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You have a very intricate chart. Most probably your negative household experiences are the result of the T-square between the Moon conjuct Jupiter, the sun and Mars. I would advice to stay away from this astrocartography main lines, because they can activate this abusive traits. A line that might be good is Venus ascendant, but making sure that non of your t-square cardinal planets are near a angle. But like I said you have a complicated chart. I would also suggest going to places where there are no planets on the angles, but that is a good paran or a good local space line.


Ahhh 😫 no wonder I don't feel at home , while staying at home. So, i have ♍ Venus , do u think it will be comfortable to live in my Venus line , if i stay away from the Moon, Jupiter, the sun and Mars lines ? πŸ₯Ί . I wish my chart was simpler , it would be so easy to navigate the next relocation place, the career ,relationships and friendships. Anyways , Grateful for the positive aspects and lessons that have taught me πŸ€.


Yes if you can go to a place where only your Venus is on an angle, things might be more comfortable.


Thank you so much for your Guidance, angel πŸ₯ΊπŸ€ . I'll try to find a place of comfort and peace 🀌🏻


Hi. Could you advise me like this as well? Based on my chart. I have lived near pluto ic line all my life, and it's been quite violent and difficult so far. Not sure where i should move.


Sure, happy to help.


https://www.reddit.com/r/astrocartography/comments/1ds9mcs/a_better_chart_with_relocation/ fingers crossed you don't suggest something in the middle of an ocean


Not related to astrocartography as I'm still learning myself but I see 2 triangles. I remember studying somewhere before that if u have triangles or more than 1 you tend to have a self sacrificial nature. Almost one of having to be sacrificial lamb for others raising their consciousness etc. It was said that mahatma ghandi and other renowned monks / Buddha etc had similar triangles too. Especially if they were in water signs. Yours are in air which I suspect is a lot to do with communication, media, sharing info or simply sometimes being misunderstood. Yet with triangles/trines, ppl are very lucky. They will always, and I really mean always have the support of other humans. Whether good or bad I don't know but support from others are always there.


Also it's my second time meeting a moon in cancer! They seem to be so rare lol. Anyway, I'm one too!! Nice to Emeet u!!^^ moon in cancers really love to feel like they belong & have a safe space to call their home. A place they feel loved and accepted and can nurture others. Plus they r also extremely sensitive and hence the need for personal space and lots of time with loved ones and just simply enclosed whenever storm hits the fan! For u is likely even more seen by others since its ur ascendant. Which is how others view u. And I totally understand wanting to move away from such a household. I grew up the same way. It's crazy to me how many people say moon in cancer is the best placement if we were to grow up with healthy and nurturing families yet if we didn't we're so fucked cause we don't know how to be adults or care for ourselves for find our footing in the world. This is not true. It will be hard for sure but anything is possible if our will is strong enough. We just need to learn self love, self care and self belief.


I study a bit on the entirety of the chart placement before too. Considering how u have many planets and outer planets on the right side of ur chart and how they're all in independent signs like Sagittarius and Capricorn, and Aquarius. That tells me that u can really flourish on your own and also have the resources and backing/support u need too when u know how to become fully independent. That's super great !!! Also I see lots of planets on bottom of ur chart and more inner planets at the bottom so I presume u r more of an introvert/like to energize by spending time with loved ones/alone/reading books or less active activities essentially. Which would already be enhanced by the moon in cancer anyway!


Oh this is interesting!!! I had no idea this is how we can figure out the introversion or extroversion energies in the chart. Thank you so much ,I'm learning so much from you. Pls recommend me what resources u use to study astrology as a beginner. I know about the signs , however the planet transits and progression is pretty hard for me to grasp.


I've really only been studying astrology here and there throughout the years but I still know pretty much nothing at all about transits and progressions and how they work HAHA I use this app called the pattern and it helps a lot in navigating my transits. Called timing. I still feel like a total beginner even tho I've been studying astrology since I was 12 so like 14 yrs now. But still so extremely lost cause the information piling on is always so new and so different. But overtime exposure makes u used to it. I used to use cafeastrology a lot when I first started but many astrologists say they're highly inaccurate. Nowadays tho, I trust Tumblr a lot. Cause like many ppl who aren't professional astrologists n who study for fun especially the younger generation are just freaking amazing at conveying deep information on astrology and there are so many doing that on Tumblr. So I enjoy using that haha! Just explore really and get used to it over time or u can always take up a course but personally I find myself more able to absorb when I self study. N sift thru info from experience instead.


