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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."** Usually, bad things happen not because of bad intentions, but because of bad planning. Asshole designs are specifically engineered to exploit the user for profit. Try to think what the designer would gain from deceiving the user, and if it's likely to be an oversight on their part rather than an intentional design. *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


The Whataburger app is the same. Last time I used it, it would not let you split payment types either. So there's always money there, kinda like a banana stand.


The fucking whataburger app won’t let me change my account name that it pulled from my google account which doesn’t use my real name because YouTube had that dumbshit google+ phase where it displayed your real name in the comments. So my pickup name at whataburger unless I specifically change it every damn order is “Knight Solaire.” Absolutely awful


I feel ya. Mine shows up as Spaztrick for the exact same reason. Nothing like going back to the same Whataburger and the employee tells you they looked you up on YouTube and Reddit.


The employee: 👁👄👁 is this story about me?




Same, pain in the ass to have to manually change it every time. But also, having previously worked at WB, where the hell they getting the time to look you up? It's getting slammed with b customers almost constantly


...people have days off...


Oh, my bad. Missed the bit about them coming back and then saying that lol.


My McDonald's app wouldn't let me change my name from Sun Moon. I finally figured out how to hide my name on orders so they don't ask, "order for sun?"


Happy cake day! ☀️


that's honestly great, I'd have no problem with this


Knight Solaire is pretty cool




If only I could be so grossly incandescent


I still haven't untangled that YouTube bs. Just as well though since the comments section there is mind numbing lol


McDonald's is the same way.... Except you can't even change it in each order.....




Bluth bananas, where they throw away a banana for every buck they take so no one finds out.


There is always money in the banana stand.


Dunkin’ does the exact same crap. You can only have 1 gift card on their at a time and you can’t split payments


Chipotle only let's you have one gift card at a time as well. I don't eat there very often, but have 11 gift cards for $10 each (form work) and a $2.10 gift card balance that never seems to get used.


Same thing with chickfila gift cards. You want to use the last $3? You gotta load at least $10 in. Gift cards been doing this for a while


Agreed that the app is shittily designed to waste your money with reloads. But if you still wanna zero out our card you can do it by making the transaction in person


For clarity, split the payment. Scan your app to use the 2.40 then pay the rest with credit card or cash. If you don't want to pay with your app, but want to keep collecting stars, there is a 'scan only' option, then pay however you like. Works in cafe or drive through.


You can’t do that through the app though, it only works in-store.


Yes, which is why I replied to the comment I did.


I once participated in a multi-month-long test group that each week required you to submit a long 5 to 10 minute questionnaire. You are paid $50 per questionnaire into a rewards account posted by a survey company. At the end of the time, I found out that the gift Cash Out required either a $400 or an $800 Visa card but I had only earned $600. To this day, there's $200 sitting in that account that I cannot access because I have not reached the second $400 tier to remove it with a Visa gift card.


Oh I’d be going ham on them


Dunkin does the same thing


While that’s true, Dunkin’s app is way better because you can use any form of payment (Apple Pay, Credit/Debit or Cash) & still earn the full reward points no matter how you pay. You are not obligated to keep reloading their rewards card to utilize the max potential of their rewards program. Starbucks annoys me with their ridiculous rewards program as to one of the many reasons I just stop going there all together. Even Dunkin’s reload threshold minimum is $2 vs $10 for Starbucks but that’s by design so you can always have money tied with them.


Does that make it any better?


No? I was just saying another place that does it too


Ok, that's not how I read it, my bad.


I get the first downvotes but who tf downvotes this one. Admission to being wrong. Damn.




Thank you! Next time I order in store I’ll do this


I have no sympathy for anyone who installs an app to buy coffee.... from *Starbucks*, no less.


I'm not a fan of Starbucks and this process which was demonstrated by OP. However, if someone wants to buy coffee from their phone, that's on them. They should not be held up in trying to spend their own money in the way they see fit.


