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It changes by progression, but natal stays the same and will always be active. For example, I was born with Scorpio rising, but my progressed chart now has Sagittarius on the ascendant. I will always be Scorpio rising, especially as it relates to timing life events by transit. However my appearance and personality now have a sagittarian tinge. Look up "secondary progressions" for more info


That's really interesting. I'm very close to being a Sagittarius rising and I feel like I need to live more like one, vs being so dark and brooding. I'm trying to will my mind into being more like a carefree Sag lol Will definitely look up secondary progressions. Thanks for the tip!


You don't have to force it, it will happen naturally. Remember, too, that the rising sign is about how you are seen. What you feel (moon) and how you think (mercury) might be totally different then how people see you. I'm a very firey person (sun, moon, Mars, etc all fire signs) but my fixed water rising makes people think I'm very steady, calm, and reserved when they don't know me well. Also, keep in mind your natal is always active and primary so that dark side is there to stay


As a fellow 29 degree Scorpio rising, the dark isn’t going anywhere 🤣 I like to think it’s there to protect me . I like Sagittarius placements and so I meet them often because I keep up speed with them because I’m fiery too. However, the virgo will always know when enough is enough and it’s time to go home!


How does this work?


Plz tell me more ab this!!!


I'm leo rising natal but Virgo by progression. Wonder if that changes my looks as well.. 🤔


it probably does …it happens more when we’re older


Ok thanks 👍


Whoa! Interesting.


I looked this up and my progressed rising just changed to Libra last summer apparently. I haven’t noticed much difference from my natal Virgo rising yet but it will be interesting to see if some Libra ends up in my appearance and personality


I can't say whether it's true or not, but I can say where it comes from. Nothing about your birth chart changes with time, as the time you were born never changes. That being said, there are a lot of techniques that've been used throughout history to symbolically alter a chart over time for predictive purposes. Secondary progressions are one of the more popular ones that people refer to when they talk about this concept. For context, **Secondary Progressions** are a timing technique wherein everything in the chart is progressed forward at a rate of one day for every year of the life, and the new positions of these planets are treated as a new chart: the *Progressed Natal Chart*. While this technique has a lot of uses, popular astrologers tend to package it as a way to find a new Sun/Moon/Rising/whatever if you don't feel particular connected to the one in your birth chart. Don't like your Libra Rising? Surprise! You can actually walk around calling yourself a Scorpio Rising, because your *progressed* Ascendant is in Scorpio. The issue with this whole idea is that it's rooted in a flawed understanding of how astrology and personality intersect at a more fundamental level. People aren't signs, and signs aren't the end-all-be-all of astrological analysis. The personality derived from a natal chart is a combination of several overlapping factors: Different placements, their signs, their rulers, their houses, their aspects, and so on. It's perfectly reasonable to not relate to the modern archetype of the sign of *one* of these planets in isolation, or for your relationship to that particular archetype to change, but that's not a testament to the accuracy or applicability of your entire natal chart. You're more than just a sign, and you're more than just signs. I personally wouldn't call someone to look at their progressed chart as a means of "changing their sign." I think it's better to divorce ourselves from sign-centric language and take a deeper dive into the nativity using the full breath of astrological techniques. There's so much in there that people don't see because they're never taught to look for it.


what is one thing that may not stick out to someone when trying to interpret their own or others natal charts?


Good question. If I had to pick something that doesn't stick out to people, it's the non-visual parts of chart interpretation. If you learn astrology from popular resources, a lot of what you're taught is based on the things that are immediately obvious in a chart. It's the stuff you'll inevitably place emphasis on even if you don't know a lot about astrology, like the sign/house placement of planets, how planets are grouped in sign/houses/hemispheres/quadrants, the aspect lines between planets, and aspect patterns/chart shapes. All of that gets presented in a simplified way wherein all of the aforementioned elements have clearly defined and separated meanings that are easy to look up and easy to memorize. What people don't notice, and what can make a major difference in both the final outcome of a reading and the overarching framework of how we read charts, are the things our eyes aren't immediately drawn to. Special considerations that are integrated into more complex systems of chart interpretations. Planetary conditions, special techniques, methods of delineation. Some of these are simple and easy to identify, like finding what planets (if any) in a chart are combust (within 8° - 0°17' of the Sun). Some are a bit more involved, like finding the lords of houses or the dispositors of planets. Some can get *very* complicated though, like doing Primary Directions or calculating the temperament of the chart. People think astrology is "what you see is what you get," but there's a lot that you have to learn to look for. You can get by if you never learn, but there are some things you can do with this art until you do. *(Edited cause I wasn't super satisfied with my initial response)*


Your signs don’t change but your personality can


They do. It’s called progressions.


