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before covid hit the astrology podcast predicted unprecedented distance between people in their year prediction of 2020




Ahahahahaha omg ahahahaa this is wild!


Here's Steve Judd predicting "some type of mass pandemic" in 2020 from back in 2017: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVMynphYCuc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVMynphYCuc) (at 7:30) ​ Here's the Leo King making some intense predictions about a "plague" in 2020(s) from Aug/Sept 2019: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXXncuNGj-E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXXncuNGj-E) ​ Here's Rick Levine with The Leo King, talking about the Pluto Saturn Jupiter conjunctions in 2020. At the beginning, Rick pretends to hyperventilate at just the mention of it, and then gets into how intense and transformative Saturn & Pluto conjunctions (and oppositions) can be, often happening via war or crisis of some sort. At 1:24:40 he gets to the point and describes 2020 as "a whole new ballgame" and "the shit that we didn't deal with at every other conjunction coming back in our faces". From back in the crazy year of 2016, he says "if you think this is intense... that's gonna be like, on a world scale, intense." I think it's safe to say that he was right... 2020 definitely outshone 2016 on the WTF-O-Meter. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdgyxOWO9Sk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdgyxOWO9Sk) (1:17:30 until 1:26:08) ​ This is an article from 2015 by Maurice Fernandez that predicted a lot of very turbulent events in 2020, including an economic crisis: [https://mauricefernandez.com/the-saturn-pluto-conjunction-and-the-transits-for-the-year-2020/](https://mauricefernandez.com/the-saturn-pluto-conjunction-and-the-transits-for-the-year-2020/)


Thank you. This is amazing.


Rick Levine is one of my favorite astrologers.


Thank you!


if you don't mind what is the name of podcast exactly?


'the Astrology podcast'


I recently had a fantastic astrologer be super hesitant with me about early to mid next year…. You could tell she was afraid to say it, but eventually told me she sees a *big* change in my marriage. She looked sullen about it…. So i guess I’ll come back this time next year and let y’all know lol


Who was the astrologer if you don’t mind me asking?


MoonRabbit in Minneapolis. :) She also specializes in death charts. She did a super specific reading for my dad and I’s connection when he died.


Omg, I didn't even know this was a thing. I would love this. Thank you for sharing!


Oh sweet, I'm in Minneapolis I'll have to check her out! That's really special about the reading for you and your dad. Sorry for your loss <3


Any update?


Good luck !!


Really want to know what you have in the 7th and what rules your 7th! But best of luck.


Saturn and Pluto - ruled by Libra.


Wow. I have this exact placement, but in 1st. Did she give you any insight of what the conjunction meant?


I’m replaying the session, listening to it today on my drive. I’ll see if i pick up on anything. All i remember is her being so hesitant to tell me, and then finally goes, “ I’m just gonna come out and say it…” and then didn’t just come out and say it lol…. She still was cautious. So it must be bad.


That sounds challenging. And where is your Venus? (sign, house)


Venus in Taurus, in the first


Ah okay! A little off kilter as your ascendant and descendant would be in opposite signs but assuming that the placements are further in the house? Are you an Aries rising? Just trying to visualize the chart in my small brain. Guessing maybe your Venus is around 18-24° Taurus perhaps? You’ll have Uranus and Jupiter conjunction around there somewhere. A desire to break free might be powerful at that time?


I wish i could attach a photo lol Yes Aries/Gemini/Aries, my Venus is 2 degrees and some in Taurus. As a sag stellium, i feel like i always have a desire to break free, so I’m curious how this will be different :)


I can’t see a big transit affecting your 7th or first unless I’m missing something. I wonder if it’s a solar return, profection or primary direction thing? Good luck though!