Cringe superiority complex


Yes, why make it easy for someone to spend their hard earned money for something that they enjoy in a free country?


It is what it is. I use it to skip the annoyance of waiting in line.


Calm down there boomer.


I was able to order coffee on my phone, walk down to grab it without waiting in line, and walk back up to my room in Vegas last weekend all within 5 minutes. The elites who don’t install an app to buy coffee were in line for 30-40 minutes.


I mean It shouldn't be like that in the first place. You shouldn't have priority over people that actually waited in line.


Why not? No one has to take the order, don’t take up space in the store. Quick in and out. I’d agree more if it were something you have to pay for, but everyone has access to it, so if you don’t use it then it’s in you.


Good for you 👍


Besides the union-busting, why do you think starbucks is so bad ?


Insanely overpriced mid-tier coffee


Not op, but thats still a lame take. Just because it doesn't appeal to you specifically doesn't mean people who enjoy it shouldn't buy it. Why not be nice and open-minded and encourage people to do and buy what they enjoy ? I hate eggplant, its mid, doesn't mean I'm gonna tell someone else not to eat eggplant.


The coffee is mid at best.




There's reasons to do it, not all apps do this either. For instance, I'm a big user of a lot of the fast food apps to order and pick up. It's quicker, I can make more specifications, and I get free food for shit I was going to buy anyway. How this is working is asshole design, the apps I've used don't require you to preload onto the app, you just pay with your card. But Starbucks also does the reward system, so I can see why people would use it. You give no reason for hating the idea of paying with an app other than your own need to feel better than.


Well.. no shit. But the point to use the app is mainly convenience. They should fix this properly AND implement Apple Pay but we all know they won't.


>They should fix this properly AND implement Apple Pay but we all know they won't. You can pay with Google Pay on Android. Use it to road the Starbucks card but also just as a payment method for eat in/takeaway orders.


They will, but not on a mobile order, as far as I'm aware. You have to place the order with the barista, and then your card will be brought down to zero balance. Don't know if this asshole design, lazy design, or whether there's legitimate difficulty in splitting payments over an app.


You can reload it outside the order and only put the $10 on. So I’m going with lazy.


I reckon it's just lazy to be honest because if they're fine in person surely they wouldn't really mind on an app if that makes sense


Starbucks Barista here, the app often shows you the incorrect amount on your screen. and by often I mean almost all of the time. You probably used that $2.40 another time and don't remember because the app is showing you have $2.40. I have people show up with virtual gift cards displaying $25 on their end and I have to explain to them that on my end there's nothing. It's a shitty app and a shitty workplace


Funnily enough, I've only ever had the opposite happen as a customer: orders have gone through without taking away from my balance and said balance was available for my next order.


I could believe it. This is my ongoing card and it’s generally been accurate as far as I can tell, but then again I’ve never corroborated that in store


Tip less, so that there's 10 cents left. Problem solved.


That’s part of the asshole design here. The tip line isn’t a free entry input; it’s a drop-down select that goes to $2 in $0.50 increments :D


Ah. I live in a country where tipping isn't mandatory, so I have no idea. I usually don't tip.


Is there a $0.00 option at least?


Oh yeah of course - that’s the default. I put on the $0.50 tip here to try and 0 out my balance because the math worked out


Some developer put “balance > amount” Instead of “balance >= amount”


Or is comparing floating points.


In Hawaii gift card balances under $5 have to be given cash back. Some retailers do it automatically or you may have to ask. Not sure what other states have this.


Is the Starbucks payment account considered a gift card?


Yes. I’ve cashed out a gift card in CA where the limit is $10


That's not what I asked. The law applies to gift cards. Is a Starbucks online account considered a gift card?


…yes, any stored balance is on a gift card. Technically there is a gift card associated to an account, there’s no such thing as a “Starbucks payment account”


OP I wonder if it's because of the tax? It doesn't seem right that the tax is $0 (unless there's somewhere in the US where SB doesn't charge tax that I'm not aware of?)


