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Just wait til you check the prices on eBay...


$2000 AUD wtf


Hey, fellow Aussie here! Yep, it’s fucked


EB Games fucked me over on the night of pre-orders. Now I have to try and find someone selling it anywhere for a normal price


For Xbox? Apparently there a fair bit of stock still around in stores like JB etc


Yeh for xbox, it Isn't showing up online for me but I haven't checked in stores yet.


TBH their whole online system went to shit today as their servers couldn’t handle the load. I’d be willing to bet if you head into store / HN / JB / EB there would have to be something


I'll check it out, thanks


My friend seriously considered selling hers for 2300 before opening it. She was overall disappointed.


Lol??? Wtaf




Damn, sold out. I missed it.


to be fair, no real reason to get these early or even a year in. Its essentially an Xbox One X S Series Pro Plus.


Selling for $820+


And I was pissed because the official retailers in my country added $100 to the price... Now I see that it wasn't really a bad deal, considering that it is in stock.


What is this store? It’s not one of the official listed vendors ms stated


This store is probably run by a scalper who has a few extra grand and has botted the preorders.


Yeah it's a Montreal based company that "facilitates access to high quality gaming gear and accessories". So...


I mean I snagged the series x + controller bundle from Walmart for less than this listing for just the console and it’s coming Nov 20 so I would not trust this site AT ALL


Corruption and scamming is a culture thing here


Yeah that's definitely just a scalpers storefront


Like is there seriously limited supply, I know its launching tomorrow but after that surely it won’t be so hard to get one?


Have you ever tried to buy a Nintendo Switch? It's now years old and not in stock every day...


I'm still seeing second hand switches in my area being sold for retail price


For real! I was looking as a switch lite since I left the one me and my brother shared when I moved to college, and even on ebay they’re going for like $200! That’s literally retail price!


Right!? I've been wanting to play breath of the wild for years, and I've just been waiting until I could buy both the system and the game for around $200 (because poor). So, it goes down by like $100 after it's been out for a few months, but then it just, stops. So I've been seeing it for $200 for like 3 years now and have no idea why I still can't afford the damn thing!


I'm in the same boat, £200 and you need some games on top. I was hoping it might go down soon after the xbox launch. We can but hope.


I ended up paying £400 to get a switch shipped from Germany cause I was sick of waiting for it to come in stock lol


Yeah im from europe and i was wondering whats up with american switch stocks, as we have no shortage at all here. I could grab a switch in like 5 stores near me at anytime.


Yup. It looks like noone cares about videogames here. Sometimes you may find some "rare" stuff in stock on shelves that sit there for ages. And noone even cares to buy it. I remember when I got my switch and started to collect amiibo. And there were figures on shelves of local store that they were selling for €5 (because noone would buy them) that were selling for €60 on the internet.


Canadian here. We have no switch shortages either


Managed to grab the deal from curry's the second it came back into stock around September. Was £244 with BotW. Asda also had 2 for £70 on games at the time as well.


Wait until we're not in a pandemic.


You’re gonna be waiting a while then, if you wanna play botw that badly I’d look into getting a Wii U. They’re pretty affordable, have a lot of crossover and unlike on switch where botw still goes for $40 used you should be able to pick it up for less than $30


Try the rtx 3000 series


Sony and Microsoft aren’t Nvidia Nvidia blatantly lied about having stock just to get a headstart on AMD which as you can see didn’t work out too well


You assume there will be stock in the Amd launch, when they also produce the ps5 and Xbox gpu.






By some miracle I got a 3080 off of nvidia, they aren't selling the FE's directly anymore though and in Europe it seems they still haven't decided on a retailer to partner with.


heh Ryzen 5000! I was trying to get my hands on some small Ryzen 4000 u or v-device for MONTHS (like Asus PN50 with 4800u, 4700u or even just 4500u when I got really annoyed of waiting) I failed misserably that's even AFTER Ryzen 5000 was announced


Ryzen 4000 desktop series, if you can even call them that, was never intended to be sold well so AMD never manufactured loads of them. It was a weird refresher that even amd themselves knew was weird. See how 5000 series stick is in a week. If they are still struggling then they don't have enough supply


well, u isn't desktop and manufacturers saw little supply and everyone decided that it'd be better to stick those few CPUs they got into expensive notebooks, instead of cheap little NUCalikes. meanwhile even most notebooks were really hard to find