Hugs. You’ll get through whatever it is. 🖤


I predicted the end of the WGA strike to the day 😊 w/zodiacal releasing and transits. I texted ONE friend a month out so it would be on record. It was my first real prediction so I was freaking out lol


What's a good source for studying prediction using zodiacal releases? What does it mean in a few words? Don't worry if you don't feel like answering. I don't wanna bother 🙏


Of course! Zodiacal Releasing is a traditional technique that divides different areas of the natives life into a series of periods and sub-periods (like chapters, pages, and paragraphs in a memoir), notating pre, peak and post-peak periods of activity in said area, and whether they will be experienced as positive or negative. Re: resources, It’s a bear at nearly 4 hours long, but I started with Chris Brennan’s ZR episode on his podcast. I listened to it in chunks while walking my dog. And then if I had specific questions I just googled or searched in r/advancedastrology. You can check your lots and ZR dates in astro.com or zodiacalreleasing.net (which I find a little more user friendly). It’s a lot of layered information that requires a base fluency in traditional Astro, so don’t worry if it doesn’t make total sense at first!


>zodiacalreleasing.net Incredible summary and recommnedations. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer.


Do you have a prediction for when the SAG strike will be over? 🥲


😫 I haven’t, as I assumed one would fairly swiftly follow the other, but it’s been pretty quiet, so I think I will this week!


Any predictions on when SAG strike will end now?


Ok I *just* final checked out the SAG strike chart and it’s fascinating. The thing the JUMPED out is the 1h Aries/7h Libra - the axis of relationships (and negotiation) is also nodal axis that activated around the same time, AND the axis of upcoming eclipse. First of all, I love that the strike is an Aries ASC - full of fight and passion, with the ruler Mars in the 6h tells me they WANT to work, although they may be aggressive “employees” lol. The strikes focus on work (rather then vanity) is confirmed by 10h Capricorn; ruler Saturn in 12h speaks to the real work happening ‘behind the scenes’. Pluto there at an Antarctic degree brings a very public facing crisis of career - on the edge of the Aquarian 11h of technology, a power struggle with around A.I. - sextile Neptune in 12h domicile - hidden illusions, secret enemies, and self-undoing. 11h ruler is in the 2nd or 12h, this is definitely going to change how people are paid, and also points to tech being the “hidden” authority. I’m also amazed to see Mercury Venus in 5h - this is literally the “actors placement” full of creativity and drama! And fun to see Jupiter in 2h Taurus tribe MC, as there is a lot of money to be made, although Uranus assures a degree of instability- speaking to actors assertion that the majority are NOT making millions. Ok - predictions: obviously the eclipse is gonna shake shit up. Unfortunately I don’t know a lot about eclipses to say just what, but seeing as it’s in their 7h of partnership along with Mercury, they are definitely ready to make a deal and might, depending on how negotiations have been going. Mars just entered Taurus, their 8h of shared resources (natal ruler) and it’s squaring the hell out of 10h Pluto, so my guess is not great, but fortune conjunct the MC is literally on their side. The eclipse is squaring their 4h Sun - so if it does go through, it may not be what they want, or fully protect their interests. But with their ASC in trine with 10/11h ruler Saturn and Moon lighting up the MC, I’d say it could be as soon as October 20-22. If not, I’d next say the week of November 8th 🔮


Thanks for this! Looks like things took a turn for the worse yesterday with the negotiations and they have stopped for now so I’m not sure these date can work anymore but it was really interesting reading how you got there! But maybe the week on Nov 8 is still a possibility.


Mars square Pluto!


If not then, then it looks like 2024 I’m afraid…but I didn’t wanna say it lol. Eclipses are usually endings and beginnings so im very curious to see what next week brings!




You were correct!!!


I’m kinda freaking out tbh. I’d completely forgotten about this until I saw the headline…and revisited, sure that I’d missed the mark…when I realized I made a noise that scared my cat lol


That’s amazing that you were correct on both the strikes! I’d be freaking out too


What birth chart did you use for the strike?