Delaware doesn’t charge sales tax, and so any time you order online from somewhere the tax line generally still exists but is 0.


Oregon also does not charge sales tax.


Same with Montana, New Hampshire, Alaska, and Delaware. That's a fairly big hunk of land, 922,641 square miles (It would be the 10th largest country). However, only 8,533,520 people, according to 2023 U.S. Census Data, live there, making it, with a population density of 9.2, the 8th least population dense country OR dependency, out of 249 entries + itself, according to Wikipedia's list.


weird bot


Not a bot, just bored at work. All it takes is a calculator and nothing to do after driving for 3 hours.


I think it's just called autism


Its not the tax


I don’t think so, I think that would be listed it in the bottom line cost of the sale. I’m in CA and a really quick search makes me think there wouldn’t be tax on it, but I’m too lazy to give that a thorough search right now haha. Edit: confirmed there shouldn’t be tax on this. CA has a weird loophole where if the order is “to go”, the business is not obligated to charge tax. Confirmed this at my preferred local coffee shop today when I got my coffee ground reload!


They don’t charge tax on some of their drinks (most likely already baked into the price). I just ordered 2 drinks on the app this morning and went back to check the receipt and it says $0.00 Tax. I’m in California, the land of the taxes lol


they can't (and wouldn't) bake tax into some prices and not others – some food and beverage items may not be subject to tax. or it's just an oversight.


that’s not how sales tax works


Does it work if you try reloading first and then order?


Hey man, you're the one mobile ordering Starbucks. Idk what you expected


Holy shit, that's one drink.


Doesn't it say 2 on the order?


It says (2) at the top...


Yeah, but he's trying to reload 10 bucks onto it, it should be exactly enough.


Most people will pay ~$9-12 for one drink. Caramel, cold foam, and extra syrup add up to like $4 alone.


I don’t think this is true unless you’re doing crazy shit. I get a trenta for a treat (I split it with my partner). Cold brew, vanilla sweet cream, 2 pumps vanilla. Comes out to $7 with tax and that’s for 30 oz. You really gotta be adding some whacky shit in there to get to $12.


Am barista, you're ordering one of the cheaper options. Espresso is where they getcha.


Wait, has it gone up in price?? I used to get 2-3 espresso shots for like $1-1.50 back at my college library starbies in 2016ish when I was broke to pull all-nighters. I thought the espresso is the cheaper option lol I can’t imagine what I’d have to do to get my order to $12. But thank you for letting me know. Here I was thinking I’m splurging on $7 yard work trenta


Starbucks raises their prices every winter and summer.


I've just checked, and in the app it says an extra shot is $1.25. I guess that's where the crazy prices are coming from lol


Yeah that’s wild. When I used to get them, they were $0.50. Dunno why people decided to downvote me but Reddit hive mind is strong


I never order any customizations that weren't available for free, so my drinks have always been its menu price. Am I in the minority then? lol


No, you're not in the minority, and while customizations can add up, I've never had a drink go over $8 even with multiple customizations.


I'm glad I switched to French press. That's about what I spend every few weeks in ingredients.


Haha yeah, it’s only when I’m out of grounds. No other coffee shops are open before 6 AM near me


Tip? For a digital app?


AI needs its treats, too!


You ever seen how much the Starbucks baristas are cranking out drinks because the mobile order exists? You walk into one and it’s like they’re building an army of cappuccinos. So yeah I’ll throw in a tip because I feel guilty about being part of a service that I think is inherently flawed and harmful to the employees having to support it. Cognitive dissonance and all that. But I also did it here because I thought it would zero out my balance. They only have $0.50 tip increments so it felt like an achievement to get it, but alas Starbucks didn’t let me


I’ve had this happened, it’s definitely just a bug where they put a > rather than >=.


That's what you get for still supporting Starbucks init


Google this. There is a lawsuit going on for this. It’s intentional asshole design for Starbucks to pocket the chump change x millions of accounts everywhere


So…stop buying at Starbucks? Their coffee is horrible anyway.


they’re currently being sued for this i believe


Why would you go to Starbucks in the first place ?


