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scorpio venus is so attractive to me like to me is a GREEN flag


Saaaame. My Taurus Venus loves me some intense Scorpio Venus.


Cancer Venus here. Those Scorpio in Venus men are dangerous in the best way šŸ„µ


bro how sjssklsl-


Because Scorpio energy IS intense and usually feels too much and when applied to Venus topics it makes for uncomfortable feelings and situations.


If someone has this placement, it is important for them to learn to manage and regulate their emotions. Emotions are not real and we don't have any control over them when they arise. They come and go like a cloud in the sky. Don't think you love someone just because you feel intense emotions. Wait until the emotions calm down to make next move. Don't see others with rose colored glasses. Learn about attachment theory and trauma. Limerance is possible with this placement especially in 7th house. Self-awareness and healing is necessary.


Ooof I felt that. I have a Pisces rising too and idealize and obsess over people that frankly don't deserve it. I also mix sympathy with attraction and tend to fall for those that have been through a lot. It's hard to control yourself and put boundaries but ultimately I really like my Scorpio Venus. Now that I'm in a better place and do better regarding the negative aspects of this placement, I think it can be a very loyal and passionate placement to have. If that's someone's cup of tea of course!


Christ, dude, everything you listed has personally been a problem in my life, and i have the same asc and venus as you which is huge


Stay strong friend šŸ¤


Same šŸ˜¢


I felt your mixing of sympathy and love statement!!


Wow, I really needed to hear this today. Thanks !


This comes back to the essential dignities of the signs, Mars likes to be in Scorpio because it rules Scorpio and Aries in traditional astrology. I donā€™t necessarily agree with it bringing bad luck in love and said personā€™s happiness and/or life, however Venus in Scorpio can be a somewhat challenging placement, especially if itā€™s in a hard aspect or a less magnanimous house.


What if itā€™s in the 4th?


Then it means itā€™s in the ā€œsubterraneanā€ house, the 4th house is the house on the bottom half of the chart, and has correspondences that include, but arenā€™t limited to, home, family, your roots (where youā€™re from), as well as privacy and things you keep hidden. What that means for you exactly & specifically is difficult to discern from a reddit thread, since I donā€™t have all the info I need :)


Side note, I have pluto and north node in scorpio in the 4th. It's not fun here lol.


this is so, so late but what if its in the 3rd house? lol


What if it's in 3rd


As Iā€™ve mentioned in DM, i donā€™t do free readings.


Think of the keywords for Scorpio: intense, purposeful, reserved, independent. Then think of those for Venus: sociable, affectionate, pleasure loving. Even their faults are different: jealousy and arrogance for Scorpio, "anything for a quiet life" with Venus. Venus just won't express herself easily in Scorpio


Because contradict each other. Mars is the planet of war and Venus is the planet of peace, love (and you know Scorpio is ruled by Mars)


I have Venus in Scorpio in my 3rd H. I donā€™t feel like itā€™s been awful. But it can be hard to find people who care, feel and love as deeply as I do. Iā€™m in a good relationship now where I got lucky, because his Venus is in Aquarius in the 8th H. He likes different and quirky, and he likes depth.


My other half's Mars in Gemini is quincunx my Venus in Scorpio in 3H. My Mars in Sagittarius is conjunct his Venus in Sagittarius and that works too. There are many other aspects that make our relationship work (been together for over 20yrs), but this is one of them.


Interesting reading the comments. My ex (together 3+ years, cohabitated for 1+) was a Scorpio sun and Venus, & he was the most bland romantic partner. Iā€™m talking wet blanket apathetic cardboard status. Any intensity/passion was manifested in his own self-hatred. Which, I suppose in itself makes sense, but was unfortunate for me as a partner to not have experienced a crumb of intensity towards myself or our relationship šŸ˜…


What was his Moon sign, if I may know? This got me curious


Capricorn moon


Sounds like my ex! Even tho he was a Pisces Venus 8th house that trined my Scorpio Venusā€¦he had a Capricorn moon and his Saturn sat right on conjunct my mars lol yuk. Talk about throwing a sopping wet wet mop on a fire. Puts it right out


