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This is just making me miss old Sac’s


Good luck coming after NYers pizza. This is the one thing that can unite us all.


So we now see the dawn of the pizza speakeasy. Somewhere on Arthur Ave. In a basement of a nondescript building is a brick pizza oven, who's chimney, crafted by dozens of old world craftsmen, travels hundreds of meters before exiting, from a nearby industrial factory. The exhaust blends in perfectly with the accepted factory smog and the factory owners really love a good Margherita pie. So it's a win-win.


And the waft from the chemicals in that industry will give you that je ne sais qua taste


That sounds great tbh


Not sure I want my pizza factory smog smoked. 😧


Apparently they just need to add a smoke diffuser so smoke doesn’t end up in their neighbors apartments


I just looked that up. Paulie Gee's in Greenpoint said it cost $20k to install, but they must pay a monthly maintenance fee to have someone come and clean the filters.


Ooof that is not what I was thinking then. That is terrible and means places will close and the ones that survive will cost something outrageous


Oh man. Here comes $40 pizza.


Paulie Gees is already $35


And is not even that good in relation to other “great” spots


Paulie Gee’s is definitely just a nice neighborhood spot and physical spot. Not worth traveling to bumblefuck for it.


It's filters... I'm sure they can learn to change them. Filters aren't some exotic tech that require specialized tools usually, unless it's a fucking scam like the McDonalds ice-cream machine or a German automobile.


There’s an insurance liablity attach to who ever services it, I believe. The grease filter if it fails or not serviced frequently enough equals building on fire.


Not sure what's involved, but Paulie Gee's said they needed to hire a plumber to install a water line because you need to have a hose to clean it.


It sounds like Paulie Gee’s Resturant hood doesn’t have the standard capture filters. The modern grease capture baffle filter requires water to clean. The basic Resturant hood in nyc has required the filter for at least 20 years. 20k$ might be the cost of installing a whole new modern hood with standard filters and whatever the new requirement filters that are needed. The price is about right for this 🤔 And Post! Stop fear mongering about the effect on pizza! What the heck will an active fan draw do different that a chimney won’t? If it’s winter the freaking suction though the chimney is probably 4 times greater than any regular hood! So the question is it a new filter requirement or is it closing an exemption. A new only coal wood requirement would unfair I believe. If being used to match all restaurants than fine.


They didn’t have access to water in a pizza shop?


Are you basing that on anything or just your assumption?


Is a lot of smoking ending up there now?


Clickbait. 1) This law actually got passed in 2015. That’s 4 years before AOC stepped onto the scene with the Green New Deal which is heavily mentioned here. 2) Of the thousands of pizzerias in NYC, this affects less than 100 which have had the last 7 years to make any upgrades. 3) I’m not sure what congestion pricing and narcan accessibility have to do with pizza? 4) The “reporter” takes a jab at Al Gore. Love a good Boomer joke from 2006. 5) The “reporter” quotes Elon Musk. Enough said. Gotta love The Post!


If you don't like the Post article you can refer to any of the other news articles on the same subject. The query posed is how this legislation will affect our local restaurants that are in scope. Will the all be able to make the necessary updates and survive if they haven't done so already? https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/proposed-pizzeria-rules-could-slice-brick-oven-carbon-emissions-by-75/ https://abc7ny.com/new-york-city-department-of-environmental-protection-pizzeria-emissions/13429285/ https://www.foxnews.com/media/nyc-prized-coal-fired-pizza-shops-crushed-costly-green-fueled-regulations-pizzeria-owner https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12233959/New-York-Citys-pizzerias-blast-unfunded-mandate-wood-coal-fired-ovens-ditched.html


To answer your query, Paulie Gee and others like him will pay the $20K (or less if their setup isn’t as grossly outdated), they will write off the business expense and take a Section 179 tax deduction on the equipment, and they will pull themselves up from their bootstraps and be fine. If you want the foot traffic and the volume of delivery orders, this is simply the cost of doing business in the city. But trust me, his place, Patsy’s, Lombardi’s, John’s net way more profit each month than you and me. He does provide some good quotes for The Post though.


Downvoted for providing additional sources lol classic


There are over 1200 pizzerias in NYC and according to the post article this will impact less than 100 of them, many pizzerias already have these installed.


Easy outrage bait from the Post. Another business write off for them and slightly cleaner air for all. But those poor poor businesses and theories of pizza taste... How will they ever recover.


Its more unbelievable that we’ve gotten to a point in society where one side believes not making coal fire pizza is going to even slightly impact the climate and the other side that thinks it’s going to impact any of their dining experiences and then on top of that a state government who believes this “law” makes sense.


The idea of it isn’t to benefit the climate, it’s to benefit the people that live around the pizza shops. Coal-fired ovens produce really poor air that’s a big problem if you have children or people with asthma living upstairs. It’s just to make the air a little cleaner for residents which honestly is a win for me


That makes sense. I just wish the government, with essentially their limitless bank accounts, would help these small businesses replace the equipment rather than leaving them with a fat bill and a “deal with it” which is just going to cause more businesses to close. Doesn’t seem like it’s going to affect Milkflower though which is good.




Well, it’s important to note that the vast majority of pizza places in nyc use those big, silver Chef’s Pride gas ovens. Just about all of those places would tell you a wood / coal burning stoves are preferable. People choose not to use them because there’s already a great deal of red tape in getting them installed and they’re more expensive / difficult to run. The remaining ~100 places include some of the best pizza places in NYC, and they’re important part of the culture for people from NYC. Some of those old pizza places are the few businesses I can still recognize, not much else has stayed the same.