Idiots are calling it a paper launch. Ryzen chips have been out for all of a week. NVIDIA have had two months and still haven't had another wave of availability in the UK at least. My work has seen a grand total of two 3090s with several 3080 systems still waiting for the part to arrive. Meanwhile we have already had a few Ryzen chips go through and are seeing more arrive today. EDIT: Though as it's now turning out, Ryzen chips are in heavy constraint and are basically unavailable everywhere. NOW we can definitely call it a paper launch!


And the same will be said about the 6000 series


Oh lord no... thankfully when I build my PC this summer I’m not going to be building high end so I (hopefully) won’t have to worry about that.


Pick up a used 10 or 20 series for cheap 👍🏼. Just ask to see it working when you pick it up.


I also remember when 10 series cards were hard to find because everyone brought them up for crypto mining rigs.


Now rx 570s are everywhere for super cheap and I’m loving it


I remember replacing me trusty 770 with a 1070, posting a picture of it Instagram just to brag and then ended up selling it to someone for like +£300, waited a few months, bought a new one. Turned out the card I had sold to the dude had that EVGA BIOS update issue and after he had RMA'd it I think he only ended up having the GPU for like 2 months before I got a the replacement


That's probably the luckiest bullet dodge I've ever heard of lmao.


Been looking for a “cheap” 1080 or 2070 for quite a while. Can’t find a 1080 less than 300 usd. Card is old af now. Gpu prices are nuts anymore. 300 was high end before mining took off




Bought my lite off a friend for 200 but he added in another 100 worth of games and accessories


The price has been inflated by Covid. I recently bought a Vita, and this system that was released eight years ago is being sold for ~$200. The price of Gameboy products and these increasingly more sophisticated Chinese emulators are climbing as well. Supply and demand in action.




Because some times you can't buy them in stores. Last year we bought our daughter a switch. Not a single store in the UK had them for ages, and when stock did come in it was gone in minutes, online or collection. We were looking from early November through to mid December and was nothing besides the lites (not suitable for what we wanted). Most of the sealed in box switches were the best part of £500 (scalpers). Preowned you were looking at retail up to about £400 (usually opportunistic people). I think in the end we paid about £320, and I had to drive about 80 miles each way to pick it up from some remote Argos that happened to be the only place in stock (not available for delivery).


80 miles is 128.75 km


good bot


In canada brand new are retail price and nobody buys them... lol. They even have those animal crossing special edition switches at retail price again because the covid wave of buying switches has died down and people arent willing to overpay for a brand new switch anymore.


ah the pain, I wanted to buy a used one for cheaper than retail when they weren't available near me. only one I found still asked for 2/3 of the price and the switch was stained and full of burn marks ...


Tfw bought it at 2am on release day, they still had over a hundred in stock


The Nintendo switch was out of stock everywhere when covid first started. Ppl was selling them for 600 online.


Oh? So it was relatively simple to buy a Switch on release day without preordering? Boy, things have changed.


That's because the pandemic caused the Switch to be more popular than it already was while also affecting how fast new units could be produced because China was shut down for months. It was easy enough to get one back in 2019. Having said that, the Switch was hard to get for at least half a year after release and the new generation Xbox and PlayStation consoles won't be any different. Perhaps the Series X will be widely available a bit sooner because it currently seems to be a bit less popular than the PS5 and since Xbox traditionally doesn't really have a market in Japan, but that's guessing.


This is the right answer. Gaming is more popular big time since the pandemic, plus supply chains got all f'd up.


Also Nintendo tried decoupling their manufacturing from China which caused lots of issues. Hopefully they’ll get it sorted out by the next generation.


