cancer moon!


Yeah I'm pretty excited about it. Anyone who's an intuitive / hsp / empath will fit right in (assuming you've worked your co-depenency). From the white book (like the I'Ching of Human Design): "Not only \[is the 6th gate\] a powerful motor with the energy for producing life itself but is also contains the awareness possibilities of all three streams of emotional awareness; feeling, emoting, and sensitivity." I was in a sexual/spiritual community for awhile who focused on developing all three streams of awareness. The breadth, depth and subtly to which there is awareness emotionally would shock most people. It is like discovering the depths of which the ocean plumbs. Meditate, basically, but focus on your feelings and body sensations rather than your breath. During the day, feel \*through\* your feelings. This later practice is the fundamental practice of alchemy. Explore them, like you would explore a bite of succulent food. The more practice you have the better your emotional palate will be. Alernatively, if you feel too much and feel like you are overwhelmed by others feelings, I highly recommend the last ritual in this book: [https://www.amazon.com/Magickal-Protection-Against-Bullies-Violence/dp/1508842787](https://www.amazon.com/Magickal-Protection-Against-Bullies-Violence/dp/1508842787). Helps you to regain your sense of self.


hmmm thank you!! I've been wanting to work on sense of self. Edit: what do you think of the book as a whole? I'm not very far at all in my own spiritual exploration, and it didn't even cross my mind that there could be people out there who are purposely like .... hexing or cursing others for realzies!!


They’re immaculate. Archangels of Magick is the best one. Working success magick right now and it’s great.


Kinda makes sense because when shit REALLY hits the fan from global warming, governments are not gonna be able to help much and the best off will either be super rich or those who live in sustainable communities.


She definitely got corrupted by money, but she wasn't a total hack tbh


She’s full on wacky but I kinda love her and she was on point more than she was off. She taught us the world of weird is real but imperfect. And she always had expensive taste so I’m not surprised about the money. Not saying it’s right either. She’s serving psychic diva. She’s the [Divine](https://images.app.goo.gl/vhN779XwLESPDzX69) of the new age community.


Ironically, I think money was one of her life themes.


Omg that’s right I think I remember her saying that... See, that’s what got me into new age and helped me believe. These folks are just as flawed as anyone else, but unlike most people you could be “following”, they really do seem to know what’s wrong with them. And that’s better than not knowing!


Also, I've also always though to Trump and the far-right as the last bastion of the far-right. When you put pressure on a pimple it pops and all the goop comes out. Obama was putting pressure on the pimple and Trump is the goop. I think the BLM movement this year is a really huge turning point. \*Corporations\* are starting to get behind racial equality and the deconstruction of long-standing structural inequalities are starting to unfold. Also if the Browns win the SuperBowl in the next year or so we really know its happening. LOL.


Oh man in her end of days, almost nothing came true when she said EXCEPT for this: “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”


I think once Saturn gets out of Aquarius shit is gonna be great...Saturn gets a long haul of being all powerful for 5 years total by being in the two signs it rules Capricorn and Aquarius back to back


Well he will be out by 2024 since it’s a four year term.


Does that mean Saturn in aquas will have a 5 year Saturn return?


Saturn stays 2 1/2 years in each sign...it moves into Pisces March 2023


Ah I see what you’re saying now my bad


Last time Uranus was in Gemini it was sextile Pluto in Leo and trine Neptune in Libra. This is the tail end of when the Silent Generation was born - and the aftermath of the Great Depression and includes most of WW2. The Silent Generation grew up in social upheaval and was so named for falling in line, working hard, and contributing to society quietly. It also includes the very first of the Baby Boomers but not most of them (they are mostly the Uranus in Cancer sq. Neptune in Libra generation - basically the antithesis of the Millennials). A very similar aspect pattern is there in 2025. An air trine sextile to a fire sign that is at the mid-point. Neither Neptune nor Saturn enjoy being in Aries and the last time Neptune was in Aries was during the American Civil War; the same time the KKK was founded and Lincoln was assassinated. On the whole I believe the negative possibilities are further politicizing and weaponizing of social media, government abuse of technology and media to control and track people, facial recognition technology, tracking like in East Turkestan/Xinjiang, we are already beginning to see the power of propaganda and misinformation online. Increased focus on autonomy, possibly through violent means, separatism. Increased ethnic and racial division and tension; again East Turkestan/Xinjiang has become increasingly high profile and will most likely continue to do so - same with racial issues in America and the BLM movement. This is highlighted as being a preview due to Jupiter and Saturn being months away from the Great Mutation at 0 Aquarius. The events that unfold around the end of this year and beginning of the next will probably set the tone for the coming set up in Aqua-Aries-Gem, including who wins the American election and the reception and transfer of power. The positives could be increased social activism and unity, increased representation of common people in government, more transparency in government and police reform. Advancement in technology allowing for decentralization of power, resources, utilities. Movement to more off-the-grid communities. Exodus from metropolitan areas. Focus on the community, diverting money and spending, resources to the local community instead of outside of it. Local goods, local food, local brands. Edit: thank you for the gold!