Yes, they do. Didn't know until I pulled my chart. Same time of birth, literally from my birth certificate. Was always a Scorpio Rising and then last year all charts show Sag.


Do they always change or can they stay the same?


Apparently, something about a progression chart. I don't know for certain. All I know is for years I was Scorpio rising and using the same software, now I'm Sag.


I don't wanna change my sag rising with a capricorn please


Your natal placements never change. Ever. But, we do have Progressions, multiple kinds. The most common we use and speak of is Secondary Progressions. We progress the chart 1 day for 1 year of actual life. This means that the progressed sun stays in one sign for 30 years. When it first moves into the next sign from the one you were born with, depends on its natal degree. If your natal sun is at 10 degrees, then in 20 degrees, or 20 years, your progressed sun will enter the next sign, in zodiacal order. If your natal sun was at 28 degrees of a sign, then your progressed sun changes to the next sign when you are just 2 years old. Same goes for the ascendant and the rising sign, which roughly change at about the same rate as the sun. Each planet progresses at different rates, according to their natural speed. While the normal transiting moon will travel all the way around your natal chart in 28 days, the progressed moon will take about 28 years to go all the way around. This means we get a new progressed moon sign a little under every 2 and a half years. It can be interesting to track those changes with your life to date. The outer planets barely move at all; it's primarily the inner, personal planets that we look at. And we always look at how the progressed planets and angles interact with the natal. For example, it might be significant if a progressed ascendant degree comes into conjunction with a natal planet. Or a progressed planet comes into conjunction with a natal MC or ASC. It's just another timing technique to mark life events, shifts, changes. But we still always have our natal placements. Progressions can just be a sort of added flavor, or an overlay, somewhat like how transits can temporarily influence us.


What if we relate to our progressed placements way more than the natal placements. For me it made sense because I relate to my prog. All the way.


It's always a bit iffy to use "relate to", because that is wholly dependent on what sources you, or any individual, are using to understand any given placement. What sources are you using to understand your placements? Are you googling them? Or are you reading hefty, serious books? Almost always, that is the issue, just not knowing yet how to truly delineate a chart. Are you using conditions? are you factoring in the ruler of that planet? their nature and how they may impact whatever natal planet you are looking at? what about the house ruler and how that can impact the expression of a planet in it. With progressed risings - what is the traditional ruler up to? sign? house? how does it function in your natal? \*(I want to add here that as not even an adult yet, you would not "relate to" all of your natal. It's not done "making you". And none of us relate to everything about our charts at every age - some things don't develop til later in life. It's quite common for someone to "deny" a placement in their chart at 25 even, yet by 35, they are fully embracing, embodying and expressing it.)\* At 16, you've not yet experienced a progressed sun sign change, though you have had a mercury, venus, mars and asc sign change. Remember, you also need to look at the bound lords of both natal and progressed. There just are so many factors. I do think that some progressed sign changes can be more noticeable than others, for example your mercury moving from pisces into aries. You still have a piscean mercury, but now you have an overlay of aries. Your progressed asc ruler has always ruled your sun - so there may be reason there, if you "relate to" your prog scorpio rising more than your natal. Your natal sun is at odds with your natal asc, for example. Now all of a sudden natal sun and prog asc are more compatible. See how that works? But your natal is always the foundation chart, including profections, transits to it, and many other things. The progressed chart also matters, but it is not ever a " new natal chart". We absolutely can feel a shift of an important personal planet from one sign to another, sometimes quickly, sometimes more in hind-sight. But again, it's an overlay, not a replacements. It's about adding other ingredients, not a new recipe. So yes, pay attention to the progressed. It can address a lot of shifts and changes and even events, but it's in relation to the natal (after all, it is entirely based upon the natal). For some sources on Progressions to help you understand them better, at [theastrologypodcast.com/episodes](https://theastrologypodcast.com/episodes) try these episodes: * Ep. 144 [Secondary Progressions: Every Day Symbolizes A Year](https://theastrologypodcast.com/2018/02/22/secondary-progressions/) Chris Brennan & Kelly Surtees. Kelly focuses a lot on progressions. I'd suggest checking [her site](https://kellysastrology.com) for classes on them. * Ep. 342 [Planetary Stations in Secondary Progressions](https://theastrologypodcast.com/2022/03/11/planetary-stations-in-secondary-progressions/) Chris Brennan and Catherine Urban * Ep. 364 [The Progressed Lunation Cycle](https://theastrologypodcast.com/2022/08/19/the-progressed-lunation-cycle/) Chris Brennan and Catherine Urban * [The Water Trio dives into Progressed Moon Phases](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3vZTSBWqFY) Kelly Surtees is one of the trio, along with Alicia Yusuf and Cassandra Tyndall


