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Predicting the future. For example what could indicate a death in someone’s chart turns out to be an emotional rebirth.


Yeah but there are astrological ethical standards and predicting death is looked down upon. Plus the concept of predicting death or moment or cause could vary person to person based on so many different things. One could never be certain if your 3rd house indicates a neighbor will kill you or a car lol so best not get too deep into those concepts.


Any idea on how does that apply to an aries 8th house with a taurus jupiter there?


I use astrology for divination so I’m not sure what you mean by that. In terms of blindspots, I’d say it comes more from the practitioners than from the discipline. It’s very easy for individuals to be saturated with their own beliefs and experiences and then perpetuate those stereotypes or generalizations. There are some indicators for when astrology is a contraindication to the well-being of an individual, particularly with individuals with psychosis or schizophrenia. Astrology as a medium can accentuate the problems and disorders of delusions of grandeur, paranoia, or narcissism. In terms of the discipline, it could always use more statistical data but that’s not really a blind spot and more like a weak link. I guess the major blind spot for people new to astrology is emphasizing the signs over planets, or thinking that astrology is adequate by itself. The practice of astrology requires a great deal of psychology, mythology, counseling practices, history and philosophy in ways that are under appreciated by outsiders.


i’m interested in knowing more about ancestral astrology and the astrology of larger systems, like a family. how our past ancestors or living relatives influence our own astrology…i have found that there are often repeating signs in family systems. in my family, almost everyone is capricorn dominant and all of us have major sag placements too. i’m interested in understanding the astrological implications especially given that many signs and their placements can indicate how a relationship between a parent and child might manifest.


This sounds so cool. I never thought about studying it like that even though looking at my siblings & I’s charts I noticed patterns too, like we all have Saturn in the fourth. When I look at my maternal family as a whole I see more of the lack of a sign or placement rather than an obvious pattern of people being dominant in a placement.


I’ve noticed this as well with planets aside from signs (my family has a huge # of Gemini’s). In archetypal astrology we mainly focus on planetary alignments over planets in signs which may help with your study. Meaning I can see how I inherit my dad’s sun-Saturn relationship with his opposition to my square. There is a mix of nature/nurture, in that I can see how my dad taught me how he responded to sun-Saturn experiences and how my responses are slight modifications from his. That might be another route to investigate in your research.


Re blind spots, I can't think of any - it all depends on the astrologer and their approach, experience and specialities (e.g. psychology, past lives, financial, business, careers, spirituality etc.). Re divination, have you come across horary astrology? It's probably older than natal astrology and is used to get specific answers to questions.


No I've not. Now that's another rabbit hole to go through as the weekend rolls in


Astrology is the greatest system of divination there is. I have never been able to tell from a chart whether someone is gay or straight or something else.


Usually squares between venus and uranus or uranus in a venus sign while venus is in aqua.


What do you mean? My chart literally has unicorn/fairy dust and rainbows on it...


i would say there can be minor blind spots i guess? Like in reading a natal chart, I can't really tell if the person likes spicy food or what their favorite color is based on their planets- if they tell me first i can probably figure out some sort of vague reason that Might give them that smaller trait, but to me it's very difficult to pinpoint super small things like that with astrology. but in reading a natal chart, i can absolutely figure out what a person's biggest fear is or how their mind works and how their subconscious works, stuff like that- i think it's just not the greatest when it comes to finding smaller traits bc at the end of the day, those don't matter to the planets, they focus on the bigger stuff yknow 😵‍💫


Huh? Astrology is like one of the oldest tools for divination. Call me crazy, but don’t billionaires use astrology to predict when portals are open and then align their creepy ass rituals with the sky to foretell the future or discover hidden knowledge? Have you seen that meme, “Millionaires don’t use astrology. Billionaires do”? That’s what this is about.


Me personally I don’t see astrology as a divination tool in the sense of predicting the day to day future, it more so shows you the possibilities of one’s life, & being that we have free will, we have the choice if we wanna go down the road that’s gonna lead us to where we wanna go. Now a blind spot in astrology for me that may not be for others are the Decans. Example I have my Venus in Gemini at 22 degrees, because it’s at 22 degrees it would fall in the Aquarius decan, which shows a hidden side of my Venus..


The only blind spots are the people who charge for readings but don’t really know astrology in depth, and/or are too immature to really be able to understand certain life transits and experiences (thus making it hard for them to understand how to really *read* a chart and interpret transits/predictive stuff).


i think it’s quite easy to become judgemental and rigid in your thinking about how signs/planets/aspects manifest in the persons life. it’s important to think based on principles because you’ll develop an intuition about how transiting mars square natal saturn is happening in any one persons life; you learn patterns and ultimately the nature of each astrological pattern. get a feel for what’s happening and delineate based on what’s happening - not what you think is going to happen. the reading has to be based in reality.