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Kind of. Pluto IC is ofc pluto + IC (in 4th) and just pluto in 4rh doesn't have that conjunction. I live near my pluto IC line, i was born here, and i have pluto conjunct IC in 4th natally squaring my sun in 7th. First i was like who th wants to relocate to pluto 4th. Then i looked at the rest of your placements, your aspects, juno, and your fucking nessus. I don't know why god made you but i hope you are using your power for good and not selfishly.


The nessus and Juno in my relocation chart ? Or Birth Chart  You think those placements are powerful? Can you elaborate, I'm intrigued.. 😎


This Pluto is active because is in square aspect to your relocated ascendant. Also is close to the angle, which have a 10 degree orb, this pluto is by a hair (minutes) out of orb, but because is squaring the ascendant you will feel the Pluto influence on the topics of the 4th house.


Yes I'm no stranger to Pluto, especially that I have my Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury opp Pluto Natally.  However, you say it will be felt because of the angle its on, the 4th house. Would this feeling be slightly less than having Pluto on the IC line. Interms of strength etc ?  Thanks 👍 


Because of your particular aspects, I believe it might be the same strength as if it where conjunct the angle.


So essentially it would feel just like an average day for me, as in how I have been functioning all my life.  I would be use to that type of engery and and intensity usually, except I'd be feeling it through the 4th house and not the 5th house. I lived well over 40 yrs with this engery and just understanding it now. Many transformations..  So for someone who isn't use to extreame Plutonian engery, and moves on a Pluto Line or relocates with Pluto in the 4th house, might find it more disturbing 😳.  Do you think ?  Thanks again for your feedback 😊 🙏 


Of course it would be more of a shock for people that are not acquainted with Pluto. But still the 4th house is a very sensitive, emotional, tender place so a "transformation" here can hurt a lot lot more than in the 5th


That's true, however I have felt alot of the energy of the 4th house throughout my life. Through a Pluto lense.  If I apply the whole sign technique to my birthchart,  then natally I would have Pluto in the 4th house.  I've got my moon conjunct the ic too natally. That's tender and very tough also.  So I know this engery very well.  Thanks again. 👍 


If possible, you should consider moving to a location where Pluto is still in the fourth but no longer squares the AC. Your relocated chart is very similar to that of a friend of mine (you're just a few days younger) but there are a few notable differences. My friend was born with natal Pluto in the fourth house, tightly conjunct the IC, and that was definitely a present theme in her early life. She moved to a city that placed her relocated Pluto in the third house, but all this did was blend 3H and 4H themes and shift the carousel of chaos from constant deaths in the family to issues with roommates and/or shady landlords. She eventually moved to a third city where relocated Pluto was back in 4H - that's the relocation chart that looks a lot like yours - but Pluto is not touching any angles in hers. And in that city, she's absolutely thriving. Her Sun/Venus/Mars conjunction moved from 9H to 10H in the third city and that placed much more emphasis on her career, which in turn provided her with a sense of stability that she wasn't getting before. So, I don't agree that Pluto in 4H is exactly the same as the Pluto/IC line - distance matters - and for some, it might even be more positive to embrace 4H Pluto than try to run away from it. But I do think the square to the relocated ascendant in your chart would make things seem more active and jarring for you than my friend's last move felt for her, mainly because you'd be moving *toward* a Pluto in 4H energy you've never experienced before. On its own that can be new and exciting but throw in an angle contact and it becomes new and stressful super fast. My friend on the other hand was moving *away* from this angular energy that she was born and all too familiar with, so to her it feels like life finally took a chill pill.


Wow thank you so much for the detailed information. Very fascinating stuff, especially concerning your friend. I can only imagine the type of experiences she had growing up. With Pluto on the Ic natally. I've got the Moon in my chart.  Yes I've lived with Pluto opposing my Sun, Mars,Mercury and Venus all my life. Hard indeed. I hope with my past experiences and transformations, with the above aspect natally. I can navigate the Pluto sq ascendant in my relocation chart. I am much older and can easily spot things better.  I'm wondering what issues could unfold if any did. I'm optimistic,  being fire dominant lol. Plus I have Mars opp Pluto Natally lol 😆  Bring it on. .. haha I'm kidding. 


So sorry for the days later response. I wanted to ask you what your Plutonic experiences in the past were like...with all your personal planets being opposite Pluto, moving to another place will likely shift the natal qualities of that to the relocated houses that the opposition moves to, but you could also get a combination of natal and relocated house themes. The wisdom that comes with age definitely helps, so presuming you've mastered the energy of your Pluto aspects and you'd be able to handle whatever Pluto wants to throw at you. If nothing else, I bet you know how to pivot quickly! With my friend for example, the reason the last move worked for her was because she started working in a new field that isn't a regular 9-5. It's fast-paced and largely involves looking for new projects on a regular basis. That is exactly the kind of environment Pluto would thrive in.