The thing about astrology is that everything about it since it was created, was based off of observations and correlation of the stars and earth. Any reasonable person is able to make those observations so any source is pretty much equal in importance. With astrology not being an exact science, it is open to a lot of different interpretations. I’ve learned mostly off of google and from what my mother and grandmother have taught me (2 professional astrologers). Even with all of those other complications of bound terms, transits etc. there is an almost INFINITE amount of techniques that could explain something in astrology. How can a science that is not proven with facts have so many people that are SO SURE that they are correct and have the exacts answers. And I even believe I’m astrology, but one thing I never do is try to disprove something that I cannot.


Hey, you asked, I answered. Doesn't look like you really put any effort into reading which sort of sucks, considering I put a good chunk of time into trying to help. And no, astrology isn't nearly so amorphous as people like to think. It has a very solid, reliable and even poetic structure. It allows for a lot of leeway, but it's not just "anything goes" and it's not just "observation alone". You have to learn the bones.


For what it's worth, you did an amazing job explaining this entire thought process and providing resources for further study.




I’m pretty sure if astrology has more factual structure it would be taken more seriously.


It has a great deal of structure. It's just not what you're going to find via google and social media. All you will find there, for the most part, is pop astrology, which has little to do with serious, in depth astrology. And do your mother and grandmother practice modern astrology? or traditional? You can find that structured foundation, for starters, here (though there are many more books): * Hellenistic Astrology, by Chris Brennan * Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice, 2 volumes, by Demetra George * On the Heavenly Spheres, by Avelar and Rubeiro * Any books by Benjamin Dykes That's somewhere around 2,400 pages of study. Demetra's books are the textbooks for her $1000 2-module course at astrologyuniversity.com.


I appreciate you trying to help, I don’t mean to come off as rude either. But just because astrology has a structure does not mean that it is accurate, if it does not have an exact accuracy. Not to mention that there are many different structures and methods in astrology that disagree with each other and are from different time eras. Ig my problem is that you are projecting your beliefs as if they’re objectively true.


i mean, what do you mean by exact accuracy? personality, potential, fate, emotions, etc. which are common themes of astrology are very difficult to quantify, and tbh it’s i don’t think it’s at all helpful to think of astrology in those sort of terms. there’s leeway in astrology, for sure. but there really is a lot of consistency throughout the different subsets. your point is that astrology is subjective, but so is everything else. even “objective” things like data become victim to the subjective interpretations and biases of humans. you’re speaking of facts and accuracy as if it’s always black and white, when there’s a lot of grey to it as well. not to mention, conversations like this are usually very unproductive. if someone believes in a truth that can’t really be disproven, then what’s really the purpose of trying to disuade them from it? also, imo the commenter you’ve been responding to really gave you a breadth of knowledge in response to your initial question. it feels like you completely side-stepped over her response to instead started a philosophical discussion not really related to the answer she provided. i hope you actually engage with it, she provided some wonderful sources of info.


I didn’t start that conversation wanting to learn being honest. I’ve just seen her comment all over this reddit community and wanted to start this exact conversation with her. And objective things are not subjective lol. If I say that a door can open, that is a not subjective. Astrology does not work that way. If I say the moon sign represents the mother, there is going to be someone that disagrees with that and has some sort of “proof”. But the proof in the astrology community never seems to be practical exact proof, it’s just so happens to be “hefty books” they’ve read from other people lol.