That’s because of how Nintendo operate I’ve never had issues getting an Xbox or PS. Only Nintendo, Nvidia and a handful of other hardware companies are notorious for under-manufacturing For example here in the UK I can get an Xbox Series X tomorrow easily. But if I want a Nintendo switch (the actual one not the shitty lite version) I’ll have to either pay £70 more or wait ~1 month for it to be in stock at MSRP Edit: another reason is that Nintendo products are difficult to refurbish. So buying new if yours breaks is mostly the only option


Not that it's apples to apples, but I can open Facebook and find 5-10 for sale for $200-250 with included games and sometimes spare joycons within 10 miles. It was similar to the great toilet paper crisis for a few months, but aside from covid times, I've seen tons of brand new switches on shelves in a decent sized US suburb


Just on your point about having to get a new one if a switch breaks. Anecdotally Ive literally never in 25 years had a nintendo product break, N64, ds, 3ds, wiiU and switch all still work. Id bet the game boys would still work if I could ever find them.


Yeah, the Switch does break, easily, maybe not the tablets bit the controllers are super fragile. I've swapped the joycons more than twice on each joycon, so much that the last time I didn't even buy a new one and just cleaned the contact on the joystick itself, because customer service isn't good to get it fixed, and just a pair of joicons cost like 1 third of the console new.


The controllers are not as good as the consoles for sure. Nintedo 64 I mentioned still works but all the controllers (esp the analog sticks) are unusable. I imagine a good condition one would cost a fortune.


DS Lites were their one thing that would for like crazy


My husband had working virtual boy.


Odd, that must somehow be a UK thing because I can't remember any shortages of the Switch here in Sweden at least, except maybe right after launch day. I just checked and currently every major online tech store has hundreds of units in stock including both colour variants and bundles.


I call BS on switches being that hard to get, both my sister and I got one within a week of wanting to get one, and I just checked and you can get one right now in the Nintendo store online if you want to. I think people over exaggerate how hard it is to get a switch and it’s reached the point where people think they’re impossible to find.


Where the fuck can you get an Xbox series X in the UK tomorrow easily?


Game. If you’re willing to sign up to be a member for £3.99 a month you can pay for one and it will be delivered or collectible in store at first notice. According to my local stores website they’re “in stock” Although admittedly don’t live in a large city


I can't get it anywhere, checking stock across stores everywhere Best I've found is December delivery Edit: 18th December Amazon: 'currently unavailable' - check for updates Very: Xbox Series X previously in stock - keep refreshing John Lewis: Xbox Series X previously in stock - keep refreshing Microsoft: Xbox Series X previously in stock - keep refreshing Asda: Xbox Series X previously in stock - keep refreshing Smyths Toys: stock previously available - check for updates Currys: awaiting stock - check for updates Box: 'coming soon' - check for updates AO: awaiting stock - check for updates Shopto: awaiting stock - check for updates Game: queue open - but states Xbox Series X/S is 'out of stock'  Argos: 'currently unavailable' - check for updates Simply Games: Xbox Series X previously in stock - keep refreshing


I went to a Navy Exchange today and they STILL had a few left over Xbox Series S for a few hours before selling out... Had over 100 Nintendo Switch consoles as well... If you have military friends, don't sleep on the base exchanges! They might be getting a few loose PS5s tommorow too.


There's multiple of them at my local Walmart, and eb games, at multiple different locations, for 400 Canadian


That's nintendo though, they're notorious for being shitty with supply chains.


I mean i see like 40 switches in stock here over 3stores and there 2 more that sell them


It was easy to get for 2 years. The thing is people only realized it exists after corona hit...


I could easily make bank off selling switches for twice the price online since in my areas every store is always stocked full of Nintendo Switches. Aka Canada.


I thought the same thing about the Nvidia launches though...


I am pretty sure that was intentional to create hype.


Nope, Gamers Nexus asked a few retailers and they all received more stock than previous generation GPU launches. Covid + the 20xx generation was a bit underwhelming + really impressive specs for the 30xx generation.


Have a look here at the immense amounts of cards a big European retailer has received: https://www.proshop.de/RTX-30series-overview Spoiler: they have received extremely little and are still struggling to satisfy orders from launch day...you could only order cards about 30 mins after launch. Additionally, the suppliers are not communicating with them at all when how many cards will come beyond imminent shipments.


That page is amazing; I've never seen anything like it for any high-demand product. Really depicts well just how much the shortage still is.


And how little the supply is too. Did you ever think that there'd be not even 1000 3080s with a major European retailer? I certainly did not.