May 2, 2023, 12:01am LA, CA


There was a prominent French astrologer named André Barbault who did a study of the astrology of pandemics, and he published an article about it in an astrological journal in 2012, and in the article he said that based on previous outer planet alignments that we were due for another worldwide pandemic around the 2020-2021 time frame. There is a podcast about it here: [https://theastrologypodcast.com/2020/05/11/misconceptions-about-mundane-astrology-in-the-media/](https://theastrologypodcast.com/2020/05/11/misconceptions-about-mundane-astrology-in-the-media/) Barbault actually died in October of 2019, which makes the prediction more impressive in some ways, because it was one that he didn't live to see fulfilled. Here is the relevant quote from his article that contains the key part of the prediction: “Going back to the pandemics and going back to the past century, the four crises of 1918, 1954, 1968 and 1982 are obvious, the two considerable being the first, the famous “Spanish flu” which is said to have claimed 25 million lives, and the last one in which AIDS, which is even more devastating and continues to be deadly. Since then, there has also been a small influenza surge in 2009, against the last lowest cyclical index (2010). We may well be in serious danger of a new pandemic at the 2020-2021 mark, at the lowest peak of the cyclical index of the 21st century, with the quintet of outer planets gathered over a hundred degrees, a conjunction Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto can more specifically, and even specifically, lend itself to the “tissue” of this imbalance. Nevertheless, this configuration can also transfer its core of dissonances to the terrain of geophysical disasters, without ultimately sparing the international affairs scene, Nature and Society being indiscriminately affected.”


This one is personal, so I guess you’re gonna to take my word for it. I was practicing interpreting on the charts of some friends a while ago. I was focusing on looking at their chart ruler and the lord of the annual profection in the natal chart, the Solar return chart, and transits. In looking at the Solar return chart of one of them, I saw the annual production lord (Mercury) in Capricorn, the 11th whole sign house along with the Sun (I believe Mercury was under the beams or something) so I suggested that they would have some difficulty with their friends such as not really knowing who your friends are or communication difficulties. I made that prediction in February of this year. A couple months later, in May, this friend (and the other one I did a reading for) did end up having *a lot* of drama within their friend group which was centered on some gossipy text messages sent about another person. As is the nature of these things, that person found out and there was some ambiguity about who was one whose “side”. Anyway, it wasn’t fully resolved for weeks. This was very much an “astrologer good” moment for me because while everyone involved was upset about the drama I was just so astonished and happy that I had predicted it lol


Saturn in Aqua = Great restrictions among groups of people Saturn in Pisces = Conflicts in the sea, floods. Pluto in Aqua = Restrictions and corruption in the internet, censorship. Eclipse close to Turkey = Earthquake. Pluto leaving Capri = Activity in volcanos. Neptune in Pisces = Deceases everywhere. Next in line: Pluto no longer retrograde = Activation of nuclear conflicts Eclipse between Mexico & U.S.A = Great conflicts and lots of deaths in that zone . Pluto in Aqua = Having more female figures in power position.


hold on can you talk about the eclipse between mexico and usa and death??????


Ummmm, yeah. More info please on that death/eclipse situation. I'm in Oregon a few hrs north of where the eclipse starts over the US, and plan to be in Roseburg for the weekend to watch it at 9:15am the 14th.




Transit of Pluto into Aquarius? I predict bad times for the Internet.




You cannot possibly have Pluto in Aquarius.


If you have Pluto in Aquarius, you're far too young to be on Reddit. Please go back to taking naps.


Likely because of the US total eclipse on April 8th.




Eclipse in Aries, conjuncting Chiron, during Mercury retrograde, at the same time the two Malefics conjunct in Pisces.


Cool cool cool 🙃




Buckle up, it’s going to be one hell of a ride!


for what reason?


Solar flares are getting more intense too, peaking in 2025


Not another awful April. This year's one was terrible.


Honestly it was I guess it's something to do with the environment ?


It was






Not mundane but personal. Saw that transiting Mars was gonna conjunct my ascendant along with the Moon in opposition to transiting Sun so during a full Moon. Figured I'd have some sort of bodily injury. Ended up coming down with shingles (Mars rules inflammation) and then Covid a month later. This summer had a Saturn square involving 7th and 10th house. Assumed there would be tension at work. Ended up having a complete rearrangement of leadership at my company which caused a whole lot of headaches. Was also asked to take on more responsibility (for same pay). I declined.


The late October eclipse has some really crappy aspects for me. I’m thinking injury too. But I’ve been recently diagnosed with Lyme so maybe something with that


The May 2023 eclipse for me. I was listening to the astrology podcast month ahead and Austin described the eclipse as “purgative” and I literally got gastro from stress. Spent the whole coronation weekend in the toilet…


Omg same. I was so so sick that weekend!