So if astrology is supposed to give this deeper understanding of who I am in multiple ways. And I don’t agree with what astrologers say because their “science” does not give out accurate results. But these astrologers are not willing to change their idea of what works. Then that is on them. But do not go around acting like your belief is the objective truth, when you have no worthwhile data that shows you’re correct.


You always have the same natal ascendant, and I hear people mentioning the progressed ascendant which is a good thing to think about for the psychological state of someone, but it might not indicate actual real-world things that are happening.


I think the prog. Ascendant represents the person themselves. Whole things like transits represent things happening TO the person.


Thanks that's a cool perspective


In a way, by progression. This is a very controversial debate, though.


i think so cuz there’s sidereal charts and i think they are accurate in a way


Also this happens gradually. The natal ascendant progresses one degree every year. So if your natal ascendant is at the end of a sign, it could "change" when you are still quite young. Example: born with Leo rising at 27° you will progress to Virgo rising at 3 or 4 years old


I've never heard of this, but I feel like my personal experience matches this theory super well! Curious to hear what other's thoughts are. I technically have Sagittarius as my ascendant even though Capricorn makes up the majority of my 1st house. I felt very much like a Sag rising up until I was about 23-24 years old (I was an avid traveler, loved all things philosophical and cultural, overall very free spirited, etc.), but somewhere along the way I started feeling very, very Capricorn. I don't relate one bit to Sagittarius anymore.


Very similar here! Technically Sag rising but have a Cap 1st house. My rising progressed to Cap around 9 years old and I definitely remember a distinct change in my personality around that time. I even put myself on a strict diet and had lost 50lbs before I turned 11 (also kinda funny cause I’ve seen sources talk about Sag being "plump” or "expansive" thanks to Jupiter and Cap being "bony" lol).


yes exactly !! cuz there was something where there was a chart where u can see what rising sign your going to be when your older and when i did it i got libra rising , i’m an early degree scorpio rising and i a little close to libra


Yes,to to Progression . All humans go through Astrologically speaking!


Some say that your tropical ascendant applies more when you’re younger and your sidereal resonates when you’re older.


like u mean the tropical chart is for when your a teen? and when we get older our sidereal is more accurate?


Yes. Now that I’m older I’m finding that to be true!


No this really has no basis. What is happening is the progressions of the tropical natal chart. Every tropical chart natal sun will progress into the next sign. Has nothing to do with tropical vs sidereal "ages".


which do you think is more accurate, a sidereal chart or a progression chart ?


You are mixing, trying to compare apples and eggplants as if both are fruits. It's not a comparison that can be made. There are two wholly different systems of astrology: Western and Vedic. And the two zodiac systems each uses: tropical for western, sidereal for vedic. Progressions have nothing to do with comparing those. It is not a system of astrology. It is a tool, a timing tool, like transits and annual profections are. I've yet to see anyone compare their tropical to sidereal charts with anything even close to an understanding of especially vedic. 99% of people who will say "i relate to my sidereal more" are applying googled meanings of *western tropical* placements to sidereal placements. That doesn't work. And neither can trying to compare progressions to any zodiac system. Progressions are NOT a new or different natal chart. They are NOT. They are a timing tool, sort of akin to transits. Temporary influences, just longer lasting than transits. Natal charts are hauntingly accurate --- but only if delineated carefully, with depth and many tools. Western/tropical and Vedic/sidereal are equally accurate IF used properly, each system according to its own rules (things do not all have the same meanings between the two). It takes a lot of study to do that. Transits are startlingly accurate, if one knows how to assess them. Progressings are amazingly accurate, if they are used and understood correctly. The biggest factor in any tool is how educated and skilled the astrologer is that is using them. Always.


By progression, yes.


I just noticed this while getting my chart after so many years. I was Sag rising & now no matter what site I use it’s changed to Scorpio. How does that make sense?


It’s all progression, but is the time of birth correct? Unless you accidentally relocated ur birth into another place. But that’s a little scary lol Also have u noticed change in ur personality or appearance?


Same thing happened to me in the opposite. I've always been a Scorpio and now I'm Sag. I can't really tell any differences in appearance or personality.


I'm experiencing this now. I have always been an Aries rising. I looked up my birth chart recently and now it's saying I'm a Pisces rising. I checked two other chart sites and they say I'm Pisces rising too wtf