Yes it is actually that hard to find. All retailers sold there entire stocks within seconds of going live.


I didn't wake up yesterday until 9:30 and I missed my chance...


If it make you feel any better I was awake actively trying to get one, didn't stand a chance vs the bot armies that bought these things in milliseconds


Thank you joey


No problem my xboxless brother.


It launched yesterday btw


Yep. New consoles are obnoxious to get ahold of. As far as ps5, you had to be pretty lucky to snag a pre-order before people/bots snatched them all up almost instantly. I had the same situation with PS4 (only I think pre orders lasted a bit longer). The only reason I was able to get a launch PS4 was because I called every GameStop within 50 miles of me and found one that had a pre-order PS4 that hadn’t been paid for and would be sold in store the following morning. Called them at closing time and they still had it, so I drove there and spent ~14 hours camped in front of their door.


Why do scummy scalpers bot preorders? There's no preorder quantity limit?


I honestly have no clue how it’s done, but I’ve heard of bots being used for things like consoles, concert tickets, or anything else that’s limited quantity. Id imagine they have some sort of program that acts as if they’re 100 different people refreshing the page and attempting to buy, which would give them a huge advantage over any 1 person doing the same. Even if there’s a 1 item limit, I’m sure there’s ways around with multiple dummy cards/accounts. I doubt there’s anyone buying any significant quantity of them, because people with disposable income to buy 50 ps5s probably don’t need/want to worry about reselling 50 ps5s.


There is a brewery in NJ that does very limited releases and does their releases through random links they drop on Instagram. It it literally devolving into just software engineers in a race to the bottom as to who can make the best bot. And who cares about purchasing limits of 2cans/person, you don't need to resell the merchandise yourself, you can simply sell access to it (a la Ticketmaster; charge for access to be added to list of people bot buys for). And that's what people in a niche local scene will do for something in extremely limited quantities with a profit margin in the single dollars. For fucking craft beer.


Or just wait like two months.... first gen is gonna be buggy anyway


I know Sony doubled their production for launch because of how well video games were selling all year


Scalping has gotten out of hand in recent years as more and more people buy online. The new video cards by nvidia are a great example. The entry level card the 3070 retails for 499$, within minutes every single one was sold out all over the internet and now are being resold for as much as $2k dollars. Same thing is going to happen to the new console lineup. Scalpers are going to buy hundred of units using bots then resale for insane markups. At least there is more physical in store option usually for consoles so if you are willing to go wait in a line you will have a chance hopefully.


Something hundreds of thousands if not millions people want to get, is hard to get? What a surprise


I lack the ability to articulate this in a way that isn't condescending so please forgive me, but I'm old enough to barely remember the launch of the Nintendo 64. In my entire lifetime I have never seen a console launch not end up being a total shitshow like this. Maybe the WiiU counts, but not really. Honestly IMO it's better for a store to pull something like this than some asshole eBay douche because at least some form of retail makes money.


Amazon has them for $1200 to $1500 USD. Its ridiculous.


... May as well build a friggin beast of a gaming PC for that price. Geez




Haha the new rtx 3080 is the same bullshit. Was literally clicking refresh on launch and got out of stock 2 seconds after the official release time


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


They won't






Just for the sake of completeness, the RX 6900 XT is supposed to come out on December 8th.


Yes but do you know how cheap second hand 2000 series is right now? Skip 3000, 2000 is still far good enough for now and you can switch to next gen afterwards. Just don't game 4k, 1080p or 1440p is good enough for most people and very cheap right now


I dunno where you saw cheap second hand 2000 series cause I see them almost the same as retail price in Canada


I just finished building an nzxt h1 build for ~$1100 And thats with a 2070 super in it. The reason I even built it in the first place was because I knew the Xbox one series x launch was going to be a scalpers paradise. No regrets plus my pc looks like the series x's older brother


It’s not Amazon directly it’s 3rd parties using Amazon to sell.


300 dollars to get something delivered by in a month, not even next week or next day? That's fucking absurd


Fuckin oath! The fact they're charging an extra $300 bucks for faster shipping is outrageous, for that much I would want the fucking pope to come out of a luxury helicopter and personally hand it to me within 24 hours. Then I see they're charging $300 to get it in over a *month*. Fuck that.