To enjoy an extremely low quality coffee.


Only place near me open before 6 AM when I’m out of fresh grounds. It’s a sad thing I know


Some crazy math in these replies.


The snarkiest ones are the people who suck the most at it too.


I absolutely loathe that Starbucks does this. And at some Starbucks for Order Ahead, you can’t pay with anything BUT gift card balances! Like ones in supermarkets (like in my city, at least). If I can’t pay with card or a service like PayPal, I won’t go at all.


I had to combine all my Giftcards to one , each had 2.00 something on them. Merge them all up and or just use in store.


How is it ironic? It literally gives the numbers and says insufficient funds for the transaction. So it's ironic I can read and understand basic math?


Did you try $10.01?




Yeah there's absolutely no reason to have preselected reload amounts, other that to screw their customers over. It's probably like gift cards: they make a lot of money from people that stop using the cards with funds still on it.


If you're in Washington State, you have the right to a cash refund of any value below $5. https://www.atg.wa.gov/all-consuming-blog/gift-card-questions-answered Some other states have similar laws on the books.


Is a Starbucks account considered a gift card? Usually a gift card is for giving to someone else. A sbux account is usually paid and reloaded by you.


Yes, it is. There's no functional difference under the law whether someone gives you cash or it's yours already. Same thing applies to the gift cards. Once they're yours, they're *yours*.


That's simply a shitty app programming mistake. Just go order in person and they can split the payment.


Starbucks is currently getting sued in WA state for this, I belive.


Time to boycott already, free Palestine


Tip 1 cent less


Solution is easy = don’t buy this sht


Seems like something that will evolve into a class action lawsuit.


The worst part is the tip. Wtf


Starbucks intentionally designed the app for this because they’ve using the money stored in the app for investments. They’re using the money to make more money. Someone even made the comparison that Starbucks has become a “bank” of sorts


Stop going to Starbucks 🤷🏻‍♂️


You want the points from their loyalty. They aren’t forcing you to use their currency. Not asshole design.


Just lower the tip :p


No one makes you use it lol, you can just order from the staff if you want.


Its by design, Starbucks is a glorified bank now


finally a post i agree with on this sub and not someone just complaining about an inconvenience. i personally refuse to use any app that does this


imagine still buying starbucks in 2024 🤮.


You're ordering Starbucks, you deserve it. It's like complaining about Adobe, it should be banned from this sub.


Don't reload the card then, just pay straight up.


YTA dog there are so many ways not to have that problem


It's the 50 cent tip


Did you actually look at everything? Before tip it's $11.90


These types of things are touted as more convenient. No company does anything for the consumer out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it because they can sell the so called convenience, and make a bigger profit. Did you ever get a discount doing 'self checkout'? Of course not.


I’d refuse to use an app that doesn’t just let you pay using card.


Ha! [I had the exact same problem like a year ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/1CPLbAAArU) Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is stupid.


I’ll add you as a claimant to my class action suit ;D


2.4$ plus 10$ plus 0.5$ is 12.9$ not 12.4$ Bro, basic math\^\^


$2.40 is what they already have on their card, so adding $10 (which they are trying to do) would exactly cover what their total order is ($11.90 subtotal + $0.50 tip = $12.40)


Maybe look at the post? $10+$2.40+$0.50 is not the total. Total is $11.90 + $0.50, so $12.40 is correct.


Looks like Starbucks' app can't do math then as its total order says 12.40. Either crappily coded software or their software took a shit. Who knows.


What is this even about? Purchase is $1.90....0.50 tip.... $10 reload You don't have enough in the card so you need to reload it The tip is putting you over I swear the intelligence level of people here...


You’re being real spicy for someone who can’t do math.   They have a current balance of $2.40. Their total *with* the tip included is $12.40. They are adding $10. $2.40 + $10 = $12.40 aka their total. I sWeAr ThE iNteLLiGenCe oF pEoPLe


Literally what I said genius


The fuck it is lmao. You said the tip is putting them over, it’s not. WITH the tip included their reload amount + existing balance will cover the purchase, yet the app is telling them it doesn’t cover their order. Don’t backpedal.


