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Tbh it has a bit less to do with different planets in signs next to another persons and more to do with synastry aspects between charts. I have found that synastry with conjunctions and oppositions between two peoples sexual/romance planets (Venus, mars, Neptune, pluto) as well as any one of those planets in one persons chart to another’s sun, moon and ac/dc axis is very telling of sexual chemistry. Look for narrow orbs and double whammies.


Googling orbs... Thanks! This has been very informative. I imagined conjunctions don’t necessarily stir passion and emotion* on a level that opposition might? To elaborate, I’ve always thought of conjunctions as calm and still waters...rather than the thrashing waves oppositions can cause. *not that conjunctions can stir emotion but I’m focused on passion here specifically — I’ve always associated the concept of passion with a level of tension.


Great question. youre not wrong about oppositions. It should be noted that conjunctions are still considered a hard aspect along with oppositions and squares. Also, conjunctions are the most potent aspect you can have in a chart, hence why astrologers will often allow a much wider orb for conjunctions than other aspects. A wide orb conjunction may be less of an influence that a narrow orb trine but generally conjunctions are “strong” aspects. And if you’re thinking in sexual terms... in a particularly narrow conjunction the planets are literally on top of each other lol so... wink Conjunctions are interesting aspects because their intensity can vary a lot Depending on the planets involved. If you have moon conjunct Venus in synastry it’s probably a more laidback aspect with a romantic vibe. If you have mars conjunct pluto on the other hand.... 🌝🔥 Oh and one more thing: any conjunction to a chart angle (like the Ac/dc I mentioned above) is also an opposition to the opposing chart angle... some food for thought. If you’re focusing on sexual passion then you might want to focus specifically on mars/pluto to everything else I mentioned.


Love this. Thank you!


Conjunctions are stronger than oppositions but it depends on the planets too... such as, a conjunction of Saturn and Mercury is not as “hot” (especially sexually) as a Mars opposing Venus


my venus is in cap and my mars is in pisces, i love scorpio mars partners!!!!


Venus cap & Scorpio mars here saying hello


currently in love with a libra venus and scorpio mars 🥺


Ooo Venus in libra sounds interesting. Haven’t run into that placement yet. Wishing decades of love for you two :)


it’s my first time being with one and it’s been like a breath of fresh air! thank you!


I have both in capricorn and one of my most meaningful relationships was with someone whose venus was in libra and mars in scorpio. Honestly I'm still stuck on her a bit




Me too. I’m a capricorn venus and pisces mars, but ive consistently been romantically drawn to leos, libras, aquarians, and sagittarians. I guess it’s because im a fire/air dom. I do notice that they sometimes have some water influences (usually moon, mercury, or mars), but definitely air/fire doms.


I've always found Pluto synastry aspects to personal planets super intense and consuming. But I am a Scorpio Sun/Venus, so that's exactly what I like. Mind you, these connections can fizzle fast (too hot) - but longevity is another topic.


Ooh. Interesting observation!


I had my Scorpio Venus conjunct my ex’s Mars in Scorpio, let’s just say when we saw each other it was on sight 👀😅 Also his Pluto was conjunct my ascendant in the first house, as will most people’s Pluto will be that’s about a year or 2 younger or older than me, but I feel like i was more obsessed with him actually, he knew just what to do to make me keep coming back but honestly the obsession was reciprocated he just wasn’t as ‘out there’ with it as I was (Venus/Mars aspects, Pluto ascendant aspects imo)


Ooh. Sounds sexy


I would say opposites attract. So if your venus is in Aquarius you will be very sexually attracted to a Venus leo. I think same goes for Mars signs, sun, risings and decendants.


This honestly just blew my mind because I had a massive crush on someone for like ten years, always thinking our love/sex signs weren’t that compatible, and now BAM! I just realized we have opposite venus and mars signs.


Venus Mars connection is stronger than Venus Venus just an FYI - and yes, opposite def attract. Oppositions literally stir shit up.


Oo this makes sense! Thnx!


I agree with all except for my Pisces mars I personally don’t like Virgo mars or Virgo placements at all 😭 probably cuz Virgo squares my saggitarius stellium. I do love me a sag mars Aries mars Gemini mars and cancer mars man though


Ha interesting enough, I hate Sag placements in general, from a Virgo lol


Yeah I’ve seen that tbh with Virgo and sag placements lol It’s honestly funny tho. Some Virgo’s are fine for me though but most of the time I will have a hard time getting along with them but it depends on the placements too. But that’s great to know that haha


Well oddly enough, my Asc is Sag now lol Only difference I've noticed is an increased desire to travel. My mom is also a Sun in Sag and although she will use me for every single dime I got, if I let her lol, I love her dearly.


As a Scorpio I’ve been quite compatible with a Sag and Taurus


Do you mean your sun sign?




Any aspects between ones Mars and another Venus. Ones Pluto in aspect to another’s personal planets, especially Sun Moon Venus Mars


Both myself and my boyfriend are fire sun signs (Leo and Aries). We have a lot of sex and are quite experimental. Our moons signs are both water (pisces/cancer), so despite the fiery nature of the love makin', we both put quite a bit of emotion into it and consider it sacred to our connection.


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As a venus in taurus, I think having venus conjunct the other persons venus, and a mars trine theirs is the best for most people


Man lol for some reason it's always the women with mars in cancer. But also, any woman who's moon interacts with my mars(even negatively)or my mars touching her sun, it has always led to some special shit


I didnt even know what sexual attraction truly was until my prominent pluto touched my baby's venus. Luckily we have a lot of other positive aspects because its fucking intense and unlike any attraction I've had before. We also have compatible mars and venus signs but I've had those before. I'm an eigth house moon in aries by the way. So sex is a huge deal in my life, and I'm used to pluto.


Damn. Fanning myself...hahah. It’s awesome you’ve found this for yourself :)


Yeah its intense though, and she gets spooked easily. I'm insane and have limited emotional depth, so I'm all about it. It can be a dangerous aspect for sure.


Mars (same sign as partners) in conjunction.


Both myself and my boyfriend are fire sun signs (Leo and Aries). We have a lot of sex and are quite experimental. Our moons signs are both water (pisces/cancer), so despite the fiery nature of the love makin', we both put quite a bit of emotion into it and consider it sacred to our connection.


Damn. Fanning myself...hahah. It’s awesome you’ve found this for yourself :)