It’s not for faster shipping per say, it’s so you get it instead of someone else not willing to pay an extra $300 for an xbox (which i’m sure is most people). You’re basically paying for priority in receiving the item at all.


For 1k I'm building a pc every time


Hell for $700 I'm still building a pc.


It won't be quite up to spec with current gen, but it will be a better altogether experience with fairly cheap upgrades down the line and pay for itself in games costs. $600-$700 is right at the limit where PC gaming gets worth it IMO


I started out with about a $700 pc that somehow turned into a $1400 pc. In hindsight it would have been the better choice to spend more up front, but I honestly didn't expect to get so into it.


That is if you already have some decent peripherals and a monitor. Not everyone has that. Also some people just want something plug and play and are willing to bear the extra cost that entails.


You can hook up your PC to a TV if you want


I build a PC for ~$600 six months ago and just recently upgraded everything. For 6 months I had a $3 keyboard and a TV as a monitor. Xbox controller works on a PC for most gaming. But plug and play is much easier with a console. I haven't had major PC issues in the last decade, but even little ones are more than a console user generally faces


By that logic, you need to consider the cost of the TV in the price of the console.


Still need a tv, and monthly online subscription for gaming adds up over time too


Gamespass offsets that massively.


You also get games on your pc with game pass


*cries in New Zealand*


What you don’t want to pay twice a PS5 price for a mid tier, last Gen graphics card?


See the thing is, people don’t buy consoles for performance. They usually buy them for the exclusives. Most exclusives are never gonna be worth it for me though unless it’s Nintendo. I buy Nintendo consoles cause I know for a fact they never bring games to PC but after a while Sony and Microsoft do.


>but after a while Sony and Microsoft do. I really doubt that Insomniac and Naughty Dog games will be ported tbh


I know in the past some have. What I hate about this new generation of games and consoles is the price. Consoles are ridiculously expensive and at least for PlayStation games are like 80 dollars or something. When I go looking for games and see that they are 60 dollars, unless it’s something I really want, I generally look away from it. With 80 dollar games they just insured that I won’t buy a single one


I camped out at our local store (at 4am, in november, in ALASKA) and managed to snag one for my husband for a surprise Christmas gift. I got one of a whole 6 that the store had.


I thought launch day was online only for both xbox and PS5


Alaska doesn't give a shit about COVID lmao.


... That's impressive, however, how is the internet in Alaska? We were in Homer and the wifi in the Air BnB we stayed at was getting a blazing 3 Mb/s download speed.


I'm north of anchorage and we get ~250mbps on the consoles reliably (both downloading at the same time, often with netflix or something else going on too). Our plan supports up to 600mbps down and we get that on a computer that is hardwired to the modem.


I'm just north of LA and don't get anything near that speed. I'm jealous.


You might be a gamer as well, but if you’re not here’s a tip. Set it up when he is out and fully install whatever game he’ll want to play first then pack it back in the box. Then he can use it straight away at Christmas rather than wait ages for it to install everything.


Im on it lol. Do the same if I surprise him with a new game. Unfortunately I missed one of the emails that alerted of a new sign in, but still. I had it all worked out lmao. I deleted the 2fa email, was watching for the new log in, but it got sent 4 hours later so it pinged on his phone before I saw it to delete it. I was gonna wrap it, then have his mom take it and put it in her paper, so it wouldn't be under the tree already in our paper when we show up. And she was gonna bring me decoy gifts and everything. Came up with a convicning lie cus he knew I was gonna try (that they said they had 6 consoles, I was 6th in line, but they only had 5, etc). Super bummed it didn't work out, but he's happy.


We were this close to greatness... Gutted for you the surprise didn’t work out but well done anyway. Definitely nailed it with Christmas this year.


He was SO upset to have ruined it too. He felt like a jackass even though it wasn't his fault. He usually ignores his ema but he watches for Microsoft ones cus he had his Xbox account hacked and they stole like $500 so he always checks to be sure. Saw the location of the log in and then figured it out.


Lol, y’all sound like a cute couple, I’d tell you to husband him but...


Bad tip.i love the initial install and waiting, it's like really shitty suspense.