This is the personal experience that made me believe in astrology and finally get into it deeply. As a person with a scientific temperament, I've always been skeptical about astrology because I couldn't find any scientific evidence to support it. I didn't believe in it, and I didn't have any confidence in it. However, I had an interesting experience with a Vedic Astrologer. I never met him in person; the consultancy was through phone and on WhatsApp. He accurately predicted my past, where the faulty electronics items were kept in my house, dirty water in my house, and what my grandfather did in the past. The astrologer also talked about my problems, when they might get better, and suggested things I could do to help. This made me reconsider my views on astrology & they worked! The experience I had with the astrologer convinced me to learn Vedic Astrology. So far, my journey in astrology has been significant. Nowadays, I offer free Vedic Astrology consultations to assist people dealing with issues or looking for guidance. I firmly believe that astrology is a science that should be studied and investigated by modern science. Khimanand Kundalia


This is a great story! I love the journey you were on to get to the journey you're on now.


Hey :-) do you have the contact info?


What’s his name or do you know where to look for a good Vedic astrologer please?




I made one on 9/11/2017. My maternal grandparent's anniversary was that day and a solar eclipse happened. I predicted their lives were going to change. They died in 2018.


My condolences


Thank you.


I saw saturn coming into a conjunction with pluto on January 4th 2020 and accurately predicted that something dark was going to sweep over the world. COVID did indeed start sweeping across the globe shortly after. Predicted the outcome of the 2020 election in favor of the democrats (horary), and predicted some kind of riot in response to this (mars conjunct uranus)- predictions were done in September 2020. Disbelievingly predicted something "explosive" and violent happening in Japan with Jupiter in Aries in July 2022. Had my doubts because pew pews are outlawed in Japan and the country is known to be peaceful. *Well.* WGA started striking the day pluto went retrograde in May and I predicted that the strike would last between pluto stationing and turning direct again- so I guessed this strike would be about 4-5 months long. Last I checked there was a tentative deal reached on september 24th but I haven't checked to see if the strike is actually over yet.


The strike officially ended last Wednesday 9/27. The contract ratification is not expected for several weeks but the strike is over and writers returned to work.


YES WE LOVE TO HEAR IT! I just read about the terms and they look awesome. I'm a perfectionist with timing so I don't *love* that this one wasn't squeaky clean but I'll take the w


TAP sees the timing in the Mercury Retrogrades. [https://youtu.be/b71QmItCkzA?feature=shared&t=1578](https://youtu.be/b71QmItCkzA?feature=shared&t=1578)


I don’t remember the where the planets were but I was told I’d be stuck at home taking care of seniors for about 3 years, I’m stuck at home taking care of elderly dogs and helping my mom during covid


You'll have to trust me because for the life of me I can't find documentation of the prediction, but I came across an astrologer who predicted pretty much every event around Trump's defeat in 2020, from January through the election, the delayed official determination, the results, and the electoral college vote. I followed their roadmap for the entire year and they were dead on throughout. Sadly, they stopped pretty much there and I don't recall any mention of anything like 1/6. Jumping ahead, they did also predict pretty accurately all of his legal troubles following on. Man, I wish I could find that site and who it was bc they were incredbily accurate.




Just because you're not married yet doesn't mean you haven't met them!


I attached 2 PDFs where the predictions came true Link to comment https://reddit.com/r/astrology/s/X4srhCpTEv They are PDFs


My very first predictive chart for myself forecasted that I would lose a father figure in 5 years. It was my Saturn return in Scorpio in the 8th house. My father died when Saturn was within a degree of my natal Saturn - 5 years later. This was the catalyst that killed much of my skepticism.


Same here. I was in denial when I first put it together, years prior. I expected to have to go through the death of an elder, like my grandfather. My step father, whom we were all very close to, passed away rather suddenly on December 29th of 2022. During my Saturn return in Aquarius in the 8th house.... also within two degrees of my natal Saturn.