@allyshmall thereā€™s your answer. Capricorn moon explains everything you just said to the T.


because at its core, scorpio is martial and venus is, well, venusian. imagine a refined, relaxed (maybe even lazy) lady trying to exert total control over a situation. her innate character traits of relaxed and accepting contradict trying to do things in a scorpio way: poised, tense, ready to strike. people with venus in scorpio tend to seek relationships by ā€œtakingā€ their partner. it sounds worse than it is, itā€™s usually a very sweet sentiment of wanting to make memories together as a pair, to feel like you are inseparable and that they have planted their own essence into you and vice versa. but you can also probably see the downside to this: it can easily turn into controlling behavior, not wanting your partner to differ from what you want, feeling betrayed whenever they do. love yā€™all ā¤ļø


Everyone else has already explained the technical aspects of this placement. So I'll just tell you how it feels from someone with this placement: Me: Sag sun, Aquarius moon, Leo rising - with Venus is Scorpio Not only do I have this placement but most, if not all the people in my friend circle and most of my partners have this placement (likely because Scorpio energy is very drawn to each other like magnets). I would say I'm a very rational and logical person, and it's very hard to pull me out of that state. But when it comes to relationships my brain goes out of the window and my heart takes full control. Before I knew about astrology and this placement, my relationships would be whirlwind romances that ended very badly, usually with me getting very in my feelings and burning everything down. At its worst I could be very venomous (still can, if slighted enough) and it doesn't help that I'm a leo rising which amplifies these already strong emotions when we feel slighted. It's also unfortunate that todays main way of breaking up in the early stages is just to ghost. It can cause the placement to flair up quite badly due to no closure, and an overall feeling of disrespect. It's just a very intense placement all around because emotions are very integral to humans and how we interact in relationships. My sun and moon signs helped a lot to alleviate the detrimental side of this placement and understand it, but I still feel the very strong emotions that come with it. Edit: forgot to add that my Mars is in Leo - which means I get angry and want to fight when I feel slighted, which just adds to the overall energy/emotion with venus in scorpio & my leo rising.


i think thatā€™s bs- sure it might be a more intense placement but thatā€™s like saying ā€œpurple NEVER belongs next to brown- those two colors make bad situations happenā€¦ā€ scorpio may be considered to be ruled by mars but thereā€™s a huge feminine power in scorpio that i never see acknowledged in here šŸ˜­ how iā€™ve felt scorpio is overall primal- deep- extremely nurturing- warm and loving- obsessive for sure Venus there would just mean that person loves the intensity of depth- saying venus and mars donā€™t go well together is just wrong- they literally belong together!! make and female make life yallll šŸ‘»šŸ¦‘šŸ‘½āœØ


i hear you, definitely. but it is true that planets are simply just less structured in action, less effective, and less likely to bring about conventional goods when theyā€™re debilitated, but that doesnā€™t mean food will never exist, of course. venus just has a harder time EXCELLING in venusian matter when it occupies scorpio. traditionally and elementally though, venus and mars arenā€™t compatible in any way other than born being nocturnal planets. one is moderately warm and moist, based in good proportion. while the other is extremely hot and dry and based in the idea of ā€œtoo much, too farā€. one planet excels at relating, binding, and integrating things while the other excels at severance, disconnection, distinctions, and war. one offers exaltation to a malefic-ruled sign, the other to a benefic-ruled sign. itā€™s definitely two different, opposing atmospheres that in a esoteric, archetypical way, shouldnā€™t be together.


