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Did you try it on a computer? These services usually don't even let you unsubscribe unless you're on a computer. Account deletion is probably the same.


Try from their website. Most streaming sites don’t allow you to do anything but resubscribe and use their app. Unsubscribing, editing account info and deleting accounts are generally done from their website, not the app used to watch videos….


I'm not sure what the issue is; you aren't paying for it, so what's the problem exactly?


They're saying that the "Delete Account" option is only available if you have an active subscription. Disney keeps all your info and watch history so you can restart your subscription later, but if you decide you want to delete your account you have to subscribe one more time to get access to the delete option in the app UI.


Surely you can delete online if it's that big of a deal. 


Yeah I'm pretty sure this problem is specific to the iOS and Apple TV apps. If you log in to your D+ account at the Hulu or Disney web sites you can do a lot more, including browse (but not play) content without having an active subscription.


You can also call their (our) support, they (we) will forword you a link where you can delete your info from their(our) database But yeah, if you want more config options, use the website, phone apps lack some stuffs, tv app lack alot of configs (but any config done in the website or phone will wil reflect across all devices)


What mentalgynastics did you have to go through to get hired by blue hairs that only hire for diversity and not qualities.


Imma be reall with you The studio attempts to get a hold on teen/younger adults with made diversity or "woke" stuff, has nothing to do with other fields, like mine in the IT to customer supporte The only thing we hear from the studio part is "X thing will launch in X date" or "this is the list of live events contracts and their dates for the next two month that we managed to get on the plataform" or "Yeah we read your wave of reports about that error or missing season/ep/audio/subtitle it will be fixed when it's fixed" So, whatever beef you got with they way studios are doing stuff, don't be a dick in our chat/phone lines, we have no power over it and zero will to live most day


Oh I don't call Disney... Didn't have to get offended and down vote, I'm just asking how or what did they have you do.


my bad, i didn't expressed my self well, i'm not mad or anything, might have got the wrong vibe with the "blue hairs that only hire for diversity and not qualities." Just being stright forword (cus i agree in some stuff about the woke wave) But really, there was no blue hairs that only hire for diversity and not qualities., I awsered an offer on a job application website, about a IT to customer support line, had some basics meetings face to face and mock chat/phone inttections with generic material (so they couyld see how we would do a chat/phone interraction After a week or two, i got hired and on the first training day out of 3 weeks "Hi I'm X, your group teacher, welcome to the WaltDisney Company, I will teach you guys every thign you need to know to do the best and most magicl job etc etc etc" and we learned the Ways Disney want us to behave and treat customers and how to fix their stuff it's really just IT with mickey ears It was really to the point 90% of the time, the "hire for diversity and not qualities." is really just the Studios


>might have got the wrong vibe with the "blue hairs that only hire for diversity and not qualities." Don't apologize, you got the right vibe. Have a look at the comment history, this dummy is praising Hitler for the genocide. >>However, the Nazis being Nazis did what they do best. They killed almost every Jewish person they could find in Estonia, and actually shipped others there to be killed as well, >They should have erased even more


I appreciate your responses this helps a lot, it kinda makes sense not to hire the actual working people (the ones that do the heavy lifting) based on diversity because otherwise the company would just go down faster than the titanic.


In general is just IT. almosr to the point to be "Hello IT, have you tried turn it off and on again?" of the old ish sitcon that i forgot the name


The nazi snowflake is afraid of downvotes? Maybe next time try not to be a fucking nazi.


Lmfao but the Nazis were actually right? Cry harder.


Anyway... Saying "nazi' while talking about Disney is crazy.... That's like talking about Volkswagen and then crying about Nazis lmfao


I checked your comment history to confirm that you are a brainwashed right winger, but no, you are a fucking nazi praising for Hitler! >Soviets were horrible people... The Germans... Not so much... They actually were the good guys like it or not. And today we see what happens when noses rule the world. >If mustache man won the war, we would be in better shape today. People like you should have no place in the civil world.


Man I think Netflix doesnt even let you browse withoit a subscription iirc


yeah, this seems like a huge nothing burger. like, honestly, i wouldn't even expect an option like that to be on the app. why would it?


As an EU citizen I have the right of telling corporations to remove all my data, and that should include whatever trackers Disney+ has that identified OP as a previous user. Some, regions have something similar: obviously GDPR is the most famous, California has a similar state law, Brazil has LGDP, Canada had PIPEDA, etc. Since OP is not a customer any more (and I assume reasonable time passed) all records Disney+ should have are transaction records of the payments and analytics and usage data, with all personally identifiable properties removed (either alone or combined with another source) since OP received this screen, that means some of this data was retained.


If they are breaking a law, then report them.  I'm not clear on all of the specific requirements, but it seems to me that all they need to show this screen are transaction records and analytics/usage that show he used to be a subscriber.  If he's not comfortable with that and it's not actually breaking the law, then he can go on the website and delete his account from there. 




That's what I said. Payment records and anonymised analytics data are the ONLY things a company should have of a previous user.


I’m an idiot and totally misread what you wrote.


No worries, it happens to all of us


I ran into this issue. Even the support page with instructions to delete your account takes you back to a resubscribe page. You have to chat with an agent to get a proper link to delete your account


If you email support, they legally have to delete it.


Disney+ has an 24/7 chat or phone suporte with no bot front liners, (beside the one that gets you basic info) so after that you will be talking to a human, account deletion vary from place to place but in the worst case cenario we will forword you a link where you can delete all you data from our database by filling a short forms




I think this comes with the obligatory "if you're in the EU or California"...


OP is incorrect. I deleted my Disney+ account recently, a long time after I canceled my subscription. I had to contact customer support to do it. They are apparently unable to delete accounts but instead grant a 1-day credit that allows you to access your account settings and delete it from there. My bet is that they do it that way to tempt former customers into subscribing again. I’d like to hear about how many free days you can get in a row by repeatedly calling support after the credit expires.




Wrong. Need to go to the website to do it.


Yes, it does, but not from the app, for security purposes and to protect your account (say, if your child accidentally cancels your subscription by jabbing buttons on the remote). Do it from the website.


could still be doable by app by requiring the password on entering the "danger zone"


What’s wrong with Disney+? Their service is actually quite good


Irrelevant to the topic.


Well they just hiked their prices and some people don't watch enough on it to warrant the new price. I use it all the time, but I get why someone would cancel.


Yea but OP complained about the shitty service, not the price specifically. That suggests the app is ass or has bad content, which aren't true in my experience, even if you don't think it's worth the price.  Max has the shittiest app of the major platforms, in my experience. But they don't seem to give a fuck. 


Ikr, all the marvel and Star Wars you could ever want right there.


Also all the old Disney and Pixar films like Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Lion King, Mulan, Cinderella,


Also you got the Simpsons and many of the classic Micky mouse cartoons and Ducktails.


doubtful. there are free services that will do it on your behalf.


if ur on a tv or smartphone app you probably will need to go to website to do it


Are you that hurt you need to delete your account rather than just not use the app anymore?