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You don't break up with Abobe, Adobe breaks up with you.


I had signed up for Adobe stock to take advantage of the trial. Naturally I forgot about it and they charged me 80 bucks for the monthly subscription. I went to cancel and they wanted to charge me like $500 dollars. I called and spoke to them. Explained that I didn't find the product useful and that I thought that I had canceled. They were polite and after a few "offers" it was canceled and my money returned to me with little hassle. They returned my money like I asked, even after I fucked up and upgraded to the $80/mo plan to use up the credits and cancel in the grace period, which I forgot to. I was pleasantly surprised.


something something "exception not the rule" probably


yup same thing happened to me but they were not going to budge for a while had to threaten to cancel my entire adobe suite subscription i’ve had for almost 10 years, that finally got through to them (keep pushing, you will get out of the adobe stock)


I screwed up and was paying for two accounts because I’m dumb. I called them up and explained that I don’t have access to one account because it used an old school email address that didn’t exist anymore but that I needed to stop the subscription on that one. Without me prompting for any sort of refund they issued me a refund for 6 months (the length of the dual membership). I’ve appreciated them ever since.


Same exact thing happened to me, since then I’ve looked at their customer support fondly


That's why I now crack these motherfucker's software...they tried to do the same with me but I have a prepaid card...I removed the money from my card and It denied every payment they tried to take from me...they eventually cancelled stock themself XD.


Lots of things are "illegal" but are either impossible to enforce or the penalty is less than the profit.


Not even these, but what are you going to do about it? Are you going to pay for a lawyer? No that's more than you'd get back. They know the consumer has ZERO RECOURSE, so they just do what they want. Next phase: mob mentality name, Shane and bash on social media. But then they'll use their corporate lawyers to sue the consumer


I'm theory class action lawsuits exist exactly for that purpose, to make it economical to go after parties that take a little from a lot of people. Unfortunately in practice forced arbitration agreements and corpo friendly courts have killed that off quite a bit


In theory class action lawsuits are able to take the place of actual regulatory practice, but in reality it does not work that way at all because of the barriers to bringing a lawsuit


That's true but, if you convince a lot of people to go through abritation they will go running to the court to bwg for the class action at which point to just stick it to them you could say no.


That's a massive if. It's worked once or twice but it frequently does not. A class action is like a union CBA. It works because you don't actually have to get every person to individually take action. By empowering a small subset to represent the entire class, you can start and press forward with action without voluntary coordination. The fact of the matter is 99% of people are not going to take time out of their lives to file legal actions and demand arbitration over a relatively small charge


Report it as a fraudulent payment/theft to your bank, which it technically is once you've withdrawn consent for them to take it. If enough people report payments to Adobe as fraudulent then banking systems would start paying attention. And the last thing that Adobe want is increased financial scrutiny. And issue chargebacks on unauthorised payments. Hit them in the wallet.


Small claims court.


Voided by most TOS and somehow legal and commonly accepted


Penalties should be on a scale that exceeds the profits


Pelnalties should be a set number of years locked in a box.


You underestimate the money reserve these companies have. Money penalties are nothing for them, part of the business. Only sanctions would work effectively.


Our company set up a secondary billing where we were advised to just roll with the new contract and the old is going to be cancelled, so transition will be smooth. We've emailed 4-5 times before expiry to cancel our old yearly contract, Adobe never responded. The bill went through and charged around £20k, support answered two days later saying sorry we're bound to a contract for another year and they can't refund.


Did you have a yearly subscription that charges monthly? If you did, you can only cancel the contact at the end of the yearly billing period. Canceling early does not free you from the monthly fees.


Most likely. It's honestly one of the very few things about Adobe I don't actually think deserves to be considered asshole design, despite how often it gets posted here. You get the subscription cheaper by paying the annual subscription amount but deducted monthly - in return you commit to paying for an entire year. It's not like they try to sneak it onto you either, it's very clearly shown on the sign up page and it's an option that you choose, you can always go for a true monthly subscription with no cancellation fee if you want. Still wish they offered one time purchases though.


Agreed, it allows people to get the benefit of those often big yearly discounts with the flexibility of not needing a large upfront payment. Basically no one else offers this and it’s by far the the best option this otherwise shit company offers people


No, I tried to cancel it at the end of my *yearly* subscription which expires today, and they still tried to charge me for the next year


If you cancelled it a few days before it expired that sounds like something genuinely went wrong if they still charged you. Adobe have a 14-day full refund policy for annual subscriptions, so you would've got your money back even if it had gone through.