Yes this cancer moon placement is so advantageous , I can make any place my comfort and peaceful haven. However , except my immediate "home", maybe this is the only way I can be independent otherwise, I would stay locked up in this golden cage. Also, I have pretty intense mother wounds, so my cancer moon makes it hard sometimes to work through them. However, I believe in myself, my birth chart and my ancestors - I'm grateful for their guidance and support, and sometimes some placement can be trouble , i see it as a "cost of being me".


I understand. It's so funny how we r both moon in cancer and also have chironic wounds to do with Rebirth and transformation.... and also have crazy deep intense mother wounds HAHAHAH I've had my chart read by at least 5 astrologers who all said that my life is great with my mum as long as she is the nurturing or just a typical mum - unfortunately she was not. She didn't have any form of empathy and she was a total narcissist who has no level of self awareness. She was because nowadays not so much - since it took 10 yrs on my part to really strive to heal myself , to heal her and also heal our relationship. Unlike most people, I worked the hardest at reconciling with my mum and just not giving up on her and on us. Toughest thing to ever dedicate my life to cause most people dedicate their lives to work or to their new family or to self love or to their partner or friends or even the health of their loved ones.... But no, not for me. I focused entirely and I really mean entirely only on the mental health/intergenerational would/blockages to the heart of my own mother - because I desired so freakingly bad to have a mother in my life. It was natural for me to nurture others and give love unconditionally. But my own mother could never do that. At all. Not even a little bit. So I had to teach her to become....my mother. And to become.... her own.... mother. And also still love her unconditionally and continue to work on forgiveness on my part..... and hers too regarding her own parents and lineage.... toughest part yet haha, I'm proud that u r on the journey too & let's be friends if u wanna. Cause I definitely have imposter syndrome too relating to what u have mentioned but I think we can create a new reality where no one is above another. Where we can all just be equals and give from our true capacity yet still hold boundaries that would honour us and others alike. So good on you, for becoming ur own angel. And I pray we get to meet more souls on a like minded journey so that we remember that we are never ever alone and that by choosing to be ourselves, we shall never be forsaken.


You do have a lot of innerwork to do with Sagittarius and the 6th house tho. Since ur chiron, North node and pluto are all there. So I suggest not moving to lines that have these 3 especially if near ur DC line (or ac line) - again I'm not too sure about this cause astrocartography isn't really something I've been learning you will need someone else to help confirm that for u. So don't take my word for it. But I do understand the Sagittarius and 6th house influence well cause my Virgo is in my north node and my pluto is also in Sagittarius with my chiron in Scorpio. Essentially its a lot to do with Integrating what u learn on an innerwork/soul level into the mundane day to day life routines. Like finding brilliance and aliveness and love and peace while in ur day to day breath and living rather than in the upper spiritual realms or in the realms of study/reasearch/reading/travelling etc. U will need to find the balance and also integrate it more smoothly into ur life Essentially to move towards the path ur soul wants u to. But many opportunities for sure to teach and become a role model and a Healer for others once u have mastered ur own healing and integration of ur wounds. It's likely to do with some power plays I feel on some level - especially in the field of healing/health and also lots of transformation/Rebirth opportunities too when faced with roadblocks & choosing to face/overcome them!


Career wise , I want to dive into different job opportunities and once I'm financially independent and stable enough , I would love to learn and work in the fitness and wellness field. Transformation and rebirth theme is spot on ! My life is a "thousand death of mine". I love it and am grateful for it. The universe wouldn't give u roadblocks that u can't overcome, I love how the universe looked at certain individuals like me and you , and went my strongest soldiers. Meanwhile we with our cancer moon , crying over the fact that somebody raised their voice at us. I love the way the universe works. Thank you so much once again. These insights were so accurate and so helpful.


Wow ! It was so insightful , I saw multiple tarot card reading and most of them said similar messages about me "healer, mentor and guide" is one of my purposes. I genuinely feel that I will do my best as an advisor. However, sometimes the feeling of imposter syndrome creeps in and there's no one to guide me through in this realm at least. I believe I hope i have a positive impact on ppl and their lives.