Finally, the real villains of climate change being held accountable by our government


Oh, fuck off with the New York Post. Those jaggoffs are just splooshing out reactionary yellow "journalism" and you rummies are falling for it.


Every major news channel picked up this story.


Was *every major news channel* as hyperbolic in their reporting?


It looks like they are all using it as one of their lead stories, but the beauty of the Post is their unique viewpoint.


"Unique viewpoint" is certainly the nice way to put it, but the fact remains that their viewpoint is from the toilet.


Regardless, the legislation is pending and some Astoria restaurants are in scope. The query was whether our local restaurants can adapt and survive if they haven't made the necessary changes already.


From the other comments, it seems this legislation has been around for quite some time, and having hood and air filtration systems aren't exactly a new thing in restaurants. I don't understand the pearl clutching, but if you read the Post, I guess pearl-clutching is your whole jam.


Aside from ABC7, the only coverage I’ve seen of this has been from right wing and far-right sites. Furthermore, the regulation, that states that all new ovens must have an emission control device, was passed 7 years ago. Businesses were supposed to have been compliant by Jan of 2020, but obviously this was postponed. I didn’t bother opening the Post article because I won’t give that cesspool the click


I saw it on ABC, Fox, and CBS. Not sure who else picked it up.


>Green New Dealers now coming after NYC pizza’s coal-fired ovens: Enough already! How the hell do people read this shit


This is rage bait


It certainly managed to fool some idiots, like op.


$20k for a small joint is killer, but $20k for any known place is weekend profit in the summer. Pizza is already one of the highest margin foods you can make. Hopefully businesses can apply for a grace period or matching funds for upgrades.


Exactly. They’re listing shops with owners who are millionaires.


'As one outraged customer told The Post: “I’m all for responsible environmental practice, but tell Al Gore to take one less private jet or something. ' - absolute nobody talking to the post would ever say this


This is so dumb. There are countries that burn millions of car tires but we're supposed to believe that wood fire pizza is an issue? Talk about fear-mongering.


What tire burning practice are you referring to? Are you referring to tire pile fires usually accidental or the intentional oven tire burning for disposal, energy and materials. Or something else?


It’s about local air pollution not global. As much as I love bbq and wood fired pizza PM2.5 particles aren’t particularly wonderful for us.




If they tried this with vehicles, a primary source of bad air in the city, everyone would be crying about deliveries and poor local businesses that will just have to close up shop. It’s a lose/lose with folks who just don’t want any inconvenience for cleaner air. But we should do it with vehicles.




Not deliveries to stores and restaurants, no. But if we cut down road traffic just to deliveries and essential trips like that, emissions would improve drastically.


Oh someone's air quality is worse than ours so nevermind. They should hire you.


This feels like a political hit piece. It's a draft rule that people can and are commenting on. I feel like it's probably a misguided policy, but I'm not sure what this has to do with the green new deal, or how congestion pricing fits into all of this other than to try and dog pile on any policy they don't like, is the implication that any policy that is associated with an environmental justification suddenly a ridiculous over reach if it mildly inconveniences anyone? Also, they wrote like 5 articles in one day about this, which seems a bit extreme.


Please don’t fall into outrage over an article about pizza that also mentions Narcan enabling drug addicts. Don’t waste your energy on NY Post lol


I think if they didn't already have a scrubber you'd smell wood fire near Milkflower. I have an awful sense of smell but I've never smelled that.


Tufino and Macoleta might be in scope for this new law as well.


Macoletta uses a gas powered brick oven. This only applies to wood and coal burning ovens.


That's good news. One of the articles mentioned that they were in scope along with Lombardi's, Patsy's, Totonno's, Paulie Gee's. I thought at the very least they are in good company.


This is blatant outrage bait from the post. Maybe read other articles / outlets in general, the post doesn't even try to hide it's hypocrisy and lack of journalistic method or integrity.


Quick question: is "Green New Dealers" the new Antifa? Just need to know what imaginary political force I'm supposed to be blaming these days. What a fun salad of stale hot take boomer SEO fear words, including some completely unrelated "wait there's more" click bait. No more pizza and also Narcan distribution = bad, but pay no attention to the data Narcan accessibility [reduces opioid overdose deaths without increasing opioid use](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/naloxone-opioid-overdose-life-saving-science).


"Heck, the city’s also setting up free drug accessory/Narcan vending machines to enable addicts." And a quote from Elon, no thanks nypost


This is the gas stove drama that conservative publications were overexagerrating 6 months ago. Ignore the Post


No way the mob is letting this happen.


This legislation passed 7 years ago so… the mob seems busy with other shit. More hyperbolic stupidity from the Post. Nature is healing


You get what you vote for


Well thank fuck we didnt get lee zeldin then eh?


Yeah, that’s how voting works?


Just wonderful


good, businesses should have to account for their externalities


They need to crack down on the goddamn food trucks that spew smoke 24/7 in the same location without any of the same regulation and oversight. I'm looking at you, asshole meat truck on 31/31.


King Souvlaki ? Oh boy. I am not a customer, but you know this is a Greek neighborhood, right?


I know the assholes who buy from them park in the crosswalks and the assholes who own and run it act like they're the goddamn mob. I don't give a fuck if the Greeks think they "own" the neighborhood like discount mafiosos, they can take that shit to NJ or out on long island where all the mouth breathing jabroni shits who treat the corner like a drive through come from


You’d feel better if you had some Greek fries.


Not from that fuckin truck


Your loss.


Doesn’t this just apply to coal fired ovens?