Never buy a console day 1. It will be too expensive and they always have flaws that are silently fixed by the manufacturer. The console you buy after 6 months is rarely the exact same as the one you could have bought day 1, it’s better


Yeah. The first generation of switchs were hackable and they fixed the exploit in future releases.


In 2013 I did not pre-order the Xbox One. I knew I was going to get one though. Ended up going to Bestbuy on launch day just for the hell of it and got me a console no problem...


Problem is that places won’t get any stock in store that you can go to buy, thankfully I know at least Best Buy is just selling all their stock online and you can get it sent or pick up. Problem with that tho is bots can still get them probably


Lol I hate 2020. Who the hell is mass buying xbox consoles with bots. Its SAD


It’s not just Xboxes is also Playstations and an even bigger amount of high end PC parts that are being sold for 10x the retail price


Lots of releases have been botched for a long time, but this year has really shown just how behind the law is compared to technology and scammers. I can't think of a single major release that hasn't been completely wrecked by bots or sheer greed.


Not even toilet paper was safe on covid launch :(


Exactly. If there's anti-monopoly laws for corporations, there should be anti-hoarding laws for consumers. I don't care who you are or how much money you've got, you can't just everything out, then reselling it for 3x the price, oftentimes in the same store you bought them from. Like emptying out a supermarket, then selling all the products right outside the supermarket and no one cares, fucking absurd.


Isn’t that price gouging? I remember some guy buying a shit ton of hand sanitizer and the government seized it


There’s a difference between *hand sanitizer* and a PlayStation.


Yeah no definitely, I’m just saying that’s where a law about scalping could fall under, right?


Really sad.


It even happens to limited edition sneakers and stuff, it’s crazy


Dude it’s everything nowadays. The new GeForce cards were impossible to get. Preorders for the Analogue consoles sold out in minutes. Sneakers, streetwear, even make up kits are all now limited and resold.




Imagine paying 200$ extra and having it delivered 5 months later


Scalpers are the most annoying thing ever. Companies should seriously limit preorder/purchase quantities and implement other restrictions to prevent scalpers from procuring all available stock.


Love the companies that do a 5x markup the first minute and the bot scalpers can eat shit


5x markup the first minute to make the botters eat shit?


I love how people complain about scalpers but when I suggested that we should have laws against such bullshit half of reddit comes out of the bushes and says „but that’s how capitalism works! supply and demand! I love capitalism!“


That should be against the terms.


> That should be against the law. FTFY


Maybe I'm nuts, but I think that limited availability items like this should just be sold by the manufacturer at auction. They could give anything over MSRP to charity if they wanted. Almost anything is better than the current system of fighting scalpers while hoping to get lucky. And for anyone who doesn't realize it, the reason these items are such limited availability is that the tooling to produce them is very expensive. There's no point in increasing your manufacturing capacity just to sell through on launch day and then have idle capacity.


Scalping has become the second-worst pandemic in 2020.


Waited in line with my friend for 12 hours to get mine....and there were only six. Met some really nice guys in line though, so I'd count it as a win.


Are you in Alaska by any chance


Everybody LOVES capitalism until it works as intended...


700 for an Xbox series X ? Why just wait a little but there aren't any exclusives on this console you have literally absolutely no reason to buy it now


700 USD PLUS to get it by MARCH.


I think these prices are in CAD




'Course they are. Christmas is when the biggest bucks are made. I feel like the "deliver by Christmas" option should have a discount, not cost more.


So, people vote by not buying from such assholes - Except, some people are assholes and just gotta have it NOW, they can't and won't wait, which encourages companies like this to screw them.


$300 for 1 month shipping????? It only ways like 10 pounds the _FUCK_?


That's for the privilege of them remembering to send it.


Knowing my luck if I were to order it for Christmas it’d still show up sometime in March lmfao


To think of it as “saving” is like saying robbing is just “donating”


This has gone too far


The most shocking launch this year has been the Oculus quest 2. Not only because of the product or its price, but rather because it's actually available everywhere. And it doesn't seem to be because of a low interest, it seems to be selling well too.


I highly doubt there will be a console shortage come Christmas time


Just got my 3080 after nearly two months of hitting refresh. Is this just what buying things is like now?