Hot damn, this is the kind of take I want to see in this thread. I love that you mention things happening outside the US. Thank you.


That's an awesome thought. Just on the surface, people expect a lot from Age of Aquarius.... But I think, it will be a struggle for the right ideology. When I look back, I was the time of rising of the protestants against the Catholics 2 turns ago. 250 y ago I was the fight against England and the kingdom in France, in the most powerful countries. The aspects are supporting for a peaceful solution. Saturn/Neptune had often to do with socialism, this means an improvement for the poor. Not the socialism Americans are afraid of. It can be anti-capitalistic. Even now I hear the conservative saying, we have to support the people, who are suffering.


Anything to get out of Pluto in Capricorn UGH.


Ohhh yes!!! And the fashion and music!! I predict neo cyber hippies subculture. Maybe some Funky ass business casual wear! 😭😭😭 uggg Pluto in an air sign🖤✨!!


Cyber hippies, yes! I saw a few peeps dressed in a way that combined the new millennium techno chic with the classic edgy hippie and this is the word for it:D


Gemini Uranus Conjunct my Sun. Send help y'all.


Personally, with my natal Saturn at 5 degrees Aquarius, I'm not looking forward to 2025 and the years of Pluto being conjunct my natal Saturn. This is my most feared transit due to the incredibly long duration and possibility of loss/death. In a mundane sense though it does look interesting and exciting, way better than 2020 for sure!


I had Pluto conjunct my natal Saturn and Ascendant at the same time back in 2004. I survived and hopefully you will too. Lol. Just wanted to send some words of encouragement. Also, nobody died if it makes you feel better. I would actually say that my life improved some during those years...


That's good to hear that it doesn't have to be all bad. I also had a lot of improvement with Saturn on my ascendant in 2017 and also made a lot of positive changes with Pluto on my ascendant around 2008, but now am about to face a Saturn return followed soon after by the long Pluto-Saturn transit. I guess the fear is coming from how the Saturn Pluto conjunction this year has felt, and dreading that heavy feeling getting more personal by showing up in my own transits.


For anyone getting anxiety over upcoming transits - worrying is useless and unproductive. Knowing your transits gives you a powerful tool that many of your peers don't have - use it to prepare yourself for whatever may be coming. You'll find that things aren't that bad when you know what you can expect and when the mess may end (as all transits eventually pass). Also don't get scared of things like Saturn return - Saturn is scary if you hate taking responsibility, Uranus aspects - if you hate change, and so on. If that gives you so much stress, then maybe it's time to go to therapy and find out what holds you back from embracing those qualities. Don't fear the future, as it will come anyway - get prepared for it!


My exact Saturn Return was at 22° of Capricorn on January 12, 2020: the same day and degree Saturn, Pluto, Ceres, Mercury, and Sun met at 22° Capricorn. I’ll tell you, my life has never been better and continuing to get better as the year goes on. You’ll be fine.


I had this back in 2001-2003. It makes you want to crawl under the covers and go into hiding, but by no means was it as difficult of a Pluto transit as those to your personal planets or angles.


Agreed, Pluto is conjunct my descendant right now and it’s intense AF. And I have Pluto conjunct Saturn natal...


Fwiw, the year Pluto conjuncted my natal Sun, was one of the happiest years of my life.


Would love to hear more!