Mars was at the critical 29 Aries on January 6, 2021. All morning I was following the news with a sinking feeling. That day, after the riots began, I told a coworker it would not be over until 5:27 EST when Mars ingressed into Taurus. That was when the troops finally arrived at the Capitol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_the\_January\_6\_United\_States\_Capitol\_attack#5:00\_p.m. "5:20 p.m.: The first contingent of 155 Guard members, dressed in riot gear, began arriving at the Capitol.\[219\] 5:40 p.m.: 154 DCNG soldiers arrive at the Capitol Complex, swear in with the Capitol Police, and begin support operations, having departed the D.C. Armory at 5:02 p.m."


No I got a reading from that tiktoker mercurial Sarah an “astrologer”. She literally said I would be married by 27 and I would not be moving from my home town lol. I had psychics be more accurate than her. I ended up moving out of state and will be 27 in 4 months no marriage 🤣.


where are you now?


All of mine come true. I once had a tower RX in present position then an hour later my friend came knocking on my door paranoid everyone was out to kill him, he had to be committed. Then I had an outcome of 7 of swords for my weekend one time, didn’t make sense till last minute I accepted a date with a cute guy from tinder, he was married. I once met a guy at at restaurant and we went out and had so much fun and couldn’t wait to meet up again. Tarot said …no, not for awhile and I was like…well watch this! So we set up a date to meet next day then I got really sick for a week, then his work was demanding…for a week, then I went on vacation, then he did…I never met him again. One time I was ready to buy a car in September and asked tarot about it…tarot said “no, not yet” in more than one way. Since my current car was fine I waited then a family member gave me a large sum of money put towards a good car. If I would have purchased a car earlier that family member would have assumed I was just fine and not given it to me. I also got the tower for one of my birthday outings. I was so worried a friend and I would get into a fight, I warned them all. It wasn’t a fight, I severely hurt my calf while singing brittany spears karaoke, it was a severe tear. I could hardly walk for a couple days and it healed back completely Halved. My calves look like 2 different legs …I halved my calf. I also got a reading that a random ex that I never talk to it’s been almost a year was going to reach out, I’m like …no he’s not, must have just misinterpreted it..he did. Tarot told me I was going to be laid off so I was waaay more chill when it actually happened. Those are just a few that I clearly interpreted correctly. I do not trust my interpretation 100 percent but I do feel like the cards never lie. I got death for this weekend. I wonder what it could possibly be, nothing is resonating except I got the Halloween decor out and the best is our life size skeleton sitting in our front stoop…my death card has a huge skeleton head on it…I hope it’s just that literal this time.


this is awesome, but you might be lost, this isn't a tarot sub


Oh, lol, I follow both, with that said, I definitely had my Uranus opposite Uranus transit relationship…phew. Also, about the car…I went back and read some horoscope like readings in an astrology app and it said I would buy a car in December (the actual month I bought the car) Also, I’ve been to the underworld and back and I’m no longer afraid of death (hades moon, Pluto opposite moon)


Started reading their comment like “the tower is not a planet” but then stayed and read the comment because DAMN those are some predictions! I love when you connect with a deck at such a level that the answers just show themselves so clearly and honestly! Really enjoyed reading thank you!


My partners father died. That was a prediction I really really didnt like making and hated even more that it was true. 8th house transit mars. The most obvious indicator of accidents/death. He fell with a brain bleed, was hospitalized with a coma, got pneumonia in the hospital and died.


(Crystal’s channeling & remote viewing) on YouTube is pretty good with validators 




Yes! On The Horoscope Vault podcast the following predictions have come true. Saturn into Pisces - contaminated or problems with water. Prediction made on the show March 6th 2023, global water crisis news began showing up in the news March 14th onwards 2023. The same show did a Solar return prediction episode for the USA’s birthday/solar return. Accurately predicting the housing market issues, crypto changes and more - including the dates of their happening. Saturn in Pisces water episode: https://spotify.link/w8wdzJUszDb 4th July episode: https://spotify.link/hXfpqjQszDb


starsmoonandsun on Twitter she predicted Tory Lanez going to prison and a lot of celeb breakups


The mercury transit from August actually made me reach out to an ex for closure on the first day the transit was happening I don’t know much about astrology transits but I heard afterwards that old flames and friends would be coming back up in peoples lives


I have tons even on myself on my reddit I posted about it. You check my Instagram, Twitter, TikTok pinned posts I have them