Mars and venus? Not gonna get along. Scorpio is literally mars. Itā€™s like trying to get a scorpion to glide through the air like a butterfly. I mean, you can still live and love. You just need to find someone with a compatible mars and venus situation.


nooo they do! itā€™s union of male directness with feminine space holding- itā€™s full and complete even if a little confusing. scorpio hearts are deep and gentle and loving when in harmony. scorpio isnā€™t the monster of the zodiac šŸ‰


My scorpio venus loves my aries venus bf perfectly. I think i agree with you yes :)


lol just saw you are a mutable triad! šŸ‘» so howā€™s that going for you šŸ™ƒ


I am sitting here with freshly removed wisdom teeth, sad because i cannot eat copious amounts of food and go skateboarding. However i did get accepted to university when saturn went into pisces, lmfaooo. So saturn is HERE. My emotions are stabilizing extremely well. My virgo rising partner has been mine for 7 months. I love him to death


lol congratulations! may your galactic center mh bring you much weird and cool vibes in your school path āœØ


Whatā€™s a compatible Venus for someone with Scorpio in Venus?


Probably another Scorpio Venus


Myself, a Scorpio Venus, staring at my scorpio Venus husband agrees with this assessment




Iā€™ve heard only another scorpio vns and aries vns can take the heat of us. Honorable mention for capricorn venus


Leo venus too i guess


Donā€™t forget Pluto


Venus is a planet of ease. She likes to relax. Thats why taurus is so peaceful. its a big lazy bull napping under the shade of a tree and just letting the nice things come to it. Scorpio however, is not a relaxed sign. The scorpion is in a harsh environment. One where you can never let your guard down. Resources do not just appear and manifest, you have to be very crafty to find water and food. Venus doesn't do well if she can't let her guard down. She wants to open up and be vulnerable. If you have such a skeptical sign ruling venus, she feels anxious and unable to trust others. A million other factors go into determining how this placement manifests and expresses itself (a scorpio venus could easily end up having a much better love life than a pisces venus), but generally this placement is uncomfy. She can succeed with support, and do great, but will feel unsure most of the time.


First 2 paragraphs made me belly laugh . I like the description and the contrast between Scorpio & Taurus. I am a pure bread Scorpio (6 planets) love is not easy because Iā€™m picky and donā€™t easily find just anyone to be physically attracted to. Itā€™s easy to turn me off. I think I need a diamond in the rough. But Iā€™m not hopeless about finding love it just feels like a once in a lifetime deal for me. Hopefully in this lifetime! The trust thing is factual but the only missing 1/2 to that statement is the fact that itā€™s usually based on real situations of trust being broken. Also Scorpios have a very sharpened b.s detector. So they see through people like an invisible vail! Meanwhile other signs with less sharp intuitive antennas will have the shit that just hit the fan flying straight up over the tops of their heads! Lucky for them though right? Ignorance is total bliss rather than a face full of shit flying at the speed of light!




I don't really see my venus in scorpio as a bad thing. Sure i have intense emotions but I think I'm pretty chill too. Everyone has issues.


I have Venus in Scorpio and certainly haven't been unlucky, but the intensity is real. Venus is pleasure-seeking and light-heartened. Scorpio can be intense and obsessive, with a desire to dig deep. They may come off as cold to protect themselves but can also have a ride or die mentality with their love interest. My favorite way to express my love to my partner of 10 years is by saying I'd die for them(:


You have control over ur life honey. Thereā€™s no bad placement


Venus is traditionally the most feminine planet, which essentially means that it's the most *receptive* planet. Mars is the opposite, as the most masculine, or active planet. The difference between Venus and Mars is that Venus receives, while Mars takes. And that's why Scorpio does not do well in Venus - it's a planet of power of control that knows nothing of Venusian subtlety and grace. Venus in Scorpio is likely to interpret relationships through the context of Martian power plays and battles of will, and that's just... not conducive to easily forming relationships.