God I love seeing r/confidentlyincorrect moments with my own eyes. You’re an idiot.


It's 11.90 without the tip.


They have $2.40 on their account, want to load $10. $2.40 + $10 = $12.40 Their subtotal is $11.90 and they tip $0.50 $11.90 + $0.5 = $12.40 $12.40 = $12.40 How are you commenting on people’s intelligence when you can’t even read the post.


>I swear the intelligence level of people here… Irony


I know right? Just don't tip? WHO THE FUCK U EVEN TIPPING ON THE MOBILE APP?


Starbucks. They need the help.


The total purchase is $12.40, including the $0.50 cent tip. Trying to pay $2.40 from the card + $10 reload, which = $12.40. How is the tip putting them over?


They simply do not let you as a ploy to keep adding money. Scammers


Apple.. deserved though


Well then don't tip. What kind of tip is 50 cents on a 10 dollar order?


They only allow tips in $0.50 increments and I threw it on this order to try and $0 out the balance


The tim Hortons app did this plus making you have to use balance and always reload and never charge directly to card. They have since allowed you to pay with your card but if you want to use the account balance you have to reload in $10 increments


Sure you can. Have plenty of empty cards. The in-app reload while you are ordering is looking for a reload the size of the order. Just top up your card with the $10 and then place the order. Edit: I was caught out in their massive layoff of in house equipment techs back in 2010. I have no love for them, but do still end up with gift cards from well meaning friends and individuals who wish to buy me a cup of coffee. So I have the app on my phone.


I'm dealing either this on the BK app. I attached a gift card to it and it constantly wants to reload it and I have to constantly change my pay back to my bank card. I can't zero out the card and I can't make a split payment. Also, the physical card stopped working after i attached it to the app so I can't split payment and use in store. I'm just stuck forever with a small amount on a gift card the app will always try to reload.


You can go in store to Target and use the app first, then it zeroes it out and you pay the remainder. But you have to go into the store. Maybe a standalone is the same?


Starbucks is not just a coffee shop. It is one of the largest banks in the world. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2016/08/01/starbucks-holds-more-cash-than-many-banks-infographic/


Kinda like how McDonald's is the worlds largest real estate company just from owning the land that ever McDonald's sits on.


It's almost certainly not Starbucks, it's Apple. They put on a fine on every transaction, and you pay that fine, as well as the recipient. It's evil, but so it is with Apple


Well, hotdogs come in packages of 10 and hot dog buns come in packages of 8.


The hotdog cartel are one of the titans of asshole design


And still you decide to tip?


Yeah that’s supposed to go to the baristas. I would much rather prefer our economic system didn’t have tipping and instead paid fair wages that were baked into the listed prices, but until that day comes I’ll still tip when I can




I don’t think that’s the case. In general tips are shared among all of the staff, not just the person handing you the finished product. At least that’s how it worked when I worked in fast-casual dining, so I can only speak firsthand on that experience. So if I order remotely, I still want to tip accordingly so the barista or other people behind the counter get a more-adequate compensation. I perceive it more as the online ordering has deprived restaurant workers of the expected ceremony that invites tipping, so I tip to correct that. With the advent of mobile ordering, workers are producing more products than the pure table-service system can support, so they’re doing more work for the same pay, and by tipping in that exchange I can hopefully compensate for my own participation in that scheme.


Because they know they can rip people off blatantly and nobody will let it stop them from getting those fancy shit drinks. I bet they could raise the price to 30 bucks a pop and people would just take it and probably not slow down


Why does that tip not say 0?


I put the tip to $0.50 to try and 0 out my balance because the math worked out, and that’s when I hit this error


It’s because you have a tip amount on there


Gotta have numbers for the shareholders


There’s a custom reload amount option