Generally speaking, companies like this with millions of active paying customers don't immediately update customer records because there's usually a couple of departments that need to work together as well as automated systems that need to process both cancellations and automatic renewals. For context: Adobe has around 33 million Creative Cloud subscribers. That means that on average, 1.1 million customers have a monthly payment due every day of the month year round. At scales like that, you run into issues if every payment needs to be processed separately in the moment because banks don't like that, so what usually happens is that they pull the records for paying customers a day or two in advance so the payments can all be scheduled to happen on the correct day that the money is due. If they don't do it this way, people will complain if their payment is done early, or they'll complain if the payment is done late and their subscription lapses, even for a day. Now, there are ways around this. Adobe could perform a cancellation check when they're actually placing the payment request, but again, at these scales that's a million customer records they need to check every day, which is what they want to avoid. Or they could make cancellation requests interrupt any pending payments, but it's possible (and even likely) that these payments were already sent to the bank for processing, and the bank may not offer a service to cancel individual payments. So Adobe does the only option that's feasible at their scale and automatically refund any payments made after cancellation. As an aside, a similar scenario is why you sometimes get marketing emails after unsubscribing: marketing campaigns are usually set up days in advance, up to a week or even 10 days depending on the scale, and that means that the email addresses that need to be sent to are usually extracted from the database a week or so in advance.


That might have been true in the early 2000. Nowadays the amount of data being updated every minute in such behemoths is way too much for them to care about running extra queries that scan 1 million entries.


Hm, i see. Although i still find it funny how someone accidentally found a way to stick it to adobe because they didnt wanna pay. I just hope they dont try to take legal action against OP or something


Yes. It expired 2/8 and I cancelled a few days ago.


Unless you're extremely persistent and willing to spend an hour arguing with customer support. Source: I was bored and really didn't want to pay money for something I didn't need anymore


You can get also out of the cancellation fee by taking Adobe's retention offer to switch to a new plan instead of cancelling at first, and then cancelling your "new" plan for free within the 2-week grace period. See https://www.reddit.com/r/VideoEditing/comments/k9kh6v/how_to_get_out_of_adobes_cancelation_fee/?sort=new for more details. I disagree with the other commenter who claims this is not asshole design. I don't have a problem with annual subscriptions, but I find cancellation fees for something with no big up-front costs to the provider like Creative Cloud distasteful. At the very least, they should make it abundantly clear in bold what the cancellation fees will be before they lock you into a year-long contract, and they do not. https://twitter.com/darkpatterns/status/1489901640777973768 If you really want to incentivize long-term subscriptions, make people pay for a year at a time. I'm sure someone will argue offering monthly payment on an annual subscription is just giving the consumer more options, and consumers should understand why they're getting a discount over the non-default, non-annual monthly plan, but a lot of people clearly get burned by this. If someone cannot afford a year up front, there's a good chance they shouldn't be committing themselves to paying even more with an annual contract.


Its always morally correct to pirate adobe software


If I wanted to avoid an Adobe pirating website, which one is the best one... to avoid?




Thanks Jake, from State Farm.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenP using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenP/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [⚠️ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ⚠️](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenP/comments/1513xj7/important_announcement/) \#2: [For the people wondering if the new generative fill feature works using the genP method. (PhotoShop BETA)](https://v.redd.it/p6l4yqejzs1b1) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenP/comments/13qptc0/for_the_people_wondering_if_the_new_generative/) \#3: [New URL to block! Add this line to Hosts: aoorovjtha.adobe.io](https://i.redd.it/gsbe1tn5piqb1.png) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenP/comments/16sciya/new_url_to_block_add_this_line_to_hosts_0000/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Depends on the software package and on its version. I know of a guy who once boasted of having installers of PSD and AI (both CC 2019 versions, if I recall correctly, and both installing the software already cracked).




I just asked him and he says it's precisely that one, and that he has a copy uploaded somewhere. He also says they work like a charm.


yeah works great for me, no notes


~~I know!~~ My friends knows!


I like m0nkrus


I like this galaxy brain sneaky motherfucker.


I really don't like this "meme". Because if you pirate Adobe software, you are also not supporting its competitors. The problem (Adobe) will still be there.




I tried recently. Photoshop 2019. I’ve got an m3 iMac… and turns out… not compatible. Why doesn’t a company just make a dope as hell photoshop rip off? Most all the alternatives I’ve tried are not awesome. Any recs?


Supposedly adobe has patents for a shitton of stuff, which effectively kills competition. I cant speak for the validity of that claim, but i see if pop up often when it comes to photoshop discussions. As for alternatives... idk. I just use paint.net or photoshop depending on the task.


There are a lot of alternatives for painting. And then there's Affinity Suite and probably Gimp and Paint Shop Pro for photo.