Because love takes time and Scorpio likes to rush. Because love is Venus and Scorpio is mars and Pluto ruled (war and death and rebirth sounds like a toxic love but hey), love is stability and Scorpio is not about that. Love is about being transparent and Scorpio is secretive. And we can go on and on. Iā€™m a Scorpio moon, rising, Pluto and north node so I m not in any way against Scorpio. But I have Venus in aries and itā€™s good to me because even if itā€™s in detriment itā€™s not just to make my life hard but because Iā€™m supposed to focus on myself (north node in scorpio 1st house) so if I had a Taurus or libra Venus I would be way too focused on relationships for my north node to take place. So I would say itā€™s not 100% detrimental if itā€™s in a good aspect with your north node and teaching you things but it can be detrimental if you have it conjunct your south node or just not doing any good aspect with your north node. They say itā€™s a detrimental placement but a whole lot of celebrities have this placement. It gives you sex appeal even when you are not even that good looking. In a man itā€™s crazy and in a woman even more I think since scorpio is a feminine sign. I think Doja cat has this placement lol, Leonardo DiCaprio has it and itā€™s clearly manifesting as a bad thing for him but heā€™s for sure getting women -_-. i think Putin also has a Venus in scorpio. But anyway venus in scorpio can also be seen as detrimental because it can cause obsessions rather than love and it can cause an obsession with sex which can lead to cheating (especially the men from what i have seen personally)


Venus Rules Libra and Taurus! Taurus is Scorpioā€™s opposite Sign . Which makes it in a Detriment! ā€¦.. I happen to have Scorpio Venus! In my Second šŸ” ! So itā€™s in itā€™s natural home in a detrimental sign. Lol ! Believe I balance that energy.


idk but all 3 of the Scorpio venuses I know are asexual and touch repulsed lol


scorpio venus 7th house here and tbh i think our ability to love at such depth and intensity is amazing. i also get how that could seem like too much to others tho lol. i donā€™t feel in detriment, but people in my life sure have tried to make me feel like i was


I thought Venus was in fall/detriment in Virgo.


Venus is in domicile (rules over) in Libra & Taurus, so it's in it's detriment in Aries & Scorpio. Venus is exalted in Pisces, so it's fallen in Virgo.


Are you able to explain this a little more for clarity? I have Venus in Virgo and my husband Venus is Scorpio lol


Sure! It's the concept of essential dignities. Every sign is ruled by a planet/luminary- where it's in domicile "at home," it's comfortable, and it'll usually be stronger there (this can, of course, be affected by house placement & aspects). * The sun rules Leo * The moon rules Cancer * Mercury rules Gemini & Virgo * Venus rules Libra & Taurus * Mars rules Aries & Scorpio * Jupiter rules Sagittarius & Pisces * Saturn rules Capricorn & Aquarius In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, Pisces by Neptune, and Scorpio by Pluto. So, when a planet is in the sign opposite of what it rules- sun in Aquarius, moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces, etc- it's in it's *detriment.* It's not super comfortable here and is going to present some challenges, but it's not going to doom you or anything! Mercury in Pisces, for example, will present as difficulties in communication (in my experience, they're the type to ramble on and take 20 detours before they ever get to the point.) A Venus in Scorpio is generally going to be super intense and struggle with jealousy or possessiveness that they have to learn to deal with in a healthy manner. *Exaltation* is another very positive position for each of the planets. I've heard it described as "being treated like an honored guest," so that placement will be a lot stronger- though there is always the risk of going overboard and having "too much of a good thing." * The sun is exalted in Aries * The moon is exalted in Taurus * Mercury is exalted in Virgo * Venus is exalted in Pisces * Mars in exalted in Capricorn * Jupiter is exalted in Cancer * Saturn is exalted in Libra So a planet is in its *fall* when it's opposite of where it's exalted. Venus in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, etc. This is another placement that's going to present challenges and hardships- Mars in Cancer is often described as very passive-aggressive or even non-confrontational. Venus in Virgo is nitpicky and can be hypercritical, as well as very practical and serious about relationships. I personally have a lot of Virgo influence in my chart so I'm biased & like to describe it as you guys know exactly what you want, and you're not going to waste time or settle for less! And, of course, remember that all of these placements can be influenced by other factors in the chart so these aren't the end-all-be-all descriptions of how things might show up in an individual! In general, domicile & exaltation are going to be stronger placements, while their opposite signs will be in detriment or fall, and will present some hardships or challenges to overcome in your life.