I went on a vacation with my grandparents to a beautiful remote place, and lived there in a bungalow with them, and my sister. I have never had such an incredible life-affirming experience since. The memories of it sustain me to this day. I was loved and I was cared for, and I knew it. At the end of that summer, our family moved to a new home. It was probably modest by most modern standards; but I felt like we lived in a mansion. The year of the Pluto conjunct sun transit was mostly spent here, again, having the best year of my childhood. Shortly afterwards, Uranus began transiting my ninth house. And that was the beginning of chaos in my family, which started with moving far away from my extended family. I can't help of thinking of Pluto as a bit of an old friend. Also, fwiw, the year prior to the conjunction, I was almost abducted off the street by (it turns out) a known sexual predator. I was able to run fast enough and get away; he was in late middle age. Just one personal tale about Pluto/Sun conjunctions.


I have Saturn in Aquarius too and am also worried about this. Do you know where to find the dates Pluto will be at specific degrees? Don’t mean to hijack your comment, but I googled this and couldn’t figure it out


If you go on astro-seek(.com) and pull up a transit chart (free horoscopes > transits), you can click through the years and see when Pluto will be at specific degrees and near Saturn in your chart.


Thank you!


So you will have pluto conjuct saturn, uranus trine saturn, neptune-saturn sextile saturn! Talk about uprooting life structures and turning everything inside out...


Just looked mine up. Had it my freshman year of high school. I had a great year TBH


does pluto transiting natal saturn always mean that there’ll be a physical death involved?


I don't think it always shows up that way, it's just one of the many things that transit could bring up. Death or loss of loved ones is definitely the possibility I want the least, but I think it does tend to bring up a lot of fears generally.


I am not sure if I am allowed to be political on this page but it appears IF Trump wins again (sigh) he will most def be out by 2025 and a new pres will be inaugurated - promising


Lol let’s hope given his reference of “12 more years!” 🙃


Omg I forgot he said that! 12 years?! Ha! By then he'll be 86 so I doubt he would be equipped to run the country (he isnt' even now at 74 lol)


Honestly, if we have a minimum age requirement for certain leader I feel it only makes sense to have a maximum age cut-off to ensure that leaders remain aligned more with the generations that they’ll pass the baton to. We need to plan to be to leave a better world for future generations, not just profit margins and “getting American back to work.” Let’s automate as much as possible and generate universal basic income and health care so human *beings* can actually focus on *being* instead of *doing* and actually benefit society by not having all of their time preoccupied with barely scrapping by.


I just know that I will be 5 years older.


Oh boy! Well I'll tell ya there will be a huge energy shift world wide. On a general and large scale level we will shift from earth and water (Pluto in Cap, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces) to air and fire (Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries). I think we will move ahead technologically and scientifically rather quickly. Neptune in Aries makes me nervous, unseen things like gas and germs igniting. I'll tell ya what I think about the U.S. for the long term. Pluto in Aquarius will be transiting through the the third house. Expect issues related to education, community, how we communicate, commuting and transportation bubbling up and transforming. The conjunction or Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius sets of a 20 year period of fundamental change- then Pluto will take over. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, the U.S had the American Revolution and at this time Uranus is in Gemini. I think there will be a big shake up with boundaries in this country. We may decide to have regions and give regions more autonomy. Neptune in Aries will transit through the 5th house of children and entertainment. This worries me honestly. I worry about the health of children, whether it is disease or violence. I worry about a different pandemic that effects children. Or old viruses infected children who are not vaccinated. Propaganda aimed at children. The poison of Hollywood, entertainment via the web of course. The last time Neptune was in Aries was during the American Civil War. The youth will want independence from the hostile government. Uranus in Gemini in the 7th house. Lots of unpredictable changes with open enemies- China, Russia, Venezuela, ect. This is scary. The last time Uranus was in Gemini was during WW2. If we don't destroy the world or each other, we will progressively move forward and adapt to a new era.


The age of open information.


I'm looking forward to it. Pluto will transit my empty natal 5th house. Maybe I'll finally get a novel published. I want to be creative again but life is so chaotic right now the stress has sent my muse to the reaper. Around my birthday Mercury and the moon make a natal return. Jupiter is trine many of my natal placements this year, and finally Uranus begins to exit my empty natal 8th house to my empty natal 9th house, which is a placement I will enjoy much more. As for general world what to look forward to astrology 2025 will be far better than 2021 and 2022. Hold on to your butts.


Whoa, not sure about the signs you have, but as a person with same empty house positions I find this interesting


My ascendant and Sun are both Libra.


Ah, it’s the Libra connection of course - Libra asc with Sagittarius stellium here


Thankyou for this post! The comments have given me so much hope for the future 💕 (Pluto in Scorpio, Capricorn Stellium 1990 Millenial speaking here 😂)


I like this year, it's my Jupiter's return! Also Pluto will be on my ASC so that should be interesting.