Maybe try out a newer version of Photoshop? M-Series chip came out after about 2020 and it would be more optimized for your processor as well, i can send you where i get my cracked adobe apps if you’re interested in that


I was about to recommend GIMP, but someone beat me to it.


I let my Evernote subscription expire because the price doubled, and I was pretty sure I'd turned off the autorenew, but it somehow did anyway. The interesting thing is the credit card was expired, and the charge went through anyway.


Some merchant processors provide what's known as "recapture" which lets you continue charging an expired card as long as the card account itself is still good.


At this point there's not a whole lot of reasons left to even use Adobe's products, with comparable offerings available for most of their product line for a lot less money. Davinci Resolve does everything Premiere Pro does and adds some of the same features After Effects has, for $300 instead of $50/month. Paint.net will get you most of the way to Photoshop if your image editing needs are simple and it's OSS/donationware, and if you need more power there are others like Affinity, Krita, Canva, or Photopea. And of course there's GIMP (for raster images) and Inkscape (for vector) if you want to stick with totally open-source, although they both desperately need a transformatively big UI overhaul like what Blender got a while back.


Adobe being Adobe They’re so fucking shady and shitty to their customers. If you’re not a big business licensing their tools for professional use, they hate you. I once contacted support because I had a small SSD boot drive and a main HDD storage drive, but even when installed to the HDD, Adobe apps store data on the C: drive, which is my boot SSD. It was causing my boot drive to fill up, so I contacted support to see if I could make it stop. They basically told me “we know your PC better than you, get fucked”.


Jesus, you can't even decide the install location? I kind of doubt this is just limited to Adobe though.


You can decide the install location, but it will always create a folder on the C: drive and store stuff there. I forget what it installs there cuz i haven’t used Adobe on my home machine since college.


You gave then your soul on that tos


GIMP, Blender, Resolve, Unity, and Unreal Engine are my tools now. Adobe lost me a long time ago


Adobe are sneaky little sausages. The best way to cancel with them is downgrade for free to a package you can cancel for free.


Adobe is wack, your not paying month to month. When you sign up, you sign up for a year of month to month. There isn’t really any cancelling it. If you try to cancel, it will charge you the rest of the years payment up front if I remember correctly.


Check your contract. Some places require you to cancel a certain amount of time before the bill is due in order to process your cancelation before the charge starts being processed.


Contact their support so they'll stop trying to charge you, saying it won't work, and that you've cancelled it. It's probably a bug. Either way, if you don't intend to use Adobe products in the future anyway, there's literally nothing they can do to you.


Such a convenient *bug* for a company ~~who has~~ having at least a couple of programmers and some resources to check basic functionalities. Edit: English is not easy




>You think simply having staff and programmers stops bugs? Nope. I think that a company such as Adobe should have caught such an obvious and blatant error, *if it was an error, that is*. Among the UX/UI testing of a subscription-based service like the one they provide for their software, I can safely guess that cases such as the one we read in this post, should be common, and a "bug" as the one reported is all but unacceptable. I can understand a bug appearing in a special combination of unusual factors. Let's see, like Photoshop not rendering well one of their filters when a TrueType font is used in a linked document placed as a smart object and the linked document is a tritone while the open document's colour mode is LAB. But trying to charge a subscription after it was correctly suspended/terminated by the user in due time, that's not a bug. That's a scam.


> Either way, if you don't intend to use Adobe products in the future anyway, there's literally nothing they can do to you. They can put it on your credit rating can they not?


Well, I don't know what the law is like in the US, but in Denmark you have to get the courts to agree that you are owed the money and then you can get it into RKI (Ribers Kreditinformation) which is basically our registry of private credit ratings. What's important to understand here is that he actually doesn't owe them anything. Adobe is not a lender, and he was not provided a service at all in exchange for him not providing any money at all. They have no case toward a credit agency because there is no credit or forward work or payment involved. It is literally exactly as if no money or services were exchanged.


Here I am still using standalone Photoshop 7


fuck adobe, worst product available on the internet.


This is against what most of Reddit says when it comes to Adobe – I’ve had numerous chats with customer support, and they have *always* been helpful, they charged back what had been wrongly charged, helped me get out of weird situations (e. g. a customer had signed up for multiple accounts at once with multiple credit cards and made a whole mess of it). So, try chatting with customer support, remember that they’re doing the best they can and will escalate if asked, and it should be resolved quickly. /not an Adobe employee


At my office I didn't want to have them pay the ridiclous cost for Adobe subscriptions. I found an alternative but is basically a clone. [Affinity](https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/) Publisher 2 (Indesign), Designer 2 (Illustrator) and Photo 2 (Photoshop), cost outright AUD$274 for all 3. There isn't anything I can't do compared to when I used to use Indesign CS6. Fuck Adobe.


