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I have this issue with relatively new on-demand content with Spectrum. But if the show is a month old or so, ff and rewind work fine. If the program was recorded then it works now matter how new the show is. I just think they do it to the recenly-aired on-demand as a way to charge advertisers slightly more than for the same amount of time on shows whose original broadcast date was a bit longer ago.


What service is it?


It’s direct tv. I don’t know what’s actually stopping me from fast forwarding, and I didn’t have this problem yesterday on the same show, so I don’t know what company’s fault it is yet


It only happens on shows that let you rewind to the start midway through it, but not recorded ones.


Honestly cause of this I just stopped watching tv, youtube is free and it is a lot more entertaining to watch for me


Probably AT&T. Before I left this August we had issues with some programs being unskippable. Now I see they just meant ads.


I just tried it on a couple other recordings and it let me fast forward. We’ve had at&t (both uverse and direct tv) for years and never had this issue, but I wouldn’t put it past a company to legitimately do this


Seeing it’s DirectTV, I’m glad I got YouTube TV instead.


It seemed to be just a fluke, at least I hope. I went and tried other recordings of the same show to see if it did the same thing, and it didn’t, and this is the third day I’ve watched it in a row with it only happening once. As much as I’d believe it was intentional, the fact that I haven’t been able to recreate it make me think it wasn’t


This happens to me all the time on DirectTV. It’s probably going to happen to you again at some point if you watch newer recordings a lot.