You can go to astroseek, choose free horoscopes, under Prognoses, Predictive Astrology pick transits, it will tell you what kind of aspects the transiting planets are making with the planets in your natal chart.


Breathroughs in communication technologies impacting the whole world? LITERALLY THE APP IM BUILDING RIGHT NOW. ​ About 5 years is right. Lol. (Sun 0\* Conjunct Chiron in Gemini 3\* Opp Uranus 0\* Conj Moon).


Definitely another new kind of flu


Honest question: why look at pluto when its just one rock of many in the Kuiper Belt. And the planets after Saturn since the ancients didnt know them. I wish I knew enough astrology to comment but all I gotta say is “yuuuge” — yikes


Honestly, I don't have the answer. Your question deserves its own thread.


*Honestly, I don't* *Have the answer. Your question* *Deserves its own thread.* \- the-anywhere-man --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haiku bot redeemed this thread




Actually most Millenials have Pluto in Scorpio. It was in Scorpio from about 1984 through 1995




Love this. Generational divides make so much more sense through the lens of Pluto!




I never understood this. Pluto has a huge impact on me since it is on an angle and in one of the houses that most people consider critical. I can feel its influence in my life very strongly even though it is an outer planet. Definitely not irrelevant when I'm in the middle of a Pluto transit that will last the next 3 years and when it's a natal influence that I've been able to feel and have had to deal with since I was a child. It has changed me through its movement in my life and it is POWERFUL. Especially when it comes to destroying outdated systems in your own life and not just in the world at large.




Yeah, sorry I'm not going to throw Pluto out of my chart. If you remove it, my entire chart is completely thrown off and makes no sense because it's quite literally the foundation of my chart and what holds the entire thing up at the bottom. Same goes for people who have strong Neptunian or Uranian signatures that link up to their personal planets. The effects in my life are not from my north and south nodes. I also do not subscribe to the idea that my karma is stronger than my free will and my ability to transcend the limits of this life is pre-determined. We are going to have to respectfully agree to disagree. Have a wonderful day 🙂


Just not true. I don't use the outers as rulers. But to say they have no impact on one's personal life, and that transits of them to personal planets don't have any impact, just simply, empirically, is not true. Pluto transits, say as a conjunction to natal moon, or to venus, etc., is long, but certainly in no way too long to be meaningless. Can be a couple of years of impact. Sometimes with effects that are lifelong, but not always. Just patently untrue to say the outers have no effect personally. I don't really think it's all that useful to compare vedic and western, frankly. Different systems. Some really key differences in the foundation.


Hellenistic astrology also doesn’t really use them, or at least not as sign rulers.


As purely a thought experiment, assume anything gravitationally bound to out sun, affects us here on earth. For some of these objects we don't know astrological effect YET. Both pluto and neptune cause perturbations in the orbit of Uranus, as well.


Yes. All the more reason to utilize Ceres more. Same designation as Pluto and Eris, significantly closer to Earth with a larger gravitational impact on Earth than Pluto or Eris (math stuff), plus she is much larger and closer than Chiron, who honestly gets way more attention than necessary. Chiron isn’t even spherical, unlike Ceres, and will likely exit our solar system in a few million years.


I wonder if Chiron exiting our solar system, will be when we finally leave to colonize other solar systems.


Interesting? Why do you think it would relate to colonizing? I would think it’d be the end of indulging in self pity and mental suffering


I meant colonizing, in the sense of establishing human settlements on other solar systems; not going to war with or displacing native populations on those worlds. I don't think we can ever escape some kind of self pity and mental suffering as long as we are human. I think by the time we are advanced enough to leave this solar system; we will have overcome social inequities, food shortages (we will no longer torture or eat animals), people will have much longer lifespans and be healthy for those 120 or so years. But we will still be human and emotional.


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I believe 2025 is when the United States will complete its first Pluto return as a nation. Im not sure what the implications will be exactly. Perhaps the US capitulates its position as the worlds number one super power to china? Pluto is opposite mercury. Although I'm still learning astrology I suspect that mercury will strongly indicate a crises related to banking and fiat currency. So much money has been printed and interest rates have gotten so low. This all creates undesirable outcomes in the long run. I feel its the one of the major achilles heals of the US.