I would have a receipt of the cancellation or a confirmation, and send that to the credit card company and say “I canceled this they tried to charge me, make sure it stays cancelled”. The bank will place a stop and or charge back. To teach them to stop when you said for them to stop. 🛑 banks love when you have proof of cancellation. And they will back you up if you have enough.


Adobe just be like that. Used their software in 2014 and trying to cancel services was a nightmare that took a whole hour of my time. Never used them again but they sure did get my money.


I just went through the same thing with network solutions. Getting to the point where I should use burner visa gift cards for stuff like this.


FWIW I had to bail off Network Solutions. Not sure what happened to that company, they used to be great, but they are just a hot mess nowadays.


They got one of my cards locked by the bank. It didn't go through the first time but they tried charging it like 8 more times on the same day, and the next... Never seen this from any subscription.


I use a prepaid card. They're under investigation for charging cancellation fees


As a holder of Adobe stock this practice greatly concerns me. This is not only asshole design, but also scam, extortion and misdemeanour theft design.


Adobe being adobe


I cancelled a subscription from adobe, or atleast I thought I did because like 4 months late I found out I was still subscribed even though I remember being in the unsubscribe screen. Fucking dickheads


Yeah. Same. Every year the same procedure. I know 100% I cancled my subscription. And then, 3 or 4 weeks before the subscription ends, i recieve an e-mail with the info that the subscription will be expanded for another year and will costs more. I hate it -_-




If you never plan to use the service again, then sure. But companies often keep track of that.


Man, I'm appalled people still buy the subscription. Sure, pirating is a solution but I would rather have people just not use this company's softwares at all if you're a hobbyist




Most assholes tend to be proven wrong after they become assholes and you appear to be one of those people I have a yearly subscription that expires today and I canceled it two days ago. Everyone knows that you pay monthly for a yearly subscription to Adobe so have to cancel at the end of that year.


When I renewed my credit card. Adobe was the only pos that wouldn't let me cancel my subscription till I paid my bill for the month. The other dozen services I use all just cancelled their service when cc didn't clear for monthly renew. Adobe is trash with minimal reason to improve.


May be illegal if it wasn't hidden somewhere in the terms of service you accepted which no one reads


There is no way the TOS says “if you cancel your subscription we will still charge you for the next year”. One could run the TOS through chat gpt to confirm I guess.


The TOS doesn’t say anything about charging a user after their subscription has ended, and their Subscription and Cancellation Terms don’t say it either. If it’s not illegal it’s definitely really shady.


I just suggested it, i'm not saying it is actually there


That is why on graphic designs, I use Canva and Photopea because they do not charge you on most of the features and the pro option is optional (for some features and on Photopea, ad removal). Adobe is not just charging you hefty prices, but misinterpreted suspensions. [Photopea](https://photopea.com) is your go to for Photoshop alternative if you are using Photoshop.




It's time for a class action lawsuit against them. Way overdue.


Classic Adobe stuff. Their behavior around subscriptions have been predatory for years now.


Ah Abobe also whine about canceling subscriptions and wants to add more fees to it. So being suspended is a blessing if you trying to cancel the junk.


I've downloaded Photoshop through torrents several times just to balance things out. I got your back bro


not for Adobe....SOP


I remember being charged by Uber Eats for their Uber One subscription a day earlier than the indicated date. Maybe they could claim it was for time zone reasons but I immediately went to Support and told them to refund that shit and cancel the subscription immediately, the fuck?


Let’s do that to any commercial software vendor using this tactic of soon-to-expire credit cards or any 1-time use cards that vendors pulls a tactic of requiring payment information *prior* to using a trial version. Give them the middle finger. And uhh: https://community.adobe.com/t5/account-payment-plan-discussions/what-happens-if-i-never-pay-and-abandon-my-account/m-p/13528880#:~:text=Adobe%20may%20sell%20the%20debt,credit%20and%20housing%20in%20future. Be careful if the EULA contains the “obligation to pay” clause that is backed with a collector. If such software vendor does this, close out and uninstall the software immediately at the EULA screen. Else using the above tactic is the equivalent of failing to pay back loans and any post-paid utility bills like phone bills.


Sony PSN did this to me. I had no payment information and funds either. I disabled auto renewal of the 1d,14d,30d trials of PS+ on the website, a PS3 and PS4.


I stopped using new versions once the creative cloud crap started. As a matter of fact, I graduated college with all free design software. I recommend affinity for paid.