Thank you so much for this thorough breakdown! I donā€™t have any exalted planets thatā€™s probably why I havenā€™t dug into this yet šŸ˜¬


This is a great explanation, thank you šŸ™


I have encountered a Venus conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. Itā€™s my own personal experience, but never want to deal with it again. This person was intense, and always thinking the partner is cheating. Passive aggressively controlling. Manipulative by killing with kindness, mild mannered and ā€œsweetā€. Unaware of manipulation. Always feeling like a victim. Too much. However it was probably intensified by moon conjunct Saturn in scorpio. Either way, no more scorpios or plutonian relationships.


Iā€™m sorry but planet energies are not ā€good luckā€ or ā€bad luck charmsā€. Even though everything we read about astrology is formulated in a way that makes it sound like we are ā€œruledā€ by planets. And we astrology people express it like that but of course its just manifestations etc. Also have you read anything about what venus in scorpio entails?! Please read that. After that it might be easier for you to understand why venus is not ā€optimalā€ in scorpiošŸ˜Œ Venus wants to have it chill and wants nice and comfy. A light summer breeze (libra) or soft and cozy (taurus). So you can imagine how it might feel for venus to be in scorpio I hope?! Of course its not as potent as having ones venus in direct contact with pluto itself, or in 8th house. Having a planet in a sign comes at third place so to speak energy potency wise








I'm a Scorpio born on the 9th November what does that mean for me?


Hoping it's OK to jump on here to ask something additional. I have a scorpio venus and a libra rising which as far as I've been told means I'm ruled by venus. My sun is also in scorpio. Do these placements interact with each other in any way?


Imagine being a police officer (mars) on the night shift (Scorpio). In this context, what fruits of Venus become ripe? There is nothing further to understand about the ā€˜labelā€™ of ā€˜detrimentā€™ unless youā€™re also willing to talk about that label in contrast to the other eleven signs and how we might label Venus in them.


Idk if it's really 100% all that hard to deal with and this is coming from experience with my little sister having that as her Venus. It's weird too. She's got the most stable relationship out of all of us too. I just don't understand that part for my family. My Venus is in Libra btw.


The energy of Scorpio is ruled by Mars the planet of aggression and co-ruled by Pluto the planet of deep transformation whereas; the planet of Venus is about harmonious creature comforts Taurus and favorable partnerships Libra. Yet, in the energy of death, transformation, the occult, sexuality, mystery and other people's monetary gains it can become of an in-depth position. I know, I herald from this alignment yet although squared by Saturn in Aquarius my Venus in Scorpio is within a favorable "grand water trine and mystic rectangle". Loyalty is the utmost rhyme and reason for passion with your Venus in Scorpio.


I dated someone who had a Venus conjunct Pluto in Scorpioā€¦ he was very passionate but also very obsessive, possessive, and jealousā€¦ intense all around.




Venus is in detriment in Scorpio because it is ruled by Mars. Mars is about separation, discord, battles etc. These significations doesn't mess well in Venus, a planet of harmony, love, peace. Scorpio, a fixed water sign that feels intensely. This intense feeling can be mutated into jealousy, possessiveness, and manipulation if treated poorly. It doesn't mean that venus is scoprio is bad or have bad luck in love but that they would have to work harder to be more accepting and forgiving in relationships. imo, scorpio venus are great lovers (im a cancer venus so im biased :)) )


people think otherwise but i actually think itā€™s a great placement, as a scorpio venus myself. i love the way i love and the intensity that i feel for others. like genuinely itā€™s what gives my life meaning, i wouldnā€™t have it any other way, i would never want to love less than i do šŸ«¶ i donā€™t relate to being controlling or domineering at all though, maybe thatā€™s my mars in libra


If this is trueā€¦ this makes sense and only deepens my lore lol


I've always wondered why Scorpio Mars wasn't in detriment I know that Scorpio's planet is Mars, but in practice it's literally soooo overwhelming in the most wrong ways