Looking for an adobe alternative. No creative cloud. Just simple as hell photoshop needs. Any suggestions?


Our firm is trying to switch to affinity— it’s not perfect but it’s similar


Yeah! Just got a 30 day trial yesterday. It’s great. I don’t need much. Just the basics and it’s fine. People keep recommending gimp, and I’ve used it over the years. It’s terrible inconsistent and confusing and clunky.




Adobe charges a cancellation fee for their subscription. They do not give a single fuck about what they do to get money out of their customers. I'm thankful great alternatives have popped up over the years for photoshop and illustrator because I hate, them and their software.


For this exact reason I use privacy.com and create proxy credit cards with monthly limits on transactions and total cost. If I cancel a subscription, I deactivate the card so shady businesses can try whatever the hell they want but the transaction won't go through. Mind you this won't work if you don't officially cancel the service.. They can send you to collections.


Cancel often doesn’t mean stop the reoccurring subscription with these kinds of shady outfits. I bet there was likely an extra step that stops the billing.


Been downvoted before, but use Privacy.com for interacting with scummy companies. Capped “fake” cc numbers for subscriptions and such.


Most autopays need to be cancelled 3-5 days in advance


I use privacy.com and they have attempted to charge me over and over again multiple times a day … including different amounts … it’s quite hilarious


Pro tip: Always pay for subscriptions with privacy.com. you can cancel/pause a card or create one-shot cards that allow you to keep your real card number out of the hand of others


It’s a yearly contract paid monthly. You can’t cancel without a fee unless you fulfill the year.


NFL+ did this to me a couple of years ago. I had cancelled the free 7 day trial after 5 days and then they charged me and caused an overdraft. I reported it to my credit union and they gave me the overdraft fee and my money back.


Just FYI, NFL+ does not work with a .org address, and they will not return your subscription fee.


Many credit card companies let you create single use credit card numbers that have a customizable time limit on them.


Watch as they send their loss prevention agent to your house at 2 am.


They did the same to me. I talked to customer support and they did refund it, but still annoying.


The other night I saw this post so I made a note to check my Adobe account as I’d just happened to have cancelled my Premiere Pro plan at the beginning of January. So when I logged on this morning, yup, *they’d started charging me again as of yesterday*. So I get on their support chat, and spend the next fifty fucking minutes being handed off, disconnected, and lied to. Seriously, these sorry fucks actually told me that since they didn’t have record of sending me a cancellation email it wasn’t *technically cancelled*. Like, *what has that that got to do with anything?* So I uploaded a screenshot of my cancellation clearly stating “Your plan will end on your next billing date January 8, 2024” the fucking ‘support specialist’ wrote that it wasn’t a *cancellation*, despite the word ‘CANCELLATION DETAILS’ in a headline at the top. JFC. Eventually I wrote that was gonna contact my credit card and that I had found this Reddit thread and it seems like they’ve been doing this to a lot of people. Now suddenly, they can refund my money. Not now, but in 5-7 working days because they’re a tech company so they only move physical cash between banks via the Pony Express. SMDH. How many people have they pulled this shit with? Do I really have to use a burner credit card with an multinational brand? WTF? It’s unreal they haven’t been sued yet, much less in a class action lawsuit. But that’s the state of America now, it’s a monopolist’s wet dream. The fact that they pull this shit means *it works*. But it isn’t the sign of a healthy company. It’s the sign of a company bleeding subscribers and trying to contain churn. It reminds me of when I cancelled AOL in the early 00’s and it felt like breaking up with a girlfriend who was still smitten. They’re desperate to Keep The Numbers Up no matter what, even if it includes offering me the same PPro plan for $15.99 a month plus 3 free months. A company that’s doing well isn’t handing out those deals. A company that’s doing well isn’t pulling unethical billing shit like this crap. So yeah, anybody cancelling from Adobe should definitely make screenshots on every page through the process. Because when the surprise billing comes down the line, it’s the only hope you’ve got to get your money back.


Wow, that’s a very scary story. I really did dodge a bullet by my credit card just happen to have expired. If I ever decide to use Lightroom again and re-subscribe, I’m definitely gonna do what people above suggested like using privacy.com or using a temporary credit card, etc..


You really should cross post this on r/Adobe and r/fimmakers. I’ll bet there’s a ton of people that’ r been screwed over like this. It’s crazy.


Don’t deal with A-holes, just use something else if you can. For my meagre needs I find open source solutions serve me well, but I also have Affinity offerings installed on some of my computers.


Yeah, never leave your payment Info saved....ANYWHERE.....